Dubiski Career High School AVID Application 2015 – 2016 Please print all responses in ink. AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) is a four-year elective class offered to students who are interested in attending four-year colleges and universities. The AVID curriculum consists of writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading, Cornell note-taking, study skills and college/career activities. Students must commit to taking Cornell notes in classes on a daily basis. Tutorials are facilitated by college tutors twice a week and students must actively participate. Field trips (college or cultural events) are taken throughout the year, and AVID students are required to purchase an AVID polo shirt to wear on field trips and to promote AVID at Dubiski and around the community. Student’s Name ___________________________ Student Email ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________ Parent Email _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone number ________________________ Alternate/Cell phone number ______________________ What middle school did you attend in 2014 – 2015? ______________________________________________ Have you ever been enrolled in AVID? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, where? ______________________ Are you willing to take AVID each year as an elective? Yes ____________ No _____________ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Will you be the first in your family to attend a 4-year college/university? Yes _________ No _______ How would you describe your current grades? ____A’s & B’s _____B’s and C’s _____ Mostly C’s Have you ever been enrolled in any honors or pre-AP classes? Yes ______ No______ Do you take personal responsibility for success in your classes? Yes ______ No ______ Are you willing to be a school leader and be involved in AVID? Yes ______ No ______ Please indicate the number of school days you have missed this year. _________________________ Please indicate the number of office referrals/detentions for behavior you have received in the past year. _________________________ 8) What activities are you involved in at school and in the community? ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9) Do you have difficulty completing all your homework on a regular basis? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, explain why. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10) What are your career goals? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete all information on the front and back of this paper, along with 2 Teacher/Counselor Recommendation forms and email or mail the application to the address below by March 18, 2015: Dubiski Career High School Attention: Brenda Jacks, AVID Coordinator 2990 South Highway 161 Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Email: brenda.jacks@gpisd.org Please answer all questions with complete sentences. 1) Explain why you believe you are a good candidate for AVID. ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Explain what you like most and least about school and why. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What kind of special help do you think you might need in AVID? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Agreement for Enrollment in AVID a. Maintain enrollment in college preparatory courses (Pre-AP/AP) all year. b. Maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes. c. Maintain the AVID binder contents including, but not limited to, assignment sheets and Cornell notes and keep an updated planner. d. Complete all assignments and commit to a minimum of two hours of homework each night. e. Maintain an average GPA of 2.0 or higher in all classes. f. I will be an active learner, be prepared for all classes with all assigned work completed, take Cornell notes, and be an active participant in all activities. g. I will come prepared for tutorial sessions by bringing higher level questions, my AVID binder with Cornell notes, and my textbooks. I will also ask questions to help my peers, and participate with my classmates and tutors to find the answers to my questions. h. I will pursue participation in extracurricular activities and community service. i. I will prepare for and take college entrance exams such as the PSAT, PLAN, SAT, and ACT As a parent or guardian, you must support your child in his or her attempt to pursue the dream of going to college and be an advocate for his or her success. Are you willing to attend at least one informational meeting about AVID and help ensure that your child is studying 1 to 2 hours after school and keeping an organized binder and planner? _____ Yes _____ No Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________ As an AVID student, you will be required to maintain passing grades, to always put forth your best effort, and to be a role model in the school. This means discipline should not be a problem. Are you willing to follow these guidelines? _____ Yes _____ No Student Signature _______________________________________________________ Please read and complete all information on the front and back of this paper, and email or mail the application to the address below by March 18, 2015: Dubiski Career High School Attention: Brenda Jacks, AVID Coordinator 2990 South Highway 161 Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Email: brenda.jacks@gpisd.org AVID Recommendation Form Teacher/Counselor Student Name: ____________________________________________ Grade: _______________ Recommending Teacher/Counselor: _________________________________________________________ Subject taught student: ______________________ Please check your choice. Year: ___________ Always 3 points Normally 2 points Grade: _________ Occasionally 1 point Rarely 0 points Positive attitude toward learning, grades and school Consistently puts forth effort in doing work Demonstrates an appropriate level of maturity Demonstrates willingness to work with others Exhibits appropriate school behavior Demonstrate a desire to learn Takes responsibility for his/her own actions Demonstrates enthusiasm about a variety of things Demonstrates a desire to be in AVID Positive parental support Please check your choice. Strong Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Study Skills Shows aptitude for Math Shows aptitude for English Shows aptitude for Social Studies Shows aptitude for Science Potential for growth as a student Teacher/Counselor Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________ Please feel free to provide any additional comments about the attributes you feel this student has that will make him/her a successful AVID student. Use the other side of this form to give your response. AVID Recommendation Form Teacher/Counselor Student Name: ____________________________________________ Grade: _______________ Recommending Teacher/Counselor: _________________________________________________________ Subject taught student: ______________________ Please check your choice. Year: ___________ Always 3 points Normally 2 points Grade: _________ Occasionally 1 point Rarely 0 points Positive attitude toward learning, grades and school Consistently puts forth effort in doing work Demonstrates an appropriate level of maturity Demonstrates willingness to work with others Exhibits appropriate school behavior Demonstrate a desire to learn Takes responsibility for his/her own actions Demonstrates enthusiasm about a variety of things Demonstrates a desire to be in AVID Positive parental support Please check your choice. Strong Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Study Skills Shows aptitude for Math Shows aptitude for English Shows aptitude for Social Studies Shows aptitude for Science Potential for growth as a student Teacher/Counselor Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________ Please feel free to provide any additional comments about the attributes you feel this student has that will make him/her a successful AVID student. Use the other side of this form to give your response.
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