SPRING HOUSE RULES - Peewee 2015 DJBA follows BC Minor Baseball and Baseball Canada’s rules. With the exception of the following house rules: Game Procedures: 1) Each team must provide their own scorekeeper, the home team is the official scorekeeper and timekeeper. 2) At the end of each game, the official scorekeeper is to verify with the visiting team’s scorekeeper and umpire, the score and pitch counts. All teams must complete and email a game report to the player agent: Cindy Williams @ boeing50@shaw.ca within 24 hours of completing the game. 3) The Official Score Keeper must clock the time of the first pitch, and mark it in the scorebook. 4) No new inning is to start after 1 hour and 45 minutes on weekdays (Sunday 6:00pm, Monday thru Thursday) or after 2.5 Hours on weekends (Friday night is considered a weekend). Only the Umpire can determine which inning is the last one based on the appropriate time limit, the Umpire will inform the coaches. There will be NO time limits during playoffs. 5) The home team is in the dugout down third base. 6) RAINOUTSPlease check www.duncanball.ca to check the field conditions. Coaches cannot call games off because of the weather. Only the Park President, Baseball or Fast Pitch Vice Presidents or the Umpire & Chief at game time can do this. If a team fails to show up and games haven’t been cancelled that team will show a forfeit and the win will go to the opposing team. 7) Any games that need to be rescheduled must go thru the scheduler and both affected teams must agree with the new date and time. Every effort must be made to reschedule all missed games. Zero points will be awarded for games not rescheduled. Game play: 8) Everyone in the line up bats. 9) No player may sit off for 2 consecutive defensive innings. All players must sit once during a game before another player sits twice, similarly, all players must sit twice before any player sits 3 times (unless for disciplinary reasons). You must inform the umpire and opposition coach of a disciplined player(s). If you do discipline a player during the game, you must also record that information on the game sheet. 10) All players must play both an infield and outfield position in a game. 11) The on deck batter must be in the on deck circle behind the batter up to bat. 12) A first year age player must pitch the first 2 innings. 13) The on deck batter must be in the on deck circle behind the batter up to bat. 14) The maximum number of games a player may play in an older age group (including league and/or exhibition and/or tournament and/or playoffs) will be as follows: MOSQUITO players -- 3 games plus one tournament at the PEEWEE level only. PEEWEE players -- 3 games plus one tournament at the BANTAM level 15) Players being called up will not be allowed to pitch 16) A maximum of 3 players can be called up per game, but only to bring the roster to 10 players. 17) Players being called up must be on the game report 18) Runs per inning; 5 Runs maximum except in the open inning 19) Only the 5th, 6th or 7th inning may be the open innings. The umpire will determine if or when there is an open inning based on the time limit. 4.5 innings constitutes a game. 20) Mercy Rule If a team is leading its opponent by at least ten (10) runs after five or more equal innings have been played, or after four and one half innings if the second at bat should have a ten run lead at the end of the fourth inning, or before the completion of its fifth inning, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. Should a team hit a “walk off” out of the park home run to end a page under the mercy rule all runners including the batter shall be permitted to score (as per the Official rules of Baseball) 21) Pitching Count (as per BC Baseball) is as follows: 1-35 pitches = no rest 36-55 pitches= 2 nights rest 56-75 pitches= 3 nights rest 75 max. pitches for the day Equipment: 22) Chinstraps MUST be worn and done up. Helmets are not to be removed until the runner/batter is inside the dugout. 23) Jock/Jill is Mandatory. 24) No Shorts! Long pants or baseball pants must be worn at games and practices. 25) No FOOD in the dugout!! Parent Responsibilities 26) A parent or designated responsible adult must be at the field for both games and practices for each player. In case of injury, the coach cannot leave the other players unsupervised. 27) Get your player to the field, dressed and ready to play according to your coaches time preference 28) At the beginning of each game, help with field preparation, installing bases, etc. 29) At the end of each game the PARENTS/players are responsible for raking the fields, filling any holes and returning the bases to the storage hut. 30) If a game has been played before yours the other team will rake out the field, BUT the home team’s PARENTS will need to re-line the field and make necessary adjustments to base placement, etc. While the coach is warming up the team. These rules are for Regular Spring Season Play only. Rule adjustments are made when it comes time for play-offs to begin
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