Valencia College Course Syllabus ECO 2013 Principles of Economics-Macro Summer 2015 May 11 – Aug 4th (Full Term) CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Instructor: Dr. Jim Chase Telephone: (407) 542-1126 (home phone) Email: or Office Hours: Before or after class or by appointment. Time: Friday 11:30 – 2:50 Place: East Campus Building 8 Room 114 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS-MACRO--Course Description: Emphasis on study of macroeconomics: national income accounting, consumption, saving and investment, government spending in economic activity, influence of government money and banking, problems of inflation and unemployment, international trade and its impact on domestic economic activity. For prospective economics majors and students with interests in specialized business curricula, completion of full Principles of Economics sequence (ECO 2013 and ECO 2023) is highly recommended. TEXTBOOK: Macroeconomics, 5th Edition. R. Glenn Hubbard, Columbia University Anthony Patrick O'Brien, Lehigh University. ISBN-10: 0133455491 • ISBN-13: 9780133455496. ©2015 • Prentice Hall • 728 pp Published 12/28/2013 Supplemental Materials: Dr. Chase maintains a web site where all course materials are in PDF format. Students can view and download all course materials. Go to this web site MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES: Course Objectives: To emphasize the study of macroeconomics, issues such as national accounting, supply and demand, consumption, savings, investment, government spending and the major issues of money and monetary policy will be discussed in depth. COMPETENCIES: This course reinforces the following competencies: Valencia College Student Competencies: 1. Think critically; make reasoned choices by acquiring, analyzing, & evaluating knowledge. 2. Read, listen, write, and speak effectively. 3. Understand and use quantitative information. 4. Clarify personal strengths, values and goals in relation to cultural values. 5. Recognize the value of physical and mental health. CLAST Competencies a) Reading Skills b) Essay Skills c) English Language Skills d) Logical Reasoning Skills Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 1 ATTENDANCE, CLASS PARTICIPATION, CELL PHONES ABSENCES: Attendance is critical to learning and understanding. Four or more total absences will lead to an automatic withdrawal from the class. If for any reason you cannot attend class, notify the instructor beforehand or as soon as possible. Failure to do so will lead to zero points being recorded. TIMELINESS, TARDINESS, STAY FULL PERIOD: Be on time for class. If you arrive late you miss vital information which can affect your performance in the course. Stay for the Complete Session: Leaving the class early or disappearing after the break is unwise. Not only do you fail to benefit from the entire lesson, points may be subtracted from your grade for failure to attend the entire session. CLASS PARTICIPATION--PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS: No one is fooled except yourself if you do non-class related activities in class. Ask questions if you don’t understand a concept. Students who actively participate do the best in the course. CELL PHONE POLICY—in class and during testing: Students are required to turn off all cell phones and pagers before the beginning of class and when in the Testing Center. If a cell phone or pager vibrates or is audible, the student may be asked to turn it off or leave for the remainder of the class. If there is an emergency situation warranting the use of a cell phone or pager during class time, the student must notify the professor in writing prior to the beginning of class. During testing, both in class and at the testing center, if a cell phone or pager vibrates or is audible, the student’s test, or exam will be collected and the student will be asked to leave without an option for completion. WITHDRAWAL POLICY: For a complete explanation of the college’s withdrawal policy, please go to: WITHDRAWAL & NO SHOW DATES Summer 2015 Full Term Courses Please check the college calendar for “No Show” dates and Add/Drop/Refund and Withdrawal dates. COLLEGE CLOSED ON THESE DAYS (Credit Classes Do Not Meet) th Dates Memorial Day, May 25 MONDAY ONLY YOUR CLASS MEETS ON TIME ON FRIDAY rd th Independence Day, July 3 through July 5 —the entire weekend NO CLASSES THIS WEEKEND EVALUATION, GRADES, EXAMS, MAKEUPS AND HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS EXAMS: There are three exams in the course, two interim and one final. The exams cover, on average, three to six chapters and will consist of multiple-choice and true/false questions. The week prior to an exam, a review of the material will be covered in class. To do well on the exam, attend this review. MAKE-UP POLICY for Interim Tests – DOES NOT APPLY TO THE FINAL: If illness, jury duty, or other emergency prevents your taking any of the interim exams on the scheduled test date, a copy of each test will be in the testing area of the library for five (5) calendar days after the testing date in the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they take the test during the required time. Failure to do so may seriously impact your grade. Tests are arranged by instructor's last names, so know your instructor's last name before you arrive. IMPORTANT: You must arrive for testing NO LATER than one hour prior to the time the Testing Center closes based on the official Testing Center clock. If you arrive later than one hour before closing, you will not be allowed to take the exam that day. Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 2 VALENCIA ID CARDS (VID) Valid ID cards are required for the Library, Testing Center, and IMC usage, preferably a Valencia ID (VID). The testing center is allowing some alternative IDs such as valid Driver’s License. Please check policy at testing center for changes. If you do not have a VID one can be obtained in the Student Development Office, Building 5, Room 212. Exam Policy for FINAL EXAM: YOU MUST BE PRESENT FOR THE FINAL EXAM. The school closes shortly thereafter and grades close. There is no time for make-up. DO NOT MISS THE FINAL EXAM. The exam is mandatory. Missing the final = 0 for the exam. Your grade will be calculated on existing points. An incomplete will only be given for emergency reasons. This will result in a WP/WF depending on your progress in the class. The FINAL EXAM CANNOT BE TAKEN EARLY unless you petition the Provost in writing well in advance of the final. The instructor cannot grant this permission. ASSIGNMENTS--HOW TO COMPLETE THEM: There are four (4) assignments in the course which appear as questions on the Assignment and Course Schedule on the final pages of this syllabus. Here are the rules for completing assignments: 1. Assignments must be passed in on time to receive full points. Each question must be fully answered. One-sentence answers do not suffice. 2. To complete the assignment the student must use material from class lectures combined with information from the textbook. Use the textbook index when necessary to find related material. 3. Back up statements with facts. Unsubstantiated statements do not qualify as answers. 4. Typed assignments are preferred, but you may handwrite your answers legibly. 5. PROOFREAD your papers. Check spelling and sentence structure for clarity. GRADES: Grades will be determined on the following scale: 297 - 330 points 263 - 296 points 229 - 262 points 195 - 228 points Less than 195 points 3 exams 4 homework assignments Classroom participation 90 - 100% = A 80 - 89% = B 70 - 79% = C 60 - 69% = D 0 - 59% = F 100 points each = 300 5 points each = 20 10 points = 10 Total Points 330 If you are failing the course, you will receive a mid-term report. EXPECTED STUDENT CONDUCT Valencia College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. The Student Code of Conduct can be found at: Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 3 ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is expected to do his/her own work. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal. All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. You may also reference the Academic Dishonesty policy at: STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES/ADA Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The East Campus Office is l in Building 5, Room 216. DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus at any time during the course. Special Note: DO NOT MAKE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS THAT PREVENT ATTENDING THE FINAL. There is no makeup for the final. School closes, the term ends, and grades must be posted immediately. Assignment and Course schedule on the following two pages. Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 4 SUMMER ECO 2023 Principles of Economics-Macro FRIDAY Weekly Assignments & Course Schedule NOTE! Some of the questions are not covered in that week’s chapters. They may require that you do some independent thinking and some research into other chapters on your own. That’s what God made an index for. Week Assignment th Week One -- May 15 th Deadline for withdrawal ADD/DROP/REFUND is May 18 2015 to receive a W Begin work on Assignment #1. Week Two – May 22 nd Overview, Chapter1, 2 Assignment #1: What is Economics? Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics Define opportunity cost. Give an example. What is the difference between absolute and comparative advantage? Is Economics a science like Chemistry and Physics? Why or why not? Chapter 3, 4 Assignment #2: Who benefits from an exchange? The buyer or the seller? Explain. How does opportunity cost affect personal buying decisions? Define price ceilings and price floors. Give examples of both. Why is equilibrium not possible in a dynamic (not government controlled) economy? Begin work on Assignment #2. Assignment # 1 DUE Review for Test 1 th Week Three -- May 29 THERE IS CLASS TODAY. The Memorial Day holiday does not affect this class. School is ONLY CLOSED ON MONDAY! Week Four – June 5 th Test #1 Assignment # 2 DUE th Week Five -- June 12 Chapter 7, 8 Assignment # 3: List the major functions of money, List and define the money measures. Begin work on Assignment #3 Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 5 Week continued FRIDAY Assignment continued th Week Six -- June 19 Chapter 9, 10 Assignment # 4 What is the monetary multiplier? Define monetary policy. Assignment # 3 is Due Begin work on Assignment #4 th Week Seven – June 26 th Withdrawal Deadline for “W” grade is June 28 Chapter 11, 12 Review for Test # 2 Assignment #4 DUE Week Eight -- July 3 rd NO CLASSES. SCHOOL CLOSED FOR JULY 4TH HOLIDAY. th Week Nine -- July 10 Week Ten – July 17 Test #2 th Chapter 13, 14 th Week Eleven -- July 24 Chapter 16 Review for Final Exam st Week Twelve -- July 31 b The final exam is IN CLASS at the regular class time and classroom. FINAL EXAM WEEK Special Note: DO NOT MAKE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS THAT PREVENT ATTENDING THE FINAL. There is no makeup for the final. School closes. The term ends, and grades must be posted immediately. Summer 2015 Friday 11:30 – 2:50 CRN 31976 3 Credit Hours Dr. Jim Chase 6
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