C3A Consortium Public Call-To-Action WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY and the Elder Abuse/Domestic Violence Round Table Help us commemorate the 10th Anniversary of “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day”on June 15, 2015 Friday June 12, 2015 8:00am to 4:30pm Show the world you care by wearing something purple! About this Conference “To understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation, we need…” This phrase and the responses of 750 stakeholders served as the foundation for the Elder Justice Roadmap released in July 2014. Elder Abuse, neglect, and exploitation may be described not only nationally but in Ohio as a silent pandemic. Even though mandatory, reporting the mistreatment of older adults, including self-neglect, remains largely under reported and inconsistent in Ohio. Using the Elder Justice Road Map as a platform and planning resource, this Conference will explore what practices Ohio needs to better respond to the growing epidemic of elder abuse. ERA FOR ELDER A NEW Learning Objectives JUSTICE: This conference is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to: 1.Increase awareness of the Elder Justice Road Map; DEVELOPING OHIO’S 2.Identify clinical, non-clinical, and legal approaches that Ohio can take to address, intervene, and reduce incidences of elder abuse across all counties; and CO-SPONSORED & FUNDED IN PART BY PLATINUM Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging The Reminger Foundation SILVER Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging n Lake County Council on Aging Ohio Coalition for Adult Protective Services The Greater Cleveland Elder Abuse/Domestic Violence Roundtable Cuyahoga County Division of Senior and Adult Services Daniel P. Seink Co., Ltd. n BRONZE The Geauga County Department on Aging Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging 925 Euclid Avenue, Suite 600 Cleveland, Ohio 44115 3.Raise awareness of research and other evidence-based practices used to address, educate, and promote advocacy for addressing elder abuse in Ohio. Corporate College East A Division of Cuyahoga Community College 4400 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights, OH 44128 Presented by and the Greater Cleveland Elder Abuse/ Domestic Violence Round Table Co-Sponsored & Funded In Part By: About the Speaker Conference Agenda | June 12, 2015 RISA BRECKMAN, LCSW-R, is the Director of the NYC Elder 8:00am Abuse Center. An elder justice advocate since 1982, she has developed innovative programs for elder abuse victims and those assisting them, has trained thousands of professionals across disciplines and career levels in elder abuse detection and response and has developed a conceptual framework for guiding assessment and interventions utilized internationally. Risa cowrote the AMA guidelines on elder abuse, is the co-author of a seminal book guiding interventions, Strategies for Helping Victims of Elder Mistreatment and numerous other publications addressing this topic. A psychotherapist trained at the Albert Ellis Institute, she integrates cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approaches to assessment and interventions with elder abuse victims. She recently worked closely with the Department of Justice, the Administration for Community Living and other elder justice leaders to create a roadmap “by the field, for the field” utilizing concept mapping methodology. In addition to her work with NYCEAC, Risa is an Assistant Professor of Gerontological Social Work in Medicine and Director of Social Work Programs and Education in the Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. 9:00am Morning Plenary Session | Room 126 Professional Credit BOARD-CERTIFIED CASE MANAGERS This program has been submitted to The Commission for Case Manager Certification for approval to provide board-certified case managers with 5.5 clock hours. LEGALCREDIT/CLE HOURS The C3A has submitted this conference for the approval of 5.50 hours of Ohio CLE credit. Directions From the West I-480 East toward I-271 North to Harvard Road exit. Turn left onto Harvard Road. Turn left onto Richmond Road and pass Cuyahoga Community College’s Eastern Campus. Entrance to Corporate College is on the right. From the South I-271 North to Harvard Road exit. Turn left onto Harvard Road. Turn left onto Richmond Road and pass Cuyahoga Community College’s Eastern Campus. Entrance to Corporate College is on the right. From the North I-271 South to exit OH-175/Richmond Road exit. Corporate College is across the street from the exit ramp. NAME AGENCY ADDRESS “The Elder Justice Roadmap: Putting You in the Driver’s Seat” CITY / STATE / ZIP / COUNTY 10:30am Featured Local Speaker PHONE NUMBER John Corlett, President & Executive Director, Center for Community Solutions “Ohio’s Adult Protective Services Law: The Case for Advocacy & Change” EMAIL ADDRESS Please Check One 11:30pmLunch | Main Lobby n Social Work/RN 12:15pm Annual Meeting & Award Presentation Adam M. Fried, Esq., Reminger Co., LPA, 1st Vice Chair, C3A E. Douglas Beach, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging Box Lunch Selection 12:45pm Planning Sessions Planning Session I – Direct Service Planning Session II - Education n $150.00 Attorneys (on or before May 22, 2015) n $155.00 Attorneys (after May 22, 2015) Planning Session III – Policy Amount Enclosed: Planning Session IV – Research Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) has applied for 5.50 hours of continuing education credits for social workers which may also be applied to nursing licensure requirements. WRAAA is an approved provider of the Ohio Social Worker Board. Kelli Kay Perk, Esq., Chair of C3A, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office David J. Mordarski, LISW, Director, Older Adult Services, St. Augustine Health Ministries Please print and complete all items 9:15am Featured Speaker Risa Breckman, LCSW-R, Director, NYC Elder Abuse Center SOCIAL WORKERS AND NURSES Coffee & Registration Registration Form Bernardine R. Brooks, MPA, LSW, Specialized Geriatric Care Management Supervisor, Lake County Council on Aging Kelli Kay Perk, Esq., Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office Semanthie B. Brooks, LISW-S, Director of Community Advocacy, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging Ashley Bukach, Research Assistant, Margaret Blenkner Research Institute, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging 1:45pm Break n Oven Roasted Beef Workshop A – Surrogate Decision Making: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas Workshop B – Preventing Elder Abuse: Helping the Caregiver to Cope Workshop C – Building a Strong Advocacy Coalition when the Client is not Available Anne Fredrickson, MHA, MGS, Project Manager, Ohio SMP Project, ProSeniors Mary Day, Project Assistant, Ohio SMP Project, ProSeniors Sarah Sobel, MNO, Advocacy & Government Affairs Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Association Workshop D – Fostering Quality Research to Evaluate and Improve Elder Abuse Interventions Carol Dayton, Consultant and Educator Farida Ejaz, Senior Research Scientist, Margaret Blenkner Research Institute, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging 3:15pm Reports from Planning Sessions and Facilitated Discussion Room 126 Facilitator – Adam M. Fried, Esq., Reminger Co., LPA 4:15pm Closing Remarks and Evaluations n Honey Smoked Ham Baguette Registration Fee n $85.00 General (on or before May 22, 2015) n $90.00 General (after May 22, 2015) Bill Me later: (purchase order required) Please note there will be no refunds after May 22, 2015, although substitutions are allowed. Fees include contact hours, continental breakfast, lunch and conference materials. Please make check payable to the Consortium Against Adult Abuse (C3A). Registration forms may be submitted via mail or fax to: Consortium Against Adult Abuse c/o Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging 925 Euclid Avenue, Suite 600 Cleveland, OH 44115 Tel: 216.621.0303 Fax: 216.621.7174 Sylvia Pla-Raith, MA, Chief, Adult Protective Services, Department of Senior and Adult Services Nita Bring-Mazurek, LSW, Clinical Manager, Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging Tricia Vidovic, Education & Research Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Association Linda Noelker, PhD, Recently Retired Sr. Vice President, Director, Katz Policy Institute, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging n Legal CLE n Vegetarian Caprese Sandwich 2:00pm Workshops n Case Managers Planning Session and Workshop Selection Please list session preferences by indicating “1” through “4” in each category (“1” reflects first choice and “4” the last). We will try to accommodate your preferences as space allows. 12:45pm Planning Sessions 2:00pm Workshops I. Planning Session I - Direct Service A. Surrogate Decision Making II. Planning Session II - Education B. Preventing Elder Abuse III. Planning Session III - Policy C. Building a Strong Advocacy Coalition IV. Planning Session IV - Research D. Fostering Quality Research Additional questions about conference details or lodging options, please call Allison McMeechan at 216.430.2105 or by email at info@c3a5county.org. Take advantage of the early bird special and register before Friday, May 22, 2015! Early registration ends May 22 at 5:00pm.
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