Program-Dubai Conference, April, 2015.

30th International Business Research
20 - 22 April 2015
Venue: Flora Grand Hotel
Al Rigga Rd, Deira, Dubai, UAE
Ph: +971 4 223 3344
Main Theme: “Research for Progress”
Proudly sponsored by
American Research and Publication International, USA
World Business Institute, Australia
Journal of Business and Policy Research
World Journal of Management
World Journal of Social Science
International Review of Business Research Papers
Global Economy and Finance Journal
World Review of Business Research
Global Review of Accounting and Finance
Journal of Accounting Finance and Econ
Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research
Please Carefully Read all Instructions Below
 Conference Venue
The conference is being held at Flora Grand Hotel located on Al Rigga Road, Deira. It is
close to Al Rigga metro station- please take exit no. 2, along Automatic Restaurant. The
hotel is located opposite Auris Hotel Apartments, between Ibis Hotel and Ramee Guestline.
You may take the metro train or the Taxi to reach the hotel.
 How to Report and Complete Registration
Please proceed to Conference Secretariat in front of Flora Grand Hall located on G level
(ground level) of the hotel for your registration between 8.00 AM - 4 PM on Monday 20 April
and between 8.30 AM – 4 PM on Tuesday 21 April. For registration you can report to Mrs.
Khaleda Akhter. On arrival at the registration desk, please allow some time to the attending
staff member to deliver you an envelope (which will contain your name tag, your payment
receipt, conference participation/chairing certificates, lunch and dinner ticket for you and for
accompanying person, if any, hard copy of proceedings via USB and conference bag).
Please check all materials in the envelope before you leave the registration desk.
 On Arrival Payment for registration
If you are paying on arrival, please bring exact cash money as no change will be provided at
the registration desk. Please bring only US$ currency as no other currency or bank cheque
will be accepted and please do not bargain in this regard. We do not accept any bank
cheque. We also do not have any credit card processing facilities on site, so please do not
give us your credit card to process.
 Conference Proceedings
As informed previously, conference proceedings with ISBN 978-1-922069-74-0 will be
provided electronically. Please visit to view your paper after 17
April 2015. Please read the instructions there and then view or download your and/or other
authors’ papers. Please note that a number of authors have asked only for the abstract of
their paper to be published in the proceedings. Those who have not yet paid for their
registration, your paper will only be published in the online proceedings once the payment
has been made. Hard copy of the proceedings will also be delivered to each participant via
a USB. Please collect this at time of registration.
The proceedings will be there for a number of years which is visited by the readers from the
globe. We remind the authors that we will upload the paper or abstract as per the option you
have indicated in the registration form. Once your paper or abstract is uploaded, you cannot
change it again in any form unless you pay US$100 for any change.
Presentation Rooms
On both days we will be using presentation room called Flora Grand Hall located on G
Level of the hotel. This is the same level where the hotel reception is located.
 What should you bring along for your presentation?
Please bring in 15-20 copies of your (printed) paper (power point slides or full paper) for
distribution at your session to other participants (this is optional).
Please print out at least 1 copy of your full paper and hand it to the chair of the
session at the beginning of your presentation.
If you do not provide a copy of the full paper to the session chair or the conference
organisers, we will be unable to email you an evaluation report for your paper.
Each author will have about 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and
discussion. We suggest you to spend less time (not more than 5 minutes) on
introduction and literature review sections of your paper. Please focus and spend
more time (the remaining 10 minutes) on your model, data, result analysis/findings
and significance or implication of your research.
The presentation room has LCD and laptop computer and please bring your pen-drive or
USB stick for power-point presentation. However, we do not guarantee that they will work
without any failure. Please do not embarrass us by asking for pen-drive as we do not prove
In the past, we have faced issues where authors have put their USB in their unaccompanied
luggage which did not arrive with them or they have emailed the presentation to themselves.
We highly recommend that you carry your USB with you at all times and not put it with
your unaccompanied luggage and that you also do not just email the presentation to
yourself. You should save your presentation on a USB stick as well.
***Please ensure that you save your presentation file both in 2003 and 2007/2010
versions incase the computers do not support the latest version. If you have only a
2007 version and the laptops provides only 2003 office software, we will not take any
responsibility for converting your presentation from 2007 to 2003.
***Please note that we do not offer any internet access at the conference venue.
 What about Tea/Coffee Break and Lunch?
Tea/coffee and light refreshment will be served in the morning and afternoon near the
registration desk. There will also be an International hot buffet lunch served at Monsoon
Restaurant on G Level.
When you arrive at the restaurant, please wait for the waiter who will lead to a designated
seat. Please do not go there before the times mentioned as the restaurant staff will be busy
in setting the tables and arranging foods. There are plenty of foods of your choice. You can
eat as much as you want. Please check your lunch ticket and bring those as these will be
collected at the lunch. The area is a smoke-free area and please respect this requirement.
Please note that we cannot exchange lunch coupons for Day 1 to Day 2 or vice versa.
 Best Paper Award
Best paper is selected on the basis of 1. Originality 2. Research Rigor 3. Contribution to the
body of knowledge and 4. relevance to current and emerging issues. The papers are
considered on the basis of the evaluation by the reviewers and the assessment made by the
members of the panel. Panel members will observe and assess the presentation of the
short-listed authors and then report to Professor Dr. Mohammad Hoque. The name of the
winners will be declared via email within 2-3 weeks after the conference. The winners will
receive an award certificate and fellowship into World Business Institute which entitles them
to discount on registration fees on future conferences and a chance to be on the review
board of peer reviewed journals.
 Conference Dinner
No conference is complete without a gala dinner. This year the conference dinner will be
held at a venue to be confirmed later. Dinner will start at 7PM on Tuesday 21 April 2015 to
registered delegates. Please bring your Dinner Card which will be collected by the staff. If
you lose your dinner card, please see Professor Dr. Mohammad Hoque at the dinner to
avoid any embarrassing situation and we will take care of your situation. Please do not bring
any friend or any person without prior approval from us. Please come with semi-formal
dress. If you have not paid for the conference dinner yet and are still interested, please
advise us immediately or you may also pay at the conference desk.
 Social Research Networking Tour
The social research networking tour on April 22 has been cancelled due to lack of minimum
numbers for the event.
 Paper Evaluation Report (PER) and Editorial Review
Report (ERR)
Unlike other conferences in the world, we provide written feedback on your paper in the
form of Paper Evaluation Report (PER). This report will be sent to the authors via email
within 1-2 months after the conference. Please do not contact us in between this time
regarding these reports. However, if you do not receive them by this deadline, then contact
us via email:
Please note that even if you have paid to attend the conference but you do not present the
paper at the conference, then you will not receive a PER for your paper. Similarly, if you
collect your registration envelope pack but do not present your paper, the
department in your university will be notified.
For those of who have paid for publication of their papers in our journals, you will receive
Editorial Review Report (ERR) within 5 months after the conference, in addition to the PER.
 Publication of Your Paper (Please read carefully)
All accepted papers recommended by the reviewer (see your acceptance letter point
number 2 to know the name of the journal) for a particular journal will be published provided
that you have paid submission fee and complied to the review report, editorial comments,
feedback at the conference and journal’s guidelines. You are required to send us your
revised full paper (after compliance to the PER and ERR and editorial observations,
comments, if any, you received at the conference) within 2 months after we send you the
If your invitation and acceptance letter does not mention any journal name, it means that
your paper was not accepted for any of our journals, However, if you improve your paper
according to the feedback you receive at the conference and/or via review report, we can
reconsider the paper for journal publication at that stage. Please note that it is not
guaranteed that your paper will be selected for a journal even after the revisions.
If you have already paid publication fee, you must indicate in red ink the new or additional
materials you have added or inserted in compliance to written feedback and/or comments at
the time of revision. We will endeavour, though not guaranteed, to publish your paper
within six-nine months after the conference if you comply fully to all requirements and
requests. No reminder notice will be sent. If you do not send your revised paper by the
deadline or if you failed to comply in full to the review reports within the due time set by
us and do not comply to our any request for reorganising the paper as per journals’
guidelines or fail to make the paper camera-ready or do not respond to our emails within 6
months after the conference, your paper will not be published and no money or fee will
be refunded.
If your paper has already been accepted for our journal and you have not paid any
publication fees but are interested to publish can make cash payment at the registration
desk. The cost of Print and online publication is USD $300 or for online publication only is
USD $200. If you would like to pay at a later time, then please contact Nuha Jahan via to arrange this.
Who to Contact
For any issues relating to conference matters please contact Professor Hoque on +614 11
496 791 (Australian Mobile Number on Roaming)
Correspondence After Conference
If you have any concerns or questions after the conference, please contact us via our email
address Please do not send any email to as
this email address will be unmonitored after 22 April, 2015.
Future Conferences
If you would like to join our future conferences, please continuously visit our website to find out more information. You can also follow us on facebook by liking
our page “World Business Institute” or follow Nuha Jahan on Linked in by sending her a
 What to see in Dubai?
Most of the hotels are aware of or conduct various tour programs. However, you can have
following options to see Dubai. Please also visit to learn more.
a. Desert Wonder Safari and Overnight Safari and lot more
b. Dubai Bus Hop on Hop Off Tour
c. Dubai City Night Seeing Tour
List of Participating Countries
The 30th International Business Research Conference is proud to welcome delegates from
20 countries of the world!
Australia, Egypt, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia,
Nigeria, Oman, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan R.O.C, Tanzania, UAE, UK, USA.
Conference Team
Chief Coordinator:
Professor Mohammad Hoque, WBI, Australia
Finance & Managing Director:
Mrs. Khaleda Akhter, WBI, Australia
Events & Publication Director:
Ms. Nuha Jahan, WBI, Australia
Marketing Director:
Mr. Tanzil Hoque, WBI, Australia
Technical Manager:
Mr. Md. Salman Hoque, WBI, Australia
Proceedings Editor:
Mr. Md. Mahbubul Hoque, WBI, Australia
Conference Program Outline
Name of Presentation Room: Flora Grand Hall
Flora Grand Hotel, G Level (Ground Level)
Registration: In front Flora Grand Hall
Monday 20 April 2015
8.00 AM - 4.00 PM
In front of Flora Grand Hall
8.45 AM - 10.45 AM
Paper Presentations:
Plenary Session: Flora Grand Hall
10.45 AM - 11.15 AM
Morning Tea Break
In front of Flora Grand Hall
11.15 AM - 1.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Management and Marketing Track: Flora Grand Hall
1.00 PM - 2.00 PM
Hot Buffet Lunch
Monsoon Restaurant (G Level)
2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Banking and Economics Track: Flora Grand Hall
4.00 PM - 4.15 PM
Afternoon Tea Break
In front of Flora Grand Hall
4.15 PM - 6.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Management & Marketing Track: Flora Grand Hall
Conference Program Outline (cont...)
Name of Presentation Room: Flora Grand Hall
Flora Grand Hotel, G Level (Ground Level)
Registration: In front Flora Grand Hall
Tuesday 21 April 2015
8.30 AM - 4.00 PM
In front of Flora Grand Hall
8.45 AM - 10.45 AM
Paper Presentations:
Accounting, Economics and Finance Track:
Flora Grand Hall
10.45 AM - 11.15 AM
Morning Tea Break
In front of Flora Grand Hall
11.15 AM - 1.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Management and Marketing Track: Flora Grand Hall
1.00 PM - 2.00 PM
Hot Buffet Lunch
Monsoon Restaurant (G Level)
2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Accounting and Finance Track: Flora Grand Hall
4.00 PM - 4.15 PM
Afternoon Tea Break
In front of Flora Grand Hall
4.15 PM - 6.15 PM
Paper Presentations:
Multidisciplinary Track: Flora Grand Hall
7.00 PM - 9.30 PM
Conference Dinner
Venue to be advised
~~~ End of Conference ~~~
Monday 20 April 2015
8.45 AM – 10.45 AM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Plenary
Session Chair: Dr. Hassan A. Said, Austin Peay State University, USA
203: Exchange Rate Volatility and UK Imports from Developing Countries: Effect of
the Global Financial Crisis: Taufiq Choudhry, University of Southampton, England and
Syed Shabi Ul-Hassan, Swansea University, United Kingdom.
208: Socio Economic Determinants of Household Dietary Diversity in a Low Income
Neighbourhood in South Africa: Wynand C. J. Grobler, North West University, South
304: Firm Growth and Political Institutions: Narjess Boubakri, American University of
Sharjah, UAE, Sadok El Ghoul, University of Alberta, Canada and Walid Saffar, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
305: The Impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds Investments on Target Firms‟
Competitors: Narjess Boubakri, American University of Sharjah, UAE, Jean-Claude
Cosset, HEC Montreal, Canada, and Jocelyn Grira, UAE University, UAE.
424: Multiple Disciplinarily in Business Research and Practice: Uolevi Lehtinen,
University of Tampere, Finland.
502: Effects of Service Guarantee on Customer Satisfaction in Taiwanese Hotels:
Ying-Pin Yeh, Yu Da University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Monday 20 April 2015
10.45 AM – 11.15 AM
Infront of Flora Grand Hall
“Morning Tea Break”
Monday 20 April 2015
11.15 AM – 1.00 PM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Management and Marketing
Session Chair: Prof. Jhalukpreya Surujlal, North-West University, South
416: Training Needs Assessment of PhD Candidate: A Case Study at the Malaysian
Public Institution of Higher Education: Abdul Rahim Zumrah, Panji Hidayat Mazhisham,
Abdullah Shahir Ariffin Ahmad Fadzil, Amin Al Haadi Syafei, Kamaludin Nurdin Marjuni,
Mohd Zalisham Jali, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia.
417: Bridging the Gap between University and Employment: A Comparison between
Traditional Internships and Rotations in Sport Management Internships: J. Surujlal,
North-West University, South Africa.
429: The Effect of Education and Training on Individuals‟ Competency at Work:
Shaikhah Alainati, Mohammad Bouarki, Business Studies College Authority for Applied
education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait, Sarmad N. AlShawi, Brunel University, UK and
Wafi Al-Karaghouli, Brunel University, UK.
430: From „Pack Leader‟ to Effective Leader: Lesley Hunter, University of Sunderland,
501: A Proposal Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Electronic Customer
Relationship Management in Telecommunication Industry in Jordan: Abdel Fattah
Mahmoud Al-Azzam, Zarqa University, Jordan.
Monday 20 April 2015
1.00 PM – 2.00 PM
Monsoon Restaurant
“Buffet Lunch”
Monday 20 April 2015
2.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Banking and Economics
Session Chair: Prof. Taufiq Choudhry, University of Southampton, UK
211: To What Extent do Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) Contribute to Host
Economy‟s Growth? Evidence from Tanzania, 1990-2013: Cosmas Renatus Masanja,
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
214: A Longitudinal Study of the Technology based Venture from a Transition
Economy: Modestas Gelbuda, Ruta Kazlauskaite, Tadas Sarapovas and Sarunas
Abramavicius, ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania.
204: China‟s Outward FDI to USA and Its Trade Effect: Masoud Kavoossi, Howard
University, USA.
210: Financial Repression: A Case with India: Yasmeen Khalid Aowte, Gogate Jogalekar
College, India.
212: Do Social Grants Affect Household Dietary Diversity?: Wynand C. J. Grobler,
North West University, South Africa.
602: Client Centred Business Model for Competitive Sustainable Commercial Banking
in Tanzania Selected Commercial Banks: Mbura O.K and Buswelu J.B, University of Dar
es Salaam, Tanzania.
Monday 20 April 2015
4.00 PM – 4.15 PM
Infront of Flora Grand Hall
“Afternoon Tea Break”
Monday 20 April 2015
4.15 PM – 6.00 PM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Management & Marketing
Session Chair: Miss. Lesley Hunter, University of Sunderland, UK
418: Penetrating the Glass Ceiling in Sport Leadership Positions: The Lived
Experiences of Women beyond the Ceiling: J. Surujlal, North-West University, South
419: Training Needs of a PhD Candidate from the Perspective of Candidate in the
Field of Science and Technology: Abdul Rahim Zumrah, Panji Hidayat Mazhisham,
Abdullah Shahir Ariffin Ahmad Fadzil, Amin Al Haadi Syafei, Kamaludin Nurdin Marjuni, and
Mohd Zalisham Jali, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia.
422: Impact of Management Consultancy in Enhancing Project Implementation: The
Nigerian Experience: Charles Odu Ogbaekirigwe, Federal University, Nigeria.
432: Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among Nigerian University Graduates:
Adewale Suraju Ramoni, Nigeria Police Academy, Nigeria.
508: Mall Shopping in Nigeria: Predictors and Characterization in sub-Sahara Africa:
Edwin Chukwuemeka Idoko, Godfrey Okoye University, Nigeria, Dominic Anayo Nkamnebe,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria and Victor Ifesinachi Okoye, Institute of Management &
Technology, Nigeria
Tuesday 21 April 2015
8.45 AM – 10.45 AM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Accounting, Economics and Finance
Session Chair: Dr. Christian Chamorro-Courtland, Zayed University, UAE
103: Complex Accounting and Auditing Issues and Auditor Responsibility: Stacey
Mirinaviciene, Keuka College, USA and Vilnius University, Lithuania.
107: Antecedents of Perceived Auditors‟ Power Deterioration Vis-A-Vis Pressure
Groups‟: Dar-Es-Salaam Case Study: Victor M. Bahati, University of Dar es Salaam,
201: Dynamic Effects of Unemployment and Crime Shocks on Internal Security
Budgets in Developing Economies: Evidence From Nigeria: R. K. Ayeni, Ekiti State
University, Nigeria.
206: Business Process Outsourcing: Exploring the Performance of Software
Development Companies in Asian and Middle East Markets: Gayathri Goonaratne,
Middle East College, Oman and Sanjaka Wanniarachchi, Aldersgate College, Philippines.
303: Equity Valuation Meets the Sigmoid Growth Equation: The Gordon Growth
Model Revisited: Evelyn Madoroba and Jan Kruger, University of South Africa, School of
Business Leadership, South Africa.
311: Is Technical Analysis Profitable in Emerging and Developed Markets?: A
Review: Ahmed S. Wafi, Cairo University, Egypt.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
10.45 AM – 11.15 AM
Infront of Flora Grand Hall
“Morning Tea Break”
Tuesday 21 April 2015
11.15 AM – 1.00 PM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Management and Marketing
Session Chair: Dr. Priya Baguant , UAE
431: The Role of Emotion, Behavior and SERVQUAL Scale behind Customer‟s Choice
of Mobile Service Providers: Mohammed Ahmad Alsaggaf, Brunel University, United
433: Impact of National Open Apprenticeship Scheme on Youth Economic
Empowerment in Nigeria: Yusuf Alhaji Hashim, Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria.
434: Gender and Occupational Safety and Health Practices in a Bottling Company in
Ghana: Anita A. A. Baku, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia and Oscar Elorm Onai,
University of Ghana, Ghana.
438: The Challenges of Talent Management for Women Entrepreneurs: Priya Baguant,
University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
506: Impact of Pre-Shopping Activities on Purchase Decisions at the Point of Sale:
Silvia Bellini and Maria Grazia Cardinali, University of Parma, Italy.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
1.00 PM – 2.00 PM
Monsoon Restaurant
“Buffet Lunch”
2.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Accounting and Finance
Session Chair: Prof. Kiran Kumar Kotha, Indian Institute of Management
Indore, India
102: The Potential Effect of the Implementation of the IFRS for Smes on the Credit
Decision for Small Entities: Nermine Ahmed Mamdouh, Alexandria University, Egypt.
105: The Main Factors Affecting to Tax Case Referral to the Tax Dispute Resolution
109: The Roles and Effectiveness of Audit Committees: A Case Study of Lehman
Brothers and Satyam Computers: Abdullahi Adamu Dodo and Sani Abdullahi, Federal
Polytechnic, Nigeria.
314: What Determines Stock Liquidity in Australia?: Searat Ali, Benjamin Liu and Jen Je
Su, Griffith University, Australia.
317: An Assessment of Taxation and Revenue Generation in Nigeria: A Study of
Kaduna State: Serah Lami Bulus, Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria.
318: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Using Different Probability Distributions: Hassan A.
Said, Austin Peay State University, USA.
4.00 PM – 4.15 PM
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Infront of Flora Grand Hall
“Afternoon Tea Break”
Tuesday 21 April 2015
4.15 PM – 6.15 PM
Flora Grand Hall
Session: Multidisciplinary
Session Chair: Dr. Mohammad Hoque, World Business Institute,
308: The Law and Regulation of Margin Accounts used in Futures and Cleared Swaps
Transactions: Christian Chamorro-Courtland, Zayed University, UAE.
309: Information Asymmetry and Information Content of Insider Trades: Evidence
from Indian Stock Market: Yogesh Kumar Chauhan, Institute of Chartered Financial
Analysts of India, India, K. Kiran Kumar, Indian Institute of Management, India, Chakrapani
C, Institute of Management Technology, India.
607: Monitoring by Central Bank of Reproduction in Exchange Relationships in
Banking Services Market: Natalia Koshel, the Bank of Russia, Russia.
609: The Impact of Corporate Governance on The Performance of Microfinance
Banks (MFBs) in Nigeria: Serah Lami Bulus, Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria.
440: Relationship between Perceived Leadership Styles and Lectures‟ Job
Commitment in Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna-Nigeria: Yusuf Alhaji Hashim, Kaduna
Polytechnic, Nigeria.
512: Consumer Perception of Typical Food Products: Which Implications for
Marketing Strategies?: Silvia Bellini and Maria Grazia Cardinali, University of Parma, Italy.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
7.00 PM – 9.30 PM
Venue To be Advised
“Conference Dinner”
~~~ End of Conference ~~~
List of Participating Authors
Paper No.
Author Name
Mr. Searat Ali
Miss. Nermine Ahmed
Mamdouh Abd ElAziz AlAttar
Mr. Ahmed Wafi
Prof. Uolevi Lehtinen
Dr. Walid Saffar
Dr. Yasmeen Aowte
Prof. Kiran Kumar Kotha
506 and 512
Dr. Ali Maghool
Prof. Maria Grazia Cardinali
Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-azzam
Alexandria University
Cairo University
University of Tampere
The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University of Mumbai
Indian Institute of Management
Islamic Azad University,
Neyshabur Branch
University of Parma
Zarqa University
Dr. Mohammed Bouarki
The Public Authority for
Applied Education and
Training (PAEET)
Dr. Shaikhah Alainati
416 and 419
Dr. Tadas Sarapovas
Dr. Abdul Rahim Zumrah
317 and 609
433 and 440
Ms. Anita Asiwome Adzo Baku
Dr. Raphael Kolade Ayeni
Mr. Edwin Idoko
Mrs. Serah Bulus
Dr. Yusuf Alhaji Hashim
Mr. Abdullahi Adamu Dodo
Mr. Suraju Adewale Ramoni
Dr. Charles Ogbaekirigwe
Dr. Gayathri Goonaratne
208 and 212
417 and 418
Dr. Natalia Koshel
Prof. Wynand Grobler
Dr. Evelyn Madoroba
Prof. Jhalukpreya Surujlal
Griffith University
The Public Authority for
Applied Education and
Training (PAEET)
ISM University of Management
and Economics
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Ekiti State University
Godfrey Okoye University
Kaduna Polytechnic
Kaduna Polytechnic
Federal Polytechnic
Nigeria Police Academy
Federal University Ndofu-Alike
Middle East College
The Central Bank of the
Russian Federation
North West University
University of South Africa
North-West University
Hong Kong
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
Prof. Ying-Pin Yeh
Mr. Cosmas Masanja
Dr. Omari Mbura
Mr. Victor Bahati
Dr. Christian ChamorroCourtland
Dr. Jocelyn Grira
Dr. Priya Baguant
Prof. Taufiq Choudhry
Miss. Lesley Hunter
Mr. Mohammed Alsaggaf
Miss. Stacey Mirinaviciene
Dr. Hassan A. Said
Prof. Dr. Masoud Kavoossi
Yu Da University of Science
and Technology
University of Dar es Salaam
University of Dar es Salaam
University of Dar es Salaam
Zayed University
UAE University
University of Southampton
University of Sunderland
Brunel University
Keuka College and Vilnius
Austin Peay State University
Howard University
USA and