Updated June 24, 2015 2015 US Dressage Finals Eligibility Document Great American Insurance Group / United States Dressage Federation Region 6 Dressage Championships (licensed by United States Equestrian Federation, Inc.), Northwest Dressage Championships and Open Show September 24th-27th, 2015 DevonWood Equestrian Centre 25033 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood OR 97140. This is a Qualifying Competition for the 2015 US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan USEF/USDF Competition # 259455, Level 4 Show Officials JUDGES Sue Curry S CA Marilyn Heath S FL Loris Henry S CA Natalie Lamping S FL Joan Macartney S CAN Ida Norris S VT Paramjeet Chopra S WI TECHNICAL DELEGATES Joyce Hardesty R KS Kaye Phaneuf R OR Competition Management Dressage Northwest Show Manager Rose Newman 360-281-6550 Show Secretary Siobhan Barker 503-324-2907 Assistant Secretary Lothar Pinkers Veterinarian TBA On grounds during show, on call after hours For show information contact: Siobhan Barker Siobhan@haywardfarm.com 503 324 2907 Entries open: July 31stth 2015. Entries close August 31st 2015 Qualifying season: August 26th 2014 – August 31st 2015 Schedule of Fees Checks payable to Dressage Northwest Class Fees Open Classes Training through Third Level $ 45.00 Open Classes Fourth and FEI $ 50.00 NWDC Championship Classes Training through Third Level $ 55.00 NWDC Championship Classes Fourth and FEI Level $ 65.00 GAIG/USDF Championship Classes Training through Third Level $ 70.00 GAIG/USDF Championship Classes Fourth and FEI Level $ 80.00 USEF Jr/YR Dressage Seat Medal Semi Final Classes $ 45.00 GAIG/USDF Qualifying (2016) fee per class $ 10.00 Late entry, all classes all divisions Double Class Fee Facility Fees Stabling Upper Barn per day $ 55.00 Tack Stall Upper Barn Per day $ 55.00 Stabling Lower Barn E/F per day $ 45.00 Stabling Lower Barn per day $ 40.00 Lower Barn Tack Stall per day $ 35.00 Reserved Parking per show $ 120.00 Additional Bedding $ 10.00 Miscellaneous Fees USEF Drug & Admin Fee required per horse $ 16.00 USEF non-member Show Pass rider/owner/trainer/coach $ 30.00 USDF non-member rider/owner $ 25.00 USDF Horse ID number (horses not recorded with USDF) $ 25.00 Other Fees Office fee (non-refundable) $ 40.00 NSF check charge (non-refundable) $ 40.00 Entry change fee (non- refundable) $10.00 Document verification fee (incomplete entries, non-refundable) $ 40.00 Checks payable to: DRESSAGE NORTHWEST Payment MUST be included with entry. No entries accepted without payment. Mail Entries to: Siobhan Barker 53363 NW Hayward Rd Banks, OR 97106-8830 E-mail: siobhan@haywardfarm.com Phone: 503 324 2907. Entries must be postmarked by midnight August 31st 2015 Fax /email entries not accepted. 2 Class List THU 101 111 121 131 141 151 FRI 102 112 122 132 142 152 211 212 213 231 232 233 251 252 253 271 420 440 460 480 201 202 203 221 222 223 241 242 243 261 281 410 430 SAT SUN Class 103 USEF Training Level Test of Choice, specify test USEF First Level Test of Choice, specify test 123 USEF Second Level Test of Choice,* specify test USEF Third Level Test of Choice, specify test 143 USEF Fourth Level Test of Choice, specify test FEI Test of Choice, specify test 153 FEI Intermediate 1 or Grand Prix, specify test NWDC First Level Championship NWDC First Level Championship NWDC First Level Championship NWDC Third Level Championship NWDC Third Level Championship NWDC Third Level Championship NWDC Prix St Georges Championship NWDC Prix St Georges Championship NWDC Prix St Georges Championship NWDC Intermediate II Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle Second Level Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle Fourth Level Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle Intermediate l Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle Grand Prix Championship NWDC Training Level Championship NWDC Training Level Championship NWDC Training Level Championship NWDC Second Level Championship NWDC Second Level Championship NWDC Second Level Championship NWDC Fourth Level Championship NWDC Fourth Level Championship NWDC Fourth Level Championship NWDC Intermediate I Championship NWDC Grand Prix Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle First Level Championship NWDC Musical Freestyle Third Level Championship 311 GAIG/USDF First Level Championship 312 GAIG/USDF First Level Championship 313 GAIG/USDF First Level Championship 331 GAIG/USDF Third Level Championship 332 GAIG/USDF Third Level Championship 333 GAIG/USDF Third Level Championship 351 GAIG/USDF Prix St Georges Championship 352 GAIG/USDF Prix St Georges Championship 353 GAIG/USDF Prix St Georges Championship Divisions All All All All All All All Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR All All All All All Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR All All All All Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Qualifying Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 THU FRI SAT SUN 371 GAIG/USDF Intermediate II Championship 372 GAIG/USDF Intermediate II Championship 373 GAIG/USDF Intermediate II Championship 511 GAIG/USDF Musical Freestyle First Level Championship 521 GAIG/USDF Musical Freestyle Second Level Championship 531 GAIG/USDF Musical Freestyle Third Level Championship 541 GAIG/USDF Musical Freestyle Fourth Level Championship 561 GAIG/USDF Musical Freestyle Intermediate I Championship 581 GAIGUSDF Musical Freestyle Grand Prix Championship 603 GAIG/USDF FEI Junior Team Test Championship 604 GAIG/USDF FEI Young Team Test Championship 301 GAIG/USDF Training Level Championship 302 GAIG/USDF Training Level Championship 303 GAIG/USDF Training Level Championship 321 GAIG/USDF Second Level Championship 322 GAIG/USDF Second Level Championship 323 GAIG/USDF Second Level Championship 341 GAIG/USDF Fourth Level Championship 342 GAIG/USDF Fourth Level Championship 343 GAIG/USDF Fourth Level Championship 361 GAIG/USDF Intermediate I Championship 362 GAIG/USDF Intermediate I Championship 363 GAIG/USDF Intermediate I Championship 381 GAIG/USDF Grand Prix Championship 382 GAIG/USDF Grand Prix Championship 382 GAIG/USDF Grand Prix Championship 601 USDF Dressage Seat Medal, Semi Final 13 years & under 602 USDF Dressage Seat Medal, Semi Final 14 -18 years Open AA Jr/YR All All All All All All Jr YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Open AA Jr/YR Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Denotes Qualifying Class for 2016 GAIG/USDF Regional Championships. In test of choice classes you must ride the highest test of the level as a Qualifying ride. $10 qualifying fee must be paid before the beginning of the class and is non-refundable. *Class 123 will be the Dover Medal class. Open classes (101-153) may be split if entries warrant. There is no guarantee that an open class will be scheduled before the championship classes of that day. Open classes are filled in postmarked order. In order to accommodate all eligible championship rides, open classes maybe cancelled. This schedule is tentative. Championship classes may be scheduled, if necessary, on days different to those indicated above. *Whips may NOT be carried in any Championship class* *All championship classes must be ridden from memory (no caller).* 4 Entry information Entries Include required horse/rider/owner/trainer/coach documentation with entry. For NWDC championships proof of eligibility must be included with entry. Any entry received without required documentation will be considered incomplete and subject to the non-refundable Document Verification Fee. Entries will not be accepted without full payment of fees. (see page2) Confirmation of entry will be via e-mail. Management reserves the right to limit the number of horses a rider may enter in the same open class(es). Management reserves the right to cancel any classes due to hazardous weather, Acts of God, accident or emergency. Management reserves the right to refuse or require withdrawal of an entry for cause deemed sufficient by show management. Management reserves the right to combine, divide or cancel classes; substitute judges or make any other changes as deemed appropriate. Entries must be postmarked by midnight on closing date August 31st 2015 to guarantee entry to championship classes. Late entries for GAIG/USDF Championship accepted until postmark September 4th 2015 if space available. Entries postmarked after this date will not be considered. Late entries for NWDC and Open Classes accepted until postmark September 7th 2015 if space available. Entry changes requested, and granted by show secretary, after closing date are subject to $10.00 fee. Refunds Cancellation of entries shall be by written notification to the show secretary by mail, e-mail or fax. Fax 503 748 4730 Cancellations prior to closing date refunded in full, less office fee and document verification fee if applied. Refunds after closing date only with written veterinarian or doctor’s certificate. Cancellations after closing date and by noon September 18th 2015 will be reimbursed 50% of fees less office fee and document verification fee if applied. Refunds for cancellations after noon on September 18th 2015 at the discretion of show management. Refunds will be mailed to the rider after the final day of the show. There will be no refunds for any reason, including inclement weather or other acts of God, after noon on September 18th 2015 Refund checks expire 60 days after writing, e.g. must be cashed not later than November 30, 2015. Checks not cashed by that date are null and void, and all funds on those checks revert to Dressage Northwest. Qualifying fees are non-refundable and will be forwarded to USDF Ride Times Provisional Ride times will be e-mailed to riders and posted on www.foxvillage.com after Thursday September 17th. Final ride times will be posted in the show office by noon September 23rd 2015. 5 Facility General DevonWood EC is a non-smoking facility. No dogs or other non-equine pets are permitted on the grounds inside the main gates (except registered service animals). Food vendors onsite. Arenas All tests will be ridden in a standard court (20m x 60m). All arenas, including warm-up and lungeing area: either sand/geotek or hydro-active sand. Lungeing Lungeing permitted only in designated lungeing area adjacent to lower stabling area. No horses may not be turned loose in lungeing area. Stabling All horses entered in Regional Championships and Northwest Dressage Championships must remain on the competition grounds from the time of entry to the grounds until the end of all their championship classes. If required to remain overnight, horses must be stabled on the competition grounds. All horses must have a stall. No haul-in permitted. Horses are not permitted in lower (grass) parking area. Stalls with full doors, either Chinook stalls or permanent : Upper Barn 12’ X 12’ Lower Barn rows E/F 12’ X 10’ All others 10’ X 10’ Tack stalls limited. Please enclose separate check with entry. Bedding not included Bedding consists of wood shavings and must be purchased from DevonWood. Indicate on entry form number of bales required. $10 per bale. No outside bedding is permitted at DevonWood. Additional bedding will be available for purchase at the show. No nails or screws to be affixed in stables or tack stalls. Competitors will be charged for all damage to stalls. Stall group. Please provide either the barn name or the name of one person for the whole group that wishes to be stabled together. Stalls available after noon Tuesday September 22nd 2105 and must be vacated by 9pm Sunday September 27th 2015 unless prior arrangements have been made with show management. Barn aisles must be kept clear. No tents or canopies in aisles permitted. Parking Parking permitted in designated areas only. Parking around the lower barn is by reservation only. Permit must be displayed. Trailer/RV and tow vehicle must fit within allocated space. No vehicles allowed in Fire Lane. “Trailer lane” around lower barn is for loading and unloading only. All electrical leads/cables must be disconnected from the outlet by 7am until 1 hour after the last ride of the day. No generators permitted. Sharps Containers Provided in lower and upper stabling areas. 6 Nightwatch A nightwatch will be provided by show management. Please ensure contact information is posted on your stall. Directions to DevonWood Equestrian Centre. 25033 SW Pacific Hwy, Sherwood OR 97140 I-5 Exit 289 (Tualatin/Sherwood). West on Nyberg Rd, becomes Tualatin/Sherwood Hwy, after approx. 5miles South on Hwy 99W. After 3 miles DevonWood EC will be on your right. Where to Stay There are numerous hotels and B&Bs in the area of Sherwood/Newberg/King City/Tualatin. Awards Open classes. Award to first place, ribbons 1st through 6th place. There is no award ceremony for open classes. NWDC Championship classes There will be Special Awards for Champion and Reserve Champion. In addition, Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded for first, second and third places. Riders placing in NWDC Championship classes should wear their medals at all times during the show (except while riding). Ribbons will be awarded for first through eighth place. Great American Insurance Group/USDF Region 6 Dressage Championships: Champions in each region and division will receive $306 in prize money and an embroidered jacket and gift certificate provided by SmartPak, official supplement feeding system of USDF, and an engraved silver tray. Reserve champions in each region and division will receive $204 in prize money, along with a saddle pad provided by the Great American Insurance Group, title sponsor of the championships Horse neck ribbons for Champion and Reserve Champion and ribbons through 8th place from USDF. Please note that Awards Ceremonies for the GAIG/USDF Region 6 Dressage Championships will take place as posted at the show office. Awards Ceremony A tentative schedule for the Awards Ceremonies will be printed in the “Show Program” and the official schedule will be posted in the show secretary’s office by noon on the day prior to the beginning of the competition. Riders placing in Great American /USDF Regional Championship classes must be present, mounted and in full riding attire, for awards ceremonies (eight places for all Championship classes). Failure without prior permission of the competition manager, in consultation with the Technical Delegate, Awards Coordinator and USDF Representative, to be present and properly attired will eliminate the official score and placing and the next highest score will move up in placing. In the case of inclement weather, unmounted ceremonies may be held. NWDC Awards Ceremony The schedule for NWDC awards ceremonies will be posted in the show office. The rules for NWDC awards ceremonies shall be those of GAIG/USDF Regional Championships. 7 Breed Awards Charlotte Johnson Perpetual Morgan Trophy. Awarded to the High Point Morgan of the show. In order to compete for this award you MUST include a copy of your Morgan Registration papers with your entry. Sylvan Trophy Awarded to the Hanoverian or Oldenburg bred and born in Region 6 and shown at First- Fourth level earning the highest percentage. In order to compete for this award please include a copy of your registration papers showing place of birth with your entry. Thoroughbred High Point Award (sponsored by Siobhan Barker) Awarded to the Thoroughbred earning the highest percentage at Training through Grand Prix Level in the GAIG/USDF Region 6 Championship. Freestyles not to count. To be eligible for this award a copy of registration papers (Jockey Club, Thoroughbred Exhibitors Association, etc ) must be presented to the show secretary prior to the start of the GAIG/USDF Region 6 Championship classes. Additional Breed or High Point awards maybe added. See www.dressagenorthwest.org Other Awards Northwest Cup "The Northwest Cup is awarded to the rider and horse combination with the highest weighed average of their scores for their Northwest Championship Freestyle ride, and their Northwest Championship ride of the same level. There is a Cup for the FEI levels and one for levels 1-4. 8 9 10 11 2015 NORTHWEST DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Riders from the US Northwest and Canada are invited to participate in the Northwest Dressage Championships, to be held in conjunction with the Great American/USDF Region 6 Dressage Championships. The goal of the championships is to create a supportive environment that showcases dressage horses and riders from the area, and acknowledge their achievements. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS. The qualifying period shall be that of GAIG/USDF Region 6 Championship. To qualify for the NWDC each horse/rider combination must earn a total of: three qualifying scores from any test of the level; at three different USEF/USDF recognized competitions in USDF Region 6; from three different judges, at the minimum scores listed below. USEF tests must be used for Training through Fourth level. All FEI tests are eligible. The highest test of the level will be ridden at the championship competition. No qualifying fee is required at the time of qualifying. Evidence of eligibility must be included with entry: either the face page of the tests showing % and judge signature OR USDF scorecheck print out (other online score checks will not be accepted as proof of eligibility). Northwest Dressage Championships 2015 Minimum Qualifying Scores. Level Open Adult Amateur Jr/YR Training 62% 60% 60% First 60% 58% 58% Second 58% 56% 56% Third 56% 56% 56% Fourth 56% 56% 56% Prix St Georges 56% 56% 56% Intermediate I 56% 56% 56% Intermediate II 56% 56% 56% Grand Prix 56% 56% 56% Northwest Dressage Musical Freestyle Championships qualifying requirements. Two qualifying scores from two different judges at two different shows in USDF region 6. Minimum Musical Freestyle Qualifying score for all levels and all divisions 60%. Based on the number of entrants Freestyle championship classes maybe offered at First through Grand Prix level. Horse/Rider Qualification Requirements. Horses must have a minimum of a USDF Horse Identification number (HID) Rider/owner need not be USDF, USEF or EC members. Non-member fees will apply. Riders must have proof of amateur status as per USEF GR 1307 or compete in the open division. Only one rider per horse is permitted, however, a rider may qualify as many horses as they wish. In championship classes tests must be ridden from memory (no caller). Whips are not permitted in the championship classes. Questions? More information? admin@dressagenorthwest.org 12 NWDC Championship Rules The gate will not be closed for Northwest Dressage Championship classes or Open classes. At no time during a NWDC Championship competition, from time of entry on the show grounds, may any horse entered in that championship competition be ridden by anyone other than the rider entered in the championship competition on that horse (exception: grooms riding on loose rein). Any horse entered in a championship competition, even entered at two levels, must be ridden by the same rider throughout the entire competition. This applies even after a horse has completed its championship classes. Hors de Concours entries are not permitted in NWDC championship classes Cross-entering open/adult amateur divisions is not permitted at the same or at adjacent levels except at a level that does not offer an adult amateur division. All championship tests must be ridden from memory. Whips may not be carried in NWDC Championship classes In a NWDC championship class, the horse/rider combination must obtain the necessary minimum percentage score to be named champion or reserve champion. If the highest placed horse/rider combination receives less than the minimum percentage, there will be no awards issued. However, an awards ceremony will be held and a first and/or second place ribbon will be awarded. NWDC championships classes will not be split. NWDC Championship classes at consecutive levels may be held on the same day. Horses must have a minimum of a USDF Horse Identification number (HID) Rider/owner need not be USDF, USEF or EC members. Non-member fees will apply. Riders must have proof of amateur status as per USEF GR 1307 or compete in the open division. Only one rider per horse is permitted, however, a rider may qualify as many horses as they wish. The rules for NWDC awards ceremonies shall be those of GAIG/USDF Regional Championships. 13 ATTENTION COMPETITORS Each competitor is responsible for supplying management with correct applicable numbers (USDF and USEF) for horse, owner, rider, and trainer, before the day(s) of the competition. The scores of competitors who fail to supply correct numbers may not be counted toward national awards. EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDEGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. Membership Statement Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. 14 15 USDF Membership Benefits: USDF is dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For details on member benefits, including educational programs, awards, and other opportunities, refer to the USDF Member Guide or the USDF website at www.usdf.org. This competition is recognized by USDF for 2015 Membership Requirements for USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized Competitions: Owners and riders, including foreign riders and owners who are not residents of the US, wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition as a rider or owner/lessee, must have either a USDF Group Membership, Participating Membership (PM), or have a USDF Non-Member (NM) identification number and pay the USDF NM fee. (Note: USDF business members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with their USDF BM.) Individuals cannot compete at a USEFlicensed/USDF-recognized competition with a USDF Education Membership. Horses competing at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions must have either a USDF Horse Identification (HID) number or a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR). Proper credentials or verification certificates must be presented to the competition secretary. Riders and owners wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition, and not able to present the competition secretary with verification of a USDF membership or NM identification, and USDF LHR or USDF HID, must complete a USDF Competition Affidavit Form and pay the $5 affidavit filing fee. A copy of a completed affidavit form from another competition may also be used for verification purposes for up to 60 days. (Exception: Affidavits cannot be used at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships.) Exceptions: • Horses competing only in Individual Breed Classes (IBCs) at DSHB competitions, sires and dams of horses in DSHB group classes, where those sires or dams are not actually competing in the same competition, horses competing only in breed restricted dressage or DSHB classes at Regular Competitions (e.g. all Arabian, all Friesian, or all Morgan classes), or in USDF Introductory Level tests, pas de deux, quadrille, FEI Para-Equestrian classes, are exempt from this requirement. Also exempt are horses ridden in leadline, exhibitions, games and races, classes for 4-H members, walk-trot, academy and opportunity classes. • Riders and owners/lessees competing only in classes which are exempt from the USDF HID requirements are also exempt from the USDF NM identification number and NM fee requirements. Also exempt are handlers of horses competing in DSHB In-Hand or Group classes. Memberships Defined Participating Membership (PM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. The membership year is December 1 through November 30. PMs are available for 1-year ($75), 5-years ($300), or life ($1,500). A USDF Youth Participating Membership (YPM) is available for individuals who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 1 of the current membership year ($60). A PM allows the member to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions and to participate as a rider and/or owner/lessee for all Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards, Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals and the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship program. Group Membership (GM): A membership issued to an individual by USDF when the member name and dues are submitted to USDF through an affiliate Group Member Organization (GMO). The GM year begins December 1 and ends November 30. A GM allows the member to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions and participate in the USDF Rider Awards program. Business Membership (BM): A membership that runs December 1 through November 30 and is issued to a business or organization directly by USDF. The USDF BM ($200) offers a wider variety of advertising benefits. BMs satisfy requirements of horse ownership only. Education Membership (EM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. This online education only membership expires 12 months after the date joined. This membership type does NOT allow an individual to compete at a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition. Non-Member (NM) Identification Number: For each USDF NM owner/lessee and USDF NM rider there will be a USDF NM fee of $25 per competition that must be collected by the show secretary and submitted to USDF, along with the USDF Report of Fees document and the $5 affidavit fee and Competition Affidavit Form if the person cannot provide a copy of their USDF NM card. Owners/lessees or riders exempt from the NM number requirements are also exempt from paying the USDF NM fee. If there are multiple owners of a horse and all are NMs, only one of the owners must pay the NM fee. If the horse has at least one owner who is a current USDF PM, GM, or BM there is no NM fee assessed. Competition management will be invoiced for all applicable USDF NM fees not received with the USDF post competition paperwork, along with a report listing all USDF NMs. Competition management is then required to submit the NM fees within 30 days to the USDF. An individual with a USDF NM identification number is not eligible for any USDF membership benefits. Once a USDF NM number has been assigned, a USDF NM card can be obtained from the USDF website. Horse Identification (HID) Number: A one-time tracking number for horses ($25). Scores earned by a horse with an HID number will be recorded, but will NOT be counted towards Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards. A horse with an HID number is not eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying or championship classes or Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals. An HID number can be upgraded to a Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) for a fee of $70. If a horse has a USDF LHR it does not need an HID number. An HID number is a one-time fee that does not need to be renewed. Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR): A horse with an LHR ($95) is eligible for Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards, and eligible to compete at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals and Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying and championship classes, assuming requirements for the owner and rider are met. If a horse has an LHR it does not need an HID number. An LHR does not need to be renewed. How to Join USDF Applications for USDF Participating Membership (PM), Business Membership (BM), Horse Identification (HID) number, and Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) may be found in the following locations: • On the USDF website: www.usdf.org. You can submit the application online or download the form and fax or mail it to the USDF office. • In the show office at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions classified by USEF as Dressage Competitions, and Regular Competitions which are open to all breeds. • By calling or writing the USDF office at (859) 971-2277, 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 The effective date of membership is the date the form and correct fees are received in the USDF office or, if applying at a competition, the date accepted by the competition secretary, provided the application is signed and dated by the competition secretary, member, and/or horse owner on that same day. 07/14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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