Council Meeting Agenda Friday, March 27, 2015 5:00pm | Council Chambers, SUB Table of Contents 1. Roll Call ................................................................................................................................. 2 2. Appointment of Chair for the Meeting ..................................................................................... 2 3. Adoption of the Agenda .......................................................................................................... 3 4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings ......................................................................... 3 A) February 25, 2015 (Council Meeting) ................................................................................. 3 B) February 25, 2015 (Special General Meeting) .................................................................... 3 C) March 11, 2015 .................................................................................................................. 3 5. Communications Received ..................................................................................................... 3 6. Appointments ......................................................................................................................... 3 7. Presentations ......................................................................................................................... 3 A) Dalhousie Urban Garden Society ....................................................................................... 3 8. Committee Reports ................................................................................................................ 4 A) Board Caucus Report ........................................................................................................ 4 9. Old Business .......................................................................................................................... 4 A) Motion to ratify results of referendum levy questions .......................................................... 4 B) Motion to adopt various amendments to Constitution Policy .............................................. 4 C) Motion to adopt various amendments to Grants Policy ...................................................... 4 D) Motion to Advocate for a Living Wage................................................................................ 4 E) Motion to Amend Financial Policy ...................................................................................... 5 F) Motion to Amend Executive Policy ..................................................................................... 5 G) Motion to Amend Procurement Policy ................................................................................ 5 H) Motion to amend Council Policy ......................................................................................... 5 I) Motion concerning human rights abuses in Palestine .......................................................... 5 10. New Business ...................................................................................................................... 7 A) Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Dalhousie Student Union and Dalhousie University respecting renovations to the Student Union Building ........... 7 B) Motion to increase Dalhousie Agricultural Student Association fee .................................... 7 11. Business of the Executive .................................................................................................... 7 President – Ramz Aziz ........................................................................................................... 8 1|Page Vice-President Internal – Jennifer Nowoselski .......................................................................10 Vice-President Finance and Operations – Mahbubur Rahman ..............................................10 Vice-President Academic and External – Jacqueline Skiptunis ..............................................12 Vice-President Student Life – Danny Shanahan ....................................................................12 12. Notices of Motion ................................................................................................................12 13. Announcements ..................................................................................................................12 14. Adjournment........................................................................................................................12 1. Roll Call 2. Appointment of Chair for the Meeting A replacement Chair will be appointed in accordance with section 23 of Union Rules and Procedure Policy: 23. Appointments by Council (a) Any member of Council may nominate a candidate for a position. (b) A nomination does not require a seconder. (c) The Chair of Council shall confirm that the nomination is accepted by the candidate. (d) The Chair of Council will then ask three (3) times if there are any further nominations, and if there are none, the Chair of Council shall declare nominations closed. (e) If the number of Candidates nominated exceeds the number of vacancies, the Chair of Council shall conduct a vote by ballot. (f) Each candidate will have an equal time to speak to Council, not exceeding four (4) minutes each. (g) The speaking order of the candidates shall be in alphabetical order of last names. (h) The candidates who are not speaking shall leave the meeting during the speeches. (i) There will be a short question period after each speech. (j) The Chair of Council will then ask all the candidates to leave the room, and there shall be a brief in-camera debate. (k) The Chair of Council will then conduct a vote by ballot. Any members of Council who are candidates shall not be denied his or her right to vote. 2|Page (l) The Chair of Council shall count the votes with the assistance of the Recording Secretary, and declare those candidates appointed. (m) Each candidate may appoint one member of the Union to act as a scrutineer of the ballot counting. (n) Any member of Council can request that the ballots be destroyed; the Chair of Council must comply with the request. (o) Where the number of members nominated equals or is less than the number of positions to be filled, unless there is a call for a yes/no vote that is moved and seconded, the Chair of Council shall declare the member(s) elected by acclamation. (p) A newly appointed Chair of Council assumes the office immediately. 3. Adoption of the Agenda Motions to re-order agenda items | Motions to delete agenda items | Motions to allocate time BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda be adopted as circulated. 4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings A) February 25, 2015 (Council Meeting) B) February 25, 2015 (Special General Meeting) C) March 11, 2015 5. Communications Received 6. Appointments 7. Presentations A) Dalhousie Urban Garden Society Jaida Regan, Member See Appendix D. 3|Page 8. Committee Reports A) Board Caucus Report 1. Ramz Aziz, President 2. Rebecca Haworth, Student Representative 3. John Hutton, Student Representative 9. Old Business A) Motion to ratify results of referendum levy questions i. CKDU ii. DalOUT iii. Dalhousie Outdoor Society iv. South House B) Motion to adopt various amendments to Constitution Policy Ramz Aziz, President (See Appendix A1 for text of amendments. See Appendix A2 for summary of changes.) C) Motion to adopt various amendments to Grants Policy Ramz Aziz, President (See Appendix B1 for text of amendments. See Appendix B2 for summary of changes.) D) Motion to Advocate for a Living Wage Aaron Beale, Member-at-Large Whereas the DSU represents many students who are working for minimum wage or will be upon graduation; and Whereas neither the current $10.40 Nova Scotia minimum wage nor the increase to $10.60 planned for April are sufficient for students and workers to afford a decent quality of life; and Whereas a living wage for Nova Scotia is estimated at $15 an hour; and Whereas the city of Seattle recently implemented a $15 an hour minimum wage; and Whereas the city of New West Minster in British Columbia recently impl1emented a $15 an hour minimum wage for municipal employees; therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT the DSU call on the government to implement a $15 an hour wage as minimum wage; and 4|Page BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the DSU endorse and support the “Nova Scotia Needs A Raise” campaign. E) Motion to Amend Financial Policy Ramz Aziz, President F) Motion to Amend Executive Policy Ramz Aziz, President G) Motion to Amend Procurement Policy Ramz Aziz, President H) Motion to amend Council Policy Jenn Nowoselski, VP Internal Whereas students who work part-time at DSU-owned businesses or DSU services should not be barred from sitting on council; and Whereas Council is not involved in the hiring of these positions; and Whereas these students would rarely be in conflict of interest at DSU Council; therefore Be it resolved that the Council Policy be amended to include: 9. Members of Council may only be employees of the Union if they hold a part-time, student position at a DSU-owned business (e.g. the Grawood, the T-Room) or DSUoperated service (e.g. Campus Copy, Info Desk, etc.). I) Motion concerning human rights abuses in Palestine Yazan Matarieh, Member-at-Large Whereas Amnesty International and the UN General Assembly have stated that the Palestinian Territories have been illegally occupied by the State of Israel since June of 1967; and Whereas since 2011, Dalhousie University has established relationships with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, whose buildings are partially located on some of the Palestinian lands illegally occupied by Israel; and Whereas according to Amnesty International, the 1.8 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been living in an area blockaded by the IDF since 2006 in what Amnesty International has described as collective punishment, with little or no access to food, electricity, or other essential resources; and Whereas the Dalhousie Student Union directly invests in at least one company – namely, Caterpillar Inc. – whose products are sold to, and are used by, the IDF to commit human rights abuses in the Palestinian Territories – namely, arbitrary house demolitions; and 5|Page Whereas a number of Canadian student unions, such as Ryerson University and York University, have recognized the violations of international law and human rights abuses occurring in the Palestinian Territories, as well as their complicity in them, mainly by endorsing the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement; therefore Be it resolved that the Dalhousie Student Union encourage students to engage in constructive debate and dialogue about how they can collectively address the human rights violations committed by Israel against the Palestinians, as well as how they can address the indirect contribution of their university and student union to those violations; and Be it further resolved that the Dalhousie Student Union express support for student groups and events that are peacefully and respectfully raising awareness on campus about the human rights abuses suffered by the indigenous Palestinians; and Be it further resolved that a committee is struck for the purpose of utilizing the information found on and other suitable resources to investigate to what degree companies that the DSU invests in profit from Israel’s violations in Palestinian territories; and Be it further resolved that the committee meet as it sees fit, and that it consist of: 1. The Vice President Finance and Operations, who will also act as chair; and 2. Three (3) members of Council. Be it further resolved that the committee appoint a commissioner with voting rights whom it deems fit to assist it in carrying out its mandate no later than April 25, 2015; and Be it further resolved that the committee submit a report explaining its findings to Council no later than September 10, 2015; and Be it further resolved that the committee’s report be released to the student body no later than September 25, 2015. (Please also see Appendix C.) 6|Page 10. New Business A) Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Dalhousie Student Union and Dalhousie University respecting renovations to the Student Union Building Ramz Aziz, President Be it resolved that the Dalhousie Student Union accept the Memorandum of Understanding on the Student Union Building as presented. (See Appendix X – not included in this Council package.) [Chair’s note: The SUB MOU will be circulated to Councillors immediately after it is received from the President.] B) Motion to increase Dalhousie Agricultural Student Association fee Ramz Aziz, President Whereas the Dalhousie Agricultural Student Association is facing difficulty supporting the increased cost of student programming and services, and Whereas the DASA student fee has stayed the same while operational costs have outpaced inflation, and Whereas DASA’s by-laws permit fee increases of less than 5% to not require a referendum, therefore Be it resolved that the DASA student fee be increased from $36 to $36.72 per student, per semester for full-time students, and $73 to $74.46 per student, per semester for part-time students. 11. Business of the Executive 7|Page President – Ramz Aziz Belong Report 5.2 Strategic Committee report, the “Belong report”, is available online. Identifying student societies and other stakeholders which will be affected by the recommendations within. UPass Fee Increase Looking into summer bus pass and u-pass contracts to get more details around fee increase Advocacy Follow Up Sending letters to political parties and decision makers to advise that we are independent, and to contact as such Following up with politicians whom we have met with by sending lobby docs and letters Governance Review Request for proposals has been sent out to shortlisted parties Looking to hear back from selected consultants by next week at the latest Fifth Estate CBC’s the Fifth Estate has decided not to continue with dentistry documentary Yarmouth Campus Replacing student lounge couches in Yarmouth campus They are very happy about the change; couches are 40 years old and pose health risk First big thing the DSU has done for them since they became part of Dalhousie DASA 8|Page DASA looking to raise its own student fees on its campus by 2% Worked out Health Plan administrative restructuring with DASA for their campus; ability to conduct opt outs, and management of communication and staff Question around DASA distance fee resolved; a distance fee of $5/student was proposed to establish that they were members of the Union. This question has been unresolved in the past couple of years, resulting in an arbitrary decision by the DASA and DSU executives to include DASA students in election. Our lawyer has established there is no need for a distance fee, as the fee collected from DASA students qualifies as a DSU fee. An added consequence of that revelation is that DASA members are eligible to vote as they are automatic members, and no Executive body can take away that right. DSU and DASA had agreed earlier in the year that Ag students would not be participating in this year’s elections (this was the practice that had been established since the merger); our lawyer essentially stated neither party has the right to make that decision, hence Ag students must be allowed to vote. MOU being signed with DASA in the next couple of weeks now that major points of contention have been resolved (distance fee and process of disbursement of funds). General Meeting Has been confirmed for Tuesday, March 31st at 4:30 PM in Room 303 Agenda is online at BAC to make presentation and hold Q and A at 4 PM Student Experience Committee Impact on graduate and undergraduate student experience due to Provincial budget cuts to education was given at the Student Experience Committee meeting on Monday Presentation was well-received; committee reacted positively to recommendation on drafting an open letter around free tuition, and establishing a working group to figure out we can achieve free tuition at Dalhousie in the long-term SUB Renovations/MOU Renovations are on track, everything is good to go except that we are getting delayed on the timeline due to the MOU We were supposed to go to tender this week and do a call-out for bids, but we cannot do so until the MOU has been taken care of If Council is not satisfied with the current MOU, and would like to enter mediation (as that is the only route that we can actually change the document further), it will delay renovations by one year (don’t know the exact financial impacts, but just the inflationary costs and interest rates alone will increase the project budget, which would need to be refinanced) 9|Page Wagemark Certification Reviewing Wagemark documentation with Executive Project Commissioner John Hutton, to present to Board at April meeting Have to explore ramification on existing contracts with lawyer Van Rental Service Van rental service is live, and the form to reserve it is available online. The service is provided free of charge to societies who need the van during the day to run society-related errands. Service can be booked through Member Service Coordinator as well Perpetual bookings can be made for societies with recurring needs. Looking to continue pilot project in the fall when society activities ramp up Elections Confusion regarding Ag vote resulted from an unrelated distance fee interpretation from our lawyer, which rendered previous understanding between DSU and DASA around Ag student voting moot. Lawyer provided interpretation on Monday regarding distance fee, with added stipulation around election voting; met with DASA Exec on Tuesday, and let CRO know immediately to rectify situation Budget Advisory Committee BAC is holding extra consultations with parties, and is taking requests to come present to student groups Encourage students to email the BAC and arrange viewing for their respective communities and societies Vice-President Internal – Jennifer Nowoselski -- Vice-President Finance and Operations – Mahbubur Rahman Back to Work: 10 | P a g e After being out office for about two weeks due to elections, I am back in the office and catching up everything. DSU Budget 2015-16 Working on the DSU budget 2015-16. Budget will be presented to next council meeting on April 8th SUB Renovation Finances: Board of Operations Reviewed the Construction Budget of $8.3 Million and documents about financing $7 Million from RBC. Everything is ready to go for tender from finance end. Health Plan Fee: Board of Operations approved the health plan fee increase from $253 to $270. Facility Improvement Committee: The following project were approved by Facility Improvement committee -Poster / Picture Display Project -Lighting Desk McInnes - Sno Cone Machine -DSU Webcast Hardware -Replacement Seating (Yarmouth Campus) – Charging stations Winter Society Audit: Winter Audit is completed. 3 societies did not submitted books for winter audit. They are Dalhousie Dental Students society, Student Association of Health & Human Performance and John Risely Hall DSU Sponsorship: The following sponsorship application were approved by BOPS Canadian Improv National games Participation 11 | P a g e Vice-President Academic and External – Jacqueline Skiptunis -- Vice-President Student Life – Danny Shanahan -- 12. Notices of Motion 13. Announcements 14. Adjournment 12 | P a g e
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