Alive Today Dungiven & Bovevagh Parish Magazine June 2015 Our Parish Vision We are committed to growing a healthy church. We want to grow in our relationship with God’s family, and we want to grow out into our local community as we seek to share our faith in words and actions. Rector: Vacant please contact Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given Telephone: 028 77762743 Email: Webmaster Pamela Duddy: Parish Office: Tel: 77741394 Youth Leader: Peter Thorogood Telephone: 07921391535 Summer Magazine deadline Monday 22nd June 2015. Reflection…….. A few months ago l was at Murrayfield in Edinbrough watching the Irish Rugby team thrash Scotland. That match was followed by a live televised match between England and Italy. Only after this match would the winner of the Six Nations be decided. It was all down to the number of points scored. Could England beat the number of points Ireland had notched up? After the Scottish match their fans left Murrayfield the Irish fans remained. We watched the England v Italy match live on two huge screens. It was a tense time. England came so close to scoring the requisite number of points to beat Ireland and take the Six Nations trophy so many times during the game but the Italians always managed to pull back a few points and deny England their victory. It was a nail-biting match. It was touch and go right down to the last second and the last kick of the ball. When the final whistle blew and we knew that Ireland had won the Six Nations, Murrayfield went wild with relief and joy. We had shouted and sung our hearts out and some of us had lost our voices in the proceedings. But what an experience! What a memorable day! I am conscious that as l write this Reflection that in a few days we will be celebrating the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost was the fulfilling of the Old Testament promise of the giving of the Holy Spirit. We read in the book of the prophet Joel Ch.2 v 28,29 “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, l will pour out my Spirit in those days”. What a day the day of Pentecost was. What a memorable day for all who experienced it! With the coming of the Holy Spirit we have the birthday of the Church, the spread of the Church and the beginning of mission. It is good to have memorable days. Good for us as followers of Christ to have this annual reminder that the Good News isn’t something we are to keep to ourselves but is something God wants us, encourages and commands us, to share with others Psalm 96 v1 and 2 say “ Sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord all the whole earth. Sing unto the Lord and praise his Name: be telling of his salvation from day to day. How much more than winning a game or a trophy we Christians have to be excited and sing and shout about! We have the Good News to proclaim. We have his salvation to talk about. We do that when we have a song in our hearts and when we sing it out loud. We do it when we show in our lives the fruit of the Spirit and in the words of Jesus when we let our ..”light so shine before men that they see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven” May the excitement and joy of Pentecost be ours and may it be seen in our lives to God’s glory. Canon Harold FLOWER /CLEANING ROTA’S If you could help with this very important task please add your name to the rota. The new flower rota for 2015 is now up in the porch, there is still spaces that needs filled. Bovevagh Flower Rota June 7th & 14th June 21st & 28th July 2nd & 12th D Young Hilda Dalzell K Quigley Dungiven Flower Rota June 7th & 14th June 21st & 28th July 2nd & 12th Sandra Ross Jean Kirkpatrick Kathleen Canning Bovevagh Cleaning Rota Team Leader to organise time and date Dungiven Cleaning Rota Team Leader to organise time and date Team Leader Ruth Canning Dungiven Grounds Maintenance Team June Team Leader July Team Leader William Canning John Hill ***************** All items from parish organisations, parish rota etc and any items parishioners wish included in the magazine should be forwarded to Kaye Nesbitt preferably by email at- by Monday 22nd June 2015. Items received after this date will unfortunately not be included in the Summer edition. PARISH ROTA’S Dungiven Crèche Rota: 31 May - Sandra 7 June - Paula 14 June - Doreen 21 June - Children's Day 28 June - Maureen & Avril **************************** 5 July - Sharon McC & Joanne 12 July - Gillian B & Nikki 19 July - Family Service 26 July - Paula & Sandra **************************** If any creche date does not suit you, could you please contact another leader and swap with them. Many thanks for your help. It is very much appreciated. Dungiven Sunday School Month of June Anita, Lucinda and Peter Bovevagh Children’s Church 31st May 7th June 14th June 17th May Sandra Parkhill, Pamela Hutton, Tracy Young, Regan Young, Emma McGraw, Laura Mowbary Ruth Riley, Noeleen Riley, Emma Tweedale, Gillian Young, Kim McGrotty, Jackie Caldwell. Adele Brown, Emma Halcrow, Lily Steel, Olivia Dazell, Laura Moore, Joanne Halcrow. Family Service and Children’s Day YOUTH NEWS GAP Sunday 7th June in Dungiven Parish Hall 5.30pm - 7pm GAP Sunday 21st June Dungiven Parish Hall 5.30pm - 7pm SERVICES FOR JUNE Sunday 31st May - Trinity Sunday 10am Dungiven Morning Prayer 2 11.30am Bovevagh Morning Prayer 2 7pm Bovevagh Flower Festival Closing Praise Service Sunday 7th June - The First Sunday after Trinity 10am Dungiven Holy Communion 2 11.30am Bovevagh Holy Communion 2 Sunday 14th June - The Second Sunday after Trinity 10am Dungiven Orange Service 11.30am Bovevagh Morning Prayer 2 Sunday 21st June - The Third Sunday after Trinity Children's Day 10am Dungiven Family Service & Distribution of Prizes 11.30am Bovevagh Family Service 7pm Bovevagh Family Service & Distribution of Prizes Sunday 28th June - The Fourth Sunday after Trinity 10am Dungiven Morning Prayer 2 11.30am Bovevagh Morning Prayer 2 7pm Dungiven Confirmation Service Sunday 5th July - The Fifth Sunday after Trinity 10am Dungiven Holy Communion 2 11.30am Bovevagh Holy Communion 2 CONFIRMATION 2015 This year confirmation will take place in Dungiven Parish Church on Sunday, 28th June 2015 at 7pm. Everyone Welcome to attend. Confirmation Classes each Thursday in Dungiven Parish Church 7.15pm – 8pm. Full attendance is required. **************************** CHILDREN’S DAY SUNDAY 21st JUNE Dungiven 10am (Prizes will be distributed to the children) Bovevagh 11.30am Bovevagh 7pm (Prizes will be distributed to the children) Parents, guardians, family & friends we would like to invite you to come along and join in our special end of year service Every One Welcome ***************************** ERNIE'S DANCE Bovevagh Sunday School: Meets 11am in the Parish Centre Contact - Judith Mullan 077 4098 3590 Dungiven Children’s Church: Meets 10am Dungiven Parish Hall Contact - Anita Hill 777 41079 Bovevagh Children’s Church: Meets Sunday at 12noon in Parish Centre - Contact Bovevagh Girls Brigade: Monday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6pm Contact - Angie Young 078 43224771 Bovevagh Scout Troop: Wednesday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6.15pm Contact - Pamela Duddy 777 41284 Mothers’ Union: Meets 1st Tuesday of the month Contact - Janette Morrow 777 41361 Bovevagh Prayer Group: Meets Sunday mornings Bovevagh vestry at 10.45am Contact - Rosemary Robinson 777 41403 or David Steele 777 41533 Dungiven Prayer Group: Meets Sunday morning Dungiven Church at 9.15am Contact - Alan and Ann Logan 028 777 43873. GAP Dates and times check out Youth Facebook Contact - Peter Thorogood 079 21391535 Bovevagh Indoor Bowling Club: Tuesday & Thursday Bovevagh Parish Centre at 8pm Contact - Gary McMullan FRIDAY, 5TH JUNE 2015 9PM - 12PM Dungiven Indoor Bowling Club: Monday & Thursday Dungiven Parish Hall at 7.30pm Contact - Alan Fear 07784618455 DANCING TO OUTBOUND EXPRESS Bovevagh Facebook Dungiven Facebook In the Church Hall (All Proceeds in Aid of Charity) Contact - Tracy Young Contact - Gillian Baird ***************** Parish Directory Dungiven Church Wardens Contact - John Hill & Gillian McDaid 07811489508 Bovevagh Church Wardens Contact - Hazel Wilson & Athline Simpson Dungiven Glebe Wardens Contact - Alfie Canning, Billy Turner 777 41318 Bovevagh Glebe Wardens Contact - Desmond Quigley 777 41843, David Wilson 777 41541 Dungiven Treasurer Contact - Mrs Sandra Smyth 777 42210 Bovevagh Treasurer Contact - Ms Pamela Duddy Dungiven Secretary Contact - Mr Alan Keys Bovevagh Secretary Contact - Mr Jonathon Wilson 777 40682 Dungiven Organist Contact - Mr Cecil Keys 777 41203 Bovevagh Organist Contact - Mrs Joan Robinson 777 41425 Dungiven Catering Co-ordinators Contact - Jean Hill 777 64643, Ann Logan Bovevagh Catering Co-ordinators Contact - Lily Wallace 777 41494, Athline Simpson 777 41871 Flower Rota Administrators Dungiven - Chris Ross 777 41428, Elizabeth Canning 777 41952 Bovevagh - Beverly Steele 777 64863 Dungiven Sunday School: Meets 10am Dungiven Parish Hall Contact - Violet Morrow 777 42307 BOVEVAGH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School continues each Sunday at 10.30am except the Family Service 3rd Sunday. Open to all children from Primary 1 upwards! Judith & the team Bovevagh Sunday School - Children's Day Services Sunday 21st June 11.30 am & 7pm (evening service to include prize giving) We would like to invite all our parishioners to come and support our children at their end of year services. Thanks Judith & the team DUNGIVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School continues each Sunday except the Family Service 3rd Sunday. Service starts at 10am—children leave during the service for Sunday School in the Hall. Children from P1 upwards are encouraged to come to Sunday School. Violet DUNGIVEN AND BOVEVAGH SUNDAY SCHOOL/ CRECHE OUTING This year our outing will take place to Sperrin Park on Saturday, 27th June 2015. More details to follow. **************** SAFEGUARDING TRUST PARISH PANEL In accordance with the recommendations in “Safeguarding Trust” the Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children. A Parish Panel has been appointed to implement this code. If you have any concerns regarding issues around children please contact a Panel member. Cecil Ross, David Wilson, Kathleen Canning, Yvonne McGrotty Canon Harold Given DUNGIVEN PRAYER GROUP Dungiven Prayer Group Dungiven Prayer Group meets at 9.15am each Sunday morning in the Church and concludes at 9.45am to allow time to set up for the service. For more information please contact Alan and Ann Logan PARISH REGISTER Holy Matrimony Bovevagh “Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder." Thursday 7th May Ben Hasson & Louise Morrow Christian Burial Bovevagh BOVEVAGH PRAYER GROUP Bovevagh Prayer Group meets at 10.30 am each Sunday morning in the Vestry and concludes at 11.10am in time for the Church Service. For more information please contact Rosemary Robinson. ***************** PRAYER POINTS The house bound, lonely and bereaved. Parish Organisations Confirmation Class The Parish and the Parochial Nominators The homeless All preparing for exams ************* HOSPITAL VISITING - PARISH EMERGENCIES During the Parish vacancy the Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given will be in charge of the Parish. Contact Canon Given on 028-7776 2743. Please advise the Church Wardens or Canon Given if you or a loved one is ill at home or in hospital and would appreciate a Hospital visit. ***************** "“I am the resurrection and the life,"says the Lord. " Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die." “ John 11:25,26 Sunday 10th May George Averill, Glasgow Scotland. PARISH DONATIONS Dungiven Donations: Ernie’s Dance (to Repair Fund) £325.06 Bovevagh Donations: Baptism donation Mr & Mrs Stephen Donaldson Following the baptism of David and Evan Joe and Hilary Steele Following the baptism of Grace Elizabeth Mary Wedding donation Ben and Louise Hasson Donations Anonymous Baptismal lunch from Tommy and Lily Wallace (For use of the hall) Donations - Bovevagh Catering Fund Mrs Harriet Forrest (In respect of funeral teas for the late Mr George Averill.) £100.00 £200.00 £50.00 £100.00 £100.00 £250.00 Thank you to everyone who gives donations to the parish. They play a vital role in maintaining the church and they are greatly appreciated. DUNGIVEN & BOVEVAGH MOTHERS’ UNION Our final meeting before the summer break was an outing on 9th May to Dobbies Garden Centre in Lisburn, followed by a guided tour around Hillsborough Castle and ending up in Maghera Parish Church Hall for a very welcome salad tea. 49 ladies went on the trip and we all had a great day. Some ladies went shopping and almost caused a security alert (bag left behind at bus stop). One lady would have liked to have brought home an outdoor spa bath tub but the bus just wasn’t big enough. We had a lot of laughs along the way. After tea Rev Isaac Hanna kindly gave us a guided tour around the Walled Garden at the Rectory. We are invited back for a barbeque and to use the pizza oven. I would like to thank all the members and their friends who came along on the day to support us. I hope you all had a very enjoyable day. A special thanks to Paul Brown, bus driver, who was very accommodating and helpful. Well ladies, where will we go next year? Who will have us? PARISH MEETINGS DUNGIVEN SELECT VESTRY MEETING Tuesday, 16th June 2015 at 7.30pm in the Rectory BOVEVAGH SELECT VESTRY MEETING Meeting to be confirmed PRIORITIES TEAM MEETING Meeting to be confirmed PARISH DEVELOPMENT TEAM MEETING Thursday, 4th June 2015 at 8pm in Dungiven Parish Hall. st Next meeting after the summer break is on 1 Sept in Bovevagh when we hope to be showing a movie. Details will be given out in both churches nearer the time. Indoor Members – Holy Communion Service followed by tea party will be held in St Pauls Church, Garvagh on 13th June at 3pm. All MU members very welcome. Mary Sumner Day will be held on 9th August at Sea House, Londonderry. Open air service at 3pm. Have a nice break and see you all in September. New members always welcome. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4 v 6-7 Just give me a ring...Janette 777 41361 NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Janette - Branch Leader Hilda – Secretary ************ Nikki - Treasurer Dungiven & Bovevagh Parish Website Please send all Parish organisation information for uploading to the Parish Website to Pamela Duddy at ***************** BOVEVAGH SELECT VESTRY Please can all organisations that use the hall do an inventory of all equipment stored within the hall. Please give this list to Pamela Duddy or Jonthan Wilson. If anyone wishes to borrow any equipment from the hall they must contact Trevor Clyde prior to use. ****************** WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY GROUP Beginning on 5th of June a weekly small group Bible study will be facilitated by Adam and Mark Riley in Bovevagh Parish Centre. The aim is to meet regularly to explore God's Word and encourage each other, growing in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We propose to study the seven I am sayings of Christ along with selected other passages of scripture. Each study will begin on Friday at 8pm and last until approximately 9.30. This invitation is extended to all members of the congregation. Each session will be comprised of a bible passage and informal discussion of the material covered. Please feel free to get in touch with either Adam or Mark. ***************** THANK YOU!! A very successful dance was held in the Parish Hall on Friday, 1st May 2015. A good crowd enjoyed the night. All money raised was for the building fund. Thank you to all who helped on the night especially the ladies who served and supplied the supper. Ernie Scott **************** Thank You - Bovevagh Catering We have now completed our three year term as Catering Coordinators here in Bovevagh. It has been a very busy time - Rev. McBeth made sure of that! We have catered for such things as Baptismal lunches, Wedding cream teas, Coffee mornings, 4 course dinners up to 120 people and funeral teas etc. etc. just to name a few as well as catering for the various Christian festivals and functions throughout the year. We would like to thank you all for your support and help during this time you know who you are and we know who you are - both men and women. We worked really well together as a team. It has been busy but good craic as well. Your dedication, willingness and friendship has REALLY BEEN APPRECIATED. Lily and Athline BOVEVAGH SCOUTS The Cubs & Scouts have been practicing Orienting, Map Reading & putting up tents. The Cubs also did a few experiments & attended the district outdoor football competition The Beavers visited Carrowmena Activity Centre for a day of adventurous activities – they did crate stacking, Archer, Orienting & Canoeing. A fun day was had by all. They also have been learning how to use a compass and helped but up tents. The older Beavers attended Beaver Rally & Sleepover at Crawfordsburn. They met up with Beavers from all over Northern Ireland for a day and night of fun filled activities. They enjoyed going on a beach walk & joining in on their first ‘real campfire’. Scouts are finishing up on the 27th May with a litter pick around the local area. ************ DUNGIVEN BOWLING CLUB Bowls has finished for the season—all at the Bowling Club wish all a very pleasant summer break and we look forward to the next season. Club Captain Alan Fear ***************** BOVEVAGH BOWLING CLUB Bovevagh Bowling has finished for the season. Club Captain Gary ******************
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