Duffy Dateline Schedule Publication Date: April 23, 2015 Date Time Event Location Thurs, Apr. 23rd 9:30-11:00am 5:00-5:45pm Grade 3 Symphony Performance Grade 3 Parent Math Class Conard High Classrooms 9:00-11:30am 9:00am-1:45pm Student Council Stuffed Animal Day Grade 3 to Trash Museum (Allen/Bedner) Grade 4 Ecoventure Hammonassett Mon, Apr. 27th 9:00-9:45am 10:15-11:00am 3:25-4:25pm Grades 3, 4 &1 Cultural Council Performance Auditorium Grades K, 5 &2 Cultural Council Performance Auditorium Mad Science (K-Rm15, 1-2-Rm26, 3-5-Rm20) Tues, Apr. 28th 9:00am-1:45pm Grade 3 to Westmoor Park Wed, Apr. 29th 9:00am-11:00pm Bus Evacuation Practice Thurs, Apr. 30th 10:30am 12:15-3:15pm 5:45am-7:00pm 6:00-7:00pm Grade 5 International Night Student Assembly Auditorium Grades 4/5 Enrichment – CT Mystery Writing LMC Kindergarten Orientation/Parents’ Night Auditorium Grade 4/5 Spring Book Club LMC Fri, May 1st 10:45am-1:45pm 3:30-4:30pm Grade 3 to Trash Museum (Campbell/Harrison) May Day Family Celebration Garden Mon, May 4th 3:25-4:25pm 3:30pm Mad Science (K-Rm15, 1-2-Rm26, 3-5-Rm20) Safe School Committee Meeting Conf. Room Tues, May 5th All Day Author J.C. Philips in Residence LMC Student Council Walk-A-Thon@ Recess (Raindate5/6) Wed, May 6th 7:45am Student Achievement Meeting Conf. Room Student Council Walk-A-Thon@ Recess (Raindate) Thurs, May 7th All Day 5:45pm 6:45pm Author J.C. Philips in Residence PTO Board Meeting Family Learning Night (Quest, PBIS, Math) LMC Conf. Room Café Fri, May 8th All Day 9:00am Grade 3 Grant Planning Grade 3 Energize Guys Conf. Room Auditorium Fri, Apr. 24th Bus Loop It is Official! The last day of school is Tuesday, June 16th. We will have a 2:00 dismissal. NOT COMING BACK? If you know that your child will NOT be returning to Duffy School in the fall, or you have a fifth grader who will not be attending a West Hartford Public Middle School, please contact the school office so that we can accurately plan for class sizes and send records. Placements Parent placement letters for the 2015-2016 school year are due by Thursday, April 30th. You can drop off your letter in the Main Office or email your comments to kristi_laverty@whps.org. Thank you for your partnership in this important work! Duffy is excited to offer a Family Learning Night on May 7, 2015! Presentations and Discussion 6:45 p.m An introduction to QUEST Program (Gifted and Talented), with Duffy’s QUEST teacher Michele Hadlock 7:00 p.m. Duffy is becoming a PBIS School (Positive Behavior Intervention System), with members of our PBIS Team 7:30 p.m. Mathematical Practices with Mary Lestini, Town-wide Elementary Math Curriculum Specialist Please join this Family Learning Night, hosted by the Duffy PTO to learn: The QUEST nomination process The meaning and mission of PBIS Our timeline to create and implement the PBIS framework Students’ math habits of mind New ways to support your child’s mathematical thinking Save the date! When: May 7, 2015 at 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Where: Duffy School Library Refreshments will be provided. Childcare is available. Please r.s.v.p. for childcare by emailing Jesse at JPADUFFYPTO@GMAIL.COM. DO YOU FEEL YOUR VOICE IS BEING HEARD IN WEST HARTFORD? Would you like to change something in town? How can West Hartford help to make your life better? Does West Hartford feel like a welcoming town? West Hartford Community Connections (WHCC) invites you to meet with us individually to share your thoughts about West Hartford as a changing community. If you’re interested, please contact us to set up a time and place to meet: Gale Shapiro – gsjake@yahoo.com or 860.232.6958 Additional information: 1. What is West Hartford Community Connections? About Us West Hartford Community Connections is a grass-roots initiative to facilitate and connect communitybuilding efforts in Town. We acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of our population, including differences of race, ethnicity, income, sexual orientation, education, religion, political persuasion, age, physical and mental ability, and more. We believe these differences add to the vibrancy of the community. This initiative, created as a result of The Community Conversation (West Hartford: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) in 2010, brings about openness and increases good citizenship among our adults and children. Vision We envision a West Hartford community that excels in: Encouraging participation and a sense of belonging Embracing diversity Providing opportunities for cross-group experiences Responding to the needs of all residents Using community organizations and government effectively Mission Our mission is to foster inter-group educational, entertainment and transformational experiences for all segments of the community. 2. What do you mean by Dialogue to Action Initiative? A Dialogue to Action Initiative is an approach to community changes that starts with small-group, facilitated dialogues. The dialogues bring different kinds of people together around a public concern and create a space that enables constructive, respectful conversation using agreed upon guidelines. Groups of 10 to 12 participants meet for four sessions, develop trusting relationships, and share understandings of the issue under discussion. During the fourth dialogue session, participants brainstorm doable action ideas and plan next steps. West Hartford Community Connections is excited to work with Everyday Democracy. They bring national experience and resources to conducting small Dialogue to Action groups. The dialogues reach a depth that forums, public hearings, focus groups, and town meetings cannot. The West Hartford Cultural Council presents: SORO BINDI DUFFY ELEMENTARY STUDENT PERFORMANCE: MONDAY, APRIL 27TH Soro Bindi is an energetic, educational and engaging performance that will showcase Ghana’s unique culture through traditional dances, songs and stories. The performance, created and performed by Iddi Saaka, a dancer and Wesleyan University professor, will also invite students to learn about traditional instruments . . . and witness the amazing balancing skills he developed growing up in Ghana! PLEASE VISIT (AND LIKE!) THE WEST HARTFORD CULTURAL COUNCIL’S FACEBOOK PAGE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT IDDI, SORO BINDI, AND MORE. (FLAG OF GHANA)
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