the Brochure - Duke Alumni Association

The Birds and the Beasts of the Sea
oin fellow alumni, family, and friends studying sea turtles,
whales, dolphins, seals, penguins, sharks, giant squid,
and other large ocean creatures at the world-renown
Duke Marine Lab. Collectively known as marine megafauna,
these animals have fascinated mankind for centuries. Today,
scientists use new technology and research methods to study
these organisms, and they are beginning to understand the
importance of the ocean’s megafauna, the role of the role
these animals play in the health of the ocean, and the need for
conservation efforts on a global scale to ensure their survival.
The weekend begins with an introduction to the Duke Marine
Laboratory and a lecture on the principles of marine biology
and conservation. On Saturday, you will spend the day in a
combination of fascinating lectures and hands-on work in
the lab. In lecture, you will learn about the evolution of these
animals, their adaptive qualities, and how human activity is
threatening the survival of some of the oldest species still
roaming the planet. You will also have the opportunity to
perform your very own molecular biology experiments on
state-of-the-art equipment, using the same genetic techniques
used by Duke scientists. On Saturday evening, you will have
some free time to explore the charming, seaside community
of Beaufort. Everyone will return to the Marine Lab campus
on Sunday morning for a few final wrap-up activities including
a field trip aboard the Kirby-Smith, the lab’s research vessel.
Led by some of Duke’s top faculty, it will be an unforgettable and
educational Marine Lab experience. Make your reservations
soon, as this is one of the Alumni Association’s most popular
Forever Learning Programs.
Forever Learning. Forever Duke.
October 23-25, 2015
4:00 PM Registration
4:30 PM Orientation/Tour
6:15 PM Lecture
7:00 PM Reception
7:30 PM Dinner
9:00 AM Lecture
10:30 AM Experiments in Lab
12:45 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Lecture
3:00 PM Cont. Lab experiments
Free Evening in Beaufort, NC
9:00 AM Field trip aboard the Kirby-Smith
12:00 PM Conclusion
There are many great hotels, inns and bed & breakfasts along the coast.
When you reserve your space in the program, we will send you a list
of accommodations in the Beaufort area. (Room pricing will be from
approximately $109 per night, depending on the establishment).
Located on Pivers Island, within North Carolina’s Outer Banks, the
Duke University Marine Lab is adjacent to historic Beaufort, one of the
oldest towns in the state. From the Duke Marine Lab and the Beaufort
waterfronts, you can see wild horses grazing and egrets or pelicans
flying. By air, the nearest airports are in New Bern, N.C., (45 minutes
away) or Jacksonville, N.C., (90 minutes away). Rental cars and taxis are
available at both airports. There is also a small local airstrip in Beaufort for
private planes.
The physical demands of this program are moderate. The most significant
challenge involves the field trip on the ship, specifically boarding and
maneuvering on the ship, and potential exposure to sun, wind, and
heat. Closed-toe shoes are required on board and in the lab.
Program fees are $400 per person and include tuition, refreshments,
a reception and dinner, a lunch, lab materials, and the ship excursion.
Participation is limited to 36 people. Children must be accompanied
by an adult and must be at least 12 years old, or in the sixth grade.
The program fills quickly, so early registration is recommended.
The Marine Laboratory is a campus of Duke University and a unit within
the Nicholas School of the Environment. The mission is education,
research, and service to understand marine systems, including the
human component, and to develop approaches for marine conservation
and restoration.
The Marine Laboratory operates year-round to provide educational,
training, and research opportunities to about 3,500 persons annually,
including undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled in
the university’s academic programs; visiting student groups who use the
laboratory’s facilities; and scientists who come from North America and
abroad to conduct their own research. The resident faculty represents
the disciplines of biological and physical oceanography, marine biology
and conservation, marine environmental health, marine biotechnology,
and marine policy and management.
Tom is Director of the Marine
Conservation Molecular
Facility in the Marine Science
& Conservation division of
Duke’s Nicholas School of the
Environment. He earned his
Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill and his B.A. from the University of
California, San Diego. Tom’s experience lies in
genetics, genomics, and molecular biology in
marine systems. Schultz’s research interests
lie in the use of molecular techniques for
addressing questions in marine conservation
and biodiversity. The Marine Conservation
Molecular Facility was established to
enable molecular genetic approaches for
understanding fish and invertebrate population
structures and for determining biodiversity in
marine systems using sequence information.
Dr. Schutlz is also interested in utilizing
genomic approaches to understand
the response of marine organisms to
environmental perturbations.
Dave is an Assistant Professor
of the Practice of Marine
Conservation & Ecology in the
Marine Science & Conservation
Division of the Nicholas School
of the Environment. He is
a broadly skilled biological
oceanographer and marine conservation
biologist whose research focuses on the habitat
needs of marine vertebrates in relation to
pressing conservation issues. He has active
projects involving the effects of climate change
on marine mammals, the oceanographic drivers
of foraging ecology in marine vertebrates, the
design and utility of marine protected areas,
human/marine mammal conflicts in coastal
oceans and the sustainability of incidental
mortality and directed harvests of marine
animals. Johnston teaches courses at both
undergraduate and graduate levels - with
experience in large and small classrooms,
as well as in field-based learning situations.
Johnston also has extensive experience
incorporating new technologies into teaching,
including the use of educational global
circulation models, mobile apps and custom
digital textbooks.
Registration Form
The Birds and the Beasts of the Sea
October 23-25, 2015
Please reserve
space(s) for me in the Marine Megafauna
program, October 23-25, 2015.
Name 1:
Duke Class Year
Duke Class Year
Name 2:
Name(s) you would like on your name badge(s):
Street Address
City State Zip
Home phone: (
Office phone: (
Mobile phone: (
Contact Jennifer Chambers at the
Duke Alumni Association at (919) 681-6216
Refunds/Cancellations Payment will be
refunded until 30 days prior to the program’s
start date, minus a $125 per person
cancellation fee.
Schedules will be carried out as closely as
possible, but are subject to change.
Disclaimer Duke University has no responsibility
in whole or in part for any loss, death, damage, or
injury to person or property or accident, mechanical
defect, failure, or negligence of any nature howsoever
caused in connection with any accommodations,
transportation, or other services. Baggage is at the
owner’s risk entirely. The right is retained to decline to
accept or retain any person as a participant should
such person’s health, mental condition, physical
infirmity, or attitude jeopardize the operation of
the program or the rights, welfare, or enjoyment of
other participants. We reserve the right to revise the
program itinerary as needed.
We are able to accept payment via check or credit card.
Enclosed is my full payment of $
Please make checks payable to Duke University.
Please charge my: ____Visa ____MC ____American Express
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Security Code:
Name as it appears on the card:
You may also register with a credit card via the online form at
Complete and mail to: Discovering Alumni Marine Lab Weekend
Duke Alumni Association
Box 90572
Durham, NC 27708-0572
Or Call: (800) FOR-DUKE
Or Fax to: (919) 660-0148