Performance and problems of hydraulic pumps in heavy agricultural machines in Sudan by: Haitham AbuSabah Elsamani B.Sc. Agric. (Honours 2001) University of Khartoum A thesis Submitted to the University of Khartoum in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for The degree of M.Sc. Agric. Engineering Supervisor: Dr. Omer Mohammed Eltom Department of agriculture Engineering Faculty of agriculture University of Khartoum April (2004) Words can never express my deepest appreciation and sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Omer Mohammed Eltom, one member of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum for his enormous assistance, Professional guidance, constructive useful criticism and encouragement throughout the progress of this research. Thanks are extended to all members of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture for their cooperation. Sincere gratitude is extend to my all friends colleagues and relatives who assisted me in one way or another particularly Abu Bakr Bashir. I owe spherical obligation to the general director of the Kharotum State Ministry of Agriculture, general director of ElGazira Scheme, general director of Jamda Company, and general director of Kennana Sugar Company, for their financial assistance and support. I am pleased to express my appreciation to all my family members, special thanks due are to my uncle Abd ElGader Hassan & FathElrahman Mohammed for their financial assistance and significant support during this research. I am indebted to my family members for their patience, encouragement and moral support during this research. Thanks are first and last to God (Alla). Who enabled me to conduct this study by the grace of him and donated me strength and patience. To - the soul of my father who is still in my life To - my mother who learn me how to love my life To - my family who struggled patiently to lighten my way To - my sisters, brothers and lovely friends who enjoy my life with endless love for life Abstract The increase of power price, spare parts, maintenance, highly advanced technology development of hydraulic system, and other operating requirements were the main reasons behind this study. The study was conducted on three agricultural schemes Khartoum State Ministry of agriculture, ElGazira Scheme, Kenana Sugar Company. The study concentrated on the evaluation of performance of machines operated by hydraulic systems in these schemes with reference to pump efficiency and hydraulic system operation by operators. A sample survey of three schemes Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture, ElGazira Scheme and Kennana Sugar Company was carried out. The samples were randomly selected from the heavy machines in these schemes. The information about machines performance, national companies, repair and maintenance, spare parts, hydraulic operators, pumps types, delivery pressure, and power consumption were collected. The pumps were found to work at low efficiencies of 27 percent and 58 percent as average. This low pump efficiency could be due to many factors including pump selection and installation procedure, condition of hydraulic pump (i.e. pump delivery, pump age, maintenance, working hours and power type). Spare parts and operator’s education level and skill were also considered as well as social factors. The factors were studied for each pump and statistically analyzed using t-test, chi-square and correlation coefficient techniques. The analysis showed that pump selection and installation procedure, pump age, maintenance, availability of spare parts, operator’s education level and skill and land ownership significantly affected pump efficiency. Furtherly these pumps were found to be installed at lower operation level than the recommended by their manufacturers. The amount of power consumed was significantly higher than that which could have been consumed if these pumps were working at the assumed pump efficiency of 60 percent and applying the required amount of hydraulic oil to do work. Which can save about 50 percent of power with an expected increase in machine yield. ﺧﻼﺻﺔ اﻷﻃﺮوﺣﺔ ﻇﺮوف ارﺗﻔﺎع أﺳﻌﺎر اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ،ﻗﻄﻊ اﻟﻐﻴﺎر ،اﻟﺼﻴﺎﻧﺔ ،اﻟﺘﻘﺪم اﻟﺘﻜﻨﻮﻟﻮﺟﻲ اﻟﻤﺘﻄﻮر ﻟﻸﻧﻈﻤﺔ اﻟﻬﻴﺪروﻟﻴﻜﻴﺔ، واﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت اﻟﺘﺸﻐﻴﻞ اﻷﺧﺮى آﺎﻧﺖ ﻣﻦ اﻷﺳﺒﺎب اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ وراء إﺟﺮاء هﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ. أﺟﺮﻳﺖ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺛﻼﺛﺔ ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ زراﻋﻴﺔ وزارة اﻟﺰراﻋﺔ وﻻﻳﺔ اﻟﺨﺮﻃﻮم ،ﻣﺸﺮوع اﻟﺠﺰﻳﺮة، ﺷﺮآﺔ ﺳﻜﺮ آﻨﺎﻧﺔ .وﻗﺪ اﺧﺘﺼﺖ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﺑﺘﻘﻴﻴﻢ أداء اﻵﻟﻴﺎت اﻟﺰراﻋﻴﺔ اﻟﺜﻘﻴﻠﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﺑﺎﻟﻬﻴﺪروﻟﻴﻚ ﻓﻲ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻣﻦ ﻧﺎﺣﻴﺔ آﻔﺎءة هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت وﻣﻤﺎرﺳﺎت اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﺑﻮاﺳﻄﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻠﻴﻦ. ﻟﻘﺪ أﺟﺮﻳﺖ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﻋﻦ ﻃﺮﻳﻖ أﺧﺬ ﻋﻴﻨﺔ ﻣﺴﺤﻴﺔ ﺗﺘﻜﻮن ﻣﻦ ﺛﻼﺛﺔ ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ زراﻋﻴﺔ وهﻲ وزارة اﻟﺰراﻋﺔ وﻻﻳﺔ اﻟﺨﺮﻃﻮم ،ﻣﺸﺮوع اﻟﺠﺰﻳﺮة ،ﺷﺮآﺔ ﺳﻜﺮ آﻨﺎﻧﺔ وﺗﻢ اﺧﺘﻴﺎرهﺎ وأﺧﺬ اﻟﻌﻴﻨﺎت ﻣﻦ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻋﺸﻮاﺋﻴًﺎ .ﻓﻲ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﺗﻢ أﺧﺬ ﻋﻴﻨﺔ ﻣﺴﺤﻴﺔ ﻟﻤﻌﺮﻓﺔ أداء اﻵﻟﻴﺎت واﻟﺸﺮآﺎت اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﺔ ﺑﻬﺎ ،وإﺟﺮاءات اﻹﺻﻼح واﻟﺼﻴﺎﻧﺔ، ﻣﺼﺎدر ﻗﻄﻊ اﻟﻐﻴﺎر ،أداء ﻋﻤﺎل اﻟﻬﻴﺪروﻟﻴﻚ وأداء ﻣﻀﺨﺎت اﻟﻬﻴﺪروﻟﻴﻚ وآﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻬﻠﻜﺔ ﻓﻲ وﺣﺪة اﻟﺰﻣﻦ. دﻟﺖ اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ ﻋﻠﻰ أن هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت ﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﺑﻜﻔﺎءة ﻣﺘﺪﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﺘﺮاوح ﺑﻴﻦ %27وﺑﻤﺘﻮﺳﻂ آﻠﻲ %58هﺬا اﻟﺘﺪﻧﻲ ﻓﻲ آﻔﺎءة اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت ﻋﺰي ﻷﺳﺒﺎب آﺜﻴﺮة ،ﺗﺸﻤﻞ ﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔ اﺧﺘﻴﺎر وﺗﺮآﻴﺐ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت وﺣﺎﻟﺔ وﺣﺪة اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ﻓﻴﻤﺎ ﻳﺸﻤﻞ )ﺳﺮﻋﺔ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ،ﻋﻤﺮ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ،اﻟﺼﻴﺎﻧﺔ ،ﺳﺎﻋﺎت اﻟﺘﺸﻐﻴﻞ اﻟﻴﻮﻣﻲ ،وﻧﻮع اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻌﻤﻠﺔ( هﺬا ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ إﻟﻰ ﺗﻮﻓﺮ وﻧﻮﻋﻴﺔ ﻗﻄﻊ اﻟﻐﻴﺎر ،اﻟﻌﻮاﻣﻞ اﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ وﻧﻮﻋﻴﺔ ﻣﻠﻜﻴﺔ اﻷرض .هﺬﻩ اﻟﻌﻮاﻣﻞ ﺗﻤﺖ دراﺳﺘﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ آﻞ ﺁﻟﺔ ﻣﻦ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻳﻊ وﺗﻢ ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻠﻬﺎ إﺣﺼﺎﺋﻴًﺎ ﻟﻤﻌﺮﻓﺔ ﺗﺄﺛﻴﺮهﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ آﻔﺎءة هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت ﺑﺎﺳﺘﻌﻤﺎل اﺧﺘﺒﺎرات ) (t-testوﻣﺮﺑﻊ آﺎي ) (chi-squareوﻣﻌﺎﻣﻞ اﻟﻌﻼﻗﺔ ).(techniques correlation coefficient ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴﻞ أوﺿﺤﺖ أن ﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔ اﺧﺘﻴﺎر وﺗﺮآﻴﺐ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ،ﻋﻤﺮ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ،اﻟﺼﻴﺎﻧﺔ ﺗﻮﻓﺮ ﻗﻄﻊ اﻟﻐﻴﺎر وﻣﺴﺘﻮى ﺗﻌﻠﻴﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻠﻴﻦ وﺧﺒﺮاﺗﻬﻢ ﻟﻬﺎ ﺗﺄﺛﺮات ﻣﻌﻨﻮﻳﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ آﻔﺎءة هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت ،ﻓﻘﺪ وﺟﺪ أن هﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت ﻟﻢ ﺗﺘﺒﻊ اﻟﺘﻮﺻﻴﺎت اﻟﻤﻮﺻﻰ ﺑﻬﺎ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺸﺮآﺎت اﻟﻤﺼﻨﻌﺔ ﻟﻬﺬﻩ اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺎت. آﺎﻧﺖ آﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻬﻠﻜﺔ ﺗﻔﻮق ﺑﻔﺮق ﻣﻌﻨﻮي اﻟﺤﺎﺟﺔ اﻟﻔﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻮﻗﻮد .ﻓﺈذا اﺳﺘﻄﺎع اﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪس أو اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻞ اﺳﺘﻌﻤﺎل اﻟﻤﻀﺨﺔ ﻓﻲ آﻔﺎءﺗﻬﺎ اﻟﻘﺼﻮى %60ﻟﺘﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻘﻂ ﻟﻼﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت اﻟﻔﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ أداء اﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎت اﻹﻧﺘﺎﺟﻴﺔ ﻓﺈن أآﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ %50ﻣﻦ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻬﻠﻜﺔ ﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﺗﻮﻓﻴﺮهﺎ ﻣﻊ ﺗﻮﻗﻊ ﻓﻲ زﻳﺎدة إﻧﺘﺎج اﻵﻟﺔ. List of contents Subject Page Dedication і Aknowledgments ii Abstractc (English) iii Abstractc (Arabic v List of contents viii List of figures ix List of tables x Chapter one (1): Introduction 1 Chapter two Literature Review 2.1 Machines in agricultural production………………… 3 2.2 Mechanization in Sudan………………………………… 4 2.3 Power Sources in agriculture………………………… 4 2.4 Hydraulic control…………………………………..… 5 2.5 Hydraulic Systems for farm Equipment…………….… 5 2.6 Fundamentals of hydraulics ………………………… 6 2.7 Hydraulic Symbols …………………………………… 7 2.8 Types of hydraulic systems…………………………… 7 2.9 Basic principles of hydraulics ………………………… 9 2.10 Hydraulic used in Farm equipment ………………….. 10 2.11 special hydraulic system …………………………….. 10 2.12 Mounted equipment hydraulic control systems ……… 11 2.13 Selecting hydraulic oil ……………………………….. 12 2.14 Hydraulic energy ……………………………………… 13 2.15 Hydraulic system components …………………………14 2.16 Hydraulic pumps ……………………………………… 14 2.17 Principle of hydraulic pumps ………………………… 15 2.18 Types of hydraulic pumps …………………………… 15 2.19 Pump Selection ……………………………………….. 23 2.20 Classification of pump types…………………………. 23 2.21 Hydraulic Power Selection …………………………… 24 2.22 Hydraulic horse power ……………………………… 24 2.23 Malfunction of pumps ………………………………… 24 2.24 Effective of contaminated fluid ………..…………….. 25 2.25 Effective of Improper fluid to pump ………………… 26 2.26 Pump maintenance …………………………………… 27 2.27 Diagnosing pump failures ………………………… Chapter three Material and method 3.1. Site description ……………………………………. 3.2. Data collection ……………………………………. 3.2.1 Data from questionnaire ………………………….. 3.2.2 Parameters calculations………………………………. 3.3. Power Consumption ……………………………….. Chapter four Results and Discussions 4.1. Actual pump efficiency ……………………………. 4.2. Factors affecting pump efficiency …………………. 4.2.1 Condition of Hydraulic pump ……………………. 4.2.2 Spare parts and hydraulic pumps and specified tool of Diagnosis ………………………. 4.2.3 Machine relationship ……………………………. 4.2.4 Operator’s skill and training……………………… 4.2.5 Land ownership… ………………………………….. 4.3 Power consumption ……………………………….. 4.3.1 Fuel consumption …………………………………. 4.3.2. Oil consumption ………………………………….. Chapter Five Conclusion and recommendations ……………………….. References ………………………………………… Appendix …………………………………………. 27 29 30 30 30 31 33 37 38 44 46 48 51 51 52 55 58 61 64 List of figures Figures page 2.1- Types of hydraulic pump on basis of oil circuits …….. 17 2.2- Types of hydraulic pump on basis of design… ……….. 18 2.3- Types of hydraulic pump on basis of use and oil pressure 19 2.4- Types of hydraulic pump on basis of use and oil pressure 20 2.5- External Gear pump …………………………………. 21 2.6- External pump in operation …………………………. 21 2.7- Internal Gear pump ………………………………….. 21 2.8- Internal Gear pump in operation …………………….. 21 2.9- Balanced Vane pump ………………………………… 21 2.10- Balanced Vane pump in operation ………………….. 21 2.11- Reciprocating piston pump ………………………… 22 2.12- Inline Axial piston Pump variable Displacement ….. 22 2.13- Inline Axial piston pump in operation ……………… 22 2.14- Servo Device in operation. Tilting Swashplate …… 22 2.15- Broken pump drive shaft – fitigue failure from Too – Tight drive belts. ……………………………. 24 2.16- Pump pistons Scored by Contaminated Fluid ………. 25 2.17- Vane pump rotor ring worn and pitted by contaminated fluid …………………………………. 25 2.18- Vane pump rotor damaged by contaminants in fluid … 26 2.19- Vane pump ring wear from use of Improper fluid …… 27 4.1- The relationship between pump age and pump efficiency 40 4.2- The relationship between working hours and pump efficiency ……………………………………… 43 4.3- The relation ship between machine ownership and pump efficiency ………………………………….. 47 4.4- The relation ship between hydraulic operator’s skill and pump efficiency ………………………… … 50 List of table Table page 4.1- The means of the main information of pumps on Khartoum state Ministry of agriculture, Gezira scheme, kenana sugar company ……………………………….. 35 4.2- Minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of pump efficiency from Khartoum state ministry of agriculture, Gezira scheme, kenana Sugar company …. 36 4.3- T- value for the difference between mean pump efficiency and assumed (60%) efficiency ………………… 36 4.4- The efficiency of pump delivery on pump efficiency… 39 4.5- The effect of maintenance frequency of pump efficiency ……………………………………… 41 4.6- The effect of the type of power (oil, fuel) on pump efficiency ………………………………….. 44 4.7- The effect of availability of spare parts on pump efficiency …………………………………... 45 4.8- The effect of quality of spare parts on pump efficiency 45 4.9- The effect of specified tool of diagnosis on pump efficiency……………………………………… 46 4.10- the effect of hydraulic operator’s work on pump efficiency ………………………………… 48 4.11- the effect of operator’s education level on pump efficiency ………………………………… 49 4.12- the effect of land ownership on pump efficiency 51 4.13- Average number of working hours and the corresponding fuel consuption “F1” existing practice and efficiency , “F2” low efficiency , “F3” optimum efficiency …………………………………………… 53 4.14- T-value for the difference between F1 and F2 ……… 54 4.15- T-value for the difference between F2 and F3 …….. 54 4.16- T-value for the difference between F1 and F3 ………. 54 4.17- Average number of working (hours per day) and cores pording oil O1 existing practice and efficiency, “O2” low efficiency, “O3” optimum efficiency 56 4.18- T-value for the difference between O1 and O2 ……… 57 4.19- T-value for the difference between O2 and O3 ……… 57 4.20- T-value for the difference between O1 and O3 ……… 57 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The use of machines in agricultural production, has been one of the output – standing developments in Global agricultural during the past century. The results of the application are to be seen in many aspects of human life , as million of workers to be released to other activities in developed countries. Agricultural production need further modern mechanization control system due to shortage in labour and increase in wages coupled with large horizontal and vertical expansion of agricultural production in different areas and that is found in hydraulic control system. Hydraulic control system is basically a method of transmitting power from source to the machine or component being operated, in addition to providing convently located and easy operated control levers. The medium that used to transmit the power in hydraulic system is fluid that is contained by the lines between the driver and driven members, the heart of hydraulic system which creates the flow of fluid which supplies the whole circiut is the pump. The study concerns with hydraulic system pump in heavy agricultural machines in three agricultural schemes (often referred to Khartoum, Gezira, and Kenana schemes )that had different climate and management conditions. Accordingly, all the present performance problems and efficiency of machines in this schemes. The increase of power price (fuel&fluid), spare parts, maintanance and operating cost, showed that the increase of cost of agicultural inputs compared with value output are not ecouraging. The power cost consumption was directly affected by improper use of these pumps. The study of the performance and problems of hydraulic pumps in heavy agricultural machines is with the following objectives: 1) The study of pump efficiency and factors affecting it. 2) Power consumption with respect to pump efficiency and work applied. Chapter two Literature Review 2.1 Machines in agricultural production The constant expansion of world population is continuously demanding an ever –increasing agricultural production in form of food and fiber. Resourceful farm management is becoming a major consideration in today’s turbulent economic climate. Efficiency mechanization is one of the means to increase crop production, with the following advantage: Minimizing high peak labour demand that occurs relatively over short periods of times each year as in, planting, cultivating and harvesting cereal crops. Encouraging better management of farm enterprise and providing more free time for planning and study Contributing to timeliness that increases productivity. Many field operation must be performed with in rather short periods of time, if operation results or maximum returns are to be obtained. Improving the working conditions and performance of jobs that should otherwise be difficult or impossible manually. Reducing of over all cost as a result of mechanization is highly desirable but not always imperative. However the history indicates that the process of mechanization is dynamic, with no ultimate goal in sight. Each manufacturer must continuously improve his products and develop new aspects (Abd alla, 2000). 2.2 Mechanization in Sudan Mechanical was first introduced in agriculture of establishment of Sudan, during the early (1920s), at the time of establishment of Sudan production syndicate, which had pioneered the use of plow tackle unit consist of two 60hp engines pulling combined cultivator or multiple ridger. Later in mid- 1940s, the increased use of machinery was associated with the need to produce more food, during the Second World War. At that time a50hp tractor and wide – level disk harrows with seeder box were introduced. By 1950s, the private sector had started to invest money in machinery. This has lead to horizontal expansion policy, and the opening up of a new agricultural land in conjunction with greater use of machinery (Abd Alla, 2000). 2.3 Power sources in agriculture Power sources in agriculture are one of the determining factors of the level of agricultural development and stage of mechanization. There are three types of power used in cultural practices-human power, animal power, and motorized power (Fashina, 1986). Human power is used in traditional farming through hand tool in all cultural practices from land preparation to harvesting mainly in small areas. Human power considered as essential source of power for more than 80% of the farmers in West Africa, it has many disadvantages like low crop production limiting the cultivable land and low returns (MOA, 1991). There are many types of hand tool for different cultural operations e.g. hoe. For weeding, “toria” for sowing and panga for cleaning these tools usually made of wood or iron or both. Animal power is used in agricultural practices through draft implements e.g. ploughs, seeders, and carts. Animal draft implements can be manufactured locally from scrap material, which makes it cheap and available (Fashina, 1986). Tractor power is used under certain conditions and always unavailable for rural societies because of small size lack of technical awareness and high cost of its use, moreover, tractors are not available in most cases in rural areas (Bansal, 1992). But tractor played large contribution as a source of power in modern areas. Tractor power is delivered to implements in four ways the draw bar, the belt pulley, the power take of, the power lift, or hydraulic control (Barger, 1961). 2.4 Hydraulic control Hydraulic control described by Smith (1976) is basically the method of transmitting power from the power source to machine or component being operated. Hydraulic control system, in addition to providing conveniently located and easily operated control lever are extremely flexible in regard to application possibilities cylinders may be built into the tractor, on external cylinders may be mounted in various positions on the tractor on trailed implement (Bainer, 1955). Hydrostatic, or the mechanics of fluids, was defined by Blasise Pascal (1653), as follows: Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally and undiminished in all directions to every part of fluid and of its restraining surfaces. 2.5 Hydraulic systems for farm equipment Farm equipment prior to the nineteenth – century era was animal – drawn, guided by hand, and lifted manually. Later, when equipment was mounted on wheel, levers were used to raise and lower the working units as described by Smith (1976), that is: The first mechanical power lift was developed for the trailing type tractor-drawn plows about 1910. The tractor power lift was developed about 1930 to raise and lower planters and cultivators mounted on the row-crop tractor. The use of hydraulic power for lifting tractor-mounted equipment was introduced in 1935. Hydraulic power lift are now used for raising, lowering, and controlling almost all types of field equipment, ranging from the small plow to the platform of grain combine and the drums of cotton- picking. Hydraulic controls as explain by Bainer (1955) are the: mechanical power lifts on tractors were introduced commercially in the late 1920’s following the advent of mounted cultivators and general –purpose tractor. Hydraulic lifts of mounted implement appeared few years later, and in the early 1940’s hydraulic controls for trailed implements were adopted. Since that time, the development of hydraulic control system has been raped. Electric and pneumatic power lift have been employed on only limited extend. Hydraulic mechanisms have been used as reported by Hunt (1973) in farm machinery since about (1935). The first production of hydraulic lift for tractor was introduced by Deere & Co. In (1939), Harry Ferguson and Henry Ford introduced tractor which use hydraulics to sense the draw bar pull of the implement and transfer. 2.6 Fundamentals of hydraulic: The fundamental law of hydraulic as written by Smith (1976) is that force of (1Ib) acting on area of (1in2) can be used to lift weight of (10Ib) if the area under the weight is (10in2). In metric units, force of (454g) acting on (6.45cm2) could be used to lift a weight of (4540g) if the weight had an area of (64.5cm2). 2.7 Hydraulic symbols Hydraulic symbols reported by Liljedahi (1979) are that hydraulic system have became so complicated that it is much easier to used symbols to describe them. Graphic symbols for fluid power diagrams, must necessary be learned before proceeding to discussion of hydraulic system. The following list describes some of the advantages of using symbols: • Their use simplifies publication of hydraulic circuits. • Complicated circuit can be tried out by using stock hydraulic component “abroad board”. • • Symbols save drawing time. Symbols can be used to convey the functional requirements of component, or an assembly of components, to design engineers without actually telling them how it must look. 2.8 Types of hydraulic systems There are two types of hydraulic systems as described by Jones(1966) that is: • Closed –center, constant-pressure system because no oil is pumped unless there is demand for it from one of hydraulic mechanisms, and when the operating valves control the hydraulic mechanisms are in the neutral position, there is no flow of oil through these valves. It is a constant –pressure system for the reason that with the engine and pump running constant pressure of (2.300Ib.per sq) is maintained in the system. • The open-center system pumps oil constantly through the hydraulic –mechanism operating valve and returns it to the reservoir. The advantages and disadvantages of close system: The following list described some of the advantages and disadvantages of closed-center hydraulic system: The advantages of closed –center are: • Simpler valving and circuits in the case of multiple uses. • Simpler furthering control and instant response without waiting for pressure build up. • Lower peak power requirement than in the open center system. The disadvantages of closed –center are: • All oil is pumped at high pressure although only small proportion of the usage may require the pressure. • Valve must seal against the full pressure at all time to avoid vesting energy. • Either variable-displacement pump or fixed displacement pump with unload valve and accumulator is required, compare to the only fixed in open, according to Lehann and Richey (1966). 2.9 Basic principles of hydraulics The basic principles of hydraulics are few and simple as explained by Deere (1979). The liquids have no shape of their own because of this oil will flow into passage of any size or shape. Liquid will compress slightly under pressure also its transmit applied pressure in all directions and liquids provide greater increases in work force. This principle helps to stop a large machine by pressing a break pedal. Basic oil circuits as described by Bainer (1955) that the rated oil pressures in early hydraulic system were (300psi) pressure high as (3000psi) which are now used to limited extend, but the present trend is towards rated pressure in the range of (800 to 1200 psi). The extensive use of hydraulic lifts and controls makes it essential that the operator of modern farm equipment should have an understanding of the fundamental principles of power –lift hydraulic, (Smith, 1976). A system or design never malfunctions if operates exactly the way you designed or built it. The struggle results from trying to make the design, the operating conditions and the objectives compatible with one anther. Hydraulic system have become so complicated that it is much easier to use symbols to describe them, (Liljedahi, 1979). 2.10 Hydraulic used in farm equipment Hunt (1973) reported that hydrostatic drives were first used in farm equipment. He said that no development were by made the Case company which inserted a rogue converter into tractor’s drive line and by international harvester which first used hydrostatic drives in farm equipment .Since initial applications, hydraulic have been used to aid in the control of steering , braking, clutching, speed changing, and power transmission . 2.11 Special hydraulic system Some late models of tractors, which have hydraulic powered brakes and steering as well as implement control, are equipped with a hydraulic system, which is specially designed to supply the power for these different operations in the most efficient, and convenient manner, described by Jones (1966).That is consists of main pump, power steering , power brakes, hydraulically operated rocker shaft, one or two selective control valves to operate remote hydraulic cylinders, transmission pump, and an oil cooler. These components connected together and supplied with oil from a common reservoir the transmission assures adequate circulation of oil to the transmission part .The same oil which operates the hydraulic mechanisms lubricates the transmission and differential gears. It also changes and cools the main pump and routes the oil to the cooler to maintain proper oil temperature, this system is known as a closed center. 2.12 Mounted equipment hydraulic control systems Loader, bulldozer, backhoes (excavator), and fork lift are usually mounted on the machine which propels them. Often they are sold as custom units for a single job for easy control; hydraulics is widely used to operate the mounted equipment. Deere, (1979) explain that in the following: • Loader hydraulic system: Most loaders are mounted on the front wheel or crawler tractor which has it own hydraulic system, an open center type. Most loaders have two kinds of control (raise and lower boom, dump and retract bucket). • Bulldozer hydraulic system: The bulldozer usually mounts on the front of crawler tractor for greater traction in loose dirt. Most bulldozers have three types of blade control (raise and lower, angle right and left, and tilt side to side on some bulldozers). All three are controlled by hydraulic. On other only one or two. • Backhoe(excavator)hydraulic system: The back hoe is used for digging trenches. It usually mounts on the rear of an industrial tractor such as a loader or bulldozer. The operator controls the backhoe by mean of levers. These levers direct oil through control valve to the proper cylinder to operate the boom, bucket, crowd, or stabling functions (with double acting cylinder, special swing cylinder used to rotate the boom. • Forklift hydraulic system : The forklift is used to handle, and lift and stack products and materials, many forklifts are mounted on the rear of a wheel tractor. The tract is then operated in reverse, the operator facing the forklift. Most fork lift have three types of hydraulic control (lift and lower the fork, tilt the mast fore, and to shift mast from side -to- side (optional). 2.13 Selecting hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil for tractors are used for two purposes operating the hydraulic implement control system, and operating the hydraulic steering mechanism. Although there are four kinds of oil used the single- grade and multi-grade crankcase oils of various types, gear oil, hydraulic oil, special oil, supplied by tractor manufacturers for use with their particular tractor. With any of the oil the designer of a machine takes into account the effect the oil have on rubber seal or other rubber part in the hydraulic system. Some tractor use oil from the transmission gear case, but even tractors with an entirely independent hydraulic system are designed to use a particular oil (SAE, 1964). 2.14 Hydraulic energy Hydraulic energy is transmitted in two ways: In the hydrodynamic system force is transmitted by high velocity fluid flow hydrokinetic system, and the kinetic system of the fluid does work when it is decelerated by mechanism such as turbine wheel. A hydraulic system that transmits energy primarily by pressure is called a hydrostatic systems, but all hydraulic systems used in farm machinery are hydrostatic (Hunt, 1973). The average annual energy requirements for the proposed work of tractor must be known before an optimum power level can be selected, field operation energy can be estimated for any given farm from the performance of an existing implement (Hunt, 1979). Fluid computed described by Hunt (1973) that: Pressure is the indicator of potential energy of the system at any point. Compute this pressure used this equation: P= F A where: P: is the pressure, (psi) F: is the force in (Ibs) A: is the area of force in contact with the fluid, in2. But the flow fluid in a system is described by the relation: Flow= fluid displacement per unit time. Although flow expressed in gallons per minute and it is computed as equation: Q= 3.12 AV Where: Q: is the flow rate, gal/min. A: is the cross-sectional area associated with the internal diameter of the conduit, in2. V: is the average velocity of the fluid across the section ft/sec. 2.15 Hydraulic system components: Hydraulic system components were classified by Hunt (1973) as: The reservoirs are important components in the hydraulic system, cooling of the fluid, separation often of entrapped gases, and the settling out and filtering out dirt and metal particles are accomplished at the reservoir. The heat of hydraulic systems is the pump. The two basic components, in all hydraulic system reported by Smith (1976) include the pump that converts the power from the engine to fluid power and the actuator, such as a cylinder or motor, that converts the fluid power to the motion and action that are being performed. Other parts of the system include the reservoir, lines, connections, filters, and various types of valves. A hydraulic system will consist of part or all of the following parts or components as classified by Barger (1951) that is the pump, motor, valves line, coolers, sump (supply tank), accumulator stored energy, controls (manual or automatic). But Liljedahi (1979) classified the components as: pump, motor, valves, lines, coolers, sump supply tank, accumulator stored energy, controls (manuals or automatic), fluid, actutors, filters. 2.16 Hydraulic pumps: The hydraulic pump is the heart of the hydraulic system, moves fluid and induced fluid to work, as defined by Deere (1979) that pump convert mechanical force into hydraulic fluid power. Keppner (1978), said that the pump is often referred to as the heart of the system. Pump similar to motor reported by Barger (1967) & Liljedahi (1979) that the most simple type of pump or motor is a hydraulic cylinder, common method of control on a hydrostatic transmission. Pump is usually driven directly by the engine of the tractor or the selfpropelled machine, engine driven pumps operate continually and provide what is commonly referred to as “live hydraulic system” (Kepner, 1978). 2.17 Principle of hydraulic pumps: Smith (1976), explained that all pumps that create flow operate on principle of displacement which can be done in two ways: o Fixed- displacement (usually be driven in either direction without making changes with in the pump). o Variable- displacement (the eccentric housing can be moved in relation to the rotor while in operation). All pumps used in the hydraulic system are referred to as positive displacement type, this means that the pump is designed to pump the same volume of fluid over a wide range of pressure according to Kepner (1978), that all pumps create flow they operate on principle called displacement. Displacement can be done in two ways: o Non- positive displacement, it simply picks up fluid and moves it “old water wheel”. o Positive displacement picks up fluid and moves it circuit “hydraulic pump”. 2.18 Types of hydraulic pumps Most pumps used on today’s machines are categorized according to three basics: (oil circuits, design, and use and oil pressure). Bainer (1955), categorized on basis of oil circuits as: - Piston pumps are generally employed when rated pressures are greater than 1500 Psi. - Gear pumps are most common for pressures below this. - Vane-type pumps are also used to some extent between them (fig. 2.1). Smith (1976) & Deere (1979), categorized it in basis of design as: - Gear pumps (External, Internal Gear pumps). - Vane pumps (Balanced, unbalanced vane pumps). - Piston pumps (Axial usually two types “Inline & bent axis”, Radial operate in two ways “rotating cam and rotating piston” (fig. 2.2, 2.5, …, 2.14). Barger (1951) & Liljedahi (1979) categorized it on the basis of use and oil pressure as: - Radial piston pumps can be used as motors displacement can be controlled by allowing the pressure to lift the pistons off the eccentric. - A spur-gear pump is normally used on tractor hydraulic systems of low pressure. - The spur-gear, the internal-gear pump used in grerotor. - Vane- type pump, are all used on tractor hydraulic system where lower pressures are used (fig. 2.3). But the difference between Barger & Liljedahi in that is normally spur gear pump is not used in tractor hydraulic system because it’s design will not accommodate the higher pressures required, although it can be used for pressure operation such as for charging a hydrokinetic transmission etc (fig. 2.4). Fig. 2.5- External Gear Pump Fig.2.6 External Gear Pump in operation source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.7- Internal Gear Pump source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.9- Balanced Vane Pump source: Deere (1979) source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.8- Internal Gear Pump in Operation source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.10- Balanced Vane Pump in Operation source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.11- Inline Axial Piston Pump- Fig.2.12- Reciprocating Piston Pump Variable Displacement source: Deere (1979) source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.13- Inline Axial Piston Pump in Operation source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.14- Servo Device in Operation. Tilting Swashplate source: Deere (1979) 2.19 Pump Selection: There are secondary factors judging pumps and pump applications such as explained by Bainer (1955), that pump selection depend on basis of rated oil pressure in hydraulic system. Israelsen and Hansen (1962) reported the features other than efficiency to be considered in selecting pump unit as brake horse power, availability and cost, dependability and durability of unit, depreciation, profitability, maintenance and convenience of operation, labour availability and quality, and effective utilization of fluid. James (1988) explained that economic is a primary criterion for selecting the most suitable pump to get an efficient, profitable, and reservoir adapted for particular condition of operation. Molina (1993) reported that head-capacity at optimum operating point need to be determined. 2.20 Classification of pump types: Hydraulic pumps rated in a number of different ways based upon the amount of fluid. Rated oil pressures in early hydraulic system were sometimes as low as (300 psi) pressures and as high as (3000 psi) are now used to limited extent, but the present trend is toward rated pressures in the order of (800 to 1200 psi), in multiple-cylinder rated pressures are greater than about (1500 psi), (Bainer, 1955). Common units to designate the output flow include gallon per minute or liters per minute the flow rate is determined not only by speed (r/min) at which the pump is being turned, but also by the physical size of the pump. Also are rated according to volume, pump displacement and the units are generally measured in cubic inches, Cubic centimeters, gallons, or liters. Pumps used on farm machinery usually range in size from 10 g/min (38 liters/min.) to 50 g/min (190 liter/min), accordance to Smith (1976). Deere (1979) have discussed some of the factors used in evaluation and classification of pump types such as physical size, pump delivery, pump pressure, pump speed, and pump efficiency. 2.21 Power selection: The selection of type of power unit to operate the pump depends on some factors reported as by Schwab (1966) that the amount of power required initial cost, availability and cost of fuel or electricity, annual use, and duration and frequency of pumping. 2.22 Hydraulic horse power: The pressure and flow outputs from pumps define the pumps hydraulic horse power out put as stated by Hunt (1973) in the following equation: H .P = PQ 1714 where: P: pressure. Psi Q: flow rate as pumps are rated as delivering certain flow gal/min 2.23 Malfunction of pumps: The majority of hydraulic pump failure is due to human factor such as poor maintenance, bad repair, exceeding operating limits, the greatest cause- the usual fluid which is dirty or of poor quality. But to prevent failure one should know, maintain the hydraulic system, operate it as designed, use the proper fluids this accordance to Deere (1979). Fig. 2.15- Broken pump drive shaft – Fatigue failure from too-tight drive belts source: Deere (1979) 2.24 Effective of contaminated fluid: Hydraulic oils must be matched with the hydraulic system design. One reason is that the type of hydraulic pump selected by the manufacturer is related to the viscosity of oil used according to (SAE, 1964). Deere (1979), stated that affective of contaminated fluid in some components of pump such as pump piston scored by contaminated fluid, vane pump rotor damaged by contaminated fluid, abnormal wear created by sludge in vane rotor ring (fig. 2.16, 2.17, 2.18). Fig. 2.16- Pump Pistons Scored by Contaminated Fluid source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.17- Vane Pump Rotor Ring Worn and Pitted by Contaminated Fluid source: Deere (1979) Fig. 2.18- Vane Pump Rotor Damaged by Contaminants in Fluid source: Deere (1979) 2.25 Effect of improper fluid to pump: There are some of thing that may occur if the fluid viscosity is wrong that SAE (1964) stated that if you use a heavier oil, there may be excessive heating which in turn causes rapid oil oxidation (oil thickening) which further increases its viscosity. This causes gummy deposits to accumulate on pump and valve and heavy sludge to form and settle in low points of hydraulic system If you the oil is too light, temperatures may go up due to loss of pump efficiency losses from leakage are more likely to occur. Hunt (1973), explained that internal leakage in the pump between the piston and the cylinder, between gear teeth and the pump housing, or around vanes limits the working pressure obtained from pumps, although some leakage is necessary to lubricate the pumps. Deere (1979), reported that if the fluid is too light both internal and external leakage will increase, pump slippage will increase which cause heat and reduce efficiency, part wear will increase for lack of adequate lubrication, system pressure will be reduced overall control of the system functions will be spongy. If the fluid is too “heavy” the Internal friction will increase, which in turn will increase flow resistance through the system; temperature will increase, thus increasing the chance of sludge build up; operation of functions will be sluggish and erratic; pressure drop throughout the system will increase; more power will be required for operation (fig. 2.19). Fig. 2.19-Vane Pump Ring Wear from Use of Improper Fluid Source: Deere (1979) 2.26 Pump maintenance: The regular maintenance of any machine including pumps is of great importance for increasing its efficiency and prolonging it’s working life. Michael (1978), stated that for safe and efficient operation of pump, lubrication of different parts should be carried out strictly according to manufacture’s instructions. 2.27 Diagnosis of pump failures: There are much failure occur to the hydraulic pump, but some failures diagnosed by Deere (1979), that is: - Pump doesn’t deliver fluid: Fluid level in reservoir is too low. Pump inlet line plugged. - No pressure: Pump not delivering fluid. Vane in vane pump slicking. - Low erratic pressure: Cold fluid. Fluid viscosity wrong. - Low on erratic pressure-continued: Leak on restriction at inlet line. Pump speed too low. - Pump making noise: Low fluid level. Air in the system. - Excessive wear: Abrasive contaminators on sludge in fluid. Viscosity of fluid too lower or too high. - Excessive fluid leakage: Damage seals or package around drive soft. - Internal rates breakage: Excessive pressure above maximum limits for pump. Seizure due to lack of fluid. Chapter Two Literature Review Mechanical in Sudan Mechanical was first introduced in agriculture of abolishment of Sudan, during the early (1920s), at the time of establishment of Sudan production syndicate, which had pioneered the use of plow tackle unite consist of two 60hp engines pulling combined cultivator or multiple ridger. Later in mid- 1940s,the increased use of machinery was associated with the need to produce more food, during the Second World War. At that time a50hp tractor and wide – level disk harrows with seeder box were introduced. By 1950s,the private sector had started to invest money in machinery. This has head to horizontal expansion policy, and the opening up of anew agricultural land in conjunction with greater use of machinery (Abd Alla, 2000). Power sources in agriculture Power sources in agriculture are one of the determining factors of the level of agricultural development and stage of mechanization. There are three types of power used in cultural practices-human power, animal power, and motorized power (Fachina, 1986). Human power is used in traditional farming through hand tool in all cultural practices from hand preparation to harvesting mainly in small areas. Human power considered as essential source of power for more than80% of the farmers in west Africa, it has many disadvantages like low crop production limiting the cultivable land sand and low returns (MOA, 1991). There are many types of hand tool for different cultural operations e.g. hoe. For weeding, toria for sowing and panga for cleaning these tools usually made of wood or iron or both of them. Animal power used in agricultural practices through draft implements e.g. ploughs, seeders, and carts. Animal draft implements can be manufactured locally from scrap material, which makes it cheap and available. In cases of using animal power is also used for control and management (Fashina, 1986). Tractor power is used under certain conditions and always unavailable for rural societies because of small size lock of technical awareness and high cost of its use, more over, tractors are not available in most cases in rural areas (Bansal, 1992). But tractor played large contribution as source of power in modern areas. Tractor power is delivered to onto implements in four ways the draw bar, the belt pulley, the power take of, the power lift, or hydraulic control (Barger, 1961). Hydraulic control Hydraulic control described by Smith (1976) that is basically method of transmitting power from the power source to machine or component being operated. Hydraulic control system, in addition to providing conveniently located and easily operated control lever are extremely flexible in regard to application possibilities cylinders may be built into the tractor, or external cylinders may be mounted in various positions on the tractor on trailed implement. This reported by Bainer (1955). Hydrostatic, or the mechanics of fluids, was defined by Blasise Pascal (1653). As follows: Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally and undiminished in all directions to every part of fluid and of its restraining surfaces. Hydraulic systems for farm equipment Farm equipment prior to the nineteenth – century era was animal – drawn, guided by band, and lifted manually. Later, when equipment was mounted on wheel, levers were used to raise and lower the working units describe by Smith (1976). That: The first mechanical power lift was developed for the trailing type tractor-drawn plows about 1910. The tractor power lift was developed about 1930 to raise and lower planters and cultivators mounted on the row-crop tractor. The use of hydraulic power for lifting tractor-mounted equipment was introduced in 1935. Hydraulic power lift are now used for raising, lowering, and controlling almost all types of field equipment, ranging from the small plow to the plat from of grain combine and the drums of cotton- picking. Hydraulic controls explain by Bainer (1955). That: Mechanical power lifts on tractors were introduced commercially in the late 1920’s following the advent of mounted cultivators and general –purpose tractor. Hydraulic lifts of mounted implement appeared few years later, and in the early 1940’s hydraulic controls for trailed implements were adopted. Since that time, the development of hydraulic control system has been raped. Electric and pnewmatric power lift have been employed on only to eliminated extend. Hydraulic mechanisms have been used reported by Hunt (1973) that used in farm machinery since about (1935). The first production hydraulic lift for tractor was introduced by deer &co. In (1939), Harry Ferguson and henry Ford introduced tractor which used by hydraulics to sense the draw bar pull of the implement and which transferred. Fundamentals of hydraulic: The fundamental law of hydraulic write by Smith (1976) that force of (1Ib) acting on area of (1in2) can be used to lift weight of (10Ib) if the area ander the weight is (10in2). In metric units, force of (454g) acting on (6.45cm2) could by used to lift aweight of (4540g) if the weight had an area of (64.5cm2). Hydraulic symbols Hydraulic symbols reported by Liljedaht (1979)that hydraulic system have became so complicated that it is much easier toused symbols to describe them. This language, Graphic symbols for fluid power diagrams, must necessary be learned before proceeding to discussion of hydraulic system. The following list describes some of the advantages of using symbols: • Their use simplifies publication of hydraulic circuits. • Complicated circuit can be tried out by using stock hydraulic component “abroad board”. • • Symbols save drawing time. Symbols can be used to convey the functional requirements of component, or an assembly of components, to design engineers with out actually telling them how it must look. Types of hydraulic systems There are tow types of hydraulic system described by Jones(1966) that is: • Closed –center, constant-pressure system because no oil is pumped unless there demand for it from one of hydraulic mechanisms, and when the operating valves control the hydraulic mechanisms are in the neutral position, there is no flow of oil through these valves. It is constant –pressure system for the reason that with the engine and pump running constant pressure of (2.300Ib.per sq) in maintained in the system. • The open-center system pumps oil constantly through the hydraulic –mechanism operating valve and returns it to the reservoir. The advantages and disadvantages of close system The following list described some of the advantages and dis advantages of closed-center hydraulic system: The advantages of closed –center are: • Simpler valving and circuits in the case of multiple uses. • Simpler feathering control and instant response with out waiting for pressure build up. • Lower peak power requirement than in an open center system. The disadvantages of closed –center are: • All oil is pumped at high pressure although only small proportion of the usage may require the pressure. • Valve must seal against the full pressure at all time to avoid vesting energy. • Either variable-displacement pump or fixed displacement pump with unload valve and accumulator required, compare with only fixed in open. According to Lehann and Richey(1966). Basic principles of hydraulics The basic principles of hydraulics are few and simple explained by Deere (1979). That liquid is no shape of their own because of this oil will flow into passage of any size or shape. Liquid will compress slightly under. Pressure also its transmit applied pressure in all direction and liquids provide greater increases in work force. This principle helps you to stop a large machine by pressing a bark pedal. Basic oil circuits are described by Bainer(1955) that rated oil pressures in early hydraulic system were some times as (300psi)pressure high as(3000psi)are now used to limited extend, but the present trend is toward rated pressure in order of (800 to 1200 psi). The extensive use of hydraulic lifts and controls makes it essential – that the operator modern farm equipment have an under standing of the fundamental principles of power –lift hydraulic. According to Smith (1976). A system or design never malfunctions it operates exactly the way you designed or built it. The struggle results from trying to make the design, the operating conditions and your objectives compatible with one anther reported by wittren. Hydraulic system have become so complicated that it is much easier to use symbols to described them this reported by Liljedah(1979). Hydraulic used in farm equipment First used of hydrostatic drivers in farm equipment reported by Hunt (1973). That said no development were by the case company which inserted at rogue converter into tractor ,s drive line and by inter national harvester which first used hydrostatic drives in farm equipment .Since initial applications, hydraulic have been used to aid in the control of steering , braking, clutching, speed changing, and power transmission . Special hydraulic system Some late models of tractors, which have hydraulic powered brakes and steering as well as implement control, are equipped with a hydraulic system, which is specially designed to supply the power for these different operations in the most efficient, and convenient manner, described by Jones (1966).That is consists of main pump, power steering , power brakes, hydraulically operated rock shaft, one or two selective control valves to operate remote hydraulic cylinders, transmission pump, and an oil cooler. These components are connected together and supplied with oil from a common reservoir-the transmission assures adequate circulation of oil to the transmission part .The same oil which operates the hydraulic mechanisms lubricates the transmission and differential gears. It also changes and cools the main pump and routes the oil to the cooler to maintain proper oil temperature, this system is known as aclosed center. Mounted equipment control systems Loader, bulldozer, backhoes (excavator), and fork lift are usually mounted on the machine which propels them. Often they are sold as custom units for asingle job for easy of control, hydraulics is widely used to operate this mounted equipment (Deere,1979) explain that in the following : • Loader hydraulic system: Most loader are mounted on the front of wheel or crawler tractor which has it own hydraulic system, an open center type. Most loaders have two kinds of control (raise and lower boom, dump and retract bucket). • Bulldozer hydraulic system: The bulldozer usually mounts on the front of crawler tractor for greater traction in loose dirt. Most bulldozers have three types of bulldozers(raise and lower, angle right and left ,and tilt side to side on some bulldozers. All three are controlled by hydraulic .On other only one or two. • Backhoe(excavator)hydraulic system: The back hoe is used for digging trenches. It usually mounts on the rear of an industrial tractor such as a loader or bulldozer. The operator controls the backhoe by mean of levers. These levers direct oil through control valve to the proper cylinder to operate the boom, bucket, crowd, or stabling functions (with double acting cylinder, special swing cylinder used to rotate the boom. • Fork lit hydraulic system : The forklift is used to handle, and lift and stack products and materials, many forklift are mounted on the rear of a wheel tractor. The tract is then operated in reverse, the operator facing the forklift. Most fork lift have three types of hydraulic control (lift and lower the fork, tilt the mast fore, and to shift mast from side -to- side (optional). Selecting hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil for tractors are used for two purposes operating the hydraulic implement control system, and operating the hydraulic steering mechanism. Although there are four kinds of oil used the single- grade and multi-grade crankcase oils of various types, Gear oil, hydraulic oil, special oil, supplied by tractor manufacturers for use with their particular tractor. With any of the oil the designer of a machine takes into account the effect the oil have on rubber seal or other rubber part in the hydraulic system. Some tractor use oil from the transmission gear case, but even tractors with an entirely independent hydraulic system are designed to use a particular oil. Hydraulic energy Hydraulic energy is transmitted in two ways : In he hydrodynamic system force is transmitted by high velocity fluid flow hydrokinetic system, and the kinetic energy of the fluid does work when it is decelerated by mechanism such as turbine wheel. A hydraulic system that transmits energy primarily by pressure is called a hydrostatic system, but all hydraulic system used in farm machinery is a hydrostatic (Hunt,1973). The average annual energy requirements for the proposed work of tractor must be know before an optimum power level can be selected, field operation energy can be estimated for any given farm from the perforance of an existing implement (Hunt, 1979). Chapter three Material and methods 3.1 Site description: This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of hydraulic pump, in three schemes that is Khartoum State Ministry of Agric., Gezira Scheme, and Kenana Company. Pumps used were mainly of 5.5 Gallon per min delivery pumping from reservoir to other parts of hydraulic system. Khartoum State is located between longitude 32o – 33o East and latitude 15˚ –16˚ North and latitude of 380m above mean sea level . The total area of the state is about 28185.299 square kilometers . The climate of the area is arid and semi arid with an average mean annual rain fall of 160 mm (Shambat Agrometeo-logical station). The soil of the areas can be broadly classified as clay – loams; with a relatively high percentage of silt along the Blue Nile and main Nile banks. Gezira scheme falls under a semi – arid tropics with humid rainy season from July to October. The maximum monthly temperature is in the range of 35˚ to 38˚C. The soil of the project are deep cracking , self mulching clays , with low infiltration rates, low permeability but high water holding capacity. The over all mean average annual rain fall is around 200 mm. (meteorological station of Wad Madani Research Station). Kenana Sugar Company is located between the White Nile and Blue Nile , 240 Km south of Khartoum , at latitude 13˚ North , longitude 33˚ East and is 500 m above sea level. The climate is tropical with a summer rainy season four months, June to September, with a peak in August. Annual rain fall is 316 mm and fluctuates greatly among years. The soil is brown heavy clay, classified as true vertisols . The upper 60 cm of the soil profile is a cracking clay with 40 – 60 % clay content, the dominant clay mineral is montmorillonite .The soil PH ranges from 7.5 – 8.5. The studied areas were density populated with hydraulic pumps scheme or company. The schemes farm vary in area from 30 – 450 m2 in field crops but common area from 90 – 200 m2 in total area of 2.2 million feddan in company farm they are vary in furrows from short furrows to long furrows are from 45 m – 2500 m in total area of 35714 hectares in area company . 3.2 Data collection: Data collected were either in form of a questionnaire or parameters calculation. 3.2.1 Data from questionnaire: Data calculated an either general or specific data about machine performance, hydraulic pump, hydraulic system (Appendix A). 3.2.2 Parameters calculations: These Calculations were done using the following equations: a- Hydraulic horse power (H.P) : The (H.P) was determined using the formula stated by Hunt (1973) & Sons (1984), as follows: H.P = PQ 1714 Where: P : Pressure (Psi) Q : flow rate or pumps rated as delivering Certain flow (gall/min) b- Brake horse power (BHP). When the driving unit is an engine the (BHP) was calculated by dividing the fuel consumed in litres per hour by 0.23 (Michael, 1978). 0.23 litre of fuel is equivalent to one brake horse power. this can be expressed by the following equation : BHP = fuel Consumption In L / h 0.23 c- Actual pump efficiency: The actual pump efficiency was calculated using the formula stated by Israelsen and Hansen (1962); and Michael (1978) & Sons (1984), as follows: EP = HP BHP Where: EP = pump efficiency (percent) HP = hydraulic horse power BHP = brake horse power Appendix B, shows the sample calculation of pump efficiency, while Appendix C1-C3 show the actual pump efficiency for the pump schemes covered in the study Power Consumption 3.3 In pumps studied, operated with fuel to do work with hydraulic oil. The letter “F” was used to denote fuel (diesel) consumption and “O” was used to denote hydraulic oil Consumption. Three levels of operation were assumed: “1” F1 or O1 amount of fuel or oil consumed respectively, to apply hydraulic machines at the existing Practice and efficiency “2” F2 or O2 amount of fuel or oil consumed respectively when the pump is operated at the existing efficiency (low efficiency) to apply only the required hydraulic work. “3” F3 or O3 amount of fuel or oil consumed respectively when the pump is operated at it is optimum condition i.e. at it’s maximum assumed efficiency of 60 percent to apply only the required hydraulic work . Then for the sake of comparison : “i” F1 or O1 were compared with F2 or O2 using the T – test for paired samples . “ii” F2 or O2 were compared with F3 or O3 using the T – test for paired samples . “iii” F3 or O3 were compared with F1 or O1 using the T – test for paired samples . Pumps types Vane Gear Piston Fig. 2.1 –Types of hydraulic pumps on basis of oil circuits Source : Bainer (1955) Pumps types Piston Gear Vane Internal Balanced Unbalanced Axial Inline External Radial Rotating Bent axis Rotating piston Fig. 2.2- Types of hydraulic pumps on basis of oil and design Source : Deere (1979) Radial piston used on motor low pressure Pumps types A spur - gear used on tractor hydraulic system Low pressure Spur - gear Internal Used in grerotor Vane Used on tractor hydraulic system Higher pressure Fig. 2.4- Types of hydraulic pumps on basis of used and oil pressure Source : Barger (1951) . Radial piston used on motor low pressure Pumps types A spur - gear used on tractor hydraulic system Low pressure Apur - gear Internal Used in greotor Vane Used on tractor hydraulic system But Fig.2.3- Types of hydraulic pumps on basis of use and oil pressure Source : liljedahi (1979) References: Abdalla y.A (2000) Development and evaluation of aridger – planter Implement, M.Sc. Thesis dept . of agriculture university of Khartoum . SAE. (1964). Selecting and staring tractor fuels and lubricants. Annual report of American Association for Agricultural Engineering and vocational fuels and Agriculture and Agriculture. Bainer , R , kepner , R.A , and Barger , E.L. (1955). Principles of farm machinery . California university, Inc. USA. Bainer, R , kepner , R.A. and Barger . F.L . (1980) .Principles of form machinery . and printing . AVI Publishing company, Connecticut , Inc .USA . Barger. .(1951) . Tractor and their power Units massFerguson . Second edition . Inc . New Delhi lowastate . Barger . E. L . et . al (1961) Tractor and their power Units . Third edition. Inc .USA . Bansal , R . K . (1992) . performance of draft animal to work in morocoo. Draft ability and power out put AMA, Inc. Japan. ILO . (1989) . Training manger for appropriate technology choice . Annual report . International lab our Organization . Geneva , Swwises . Israelsen , W . O and Hansen , E . V . (1962) . irrigation principles and practices . third edition . John Wiley and Sons , Inc New York . James , G . L . (1988) . Principles of farm Irrigation system design . John Wiley and Sons , Inc . New York , USA . John Deere & company . Moline (1979) . Hydroulic system . Third edition Print in USA . Johes M . S and Fred , R . (1966) Farm gas engines and tractor , M . C G row – Hill Book company , Inc . New York . John Deere , Combine Harvester (FMO) , (1987) . Fundamentals of machine operation . Fashina (1986) . Animal draught . A source of power for agricultural deve lopment in a developing country . AMA . Inc . Japan . Liljedahi . J . B . (1979) . et . al . Tractor and their power units . Purduc university , Inc , USA . Richey . C . B and Lehmann , H . A . (1966) A tractor closed – center Hydraulic system . report , tractor and Implement Division , Ford company. Inc. New York. Kepner. R. A. et. al (1978). Principles of farm machinery. Avipublishing company. Inc. Westport Jonnecticut . Moline , E (1991) . Simulation Modeln to Predict operating Pressure and Flow rates for Sprinkle system in operation . Unpublished M.Sc . Thesis Dept. of agric. and Irrigation Eng. Utah state. univ. Logan. USA. MOA . (1991) Critical sectoral lssves and future strategy for development . Ministry of Agriculture MOA . Botswana’s agricultural policy . Government Printer Gaborone , Botswana . Michael .A . M (1978) . Irrigation . Theory and Practice VIK as Publishing House PVTLTD New Delhi , India . Schwab , G . O , Frevert . R . K ; Edminster . T . W . , Barnes . K . K . (1966) . Soil and water Conservation Engineering . Second edition . John Wiley and Sons , Inc . USA . Smith , A . E . and Wilkes, M. S (1976). Farm machinery and equipment , sixth edition . Mc Grow Hill , Inc . USA . Sons, J.W. (1984). Design of Agricultual machinery, University of New York, Inc. USA. Hunt, D. et. al. (1973). Farm machinery University of Urbana, First edition , Inc . USA . Hunt , D . (1973) . Farm Power and machinery management , lowa state University . First edition , Inc . USA . Hunt , D (1979) . Farm Power and machinery management , Lowa state university Pressames Lowa , Inc , USA. Appendix B The sample Calculation of pump efficiency These Calculations were done with the help of data obtained and equations relevant in literature in the following forms : d- Hydraulic horse power (H.P) : The (H.P) was determined using the formula stated by Hunt (1973) & Sons (1984), as follows : H.P = PQ 1714 Where : P : Pressure (Psi) Q : flow rate or pumps rated as delivering Certain flow (gall/min) e- Brake horse power (BHP). When the driving unit is an engine the (BHP) was calculated by dividing the fuel consumed in litres per hour by 0.23 (Michael, 1978). I.e.o.23 litre of fuel is equivalent to one brake horse power hour . this can be expressed by the following equation : BHP = fuel Consumption In L / h 0.23 Actual pump efficiency : The actual pump efficiency was calculated using the formula stated by Israelson and Hansen (1962) ; and Michael (1978) & Sons (1984), using the hydraulic horse Power (HP) and Brake horse Power (BHP) as follows: EP = HP BHP Where : EP = pump efficiency (percent) HP = hydraulic horse power BHP = brake horse power Appendix B, shows the sample calculation of pump efficiency, while Appendix C1-C3 show the actual pump efficiency for the pump schemes covered in the study Chapter Four Results and Discussions 4.1 Actual Pump Efficiency: Table 4-1 shows the main information about the twenty four pumps studied on the Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture, Gezira Scheme, Kenana Sugar Company; while Appendix B shows the calculated pump efficiency. It can be seen that the hydraulic pumps in Gezira Scheme is of relatively low efficiency compared to that in Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture and Kenana Sugar Company. This could be due to the effect of old pumps used. The efficiencies shown in (Table 4.1) were statistically analyzed and presented in a form of minimum, maximum, mean pump efficiency and standard deviation (Table 4.2). The standard deviation in pumping efficiency was greater in Gezira Scheme pumps than between those from Kenana Company and Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture while that from the whole sample of 24 pump is greater than 18 percent. Table 4.3 (a-d) shows respective T-value test for comparison between obtained actual pump efficiencies and assumed pump efficiency of 60 percent for Gezira, Khartoum State, Kenana and total pumps considered. This test shows a significant effect in efficiencies due to pump locations. The low pump efficiency values shown in tables 4.1 and 4.2 indicate that these pumps were operating at conditions far below that recommended. According to Deere (1979), the maximum standard hydraulic pump efficiency of three pump types were Gear 75 percent, vane 85 percent, piston 95 percent under very favourable conditions. In the study most of pumps were very old and most of them were more than 20 years old. Results obtained in Appendixes C1, C2 and C3 showed that, there were very few pumps with efficiency more than 75 percent, few pumps with efficiency more than 60 percent and the bulk of pumps having efficiency under 60 percent. Therefore, the efficiency of 60 percent was assumed to be as standard maximum pump efficiencies. Table 4.1: The Main Information and Types of Hydraulic Pumps of Khartoum State, Gezira Scheme and Kenan Sugar Company (mean) Gear Gear Vane Vane Piston Piston Del. Press. deliv. Press. Deliv. deliv. (Gpm) (Psi) (Gpm) (Psi) (Gpm) (Psi) Fuel Oil Machine Location Pump Company consum consum H.P B.H.P type Khartoum State 16.00 1600 - - Gezira Scheme 7.86 1825 8.33 Kenana Sugar Company 5.90 1920 6.40 7.00 efficen. (%) (g/h) (g/h) 4000 4 5 4.83 0.0350 14.80 20.93 71.98 1833.33 11.33 2400 5 4 5.05 0.0276 10.72 18.61 49.71 2000.00 6.50 3800 6 2 2.77 0.0265 9.13 12.04 74.52 Table 4.2: Minimum, Maximum, Mean and Standard Deviation of Pump Efficiency from Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture, Gezira Scheme and Kenana Sugar Company Location Khartoum State Gezira Scheme Kenana Sugar Company N 4 10 10 Min. 60.30 27.60 63.10 Max. 89.50 75.30 89.50 Mean 71.98 49.71 74.52 St. dev. 11.86 18.05 9.32 Total 24 27.60 89.50 58.55 13.076 Table 4.3: T-value for the Difference Between Mean Pump Efficiencies and Assumed (60%) Efficiency (a) Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture and Correspond-ing Efficiency Variables Mean pump efficiency N Mean 4 71.98 Difference t-value 2.3701 (cal) 10.3842 Standard efficiency 4 60% * 2.2280 (tab) In this table and the following tables: Cal = calculated t-test; Tab = tabulated t-test * Significant effect. Prob. (P≤0.05) (b) Gezira Scheme and Corresponding Efficiency Variables N Mean Mean pump efficiencies 10 49.71 Difference t-value Prob. (P≤0.05) 3.7605 (cal) 6.4620 Standard efficiency * 10 * 2.1765 (tab) 60% Significant effect. (c) Kenana Sugar Company and Corresponding Efficiency Variables Mean pump efficiencies Standard efficiency N Mean Difference t-value 4 4 74.52 60% 6.6693 4.3998 (cal) 2.1320 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) * * Significant effect. (d) Total pumps and Corresponding Efficiency Variables N Mean Difference t-value Mean pump efficiencies Standard efficiency * = Significant effect 24 24 65.312 60% 7.0362 2.3581 (cal) 2.2009 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) * 4.2 Factors Affecting Pump Efficiency: From table 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 it appears that most of pumps were operating at low efficiency compared with standard efficiency. The reason for such low efficiencies implied further consideration of the influential factors such as: pump condition, machine ownership, effect of spare parts and specified tool of Diagnosis, operator skill and training and land ownership. 4.2.1 Condition of Hydraulic Pump: The effect of the condition of hydraulic pump on it’s efficiency could be considered with respect to pump delivery, age of pump maintenance frequency, working hours and type of power, as follows: a- Pump Types Delivery: The pumps considered were limited to those between 5.5 to 23 gallon per minute on three pumps types studied (gear, vane, piston pumps delivery). From the studied about 45% were gear delivered, 20% vane delivered, 33% piston delivery, table (4.4). Statistical Analysis (chi-square) at probability level of significance of P ≤ 0.05 shows a significant effect of pumps types delivery on pump efficiency. Table 4-4 shows their statistical analysis revealed that the pumps types delivery has significant efficiency of work. Pump type delivery has significant effect on the efficiency of pumping (Table 4.4). This was obviously attributed to the fact that most of schemes the delivery to be 5.5 gallon per minute this less for recommended of manual of manufacturer. The recommended the fluid level in reservoir too low, pump speed too slow, sludge or dirt in the pump (instruction manual of Deere Manufacturer No. ISBN. O-86691018-2). Table 4.4: The Effect of Pumps Types Delivery on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Pumps types delivery Gear delivery (Gpm) Vane delivery (Gpm) Piston delivery (Gpm) Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 45.83 20.83 33.34 12.035 * * Significant effect. b- Age of Hydraulic Pump: Appendix E1-E3 shows the age of hydraulic pumps (power unit and pump) studied. The correlation coefficient relating age of hydraulic pump with the corresponding efficiency was about 0.3765 (Fig 4.1), which is not significant at P ≤ 0.05 level. This indicates that pump age (power unit and pump) has no effect on efficiency of pumping. The value of correlation coefficient (r=0.3765) between pump age and it’s efficiency Indicated that, as the pump age increases the pump efficiency tend to be decrease (Fig 4.1). a similar statement was reported by Israelsen Hansen (1962). However, if these pumps were properly maintained, the age effect would have been smoothed and thus the working life of pump increased. c- Maintenance Frequency: The maintenance frequency in the study was considered as yearly, seasonal (i.e. winter and summer seasons) or irregular (i.e. when there is a breakdown). From the 24 pumps studied about 29% were maintained yearly, 54% seasonally and 17% were irregularly maintained (Table 4.5). Statistical analysis (Chi-square) at probability level of significance of P ≤ 0.05 shows a significant effect of the maintenance frequency on pumping efficiency. Observation and discussions with operator’s or engineer’s interviewed in this study revealed the programme maintenance were yearly or seasonally and usually maintenance was made when there was a break down. Moreover, there was no qualified personnel or engineering to do the job and usually done by operator’s themselves with the help of local mechanics. Investment in such kind of maintenance services through mobile workshops or workshop in the locality could improve the situation greatly. The importance of maintenance for pumps was emphasized by Michael (1978), who stated that for safe and efficient operation of pump, lubrication of different that part should be carried out strictly according to manufacture’s instructions. He also added that maintenance frequency may range from one to six months for hearing parts and it may reach a year for other part. Table 4.5: The Effect of Maintenance Frequency on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Maintenance frequency Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 16.67 54.17 29.16 11.9501 * Irregular Seasonal Yearly * Significant effect. d- Working Hours per Day: Appendix E1-E3 shows the number of working hours for each pump and the corresponding pump efficiency. It can be seen that for most of these pumps the working hours were about 20 hours or less per day, in few cases there were about 6.6 working hours per day. The correlation value 0.5549 (Fig 4.2) indicates that working hours per day have significant effect on pump efficiency. However, continuous operation will certainly affect pump efficiency as stated by Israelsen and Hansen (1962). This significant effect could be attributed to the fact that these pumps were operated high frequent (average range between 16-20 hours per day) and probably high than recommended. e- Type of Power: The power type (diesel or oil) operating each of these pumps is shown in appendix C1-C3. All pumps studied were operated by diesel to pumping oil (Table 4.7). The statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance shown in table 4.6 revealed that the type of power used has no effect on the efficiency of pumping. This is because both diesel and fluid as power types were converted into BHP and transmitted to pump in a farm of revaluations per minute RPM from the shaft of the prime mover. The magnitude of BHP depends on the amount and not on the type of power used, capacity of prime mover and it’s transmission efficiency. However, the running cost of pump as prime mover could be more in a form of fluid consumption and also the pump need more spare parts, frequent maintenance and repair than that of fuel pump. Table 4.6: The Effect of Type of Power on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Fuel Percentage (%) 100 Oil 100 Type of power Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 0.9231 n.s n.s: No significant effect. 4.2.2 Spare Parts of the Hydraulic Pump and Specified Tool of Diagnosis: The effect of the spare parts of the hydraulic pump on it’s efficiency could be considered with respect to availability of spare parts, and quality of spare parts, specified tool of Diagnosis, as follows: a- Availability of Spare Parts: Appendix E1-E3 shows the availability of spare parts for each pump and the corresponding pump efficiency. About 70.8% of the pumps studied has available of spare parts while 29.2% of these pump is no available of spare parts (Table 4.7). The statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance shown in (Table 4.7) revealed that the availability of spare parts has a significant effect of the efficiency of pumping. b- Quality of Spare Parts: The quality of spare parts to each pumps is shown in appendix E1-E3. about 87.5% of the pump studied got good quality of spare parts while 12.5% of these pump got low quality spare parts (Table 4.8). The statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance shown in table 4-8 revealed that quality of spare part for pumps has a highly significant effect on the efficiency of pumping. Table 4.7: The Effect of Availability of Spare Parts on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Availability of spare parts Available Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 70.83 9.7182 * Not available 29.17 * Significant effect. Table 4.8: The Effect of Quality of Spare Parts on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Quality of spare parts Percentage (%) Fine 87.5 Low fine 12.5 Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 13.0081 ** ** Highly significant effect. C- Specified Tool of Diagnosis: Appendix E1-E2 shows the specified tool of diagnosis for each of these pumps. About 37.5% of few specified tool of diagnosis were 20.8% for very few and 41.7% for a lot of specified tool of diagnosis, (Table 4.9) shows the statistical analysis (chisquare) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance. This analysis revealed that the pump specified tool of diagnosis has a significant effect on the efficiency of works. Table 4.9: The Effect of Specified Tool of Diagnosis on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Specified tool of diagnosis Very few Few high *: Significant effect. Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 20.83 37.50 41.67 8.3694 * Available of spare parts (Table 4.7), available of specified tool of diagnosis (Table 4.9) has significant effect on pump efficiency, but quality of spare parts (Table 4.8) has high significant effect on pump efficiency. These high effect was attributed to the fact that quantity of spare parts established by operator’s was below that recommended by manufacturer, also effect on pump efficiency that good quality increase pump efficiency but bad quality decrease pump efficiency. 4.2.3 Machine Ownership: Appendix E1-E3 shows machine ownership in the three schemes. It can be seen that for most of these pumps the machine ownership were owned or rented in few cases. Correlation value of 0.2792 (Fig 4.3) indicates that machine ownership have no effect on pump efficiency. It was originally believed that scheme who rented or owned machine might be more serious and eager to get maximum possible profit either through decreasing pumping cost through more efficiency pumps or increasing crop yield. 4.2.4 Operators Skills and Training: Social factors such as hydraulic operator’s education, skill and experience of hydraulic operator’s were shown in appendix D1-D3 as follows: a- Hydraulic Operator’s Appointment: Appendix D1-D3 shows that about 41.7% of the operators were seasonally appointed & constant, 41.7% were constant & leas, while 16.7% are in constant jobs. Statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance (Table 4.10) shows that there is significant effect of hydraulic operator’s state of appointment on pump efficiency. b- Hydraulic Operator’s Education level: Hydraulic operator’s education level were shows in appendix D1-D3. about 37.5% of were engineers, 20.8% were general operator’s, while 41.7% were experienced. Statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance (Table 4.11) shows that there is a significant effect of hydraulic operator’s education level on pump efficiency. Table 4.10:The Effect of Hydraulic Operator’s Work on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Hydraulic operators Constant Constant + leas Constant + seasonal Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 16.66 41.67 41.67 12.8462 * *: Significant effect. Table 4.11:The Effect of Operator’s Education Level on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Operator’s education level Percentage (%) Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 37.50 20.83 41.67 10.1802 * Engineering General Experience * Significant effect. c- Hydraulic Operator’s Skill: Appendix D1-D3 shows the hydraulic operator’s skill. The correlation coefficient relating operator’s skill to hydraulic pump efficiency was about 0.58 (Fig 4.4) which is significant at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance. This indicates that pump operator’s skill has a direct effect on efficiency of pumping. Hydraulic operator’s work seasonally or constant shown in (Table 4.10), hydraulic operator’s education level (Table 4.11), hydraulic operator’s skill has correlation factor’s of 0.58 show in (Fig 4.4) all these factor’s were significant effect on pump efficiency. These efficiency attributed to the fact that if the operator’s has high skill, high education level, work constant or seasonally this will be application all recommended of manual of manufacture these increase pump efficiency. This stated by Deere (1979) that the majority of hydraulic pump failure are due to human factor. Also stated for prevent from this failure by know your hydraulic, maintain the system, operate it as designed. 4.2.5 Land Ownership: Appendix D1-D3 shows the form of land ownership in the schemes covered. About 58.3% of the schemes were privately owned while about 41.7% were combined. Statistical analysis (chi-square) at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance (Table 4.12) showed that there is a highly significance effect of land relationship on pump efficiency. It was originally believed that scheme who companied the land might be more serious and eager to get maximum possible profit and application the recommended of manufacture either through decreasing hydraulic pump cost through more efficient pump or increasing machine yield or crop yield than that owned. Table 4.12: The Effect of Land Ownership on Pump Efficiency (chi-square test) Land ownership Percentage (%) Owned 58.33 Companied 41.67 Chi-sq. value Prob. (P≤0.05) 14.2367 ** **: Highly significant effect. 4.3 Power Consumption: In this section power consumed (fuel or hydraulic oil) is analyzed with respect to pumping requirement to do work relative to that pressured. This analysis was done at three level of performance as follows: 1- F1 or O1 fuel or hydraulic oil consumed when the pump is operated at the existing machine conditions (i.e. actual delivery at the corresponding efficiency). 2- F2 or O2 fuel or hydraulic oil required when the pump is operated at it’s existing efficiency (low efficiency) to pump the required hydraulic oil to do work. 3- F3 or O3 fuel or hydraulic oil assumed to be consumed when the pump is operated at an assumed efficiency of 60 percent to give the required hydraulic oil to do work. 4.3.1 Fuel Consumption (F): All of the twenty four pumps studied were diesel operated. (Table 4.13) shows the average number of working hours per day and the corresponding fuel consumption at the three levels of operation F1, F2 and F3. Table 4.13: Average number of working hours and the corresponding fuel consumption (F1) existing (practice and efficiency), F2 low efficiency and (F3) optimum efficiency in gallon/day 1 Average working hours/day 6.6 F1 (l/day) 26.40 F2 (l/day) 57.55 F3 (l/day) 26.66 2 6.6 21.78 70.57 32.45 3 6.6 39.60 109.30 50.29 4 6.6 39.60 138.66 40.79 5 12 48.00 27.60 22.08 6 12 72.00 27.84 41.76 7 12 48.00 24.29 22.08 8 6.6 52.80 25.34 33.79 9 6.6 39.60 117.00 23.76 10 20 90.00 174.60 80.10 11 20 90.00 98.04 102.60 12 20 86.00 88.20 108.36 13 20 70.00 122.40 71.40 14 20 120.00 55.80 148.80 15 15 45.00 103.05 48.25 16 15 45.00 140.40 64.80 17 20 50.00 116.50 53.50 18 20 50.00 136.00 62.50 19 20 66.00 213.84 98.34 20 20 46.00 106.72 49.22 21 20 108.00 320.76 147.96 22 20 34.00 96.56 44.54 23 16 32.00 75.84 34.88 24 16 32.00 89.28 40.96 Serial No. The statistical analysis between F1 and F2 (Table 4.14), between F2 and F3 (Table 4.15) and between F1 and F3 (Table 4.16) gave a high significant difference between them. From (Table 4.13) the decrease in fuel consumption to apply the required amount of hydraulic oil is evident although the existing pump efficiency is low. The saving in fuel consumption could be great if pumping efficiency is improved and only the amount of hydraulic oil required is operated to do work. Table 4.14: Variables F1 F2 t-value for the difference between F1 and F2 N Mean Difference t-value 24 24 56.324 105.67 49.346 3.4271 (cal) 2.0147 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) ** ** Highly significant effect. Table 4.15: Variables F1 F3 t-value for the difference between F1 and F3 N Mean Difference t-value 24 24 56.324 60.37 4.046 2.1616 (cal) 2.0147 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) * * = Significant effect. Table 4.16: Variables F2 F3 t-value for the difference between F2 and F3 N Mean Difference t-value 24 24 105.67 60.37 45.3 3.039 (cal) 2.0147 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) ** ** Highly significant effect. Key: Cal: Calculated t-test. Tab: Tabulated t-test. The power consumed diesel or fluid was greater than necessary to pump the required amount. The difference between the amount of fuel needed to hydraulic pump at existing pump efficiency (F1) and that needed to pump the required fluid at existing efficiency (F2), was high significant effect (Table 4.14) and the mean difference was about 49.346 gallon per day for each pump. As far as operator’s were concerned fuel loss due to the excess fluid applied was more than 50 percent of that needed leading to an increased cost of production. The amount of fuel (diesel) used to pump fluid required at the pump efficiency (F2) were significantly those needed if the pump operated at it’s maximum assumed efficiency of 60 percent and only fluid requirement (F3). The difference between F2 and F3 in fuel losses might have resulted from low pump efficiency. Fuel consumed for applying fluid required at assumed 60 percent efficiency is 50 percent less than that when the operator operated their pumps at their existing pump efficiency and applying only the fluid requirement. The amount of fuel used to pump more fluid than required at the pump efficiency (F1), were significantly higher than those needed when the pumps could have been operated at their maximum (assumed) efficiency and pump only the required amount of fluid (F3) as shown in (Table 4.16). Similar trends were obtained with fluid or hydraulic oil pump operated to do work. 4.3.2 Oil Consumption (O): All of the twenty four pumps studied were pumping hydraulic oil to do work. (Table 4.17) shows the average number of working hours per day and the corresponding hydraulic oil consumption at the three level of operation O1, O2, O3. Table 4.17:Average number of working hours and the corresponding oil consumption (O1) existing (practice and efficiency), O2 low efficiency and (O3) optimum efficiency in gallon/day 1 Average working hours/day 6.6 O1 (l/day) 0.2376 O2 (l/day) 0.52 O3 (l/day) 0.24 2 6.6 0.3300 0.07 0.49 3 6.6 0.2376 0.66 0.30 4 6.6 0.1188 0.27 0.12 5 12 0.2280 0.23 0.10 Serial No. 6 Average working hours/day 12 O1 (l/day) 0.0840 O2 (l/day) 0.10 O3 (l/day) 0.05 7 12 0.0240 0.02 0.01 8 6.6 0.6864 0.96 0.44 9 6.6 0.2376 0.31 0.14 10 20 0.2200 043 0.20 11 20 0.2200 0.55 0.25 12 20 0.4200 1.15 0.53 13 20 0.2800 0.62 0.29 14 20 0.4800 1.29 0.60 15 15 0.5550 1.28 0.60 16 15 0.5550 1.75 0.80 17 20 0.4400 1.03 0.47 18 20 0.4400 1.20 0.55 19 20 0.5600 1.81 0.83 20 20 0.3400 0.79 0.36 21 20 0.3400 1.01 0.47 22 20 0.2200 0.62 0.29 23 16 0.5920 1.4 0.64 24 16 0.5920 1.65 0.76 Serial No. The statistical analysis between O1 and O2 (Table 4.18), between O2 and O3 (Table 4.19) and between O1 and O3 (Table 4.20) gave a high significant difference. From (Table 4.18) the decrease in hydraulic oil consumption to apply the required amount of fuel consumption is evident although the existing pump efficiency is low. The saving in hydraulic oil consumption could be great if pumping efficiency is improved and only the amount of fuel required is operated to do work. Table 4.18: t-value for the difference between O1 and O2 Variables N Mean Difference t-value Prob. (P≤0.05) 24 24 O1 O2 0.35158 0.8600 0.508 4.6 (cal) 2.0147 (tab) ** ** Highly significant effect. Table 4.19: t-value for the difference between O1 and O3 Variables O1 O3 N Mean Difference t-value 24 24 0.35158 0.400 0.0484 4.16 (cal) 2.0147 (tab) Prob. (P≤0.05) ** ** Highly Significant effect. Table 4.20: t-value for the difference between O2 and O3 Variables O2 O3 N Mean Difference t-value Prob. (P≤0.05) 24 24 0.8600 0.400 0.46 3.833 (cal) 2.0147er (tab) ** ** Highly significant effect. Key: Cal: Calculated t-test. Tab: Tabulated t-test. Chapter Five Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusions: The results obtained from the study lead to the conclusions presented in the following sections: 5.1.1 Pumps were operated in Kenana company at a high efficiency and low efficiency in Khartoum State, but in Gezira Scheme operated at a very low efficiency which may be due to the following: 1- Most pumps selection procedure were not based on pump characteristics curves. i.e. it should consider the pump delivery and the required pressure. 2- Improper maintenance especially for old pumps. 3- Power transmission from engine to pump was generally very poor. This is probably because speed between engine and pump were not matching. 4- There was a loss of fuel due to leakage from fuel tanks or pipes of fueling system commonly used. 5- Loss of fluid due to leakage from worn pump and connection pipes of hydraulic system. 5.1.2 Agricultural administrations on Khartoum State and Gezira Scheme did not extend their services beyond selling pumps. Staff did not include engineers specialized in pumps and power units. On the other hand agricultural administration authorities have no good experiences in hydraulic pump. 5.1.3 All Machine in Kenana Company were owned by the company which most machines in Gezira were rented but all machine in Khartoum State were rented, so, low availability of spare parts and very few diagnosis devices, were observed. 5.1.4 Hydraulic operator’s were very low skill, low education level, and low experience in hydraulic systems. 5.1.5 Agricultural extension services in hydraulic machines were very limited and sometimes completely absent. 5.2 Recommendations: From the results and conclusions of this study the following recommendation can be made: 1- Grouping of the Gezira scheme holdings into larger ones is a necessary for economizing on running cost and better control and management. 2- Establishment of an agricultural administration concerned with hydraulic pump for companies and schemes. This administration should be able to perform the following activities: (i) Pump selection procedure (type, delivery, make and model) relative to operating conditions and area to be operated. Administration should also be able to advice on better use of hydraulic work. (ii) Following up installation, maintenance and repair. (iii) Control of importation of pump and power units according to technical specifications derived from field conditions. (iv) Availability of spare part in good quantities. 3- Establishment of mobile workshops for maintenance, repair and periodic investigation of hydraulic pumps. Suggestions for further research can be summarized into: 1- The study should be extended to other areas of the Sudan using hydraulic pumps. 2- Production on these schemes is expected to be very expensive compared to that from company. Therefore, a study on economy of production and probably through alternative cropping mixes and economy of using these types of pumps (costs). 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Fed 8- Soil type: a- clay b- silt c- sand d- loam B- Machines Performance: 1- Number of machines operation: ………………………………………. 2- Types of machines operation: a- loader no….. no….. b- excavator d- bulldozer no…… no….. c- motergrader e- other ………. 3- Name of national companies of it: a- Cat b- Halla c- Daewoo d- Komatsu 4- Proper one annual: use ………………………………………………… 5- Engine power a- Loader 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp b- Excavator 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp c- Motergrader 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp d- Bulldozer 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp e- Forklift 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp f- Other 1) ….hp 2) ….hp 3) ….hp 6- Fuel consumption: a- Loader …………………g/h b- Excavator …………………g/h e- other c- Motergrader …………………g/h d- Bulldozer …………………g/h e- Other …………………g/h C- Hydraulic Pumps: 1- Pump type: a- Gear b- Vane c- Piston 2- Delivery (Gpm): a- Gear1/0.2-150 2/other b- Vane 1/0.5-250 2/other c- Piston 1/0.5-250 2/other 3- Pressure (Psi): a- Gear1/250-2500 2/other b- Vane 1/250-2500 2/other c- Piston 1/750-2500 2/other 4- Speed (RPM): a- Gear1/800-3500 2/other b- Vane 1/1200-4000 2/other c- Piston 1/600-6000 2/other 5- Maintenance frequency: a- Seasonally b- Yearly c- Irregular b- Yearly c- Irrigular 6- Repair frequency: a- Seasonally 7- Daily working hours a- Summer ………………………………..hours b- Winter ………………………………..hours c- All years ………………………………..hours d- Other ………………………………..hours D- Hydraulic System: 1- Oil consumption gal/year: a- Loader 1) ……..g/y 2) ……..g/y b- Excavator 1) ……..g/y 2) ……..g/y c- Motergrador 1) ……..g/y 2) ……..g/y d- Bulldozer 1) ……..g/y 2) ……..g/y e- Other 1) ……..g/y 2) ……..g/y 2- Hydraulic operation: a- Constant b- Constum labour c- Leas labour d- Other 3- Hydraulic operator level: a- Skill labour b- Former c- Other 4- Hydraulic maintenance and repair: a- Experienced b- skilled c- Other 5- Distance of operated area from maintenance and repair workshop: a- Adjacent b- …. Meter (m) c- … Kilometer (km) 6- Purchase price of machine: a- High b- Low c- Other 7- Purchase price machine compare to spare parts: a- High b- Low c- Other 8- Spare parts: a- Loader a- Availability b- No availability b- Excavator a- Availability b- No availability c- Motergrader a- Availability b- No availability d- Bulldozer a- Availability b- No availability e- Other a- Availability b- No availability 9- Quantity of sparepart: a- Cat: 1)fine 2) low fine b- Halla: 1)fine 2) low fine c- Daewoo: 1)fine 2) low fine d- Banati: 1)fine 2) low fine e- Komatsu: 1)fine 2) low fine f- Other: 1)fine 2) low fine 10- Other problem of hydraulicsty systems: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………. 11- Future solution suggested: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………. Appendix D1 Social Factors and Pump Efficiency in Sample of Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture Pump Hydraulic Operator’s Operator’s Land operator’s education skill 1 Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 60.3 2 Khartoum Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 89.5 3 State Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 76.2 Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 61.9 No. Location 4 relationship efficiency (%) Appendix D2 Social Factors and Pump Efficiency in Sample of (4) Workshop on the Gezira Scheme No. Location Hydraulic Operator’s Operator’s Land Pump operator’s education skill relationship efficiency (%) 1 Barakat Constant General & leas Constant 2 Very low Owned 27.6 Owned 35.0 Owned 27.6 Owned 38.5 skill General Maringan Very low skill Constant General Very low skill Constant 3 General Hassahisa 4 Very low skill Constant General Low skill Owned 35.8 Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 53.6 Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 68.4 El Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 75.3 Rawyan Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 61.2 Constant Engineering Low skill Owned 74.1 Appendix D3 Social Factors and Pump Efficiency in Sample of (3) Workshop on the Kenana Sugar Company No. 1 Location Hydraulic operator’s Operator’s education Operator’s skill Land relationship Constant Experience High skill Compared Pump efficiency (%) 63.1 Experience High skill Compared 86.1 Experience High skill Compared 64.1 Experience High skill Compared 75.2 Experience High skill Compared 89.5 Experience High skill Compared 64.0 Experience High skill Compared 82.1 Experience High skill Compared 78.4 Experience High skill Compared 65.5 Experience High skill Compared 77.0 (4) & seasonal workshop Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Heavy 2 machine workshop Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Constant & seasonal Loader 3 workshop Constant & seasonal Appendix E1 Pump Condition and Pump Efficiency in Sample of Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture No. Location 1 2 Khartoum Gear pump Vane pump Piton pump Gear - - Pump age (year) 8 - - Piston 7 Irregular No. of working hours/day 6.6 Irregular 6.6 Maintenance frequency Rented Available Quality of spare of spare parts parts Available Fine Rented Available Machine relationship Low Specified tools of diagnosis Few Pump efficiency 60.3 Few 89.5 fine State 3 - - Piston 8 Irregular 6.6 Rented Available Fine Few 76.2 4 Gear - - 8 Irregular 6.6 Rented Available Low Few 61.9 fine Appendix E2 Pump Condition and Pump Efficiency in Sample of (4) Workshop on the Gezira Scheme No. Location 1 Barakat 2 Maringan 3 Hassahisa 4 Gear pump Vane pump Piton pump Gear - Vane Vane - Piston Pump age (year) 22 21 21 25 Gear - - Gear - Gear - Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Yearly No. of working hours/day 12 12 12 6.6 24 Yearly 6.6 Owned - 6 Yearly 20 Rented Vane - Piston 5 7 Yearly Yearly 20 20 Rented Rented Available of spare parts Available Available Available Not available Not available Not available Available Available - Piston 8 8 Yearly Yearly 20 20 Rented Rented Available Available Maintenance frequency Machine relationship Owned Owned Owned Owned El Rawyan Quality of spare parts Fine Fine Fine Fine Specified tools of diagnosis Very few Very few Very few Very few Fine Very few 35.8 Fine Few 53.6 Fine Low fine Fine Fine Few Few 68.4 75.3 Few Few 61.2 74.1 Pump efficiency 27.6 35.0 27.6 38.5 Appendix E3 Pump Condition and Pump Efficiency in Sample of (3) Workshop on the Kenana Sugar Company No. 1 2 3 Location (4) workshop Heavy machine workshop Loader workshop Gear pump Vane pump Piton pump Gear - - Pump age (year) 2 - - Piston Gear Gear Gear Gear Vane - - Vane Seasonally No. of working hours/day 15 2 Seasonally 15 Owned Piston Piston - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 Owned Owned Owned Owned Owned Owned Owned - 2 Seasonally 16 Owned Maintenance frequency Machine relationship Owned Available of spare parts Not available Not available Available Available Available Available Available Available Not available Not available Quality of spare parts Fine Specified tools of diagnosis A lot of Fine A lot of 86.1 Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine A lot of A lot of A lot of A lot of A lot of A lot of A lot of 64.2 75.2 89.5 64.0 82.1 78.4 65.5 Fine A lot of 77.0 Pump efficiency 63.1 Appendix C1 Information and Types of Hydraulic Pumps in Sample of Khartoum State Ministry of Agriculture No. Location Gear delivery (Gpm) 9 Gear pressure (Psi) 2000 Vane delivery (Gpm) - Vane pressure (Psi) - Piston delivery (Gpm) - Piston pressure (Psi) - Machine Company Loader Komatsu Fuel consumption (g/h) 4 Oil consumption (g/h) 0.036 H.P B.H.P 10.5 17.4 Pump efficiency (%) 60.3 1 & Banati 2 - - - - 5.5 4000 Fxcavator Doewoo 3.3 0.05 12.8 14.3 89.5 - - - - 8.5 4000 Bulldozer Cat 6.0 0.036 19.8 26.0 76.2 23 1200 - - - - Donfing China 6.0 0.018 16.1 26.0 61.9 Khartoum 3 4 State & ZY Appendix C2 Information and Types of Hydraulic Pumps in Sample of (4) Workshop on the Gezira Scheme No. 1 2 3 4 Gear delivery (Gpm) - Gear pressure (Psi) - Vane delivery (Gpm) 5.5 Vane pressure (Psi) 1500 Piston delivery (Gpm) - Piston pressure (Psi) - Maringan 5.5 1500 8.0 - 2000 - - - Hassahisa 8 2000 - - 11.5 - 2000 - 10 8 1800 2000 11.5 - 2000 - 7.5 - 3000 - - - - - 15 2200 Location Barakat El Rawyan Fuel consumption (g/h) 4 Oil consumption (g/h) 0.019 H.P B.H.P 4.8 17.4 Pump efficiency (%) 27.6 6 4 0.007 0.002 9.3 4.8 6.0 4 35.0 27.6 Cat Cat 8 6 0.104 0.063 13.4 9.3 34.8 26 38.5 35.8 Komatsu Daewoo Cat 4.5 4.5 4 3.5 0.011 0.011 0.021 0.014 10.5 13.4 13.1 9.3 19.6 19.6 17.4 15.2 53.6 68.4 75.3 61.2 Cat 6 0.024 19.3 26.1 74.1 Machine Company Harvester Cat & Class Cat Cat Bulldozer Motor Grador Bulldozer Motor grador Loader Excavator Motor grador Bulldozer Appendix C3 Information and Types of Hydraulic Pump in Sample of (3) Workshop on the Kenana Sugar Company No. Location 1 (4) workshop 2 3 Heavy machine workshop Loader workshop Gear delivery (Gpm) 7 6 5.5 Gear pressure (Psi) 2000 2000 2000 Vane delivery (Gpm) 7 - Vane pressure (Psi) 2000 - Piston delivery (Gpm) 5.5 5.5 - Piston pressure (Psi) 3500 4000 - 5.5 5.5 - 1800 1800 - 5.8 200 8.5 - 3900 - Toft Fuel consumptio n (g/h) 3 Oil consumption (g/h) 0.37 Loader Cat 2.5 0.022 Excavator Motor grador Bulldozer Fork Gift Loader Cat Cat 3.3 2.3 0.028 0.017 Cat Cat Cat 5.4 1.7 2 0.017 0.011 0.037 Machine Company Harvester H.P B.H.P 8.2 11.2 7.0 8.2 12.8 6.4 13 19.3 5.8 5.7 6.7 10.9 14.3 10 23.5 7.4 8.7 Pum efficie (%) 63. 86.2 64.2 75.2 89.5 64.0 82. 78.4 65.5 77.0
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