Shared Lunch - Dunedin South Pastoral Area
Pastoral Area Office: Lynlea Forbes, email: (Wed to Fri, 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m.)
Jude Lowe, email: (Mon, Tues, Fri, 10.00am - 1.00pm)
24 Forbury Road, Dunedin 9012; Phone: 455 8933; Fax: 455 8935
Parish Team:
Fr Gerard Aynsley , email: and ph. 021580610,
Fr Mervyn Hanifin and Sani Lam , 021840259
Peace be with you!!
The first thing that Jesus offers to his disciples is peace. When he appears to them in the
locked up room, he says, ‘peace be with you.’ These are mere words of encouragement not to
be afraid. I wonder what peace means to us when we offer the sign of peace at mass.
When the two disciples returned from Emmaus and went to Jerusalem to proclaim the good
news of their encounter with the risen Jesus; the disciples in the upper room were amazed but
not really one hundred percentage believed. Then all of a sudden, Jesus appeared and greeted
them ‘peace be with you.’ He showed them his hands and feet, inviting them to touch his
wounds for they are real not a ghost as they thought. Really the disciples were invited to see
and touch Jesus’ wounds. What about us? We have to invite the risen Jesus to heal our
wounds; the wounds of fear to love and to be loved, fear to reach out to others with a
compassionate heart and fear to invite the peace of the risen Jesus to flow in our hearts.
As we walk in this season of Easter, remember that Christ has always walked with us in good
and bad times. Let us remember all those living in fear and violence; may the message of the
peace of the risen Christ bring healing to their sufferings, and, thus offers hope for their
Sani Lam
Youth Liturgy Workshop 8 May
All young people in South Dunedin (from Intermediate upwards) are invited to a Youth
“Liturgy Workshop, Friday 8 May 6pm – 7.30pm with a fish & chip supper to follow.
The Combined South Dunedin Pastoral Area is putting on the Workshop to support young
people becoming more involved in the liturgy and to prepare for the youth-led Mass at
The Workshop will include input from Colin and Katrina, two Religious Education teachers
from Kavanagh College. The venue is the Mercy Room at St Patrick's Community Centre
in Macandrew Road.
Any questions phone Tracey 4561345.
Mass Times
6.00 pm St Alphonsus
Sunday, April 19 (3rdSunday of Easter)
9.15am St Brigid’s
10.30am St Bernadette’s
11.00am M. Queen of Peace (Broad Bay)
(Communion Service)
Mon: 9.00am, Mercy Ch.
Tues: 9.30am, Forbury (Linda Krejcisz)
Wed: 9.00am. Mercy Ch.
Thurs: 9.30am, Forbury
9.00am, Mercy Ch.
9.30am, Forbury
6.00 pm St Alphonsus
Sunday, April 26 (4th Sunday of Easter)
9.15am St Brigid’s
10.30am St Bernadette’s
City-Wide Weekday Masses
6.45 am Tues—Thurs (Com. Service)
12.10pm Mon-Fri, Moran Chapel
Next Saturday 9.30am
at St Bernadettes
There will be a time
during the Mass to remember family
members and relatives who lost their
lives at Gallipoli 100 years ago, and
in wars since then.
Progress Report on the
redevelopment of the St. Patrick’s site
At last!! The waiting is over! Yes, we’ve just
received our Building and Resource Consents
from the DCC, so are now able to finalize the
contract for construction. It’ll be signed in the
next couple of days.
We had a few last minute, planning issues to
resolve. They have all now been overcome, so
we can expect to see work commencing on site
in the very near future. It’ll be great to see
action underway, after being so long in the
planning stages, and all of us who have been
involved with that, really appreciate all the
support and encouragement you’ve been giving
us. Please keep it up.
Sean Toomey
South Dunedin Branch Catholic Women’s
April General Meeting, Wednesday
22nd April at 2 pm in the Mercy Room. The
Quest Speaker will be Deborah Manning the
CEO of “Foodshare”. Parishioners are most welcome to attend this meeting, and hear from
Deborah how the “Foodshare” system operates.
Sacramental Preparation
–For Children and Adults—
Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
will begin soon. Confirmation and First Communion will be celebrated later in the year. If you
or your children would like to prepare for these
Sacraments please contact Fr Gerard: email or Ph 4558933
For all your cards, candles, books, bibles,
rosary beads, medals, statues, jewellery,
crosses/crucifixes, nativity sets, gifts and
more. Come and see the great selection
we have.
Moran Building, 8 Octagon, DUNEDIN
(entrance from Bath Street also)
Monday-Friday 9.00am – 5.15pm
Saturday 10.00am – 12.30pm
Telephone: (03) 477 6342
Website -
Caritas Filming at Dunedin South Pastoral Area
For Social Justice Week 2015, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is creating a short documentary “It’s Our Story” exploring
the challenges struggling families face and how communities are supporting them. The documentary will focus on people’s experiences of provincial New Zealand, housing, transience, income, and community.
One of the groups featured will be the Dunedin South Pastoral Area and Catholic Social Services Dunedin. On Sunday the 26th of April Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand will be filming at Mass at St Bernadette's and the shared lunch
following at St Patrick’s Community Centre.
They will be talking with families at the shared lunch seeking permission to film and asking about their experiences of
life and community in Dunedin South.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fr Gerard or Cathy Bi at Caritas (
Shared Lunch
With St Patrick’s closing we have not had a shared lunch since February. Our next Shared Lunch will be
on Sunday, April 26 at 11.30am in the Mercy Room.
Sani Lam’s Diaconate
Bishop Colin has announced that on May 5th, Sani
Lam will be ordained to the diaconate at St
Bernadette’s Church, Forbury, at 7pm. Please keep
Sani in your prayers as he prepares for this important
step in Holy Orders.
Welcome, Lord,
into your Kingdom
who died recently, and
Linda Krejcisz
whose anniversary occur at this time.
May they rest in peace.
Sick and Housebound Parishioners: If you are unable to come to Mass on a Sunday or know of parishioners who are
no longer able to come to Mass please let us know so Holy Communion may be taken. Please contact the Parish Office
or for St Patrick’s Parishioners contact Sister Denise 4557566 and for St Bernadette’s: Eileen McRae, ph. 4553500