Small Animal Fast Insert for mRi Chiara Casella IPP, ETH Zurich DPNC, Université de Genève May, 6th - 2015 Small Animal Fast Insert for mRi magnetic Resonance imaging scanner - mice - rats Chiara Casella 06.05.2015 Small Animal Fast Insert for mRi a PET detector (Positron Emission Tomography) i.e. medical imaging Chiara Casella 06.05.2015 OUTLINE • introduction • the • • • : PET, PET/MRI, state of the art SAFIR detector what’s special in SAFIR ? how this will be achieved ? why in the context of HEP ? • status of the project • results (preliminary!) • • • simulations reconstruction hardware activities Chiara Casella -2- 06.05.2015 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) nuclear medicine imaging technique for in-vivo functional analysis with excellent sensitivity at molecular level p → n + e+ + νe e+ e− → γγ (Eγ = 511 keV ) [3] [1] [2] [3] 1. positron emission 2. positron/electron annihilation 3. two gamma photons (colinear, 511 keV) A.Del Guerra, CERN Academic Training 2009 result : image of functional processes in the body Chiara Casella -3- 06.05.2015 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Early PET images D. Townsend, A. Jeavons CERN, 1977 first reconstructed image of the skeleton of a mouse injected with 18-F detector : HIDAC ~ wire chamber (from G. Charpak) “You are indeed correct that the birth of PET is somehow controversial” (D. Towsend) Chiara Casella -4- 06.05.2015 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) microPET myocardial perfusion (Rb-82) in a normal patient FDG-PET for Metastatic Melanoma stress Chiara Casella rest F-18 young rat imaged with the AX-PET Demonstrator -5- huge domain of applications both in clinical and pre-clinical fields - full body / brain /or organs-specific - oncology (diagnosis, tumor staging) - study of neurogerenerative diseases - psychology - cardiac functioning monitoring - in-beam monitoring in hadron-therapy - medical research - pharmacokinetics - development of new tracers 06.05.2015 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) microPET myocardial perfusion (Rb-82) in a normal patient FDG-PET for Metastatic Melanoma stress Chiara Casella rest F-18 young rat imaged with the AX-PET Demonstrator -5- huge domain of applications both in clinical and pre-clinical fields - full body / brain /or organs-specific - oncology (diagnosis, tumor staging) - study of neurogerenerative diseases - psychology - cardiac functioning monitoring - in-beam monitoring in hadron-therapy - medical research - pharmacokinetics - development of new tracers 06.05.2015 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - physics basis : Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) - H : most abundant element in the body => primary focus of MRI: H spins ΔΕ = μΒ0 [~ 100 MHz] i.e RF domain gradient coil - vary linearly Bo differently in x,y,z - responsible of the localization of the MR signal magnet => Bo - uniform (<4 ppm homogeneity) - superconductive magnet B0 • B0 => net magnetization M0 (prop. to p density) //B0 • RF on => Spin Flip => Transverse magnetization • RF off => relaxation [T1, T2 time const] body RF coil (transmitter) local RF coil (receiver) Chiara Casella M0 , T1, T2 are tissue dipendent !!! - 1 - 06.05.2015 Complementarity of PET and MRI PET map of radioactive tracer concentr. functional excellent sensitivity molecular information Chiara Casella MRI map of the local transverse magnetization of the H nuclei morphological excellent resolution soft tissue contrast -7- 06.05.2015 Complementarity of PET and MRI PET map of radioactive tracer concentr. functional excellent sensitivity molecular information MRI map of the local transverse magnetization of the H nuclei morphological excellent resolution soft tissue contrast PET/MRI = + Chiara Casella -7- 06.05.2015 Why PET / MRI ? 1. MRI as anatomical counterpart for PET Clear since the beginning of PET developments : - huge potential of PET is being quantitative - but need for anatomical information Chiara Casella -8- 06.05.2015 Why PET / MRI ? 1. MRI as anatomical counterpart for PET Clear since the beginning of PET developments : - huge potential of PET is being quantitative - but need for anatomical information => PET / CT Towsend et al (~ 2000) • huge clinical impact • a revolution in medical imaging • CT : Computed Tomography ‘x-rays in all projections’ => why not PET / MRI ?? PET/MR was introduced even a few years before PET/CT because PET/CT is much simpler than PET/MRI !! still is an active field of research became quickly a commercial device Chiara Casella -8- 06.05.2015 PET/CT vs PET/MR PET/CT Advantages - high soft-tissue contrast - no additional dose - reduction in positron range => higher spatial resol. Limitations - no soft-tissue contrast (brain) - important additional dose (kids) - possibility of simultaneous acquisition => time correlation, organs movements - by definition: sequential But... big technical challenges : Advantages - simple! - attenuation correction ‘for free’ => quantification! Chiara Casella PET/MRI interference geometrical constraints complication in the att. corr. -9- 06.05.2015 Why PET / MRI ? 2. functional capabilities of MRI (fMRI) - MR can provide functional information (beside anatomical) - complementarity with PET - two examples : [1] MRS (Spectroscopy) - study tissue metabolism with 13C-labelled substrates - MRS: high chemical specificity in identifying different metabolites - MRS: low sensitivity (or interference with methabolism processes) if 11C -labelled => MRS + PET [2] CBF - Cerebral Blood Flow - importance of constant delivery of oxygen in the brain - CBF mechanisms are not yet completely understood - CBF used as surrogate of neural activity in MRI => functional MRI if 15O-H2O => fMRI + PET t1/2(O-15) ~ 2 mins changes of CBF up to 20% in time scales of seconds => high temporal resolution needed Chiara Casella - 10 - 06.05.2015 PET / MRI 1. MRI as anatomical counterpart for PET 2. complemetary functional capabilities of both modalities PET / MRI > PET + MRI and this is particularly true when : - simultaneous - dynamic - in the pre-clinical field technically difficult - but possible Chiara Casella - 11 - 06.05.2015 Possible because of the revolution in photodetection PMT high gain good timing not MR compatible APD (Avalanche Photo Diodes) insensitive to magnetic field / compact / low gain => worse timing perfs => need of very low noise FE electronics Kobe City College, Osaka University fibers + PS-PMT Axial ~ 0.5 cm UC Davis, California University of Cambridge APD Axial ~ 1.9 cm short fibers + APD Axial ~ 1.2 cm split magnet fibers + PMT Axial ~ 7 cm Chiara Casella University of Tuebingen, Germany relevant examples of pre-clinical simultaneous PET/MRI that have been used for in-vivo analysis - 12 - 06.05.2015 Possible because of the revolution in photodetection PMT high gain good timing not MR compatible APD (Avalanche Photo Diodes) insensitive to magnetic field / compact / low gain => worse timing perfs => need of very low noise FE electronics SiPM insensitive to magnetic field / compact gain ~ PMT excellent timing Kobe City College, Osaka University fibers + PS-PMT Axial ~ 0.5 cm UC Davis, California University of Cambridge APD Axial ~ 1.9 cm short fibers + APD Axial ~ 1.2 cm split magnet fibers + PMT Axial ~ 7 cm Chiara Casella University of Tuebingen, Germany relevant examples of pre-clinical simultaneous PET/MRI that have been used for in-vivo analysis - 12 - 06.05.2015 Trends in pre-clinical PET/MR Trends: - larger FOV - higher sensitivity - better spatial resol. SiPM - with SiPM Chiara Casella - 13 - 06.05.2015 Goal of the SAFIR project • PET insert for MRI • simultaneous pre-clinical imaging (perfectly time/space correlated) • DYNAMIC PET/MRI ON TIME SCALES OF A FEW SECONDS • Target user of the detector: IBT (Institute of Biomedical Engineering) ETH/UniZh Group Prof. Bruno Weber neuroscience; pre-clinical multi-modal imaging; expertise in MRI and hybrid image • Magnet : Bruker BioSpin 70/30 USR MR system - 7T - 30 cm inner bore (w/o gradient coil) - already existing and commissioned at ETH Small Animal Imaging Center - dedicated lab room with direct tubing connection to the cyclotron hall Chiara Casella - 14 - 06.05.2015 gradient coil SAFIR detector requirements [1] scintillators + photodetectors (conventional PET detector approach) [2] geometry : 120mm inner / 200mm outer diameter [3] dynamic PET with ultra-short acquisition 40 mm 120 mm 20 0 m m magnet (300 mm bore) [4] spatial resolution ~ 2 mm [5] mri-compatibility Chiara Casella - 15 - 06.05.2015 gradient coil SAFIR detector requirements 40 mm 120 mm 20 [1] scintillators + photodetectors (conventional PET detector approach) 0 m [2] geometry : 120mm inner / 200mm outer diameter [3] dynamic PET with ultra-short acquisition m magnet (300 mm bore) few sec’s acquisitions high sensitivity ~ 10% =>poor statistics - poor image quality => 50 kcounts 500 kcounts high injected activities up to ~ 500 MBq [standard pre-clinical ~ 50 MBq] readout and DAQ system Randoms contribution! no deadtime and no pileup small coincidence window (<ns) excellent time resolution ~ 300 ps FWHM ~ 10 kHz/mm2 ~ 40 kHz / channel ~ 16000 channels [4] spatial resolution ~ 2 mm [5] mri-compatibility Chiara Casella 1:1 coupling xtal/SiPM - 15 - 06.05.2015 SAFIR detector sketch of 1/2 detector ~ 1m ~ 150 - 180 mm radial arrangement of crystal matrices with 1:1 coupling to SiPM arrays LSO-type (LYSO, LSO:Ca...) crystal matrices matrices 8x8 arrangement ring structure / several modules per ring exact size of the crystals / layout for the detector heads: to be finalized for the full detector => not yet final sizes given here! Chiara Casella - 16 - 06.05.2015 for the prototype SAFIR first prototype ring fixed size of the crystal: (2.1 x 2.1 x 12) mm3 - one full ring - using commercially available components - procurement ongoing - planned by end 2015 arrays 8x8 3M ESR foil optical separator coupling to SiPM with optical glue - 24 modules - 1536 channels [x ~10 rings for the full SAFIR] 200 mm readout ASIC TOFPET or STiC front-end board to be constructed crystals array few producers / xtal types considered SiPM array Hamamatsu S12893-0808PA-50 Chiara Casella - 17 - mechanical structure for the full SAFIR detector 06.05.2015 Timeline of the project • • • early discussions first interactions IBT goal understanding 2013 phase 0 2014-2015 phase I • • • • • • Chiara Casella components evaluation (xtals/ SiPM/ FE readout chip) finalization of the design of the first prototype ring first simulations of the detector build image reconstruction framework (static) feasibility studies performance prediction 2015-2016 phase II • • • first ring prototype construction commissioning operation optimization of the detector design (for the full scanner) 4D reconstruction software - 18 - >2016 phase III • full scanner with optimized design 06.05.2015 Timeline of the project • • • early discussions first interactions IBT goal understanding 2013 phase 0 2014-2015 phase I • • • • • • Chiara Casella components evaluation (xtals/ SiPM/ FE readout chip) finalization of the design of the first prototype ring first simulations of the detector build image reconstruction framework (static) feasibility studies performance prediction 2015-2016 phase II • • • first ring prototype construction commissioning operation optimization of the detector design (for the full scanner) 4D reconstruction software - 18 - >2016 phase III • full scanner with optimized design 06.05.2015 SAFIR Simulations native Geant4 simulations • simulated ‘ideal’ geometry : • crystals : (2.1 x 2.1 x 12) mm3 • 0.1 mm gap • continuous rings geometry • no module structure • axial length = 200 mm (91 ‘rings’) • 180 xtals/ring => total 16380 • • • • ΔE/E ~ 20% FWHM (gaussian) Gaussian time resolution - adjustable parameter custom coincidence sorter sources : point-like + phantoms from simulations: - Noise Equivalent Count Rate (NECR) - sensitivity - spatial resolution Chiara Casella according to NEMA standard (NU 4-2008) standardized methodology for evaluating the performance of a scanner - 19 - 06.05.2015 NECR (Noise Equivalent Count Rate) • figure of merit of a PET scanner • rate of true coincidences normalized TRUE SCATTER RANDOM to the total rate of events NECR = T2 / (T+S+R) • higher NECR value => higher ratio of good events (T) to the overall detected events (T, R, S) i.e. S/N TRUE larger activity peak value => capability to handle higher activities NECR (S=0) NECR with 10% Scatter fraction (S = 0.1 T) RANDOM Chiara Casella activity [MBq] - 20 - mouse phantom for NECR definition 70 mm 25 mm rates [Mcps] • F-18 polyethilene 06.05.2015 NECR (Noise Equivalent Count Rate) • impact of time resolution on NECR (at optimized coincidence window) CRT = Coincidence Time Resolution Dead-Time = 0 Pileup = 0 i.e. no readout modelled NECR ~ 14 MHz ΔΕ/Ε = 20% FWHM Energy window = [350,650] keV 500 MBq activity NECR ~ 12 MHz only ‘golden’ coinc. events included 10% scatter fraction Chiara Casella - 21 - 06.05.2015 NECR comparison with state-of-the-art PET scanner Inveon pre-clinical PET scanner (Siemens) - microPET - stand-alone PET axial FOV = 12.7 cm LSO crystals : (1.5 x 1.5 x 10) mm3 each PS-PMT (through light guide) 3.4 ns coincidence window measured! Costantinescu, 2009 Chiara Casella - 22 - 06.05.2015 NECR comparison with state-of-the-art PET scanner Inveon pre-clinical PET scanner (Siemens) - microPET - stand-alone PET axial FOV = 12.7 cm LSO crystals : (1.5 x 1.5 x 10) mm3 each PS-PMT (through light guide) 3.4 ns coincidence window NECR [Mcps] SAFIR-like detector measured! Costantinescu, 2009 with CRT’s ~ few 100’s ps NECR ~ x7-8 Inveon_NECR CRT = 3.4 ns act [MBq] Chiara Casella - 22 - 06.05.2015 Sensitivity i.e. N_detected_coincs / N_annihilations high solid angle coverage (~ 85%) => Excellent sensitivity S_peak ~ 12% S_average ~ 10.6 % defined according to NEMA - NEMA phantom : 1cm3 acrylic with 22-Na point source at the center - low activity (Act = 100 kBq) - at different axial distances Chiara Casella - 23 - 06.05.2015 Spatial resolution Note: (1.5 x 1.5 x 12)mm3 xtal size i.e. not nominal Resolution < 1.5 mm FWHM (at center) ~ 2 mm FWHM (average) (expected to get a bit worse for the 2.1 mm crystals config) - NEMA phantom : 1cm3 acrylic with 22-Na point source at the center low activity (Act = 100 kBq) at different axial distances spatial definition according to NEMA requires image reco algorithms Chiara Casella - 24 - 06.05.2015 Phantoms image reconstruction simulated (input) Derenzo phantom - geometry : 2.1 mm crystals 1.2 mm 1.0 mm 2.4 mm 1.6 mm 2.4 mm 4.0 mm 1.2 mm reconstructed 3.2 mm 3.2 mm 2.4 mm Chiara Casella 1.6 mm 4 mm 3.2 mm 1 mm => Image reconstruction : - up to 1.6 mm structures are ~ resolvable - 25 - 06.05.2015 Phantoms image reconstruction Derenzo phantom a) no background (i.e. all activity in the spheres) Total activity : 500 MBq Acquisition duration: fraction of 1 second b) with background (456MBq in background) 465 MBq (bkg) + 35 MBq (spheres) Chiara Casella - 26 - 497 MBq (bkg) + 3 MBq (spheres) 06.05.2015 Laboratory activities - characterization measurements Three major activities ongoing : 1) SiPM / crystals analogue characterization 2) Timing performance (specially focused on coincidence timing resolution: CRT) 3) Operation of existing readout ASIC chips with special focus on rate and timing performance Chiara Casella - 27 - 06.05.2015 Lab equippement (at CERN Prevessin Blg.892) SiPM : - single ones - arrays - different prods - different types crystals : - single ones - matrices - different prods - different types Analogue readout chain - custom made amplifiers - bias system - VME QDC acquisition Digital SiPM (Philips) - tool to measure CRT in direct comparison Readout ASICs - TOFPET - STIC Chiara Casella - 28 - 06.05.2015 Analogue characterization of SiPM / Xtal 22Na source Peltier cooling unit temperature sensor thermal box + light shielding SiPM 3D printed crystal holder different types of runs : - LED light (few pe’s) without xtal LED - 22-Na source with xtals - intrinsic radioactivity of LYSO blocks with crystals Chiara Casella LYSO crystals [2x2x2]cm3 - 29 - 06.05.2015 Analogue characterization of SiPM / Xtal 63 keV LED (no crystal) 202 keV 511 keV 22Na (with crystal) 307 keV intrinsic radioact. (with crystal) 1.27 MeV ADC counts (higher gain) ADC counts ADC counts Calibration [ADC counts / pe] Chiara Casella - 30 - 06.05.2015 Analogue characterization of SiPM / Xtal nr photoelectron vs energy MPPC 8 MPPC 73 MPPC 23 XTAL : [1.5 x 1.5 x 12] mm3 with ESR wrapping SiPM : [3x3] mm2 Hamamatsu 25 μm cell size 50 μm cell size 50 μm cell size low cross talk [with trenches] Light yield at the photopeak AGILE LYSO ~ 2000 ~ 1700 ~ 1400 SIPAT LYSO[*] ~ 1600 ~ 1400 ~ 1000 SIPAT LYSO:Ca ~ 1300 [*] = plots Chiara Casella ~ 1100 ~ 900 ~ 1000 - 1500 pe’s @ 511 keV different saturation response depending on the adopted SiPM type - 31 - 06.05.2015 Timing properties of different crystals - different pairs of crystals - tested with the same readout setup: digital SiPM (Philips) - direct comparison of coincidence time resolution 25% impr. wrt undoped 20% 30% improvement wrt bare Chiara Casella - 32 - 06.05.2015 Readout ASIC chip Out of the many SiPM readout chips options : [*] also used at ETH for the mu3e experiment • ToFPET ASIC (from LIP - Lisbon) • STiC 3.1 ASIC (from KIP - Heidelberg) [*] Both developed within the Endo-TOF-PET-us collaboration - clinical - Time of Flight ! Stringent requirements (shared identically by SAFIR) - SiPM and crystals readout - measure time and energy - excellent timing resolutions CRT ~ 200 ps FWHM - large channel density CRT ~ 300 ps FWHM : state of the art for clinical TOF-PET full systems - low power consumption + high rate capabilities (specifically for SAFIR) X X = c/2 Δt Chiara Casella - 33 - ✸ t 2 Δt X 100 ps 1.5 cm 300 ps 4.5 cm no TOF t1 with TOF 06.05.2015 ToF PET and STiC Energy and timing measurement through Time Over Threshold (ToT) logic HIGH! energy thr dark count rejection TOFPET [x2] LOW (~ 0.5 pe)! to optimize CRT T evaluation kits E - 64 channels /ASICs - analogue front-end (ampl, discr.) + digitization / LVDS output - same logic, different implementation STIC : • TDC [50 ps time tick] • linearized ToT method => improved ΔE/E • differential at the input stage • 30 mW/channel Chiara Casella STIC [x2] TOFPET : • • analogue TDC : TACs / ADC + multi-buffer approach to derandomize the input rate 10 mW/channel - 34 - 06.05.2015 ToT spectra (arrays) Na-22 source - no coinc 4x4 matrix (3.1 x 3.1 x 12) mm3 /xtal n.counts n.counts n.counts ToT [ns] ToT [ns] ToT [ns] n.counts ToT [ns] ToT [ns] n.counts n.counts ToT [ns] n.counts STIC n.counts TOFPET ToT [ns] ToT [ns] - The max validation THR for TOFPET is too low (~ 20-25 pe) - Significant bandwidth occupied by low energy noise - low energy noise? => cross-talk among channels of the array Chiara Casella - 35 - 06.05.2015 CRT performance - single channels - cut ToT at the photopeak - build coincidence events - measure CRT crystals LYSO (1.5x1.5x12)mm3 Note : No grease, no wrapping TOFPET STIC CRT FWHM ~ 480 ps ( best ~ 410 ps ) Chiara Casella - 36 - 2 channels CRT FWHM ~ 380 ps 06.05.2015 High rate test (TOFPET only so far) motherboard syringe filled with 18-F (high activity) Sensors: Hamamatsu S12642-0404PB-50(X) Matrices: Hilger matrix – (3.1 x 3.1) mm2 High rate test with high activity tracer At UniZh hospital (daily 18-F prod.) Dec 2014 Up to 500 MBq used Different load configurations (single channel, 1+1 matrix, 1+4 matrices) variable distance face to face (nominal = 120mm) Chiara Casella mezzanine boards (hosting the chip) - 37 - 06.05.2015 inc re a sin ga cti vit y High rate test : CRT performance • deterioration of the timing resolution with the activity • CRT (extrapolated at Act = 0 ) ~ 670 ps FWHM [out of specs!!!] • to be investigated further !!! Chiara Casella - 38 - 06.05.2015 Hardware activities - Short term plan Focusing specifically on the first prototype ring: • SiPM arrays : to be purchased • Crystals : • LYSO Ca-codoped • a few SIPAT:Ca-ESR matrices ordered • verify performance • place the order • STIC or TOFPET ? • new bias system (compensated by the voltage drop) • high rate tests with both chips in Zurich • decision on which solution we use • place the order • develop readout board PCB Chiara Casella - 39 - 06.05.2015 Conclusions • PET instrumentation : rapidly evolving scenario • Simultaneous PET/MRI technology is now mature • Overall trend in pre-clinical developments : improving sensitivity / improving spatial resolution • SAFIR : improving temporal resolution (i.e. short acquisitions duration at high repetition rate) for dynamic simultaneous PET/MRI - large impact in biomedical hybrid imaging ! • Unconventional PET detector - up to 500 MBq activity - excellent time resolution (w/o being a TOF system...) • Demonstration of the concept (through simulations) : - improved NECR (~ x7-8 wrt state of the art PET scanners) - high sensitivity (~ 10%) - good spatial resolution (~ 2 mm) • First reconstructions : preliminary but promising • Hardware works ongoing for the choice of the components : - SiPM arrays - crystal matrices - readout chip ASIC • First ring with commercial devices planned end2015 / mid2016!! Chiara Casella - 40 - 06.05.2015 Conclusions • PET instrumentation : rapidly evolving scenario • Simultaneous PET/MRI technology is now mature • Overall trend in pre-clinical developments : improving sensitivity / improving spatial resolution • SAFIR : improving temporal resolution (i.e. short acquisitions duration at high repetition rate) for dynamic simultaneous PET/MRI - large impact in biomedical hybrid imaging ! • Unconventional PET detector - up to 500 MBq activity - excellent time resolution (w/o being a TOF system...) • Demonstration of the concept (through simulations) : - improved NECR (~ x7-8 wrt state of the art PET scanners) - high sensitivity (~ 10%) - good spatial resolution (~ 2 mm) • First reconstructions : preliminary but promising h !! c u e m m o d c an to e r o m • Hardware works ongoing for the choice of the components : - SiPM arrays - crystal matrices - readout chip ASIC • First ring with commercial devices planned end2015 / mid2016!! Chiara Casella - 40 - 06.05.2015 Collaboration Institute for Particle Physics - ETH : R. Becker, C. Casella, D. Di Calafiori, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, M. Droge, C. Haller, A. Howard, K. Kramer, J. Fischer, W. Lustermann, U. Roeser, Q. Wang expected to join soon: M. Ito (post-doc) , P. Katheri (PhD) Institute for Biomedical Engineering - ETH: M. Rudin (and group) Institute for Pharmacology and toxicology - University Zurich : B. Weber (and group) University of Valencia, IFIC : J. Oliver Centre Physique Particules Marseille (CPPM) : J-P. Cachemiche, C. Morel Chiara Casella - 41 - 06.05.2015
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