BRIEF REPORT ON SAGY GRAM PANCHAYAT DEOLI, DEVELOPMENT BLOCK SADAR , DISTRICT BILASPUR H.P. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 1 INDEX SR. NO. CONTENTS 1 Map of Gram Panchayat Deoli 2 Profile 3 4 5 Status Report Summary of proposed words in G.P Deoli PAGE NO. 2-3 4 - 13 14 Village Development Plan i) Ward No. 1 (Chamlog) 15 - 16 ii) Ward No. 2 (Deoli-I) 17 – 19 iii) Ward No. 3 (Deoli-II) 20 - 22 iv) Ward No. 4 (Ambara Sua) 23 - 25 v) Ward No. 5 (Deoli-III) 26 - 29 DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 2 PROFILE OF GRAM PANCHAYAT DEOLI DEVELOPMENT BLOCK SADAR DISTRICT BILASPUR (H.P) Total Revenue Village: Total HH as per Goswara as on 31-12-2013: Total BPL Families: Sanitation: 4 Nos. namely Deoli, Dalta, Chamlog & Goind 524 Nos. 133 Nos. 5 Households without toilet Total Population Male Female Sex Ratio 2229 1158 1071 48.04 % SC Population 880 Male 458 Female 422 %Age of SC Population 39.47% EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS No. of Govt. Primary Schools No of Govt. Sen. Sec. School 4 Nos at Chamlog, Deoli, Bakhail & Ghagus 1No at Ghaghas HEALTH INSTITUTIONS Health Sub Center Ayurvedic Dispensary Deoli Ghagas at the Distance of 1 K.M from Panchayat Ghar ANGANWARI CENTERS Total No Anganwari Center 7 Nos RURAL CONNECTIVITY Name of Anganwari Centers Chamlog,Deoli-1,Deoli-2, Deoli-3, Saryali, Bakhail, Makrog Anganwari Buildings not available. All are functioning in private Building Kachcha road passing though the panchayat which serves Deoli, Chamlog & Goind. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 3 YUVAK MANDAL MAHILA MANDALS TOTAL EXP. IN MGNREGA (2014-2015) TOTAL JOB CARD HOLDERS TOTAL NO OF SHGS TRADITIONAL WATER BOWARIES TOTAL NO OF HOUSELESS FAMILIES DRINKING WATER PDS OUTLET BANK SUB POST OFFICE SOCIAL SECURITY PENSION PANCHAYAT GHAR BUILDING VETERINARY INSTITUTION CROPPING PATTERN COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE ACTIVITY CATTLE REARING 1 No. at Deoli but building is not available 3 No. at Chamlog, Deoli & Bakhail. Building available in Deoli & Bakhail Total Availability :- 10.37 Lac Expenditure :10.36 Lac %age of expenditure:- 99.9 % 307 7 Nos. All SHGs are linked to Bank Activities:- Dairy, Fishery, Pickle, Seera Badiyan etc. 5 No. Nil Drinking Water facility available to all families 1 at Deoli functioning in private building Available within walkable distance. Available at village Deoli About 110 Nos. Building Available Available without Building Traditional Wheat, Maize and Paddy 8 to 10 people grow vegetable like ginger & cauliflower Only Milch cattle DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 4 STATUS REPORT SANSAD ADARASH GRAM YOJANA (SAGY) GRAM PANCHAYAT DEOLI SAGY: Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister along with its guideline on 11thOct, 2014. Gram Panchayat Deoli has been identified for being developed as “Adarsh Gram” by Hon’ble M.P/Health minister of India Sh. Jagat Parkash Nadda Ji. TRAINING PROGRAMME: A five days training programme under(SAGY)was organized by SIRDHP w.e.f 19th to 23rd January 2015 in Panchayat Samiti Hall Sadar Dev. Block, Bilaspur (HP) in which 36 participants of various line department including 10 representatives of G.P. Deoli participated. The main objective of this SAGY training was to equip the participants with the methodology of entry phase activities & processes with focus on participatory planning of model villages. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 5 Training Programme for PRIs, CBOs for Officers DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 6 BASELINE SURVEY: Three baseline survey i.e house hold, village & Gram Panchayat was conducted & entered in to the online postal at http// There are 516 household in G.P Deoli including 4 villages i.e Deoli, Dalta , Goind & Chamlog. Base line survey was completed in the 1st week of Feb. 2015. Base Line Survey by the Officials DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 7 I.E.C. ACTIVITIES: Detail of IEC activities organized by Rural Development, social Justice and welfare department and health & family welfare department are as under : Dated 18/02/2015 2/02/2015 Department RDD RDD Social Justice Welfare Activity Jagrukta Shivir,Padyatra/Rally Ward/Village sabha & Awareness camp Health and family welfare Padyatra/ rally for awareness Deputy Commissioner Bilaspur & ADC Bilaspur visited Deoli village on different occasions. The visit was aimed at creating the awareness and thereby building conducive environment for execution of the scheme. During these visits, first hand feedback was taken from the residents of G.P. Deoli. This interaction brought forth the main areas of thrust required to make life of residents better & more comfortable. The main areas requiring intervention are: I. II. Construction of drainage channels in the inhabited localities. Augmentation of drinking water supply. III. Construction of shamshanghat. IV. Metaling/Tarring of road. V. Providing technological inputs to farmers like vermin compost units, High yield variety seeds and encouraging farmers to take up cash crops. VI. Provision of solar street lights. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 8 DC Bilaspur interacting with villagers of G.P.Deoli Ward/Village Sabha DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 9 Padyatra/ Rallyfor awareness by Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Department Awareness Camp by Social Justice &welfare department. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 10 Padyatra/Relly for awareness by Health &Family welfare department. TRAINING OF STATE NODAL OFFICERS & MIS OFFICERS: The ministry of Rural Dev. Govt. of India has developed a G.P portal for every Gram Panchayat identified under SAGY. The data into portal like demography, administrative profile, baseline survey details, VDP etc. are to be uploaded by the charge officer from the district level. To facilitate this, a one day workshop was organized at State R.D. Headquarter Shimla-9 on 16th & 17th Feb, 2015 to State Nodal Officer & MIS Officer in which Miss Pooja Chadha C.O DRDA Bilaspur & Sh. Hans Raj Supdt. Nodal Officer participated. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 11 V.D.P (VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN): VDP preparation work started w.e.f 11/02/2015 in 5 wards & 4 revenue villages of Gram Panchayat, Deoli for which 5 groups of trained officers /officials of line Deptt. were deployed to guide/assist the people about the planning exercise.. These groups prepared a consolidated list of works to be included in the VDP after conducting planning exercises such as social mapping, resource mapping and participatory rural appraisal. The outcomes of the planning exercise are to be discussed with various line department & for the purpose a meeting is to be scheduled shortly under the chairpersonship of Worthy DC Bilaspur. After the scrutiny of the proposed plan the village development plan is to be finalized as per the template provided by Govt. of India. Participatory Rural Appraisal DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 12 Participatory Rural Appraisal Participatory Rural Appraisal DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 13 Need Analysis through Spot Verification TRAINING OF CHARGE OFFICERS: Regarding preparation of (VDP) village Development Plan of identified villages /GP 3days training is being organized for charge officers at Chandigarh w.e.f 11th May, 2015 to 13th May,2015. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 14 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORKS IN GRAM PANCHAYAT DEOLI, DISTT. BILASPUR H.P Sr. No. Type of Works Numbers 1 Rural Connectivity/Pucca Paths/Drains 52 2 Metaling of road/construction of road 19 3 Irrigation Tank/Kuhals 33 4 Toilets 21 5 Drinking Water storage tanks 28 6 Vermi Compost units/Cattle Troughs 39 7 Building/rooms for Schools 19 8 Solar/Street Lights 31 9 Anganwadi Centre Buildings 7 10 Three Phase line / Electricity works 13 11 Fishery Tanks 1 12 Plantation/Poly Houses 18 13 Animal Husbandry dispensary 3 14 Panchayati Raj Department 4 Total DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. 288 PAGE 15 WARD NO. 1 CHAMLOG 1. Rural Development Department A) PUCCA PATHS (RURAL CONNECTIVITY) I. II. III. IV. V. C/o pucca path from chamlog village to GPS Chamlog. C/o pucca path with drains in village Chamlog. C/o pucca path from chamlog to Dohra Palangri C/o pucca path from chamlog to Tahal, Tota Ram &Nand lal house. C/o pucca path Mokh Prema Ram house to GPS Chamlog. B. Irrigation Kuhals & Tanks I. II. III. IV. V. VI. C/o irrigation tank Masi Nala (Chamlog) C/o new tank &widening of pipes Tandul near lekh Ram house. C/o kuhal & one tank Chamlog. C/o irrigation tank Jai Pal S/o Sh. Bangali village Chamlog. C/o chamber & C/o tank in village Chamlog. Maintenance of Bowri Chamlog & C/o Bath Room. C. RDD I. II. III. C/o 50 Nos vermin compost units in village Deoli. Formation of 2 Nos self help groups in village Chamlog. C/o 10 Nos check Dams for soil conservation in village Chamlog. 2. Horticulture Department: A. Poly House: I. II. III. IV. V. C/o poly house Ramesh Kumar S/o Nathu Ram, Chamlog C/o ploy house Sh. Rattan Lal S/o Bali Ram Chamlog. C/o poly house Sh. Dev Raj S/o Ram Das, Chamlog. C/o poly house Sh. Jai Krishan S/o Tiblu Ram, Chamlog. C/o poly house Sh. Chet Ram S/o Sh. Bali Ram, Chamlog B. Plantation: I. II. III. IV. Chet Ram S/o Chuha Ram, Rattan Lal S/o Bali Ram. Baboo Ram S/o Ram Das, Ramesh Chand S/o Nathu Ram. Chet Ram S/o Bali Ram, Mast Ram S/o Rulia Ram. Daulat Ram S/o Rulia, Dhamia Ram S/o Ruila Ram. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 16 V. VI. Shyam Lal S/O Chuha Ram, Baboo Ram S/o Chuha Ram. Kansi Ram S/o Chuha Ram, Lekh Ram S/o Ghungar Savitri w/o Amrit Lal. C. Marker Complex: I. C/O Marketing complex of Horticulture Development Department. 3. H.P.P.W.D Department: I. II. III. Metaling of roads fron Goind to Chamlog Metaling of road from Deoli to Chamlog. Road upto GPS, Chamlog 4. Irrigation &Public Health Deaprtment: I. II. III. IV. V. C/o hand pump in village Chamlog. Reg. water supply scheme Sh. Nand Lal, Totu Ram S/0 Baksi Ram R/O Tahal & Dhani Ram S/o Bali Ram. C/o hand pumps near the house of Mokh Prema Ram, Chamlog. C/o hand pump Chamlog near Dawaran. C/o underground pipe line & chamber village Chamlog. 5. Health Department: i) C/o sub center in village Chamlog (Land provided by Jai Krishan S/o Tiblu Ram) 6. Education: I. II. Up gradation of GPS Chamlog to middle standard. C/o wall & play ground GPS Chmalog. 7. Agriculture Department: I. II. C/o Marketing complex of Agriculture Development. Farming of 2Nos self help groups from Atma project for Dairy farm & mushroom. 8. H.P.S.E.B: Installation of transformer in village Chamlog. 9. Social Justice & Empowerment Department: C/o Anganwari Bhawan &Toilets in village Chamlog. 10. HIMURJA Installation of 15 Nos street lights from Deoli to Chamlog. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 17 WARD NO – 2 DEOLI - I 1. RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A) PUCCA PATHS (RURAL CONNECTIVITY) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) C/o Pucca Path from Ram Lal House to Sali Ram House & upto the house of Sada Ram, Deoli . C/o Pucca Path from Bowri Deoli to Ram Lal, Hari Dass, Shoba Ram, Premu Ram Houses C/o Pucca Path from Deoli Sadak to Dila Ram, Hari Dass, Houses Deoli. C/o Path GPS Deoli Kuhal to Shyam House. C/o Pucca Path from Dalta to Shyam Lal House, Dalta C/o Pucca Path from Dalta to the house of Chet Ram, Lekh Ram House. C/o Pucca Path from Rao Khadd to Goind. C/o Pucca Path from jai Krishan House to Dalta & C/o Culvert. B) IRRIGATION TANKS & KUHALS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) C/o irrigation Tank Sh. Ram Lal S/o Tulsi Ram village Deoli. C/o irrigation Tank Kishori Lal S.o Tatu Ram Deoli & c/o Kuhals C/o irrigation Tank Surender Kumar, Pardeep, Shishu Pal, Sanjeev Kumar Land, Deoli. C/o irrigation Kuhal Gangehri to the land of Nikdu Ram, Deoli. C/o irrigation Tank Nikdu Ram S/o Bansi Ram Land. C/o irrigation Kuhal from Sunku Ram House to Sukh Ram Land, Deoli. Repair of irrigation Kuhal in the land of Krishanu Ram S/o Budhi Ram. C/o irrigation Tank Savitri Devi & Chengu Rams Land, Deoli. C/o irrigation Kuhal from Palu Ram House to the land of Lekh Ram, Deoli. C/o irrigation Kuhal Mokha to Padwara Deoli. C/o irrigation Kuhal Goind to Dalta, Banfoli & renovation etc. C/o Additional Tank on the irrigation scheme manar kanyota. C/o irrigation Tank Anil Kumar, Savitri Devis land etc, Goind. C/o Check Dam construction in Maloun. C) CONSTRUCTION OF TOILETS/INDIRA AWAS YOJANA i) C/o Providing Dustbins/ Solid Liquid waste Management in all the wards of Gram Panchayat Deoli. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 18 ii) iii) iv) v) C/o Toilet Sh. Shanker Das S/o Bhoja Ram, Deoli. C/o Toilet Sh. Rattan Lal S/o Sihru Ram, Deoli. C/o Toilet Sh. Suman Kumar S/o Shanker Das, Deoli Providing House under IAY to Sh. Shishu Pal S/o Hari Ram , Deoli. D)SOIL CONSERVATION i) ii) iii) C/o Check Dam in village Dalta. C/o Check Dam Goind on Rao Khadd near land of Shusheel Kumar & Anil Kumar. C/o Check Dam in the land of Jai Krishan. 2. HIMURJA A) INSTALLATION OF SOLAR LIGHTS i) ii) iii) iv) Installation of Solar Light near the Temple of Kulja. Installation of Solar Light on the Paths. Installation of Solar Light on the road of Dalta. Installation of Solar Light in the village of Goind. 3. I & PH DEPARTMENT A) INSTALLATION OF HAND PUMPS i) ii) iii) iv) v) Installation of hand Pumps near Sh. Piare Lal S/o Bangali Ram House. Providing regular water supply in the village Goind. Installation of Hand Pump in village Dalta. Installation of Hand Pump Banfoli in the Land of Jai Krishan. Providing water supply connection to the house of Late Sh. Hariman S/o Puran Bhagat. 4. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY A) CONSTRUCTION OF VETERINARY HOSPITAL/DISPENSARY i) ii) iii) C/o veterinary hospital/dispensary in the village Deoli. C/o veterinary hospital/ dispensary in the village Goind & Dalta. C/o Poultry Farm Sh. Jai Krishan S/o Ganga Ram, Deoli. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 19 5. EDUCATION/TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT i) ii) Providing I.T.I in village Deoli. Providing Girl School in village Deoli. 6. REVENUE DEPARTMENT i) C/o Patwar Khana in Gram Panchayat Deoli. 7. AGRICUTURE DEPARTMENT A) CHECK DAMS & VERMI COMPOST UNITS i) C/o Vermi Compost, Chinta Devi w/o Hariman.Shyam Lal, Dev Raj, Roop Lal, Ram Lal (5Nos) Deoli. (coordinate with RDD) 8. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT A) ELECTRICITY CONNECTIONS i) Providing electricity connection in the House of Sh. Late Sh. Hariman S/o Puran Bhagat. 9. HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT A) PLANTATION & POLY HOUSE i) ii) iii) Plantation in the land of Sh. Shyam Lal S/o Lekhu Ram (Mango, Lichi). C/o Poly House Surender Kumar S/o Sh. Hariman Deoli. Plantation in the land of Jagdish S/o Lachhman. 10. HPPWD DEPARTMENT A) METALLING OF ROADS i) Metalling of Road village Dalta. 11. ICDS DEPARTMENT A) CONSTRUCTION OF ANGANWADI BHAWAN i) C/o Anganwadi Bhawan in village Dalta. 12. FOREST DEPARTMENT A) PLANTATION IN FOREST AREA i) Plantation in the Forest Land of Goind & Dalta. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 20 WARD NO-3 DEOLI-II 1.RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PUCCA PATHS (RURAL CONNECTIVITY) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. C/o pucca path Ambara Sua road to Premu Ram, Anil, Tikhu Ram house Deoli. C/o pucca path from Premu Ram house to Surender Kumar, SadaRam house Deoli. C/o nalies in Deoli from Pardeep house towards culvert. C/o play ground on the bank of Ali Khad. C/0 pucca path from piare lal house towards Hawanu house. C/o pucca path from palu house to Bowri C/o path from N.H to land of Raju Ram, Shyam lal & Nand LAL. C/o pucca path from makdog to Ram Das, Rattan Lal house Deoli. C/o pucca path from makdog to Parkash, Chuni lal ect. Houses Deoli. C/o pucca path from the house of Neelam Kumar to chatiar Pani B. Irrigation Kuhal & Tanks I. II. III. IV. V. C/o irrigation kuhal from Briz lal house to Sukh Ram &Deep Rams land Deoli. C/o irrigation kuhal from Shyam lal S/o Chint Ram house to Gharat. C/o irrigation tank Prema Ram, Krishnu Ram land Deoli Mokh. C/o RWH tank Krishnu Ram S/o Saju Ram, Deoli. C/o tank on road in Makdog. C. Construction of Toilets: I. II. III. IV. C/o toilet Jeet Ram S/o Banta Ram,Deoli, Providing 5Nos dustbins/pits in village Makdog. C/o toilet chinta Devi w/o Krishan lal,Rajender Kumar S/o Jangu Ram. C/o 2 Nos seprate toilet for men &women in panchayat Ghar Deoli. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 21 2. Electricity Department. I. II. III. Reg. changing of electricity service wire of Sh. Tikhu Ram, Premu Ram, Suneel & Anil. Providing solution to prevent electric shock risks in village Deoli. To arrange 3 phase line in village Deoli. 3. HPPWD: I. II. III. C/o road near Deoli upto Thai. C/o rain shelter on N.H near the house of Nikku Ram S/o Prem Singh. C/o road from N.H-103 to Makdog. 4. HIMURJA: I. II. III. Installation of street lights in Deoli. Installation of solar lights near Bowri Makdog. Installation of solar lights in village Makdog. 5. Education Department: I. II. To upgrade GPS Deoli. To open Primaries school in Makdog village. 6. I&PH I. II. Providing water connection to Sh. Manoj Kumar S/o Jeet Ram. C/o hand pump in makdog village. 7. Fisheries Department: I. C/o fisheries tank Manoj Kumar S/o Jeet Ram, Deoli. 8. Agriculture Department C/o 18 Nos vermin compost units in village of Makdog. 9. Horticulture Department: Plantation in the land of Nand Lal S/o Lakhu Ram. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 22 10. Panchayati Raj Department I. II. III. C/o Rooms in Gram Panchyat Deoli i.e computer room, Tech. Asstt. Room, Panchayat Secretary Room & Meeting hall ect. Providing Broad Band connection/ Wi-Fi internet facility in Panchayat Ghar Deoli & management providing furniture etc. Providing development of Gram Rojgar Sewak & Tech. Asstt. In G.P Deoli. 11. ICDS C/o 2Nos of Anganwari Bhawan,Deoli. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 23 WARD NO.4 AMBARA SUA 1. RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARMENT. A. PUCCA PATH (RURAL CONNECTIVITY) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. C/o pucca path Ambara sua to pallangri Dugle to house of Durga Ram Nariman. C/o pucca path Dugle upto Balak Ram’s house. C/o pucca path N.H 103 to Makdog to Alli-Khad village Deoli. C/o pucca path from Hariman’s house to Rattan Lal, Dev Raj, Durga Ram’s house Deoli 500 Mts. C/o pucca path N.H 103 to Alli-Khad via Rattan Singh’s house. C/o pacca path from Devi Ram, Khadku Ram’s house to Alli- Khad. C/O pucca path from N.H -103 to Devi Ram’s house via Rup Lal’s house. Completion of path to Durga Ram, Dev Rajs houses. B. Irrigation Kuhl & Tanks. I. II. III. C/o irrigation tanks in S/C Basti Dugle. C/o Tanks for families of Devi Ram, Kharku Ram, Budhi Ram, Sanjay, Deepak and Omkar. C/o irrigation kuhl G.P.S Deoli to Garja Ram’s house. C. Toilets I. II. III. IV. C/o Toilets: Rattan Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Nakkalu Ram, Omkar. C/o Toilets Hari Ram , Chet Ram, Shyam Lal, Bhagat Ram C/o Toilets Sanjay Kumar S/o Durga Ram Deoli. C/o Two toilets in G.P.S Ghagus. D. Vermi Compost(Coordinate with Agriculture/ Horticulture Department) I. II. III. IV. C/o Vermi Compost units Rattan Singh , Anant Ram, Sada Ram ,Rakesh Kumar, Omkar, Sanjay Kumar. C/o Vermi compost units: Rup Lal, Devi Ram, Kharku Ram, Nakkalu Ram , Pistu Ram, Sukhia Ram. C/o Vermi compost units: Durga Ram, Rup Lal, Piare Lal, Shyam Lal. C/o vermin compost unit: Budhi Ram, Raj Kumar, Babu Ram, Pinku Ram DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 24 E. Bldgs, Drains Boundary Wall, Playground, Culverts: I. II. III. C/o community building Ambara-sua C/o culverts over path near Birbal’s house –Two Numbers. C/o Drains near houses of Sada Ram, Rattan Singh, Anant Ram etc. 2. Education Department: I. II. III. C/o Additional rooms in G.P.S.Ghagus. C/o play ground in G.P.S Ghagus. C/o Boundary Ball and gate in G.P.S Ghagus drainage pipe. 3. I&PH Department I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. C/o Tank in Dugle S/c Basti under lift irrigation scheme in Roshan Lals land. C/o irrigation tank in S/cBasti Dugle(Co-ordinate with RDD) Providing taps to ten families in S/c Basti Ambara –Sua(Hariman , Lala Ram ect.) C/o irrigation kuhl G.P.S Deoli to Garja Ram’s house (Coordinate with RDD) C/o separate tank for drinking water near Makdog. Provision of drainage near houses of Sada Ram, Rattan Singh, Anant Ram(Coordinate with RDD) C/o tanks for households of Devi Ram, Kharku Ram, Budhi Ram, Sanjay, Deepak and Omkar. C/o tank and kuhal for irrigation scheme Maryali. Repair of hand pumps village Maryali. 4. HPPWD I. II. III. IV. Mettaling of road Deoli to Ambara –Sua. C/o roads Sarad to Dugle till house of Darga Ram, Dev Raj. C/o drains from Makdog to Ghagus on the road side. C/o Mettaled road N.H-103 to Alli-Khad via Ara Machine. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 25 5. Agriculture/Holiculture I. II. C/o vermin compost pits (Coordinate with R.D.D) C/o cattle trough for HH of Rattan Singh, Sada Ram, Omkar, Devi , Pistu Ram, Sukhia Ram etc.(Coordinate with A-H) 6. District Programme Officer(I.C.D.S) I. II. Opening of Angan Wari center in Ambara –Sua palangari C/o Anganwari building Deoli-1. 7. Dy. Director (Elementary Education) I. II. III. IV. V. Providing aqua guard in G.P.S.Ghagus. Providing desks in G.P.S Ghagus. Providing Green board in G.P.S.Ghagus. Providing swings and other play equipments in G.P.S Ghagus. Providing computers in G.P.S Ghagus. 8. HPSEB I. II. Improving three phase electric supply problem, Ambara Sua. Three phasing of single phase line of Makdog and Maryali. 9. HIMURJA I. II. Providing Solar street lights in Maryali. Providing Solar street lights in palangri dugle. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 26 WARD NO – 5 DEOLI 1. RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A) PUCCA PATH (RURAL CONNECTIVITY) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) C/o Pucca Path Seryali to Kanshi Ram House Deoli (Bakhail). C/o Pucca Path from Garja Ram House to Road upto Seryali. C/o Pucca Path from Seryali to Nikarni (Deoli) C/o Pucca Path from Seryali to Bhakhail GPS School. C/o Path N.H. 21 to GPS Bakhail upto the house of Jai Devi Bakhel. C/o Pucca Path N.H 21 to Guru ke Jhanda Bakhel, Deoli. C/o Drain near the house of Garja Ram, Ram Lal, Brij lal & Gurudwara House & Tank. C/o Pucca Path from Kanshi Ram House to Roshani, Prem Lal Land upto Bhakhail , Deoli. C/o Pucca Path N.H 103 to GSSS Ghagus-4. C/o Pucca Path from Rao Khadd to Goind. C/o Path alongwith the Kuhal of Daulat Ram S/o Jendu Ram. B) CONSTRUCTION OF TOILETS /SANITATION MEASURES i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) C/o Dustbins/pits for Solid Liquid Waste Management near the house of Sunka Raam S/o Bajeera Ram Deoli. C/o 2 unit toilets in SVM (Pvt.) School Deoli. C/o Public Bathroom in village Khadoli. C/o Toilet in Anganwari Bhawan Seryali. C/o Additional Toilet in GPS Bakhel Seryali. C/o Toilet Jai Devi w/o Tulsi Ram. C/o Seprate toilets for Boys, Girls & Staff in GSSS Ghagus. C) MISC. DEVELOPMENT WORKS i) ii) iii) iv) C/o Slab over the Bawri Khadoli. C/o Creat wire Danga Khadoli Vasti near Khadd from Bangali Ram house to Sanjay & Sukh Ram houses. Formation of NRLM SHGs. C/o Public meeting/seating space near Seryali Pensan. DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 27 v) C/o Protection wall Seryali Basti. D)IRRIGATION KUHALS & TANKS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Irrigation kuhal of Daulat Ram S/o Jendu Ram. C/o Tank in village Khadoli. C/o irrigation kuhal from the house of Jagdish towards Gharat upto Khadoli village Deoli. Completion of irrigation Kuhal from Nalla to Prem Lal etc. land Jabloo Bakhail. C/o Roof harvesting Tanks Deoli. C/o Tank to the houses of Bhagat Ram, Bansi Ram, Kanshi Ram Ranjeet etc. Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting Tank, Dhannu S/o Khajana Ram, chandu Ram, Vijay Kumar, Manij Kumar, Sada Ram & Prem Lal. 2. HIMURJA A) INSTALLATION OF SOLAR LIGHTS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Installation of Solar Light near the h/o Sunka Ram S/o Bajira Ram Deoli. Installation of 3 Solar Lights upto Rajeev Shop towards Khadol. Installation of Solar Light near the house of Sohan Lal & Sanjay Kumar. Installation of Solar Light in Bakhail SC Basti. Installation of Solar Light System in GSSS Ghagus. Installation of 8 Nos Solar Lights Krishan Lal, Vijay Ram, Sada Ram, Prem Lal, Chandu Ram, manoj Kumar & Chunni Lal etc. houses. Street Light System in GSSS Ghagus. 3. I & PH DEPARTMENT A) WATER SUPPLY & CONSTRUCTION OF TANKS/HAND PUMPS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Providing water supply connection to SVM (pvt.) School Deoli – To solve the water supply problem in Khadoli Basti. C/o Lift irrigation scheme Bakhail Basti & C/o Kuhals. C/o Separate Tank for water in SC Basti Bakhail. Water storage tank in Kahvi capaty Addl. Water Installation of Hand Pump village Deoli GSSS Ghagus. 4. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY A) CONSTRUCTION OF GO SADAN DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 28 i) C/o Go Sadan in village Seryali & to provide barbed wire for protection from Cattle. 5. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT A) EDUCATION FACILITIES i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) To open Computer Center in G.P Deoli. C/o Play Ground GPS Bakhail & arrangement of Swings in Play Ground. Basic facilities i.e. Desks to children’s, additional rooms, green boards, computers, boundary wall, gate & furniture to the GPS Bakhail. C/o Boundary wall & Gate in GSSS Ghagus. C/o Playground GSSS Ghagus, hockey ground, stage, badminton, basketball & handball courts. Smart class rooms, LCD internet facilities, oroad band, under ground cable, new wiring in the GSSS Ghagus. Providing facilities of all kind of labs in GSSS Ghagus. Providing facilities of all kind of Library in GSSS Ghagus. Providing facilities of Gymnasium & NCC in GSSS Ghagus. 6. AGRICUTURE DEPARTMENT A) CONSTRUCTION OF VERMI COMPOST UNITS i) ii) iii) C/o Vermi Compost unit in the house of Sanjay Kumar, Sukh Ram, Roop Lal, Bangali Ram, Sohan Lal, Nisha Devi & Premi Devi in village –Khadoli. C/o 5 No vermin Compost units in village Seryali. C/o Vermi Compost unit Kanta Devi w/o Mahender Kumar, Briz Lal, Lekh Ram, Nikka Ram, Jagat Ram, Ram Lal, Gurudwara Kanshi Ram & Ranjeet. 7. HPSEB A) ELECTRICITY CONNECTIONS i) ii) iii) iv) To convert electric line to 3-phase line in Deoli. To convert electric line near the h/o Daulat Ram S/o Jendu Ram. To convert electric line in Khadoli SC Basti & to convert the electric Poles. To increase the voltage by 3-phase line. 8. HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 29 A) PLANTATION i) Plantation (medicines) in the Land of Sh. Dhannu Ram S/o Khajana RamDeoli. 9. HPPWD A) CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS/LINK ROADS i) ii) iii) C/o Link Road from fishery farm Deoli to Road Khadoli. C/o Road with Nali N.H 21 to Brij Lal, Shibu Ram Land towards Nala bakhail – 1 Km. C/o Road from Deoli road to Roop Lal House, Deoli – 200 meters. 10. HEALTH DEPARTMENT A) CONSTRUCTION OF SUB CENTERS & AYURVEDIC CENTER. i) C/o Health Centre in Deoli & also construct Ayurvedic Dispensary in Deoli & to provide appropriate quantity of medicines 11. FOREST DEPARTMENT A) MONKEY MENACE i) Providing solutions for monkey menace in Deoli & Seryali. 12. SOCIAL JUSTICE & EMPOWERMENT DEPARTMENT A) PENSION FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED i) Sanction of 3 pension to Sh. Asholk Kumar S/o Sukh Ram, Hariman S/o Tulsi Ram, Stish Kumar S/o Sukh Ram, Nisha Devi w/o Sada Ram. (physically challenged) 13. ICDS DEPARTMENT B) CONSTRUCTION OF ANGANWADI BHAWAN i) ii) C/o Anganwadi Bhawan & Toilet to children’s. C/o Anganwari Bhawan, Bakhai DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (DRDA) BILASPUR H.P. PAGE 30
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