Sunday, May 3 11:00 a.m. in the Christian Life Center Over the past

April 26, 2015
A weekly newsletter of Dardenne Presbyterian Church
Worship Services: Sunday 8:15, 9:45, 11:00 — Sanctuary
(Please silence all cell phones and pagers during the service.)
Worshiping God — Caring for People
9:45 a.m., Teaching and Growth Time for Adults, Youth, & Children
The Joyful Voices and King’s Kidz Choir are
on a Musical Adventure Through Time!
Sunday, May 3
11:00 a.m. in the Christian Life Center
“If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”.
Matthew 16:24
Over the past few months, the children in the Joyful Voices and King’s Kidz Choirs
have been preparing the high energy musical “Back to the Cross” by Christy and
Daniel Semsen. As we have been traveling back in time, we have been learning
wonderful Biblical truths that teach us how the cross changed the world and is central
to our Christian faith. The children are very excited to share what God has done for us
through His marvelous grace and love. Please join us as we travel “Back to the
Cross” and discover what it means to really know Christ and live and walk in faith.
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for
the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat
down at the right hand of the throne of God”
Hebrews 12:2
Same-Sex Marriage and the PCUSA
At its April 16th meeting, the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, to which Dardenne Presbyterian
Church belongs, approved an amendment to the PCUSA Book of Order permitting church and
clergy participation in same-sex marriage. Actually, the required number of PCUSA presbyteries
nationwide had already voted to approve this amendment prior to April 16th.
This amendment provides that a minister and/or church session which believes that same-sex
marriage is contrary to their understanding of the Word of God can refuse to participate in such a
marriage service. Additionally, PCUSA clergy and churches may only participate in same-sex
marriages in civil jurisdictions states where it has been authorized.
The Session of Dardenne Presbyterian Church formulated and sent to Giddings-Lovejoy
Presbytery a Statement on Marriage and Sexuality which was included in the Presbytery’s
information packet. A copy of DPC’s statement will be reproduced in a future CONNECT for your
April 26, 2015
Families with Kids
Brought to you by the
Children’s Ministries Department
9:45 a.m. Three-year-old through Fifth-Grade
Sunday School
Bible Point: Trusting God makes us brave.
Bible Story: Peter tells the Sanhedrin about
Jesus. (Acts 4:5-14)
11 a.m. Preschool/Kindergarten Sunday
Bible Point: Jesus helps us follow Him by giving us
the Holy Spirit.
Bible Story: The Holy Spirit comes at
Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-13, 38-41)
KOTM for Grades 1-5
The 23rd Psalm curriculum
Dates for your calendar
May 3 - No 11:00 Preschool/Kindergarten
Sunday School Class or KOTM. Come to the
May 3 - VBS Sign up in Salmon and Mission Halls
June 7 - Fifth Grade brunch and promotion
June 22-26 - Vacation Bible School - Everest
July 20-24 - Music, Art, & Drama Camp,Grades 1-5.
Sunday, May 3!
Due to the presentation of the children’s musical
“Back to the Cross”, there will be no 11:00
Preschool/Kindergarten Sunday School
Class or Kidz on the Move (KOTM) on May 3.
Instead, come, join everyone in the Dardenne
Presbyterian family for a musical adventure
through time in the Christian Life Center!
Music Ministry
Participating in Worship today:
Chancel Choir; Julie Foster, vocal solo
May 3 - Jodi Meyer, vocal solo
May 10 - Handbell Choir; Men’s Choir; Evie
Wilcher, vocal solo
May 17 - Chancel Choir
May 24 - Chancel Choir; Trombone Trio –
Grace Cooper, Jason Cooper, Kevin Mullins
May 31 - Bill Llewelyn, vocal solo; Piano/Organ
Duet - Frani Melton, Nannette Tornblom
The Chancel Choir rehearses at 7 p.m. on
Wednesdays in the sanctuary. We would love
to have you praise the Lord with us.
Contact Stefanie Liesman at with any questions.
Special thanks to all those who participate in
DPC’s Music Ministry. Your time and talents
are greatly appreciated.
TWA: Tide Worship Arts
As we finish up our year, the TWA youth will
be participating in several events. On May 3 we
will be helping backstage for the children’s
musical “Back to the Cross”. Along with the 1-8
graders of DPC we will be singing the National
Anthem for the opening game of the Rascals on
May 15, and we have also been invited to
participate with the Chancel Choir in our June
28 Patriotic Program. We thank God for giving
us these opportunities to glorify and serve Him
with the gifts and talents He has so generously
given to us.
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”.
Psalms 150:6
This past week, on April 22, we celebrated Earth Day. Thank you to all the members and
staff of DPC for recycling!! In the past 5 years we have saved approximately 13,000 pounds
of recyclables from being buried in the earth. That's a lot of plastic water bottles and jugs,
plastic food containers, tin cans, glass containers, cardboard food boxes, and heavy
cardboard shipping boxes. In addition, we recycled newspapers and aluminum cans (for
TIDE ministries), used shoes (for Strategic Water Teams ministries), printer cartridges and
household items for DAV ministries (weight of these items unknown). Thank you and keep
up the good work of recycling.
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April 26, 2015
TideU... All students,
grades 6-12:
Join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. in the
youth loft as we explore the Bible together. This
week we are discussing Malachi 2:10-16, and the
message is that we live out our faith not in order to
receive God’s love, but because of His love.
Tide... All students currently in grades 6-12, join us
Sunday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. This
week we are starting a new series called "Chaos".
We are really focusing on the issue of stress. What
stresses you out? Is it school? Work? Money?
Everyone has something that tops the list for them.
If we’re honest, we know that sometimes stress is
helpful. It helps us to make deadlines and can
motivate us to make wise choices. But, there’s also
a darker side, isn’t there? Left unchecked and
unmanaged, our healthy stress can quickly turn
into distress, making our lives feel chaotic, out of
control, and paralyzed. Maybe that’s why the Bible
has so much to say about it. God knows that our
tendency toward stress and anxiety isn’t His best for
us, and through the wise advice found in Proverbs,
He teaches us how to handle it all.
Guy's Man-Made Campout... All male students
and Tide dads, join us for an exciting weekend away
at Meramec State Park on May 1-3. We will camp in
tents, cook over a fire, fish, hike,
and explore a cave. Most
importantly we will focus on what
it means to be godly guys in our
world today. If you would like
more info or would like to sign up,
please go to
campout. The cost for the event is
only $40 per person.
Wednesday Night
Fellowship Dinners
5:00 - 6:15 in the Christian Life Center
Strategic Water Teams
Dardenne Family
We wish to pass to the Dardenne Family a
super big “THANK YOU” for continuing to be
strong supporters of the Strategic Water Teams
Mission. Again you showed your love for what
we do by attending the “Dine to Donate” activity
at Texas Roadhouse this past Sunday. With
your support and through Christ, much can be
done to help eliminate the need for clean water
worldwide. We will not know for a week or so
what was made through the certificate program
with Texas Roadhouse, however, through many
additional generous donations from not only our
members but also the community; we received
an additional $501.00. That in of itself is truly a
blessing and a gift from God. The children’s
program of Dardenne benefited too with the
Script cards that were purchased and used on
that day.
“We both say THANKS!”
Please pray for… Todd and
Julie Hendry and their children,
Michaela, Samuel, Lilyanne, and
Levi. The Hendrys are
missionaries to Croatá, Brazil.
They have been in the United
States on home assignment and will be
returning to Brazil on May 12, 2015. Their
purpose as missionaries is to spread Christianity
in Brazil through forming relationships,
conducting Christian Children Clubs and adult
Bible studies, and planting a Biblical church.
While on leave, other workers there have been
able to share the Gospel using the Wordless
Book in two schools in the municipality of
Croatá, totaling over 380 kids. The Hendrys are
excited to be involved again in their work when
they return!
April 29
Mexican Meal
Mac N Cheese/Ham
I can do all things
through Christ who
strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Adults $5, 15-19 $3, Kids 14 & under FREE
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April 26, 2015
Tickets on Sale!
Everyone, get your tickets for opening day,
May 15, with the River City Rascals and
hear our own Dardenne Presbyterian
children’s and youth choirs sing the National
Anthem. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. with our DPC
children singing at 6:30 p.m. Discounted box-seat
tickets are on sale in Mission Hall for $8 for all three
services today. While you’re getting your tickets, put
your name in the drawing for a chance to participate
in the between-inning games, too! Come! Enjoy the
Clydesdales, fun games, fireworks, and watching
your friends play on the River City Rascal field!
Word has it that Pastor Maley and Pastor Kasberg
have their names in! Come on! Buy your tickets
HOPE Food Pantry
Our numbers are coming back up at the
Pantry. The requested items
from DPC for May are: applesauce, cereal, saltine
crackers and liquid dish soap. We will soon be
requesting school supplies so if you find something
on sale, take advantage of it. Thank you for all your
help and support!
May 2015 Circle Meetings
All ladies of DPC are cordially
invited to attend.
Tuesday, May 5:
Watson-1:00 p.m., Myers Conference Room,
Co-Leaders Ruth Hahn, 240-5901 and Carol
Price, 980-2194.
Bunce/Nixon-7:00 p.m., Myers Conference
Room, Leader Jane Herman, 561-2971.
Wednesday, May 6:
Salmon-10:30 a.m., Church Parlor, Leader
Marian Falconer, 561-8007
Sale-10 a.m., Shirley Barnes, 2188 Hawks
Landing, Lake St. Louis, bring veggies. CoLeaders Barbara Busse, 300-3996 and Nancy
Krone, 978-2301
Elzea-11:30 p.m., Myers Conference Room,
Co-Leaders Barb Riepl, 928-8233 and Judy
Swingle, 379-9964.
Myers-12 noon, Hearth Room, Leader Dorothy
Morgan (314) 540-2723.
Sunday, May 10:
Weisz-6:00 p.m., Watson Hall, Leader
Samantha Schaeperkoetter, (314) 978-9358.
Men’s Retreat
Sign-up Today!
The men of DPC and the men of
Third Presbyterian Church are
having a joint Men’s Retreat,
starting at dinner on Friday, May 1,
and concluding on Saturday, mid-afternoon at
Toddhall Christian Retreat Center in Columbia,
Illinois, about one hour away just over the JB
Bridge. This will be a great time of fellowship and
spiritual development. Part of the program will
include Fanning the Flame, a program designed
to enhance man’s marriage relationship and
increase his appreciation of his wife. The retreat
will be led by Rev. Maley, Rev. Portis, and
Charlie Williams of Ministry to Men. The cost is
$70 per person, including three meals and
sleeping quarters Friday night. The number of
slots available is limited, so sign-up today in
Mission Hall! This will be a great time for male
bonding, spiritual development, and relationship
Our Easter Egg Hunt on
March 28 was a big success
with 160 children attending
and their parents,
grandparents, and friends
plus residents from the community. The CLC
was busting with activities as we watched a
video and a play about how Easter isn’t all about
the eggs and candy. Children also had snacks,
and enjoyed 23 craft tables. Over 40 teens and
adults volunteered to help that day PLUS all
the Presbyterian Women stuffed eggs for the
hunt. They donated about 2600 eggs!!!! Thank
you again DPC members for donating your time
and talents to make this event a success.
Electronic Connect and
Prayer Request
Would you like to receive the Connect
or prayer requests in your home?
If you would, you can receive
them electronically. Either or both can be sent
through email to your home. Make arrangements
now by calling the church office at (636) 561-4347.
Page 4
April 26, 2015
Have you noticed . . .
. . . the bright colored crosses on
your walk from the Sanctuary to
Mission Hall? A new tradition has
begun with each member of the
2014 and 2015 Confirmation Class
making a ceramic cross as a
symbol of pledging their life to CHRIST.
Confirmation members each made their cross,
decorated it, and added their initials and year of
completion. Each year hereafter the
Confirmation students will make a cross to be
displayed on the walls of Dardenne
Presbyterian. In years to come, it will be fun to
watch former Confirmands bring their children
and grandchildren to see the cross that they
made as a symbol of a major step in their life
with CHRIST.
Bonnie and John Gilmore had seen a similar
wall with Confirmation Crosses at another
church and shared the idea. The Building and
Grounds Committee approved and funded the
wall board and materials. Milt Schuepfer and
Harriet Fader provided the labor. Thanks for
your work. This is just another way that reflects
how Dardenne Presbyterian touches lives.
Dardenne Presbyterian
Book Club
Join us!! We meet at 1 p.m. on the second
Tuesday of each month in the Parlor.
May 12: Escape by David Baldacci
June 9: The Prodigal Summer by Barbara
Questions? Call Sally Pflaum at (636)265-0939.
Lost Something?
The Lost and Found Chest in Mission Hall is full.
Please take the time to check to see if any of
your lost items were found
at Dardenne Presbyterian
and placed there. The
contents of the chest will be
removed and donated on
Monday, May 4.
A PATRIOTIC CONCERT is in the works, and
singers are needed! Would you be interested in
singing with the Chancel Choir on Sunday, June
28 at 3:00 p.m.? We will be joined by the adult
choir from Immanuel Lutheran Church in
Wentzville for this exciting program in the
Christian Life Center. Selections from American
composers, Irving Berlin and George Gershwin,
will be featured along with World War II favorites
and standard patriotic pieces. Our rehearsals
will be on Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
May 9, 16, 30, June 6, 13, 20, and our dress
rehearsal will be on June 27 (time to be
determined). Any singers from middle school
through adult are welcome! If you are interested
in participating, please contact Stefanie Liesman
at or (636) 2940107. *DPC instrumentalists, please note the
date and time of the concert. You will have the
opportunity to play as well. More information
regarding band rehearsals for this event will
Blessed is the man who endures temptations; for
when he has been approved,
he will receive the crown of
life which the Lord has
promised to those who love
James 1:12
Spring Cleanup Day
I wanted to take a
moment to thank
everyone who helped
April 11 for the “Spring
Cleanup Day”. The
campus looks great inside and out. I’d like to
give a special thanks to the Boy Scouts and Cub
Scouts who also helped.
Your help was much appreciated!!!!!!
Myron Lindsey, Facilities Manager
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Calendar: April 26—May 03, 2015
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Sunday, Apr. 26
Nursery During All Services |A-4|Nursery (A-2)
Nametags for PW Sunday |
Men's Retreat Promotion |Mission Hall
Mission sign up table |Mission Hall
Rascal Ticket Sales |Mission Hall
8:15 Church Service |Sanctuary
Adult Sunday School Classes |B-6|C-6|HearthRm
TIDE Sunday School |Tide Youth Commons
Children's Sun. School |B-1-4|C-2|D-2,4-7|Watson
9:45 Church Service |Sanctuary
Inquiry (New Member) Class |Gym
DPC Korean Sunday Bible Study |B-5
11:00 Church Service |Sanctuary
KOTM (Kids on the Move) Sunday School |B-11|B-7
Preschool Sunday School |A-3|A-5
Tide Youth |Gym|Parlor|Myers|Tide Youth Commons
Monday, Apr. 27
Adam Lamb Recess |Gym
Women's Morning Bible Study |C-6|Watson Hall
Adam Lamb Preschool |A-3|A-5|B-1|B-2|B-3|B-4
Cub Scout Wolf Den 9 Meeting (Pack 984) |B-7
Organist Practice Time |Sanctuary
Tuesday, Apr. 28
Mothers Day Out |A-4|C-2,6|Nursery (A-2)|Watson
Adam Lamb Preschool |A-3|A-5|B-1|B-2|B-3|B-4
Adam Lamb Recess |Gym
Staff Meeting |Myers
Taekwondo |Gym
Session Meeting |Myers
Organist Practice Time |Sanctuary
Wednesday, Apr. 29
Jam- Men's Bible Study |Cappuccino's
Mothers Day Out |A-4|C-2, 6|Nursery (A-2)|Watson
Adam Lamb Preschool |A-3|A-5|B-1|B-2|B-3|B-4
Adam Lamb Recess |Gym
Wednesday Fellowship Dinners |Gym|Kitchen in CLC
Praise Team Rehearsal |Sanctuary
Children’s Musical Rehearsal | Gym
Mid-Tide Youth Fellowship |Tide Youth Commons
Wed. Night Adult Class |Hearth Rm|Myers|Watson
7:00 p Chancel Choir Rehearsal |Sanctuary
7:00 p Youth Adult Bible Study (Ages 18-30)
8:00 p Wed. Night Basketball |Gym
8:30 p Organist Practice Time |Sanctuary
8:45 a
9:00 a
9:30 a
9:30 a
9:30 a
9:30 a
10:00 a
10:45 a
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6:00 p
Thursday, Apr. 30
Prayer Chain Review |Hearth Room
Quilters |Quilt Room
Intercessory Prayer Group |Hearth Room
Mothers Day Out |A-4|C-2|C-6|Nursery | Watson Hall
Adam Lamb Preschool |A-3|A-5|B-1|B-2|B-3|B-4
Adam Lamb Recess |Gym
Adam Lamb Chapel |Sanctuary
Helping Hands Committee Meeting |Hearth Room
Adam Lamb Chapel |Sanctuary
Boy Scout Leader training |B-11
Troop 984 Meeting |Gym
Bell Choir Rehearsal |Sanctuary
Organist Practice Time |Rock Church Nave
Friday, May. 01
"CONNECT" Assembly |Mission Hall
MOPS Steering Meeting |C-2|C-6|Nursery (A-2)
Adam Lamb Preschool |A-3|A-5|B-1|B-2|B-3|B-4
Adam Lamb Recess |Gym
Robinson Circle PW - Cancelled |
Adam Lamb Chapel |Sanctuary
Adam Lamb Chapel |Sanctuary
Tide Youth 30- Hour Famine - Cancelled |
Taekwondo |Gym
Saturday, May. 02
DPC Korean Worship |Sanctuary
Jam- Men's Bible Study |Hearth Room
Organist Practice Time |Sanctuary
Saturday Quilting Bee |C-6
Tamil School |Watson Hall
Sunday, May. 03
Nursery During All Services |A-4|Nursery (A-2)
Quilters Raffle ticket sale |Mission Hall
Sign up for Graduate Breakfast |Mission Hall
8:15 Church Service |Sanctuary
Children's Sun. School |B-1-4|C-2|D-2,4-7|Watson Hall
Inquiry (New Member) Class |Rock Church Nave
Adult Sunday School Classes |B-6|C-6|Hearth Room
9:45 Church Service |Sanctuary
TIDE Sunday School |Tide Youth Commons
DPC Korean Sunday Bible Study |B-5
Praise & Prayer Hour |Twin Oaks
11:00 Church Service |Sanctuary
KOTM (Kids on the Move) Sunday School |B-11|B-7
Preschool Sunday School |A-3|A-5
Tide Youth |Gym|Parlor|Myers|Tide Youth Commons
Children’s Musical Rehearsal | Gym
Weisz Circle Meeting |Watson Hall