111TEG“ ヽ■ O olD[K!CT HEALTH Soc:FrV(NoRTH・ {GOVT oF NCT OF DEι WEST) Hり DELlt,GOVT olsPcllSARY COMPLEX,SECTOR-13,RO",NL DELHl-1ltX185 Ph 011.27861464, 27SSSOS6 fetelox: 011.2 7861 592 E.morir cmonwdhs delhi@ni..in l'. No.r'll135/20r{NHM/IDHS/NWNRSM procu,.emeot I I 78-t Dater f8f13- lS Subj€ct: - Two Bid Quolations invitcd for procur€ment ofCartridges. l Sea ed quotal。 ぃs are invned by the iDHS(North― west),Covt of NCT Delhiforthe supp y of tems as mentioned in the attached schedule 2 Fi′ ¬ 's rates wll be valid fOr a pe百 。d of one year from the date of Finalization Of the Rate Contract Rate shOuld be quoted in the unts 9iven in the tender dOcument,bOth in ngures& Wo「 ds 3 The Copy Ofヽ /AT Registraton No and Permanent Account No etc a‖ Otted by lncome Tax 4需 IW戦 腿 :猟 lT:λ ttP∬ :::ξ 落 と230 pm on2■ 0■ 2045 The tnde、 酬 opened at3 00 p m onthe same date Qぃ 。ta10ns w“ l be cOnsidered sublecttO the tems and “ conditiOns given on feverse 5 mcemuま ぃ dude tt ap山 oaЫ e● xeswhct謂 ‖ :Tt群 :i:L]‖ red h he quotatOn T潔 ∬鶴 肥T器 闊lfTtttt 9裾 庸品 錦『 ‖1竃 ξ ti晰 :endose copy d he auhmza10n時 に ● ssued by he HP :し :ndia sales itd じ、uい j―b l.了 ●‐ と C‐」JE二 ` TFRMS AND CONDITIONS OT NOTIC' INvrfII{G TENNFR 1. Price must include all applicable taxes which should be clearlv mentioned irmhe quotation. Tenderers must also mention th€ir tax Registration No. In iheir quotataons. 2. lf lor any reason prices tendered are for delivery ?OR forwardjng station, the freight charges involved together with the gross weight of the mater;l should be dea:rry indicated in the quotation. tn case the quote et-tendereis godown, the packing an; .forwarding charges, if leviable, may be indicated specifically. 3. lf the weight of the material permits despatch by post parcit, thjs may clearly be stated in the quotations. - 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L Complete specification of the stores offered together with maker,s name brand, etc. of each of the items must be given in the quotations and descriptive literature and samples (wherever necessary or requi.ed) should be sent along with quotation. Prices and deliveries quoted by you must be firm and valid for a minimum period of one year. Subsequent to an orde. being placed against your quotation received in response to the if enquiry it is found that the materials supplied are not of the right quatity or not according to specilication required by us received in damaged or broken conditions or otheMise not satisfactory owing to any reason of which we shall be the sole judge, we shall be entitled to reject to materials, cancel the order and buy our requirements in the open market and rocover the loss, il any, from the suppliers reserving to itself the right io forfeit the security deposit. if any furnished by the supplier againit the conkact. The supplier will make his own anangements to remove the rejected materials within a fo(night of anstruction to do so. Thereafter they wall be entirely at the supplier,s risk and responsibility and storage charge along with any other charges applicable \,vill be recoverable foam the supplier. We reseNe the right to accept or reject my quotation in full or in part without assigning any reason therefore we also reserve the right to split and place order on more ihan one supplier. Quotation must be legible clear and free from over-w.iting / earasions. lncomplete quotations are liable to be summarily rejected. lnall cases of disputes, the decision of |DHS shall be final. Failing this matter will be refened to Arbitration in accordance with lhe lndian Arbitration Act and ameMment thereof.Following Cartridges are required by IDHS for office use. Kindly quote per unit rates of fallowing items:S No Pinter Model Specifications Ouantity 4 HP Lase.jet professional 1566 CE 278 A 30 2 HP Laserlet prOfessiona1 2055 CE 506 A 7 3 XEROX PHASER 3010 ZILA 10622182 5 The successful bidde「 wi‖ have to supply the matenal atthe address given below :DHS NORTHWEST O′ o CDMO(NORTH WEST) First口 oor,DCD Bunding Complex Sector‐ 13 Rohini Delhi‐ 110085 鰈 顎 :DHS North_West
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