DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, SONEPAT EXAMINATION Attendance for Cycle Test and term exams is mandatory. EXAMS FOR SESSION 2015-2016 Class KG – Class V: Four Test Cycles No retest will be taken. Best of two out of four cycles will be added. Best one out of first two and best one out of three & four will be added. Class VI –VIII: Two test cycles, half yearly and annuals. If the student misses one cycle test, retest will be taken during annuals. If two tests are missed for the same subject, retest for one test will be taken in annuals and zero will be awarded in second test. If the student is representing the school for the competition and misses the test, retest for the first will be taken and average for the second will be put. No retest for half yearly exams and annual exams. Half yearly retest for the out present (those representing the school) students will be taken after the school hours. Class IX, X: Four formative assessments, and Two Summative Assessments No Retest Will Be Taken Formative Assessments I & III will be taken as a paper pencil test. Formative Assessments II & IV would include: up keep of the class work and home note books on regular basis, projects, oral tests, objective type assessments, practical, quizzes, viva invoice or any kind of research work. Four formative assessments would carry 40% of the total evaluation. No second chance shall be given for the formative and summative assessment. Decision of the in -charges will be final. Class XI, XII: Mid – Term Test – XI & XII Half –Yearly Exam – XI & XII Pre – Board – 1 (XII Only) Annual - XI Pre-board-2 (XII) New Session for class XII (2015-16) Important- If a student is found using unfair means in the exams, zero will be awarded to him/ her the first time and will be debarred from any recognition from the school authorities for that academic year. If he / she repeats the same, the student will be asked to leave the school. EXAMINATIONS TO BE HELD IN 2015 – 16 Class Nur.-V Class VI - VIII 4 Weekly Cycles 2 Weekly Cycles 1 Half Yearly exam Cycle - 1 16th July 15 - 31st July 15 Cycle - 2 10th September 15 – 01st October 15 Cycle - 3 06th November 15 – 03rd December 15 Cycle - 4 01st March 16 – 18th March 16 Cycle - 1 13th July 15 - 21st July 15 Cycle - 2 4th November 15 - 27th November 15 Prep Leave 1 Annual exam 11th September – 13th September Practicals During Regular Classes Theory 14th September 15 – 30th September 15 Prep Leave 25th February – 29th February 16 Practicals During Regular Classes Theory 1st March 16 - 18th March 16 Class IX-X Class IX - X 4 Formative Assessments 2 Summative Assessments FA - 1 (paper - pen test) 13th July 15 - 21st July 15 FA - 2 (project based) FA - 3 (paper - pen test) 7th August 15 - 4th September 15 4th November 15 - 27th November 15 FA - 4 (project based) 12th January 16 - 12th February 16 SA - 1 According to CBSE notification SA - 2 According to CBSE notification Class XI-XII Mid – Term Test Half –Yearly Exam Pre – Board – 1 (XII Only) Annual - XI Annual (XI) & Pre-board-2(XII) New Session for class XII (2015-16) Theory Only Theory Practical 01 July 2015 – 13 Oct 2015 15 Sept Onward 03 August Onward Theory 3rd Dec to 17 Dec onwards Practical 1st Dec onwards Theory 4th January onward 17 Feb 2016 Exam Schedule for class – Nur – V UT I Date II III IV V 16th July Thur ………………….. ……………….. Comp Comp 20th July Mon ENG + DICT Eng + Dict Math+ M.Math+ Math+ M.Math+ Tables Tables 22nd July Wed Evs + Mcq Evs + Mcq Eng + Dic Eng + Dic 24th July Fri Math+ M.Math+ Math+ M.Math+ Evs + Mcq Evs + Mcq Tables Tables 27th July Mon Hindi + Dic Hindi + Dic Hindi + Dic Hindi + Dic 29th July Wed Comp Comp III Lang III Lang 31st July Fri GK GK GK GK DATED: 16TH JULY – 31ST JULY 2015 Performing Arts evaluation will be conducted during their regular periods. Orals for various subjects should be conducted during the days of the examination. UT II DATE II III IV V 10TH SEP THUR COMP COMP COMP COMP 14TH SEP MON ENG + DICT ENG + DICT MATH+ MATH+ M.MATH+ M.MATH+ TABLES TABLES 17TH SEP THUR GK GK GK GK 21ST SEP MON EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ ENG + DIC ENG + DIC 24TH SEP THUR MATH+ MATH+ M.MATH+ EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ M.MATH+ TABLES TABLES 28TH SEP MON ……………….. …………………… III LANG III LANG 1ST OCT THUR HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC DATED: 10TH SEP – 1ST OCT 2015 Performing Arts evaluation will be conducted during their regular periods. Orals for various subjects should be conducted during the days of the examination. DATE II III IV V 6TH NOV FRI COMP COMP COMP COMP 17TH NOV TUE GK GK GK GK 19TH NOV THUR EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ ENG + DIC ENG + DIC 23RD NOV MON MATH+ M.MATH+ MATH+ M.MATH+ EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ TABLES TABLES 26TH NOV THUR HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC 30TH NOV MON ENG + DICT ENG + DICT MATH+ M.MATH+ MATH+ M.MATH+ TABLES TABLES III LANG III LANG 3RD DEC THUR UT III DATED: 6TH NOV – 3RD DEC Performing Arts evaluation will be conducted during their regular periods. Orals for various subjects should be conducted during the days of the examination. UT IV DATED: 1 ST MAR – 18TH MARCH 2016 WEEKLY CYCLE TEST SCHEDULE 2015-16 For Classes VI to VIII Test Cycle One (13th July 15 – 21st July 15) DATE DAY CLASS 6 CLASS 7 CLASS 8 13th July 15 Monday S. Sc. Maths Science 14th July 15 Tuesday English 2nd Lang. Computer 15th July 15 Wednesday Maths 3rd Lang. English 16th July 15 Thursday Science 3rd Lang. 17th July 15 Friday Computer English 2nd Lang. 20th July 15 Monday Science S.Sc. Maths 21st July 15 Tuesday 2nd Lang. Computer S.Sc. 3rd Lang. Note – Computer Practical will be in their regular classes. Test Cycle Two (4th Nov 15 - 27th Nov 15) DATE II III IV V 1ST MAR TUE ………………….. ……………….. COMP COMP 3RD MAR ENG + DICT ENG + DICT MATH+ MATH+ M.MATH+ M.MATH+ TABLES TABLES THUR 7TH MAR MON EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ ENG + DIC ENG + DIC 10TH MAR MATH+ M.MATH+ MATH+ EVS + MCQ EVS + MCQ THUR TABLES M.MATH+ HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC TABLES 14TH MAR HINDI + DIC HINDI + DIC MON DATE DAY CLASS 6 CLASS 7 CLASS 8 4th November 15 Wednesday English 2nd Lang. English 16TH MAR COMP COMP III LANG III LANG GK GK GK GK WED 18TH MAR FRI 7th November 15 Saturday S.Sc. English 2nd Lang. 9th November 15 Monday Science Maths S.Sc. 18th November 15 Wednesday Computer 3rd Lang. Computer 21st November 15 Saturday 2nd Lang. Science Maths 24th November 15 Tuesday Maths S.Sc. Science 27th November 15 Friday 3rd Lang. Computer 3rd Lang. Note – Computer Practical will be in their regular classes. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE 2015-16 For Classes IX to X FA One (13th July 15 – 21st July 15) DATE DAY CLASS 9 CLASS 10 13th July 15 Monday Science Social Sc. 14th July 15 Tuesday English Computer 15th July 15 Wednesday Computer Science 16th July 15 Thursday 2nd Lang. English 17th July 15 Friday Maths 2nd Lang. 20th July 15 Monday Social Sc. Maths 21st July 15 Tuesday PSA PSA Note – Science & Computer Practical will be in their regular classes. FA Two (7th August 15 - 4th September 15) FA Three (4th November 15 - 27th November 15) DATE DAY CLASS 9 CLASS 10 4th November 15 Wednesday PSA PSA 7th November 15 Saturday English 2nd Lang. 9th November 15 Monday S. Sc. Maths 18th November 15 Wednesday Computer English 21st November 15 Saturday Science S. Sc. 24th November 15 Tuesday 2nd Lang. Computer 27th November 15 Friday Maths Science Note – Science & Computer Practical will be in their regular classes. FA Four (12th January 16 - 12th February 16) Date Sheet of Mid Term Exam - 2015 Date Day XI XI XI XII XII XII Science Commerce Humanities Science Commerce Humanities 01.07.2015 Wed Chemistry Accountancy History Maths Maths Maths/Pol. Sci. 03.07.2015 Fri CS/PSY/PHE/IP CS/PSY/PHE/IP CS/PSY/PHE/IP English English English 06.08.2015 Mon Biology Economics Eco/Geo Chemistry Accountancy History 08.10.2015 Wed English English English Physics B. St. …… 10.10.2015 Fri Maths Maths Maths/Pol. Sci. CS/PSY/PHE/IP CS/PSY/PHE/IP CS/PSY/PHE/IP 13.10.2015 Mon Physics B. St. ………….. Biology Economics Eco/Geo EVALUATION AND PROMOTION Class Nursery – V: Assessment is done on the basis of tests and attendance. Orals of Nur-II will be conducted in their respective periods. Class VI – X: The assessment for class VI – X will be done on the basis of the marks scored in cycle tests/ formative assessment, half yearly examination /summative assessment I and annuals/summative assessment II. EVALUATION AND PROMOTION OF CLASS XI The assessment for class XI will be done on the basis of the marks scored in MidTerm, Half yearly and Annuals Examinations. PROMOTION POLICY NURSERY TO CLASS V: No student will be detained. However the parents will be guided, if necessary, to give their consent so that their ward may repeat the class to have better academic base. ATTENDANCE RULE The students must have minimum 75% attendance, failing which he/she may not be allowed to sit in the final examination and promotion may not be granted. PERFORMING ARTS All students from II – X have to compulsory take the exams conducted by Prachin Kala Kendra. Exam for performing art will be taken by Prachin kala Kendra from August to October, written as well as oral. There will not be any school exam for the same. Note: Class III – X – Examination for Performing Arts will be taken according to dates fixed by Prachin Kala Kendra in the month of August to October. Exam will be theory as well as practical. Dates will be intimated later on. There will be no exam in UT/Cycle Test / FA. PROMOTION CRITERIA FOR CLASSES IX & X As per CBSE Guidelines. IT IS MANDATORY FOR APPEARING IN SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND THE PERCENTAGE OF MARKS REQUIRED TO QUALIFY THE ASSESSMENTS w.e.f. the academic session 2013-2014 in class IX and 2014-2015 in Class X. The modalities are as under. i) It would be mandatory for a student to appear in both the Summative Assessments in both Classes IX & X: ii) In case of non appearance in Summative Assessments on grounds of illness, one more chance to appear in SA 1 may be given up to 31st October in Class IX. For SA 2 in Class IX the chance for improvement of performance will be allowed within a period of one month from the date of declaration of the result. iii) In case of non-appearance in Summative Assessments on grounds of illness, one more chance to appear in SA 1 may be given up to 31st October in Class X. SA 2 of Class X be held only as per the schedule given by the school/date sheet published by the Board in the month of March. EIOP for SA 2 in Class X be conducted as per Rule 42 (i) (b) of the Examination Byelaws i.e. By the Board in July/by the schools by July: iv) Student would have to obtain at least 25% marks in the Summative Assessments both the SA 1 and SA 2 taken together) to be eligible to qualify the examination i.e. At least 15 marks out of 60 marks and total 33% in each to the five subjects of scholastic area, as per the present practice: In respect students participating in sports at national/international level, exemption from appearing in any one of the Summative Assessments may be granted subject to prior approval of the Board provided the student will be participating in sports at national or international level of organized by recognized federations/CBSE/SGFI and being held during the month of the conduct of the Summative Assessments. In such case, the marks obtained in one SA shall also be indicated for the 2nd SA by the Board. The school shall fill in the relevant field with ZERO (0) marks. In the hard copy remark be given against such student supported with necessary document. As regards attendance requirement, school may take action as per rule 14 of the Examination Byelaws. However, efforts be made by the school to give them one more chance to appear in the SA 1 up to 31st October in class IX/X and for SA 2 upto 31st March in Class IX. PROMOTION CRITERIA (XI & XII) Pass percentage: 33% in Theory & Practical Exams for each subject separately. Any child getting less than required percentage will not be promoted. However one more chance in the form of retest will be given to the child if he/she is scoring less than 33% but more than 20% marks in two subjects. But if child is unable to improve, then he/she will not be promoted. As per CBSE. ROLLING TROPHY Paterna Saiffudin award for best scholastic achievement will be provided. Mater Shakina award for best student in sports. Harsh Wardhan Award for best student in co-curricular activities ne SCHOLASTIC & PROFICIENCY AWARDS VI – VIII Scholar Badge is awarded to students of class VI onwards provided they have secured a minimum of 85% in the aggregate and 80% and above in all subjects . They have minimum 85% attendance in the class. They have taken all terminal examinations conducted by the school and not absented themselves for the weekly test. Should have ‘A’ grade in scholastic graded subjects. Minimum ‘B’ grade in all non scholastic subjects(PA ,Sports and clubs) Scholar Blazer is awarded to students who are scholar badge holders for 3 consecutive years. Awards are given to students holding first, second and third rank in class amongst all sections. Students scoring highest marks in a subject in the class including all sections (above 75%). 100%attendance badge is given to all students with full attendance for academic session. (However, care should be taken that the child does not attend school when he / she is unwell purely to maintain his / her 100% attendance record.) Students are also rewarded for exceptional performance in: Dance, vocal music, instrumental music, art and sports according to awards & participation in various competitions. SCHOLASTIC & PROFICIENCY AWARDS IX & X For classes IX – X scholar badge will be awarded to the students who get A grades in all scholastic and co scholastic areas. They have minimum 85% attendance in the class. They have taken all formative and summative assessments conducted. Scholar Blazer is awarded to students who are scholar badge holders for 3 consecutive years. 100%attendance badge is given to all students with full attendance for academic session. (However, care should be taken that the child does not attend school when he / she is unwell purely to maintain his / her 100% attendance record.) Students are also rewarded for exceptional performance in: Dance, vocal music, instrumental music, art and sports as per participation, award won various competitions. READING ROCKET AWARD Rocket reading award will be given to the students at the end of the year depending upon the numbers of books they read in one year. The books can be issued from the library. The books should be apart from your syllabus course. The child should report to the Librarian/CT after reading one book. For reading any other book except those issued from the library, the librarian/CT should be informed. The target should be achieved a fortnight before the last working day of the session. Only one book will be assessed at a time by the librarian in their library periods. Record of the books read should be maintained by the child duly signed by the librarian. Only the books prescribed by the librarian will be considered the award THE MINIMUM NUMBERS OF BOOKS TO BE READ FOR AWARDS ARE MENTIONED BELOW: Class I II III IV & V VI onwards Level I 10 Stories 15 Stories 15 Stories 20 Books 10 Books Level II 15 Stories 20 Stories 20 Stories 30Books 20 Books Level III 25 Stories 25 Stories 30 Stories 40 Books 35 Books
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