Fri. May 8/15 - Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce

Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
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Connect. Engage. Achieve. Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce
eNews ‐ Fri. May 8/15
Follow us: Save Like an RBC Employee.
IT'S BACK. Get the same great mortgage rate as our employees,
complete with our flexible prepayment options and expert advice.
More details here.
Brett Hopwo 250.715.5201 |
David McDill 250.510.3455 |
Chamber News & Events
Member pricing applies to all employees in member businesses & organizations.
Visitor Centre Hours
Until June 30
Mon. ‐ Sat. 9 am ‐ 5 pm
CLOSED Monday May 18
July 1 ‐ September 7: Daily 9 am ‐ 5 pm Mixer at Sensational de Paradisio May 21
We're looking forward to a lovely summer's evening & hospitality at Sensational
de Paradisio. Come and enjoy a tour of this fabulous vacation property featuring
salt water pool with waterfalls, covered outdoor area, grand stone firepit,
horses, pond and more! This is a rain or shine event!
Mixer at Sensational de Paradisio B & B
Thurs. May 21, 5:30 pm
4545 Tipperary Rd.
Free to Members
RSVP to : | 250.748.1111
BC Chamber News
BC Chamber Advocacy
BC Chamber Latest News
Wednesday Wine Down at Craig St. Brew Pub ‐ May 27
Yet another good reason to go to the Craig Street Brew Pub ‐ the Chamber's
Wednesday Wine Down. We'll enjoy wine, cocktails, appies and of course, Craig
Street's famous selection of hand‐crafted beer. We'll gather upstairs for the Wine
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
BC Chamber Newsletters
In the News
Tourism Cowichan eNews
EDC May Newsletter
Destination BC Marketing
Tourism Victoria news
BDC In Business Newsletter
BBB News & Events
Tourism Cowichan eNews
EDC April Newsletter
Destination BC April News
Tourism Victoria news
BDC In Business Newsletter
BBB News & Events
Local News On‐line
Duncan Road Construction
89.7 JuiceFM
Cowichan Valley Citizen
Cowichan Valley Voice
Shaw go!Island South Van. Isl
Benefit Providers
Business Resources
Trades in BC Overview from
Industry Training Authority
Down. Cross you fingers for good weather so we
can spill out onto the deck.
Wednesday Wine Down at Craig Street Brew
Wed. May 27, 5:30 pm
Regular menu pricing applies
RSVP to |
Be a Destination with Chamber on Tour 2015
Chamber Tour returns this summer! Every Wednesday in July and August Chamber
members tour the fabulous accommodations, attractions and businesses
throughout Cowichan. Host businesses connect with fellow members, prospective
clients, and Visitor Centre Travel Counsellors. Chamber members enjoy great
company and all that Cowichan has to offer. We are booking locations now for
the summer. We anticipate an average of +/‐ 15 people per tour, each tour is
about an hour. Host provide a tour, promote their business, and share their
expertise and stories. If you would like to host a Chamber on Tour, or find out if this event is a fit for
your business, please contact Elizabeth Croft at the Chamber office. | 250.748.1111
Corrections to New Member Information
There were a couple of errors in the New Members email that went out earlier this
week. Our apologies for the errors, and here is the correct information:
Mill Bay Shores Bed and Breakfast
Mill Bay Shores Bed and Breakfast is a newly established, waterfront B & B, just a
20 minute stroll from the Village of Mill Bay. Host Elke and Les provide breakfast
on the deck overlooking the ocean. Borrow one of their bicycles to peddle into
Mill Bay, or a kayak for a paddle. The house is ideally situated for exploring the
Island, close to the Mill Bay ferry and an easy drive to either Victoria or
2439 Mill Bay Rd. Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P4 | 250.929.1833
Mechatronics is the synergistic merging of the fields of Mechanical, Electrical and
Software engineering. G3 Mechatronics offers a wide range of services, providing
a single point contact for many of your engineering, product development and light
manufacturing needs. | 778­805­1280
Prototyping Support, Automation & Robotics, Integrated Solutions, Small Scale
Contract Assembly & Fabrication
Social Media Camp Discount for Chamber Members
Social Media Camp is offering a discount code to Chamber members planning on
attending this year's event. You can take advantage of $50 off the regular
registration rate of $399.The 6th Annual Social Media Camp is a three‐day,
knowledge‐rich conference that covers all key issues for getting the most out of
social media marketing, whether you're responsible for driving website traffic,
managing the online marketing budget, reputation management, customer
service or stewarding your company's online brand.
Enter the promo code DuncanChamber50.
Click To Register
May 21‐23 | Victoria Conference Centre
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
How to Update Your Member
Canada‐BC Jobs Grant
CVRD Meetings
Duncan Council Mtgs
North Cowichan Mtgs.
Small Business BC ‐ Webinars
& More
Official Trade & Investment
Site for BC
Mentorship BC
Province of BC ‐ Business
Management Tools
Chamber Job Board
Global Vocational Job Board
CVRD Tenders & RFP's
How to Do Business with BC
Gov't Provincial Bid Opportunities
on BC Bid
Government of Canada Tender
Quick Links
Join the Chamber
Business Directory
Chamber Events
OR Get an even greater DEAL for Social Media Camp ‐ with ONLINE BID We have a full registration to Social Media Camp which was missed at our Black
Tie Silent Auction. Valued at $399 for the full 2 days, you can get this
registration for a fabulous deal! Check out our facebook page to place your bid. Not on facebook? Reply to this email with your bid. Bidding starts at $100,
increments of $10. Bid closes next Friday, MAY 8 at noon.
Member to Member Offers
Update your Member to Member offers, Hot Deals and Job Postings via your
online profile
We encourage members to post Member to Member offers, Hot Deals for the
Public, Events and Job Postings on our website. It's easy to submit a deal, offer
or job posting via your online profile. Not sure of your log in? Call or email us. Below are a couple of offers ready to be uploaded to our Member to Member
page. Member to Member Offers
Budget Car Rental & Storage: Chamber members
enjoy a standing 15% discount at Duncan Budget
Car Rental. And now, they've extended the 15%
off to their storage fees for Chamber members too. When you're ready to use
your member discount, drop by or call Budget to book your vehicle or storage.
Budget Car Rental & Storage
5340 Trans Canada Hwy. | 250.748.3221
Budget Self Storage Duncan Fitness Centre: Duncan Fitness Centre will
provide all Chamber members with a set of free 14‐day
guestpasses. These passes entitle your employees to 14
free days of fitness and a great chance to check out what
the studio has to offer. What's more, this offer extends to
their entire family! And, if your employees choose to join,
Duncan Fitness Centre will extend a 10% discount off the
standard rate for their membership dues. To read more
about this offer, and the Duncan Fitness Centre, click here. Duncan Fitness Centre 2006 Boys Rd. 250.815.0158 | The official off‐ice trainer for the Cowichan Capitals!
Programming Your Member to Member Deals
Members can set up their own Member‐to‐Member offerings through the Members area on the Chamber website. Once
you are logged in, click on Member to Member Deals in the left menu, then click the blue Add Member to Member
Deal button and fill in the requested information. Be sure to consider and enter an end date. Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre News Incentives/Coupons Requested for Major Cowichan Tour
The Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre is welcoming an FMCA Motorcoach tour
of 80 + visitors on May 21. We are creating a package of information for each
guest to encourage them to fully explore our beautiful area. While here,
they'll be looking for restaurants and evening activities on the day of their
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
visit. We are reaching out, looking for incentives/coupons for these travelers. Please consider providing a coupon or
incentive to encourage folks on the tour to come to your location. We'll include your materials in the welcome kit
provided to each individual and guide on the tour. We are requesting a minimum of 45 copies ‐ please get them in to
the Visitor Centre by May 15. Please contact Visitor Services Coordinator Kirsty Grant for details or questions.
Duncan Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre
2986 Drinkwater Rd., Duncan BC V9L 2C6 | 250.746.4636
This Weekend & Coming Soon
Mother's Day Brunch at Birds Eye Cove Farm ‐ May 10
Enjoy Mother's Day Brunch, mimosa and an oceanside walk this Mother's Day at Birds Eye Cove
Farm. Reservations required.
Mother's Day Brunch at Bird's Eye Cove Farm
Sun. May 10
5881 Genoa Bay Rd.
Reservations: 250.748.6379
Spring Celebrations & Mothers Day at Unsworth Vineyards
Come to Unsworth Vineyards in May and enjoy these new releases in the tasting room: Allegro, Rose, TimBuck Two
Riesling, Petit Milo and more! And book Mothers Day at the Unsworth Restaurant ‐ recent winner of the Bronze Medal
at the 2015 Vancouver Magazine Awards. Unsworth chefs are creating a special Mother's Day Brunch menu, or you can
celebrate a little later in the day with a 3‐course dinner for just $40. Details on these events and more are in the
Unsworth newsletter.
Unsworth Vineyards
2915 Cameron‐Taggart Rd.
Reservations: 250.929.2292 Ext. 1 | Contact Unsworth Online
Cowichan Village Computer Centre (CVCC) Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary ‐ Sat. May 9
You are invited to celebrate Cowichan Village Computer Centre 1st year anniversary on Sat. May 9. Sign up for the
CVCC monthly newsletter, and automatically be entered to win some fabulous prizes including a FREE computer clean
up and virus removal, a $150 value! Enjoy a fundraising Hot Dog lunch provided by the Chemainus/Crofton C to Sea
Lions Club. There will be music (dancing optional!) and Anniversary Cake. While you're there, stop by the 49th
Parallel Grocery for their annual Mother's Day Basket Making event too.
Cowichan Village Computer Centre ‐ First Anniversary
Sat. May 9, 10 am ‐ 5 pm
3055 Oak St. Chemainus
260.324.6100 |
Mom's are Free at the BC Forest Discovery Centre this Sunday May 10
Celebrate Mother's Day at the BC Forest Discovery Centre this Sunday, 10 am ‐ 4:30 pm. Along with train rides and
usual fun, families will enjoy the Centres new Our Sustainable Forests Exhibit that runs throughout May until Aug.29
Mother's Day & Our Sustainable Forests Exhibit at the BC Forest Discovery Centre
Sun. May 10, 10 am ‐ 4:30 pm
Sunday Only: Mothers FREE | $8 Adults, Youth & Seniors | $3 Children | Children Under 2 FREE
250.715.1113 |
2892 Drinkwater Road (Trans Canada Hwy & Bell McKinnon Rd)
Mother's Day Weekend at Teafarm ‐ May 9 ‐ 10
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
Enjoy a fabulous three course gourmet Tea+Sweet experience with Mom in the Teahouse &
Garden featuring: green tea chiffon cake with walnuts and crystallized ginger, a lighter‐
than‐air luscious cake; earl grey chocolate cake, chai chocolate wafer, malty assam
tea, rhubarb jasmine tea sorbet and more! See the complete menu here.
Mother's Day Weekend at Teafarm
Sat. May 9 & Sun. May 10, 10 am‐5 pm $20 | Reservations required | 250.748.3811 |
Read the latest about Teafarm's, including harvest news, in their Newsletter
Click here to shop Teafarm online
Are "U" a Safe Senior ‐ Programs Available from MAY 6 ‐ JUN 10 Community Policing is offering a series of sessions, focused on keeping seniors safe at home and on the streets: Home & Personal Safety MAY 6
Internet & Cyber Crime MAY 13
Road Safety (pedestrians, vehicles and scooters) MAY 20
Frauds & Scams MAY 27
Protecting our Seniors (Elder Abuse, Community Response, Public Guardian options) JUN 3
Financial Safety ‐ JUN 10
For details and to register, contact Duncan Community Policing
250.701.9145 | | City of Duncan ‐ Street Food Vendors Wanted ‐ DEADLINE for Submissions May 12
The City of Duncan is looking for dynamic, professional businesses and organizations with unique food products to
provide quality services in our parks this summer.
The following spaces are available on a competitive basis:
2 vendors in Centennial Park from June 15 ‐ September 15
2 vendors in Charles Hoey Park from June 26 ‐ August 3
Interested vendors must submit an application along with all supporting evaluation information required under the
new "Street Food Vendor Applications" which is available on the City's website or by visiting 200
Craig Street from 8:30 ‐ 4:30 Monday to Friday.
Applications must be submitted to the City at 200 Craig Street by 4:00pm on May 12, 2015 in a sealed envelope
clearly marked Street Food Vendor Application.
Application Process and Instructions Better Business Bureau Annual General Meeting ‐ Tues. May 12 ‐ RSVP Deadline TODAY
Join BBB May 12, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for an informal afternoon event networking with other Accredited
Businesses and catching up on some important BBB business. The event will begin with a brief 20 minute business
update, a welcome of this year's slate of Directors, followed by mingling over some light refreshments and snacks.
Better Business Bureau, Annual General Meeting
Tues. May 12, 5 pm ‐ 6:30 pm
#220‐1175 Cook St., Victoria
RSVP Deadline TODAY ‐ May 8 | 250.386.6348 ext. 109. This Just In ... Ease‐Ability Renovations Presents You Can Do It Workshops for Women
Ease‐Ability Solutions presents three workshops to bring out your inner handy‐woman. Attend all 3 for just $35, and
part proceeds go to the Cowichan Valley Hospice Society. Get your tickets at Act Hearing, or Second Hangar. Classes
are 3 consecutive Thursday's, 7 ‐ 9 pm, at the Island Savings Centre.
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
Ease‐Ability Renovations Presents You Can Do It Workshops for Women Electrical: May 14, Koksilah Rm.
Painting 101/Part 1 of 2: May 21, Mesachie Rm.
Painting 101/Part 2 of 2: June 7, Mesachie Rm.
$35 for the series. Tickets available at: Act Hearing, 361 Trans Canada (by Shoppers Drug Mart)
Cobble Hill: Second Hangar, 3541 Cobble Hill Road
Click here for complete details.
Ease‐Ability Renovations Seeks Lead Carpenter
Ease‐Ability Renovations is seeking a full time Lead Carpenter. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to
help grow the position while contributing to the ongoing and future success of Ease‐Ability. We offer flexible hours
and opportunity for growth in a team‐oriented, friendly environment. Responsibilities include:
Assist the owner in liaising between clients, employees, & (sub)contractors.
Build and maintain positive relationships with clients and suppliers through an honest, professional and ethical
approach to business and a sincere, compassionate approach to providing superior customer service.
Work & supervise employees and (sub) contractors on job sites, ensuring health and safety practices and
policies are being followed while providing direction and support to the project team. Click here for Complete Job Description.
FREE Emergency Preparedness Template from St. John Ambulance
St. John Ambulance shows you how to be Emergency Ready into 15 easy steps. Follow this link to download templates and resources so you can:
Make A Plan, Get A Kit, and Stay Informed.
Last Chance to Update Your Property References with RCMP
The RCMP, through Community Policing, maintains Property Reference for local businesses. If the police are called to
your business outside of office hours, and your Reference is up to date, they have information on hand to contact you
or your representative. This is a voluntary program and renewed annually.
Community Policing is currently updating all the Property References. Old References will be purged! So, please
send in your updated, and current information. It only takes a few minutes ‐ download the form here. Then forward
to Community Policing. Contact information is below, and on the form.
Community Policing
# 3 ‐149 Canada Ave
250.701.9145 |
Upcoming Courses at VIU Simply Accounting Level 2 Master Gardener Information Session ‐ free! Tue & Thu, May 19‐Jun 4; 6‐9pm Wed, May 20; 6‐8pm
Serving It Right Cashier Training
Sat, May 23; 9am‐4pm Sat & Sun, May 30‐31; 9am‐4pm
Mud Nymphs & Aerial Dragons ‐ new!
Sat, Jun 20; 12‐3pm
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
See the complete selection of Professional Development & Training Courses here. Vancouver Island University will
provide tailored employee training for your business. They offer a diverse portfolio of courses: business,
communication and management, First Aid and Safety, and more.
Vancouver Island University
2011 University Way
Register in person, online or by phone 250‐746‐3519
Call for Vendors ‐ Maple Bay Marina ‐ 20th Annual Wooden Boat Festival ‐ May 16 ‐ 17
It's the 20th Annual Wooden Boat Festival at Maple Bay Marina. It is a
rendevous for wooden boat owners and all woodboat designs are welcome.
Organizers are looking for vendors ‐ local artisans and/or marine themed
products are encouraged to contact the Marina to book a space.
The Wooden Boat Festival is open to the public. Come and explore the docks
and vote for your favourite boat. Enjoy live music, vendors, artisans, model
boat show and more!
Maple Bay Marina ‐ 20th Annual Wooden Boat Festival
6145 Genoa Bay Rd. | 250.746.8482
Go! Island at the 2014
Wooden Boat Festival
May is Social Enterprise Month in BC
Social Enterprises are quickly expanding throughout B.C. and around the world. These are organizations committed to
a social mission that direct their revenue to drive social change. To help raise awareness of the work social
entrepreneurs are doing in B.C. and the contributions these businesses make to our communities and our economy, the
Province has proclaimed May 2015 as Social Enterprise Month.
Social Enterprise Month Programming
BC Partners for Social Impact & Action Plan to Maximize Social Innovation Social Enterprise Canada
Footprints Security ‐ Wins New Contract
Chamber member Footprints Security is excited to announce they have a
secured a new, major contract. They'll be providing security services to
School District 79, starting July 1/15.
Footprints Security | 1‐866‐248‐9117
Member News
Transformational Leadership Workshop ‐ Tues. May 26 ‐ NEW DATE
Dr. Patrick Ross is presenting a workshop on "Transformational Leadership" exploring the process of change. Dr. Ross
will discuss a number of leadership implications....after all...if we lead should we not be facilitating change?
Transformational Leadership ‐ Dr. Patric Ross of Patrick Ross Consulting Presenting
Room 220, Vancouver Island University, 2011 University Way
Doors open 8:30, start 9am ‐ 12 noon
$10 at the door
RSVP by May 15 please: anne‐
Mac5 & CVRD ‐ Computer and Social Media Workshops
In partnership with the CVRD, MAC5 is excited to offer a wide range of computer courses covering everything from
Facebook for Business, Blogging 101 & 201, How to Use Instagram and many, many more. The classes take place at
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
the Island Savings Centre. Registration for the session opens on Mon. May 4, and courses start up in June. They are
expected to fill quickly. See the Chamber's Community Calendar for a complete list.
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society ‐ AGM Tues. May 19
The Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society is having their 25th Annual General Meeting on Tues. May 19 in the Koksilah Room
at the Island Savings Centre. Fisheries biologist, and talented presenter, Dave Preikshot will report on the salmon
monitoring project. The BC Ministry of Environment identified Somenos as "one of the best places to view wildlife
close to an urban centre". The Marsh has also been recognized by Bird Life International as a globally significant
Important Bird Area. Learn more about the Society, become a member, or make a donation at their website.
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society ‐ 25th Annual General Meeting
Tues. May 19, 7 pm
Koksilah Room, Island Savings Centre, 2687 James St.
Cowichan Valley Arts Council ‐ Annual General Meeting ‐ May 26 The AGM for the Arts Council is Tues. May 26, 6 ‐ 8 pm in the Mesachie Room at the Island Savings Centre. It has been
a great year, with many wonderful shows in PORTALS and exciting plans in progress for the future. Voting members
must be current members in good standing having purchased membership one month prior to the meeting. One vote
per group member. If you have any questions regarding the AGM or your membership, please call the CVAC office 250‐
Cowichan Valley Arts Council ‐ Annual General Meeting
May 26, 6 pm to 8 pm
Island Savings Centre, Mesachie Room, 2687 James Str.
The Council enthusiastically encourages all CVAC members to attend!
Blue Grouse Estate Winery & Vineyard Grand Opening May 23
The Brunner Family and the Blue Grouse Estate Winery team invite you to attend the grand opening of their new
tasting room and winery facility. Blue Grouse is one of Vancouver Island's first wineries, working with vines originally
planted in 1977. Winemaker and vineyard manager Bailey Williamson will showcase the latest vintages. Snacks. Live
music with Sweet Lowdown.
Grand Opening ‐ Blue Grouse Estate Winery & Vineyard
Sat. May 23, 11 am ‐ 5 pm | Live music: 1 ‐ 4 pm
2182 Lakeside Rd. | 250.743.3834
New tasting room & winery facility at Blue Grouse
Nominate for the Duncan/North Cowichan Hall of Fame Deadline May 29
Nominations are now open for the Duncan North Cowichan Sports Hall of Fame. Everyone is invited to nominate ‐ both
teams and individuals may be eligible. Selected recipients have a plaque on the Hall of Fame at the Cowichan Aquatic
Centre. The deadline for nominations is May 29. Criteria & Categories
Athlete: minor sports, high school, or amateur athlete who has earned honours representing North Cowichan or
Duncan in provincial, national or international competitions; or any local athlete that has excelled at sports at the
collegiate, professional or international level;
Team: minor sports, high school or amateur team that has represented North Cowichan or Duncan in provincial,
national or international competitions;
Coach: coach who has worked with individuals, or minor sports, high school, or amateur teams that participated in
provincial, national or international competitions;
Administrators or Builders: individuals who have made a significant contribution to local athletics through
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
involvement with a youth sports organization.
See the Wall of Fame website for details and Nominations
Breakfast Spelling Bee ‐ Rotary Supports Cowichan Literacy ‐ May 27
Do you have crack spellers in your organization? Want to support literacy in Cowichan and have some fun? Duncan
Rotary Club is hosting a Breakfast Spelling Bee at Duncan Mall on May 27. The morning starts with a great breakfast,
then teams work on spelling challenges. Winning team gets the plaque and bragging rights!
This fundraiser is a jumpstart to bring the Imagination Library to Cowichan. The program provides 1 new book per
month to children up to age 5.
Rotary Breakfast Spelling Bee to Support Literacy
May 27, Duncan Mall
Details & Entry Form
To find out more, and enter your team contact Denise Code:
BC Chamber News $10,000 Writing Prize ‐ BC Chamber Accepting Submissions for Rurals & Urban ‐ Contest Deadline May 15
The exponential growth in B.C.'s urban centres has left only 20% of the population to produce and extract the raw
goods from our natural resources. Some of these resources provide for the direct needs of the Urban and Rural
populations, while most resources are exported, helping pay for the imported wants and needs of both. We ask: how is
this sustainable, and how do we educate urbanites on the balance and perceived dichotomy between urban values,
and B.C.'s resource‐based economy? Share your insight on this theme for your opportunity to win $10,000 and
potentially have your article published. Grand Prize $10,000, Second Place $5000, 5 Regional Winners @ $1000 & 10
Runners Up @ $100
Open to the public!
Rurals & Urban Writing Contest ‐ BC Chamber
Deadline May 15 | 1200 Words
Details here | Entry Form
Please email or mail completed , along with a
photo and article submission
Canada‐BC Job Grant Extended The program has been a great success thanks to the initiative taken by BC Chambers. Between January and March
2015, BC Chambers helped employers submit almost 200 applications, totalling close to $1 million in government
reimbursements. You will find an updated copy regarding the Canada‐BC Job Grant here. Additional fact info sheet
Employer Information Form Participant Information Form 2014‐2015 BCCC Policy and Procedures Manual Our Chamber will be represented at the upcoming 2015 BC Chamber AGM, Prince George, May 24 ‐ 26. Below is a link
to the 2014‐ 2015 Policy and Positions Manual which contains informed opinions and policy statements adopted by
members during the policy session at The Chamber's 61st Annual General Meeting held in Richmond, BC, May 22nd to
24th, 2014. We look forward to being involved in the 2015 ‐ 2016 Policy Process.
2014 ‐ 2015 BCCC Policy and Positions Manual
Duncan Cowichan Chamber eNews May 8/15
Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce
2896 Drinkwater Road Duncan, BC V9L 6C2
E: | T: 250.748.1111 | F: 250.746.8222
The Chamber eNews is disseminated to the business community every Friday and carries Chamber and Member news. Please send your news to by noon on Thurs. for the Fri. eNews. Fifty word maximum, please be sure to include date, time, location, and price
as appropriate. We include links, contact information & social media. Items may be edited for brevity & clarity. Images should be suitable for
thumbnail size.
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Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce | 2896 Drinkwater Road | Duncan | BC | V9L 6C2 | Canada