BIOLOGY 1 SYLLABUS RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY COLLEGE CAMPUS SPRING 2015 Biology1 Dr. Ali Issa OFFICE: -MATH&SCIENCE 140 OFFICE TELEPHONE: (951) 222-8224 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday3:30pm – 6pm Thursdays 3:30pm -5:30pm Wednesday 5pm -5:30pm E-MAIL: WEBSITE: Ali COURSE DESCRIPTION: The entire course revolves around all living things. All living things are made out of a cell or many cells. Lab Manual by Hayden HM McNeil Textbook: Biology: Concepts and connections, 7th Edition; Campbell, Reece, Taylor, Simon, Dickey. COURSE CONTENT: There will be 3 tests (multiple choice)based on lectures 100 points each, two lab test 50 points each. A total of four hundred points is what you will earn. There is a lab component that goes with this class. The lecture portion of the class is worth 70% of your grade. The laboratory portion of the class is worth 30% of your grade. You must bring your RCC student ID at all times. No makeup tests under any circumstances. You need a scantron and a pencil. Chapter1 Chapter 3 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Test 1 The scientific study of life The molecules of cells Harvesting chemical energy Photosynthesis Week1 ---------Week 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Chapter 16 Chapter 9 Test 2 The working cell Tour of the cell Prokaryotes and Protists Patterns of inheritance Chapter 17 Chapter 8 Chapter 34 Chapter 16 Test3-- Final Plants and Fungi Reproduction Ecology Evolution of biological diversity Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6 Lab 7 Scientific method Lab 8 Lab Exam 1 Lab 9 Lab 10 Lab 11 Lab 12 Lab 13 Dna Extraction Review Lab Exam2 Week 6-----------week 10 Week 11---------- Week15 Metric system Biological molecules Molecular movement Photosynthesis &Respiration Mitosis Genetics Evolution Protists, Bacteria& Fungi Plantae Animalia Ecology COURSE GRADING SYSTEM (All tests are multiple choice) 3TESTS EACH 100POINTS 2 LAB TESTS EACH 50 POINTS A TOTAL 400 POINTS IS THE RESULT OF YOUR GRADE GRADE A B C D F TOTAL POINTS 360----------400 320--------359 280----------319 240----------279 0-------------239 USING YOUR NOTES PERCENTAGE 90 80 70 60 59 FOR THE TEST (OPTIONAL) Visiting and writing a typed page of your experiences Botanical Gardens, Science Museums Animal shelters Cats and dogs Due Fourth Week of semester. EXTRA CREDIT: OPTIONAL 45 POINTS: INDIVIDUAL POWER PPOINT PROJECTS PRESENTATIONS -OPTIONAL RCC POLICIES AND ACADEMIC HONESTY. You adhere to Riverside Community College policies on academic honesty. We must all value academic integrity. Professor and students must join to create an enjoyable academic environment. We must treat each other with respect the comfort and the safety of each individual is very important. We must refrain from any conduct or behavior that would disrupt the learning environment. Spirit of cooperation always works and I encourage you to do that. All students are required to follow the rules and regulations of the College. If you are caught cheating you will be dropped. Copying other people’s work is considered PLAGIARISM. If you engage in such behaviors in exams, papers and any other academic work, you will receive a failing grade. If such behaviors continue, the student may face further institutional disciplinary action. I reserve the right to dismiss any student from class who engages in a behavior that is detrimental to the learning environment. Any student who has particular questions about academic honesty policy and how it is enforced should consult the 2009-10 Student Handbook, pp. 49-59. Please consider these issues seriously. EXAMS: Do not miss your exams there will be no make-up exams under any circumstances. Check my posted office hours if you need to see me in person. Maintain academic honesty at all times. ATTEDANCE This is a face to face class so you are obligated to attend class. If you arrive late to class or from break or disrespect any other students or the professor, YOU WILL BE DROPPED. I will have an attendance sheet that you will sign. If you do not sign the attendance sheet it means you were not in class that day. If you miss ANY class you will be DROPPED. It is your responsibility to drop the class not the Professor. Cell phones and Texting are distractions and disruptive to the learning environment. Turn them off. If you are found using your cell phone or texting, you will be DROPPED from class. Such behaviors are not TOLERATED. NO FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, OR ANY OTHER DIGITAL COMMUNCATION Per the student handbook, use of any electronic recording or any other communication device in the classroom, without the permission of the instructor, is a violation of the standards of student conduct. Eating, drinking, and smoking are NOT ALLOWED in the classroom. Children and pets, unless they are Service Animals, are NOT ALLOWED in the classroom. Important Note: If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, I urge you to contact the staff in Disabled Students program and Services, in AD 121, or call (951) 222-8060. DSP&S will review your needs and will assist you. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. List the steps of the scientific method, and understand the process of science. 2. Recognize the components and organization of the cell, how cells and multicellular organisms acquire and utilize energy. 3. Comprehend and describe the steps involved in cellular reproduction. 4. Compare and contrast individual organisms, and population dynamics which include heritability, adaptation, and evolutionary principles. 5. Explain the ecosystems, and the dynamics of the biosphere. 6. Relate biological principles to their lives, and interpret their place in the environment
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