~&016 Monday M/ma=Meat/ Meat Alternative WG=Whole Grain FF=Fat Free RS=Reduced Sodium R/O=Red/Orange Veggie B/P=Beans/Peas S=Starchy 5 Breakfast Choices 5 li'G Chicken Nuggets 2 oz. \VW Roll 1.18 oz. 314 cup Veggie S Potato & Gravy RIO Carrots 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears Breakfast Choices Brunch For Lunch 3 WG French Toast Sticks 2 oz. Sausage Patty 1.2 oz. Syrup 314cup Veggie STater Tots RIO Butternu.t Squash 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches Breakfast Choices 19 26 . ~, ~llfr'/' (/fl .r~ 'II/ " ,. '' ''- .. No School ' Breakfast Choices Beef Burger 2 oz. Cheese . 5 oz. II'IV Roll 1.89 oz. 314 cup Veggie STater Tots BIP Baked Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce IVIV Roll 1.89 oz. Cheese .5 oz RIOsau.ce 3/4cup Veggie RIO Carrots G Green Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears Memorial Day . . ...- .-, · ., .'. ,.,.,; •' . - 1 'IW , ' .;: !;;#: /f&7; !f. Breakfast Choices Pasta with Meal Sauce 112 cup II'G Pasta RFMeat Sauce 2 oz. I WW roll l.I8 oz. 314cup Veggie G Green Beans G Broccoli 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit II'G Chicken Patty 2 oz. 25 6 Breakfast Choices Breakfast Choices Brunch For Lunch 3 WG French 1basl Sticks 2 oz. Sausage Patty I.2 oz. Syrup 314 cup \feggie STater Tots RIO Butternut Squash 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 7 Breakfast Choices Beef Burger 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz. IV\V Roll 1.89 oz. 314 cup Veggie STater Tots BIP Baked Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit Italian Dwrkers 1 WW Bread Stick 2 RFMozz. Sticks .80 oz. RIOSauce 2oz. 314 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches Toasted Cheese Sandwich WW Bread & Cheese /oz. 314CIIP Veggie RIO Tomato Soup G Green Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 12 Breakfast Choices Breakfast Choices II'G!RF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or II'GIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizzo 2oz. or WG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on Wll' Roll1.89 oz. 3/4cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety HS-518-895-3ooo C0-518-895-2279 O=Other 18 1 ES- 518-895-2580 MS- 518-895 -3ooo G=Dark Green Veggle 11 Duanesburg CSD Delanson, NY uo53 www.duanesburg.org RF=Reduced Fat Friday Thursday 133 School Drive WW=Whole Wheat 4 Wednesday Tuesday 13 Breakfast Choices Taco or Taco Salad I WW Soft Taco or RS Tortilla Chips Meat Sauce 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz 114 cup WG Rice 314 cup l'eggie RIO Tomato G Lettrtce SCorn 314 cu.p Fresh Fru.it or Pears 20 Breakfast Choices ltali<~n Dunkers I \VII' Bread Stick 2 RF1\fozz. Sticks .80 oz. RIOSauce 2oz. 314 cup \'eggie G Broccoli 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches 27 Breakfast Choices Taco or Taco Salad 1 IVIV Soft Taco or RS Tortilla Chips Meat Sauce 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz 114 cup WG Rice 314 CliP \feggie Rl 0 Tomato G Let.tuce SCorn 314 c11p Fresh Fruit or MixedFmit 14 Breakfast Choices 9 li'G Popcom Chicken 2 oz. Wll' Roll 1.18 oz. 314 cup Veggie STater Tots BIP Baked Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 21 Breakfast Choices WGIRFCheese Pizza 2oz. 314 cup Veggie Variety 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety 28 Breakfast Choices Toasted Cheese Sandwich WGBread & Cheese 1.5 oz. 3/4cup Veggie RIO Tomato Soup BIP Baked Beans 314 c11p Fresh Fruit or Peaches 8 Breakfast Choices WGIRF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or WGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2oz. or IVG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on IVW Roll 1.89 oz. 314 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 0 Veggie Variety 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety 15 Breakfast Choices WGI RF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or IVGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2 oz. or WG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on WW Rolll.89 oz. 314cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 0 Veggie Variety 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety 22 No School ~ 29 Breakfast Choices li'GIRFCheese Piua 2oz. or IVGIRF Buffalo Ck11 Piua 2oz. or WG Chicke11 Patty 2 oz. on \VII' Roll 1.89 oz. 314 CliP Veggie GBroccoli 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety ~2016 Monday M/ma=Meat/ Meat Alternative WG=Whole Grain Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Duanesburg CSD Friday 1 133 School Drive Delanson, NY 12053 www.duanesburg.org WW=Whole Wheat RF=Reduced Fat FF=Fat Free RS=Reduced Sodium R/O=Red/Orange Veggle II'GIRF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or WGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2oz. or WG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on \VW Roll 1.89oz. 314 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety ES- 518-895-2580 MS-518-895-3000 HS-518-895-3000 G=Dark Green Veggle B/P=Beans/Peas S=Starchy Breakfast Choices O=Other C0-518-895-2279 4 Breakfast Choices 5 WG Chicken Nuggets 2 oz. Wll' Roll 1.18 oz. 314 cup \ 1eggie S Potato & Grauy RIO Carrots 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears 11 Breakfast Choices 5 Breakfast Choices Toasted Cheese Sandwich 11'11' Bread & Cheese 2 oz. OR Ham & Cheese Bagel II'G Bagel- Ham 2 oz. & Cheese I oz. 314 cup Veggie RIO Tomato Soup G Green Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 12 Brunch For Lunch 4 II'G French Toast Sticks Sausage Patty 1.2 oz. Syrup 314 CliP Veggie S TaterTot.s RIO Bullertzut Squash 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches 18 Breakfast Choices Pasta II'I Meat Sauce 112cup II'G Pasta RFMeat Sauce 2 oz. 1 \VII' roll 1.18 oz. 31<1 cup Veggie G Green Beans GBroccoli 314 cup Fresh Fruit or i\lixed Frui I 19 II'G Chicken Patty 2 oz. 26 Memorial Day .. ,..- . ._ . .~ ·?w~'I'll':;._ .f!!#r:WI I ! I flf/ •J . - ~~- I ~;-; -~ f/t , •. " -- No School Breakfast Choices BeefBurger 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz. IVW Roll 1.89 oz. 314 cup Veggie SFries BlP Baked Beans 31,1 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce Cheese .5 oz. WW Rol/1.89oz. RIO Sauce 314cup Veggie G Green Beans RIO Carrots 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears 25 Breakfast Choices Breakfast Choices Brunch For Lunch 4 II'G French Toast St.icks Sausage Patty 1.2 oz. Syrup 314 cup Veggie STater Tots RIO Bullernul Squash 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 6 Breakfast Choices 7 Beef Burger 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz. 11'11' Roll 1.89 oz. 314cup Veggie S Fries BIP Baked Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit Italian Dunkers 1 IVIV Bread Stic k 1.5 oz. 2 RF Mozz. Sticks .80 oz. RIOSauce2oz. 314 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches 13 Breakfast Choices Tacos or Taco Salad 2 IVll' Soft Tacos or RS 1brtil/a Chips Meat Sauce 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz 114 cup WG Rice 3 I 4 cup l'eggie G Lettuce RIO Tomato Gonion S Com SB Refried Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears 20 Breakfast Choices Italian Dunkers 1 WW Bread Stick 1. 5 oz. 2 RFMozz. Sticks .80 oz. RI0Sauce2oz. 314cup Veggie G Broccoli 3 I 4 wp Fresh Fruit or Peaches 27 Breakfast Choices Tacos or Taco Salad 2 WlV Soft Tacos or RS Tortilla Chips Meat Sauce 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz 114 cup WG Rice 314 cup Veggie RI01bmato G Lel/uce 0 on ion S Corn 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit Breakfast Choices 14 Break fast Choices Chinese Day! 12 Sweet & Sour Chicken 2 oz. 114 C Ckn Fried II'G Rice 314 C l'eggie 0 l'eggie WG Lo .Mein RIO Carrots Fortune Cookie 314 C Fresh Fruit or Pineapple 21 Breakfast Choices II'GIRFCheese Pizza 2oz. or 314 cup Veggie Variety 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fmit \'ariety 28 Breakfast Choices 1basted Cheese Sandwich WW Bread & Cheese 2 oz. OR Ham & Cheese Bagel lVG Bagel- Ham 1. 5 oz. & Cheese .5 oz 3/4 cup l'eggie RIO Tomato Soup BIP Baked Beans 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches 8 Breakfast Choices WGIRFCheese Pizza 2 oz. or \I'GIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2 oz. or IVG Chicken Patty 2 oz. otz IVlV Roll 1.89 oz. 314 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 0 Veggie Variet.>• 3 I 4 cup Fresh FruiI or Fruit \'ariety 15 Breakfast Choices WGIRFCheesePizza 2oz. or WGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2 oz. or WG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on II'W Roll1.89 oz. 314 cup \'eggie G Tossed Salad 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 22 No School 29 Breakfast Choices WGIRFCheesePizza 2oz. or WGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2oz. or WG Chicken Pally 2 oz. on lVII' Roll 1.89 oz. 3/<1 cup Veggie G Broccoli 314 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety ~&016 Monday M/ma=Meatj Meat Alternative WG=Whole Grain WW=Whole Wheat RF=Reduced Fat FF=Fat Free RS=Reduced Sodium R/O=Red/ Orange Veggle G=Dark Green Veggle B/P=Beans/Peas S=Starchy Wednesday Tuesday Friday Thursday Duanesburg CSD 1 133 School Drive Breakfast Choices II'GIRF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or II'GI RF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2 oz. or II'G Chicken Patty 2 oz. on 11'11' Rol/1.89 oz. 1 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit \'ariety Delanson, NY 12053 www.duanesburg.org ES- 518-895-2580 MS- 518-895- 3ooo HS-518-895-3ooo O=Other C0-518-895-2279 4 Breakfast Choices 6 II'G Chicken Nuggets 2 oz. IVIV Roll 1.18 oz. 1 cup Veggie S Potato & Gravy RIO Carrots 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears 11 Breakfast Choices 5 Breakfast Choices Toasted Cheese Sandwich lVII' Bread & Cheese 2 oz. or Ham & Cheese bagel IVG bagel·Ham 2 oz. wlcheese 1 oz. 1 cup Veggie RIO Tomato Soup G Green Beans 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 12 Brunch For Lunch 4 \VG French Toast Sticks 3 oz. Sausage Patty I.2 oz. Syrup 1 cup Veggie STater Tots R IO Butternut Squash 1 wp Fresh Fruit or Peaches 18 Breakfast Choices Pasta wiMeat Sauce 314 cup II'G Pasta Meat Sau ce 3 oz. 11'11' dinner ro/11.18 oz. 1 cup Veggie G Green Beans G Broccoli 1 wp Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit 19 26 Memorial Day No School Breakfast Choices BeefBurger 2 oz. IVW Roll 2 az. S Fries I w p Veggie BIP Baked Beans 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce WG Chicken Patty 2 az. on Wll' Roll 1.89 oz. Cheese .5 oz. RIO Sauce 1 oz. 1 cup Veggie G Green Beans RIO Carrots 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Pears 25 Breakfast Choices Breakfast Choices Brunch For Lrmch 4 IVG French Toast Sticks 3 oz. Sausage Patty 1.2 oz. Syrup 1 wp Veggie STater Tots RIO Butternut Squash I cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 6 Breakfast Choices 7 Breakfast Choices BeefBurger 2 oz. Cheese .5 oz. II'IV Roll 2 oz. SFries 1 cup Veggie BIP Baked Beans 1 wp Fresh Fruit or Mixed Fruit Italian Drmkers 2 II'G Bread Sticks 1. 5 oz. 2 RF Mou. Sticks .80 oz. RIOSauce2oz. 1 cup \'eggie G Tossed Salad 1 wp Fresh Fruit or Peaches 13 Breakfast Choices Tacos or Taco Salad 2 WW Soft Tacos or RS Tortilla Chips Meal Sauce 3 oz. Cheese .5 oz. 114 cup WG Rice 1 wp Veggie G Lettuce RIO Tomato 0 onion S Com SB Refried BeariS 1 wp Fresh Fruit or Pears 20 Breakfast Choices Italian Drmkers 21VIV Bread Sticks 1.5 oz 2 RF Mozz. Sticks .80 oz. RIO Sauce 2 oz. I cup Veggie G Broccoli 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches 27 Breakfast Choices Tacos or Taco Salad 2 IVIV Soft Tacos or RS Tortilla Chips Meal Sauce 3 oz. Cheese .5 oz. 114 cup II'G Rice 1 cup Veggie G Lettuce RIO Tomato 0 onion SCorn I cup Fresh Fruit or Mixed Frrril 14 Breakfast Choices 8 Breakfast Choices II'GIRF Cheese Pizza 2 oz. or IVGIRF Buffalo Ckr1 Pizza 2 oz. or WG Chicker1 Patty 2 oz. on \VIVRoll 1.89 oz. 1 wp Veggie G Tossed Salad 0 Veggie Variety 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety 15 Breakfast Choices Chinese Day! 13 Sweet & Sour Chicken 2 oz. I I 4 cup Ckn Fried IVG Rice 1 wp \1eggie RIO Carrots 0 Veggie II'G Lo Mein Forturre Cook.ie I C Fresh Fruit or Pineapple WGIRFCheese Pizza 2oz. or II'G I RF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2oz. or IVG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on \VIVRol/1.89 oz. 1 cup Veggie G Tossed Salad 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Applesauce 21 22 Breakfast Choices WGIRFCheese Pizza 2oz. 1 cup Veggie Variety 1 cup Fresh Fruit or Fruit Variety 28 Breakfast Choices Toasted Cheese Sandwich WG Bread & Cheese 2 oz. or Ham & Cheese bagel II'G bagel-Ham 2 oz. wlclreese I oz. 1 cup Veggie RIO Tomato Soup BIP Baked Beans I cup Fresh Fruit or Peaches No School 29 Breakfast Choices WGIRFC/reese Pizzo 2 oz. or IVGIRF Buffalo Ckn Pizza 2 oz. or IVG Chicken Patty 2 oz. on \VI~' Rolli.89 oz. 1 cup Veggie GBroccoli 1 cup Fresh Frur:t or Fruit Variety May 2015 Dates to Remember 1 - MS Dance, 6:30 pm 2- SAT Tests, am, HS 4 - Booster Club Mtg., 7 pm, HS 4- Friends of Music Mtg., 7 pm, HS 4 - 6 - AP Exams 5- Interior Deco./Property Mgt. Class Field Trip- Vanguard Show House 5 - BOE Mtg., 6:30 pm, Joe Bena Hall 6 - Distracted Driving Assembly- periods 8 & 9 7- Grade 1 Country Ball K-5 Assembly, 1:15pm 7 - Senior Prom 8 - EDMT, 8 am, ES 8 - SR Field Trip - Great Escape 8 - Flower Sale, HS 8- Grade 1 Country Ball Parent Assembly, 1:15pm 10 - Mother's Day 12-14- MS NWEA 12- Community Service Club, 2:45- 4 pm, ES 12- HS SBMT Mtg., 3 pm 12- 15- AP Exams 13 - Elementary Student Council, 2:45- 4 pm, ES 13- HS Spring Concert 14 - BOE Meet the Candidates Night, 7 pm, Joe Ben a Hall 15 - SR Field Trip - Albany 18- College Caravan, 11:15-11:45 am 18 - 19 - HS NWEA Testing 19 -Annual School District Budget Vote, 1-9 pm, ES Gym 19 - Chicken BBQ Fundraiser, ES 20 - NYS Science Exam for Grades 4 and 8 20- National Honor Society Induction, 9 am, HS 20 - NYSSMA- Band 20- "K Memories" Assembly for students, 1:15pm 20 - MS Spring Concert, 7 pm 21 - Interim Reports Distributed 21- "K Memories" Assembly for parents, 1:15pm 22 -Memorial Day School Holiday- No School 22 - NYSSMA- Choir 25 - Memorial Day (Observed) No School 26- JR. Night, 6:30pm, HS 27 - Parent University 28- Spring Scholar Athlete Breakfast, 7:45am, HS 28- ES Peer to Peer, 2:45- 4 pm 28- ES Transition Night, 6:30pm, HS 28- NYSSMA Choir Music Festival 28 - Canali's Takeout 8th Grade Fund raiser, 4:30 - 7 pm, HS **** Duanesburg Central School District Food Service ES Breakfast Menu Dolly Mutt Choo~t Ont = 1/1 cup jukt or1/1 cup fru it MondJy fridJy Cereal Cereal Cereal Cereal Breakfast Variety& Variety& Variety& Variety& Sandwi ch Toast or Toast or Toast or Toast or or Cereal Yogurt & Yogurt & Yogurt & Yogurt & Variety & Toast or Toast or Toast or Toast or Toast or ww ww ww ww Yogurt & Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Toast or Bun or Bun or Bun or Bun or ww Breakfast French Breakfast Bagel w/ Breakfast Sandwich Toast Sandwich Cream Bun or or Bagel Sticks & or Bagel Cheese Variety Sausage Variety Bagel Variety MS/HS Breakfast Menu Dolly Mutt Choost Ont = 1/1cup juke or 1/2 cup frolt Monday Tutiday Thuuday Wtdtltsd1y FridJY Breakfast Home Bagel Breakfast Breakfast Sandwich made Variety''" Sandwich Sandwich Variety or Muffin or Cream Variety or Variety or Cereal Cereal Cheese or Bagel Varie Cereal Variety & Variety & Cereal tyw/Cream Variety & Toast or Toast or Variety& Cheese or Toast or ww ww Toast or Cereal Bagel Breakfast Breakfast ww Variety& Variety Bun Bun Breakfast Toast w/Cream Cheese Bun Low· Fat & Fat Free unflavored Milk and Fat Free Chocolate Milk Is offered for Breakfast and Lunch dally. Assorted Whole Grain Cereals, 100% Fruit Juice & Fruit available for Breakfast dally. Students MUST choose a Fruit or Vegetable as part of a Reimbursable Meal. Daily lunch Choices Daily Entree (listed) or Sandwich or Salad Platter w/meat, vegetable, bread, fresh fruit and milk. MEAL PRICING PREPAID STUDENT MEAL TICKETS ARE ON SALE EVERYDAY ... DAY 5-DAY 10-DAY 20-DAY ES/HS BREAKFAST $1.75 $8.75 $17.50 $35.00 (Menu is subject to change) Sandwich of the Day- every day Peanut Butter & Jelly, Turkey or Ham lee Cream is available everyday at the MS/HS for $1.00. ice Cream is available on a rotating basis at the ES for $1.00. ES LUNCH $2.50 $12.50 $25.00 $50.00 Field Trips I We can provide bag lunches for field trips with advance notice. If you feel you might qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program and ore not currently enrolled, please pick up on application at the MAIN OFFICES or CENTRAL OFFICE. For more information, call the Food Service Deportment at 895-3000 Ext. 228 The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits diS<rimination against its cus tomer>, employ..,., and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin. age, di sabilit)•, sex, gender identit)•, religion, reprisal, and where applk.abte, political beUefs, marital status, familial or parental status, se:\-ual orientation, or all or part ofan individual's income is derived from any public assis !An<e program, or prot«: ted genetic information in employment or in an)' program or activit)• conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases ";II apply to all programs and/or employment acti \1ties. If you ";sh to file a Ci\11 Rights program complaint of diS<rimination, complete the USDA Program DiS<rimination Complaint Form, found online at http:/f www.aS<r.usda.govfcompiainUiling_cuslhtml, or at an)' USDA office, or call (866)632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send yourcompleted complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agricultur<>, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.IV., Washington. D.C. 20250·9410, by fax (202)69()..7442 or email at program.intake~u sda.gov. ind ividuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or hO\·e speech disabilities maycontAct USDA through the Federal Rel ay Service at (800)877-8339; or (800~5-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunit)· pro,•ider and employer.
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