May 17, 2015 - the Duncan Christian Reformed Church

Duncan Christian Reformed Church
930 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 2S1
May 17, 2015
Jesus Ascending into Heaven
Walt Vanderwerf, Pastor
Child care for infants to 3 is located in
the wing to the right of the sanctuary.
Henry Vanderschaaf,
Leader of Congregational Life
Sunday school children 3 years to
grade 5 are dismissed part way
through the service and return during
the service.
Office: 250 748-2122
Church Hall: 250 748-2109
Fax: 250 748-2365
Office E-mail:
Church Website:
The prayer room is staffed before and
after the morning service.
Hearing assistance is available upon
request from the usher.
10 am Worship Service
Song: O Praise Him
Welcome/God’s Greeting
Song: In the Secret
Song: O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
#325 Red Hymnal
Song: Cry in My Heart
Song: Turn Your Eye Upon Jesus
Children’s Message
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Deacon Fund and Church
Ministries. You can also give for World
Renew - Nepal Earthquake Relief
Song: What Do I Know of Holy
Congregational Prayer
Pastor Walt Vanderwerf will bring the
Message “The Discipline“ from Hebrews
12:1-13 (pg 1877)
Song: The Name of the Lord
Song: May the Mind of Christ, My Saviour
#334 Red Hymnal
Hebrews 12:1,2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such
a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so
easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set
before him endured the cross, scorning its
shame, and sat down at the right hand of
the throne of God.
Song: In Sweet Communion, Lord, With
You Red Hymnal #346 vs 1,2,4,5
Service Notes:
"Our struggle." We've seen, from Ephesians 6, that our struggle is against evil, unseen
spiritual demons who seek to gain a foothold in our lives through discouragement,
temptation, and unbelief. We looked at 1 Peter 5 and saw further, that the devil and his
demons are going around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, bringing on fear;
whereas our God casts out all fear through his astounding love. We turned to a different
aspect of our struggles in James 1, where we're told to count it "all joy" when we face trials of
various kinds, because God through them is giving us an opportunity to show whose we really
are, and to seek to please him in every way despite all obstacles. Romans 5 describes the
purpose of suffering, to establish the kind of character that displays kindness, generosity, a
forgiving nature. And today we once again are called not to give up no matter what, since
through hardship God is inviting us to share in his holiness, Hebrews 12.
7 pm Worship Service
Songs: Make me a channel of your peace
My song forever shall record
Lord of all hopefulness #558
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Back to God Ministries
Song: We give you but your own
Evening Prayer
Pastor Walt Vanderwerf will bring the
Message “Justice thru Jesus” from Isaiah
42:1-9 (pg 1124)
Song: Multiply your love
the Blessing
Song: Father we love you GH#634
Service Notes:
Isaiah 42:2-4
He will not shout or cry out, or raise his
voice in the streets.
A bruised reed he will not break, and a
smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
he will not falter or be discouraged till he
establishes justice on earth.
In his law the islands will put their hope."
Church Family
Next Sunday May 24
Jason & Michelle W needed to take their
infant son, Jeremy to Children's Hospital in
Vancouver. An MRI shows Jeremy has a
tumor on his kidney which needs to be
removed. The surgery is scheduled for
Tuesday. Pray for peace for the entire family
in this very frightening time, since also the
nature of the tumor is unknown; for the Lord
himself to be their strength and refuge; and
for healing of this little precious son.
GEMS Sunday next week also marks the Day
of Pentecost. The theme for the year has
been, "Bring the Message." John 20:19-23
will be the text.
Russ B is home again from CDH.
Pastor Cecil van Niejenhuis thanks
all those who participated in the “Listening
Circles” and informs us that he’ll return at the
end of June (after he attends Synod) to share
his report on church issues.
Birthdays this Week
Monday, May 18: Ed VW, Fred W, John VS
Thursday, May 21: Len B
Friday, May 22: Lena Palmer, Abigail B, Ben V
Saturday, May 23: Sonya W
Sunday, May 24: BJ W
Worship Services today
We celebrate Ascension Day today.
The offering this morning is for the Deacon
Fund and Church Ministries.
You can also give for World Renew - Nepal
Earthquake Relief. All money collected by May
25 will receive a 1:1 match by the Can. Gov.
The offering this evening will be for Back to
God Ministries International.
Back to God Ministries International is the
media ministry of the CRC.
The offering next Sunday morning will be for
Christian Reformed World Missions General
and Church Ministries.
The offering in the evening will be for GEMS
Note: You can also give for World Renew Nepal Relief for the 1:1 gov. match.
World Renew - Nepal Relief
The World Renew Disaster Response Team
in Nepal is already working on your behalf in
the name of Christ. Together we have
distributed vital food assistance to 1,942
families and tarps to 140 families within the
first two weeks. In the next phase, we plan to
provide additional supplies including tents,
tarps, blankets, hygiene kits, water filters,
and continued food assistance to an
additional 1,300 households.
We know that this was made possible
through the prayers and financial support of
many people in the Christian Reformed
There is a powerpoint presentation at under the
“Resources” section at the bottom.
Please note that donations made from April
25 to May 25 will qualify for a 1:1 match from
the Canadian Government. Thank you for
partnering with us in response to the
devastation in Nepal.
God bless you. Peter Bulthuis
World Renew | Church Relations Canada |
Council Nominations
As reported earlier, there are two elders retiring from council: Wies Kroek and Marius Popma
and two deacons need to be replaced: Andrew N and Dustin V. In addition one more Elder is
needed on Council to make 3-year rotations.
On May 31, church members will have the opportunity to affirm that individuals qualify as
replacements for the retirees.
You will be asked to affirm:
For Elder: Jim B, and Gerald W
For Deacon: Joe W (no other nominees found)
Affirmation forms will be handed out with the nominated names. Please mark each name if
you feel they qualify for the position of Elder or Deacon in our church.
If you cannot be at the affirmation service, please place your absentee affirmation on a sheet of
paper with the names you affirm, and put your own name and signature on the envelope; and
leave at the church office during the week before.
Mid-June - Installation service of those nominees that were affirmed.
July 6: Regular Council meeting. John D, Clerk
Mrs S’s YDC Group
When: Tuesday from 6:00 to 10:00 PM
Why : Celebrate God’s goodness in community
What : Supper provided….Movie…Games….Sharing your creeds
Who: All students who have come since September
Please carpool if possible. Calli f there are questions.
Bring a snack you like……or something you have baked.
Rijk V's Care Group Bible Study
meets this Thurs May 21, 7:00 at the church. Norm and Estherina will guide us through the
parable of The New and Old Wine Skins, Matt 9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37. Everyone is welcome.
Elder James vH's care group meets
for a social evening at Brad and Joan J on Saturday, May 23 beginning at 6 p.m. Bring a potluck
main dish regardless of the weather and lawn chairs if the weather is nice.
Wednesday evening Fireside Bible Study
We will not be having a Bible study this week but will be getting together for a barbeque at
John and Affie's early in June. Watch for further announcements!
Hamburger for Community Dinner
If anyone would like to donate some hamburger for our next dinner - May 30 - it would be
greatly appreciated! We hope to make a spaghetti dinner! Thank you!
The Offering this Evening is for Back to God Ministries International
Back to God Ministries International is the media ministry of the
CRC. Thanks to your gifts, offerings and ministry shares, Back to
God proclaims the Gospel in ten major world languages, using
radio, TV, Internet and cell phones to bring God’s Word to people
who may have no other way to hear about Jesus. To learn more,
English Programs
Today -
Today is a daily devotional booklet, feeding the spiritual formation
of God’s people around the world. It reaches more than 400,000
homes in North America and abroad. Beyond the printed version, these meditations are also
available as a daily email or as an audio podcast. Grow more at
The Back to God Hour -
Looking at life in light of the Bible, The Back to God Hour® is a 30-minute audio program that
explores a Christian perspective on faith and life. Through Biblical messages, you can learn
how God's Word changes lives, bringing hope and direction for those struggling in a
sometimes dark and confusing world. The program was produced from 1939 to 2009. Archive
copies of many original broadcasts are still available at
Kids Corner -
The children’s program Kids Corner uses drama and music in a 30-minute format to ignite
interest in the Bible and to disciple children as life-long followers of Jesus.
Family Fire -
Discussing God's design for marriage and parenting, Family Fire has a website with a library of
deeper resources. In person, we offer live teaching events and retreats. Together we explore
spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy and how we should live as members of a Spirit-fed
family. Grow more at and!
Church Juice
Church Juice is a service to help energize church communications. We’re using our media
experience to guide churches in everything from marketing and public relations to website
development. Church communications people can share their experiences and learn from each
other at
Think Christian-
How should Christians think about life’s questions? Think Christian is a collaborative Christian
community that discusses faith, culture, and what it means to be a Christian in today’s society.
Discussions center around music, literature, world events, politics, science, the church,
spirituality, and any other topic that has an impact on the way Christians relate to the world
around us. Join the blog conversation at
Encore! Women’s Choir’s Spring Concert this Sat.
“We Are One” is coming up on Saturday May 23rd at 7:30 at the Christian Reformed Church in
Duncan. Encore! directed by Christine Dandy is celebrating their recent awards at the Greater
Victoria Performing Arts Festival where they won “Best Community Choir” and “Most
Outstanding Choral Performance at the Festival!” Tickets are $15/adults if purchased in
advance from a choir member (or PayPal at or
call 250-715-1568), or $20 at the door. ($5/children under 12)
New Life Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School
during the evenings from 5 pm until 8 pm the week of July 27 – 31, 2015. The Sanctuary will be
transformed into underwater paradise for children to enjoy as they learn about Jesus. Anyone
interested in volunteering is welcome to contact or for further information. Registration details will follow as time
draws nearer to the summer.
Phone & Care Group Lists, Website
The bulletin and weekly sermons can be
found on our website,
Christian Reformed Communications:
The bulletin and weekly sermons can be
found on our website,
Christian Reformed Communications:
From the Deacons
Needs in the Congregation: If there are extra
needs for church members or if you know of a
need please let the Deacons know. Also if you
are willing and able to help at fulfilling needs
please contact one of the Deacons.
Collection tokens are available to be
purchased from the deacons. Please contact
the deacons if you have further questions.
Token values are $1, $2, $5, $10, preferably
paid for by cheque.
Duncan Christian Reformed Church
As followers of Jesus, we are Christian, being His presence in the world, receiving His life.
We are Reformed seeking first God’s Kingdom and righteousness.
We are Church living in our neighbourhoods, being a light in the darkness, enabled by the
power of Jesus to serve and love.
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have
received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and
one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one
baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6
This Week’s Schedule
Ascension Day celebrated
Mrs. S’s YDC group 6 - 10
pm at the S’s
Wed Prayer at the church 7 pm
Thurs Rijk V’s Care Group 7 pm at
the church
Elder vH’s care group 6 pm at
Brad & Joan J. Bring a potluck main
DCS Gigantic Mexico Mission
Garage Sale 9 am - 2 pm
Future Dates
May 24 Ignite 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready
at 8:20) in the Fireside Room
May 24 Pentecost & GEMS Sunday
May 30 Community Dinner
May 31 Baptism of Isaiah Andrew D
May 31 Affirmation of Council Nominees
June 14 Lord’s Supper
June 15 Full Council Mtg
Serving This Week
May 17
Driver: Joe W
Hall Monitor: Bruce J
Nursery: Tamara or Deen, Darlene, Danielle
Ushers: Jerry Kuipers, Matt B
Deacons: Joel, Will, Norm, Benjamin
Greeters: Angelina W
Leading Elder: Sandy V
Welcome Table: Joanne B
Prayer Room: Marg V, Anneke W
Worship Team:
AM: Matt,Michelle, Josie, Margie, Ellen
PM: Pastor Walt, Ellen
Coffee Servers: Bas & Greta K, Bill & Cindy
W, Shirley P
Sunday School:
3-4 yr/K: Alanna W, Holly B
Gr.1,2: Brenda Vds, Joe Rubin
Gr.3,4,5: Joan J, Veronica Gr
Serving Next Week
May 24
Driver: Joe W
Hall Monitor: Tom V
Nursery: BJ or Albert, Nettie, Adam
Ushers: Gerald W, Adam K
Deacons: Andrew, Dustin, Joel, Will
Leading Elder: Affie D
Welcome Table: Shirley P
Prayer Room: Ko
Worship Team:
AM: Marilyn, Affie, Sonya, Jared, John D,
PM: Fellowship Hall - no team
Coffee Servers: Rijk & Marg V, Len & Rose B,
Ida vB
Sunday School:
3-4 yr/K: Alanna W, Holly B
Gr.1,2: Brenda Vds, Joe Rubin
Gr.3,4,5: Joan J, Veronica Gr