Course Title: Elements of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - 2 periods (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P-Practical. Course: JTS (X std ) Total Contact Periods: 112 Prerequisites: Knowledge of Elements of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - 1 Course Objectives: Understand the basics in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. Understand working principle of Heat Engines and Air compressors 2. Know the concepts of Refrigeration & air condition 3. Understand working of Machine tool operation and Welding, brazing & soldering 4. Understand the fundamental concepts of Electromagnetic induction& the fundamentals of AC circuits 5. Understand the principle of DC machines, the principle of AC machines & Construction and working of electrical appliances 6. Appreciate the electronic components. PART-A Unit-1 Internal Combustion Engine: Introduction to I C Engine, explain the Classification of I C Engine, know the Parts of IC Engine, explain the Working principle of two stroke petrol engine, explain the Working principle of Four stroke petrol engine, explain the Working principle of Four stroke Diesel engine, Compare petrol engine & diesel engine, Compare Two stroke & Four stroke engine. (15 Periods) Air compressor: Introduction to Air compressors, know the classification of Air compressors, explain the working principle of single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor. (10 Periods) Unit-2 Refrigeration & air condition: Introduction to Refrigeration system ,list of commonly used Refrigerant, know the Properties of good refrigerant, explain the working principle of Vapour compression refrigeration. Introduction to Air conditioning System, explain the working principle of Summer Air condition System. (12 Periods) Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 1 Unit-3 Machine Tools: Introduction to Lathe, know the Classification of lathe, specification of Lathe and Structure of Lathe, explain the Lathe operations such as Plain Turning, Step Turning, Taper turning, Facing, Knurling & Thread Cutting. Introduction to Drilling Machine, know the Classification of Drilling Machine, explain the Drilling machine operations such as Drilling, Reaming and Tapping Introduction to Milling Machine, know the Classification of Milling Machine, explain the Milling operations such as Plain or Slab milling and Slot milling or key way milling. (10Periods) Welding, brazing and soldering: know the Classification of Welding Process, explain the Working Principle of Arc Welding process, list the Arc Welding Equipments, explain the Working principle of Gas Welding process, Explain Types of Oxy-Acetylene Flame, list Gas Welding Equipments, Explain Brazing and soldering. (09 Periods) PART – B Unit -1 Electro-magnetic Induction: Introduction, Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction. Types of induced emf’s. Definition of dynamically, statically, self and mutually induced emf’s. with examples. Statement of Flemings right hand rule and left hand rule. Fundamentals of A.C. circuits: AC sine wave diagram showing amplitude, cycle and time period. Definition of amplitude, time-period, cycle, frequency, rms value, average value, form factor with SI units. Definition of Power and Power factor (27 Periods) Unit -2 DC machines:-DC generator - working principle, Construction. DC motor – working principle, construction and types AC machines and Transformers:- Alternator – principle of operation, construction. Squirrel cage induction motor – principle of operation, construction, advantages and uses. Single phase Transformers – principle of operation, construction, types and applications. Electrical Appliances: Construction and working - thermostat, electric cloth pressing iron, electric stove, electric fan and electric bell. (20 Periods) Unit- 3 Electronic components: Diode – functions, forward & reverse bias characteristics and applications. Transistor – advantages and applications. Integrated circuits – advantages and applications. Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 2 (09 Periods) References: 1. Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics – V.K.Mehta, Rohit Mehta. (S.Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd.) 2. ABC of Electrical Engineering.- B.L. Thareja & A.K. Thereja (S.Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd.) 3. Elements of Electrical Engg for JTS students 4.Mechanical Engineering Science – K.R.Gopala Krishna. 5 Work Shop Technology volume – 2 By Hajara & Chowdary 6 Production Technology by O P Khanna 7 Mechanical Technology by R S Kurmi Scheme of Examination Sl No Periods Unit Name Questions to be set for (10marks ) 1 Internal Combustion Engine 15 10 2 Air compressor 10 10 3 Refrigeration & air condition 12 10 4 Machine Tools 10 10 5 Welding, brazing and soldering 09 10 6 Electro-magnetic Induction 15 10 7 Fundamentals of A.C. circuits 12 10 08 10 8 DC machines, AC machines, Transformers, Alternators & Single phase Transformers 9 Electrical Appliances 12 10 10 Electronic components 09 10 TOTAL Directorate Of Technical Education 112 Karnataka State 100 Page 3 Model Question Paper Elements of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - II PART-A Max marks: 50 Note: Answer all the Questions. Q.No.1 Q.No.2 Q.No.3 a. What is Heat engine 02 b. Write the Classification of Internal Combustion Engine 04 c. Draw a Neat Sketch of Two Stroke Petrol Engine, Label the parts 04 OR a. Give comparison between petrol and diesel engine b. List the main parts of IC Engine c. Draw the neat sketch of four stroke Diesel engine & Label the parts. 02 04 04 a. List the various Lathe operations? b. Write the difference between drilling and reaming c. Write specifications of a lathe 02 04 04 a. Define Refrigeration b. What are the properties of good refrigerant 02 04 c. Draw a Schematic Diagram of Vapor compression Refrigeration system 04 Q.No.4 a. Write the Classification of Lathe. b. Write the classification of lathe. c. With a neat Sketch & Explain the Slab Milling Process. 02 04 04 Q.No.5 a. Define Welding b. List the Arc Welding Equipments c. Draw the neat sketch of Three Oxy Acetylene flames 02 04 04 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 4 PART-B Max marks: 50 Note: Answer all the questions. 1 a. Define dynamically induced emf and give example. b. State Faraday’s first and second law of electromagnetic induction. c. Define statically induced emf and mention the types. 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 a. State the principle of dc motor. b. State Fleming’s right hand rule. c. Draw a neat diagram of a dc generator and label the parts. a. b. c. 4. a. b. c. Define frequency. Draw an ac sinusoidal waveform and mark the following, i) amplitude ii) cycle. Define the terms Power and Power factor of an ac circuit. What is a transformer? Mention the principle of operation. Mention any three uses of squirrel cage induction motor. Draw a neat diagram of transformer and label the parts. 2 4 4 3 3 4 OR a. Define an alternator. b. Draw a neat sketch of an alternator and name the parts. c. Explain the construction of squirrel cage induction motor. 2 4 4 5 . a. Define intrinsic semi-conductors. b. Explain the forward characteristics of PN junction diode. c. Draw a neat diagram of an electric bell and label the parts. 2 4 4 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 5 Model Question Bank Elements of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - 2 Part-A 1. List important parts of IC Engine 2. Draw the Neat Sketch of Four Stroke diesel Engine & Label the parts. 3. Draw the Neat Sketch of Four Stroke Petrol Engine & Label the parts 4. Differentiate between two stroke & four stroke Engine. 5. Give Comparison between petrol Engine & diesel engine. 6. What is Drilling & Boring? 7. What is Tapping? Explain with Neat Sketch 8. Explain slab milling with a sketch 13. List the terminologies used in Refrigeration 9. List the Commonly Used Refrigerant 10. List the properties of Good Refrigerant 11. Classify the Refrigeration system 12. Draw the Schematic Diagram of Vapor compression Refrigeration system 13. Define Air Conditioning 14. With Neat sketch of Explain the Plain Turning operation the Lathe. 15 Draw a Neat sketch of radial drilling Machine & Labe the parts. 16. Explain the Reaming and Tapping with neat sketch performed in drilling machine. 17. Write the Specification of the Lathe 18. Define brazing, soldering, welding process. 19. Explain arc welding process 20. List the defects of welding Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 6 PART-B State Faraday’s First and Second Law of electro-magnetic induction. Classify the induced emfs. Define dynamically and statically induced emfs with examples. Define mutually induced emfs and self induced emfs with examples. Define a dc generator and mention its types. Draw a neat sketch of dc generator and label its parts. State the functions of the following parts of a dc generator. i) yoke ii) field poles iii) armature iv) commutator v) brushes. 8. Explain the working of dc generator. 9. State the principle of dc generator. 10. Define dc motor and state its principle. 11. Name the types of dc motors. 12. Draw a neat sketch of dc motor and label its parts. 13. Explain the working of dc motor. 14. Mention the applications of dc motor. 15. State Fleming’s right hand rule and mention its use. 16. State Fleming’s left hand rule and mention its use. 17. Draw a sinusoidal waveform and mark the following, i) Cycle ii) time period iii) amplitude. 18. Define with SI Units, i) frequency ii) time period iii) cycle iv) amplitude v)rms value vi) average value vii) form-factor. 19. Explain the construction of an alternator. 20. Draw a neat sketch of alternator and label the parts. 21. State the principle of alternator. 22. Explain the construction of squirrel cage induction motor. 23. Explain the working of squirrel cage induction motor. 24. Mention the applications of induction motor. 25. Define transformer and mention its types. 26. Draw a neat sketch of transformer and label its parts. 27. State the meaning of step-up and step-down transformer. 28. Mention the applications of transformer. 29. Explain the working principle of transformer. 30. Describe thermostat with a neat sketch. 31. Explain with a neat sketch electric cloth pressing iron. 32. With a neat sketch explain the working of an electrical bell. 33. Draw a neat sketch of an electrical bell and label its parts. 34. Draw a neat sketch of an electrical fan and label its parts. 35. With a neat sketch explain the working of an electrical stove. 36. Explain P-type and N-type semi-conductor. 37. Explain PN-junction diode. 38. Explain forward bias of a PN-junction diode. 39. Mention the applications of transistor. 40. Mention the applications of diode. 41. Define an Integrated circuit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 7 Course Title: Engineering Graphics - 2 Course: JTS (X std ) periods (L:T:P) : 0:1:2 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P-Practical. Total Contact Periods: 84 Prerequisites: Engineering Graphics-1 Course Objectives: Developing Engineering Drawing skills & Interpretation of Engineering Drawings. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understand the concept of projection of solids in simple position. Understand Isometric Projection of an object Know the conversion of pictorial views in to orthographic views Draw simple Machine components & Screw Thread Forms Draw an Engineering Drawing on computer using Appropriate software Unit- I Projection of Solids: Definition of solid – Know the classification of solids, know regular polyhedrons like prisms, pyramids, cone, cylinder, draw the Projection of solids with its axis perpendicular to HP, Projection of solids with its axis perpendicular to VP and draw the Projection of solids with its axis Parallel to HP or VP and Inclined to the other (draw Only initial position and second position and no third position. (One problem in each category). (10 periods) Unit-II Isometric Projection: Explain Isometric Scale & Isometric Projection, draw the Isometric Projection of a prisms, pyramids, cone and cylinder, and draw the Isometric projection of simple solids (22 periods) Unit-III Conversion of Pictorial views into Orthographic views: Introduction, draw the pictorial views of simple object into orthographic views (22 periods) Unit-IV Drawing of simple Machine Parts: Draw views of simple machine parts like Cotter joints and Flange couplings to full size, reduced size or enlarged size. Draw the Various forms of Screw threads with proportions & their uses. (21 periods) Unit-V Computer Practice: draw the Projection of solids with its axis perpendicular to HP and Projection of solids with its axis perpendicular to VP and Draw the Simple Isometric Projection of Square, Pentagonal and Hexagonal Lamina and in computer. (09periods) Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 8 References 1. K.R.Gopalakrishna-“Fundamentals of Drawing” Subhas Publications, 2010. 2. K.R.Gopalakrishna“Engineering Drawing” (Vol. I & II), Subhas Publications, 2014. Scheme of Examination Unit No I II III IV V Periods Questions to be set for (10marks ) 10 10 10 Unit Name Projection of solids Isometric projection Conversion of pictorial views in to Orthographic views Drawing of simple machine parts & screw thread forms Computer practice TOTAL Directorate Of Technical Education 22 22 21 15 15 09 00 84 50 Karnataka State Page 9 Model Question Paper Engineering Graphic –II Time-3hrs Instructions: Max marks-50 1.Answer any FIVE full questions 2. Constructional lines must be retained 3. Use 1st angle projection only 1) A cube of 30mm edge rest with one of its square face one H.P. such that one of its vertical square face inclined to 300 to V.P draw its projection. 10 2) Draw the Isometric projection of Circular lamina 30mm side when its surface placed Vertical 10 3) Draw the projection of a cylinder of 50mm of base & height 60mm, resting with its base on H.P and axis inclined 30 to HP. 10 4) The figure shows elevation of cotter joint, draw the same in full size (1:1) 10 5) Draw the neat sketch with proportions of BSW thread & square thread 10 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 10 Model Question Bank Engineering Graphic –II 1. A cube of 30mm edge rest with one of its square face one H.P. such that one of its vertical square face inclined to 300 to V.P draw its projection. 2. A square prism of 30 mm sides of the square face and height 55mm rest with one of its square face in H.P and two of its adjacent vertical rectangular face make equal inclination with V.P .draw its top and front views. 3. A pentagonal prism of 25mm side base and height 55mm rest with one of its pentagonal face on H.P and one of its rectangular face is perpendicular to V.P. draw its projections. 4. A pentagonal pyramid of 25mm side of base and height with its base on H.P. such that one of its base edge is perpendicular to V.P. and lies to the left of its axis. Draw its projection 5. Draw the top & front views of Hexagonal Pyramid of 30mm side of base & Height 70mm resting with its base on H.P. such that one of the base edge is parallel to V.P. Nearer to it. 6. Draw the projection of a cylinder of 50mm of base &height 60mm , resting with its base on H.P and axis inclined 30 to HP 7. Draw the projection of cone 50mm diameter of base & 6omm height, when its rest with its base on H.P. and axis inclined 40 to HP 8. Draw the Isometric projection of regular Hexagonal lamina 30mm side when its Placed vertical & horizontal. surface 9. .Draw the Isometric projection of Square lamina 30mm side when its surface placed vertical & horizontal 10. Draw the Isometric projection of Circular lamina 30mm side when its surface placed vertical & Horizontal 11 Draw the isometric projection from given orthographic views. 13. Draw the front view top view &side view from given isometric drawing. 14. With Neat sketch show the proportion of BSF thread, metric thread, square thread, butters thread, Acne thread, knuckle thread & their uses. Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 11 Course Title: Work Shop Fitting-2 Course: JTS (X std ) periods (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, Total Contact Periods: 168 P-Practical. Prerequisites:- Knowledge of Work Shop Fitting-I Course Objectives: Understand the Basic Fitting Operations Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. Use different tools & equipments 2. Practice marking, punching, sawing, filing & drilling operations Fitting Practices: 1 Marking & Punching as per given sketch 2 Cutting, Filing, drilling and finishing as per sketch Note: Students should prepare minimum of four models and submit it for evaluation References 1. Ramesh Babu.V., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB Publishers Private Limited, Chennai, Revised Edition, 2013 – 2014. 2. Jeyachandran.K., Natarajan.S. and Balasubramanian.S., “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”, Anuradha Publications, 2007. 3. Bawa.H.S., “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007. . Scheme of Examination Sl. no. Performance Max. Marks 1 Listing of tools and operations. 05 2 Marking & Punching 05 3 Performing of basic operations. 20 4 Dimensional accuracy 10 5 Oral 05 6 Practical Record 05 Total 50 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 12 Model Question Bank Work Shop Fitting – 2 Marks: 50 1) Prepare a Model as per the given sketch Note: Only one Part (Male or Female) shown in the sketch has to be Prepared by a individual student in the Examination Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 13 List of Equipment (Fitting shop) Sl. No List of Equipment(Fitting shop) Numbers Required as per norms 20 1. Flat file 14″ rough bastard file 2. Try square 6″ 20 3. Triangular file 10″ rough 20 4. Half round file 10″ rough 20 5. Hack saw frame -solid 12″ 20 6. Center punch 20 7. Ball peen hammer 11/2 Lbs 20 8. Flat chisel 6″ 20 9. Smooth file 10″ flat 20 10. Bench vice 8″ 30 11. Leg vice 6″ 10 12. Power hack saw 01 13. Bench grinding 01 14. Bench drilling machine up to 12mm cap 01 15. Drill bit up to 12mm straight shank 04 16. Tap set and die set up to 1″ 01 17. Vernier caliper 10 18. Spring divider 20 19. Steel scale 20 20. Vernier height gauge 01 21. Surface plate 2x3 feet 02 22. Number punch 01 23. Anvil 05 24. V block 02 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 14 Course Title: Work Shop Carpentry-2 Course: JTS (X std ) periods (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P- Total Contact periods: 168 Practical. Prerequisites Knowledge of Workshop Carpentry - 1 Course Objectives: Understand the Basic Carpentry Operations Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. Practice marking, Sawing, Planning & Joint making operations Carpentry Practices: 1 Practice on Wood working joints like Dovetail halving joint, mortise & Tenon joint and making simple grooves Note: Students should prepare minimum of four models and submit it for evaluation REFERENCES 1. Ramesh Babu.V., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB Publishers Private Limited, Chennai, Revised Edition, 2013 – 2014. 2. Jeyachandran.K., Natarajan.S. and Balasubramanian.S., “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”, Anuradha Publications, 2007. 3. Bawa.H.S., “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007. Scheme of Examination Sl. no. Performance Max. Marks 1 Listing of tools and operations. 05 2 Planning and marking 05 3 Performing of basic operations. 20 4 Dimensional accuracy 10 5 Oral 05 6 Practical Record 05 TOTAL Directorate Of Technical Education 50 Karnataka State Page 15 List of Equipment (Carpentry shop) Sl. No List of Tools & Equipment(Carpentry shop) Carpenter bench vice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Numbers Required as per norms 20 G or C clamp 6″ 20 Marking gauge 20 Try square 19mmx4″ 20 Wooden mallet 20 Firmer chisel 2″ 20 Firmer chisel 3/4″ 20 Mortise chisel 1/2″ 20 Metal jack plane 9″ 20 Beveled square 6″ 20 Hand saw or cross cut saw 20 Steel scale 12″ 20 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 16 Model Question Paper Work Shop Carpentry - 2 Time: 3 hours Marks: 50 Note: Only one Part (Male or Female) shown in the sketch has to be Prepared by a individual student in the Examination Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 17 Course Title: Work Shop (Machine Shop-2) Course: JTS (X std ) periods (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P- Total Contact periods: 168 Practical. Pre-requisites: Work Shop (Machine Shop-1) Course Objectives: To understand the Constructional features of Lathe, its accessories and Operations Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. Understand the Constructional features of Lathe, its accessories And Operations 2. Work on Lathe and perform Taper Turning, Knurling and Thread Turning Lathe Practices: 1 2 3. 4. 5. Study the Constructional features of Lathe, its accessories Know and use different tools to carry out turning operations Perform Taper turning operation as per given sketch Perform Knurling operation as per given sketch Perform Thread cutting operation as per given sketch References 1. Ramesh Babu.V., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB Publishers Private Limited, Chennai, Revised Edition, 2013 – 2014. 2. Jeyachandran.K., Natarajan.S. and Balasubramanian.S., “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”, Anuradha Publications, 2007. 3. Bawa.H.S., “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007. Scheme of Examination Sl. no. Performance Max. Marks 1 Listing of tools and operations. 05 2 Planning and marking 05 3 Performing of basic operations. 20 4 Dimensional accuracy 10 5 Oral 05 6 Practical Record 05 TOTAL 50 Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 18 List of Tools Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Center Lathe With attachments 20 Cutting Tools - 20 Power hacksaw 01 Surface Grinding Machine 01 Cylindrical Grinding Machine 01 Outside calipers 20 Venire calipers 20 . Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 19 Model Question Paper Work Shop (Machine Shop – 2) Time: 3 hours Marks: 50 1. Preparing a model involving the Taper Turning and Knurling OR Thread cutting Operation as per given sketch Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 20 Course title: Electrical & Electronics Lab-2 Course: JTS (X std ) Periods (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 :: L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P- Total Contact Periods: 168 Practical. Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Laboratory - 1. Course Objectives: The objective of the laboratory course is to wire-up various wiring circuits, operation of dc generator, ac motors & transformers, study of various electrical appliances and to identify the semiconductor devices. Course Outcomes: After completion of the course the student should be able to i. ii. iii. iv. v. Rig-up various electrical wiring circuits and test the same. Build-up the terminal voltage of a dc generator. Operate a single phase motor. Measure the terminal voltage of a transformer. Understand the function of PN junction diode LIST OF GRADED EXCERCISES: 1. Rig-up a wiring circuit to control two lamps and a 3-pin socket independently in PVC conduit system. 2. Rig-up a wiring circuit to control a lamp from two different places in stair-case. 3. Wire-up a circuit to control three lamps in Jail wiring. 4. Construct and test fluorescent lamp circuit. 5. Construct and test meter-board wiring using single phase energy meter, fuse cut-out, MCB with lighting load. 6. Conduct an experiment to measure single phase power and find the power factor. 7. Conduct an experiment to build up the terminal voltage of self-excited dc shunt generator. 8. Study of electric bell. 9. Study of cloth pressing iron box. 10. Study of electric stove. 11. Study of electric fan. 12. Conduct an experiment to start and run a single-phase induction motor and measure the speed. 13. Conduct an experiment to determine the turns-ratio of a single phase transformer. Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 21 14. Measure amplitude and time period of an ac sinusoidal waveform using an oscilloscope. 15. Identify the pins details of diode and transistor. 16. Conduct an experiment to obtain forward bias characteristic of a PN junction diode. Reference Books: a. A text book of Laboratory Courses in Electrical Engg. – S.G Tarnekar & P.K. Karbanda (S.Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd) b. Electrical Laboratory Experiments – Uma S Bhatnagar. Scheme of Evaluation Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Content Practical Record Circuit diagram and Procedure Conduction Result Viva-voce Total Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Marks 05 10 20 05 10 50 Page 22 Model Question Bank Electrical & Electronics Lab-2 1 Rig-up and test the wiring circuit to control two lamps and three pin socket independently 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rig-up and test the wiring circuit to control two lamps in a staircase. Rig-up and test the wiring circuit to control three lamps in jail wiring. Construct a circuit and test a fluorescent lamp. Construct a suitable experiment to test a meter-board wiring circuit. Conduct an experiment to measure single phase power and power factor. Conduct an experiment to build-up the terminal voltage of self-excited dc generator. Conduct an experiment to start and run a single-phase induction motor and measure the speed 8. Construct the circuit to find the turns-ratio of a single-phase transformer. 9. Construct the circuit to obtain the forward-bias characteristics of a diode. 10. Connect and operate an electric cloth press iron box. 11. Connect and operate an electric stove. 12. Connect and operate an electric fan. 13. Connect and operate an electric bell. 14. Measure amplitude and time period of an ac sinusoidal waveform using an oscilloscope. Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Page 23 Lab Equipments Requirement Sl. No. 1 Name of Equipment and Specification 5 Dual Channel 30 V, 2 A continuously variable DC Regulated Power Supply with Current and Overload Protection Portable Moving Coil DC Voltmeters a) 0-1V b) 0 - 10 V Portable Moving Coil DC Ammeters a) 0 - 100 mA b) 0-1A Portable Moving Iron AC Ammeters a) 0-2A b) 0-5A Watt-meters - 150/ 300V/600, 5 A/10A, UPF 6 Rheostats – 25 Ohms, 50 Ohms (all rated at 3 A) 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Soldering Iron 60 W Fluorescent lamp sets Single Phase Energy meter 10 A, 230 V, 50 Hz (Analog type) Multi-meter Digital ¾” Duel Trace Oscilloscope – 30 MHz Wooden Wiring board (2x3) ft Wiring accessories a) PVC conduit - ¾” - 10 lengths b) Cap and casing - ¾” - 10 lengths c) Switches Single Pole- 5A, 230 V d) Switches two way – 5 A, 230 V e) 3 Pin Sockets 5A, 230 V f) Bulb Holders – 5 A, 230 V g) 3 Pin Plug 5A, 230 V h) 60 Watts Lamps i) 100 Watts Lamps j) 15 W CFL lamps k) Copper Wires of sizes 1 mm2 1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, 4 mm2 – 1 coil each l) Gang boxes (1+1, 2+1, 2+2) m) Kit –Kat fuses 5A, 15 A n) MCB 16 A & 32 A/ 230 V, Single and Double Pole o) ELCB 16 A & 32 A/ 230 V, Double Pole p) Neutral link- 16 A, 230 V q) Screws of assorted sizes r) Testers 14 Electronic Components a) Diodes - BY 127 and IN 4001 b) Transistors – NPN and PNP c) Bread Boards and Tag Boards. 15 Desktop Computers 16 Laser Printers Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State Quantity Required 05 Nos. Each 05 Nos. Each 05 Nos. Each 05 Nos. 03 Nos. Each 05 Nos. 05 Nos. 10 Nos. 05 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 10 Each 10 Nos. Each 03 Nos. 10 Nos. 02 Nos. Page 24
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