www.dwepi.org DOI: 10.14360/dwe.e0005 Original Contribution Health Care Surgical admissions during the Muslims’ journey of a lifetime 1,2 1,2 1 2 *Ali Riaz , Tabatabaie , Navab Shamspour , Mohammad Taghi Hollisaaz , Masoud Saghafinia 3, Mahan Shakeri 4,5 1 Institute of Higher Education & Research and Education Deputy of Iran Red Crescent Society, Tehran, Iran 2 Health Office, Hajj Organization, Tehran, Iran 3 Trauma Research Center, Baghyatallah University of Medical Sciences 4 Medicine and Health Promotion institute, Tehran, Iran 5Universal Network for Health Information Dissemination and Exchange (UNHIDE), Tehran, Iran Submitted: May 2012 Accepted: April 2013 Published: October 20113 Abstract Background: Little information exists regarding the surgical admission during Hajj, a religious obligatory journey for all the Muslims around the world. Aim: This study aimed to investigate surgical causes of hospitalization among Iranian pilgrims during Hajj. Methods: This retrospective study used a census sampling of all patients who were hospitalized in surgery wards in two Iranian hospitals in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, from January 2005 to January 2007. Demographics, hospital location, route of admission, length of hospital stay, past medical history, cause of admission, type of treatment, and outcome were registered. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Results: From the total number of 600 hospitalizations, 9.2% were admitted in the surgery service. In 32.7% of the patients, trauma was the cause of admission, while 67.3% were admitted for causes other than trauma. The most common traumatic cause was injury to extremities (55.6%). The most common non-traumatic causes were gastrointestinal problems and diabetic foot. Mean (SD) length of hospital stay was 3(2) days. Only 61.8% of patients were discharged in a good condition and 29% of patients were transferred to a tertiary hospital. About 5.5% of patients were discharged against medical advice. Two patients died in the hospital. Conclusion: The information provided may help with the resource allocation and management of surgical health care during Hajj. Keywords: Hospitalization, Surgery, Hajj, Muslims, Pilgrims Dev World Epidemiol 2013; 1(1): e0005 Many people around the world voluntarily travel to receive sophisticated medical and surgical services1-4. Another group of people unwillingly get sick or need emergency care during their travels5. Requiring emergent surgical care while on travel imposes significant burden and costs on the traveler. Hospitalization during Hajj is one of many examples6-13. There are 1.5 billion Muslims who live around the world, making Islam as the second major religion in the world. In fact, 21% of the world population is composed of Muslims14,15. All this shows the large number of Hajj *Corresponding Author: Ali Riaz, Institute of Higher Education & Research and Education Deputy of Iran Red Crescent Society, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, Iran Tel: 98 21 8126 4070 Fax: [98 21 8126 4070] Email: ab.tavallayee@gmail.com Dev World Epidemiol. 2013; 1(1) travels (a religious obligation for all Muslims) each year during which pilgrims may face diseases or accidents which require emergency surgical interventions16. In some cases, this event can lead to leaving Hajj rituals unfinished because not being able to perform Hajj thoroughly, imposing substantial costs, both financial and emotional, on patients5,16. Iran is a country with 99.4% Muslims14. Although a few studies have been conducted on causes of hospitalization during Hajj17,18, data is very limited regarding the surgical causes of admissions among Iranian pilgrims19,20. This study aimed to investigate causes of admission of Iranian pilgrims to surgery wards during Hajj. METHODS This retrospective study with census sampling of patients who were hospitalized in surgery wards of two Surgical admissions during Hajj-Hollisaaz et al. Iranian hospitals in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, was done from January 2005 until January 2007. This study was performed in coordination with Hajj and pilgrimage Organization, an organization responsible for coordination and management of the Iranian pilgrims who perform Hajj rituals. Samples and Sampling Inclusion criteria were Iranian nationality, admission during Hajj for a surgical procedure. Patients with surgical care needs, regardless of having received operative treatment or managed conservatively, were enrolled. Patients who died in the emergency room, before entry to surgical ward or those who were received to the hospital dead were not included in this study. Process Only minor surgery such as abscess derenageis, debries, suturing done in these hospitals, and all procedures including laparotomies, orthopedic surgeries, and thoracic surgeries are done in Saudi hospitals. For the surgical patients, patients are admitted to this hospital, and pre and post operative care is provided by the Iranian hospitals. Patients receive outpatient care from physicians in the residential places of pilgrims and are then transferred to Iranian hospitals for further care, if needed. The patients are being admitted via some different ways, in some cases such as trauma, EMS ambulances transfer the patients to the emergency room of the Iranian hospitals, or physicians refer them to the hospital polyclinic, in which specialists admit the patients when needed. Hajj is being performed in two main forms, Tamattu or Omra. These types last 30 and 14 days, respectively. Each year, from Iran, 700,000 people participate in Omra, and 100, 000 people in Tamattu. The Health condition of pilgrims is assessed by Hajj Physicians before the travel. Although there is no age limit, pilgrims should have the function to be able to do without help: People with disability are not allowed for Hajj. What determines if someone can undertake the pilgrimage or not is the function of the patient, not the health status only. Hajj is not allowed for those with a communicable disease such as tuberculosis, Myocardial Infarction (MI) or cerebro-vascular disease (CVA) in the past 6 month, psychotic disorders, drug addiction or pregnancy. Several chronic conditions such as skeletal conditions, rheumatologic conditions can go to Hajj, after a letter from their physician. Data was collected using patients’ charts. Collected data included demographic characteristics (age, sex), information on hospital location, route of admission (from clinic, emergency room), length of hospital stay, past medical history (Diabetes Mellitus; DM, Cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), presenting illness (clinical manifestations, duration of signs and symptoms, diagnosis, number of physician visits) type of treatment (surgical and medical), and outcome (discharged in good general condition, referred to Saudi hospital, sent back to Iran for further intervention, passed away). Outcome Cause of hospitalization was categorized into traumatic and non-traumatic. According to the location of trauma, it was further subdivided into extremity, pelvis, abdomen, chest, head, and multiple traumas. The nontraumatic admissions were grouped further into gastrointestinal problems, orthopedic problems, soft tissue problems, and others. Unfortunately, retrospective collection of data did let us to determine the cause of the trauma, if related to the pilgrimage or not. Statistical Analyses Data was analyzed by SPSS Ver.13, using frequency tables and mean (SD) or median (inter-quartile range) when appropriate. Chi square was used to compare the pattern of hospitalizations between male and female pilgrims. P less than 0.05 considered significant. RESULTS From the total number of 1,700,000 Iranian pilgrims in a two-year period, 600 patients were hospitalized in the Iranian Hospitals in Saudi Arabia, and from this number, 55 (9.2%) were admitted in the surgery service. Hospitalized Patients The mean (standard deviation) age of the patients in surgery ward was 54.8 ( 16.2) ranging from 24 to 89 years of age with 19 (34.5%) of them being female and 36 (65.5%) being male. Forty (72.7%) patients were hospitalized in Mecca and 15 (27.3%) were admitted in Medina. 41 (74.5%) were admitted from polyclinic and other fourteen patients (25.5%) were admitted from emergency room. Past medical history of patient is shown in table 1. Hospitalization Causes Eighteen patients (32.7%) were admitted for trauma, and 37 (67.3%) for non-traumatic causes. Causes of hospitalizations of patient are shown in table 2. Hospital Services The length of hospitalization ranged from 1 to 12 days and 22 (40%) of the patients stayed in the hospital for two days. Mean (SD) length of stay was 3 2 days. The number of physician visits varied widely ranging from one visit to more than 10 visits. Thirty four patients Surgical admissions during Hajj-Hollisaaz et al. (56.4%) had 2 to 4 visits during their stay in the surgery ward. Outcomes Table 3 shows the outcomes of the patients. From 55 surgical patients, 2 died. One was a 35 year-old man with no past medical history who was admitted with knee fracture. The other was an 81 year-old woman with intertrochanteric fracture who had hyperthyroidism in her past medical history. Cause of death of these two cases was not reported clearly. Male and Female patients: There was no significant difference between female and male patients by means of admission for surgical care, primary diagnoses, medical history and outcomes (p>0.05 for all). DISCUSSION About 9.2% of all hospitalizations of Iranian pilgrims during Hajj was for surgical causes. Similar rates of 11%16 and 13%17 have been reported from other countries. According to our series, most of the surgical admissions were non-traumatic, with gastrointestinal problems and diabetic foot as the most common diagnoses. In previous studies, exact diagnosis of patients admitted to the surgical wards has not been listed16,17. Generally, during Hajj, little information exists regarding the pattern of surgical problems 19,21, and these problems are being neglected22. In our population, trauma was responsible for one third of surgical admissions, and 3% of total hospital admissions. In one study, trauma was the third most common (9.4%) hospital admission cause17. In another report, 3% of admissions of Pilgrims was caused by accidents23. In our patients, from traumatic causes, trauma to the extremities (55.6%) was the most common diagnosis. Literature lists blunt abdominal trauma due to traffic accidents as s common surgical cause during Hajj. Main injuries include stampede and motor vehicle trauma, fire-related burn injuries and accidental hand injuries24. 60% of injuries seem to be related to traffic accidents and 15% to Holy Haram25. In our study, patients had a mean age of 55 years, and one third had a somatic comorbidity. Other reports also confirm high age for pilgrims, especially those who admit to hospitals17,20,23,26. Old age might be a risk factor for hospital admissions during Hajj26. In one study, 39% of hospitalized pilgrims had at least one comorbid condition17. In another study 1 of 4 pilgrims had somatic chronic conditions23. The high prevalence of comorbid somatic conditions might be secondary to the high age of most pilgrims at Hajj rituals, especially those who are being admitted. In our study, about one third of the surgical patients had DM. In a study of Hajj performers in Oman, DM was reported by %1.6 of pilgrims27. In another study on hospitalized pilgrims, 15% of patients had comorbid DM26. These high prevalence rates can explain our results that more than 20% of the surgical admissions were due to diabetic foot. In one study, diabetic foot was the second most common admission cause of pilgrims in surgical wards20. These data highlights the need for controlling DM and its complications during Hajj. Although we did not assess the cause for diabetic foot in the pilgrims, literature highlights the failed precautions during the pilgrimage (missed or forgotten medication, poor glucose control, barefoot walking within the mosques, etc) as a common cause for diabetes complications during Hajj28-31. Regarding the outcome of our patients, 61.8% discharged in good condition, 29% transferred to a more equipped hospital, 5.5% discharged against medical advice and 3.6% died. In another study on surgical patients, 11.3% left hospital against medical advice and 0.5% were referred for a higher level of care20. In one study, 0.8% of patients who had been admitted to surgical wards during Hajj died25. In another study 80% of the patients were discharged with stable condition, 17.3% were transferred to other hospitals in Mecca for more specialized services, 2.3% were discharged against medical advice and 0.7% died17. In another study, 7% of patients died and 3% were discharged against medical advice16. Another short-term follow up (24-48 hours) of hospitalized pilgrims in 2002 showed 1.3% deaths, 59% transfer to other hospitals and 40% discharged in good condition26. Conclusion: Some two to three million pilgrims from all over the globe visit Mecca and Medina during hajj period. This is a very important event in the lives of millions of Muslims during which each pilgrim should participate in many religious rituals and ceremonies17. Surgical needs should be considered as important part of health care need of pilgrims. To improve the health care to the pilgrims, health care planers should consider surgical care needed by the pilgrims during Hajj. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We should declare our great thanks to the Drugs Control Headquarters in Iran for funding and the opportunity. Statement of Authorship: Category 1 (a) Conception and Design: SMA; SA (b) Acquisition of Data: MML (c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data: SA Category 2 (a) Drafting the Article: MML, AAZ Surgical admissions during Hajj-Hollisaaz et al. (b) Revising It for Intellectual Content: SA, SMA Category 3 (a) Final Approval of the Completed Article: SMA, MML, SA Conflict of interest: None declared. REFERENCES 1. Health tourism 2.0. World Health Tourism Congress. 2- Roth, M. Surgery abroad an option for those with minimal health coverage. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 2006: Available via: www.postgazette.com/pg/06253/719928-37.stm. 3- Priest L. Long wait forces cancer patient to buy operation in land he fled. The Globe and Mail. 2007: 31. Sect. A:1. 4- Turner L. Medical tourism: family medicine and international health-related travel. Can Fam Physician. 2007; 53:1639-41 5. 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Table 2- Frequency of different causes of admission for patients admitted to surgical wards n % Cause of admission Trauma 5.6 1 Head injury 55.6 10 Extremity injury 5.6 1 Chest injury 1 Abdominal injury 5.6 2 Pelvic injury 11.1 3 Multiple trauma 16.7 18 Total 100 Non-trauma Gastrointestinal problems Diabetic foot Orthopedic problems Soft tissue problems Others Total 13 12 4 4 4 37 35.1 32.5 10.8 10.8 10.8 100 Surgical admissions during Hajj-Hollisaaz et al. Table 3- Frequency of various outcomes among surgical patients Outcome Discharged in good condition (Hajj Continued) Transferred to Iran (Hajj discontinued) Transferred to a Hospital in Saudi Arabia (Hajj Continued) Discharged against medical advice (Hajj Continued) Death Total n % 34 61.8 8 14.5 8 14.5 3 5.5 2 55 3.6 100.0
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