What’s On In March Website: www.dromanaps.vic.edu.au Phone No: 59872367 Fax No: 59818013 After School Care Phone: 5981 8801 Thursday 19th March B U L L E T I N Monday 23th March Tuesday 24th March Wednesday 25th March Friday 27th March 3.30pm-6pm Grade 1 Tea 9am to 12.30pm Prep Briars Excursion No Assembly 7pm Parents and Friends AGM and Meeting Summer Lightning Premiership End of Term Assembly: 1.50 in the hall 2.30pm Dismissal Thursday 19th March, 2015 Staffing Proud of the Past... Looking to the Future” It is with great pleasure to announce that I have accepted the provisional appointment as Principal of Dromana Primary School. I have enjoyed my Celebrating over 150 years of time as Acting Principal for nearly two terms and am humbled and excited Education 1861 - 2014 at the prospect of working with the school community (students, parents and Log on to Digital Excellence at community groups) in the years ahead. I would like, at this point, to home: www.deaausonline.com acknowledge the terrific work of the previous Principal, Mr Martin Page. Like many aspects of society, schools are changing at a rapid pace. However, we must never lose sight of the fact that we are teaching tomorrows adults and as a community we are in a privileged position to provide every student with the best opportunities possible. My aim is to ensure Dromana Primary School embraces Uniform Shop the opportunities these changes provide to ensure we are delivering the best Open every curriculum using the best teaching practices with the best resources and in the Tuesday best facilities. I look forward to working with you all. 3.15 - 3.45 We have a marvellous staff at Dromana Primary School. Thank you for your Main building continued support as we develop all students under our care. End of Term- Term One finishes on Friday 27th March at 2.30pm. Assembly will run in the Hall from 1.50pm to 2.20pm on the Thursday. Please note the early pick up time. Please note that school resumes on Monday 13th of April P and F Easter Fundraiser This term, the Parents and Friends Committee are running a Hot Cross Bun drive to raise money for our school. This is a super lead in to Easter so please support us by completing your orders, which went home this week and return by next Monday 23rd March. Please note the P and F reminder within this newsletter. Grade 4 camp I was fortunate last week to visit our year 4 students at Somers camp. It was fantastic to see them so involved in such a wide range of activities. We certainly had a happy group of campers. Earlier in the day they visited Bushrangers Bay on a great coastal walk. Many thanks to all our wonderful staff who provided such a rich learning experience over the 3 days. Prep B.B.Q. Thank you to all the families who attended our Prep BBQ on Thursday the 5th of March. A great community evening was had by all. A huge thanks goes to our Prep team of teachers for organising the evening. Exchange Student Are you interested in being a Host Parent for a 16 year old Inbound Exchange Student? If you are interested in becoming involved in this program please contact: Bob Donaldson / Rotary Club of Dromana on: mobile 0418 362 850 Head Lice- thank you for the ongoing checks. Reported instances have declined last month. Another check over the holidays will assist control. Bruce Mesley Principal Assistant Principal Report What a sensational couple of weeks here at Dromana Primary School where I have been lucky enough to witness our remarkable students shine both here at school as well as in the community. The Prep BBQ was a great event with many families setting up their picnic rugs and enjoying the afternoon/evening whilst the fun and games were occurring on the oval thanks to the Prep team. A big thank you to all the families and friends who attended the Prep BBQ and thank you for continuing to grow our school community. Last Thursday (12th of March) 34 student leaders from grades three to six, were accompanied by Mrs. McCrabb, Mrs. Nicholson and I to attend the GRIP Leadership conference held at the Melbourne Convention Centre down in Melbourne’s South Wharf. We all caught a bus to Frankston Train Station before catching the train to Flinders Street Station where we then walked down Southbank to the conference. The leadership conference was filled with students from right around Victoria with over 2,200 students attending the conference. Sure, I may be a little bias, however the manners, respect for others and care our Dromana leaders showed for other students as well as the general public was simply outstanding. The conference was fantastic and thanks to Mrs. Nicholson for organising the event as the Junior School Council can now approach their role as a leader with a plan for action. (Congratulations leaders of the school!) Last week was also the Grade four camp which was at Somers School Camp. I was lucky enough to share breakfast with the grade four students as well as climb a giant rock (in my shirt and tie) without being too scared. I was also lucky enough to see a brilliant group of students working and living together away from their own families and outside of the school. The students participated in many activities from the giant swing, double flying fox, rock climbing and even archery whilst always taking care of one another. Mr. Jones was apparently the best dancer at the disco whilst Mr. Mac saved the day by rescuing everyone from the crazy rooster who woke everyone up in the morning. Thanks Mr. Jones for organising such a great camp and well done to all the grade four students on their amazing efforts and time at Somers. Keep up the great work everyone! Mr. Davern—Acting Assistant Principal Ride-2-School Prizes are coming next week and for all of the students who have participated in Ride-2-School this term, they will be in the draw to reward their excellent riding skills each Wednesday at Ride-2-School. Everyone is welcome however if you are younger than grade three, please make sure someone else is riding with you on the day. It’s our last ride for term 1, so Jack and I will see you opposite the BP at 8am before we all leave at 8:10am sharp! We’ll be there rain, hail or shine so come and join the fun! Mr. Davern Dromana Primary School P&F Fundraiser Don’t forget to return you Bakers Delight Hot Cross Bun Order Forms before Monday 23rd March. Orders filled on 27th March and returned home with the Students. Extra order forms available at the school office. Outside School Hours News At Before School Care it has been good to see several new faces, so numbers are building up on some days. Children coming to BSC must be signed in by an accompanying adult. This is a legal requirement. We are also not allowed to accept children prior to 7.00am - also a legal requirement. At After School Care the children have been busy working on a ‘Friendship Banner’, with each child able to decorate and name their own calico square. The square will later be sewn together to make a large banner. This activity is part of the Camp Australia Foundation’s Better Buddies Welcome Program. The Camp Australia Foundation is dedicated to helping primary school children in need - locally, nationally and internationally. In line with Cancer Council guidelines, children will still need a protective hat at ASC, until the end of April. Please note the School has scheduled a pupil free day for Friday 5th June. Camp Australia may operate a program on this day. This will only happen if there are at least 18 children booked in online 2 weeks before the 5th June. Have a safe and happy holiday. Thank you for your support. Louise and Robin World’s Greatest Shave Thank you to everyone for the support and kind donations to help Mr Potter raise $1563.00 for the Leukaemia Foudation for the World’s Greatest Shave. Here are some pictures of Mr Luff shaving Mr Potter’s head. Thank you again for all your support! Prep Welcome BBQ - Thanks so much for the wonderful attendance at the Prep Welcome BBQ. The children had a great time playing games & introducing their new school friends to Mums & Dads. We'd also like to thank our chefs Mr. Graeme Boyd & Mrs. Newbegin (who filled in for Mr Newbegin!). Mr Boyd & Mr Newbegin have been our chefs for the past 20 years - WHAT AN AMAZING EFFORT! This was the first bbq that Mr Newbegin missed & he wasn't happy about it! Thanks so much Superstars! Last Day Term 1 Lunch Orders Last Day lunch orders will be on Friday the 27th of March. To help us to have everything we need and to reduce any waste we ask that all lunches required for this day be pre-ordered. We will have a reduced menu for this day so please choose from the items below and send to the Canteen on Tuesday the 24th March. Hot Dogs, Penne Pasta and all the Toastys will be available. As well as drinks and Tummy Teasers . Please write your order on a paper bag, money enclosed with For Friday written on it and send to the Canteen in the class lunch order bag on Tuesday the 24th. This will help us to have all the lunch orders ready on time. Thank you . Have a happy and safe Holiday break from the Team @ Stir Crazy Kids Basketball If any Grade 2 boys are interested in playing Basketball for the Beachcombers, please contact Jodie on 0416 575 023. The team is also looking for a Coach, so if you are a parent and are interested in Coaching the team please contact Jodie 0416 575 023. The Baany to Warrna Ngargee is a groundbreaking Indigenous music and cultural festival. This age group is about learning to be in a team and having fun!! 21 March 2015 The Briars - Mt Martha ART ROOM Just a reminder that all Students need to bring an Art Smock to Art lessons. A large recycled shirt from home will protect uniforms. Please write student’s name on smock. LOST PROPERTY Please check the LOST PROPERTY CUPBOARD LOCATED OUTSIDE 5/6P You may just find that lost jumper/hat/lunchbox you have been looking for. STUDENT BANKING Student School Banking with the Bendigo Bank is TUESDAY MORNINGS $$$$$$$ Thank you, Mrs Hunter The Red Hill ShowSaturday March 28th STUDENT OF THE FORTNIGHT: PK: In class Taj is a very well behaved and friendly member of our class. He works hard during activities and enjoys sport. Great work this term Taj! PP: - Student of the fortnight is Ella, for always using her manners and being a great role model in the class. Ella has been a very polite student in our classroom and consistently uses please and thank you. Well done Ella on a great start to school! PK Taj PW: Jethro is so happy to be at school & it is so pleasing to see. He always uses beautiful manners and is a great role model for others. Jethro has great success with maths and he is having a go at writing on his own. Keep it up Jethro! Well done Superstar! 1ON: Jessica is an industrious student who quickly gets her work done and is eager to begin the next challenge. She is well organised and takes pride in the presentation of her work. Keep it up Jessica! PW Jethro 1S: Ava has had to be brave and resourceful since breaking her wrist recently. Ava never complains but gets on with the job as best as she can. Ava has a smile on her face and a "can do" attitude. Well done Ava 1SH: I am so proud of Grace and the way in which she has completed her first term this year. She has consistently had a go at everything and given all tasks her best shot. Grace is concentrating well in Maths and is showing a good understanding of our topics. She is also doing very well with her reading and is enjoying lots of books at home too! Keep up the great attitude, Grace and you will have a wonderful year. 1S Ava PP Ella 1ON Jessica 1SH Grace 2H: For having a fantastic attitude towards his homework. Coby has completed more than 25 nights reading and is working consistently on his spelling words. What a great effort Coby. Keep it up!! You're a legend! 2K: Braydon has applied a huge amount of effort in class to improve all of his bookwork. He is a very responsible and well mannered student which is what we like to say of all our students. Amazing start to the year! 2O: Liam is always bright, cheerful and full of enthusiasm! He is kind to others, works well independently or in a group and always gives his best effort. Well done Liam and thank you. WHAT’S ON IN 2H Coby 2K Braydon 3B: Isaac has made a great start to the year. Isaac puts in a lot of effort to help organise and tidy the classroom in the mornings and afternoons. He is a considerate class member and his efforts and kindness is very much appreciated. Thanks Isaac! 2O Liam 3B Isaac 3F: Sara always tries hard to overcome her difficulties in work through her positive attention and perseverance. She never gives up trying and always seeks help from the teacher to ensure she understands the work. Well done, Sara! 34M: Bailey is a consistent worker and attentive listener who is making great progress. 4J: Hannah has made a wonderful start to the year. She always works hard during classtime, and is a great friend to everyone in 4J. Hannah was also one of the most enthusiastic students on last week's Grade 4 camp. She participated in all the activities, and had an awesome time! Well done Hannah! 3F Sara 34M Bailey 4J Hannah 4MM Josie 5D Bridget 5E Phoenix 5V Kobe 5/6P Piper 4MM: What a fantastic camper Josie was at Somers! She displayed an excellent attitude and completely immersed herself in the experience. So proud of you Josie!! 5D: Student of the Fortnight is an achievement Bridget could be awarded every fortnight! Her love of learning, positive attitude and extremely high work ethic in all areas of school life have made her a worthy recipient. Bridget also has beautiful manners, is a very good role model and shows good leadership skills. Keep up the great work Bridget. 5E: Phoenix you really are a role model, not only for Grade 5, but all students. From the effort you put in to everything from draft writing to portfolio work, the enthusiasm you take to all specialist classes and even the way in which you treat and speak to others is admired by all DPS teachers. Well done on a very impressive start to senior school! 5V: This week Kobe has been nominated by his class as a real star this fortnight. He recently attended a leadership conference and has came back and showed great leadership qualities in the classroom. He has worked well in a team and stepped in to help his friends out when they needed it. Well done Kobe, you are a real team player! 5/6P: Piper has produced some truly spectacular work over the past fortnight, with her great improvements in maths being particularly pleasing. She is always polite and caring, which makes her a real leader in 5/6P. You're awesome Piper! 6H: Angus enthusiastically competed all work set by Miss Bilborough. He has great resilience and work ethic. Well done Angus! 6MC: Sonja has had a great term 1. She works extremely hard in all areas and her work is always well presented. She is extremely creative and her illustration of her dragon was a fine example of this. Well done Sonja - keep it up! 6S: Student of the fortnight goes to Sam. You have made such a wonderful start to our year. It is always a challenging task moving to a new school and you have already illustrated what a creative, clever and honest student you are. Well done on all the hard work you have been putting in at a classroom level and we look forward to seeing you continue to get involved in the broader school community. 6H Angus 6MC Sonja 6S Sam Star of Listening 5/6P Charlotte PK Roisin PP Charlotte PW Tulli 1ON Rhys 5V Jake 1S Anthony 1SH Jessica 2H Harry 2K Tess 6H Ginger 2O Trey 3B Sam 3F Brianna 34M Kaden 6MC Chelsea 4J Jordan 4MM Ben 5D Roy 5E Abby 6S Will Feel amazing ... Look amazing ... 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