From: To: Bcc: Subject: Date: Importance: Drexel GSA "grad list" "Nicholas Thompson"; "Sundar Ram Swaminathan"; "Julia Richmond"; "Yi-Hsuan Lin"; "Nicholas Grodsky"; Golis,Sandra; Kwok,Tsz; Marciano,Natalie; Lim,Teck-Kah; Gordon,Maggie; Ruth,David; "Jessica Lista"; Villanueva,Lauren; Mora,Gabby; Cardamone,Amber; Murray,Kevin; McAuliffe,Christine Graduate Student News & Announcements Spring 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:22:00 PM High Happy Spring Break! Check out the following news and announcements for graduate students. There is a lot going on this spring! Don’t miss these great opportunities for involvement. First, please note the following academic deadlines for winter and spring term graduates from the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS): Winter 2015 Graduates: · Deadline to submit the Graduate Program Completion Form – Friday, April 3, 2015 Spring 2015 Graduates: · Deadline to apply for degree in Drexel One – Monday, April 27, 2015 · PhD/Doctoral Degree Candidates: Deadline to submit the D5 Form-Report of Final Oral Defense to appear in Commencement materials – Friday, May 29, 2015 by 5:00 p.m. · Deadline to submit the Application to Participate in Commencement Activities for walkthrough students who have not yet completed all degree requirements, see link for details – Monday, June 8, 2015 by 12 noon* *Please note that walkthrough students will not appear in Commencement materials until the following year and are not eligible for Commencement Awards, however names will be announced at Commencement. · Deadline to submit the Graduate Program Completion Form – Friday, June 26, 2015 For more about Teaching, Research, and Commencement Awards, visit the OGS website. For more information about Commencement 2015, visit the Commencement website. Graduate Student News & Announcements: 1. Call for PhD Student Participation: Drexel’s 3rd Annual Showcase of Teaching Hosted by Drexel’s Center for Academic Success (DCAE) Monday, May 11, 2015 The deadline has been extended: Proposals are due by Thursday, March 26, 2015 The DCAE presents the third installment of this university-wide event, which will feature poster sessions highlighting how Drexel professors and PhD students across all disciplines are shaping their students learning in the classroom. Additionally, the event will feature a keynote address by Tom Angelo, PhD from Queens University of Charlotte. Complete a proposal application here. See the 2014 Winners here. Questions? Contact DCAE at or call 215.895.4973 2. Books & Bagels: Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research THIS Friday, March 27, 2015 12-1pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA See link for featured student speakers Lunch will be provided Can’t make it? Tune in live at 12pm on 3/27: Nominate yourself or someone else to speak at an upcoming Books & Bagels: Questions? Contact OGS at or call 215.895.0366 3. Drexel IGSA Presents: Persian New Year Celebration (Nowruz 1394) THIS Friday, March 27, 2015 7:30-11:30pm Great Court, Main Building, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Pre-registration is open NOW through this Thursday, March 26 at 4pm, admission will be available for $5 more at the door Graduate students $5 for dinner, DJ entertainment, and dancing Guests are welcome, see registration information Questions? Contact or call 215.895.0366 4. Join Team GSA in HeartChase! Saturday, April 18, 2015, Check-In & Expo 8:30am Gorgas Park, Roxborough, PA Sign up with Team GSA here! Event Flyer Smart-phone based, fundraising* game where teams complete in heart-healthy challenges to score points and compete for the win! Personally raise or donate $100 and receive an event T-shirt! Join Team GSA today! For more information, visit the GSA website or contact Julie Richmond at *In addition to participating, cash donations are currently being accepted in the Office of Graduate Studies, Randell Hall, Room 240, Main Building, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. 5. Drexel GSA Presents: Philadelphia Flyers vs. Ottawa Senators Saturday, April 11, 2015 12:30pm Wells Fargo Center, 3601 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA Tickets are one sale NOW through Friday, April 10 or until sellout Currently enrolled graduate students $20, Guest $30 (1 per graduate student ID) Pick up or purchase tickets (cash only, exact change required) in the Office of Graduate Studies, Randell Hall, Room 240, Main Building (3141 Chestnut Street) during regular office hours (8am-5pm, M-F) Questions? Contact or call 215.895.0366 6. Spring Term Welcome Back Week Sunday, March 29, 2015 – Saturday, April 4, 2015 Various campus events and activities during the first week of the spring term 7. Library Research & Resources Workshop hosted by Library Liaison, Jay Bhatt Wednesday, April 1, 2015 12-4pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Questions? Contact Jay Bhatt at 8. Science, Technology & Society (STS) Works in Progress Speaker Series Wednesday, April 1, 2015 12-1pm Hagerty Library, Room L-33, 3300 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA Each Works in Progress Series focuses on two students or professors and the research they are currently undertaking. For the upcoming event, two faculty members will present on current research. Questions? Contact 9. Drexel Black Graduate Student Union (DBGSU) General Body Meeting & Social Friday, April 3, 2015 5:30-9pm Papadakis Integrated Science Building (PISB), Room 103 Meeting followed by a social outing nearby. Please join us to discuss upcoming spring term events including the very anticipated “The Fry” BBQ & Social Event coming up on Saturday, April 11, 2015! Save the date! 10. Biology Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Welcome Back Week Breakfast Tuesday, April 7, 2015 8:30-10:30am Papadakis Integrated Science Building (PISB), Room 103 Meet with your Biology colleagues and discuss science over a good meal. 11. IGSA Movie Night @ Rave: Fast & Furious 7 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7-9pm Rave Cimenmas, 4012 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Tickets only $2! Contact for details 12. Drexel Women in Science and Engineering (DGWISE) Presents: Women’s History Month Quizzo Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4-6pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Sign up HERE! Register with friends or classmates. Teams of 1-5 permitted. For any questions, please email us at 13. Looking for Jobs or Internships? Join the InternU Discussion at Drexel Tuesday, April 7, 2015 12-1:30pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Intern U is helping students and recent graduates in the Philadelphia area launch their career through apprenticeships and entry level opportunities. Come and learn about finding jobs, building your brand, improving skills, etc. Bring a copy of your resume of CV! Questions? Contact the GSA at or visit 14. Volunteer Opportunity: Shot@Life during National Public Health Week Monday, April 6, 2015 – Sunday, April 12, 2015 The United Nations Foundation will host a fundraiser for the Shot@Life program during National Public Health Week April 6-12, 2015. The Shot@Life program funds the provision of life saving vaccines to children in developing nations. They are looking for more volunteers to help organize this program. Volunteers are needed in planning, designing, recruiting and research. Interest in volunteering? Contact 15. “Broader Connections” Day of National Public Health Week Thursday April 9, 2015 4:30-9pm New College Building, 245 N 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA The School of Public Health’s Student Government Organization (SPH SGO) will be holding an Interprofessional Health Simulation followed by a networking reception with refreshments. For the simulation, you will be in a group with students from various disciplines and colleges. There will be three scenarios, both clinical and non-clinical, which your group will work through together. Here is the video from the first simulation this past fall at the College of Medicine on Queen Lane RSVP here! Space is limited. An RSVP guarantees your spot at the event. Questions? Contact Alex Krengel ( and/or Evan Gooberman ( of the SPH SGO. 16. Sleeping with the Dinosaurs!: An Exclusive Drexel Overnight at the Academy of Natural Sciences Friday, April 10, 2015 - Saturday, April 11, 2015 Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA Grab your blanket and pillow, put on your sweats and head to the Academy of Natural Sciences for the first-ever Drexel Sleepover! Nervous about sleeping under the T. rex? Then, start the evening with a beverage and a bite at the Science Live Bar! Take behind-the-scenes tours before dinner and get up close and personal with some of the 18 million specimens at the Academy including lizards, scorpions and skunks! Instead of ghost tales, hear true stories of creepy collections and see some real skeletons in the closet. Watch a sci-fi flick at midnight, play games and sleep in Dinosaur Hall. You'll wake up to a deluxe breakfast buffet and a full-day admission pass to the museum...if you can stay awake! If you have any questions, please call the Office of Alumni Relations at 1.888.DU.GRADS or email 17. Fellowships Office “I Am Fulbright” Panel and Info Session* Thursday, April 16, 2015 12-2pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA *Must Register by April 9, 2015 Questions? Contact Cynthia Oka at 215.571.4652 or email 18. Volunteer Opportunity: Feed My Starving Children Friday, April 17, 2015 - Saturday, April 18, 2015 First Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield, 20 Kings Highway East , Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Volunteer for Feed My Starving Children, an organization helping hungry children around the world. Volunteers will arrive on site to help pack nutritious meals for hungry children around the world. packing site is very close to the PATCO Haddonfield station. The time commitment is only a few hours, plus it is a lot of fun! GSA encourages our graduate students to get involved and help fulfill Drexel’s mission of civic engagement! 19. Save the Date: GSA Graduate Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Staff Networking Event & Graduate Student Lounge Fundraiser Saturday, May 2, 2015 3-5pm Graduate Student Lounge, Main 010A, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA The event will include light refreshments and will kick-off fundraising for the Phase II project to renovate the Graduate Student Lounge in the Basement of Main Building which is open to ALL currently enrolled graduate students via DragonCard. Questions? Contact the GSA at 20. 2016-2017 Core Fulbright US Scholar Program Competition is Now Open! Application Deadline: Monday, August 3, 2015 The Fulbright US Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2016-2017 academic year. For eligibility requirements and other program information, please visit the website. Questions? Contact the Fellowships Office at or call 215.895.0347. 21. Membership Opportunity for Graduate Student Females in STEM Fields Drexel University is now an institutional partner of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS). AWIS is the largest multi-disciplinary organization for women in STEM dedicated to achieving equity and full participation of women in all disciplines and across all employment sectors. AWIS reaches more than 20,000 professionals in STEM around the country. Drexel University supports and promotes diversity in STEM by providing faculty and graduate students with professional development and leadership training with information tailored to help you succeed. As a result of Drexel’s partnership with AWIS, all interested undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a STEM program are eligible to receive a one year FREE access to AWIS benefits. All you need to do is sign up here! and join the AWIS community (using your university email). 22. Graduate Student Data Information Needs Finding and interpreting research data is a crucial part of conducting effective research in academic environment. The Drexel Library would like to meet with graduate students and have an engaging conversation to develop insights into students’ data information needs to determine how libraries can assist. Contact these Drexel Library Liaisons for help with your research and data today! 23. Looking for Jobs In Academia? The Drexel Libraries maintains a site license to the Chronicle Of Higher Education for the Drexel community. The Chronicle’s job/career group has just issued a Guidebook on conducting an academic job search which might be useful for graduate students who are considering an academic career. Please follow the link to fill out the form and download the guidebook. Want to see your event or announcement here? Submit to the GSA at! Enjoy the rest of your break! -Graduate Student Association (GSA) Executive Board 2014 - 2015 President: Nicholas Thompson, School of Public Health | Vice President of Academic Affairs: Sundar Ram, Electrical Engineering | Vice President of Student Life: Julia Richmond, Culture and Communications | Secretary: Nicholas Grodsky, Culture and Communications | Treasurer: Yi-Hsuan (Cindy) Lin, Physics | Please be advised that e-mail announcements are the primary method of communication between GSA and graduate students. Additionally, you are receiving this newsletter because you are enrolled in a quarter graduate program at Drexel University. If for any reason you would like to unsubscribe from this listserv and all materials sent through it, please send an email to with text "signoff GRADS" or reply with your request and someone will assist you.
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