Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes SBM Banksia marginata wet scrub Community Description: Banksia marginata wet scrub is a dense wet scrub dominated by Banksia marginata usually occurring along creek lines and forest fringes within south-west buttongrass moorland. Common and abundant species include Melaleuca squarrosa, Leptospermum scoparium and sometimes L. nitidum and L. lanigerum. Gahnia grandis is usually present in the understorey and Empodisma minus or Calorophus species together with Bauera rubioides can form a dense tangle around the tree stems. There may be a few emergent trees of Eucalyptus nitida. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of the listed Banksia marginata wet scrub community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002). Dominant Life Form Cover: 80% Dominant Species LF Code Common Name Banksia marginata T silver banksia Understorey: Life Forms Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Scrambler/climber/epiphyte Mosses and lichens Organic Litter Cover: 80% LF code #Spp %Cover T S H LSR MSR SCE ML 5 7 1 1 1 2 n/a 80 15 2 2 2 3 1 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes SBM Banksia marginata wet scrub LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T T S S S S S S S S S LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR MSR SCE SCE SCE Acacia mucronata Banksia marginata Leptospermum glaucescens Leptospermum lanigerum Leptospermum nitidum Leptospermum scoparium Melaleuca squarrosa Monotoca glauca Monotoca submutica Lomatia polymorpha Boronia citriodora Baeckea leptocaulis Epacris lanuginosa Epacris heteronema Epacris impressa Melaleuca squamea Sprengelia incarnata Blandfordia punicea Diplarrena latifolia Baloskion tetraphyllum Gahnia grandis Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus Empodisma minus Bauera rubioides Billardiera spp. Calorophus spp. caterpillar wattle silver banksia smoky teatree woolly teatree shiny teatree common teatree scented paperbark goldey wood mountain broomheath mountain guitarplant central lemon boronia slender heathmyrtle swamp heath southwest heath common heath swamp honeymyrtle pink swampheath christmas bells western flag-iris tassel cordrush cutting grass buttongrass spreading roperush wiry bauera appleberry roperush *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Last reviewed - 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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