Plus take one november 2013

take one
november 2013
S o u t h e a s t
T e x a s
E v e n t s
One Big RED Ceremony
“Suessical” Celebrations
A Luncheon & Playbook
Benefiting Alzheimer’s
Holiday Giveaways: Jeep,
Mustang, Golf Cart, Jewelry
november 2013
2013 november
a publication of
3827 Phelan Boulevard
PMB 112
Beaumont, Texas 77707
Meet Southeast Texas'
Top 40 Professionals
Under the Age of 40
Willie Gillis: Weigh Down in Pounds,
but Up on Life
d e pa rtm e n t s
Social Seen
Brew Review
Classified Pick of the Month Stats
Sneak Peek
Cartoon Corner
Membership Directory
16, 17
16, 17
18, 19
Shelly Vitanza
Kate Strickland
Creative Director
Tina Breland
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Health, Wellness & Education
Business & Networking
Kids' Entertainment
Sports & Recreation
Paul Chargois
24, 25
28, 29
34, 35
from the cover
When distributed the applications for the 40 Under 40 Professionals in
Southeast Texas in August of this year, we had no idea how many would apply, what vocations they would represent, and, we certainly couldn’t have predicted the incredible talents,
dynamic personalities and community-giving spirits we ultimately discovered. Partnered with
Clear Channel Radio, the Southeast Texas Young Professionals Organization and Greater
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce,, proudly presents the first 40 Under
40 Revealed beginning with our cover professionals Summer Lydick, an artist and owner of
The Painted Wall; Kellen Bradford, chef and proprietor of Klara J’s Artisan Confections and
CEO of Americommerce, Ed Sturrock.
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For the latest and most exciting events, visit us at
Art director
Therese Shearer
Web Content Manager
Jean Baxter
Account executive
Renee Cox
contributing writers
Brandon East
Tabetha Franklin
Gerald Patrizi
Amie James
Kate Strickland
Melissa Tilley
Emily Wheeler
To list your event on
Visit, click “events” and
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email us at
Advertising Information:
For advertising please contact Shelly Vitanza at
409.201.9934 or
Copyright 2013, All rights reserved.
All contents copyright 2013 Virtual Communities, Inc,
The Events Books, All rights reserved.
EventsBook is a monthly publication. Events shown are from Priority listing is given to’s member organizations. Other events are listed as space
allows. For additional information on the events listed in the EventsBook and other events not listed, visit is not responsible for any discrepancies or changes that
may have occurred since the publishing of this issue. Every effort has been
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cannot be guaranteed. recommends visiting or contacting the represented companies to determine availability
of service and to confirm date, time, location and other related event information. All submissions of editorial, photography, advertising and event information are accepted only without risk to the publisher for loss or damage.
november 2013
Editor's Letter
Thankful for the Message of ‘Sic Transit Gloria Mundi’
s a young professional in the not-too-distant past (early
90s), I had a mentor who changed the course of my life. I
was a passionate but haughty and somewhat intolerant
young woman who had the proverbial ‘dog-eat-dog’
attitude. But under the wise, diplomatic and long-suffering tutelage of Dean J. King I learned to build teams
through kindness and understanding and that success
is momentary but hard work is enduring.
After a big win on a project that resulted in accolades from the organization’s
national audience, Dean allowed me to bask in my glory... for a day. Then he came
into my office and sat down with crossed legs and arms, which was what he did
when he had an important something on his mind. (He fidgets to this day, so to
sit still suggests seriousness.)
“Have you ever heard, ‘Sic
Transit Gloria Mundi,’” he asked?
Of course, I hadn’t and just
shook my head in response.
“It means ‘Thus passes the
glory of the world,’” he replied
and then went on to tell me
where the phrase originated.
In ancient Rome, when
an army general conquered
people, land and riches,
he was paraded through
Rome in great extravagance. The warrior was
adorned in a crown and
purple garments and rode
in a gilded chariot with
his extended family all
pulled by white horses.
The chariot was flanked
by the conquered prisoners and the gained
treasures. But standing directly behind the
general was a slave or
jester whose sole re-
sponsibility was to temper the enthusiasm by repeatedly saying, “sic transit
gloria mundi,” which is literally a Latin rendering of the phrase 'Thus passes
glory,' or 'All fame is fleeting."
Dean said very little after telling the story. He knew I got it: You did good, kid,
but you ain’t all that and you better keep working hard.
It was the first of many life philosophies and lessons that Dean shared with
me that I took to heart and have never forgotten.
On another occasion, the woman who worked the copiers had done
something that seemed irrational and, I, in my twentysomething wise way,
ripped her head off with a single statement, swung my ponytail in her face and
marched off without my copies but feeling almighty.
Dean quickly appeared in my office, assumed the serious position and gingerly explained the importance of teamwork, from working with the rocket
scientist to the janitor, leaving me with a phrase I live by today: The tide rises;
we all float.
He challenged me that day to embrace others no matter how I’m treated,
to speak kindly, partner with co-workers and resolve problems. He pointed
out the benefits of teamwork suggesting kindness would take me places arrogance and a quick tongue never would.
I observed Dean for 12 years of my career and learned that business is all
about relationships. It is about how you treat people, listen to them and seek
to understand them.
Dean, who didn’t have a college degree, was more skilled than any person I
have ever known at identifying the strengths and weaknesses in people and
placing them in positions where they could succeed despite themselves. As
the chief operating officer of a small pharmaceutical company, Dean worked
individually with every employee, even as the company grew to include several hundred, to ensure each did the job at hand but also grew professionally.
He was committed to helping people personally develop. That company is
now a multi-million dollar organization which I attribute to the foundation
Dean built by molding people like me.
When reading the advice that Southeast Texas’ young professionals give to
others for succeeding in our "40 Under 40" feature, pages 6-13, I couldn’t help
but think of the important role my mentor played in my life. These young
people are awing and inspiring. If you want to see more of them, beyond the
EventsBook, watch our blog at We’ll
feature each of them, one a day for 40 days.
Also in this EventsBook, the 2nd Annual Family Portrait Luncheon for Alzheimer’s, page 34, the Whimsical Christmas character breakfast and performance, page 29, and Lamar University’s Investiture of Dr. Ken Evans. What’s an
investiture you say? Check out page 27.
And, of course, there’s lots of fun in these pages
with Thanksgiving infographics, page 16; wine and
beer features, pages 20 and 21. A November book
wouldn’t be complete without some ways to give to
the community, and we’ve gathered some ideas for
this season of thanks, page 17.
Thanks to you for picking up this EventsBook. At, we’re grateful this Thanksgiving
for the community that has supported us for nearly
18 years!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2013 november
Amanda Adams
n behalf of, Clear Channel radio, the Southeast
Texas Young Professionals Organization and Greater Beaumont
Chamber of Commerce,’s EventsBook is proud
to announce Southeast Texas’ top 40 professionals under the age of 40.
Starting in August of this year, young professionals submitted applications, resumes, headshots and letters of recommendation. Each candidate’s
information was then reviewed by a panel of independent business people, professionals and entrepreneurs and ranked based on educational accomplishments,
career achievements and commitment to community causes.
The numerical selection process resulted in the amazing, talented and hard-working individuals you see on these pages. Each of our 40 Under 40 professionals is identified by photo,
name, title, organization, one word they selected to describe themselves, their favorite
charity or charities and the advice they’d give to those just starting a career.
We invite you to learn
more about these young
professionals on our blog
at In addition, you can meet them
in person at a communitywide Reveal Party on November 12th at 6pm at Edison Plaza, 350 Pine Street.
(See page 13.)
Marketing Assistant
Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark
❤ Locks of Love
Never give up on a
problem. There is always
a solution. Sometimes the solution comes to you through a
conversation with co-workers
or while waiting in line to buy
groceries. Common sense approaches to complex problems
usually yield the best results,
and it is never a bad idea to ask
for help. The workforce is about
working, often working hard, to
achieve results and be a part
of your community. Be firm in
your decisions though flexible
enough to change with the
work environment you choose.
Jinni Akins
Nederland Chamber of Commerce
❤ American Cancer Society
Relay for Life and
Scholarships for Nederland
High School students
Always be true to yourself. Sometimes you get
distracted, whether it be with
politics, employees, problems,
etc., but staying true to your
kat ie r. ce ll i
kel l en b rad f o rd
j i n n i a kin s
Am an da Ada ms
core beliefs and principles will
never steer you the wrong way.
Kellen Bradford
Klara J’s Artisan Confections
❤ Feed the Hungry/
Some Other Place
Set your goals, work towards them and never
give up; perseverance is the
key to success and the hard
work will pay off.
Katie R. Celli
Community Relations Coordinator
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas
❤ United Way and Family
Services of Southeast Texas
Get a good education.
It doesn’t really matter
what specialty you choosejust obtain an education. And
then when you’re finished,
know that you have only
just begun to learn. Always
strive to stay motivated and
continue to learn from your
superiors. Morally good and
successful people are the most
valuable teachers in the world.
Also, of course I would advise
to work hard. That is the most
respectable and rewarding
way to achieve success.
g ar ret t crave r
november 2013
Garrett Craver
Director of Clinical Informatics
and Outcomes
Spindletop Center
❤ Hillcrest Baptist Church
in Nederland
The best advice I would
give to anyone, young
or old, would to be a constant
learner. It is very important
to remain curious and never
think that you know everything about a subject. This
could mean furthering your
education or simply devoting time to activities such as
reading or learning a hobby.
By honing your ability to learn,
you will acquire the flexibility to be successful in today’s
evolving workforce.
Amy Denison
Executive Director
of Leadership Beaumont
Greater Beaumont
Chamber of Commerce
Joel Foxworth
Senior Vice President
Third Coast Bank, SSB
❤ March of Dimes
Remember what your
priorities are and follow
them. Maintain a healthy balance of work, family and 'you
time.' As a working mom of
three, wife, soccer coach, Bible
study leader and community
volunteer, I have found it critically important to maintain balance in all areas. I try to live by
the following: 1. God; 2. Family;
3. Work; 4. Church; 5. Civic. Early
on in my career, I realized that
to be truly at peace, I had to live
daily by that order. This is number one in 'Amy's Advice' book.
❤ Coastal Conservation
Ask lots of questions.
Other people likely
have the knowledge you need
and want. You'll be surprised
how willing they are to help
you gain knowledge if you
ask. Don't be afraid to fail. I
would rather an employee of
mine fail trying to do something rather than to not do
anything. I think we learn a
great deal from experience. If
you can, learn to fail forward.
Lastly, build your own dreams
or someone will hire you to
build theirs.
Rashid E. Farrell
Jacey Garcia
can from each experience.
Don't take your employer
for granted. Stay off of Facebook. Be a go getter and selfmotivated.
Staci Gary
Elementary Curriculum Coordinator
Port Neches-Groves ISD
❤ First Christian ChurchPort Arthur
Make sure you love
❤ High School Mentoring ❤ National Dance
what you do and do
Be diligent, focused, will- Education Organization
Take every job seriously what you love with an optiing to work harder than
the next person and always foland learn as much you mistic attitude!
HR Manager
ExxonMobil- Beaumont Chemical Plant City Dance Center
joel foxwor t h
rashid e. far r e l l
low through on your commitments. Establishing credibility
(trust + expertise) is very important in the early stages of your
career. The sooner you learn
this, the quicker you will rise.
stac i g ary
amy deniso n
❤ Girl Scouts of America, Inc.
Set goals that seem difficult to achieve and work
as hard as you can to reach them.
You might just achieve what you
once thought was impossible.
j acey g arcia
Ashley DeMarco
Gulfside Dental
ashley demar c o
2013 november
Jessica Hill
my position made me get out
❤ Shorkey Center
Listen closely and admit
when you do not know
something. It is important to
seek out respected mentors
and turn to them when you
need advice and guidance. We
should all listen first and speak
only when we understand the
totality of the circumstances.
Be confident in what you know
and ask questions to learn the
things you don't.
to hundreds of others. Don’t be
afraid to get out of your comfort zone and your career will
only grow from there.
Vice President Economic Development and meet with people and now
Southeast Texas Economic
I have no problem being the
Development Foundation
only person I know speaking
bl ake h o pp er
jessic a hill
larena head
Amie James
Sports Society for American Health
❤ Sports Society
for American Health
I give advice to young
people entering the
workforce that I wish people
had told me more before I made
a career decision. My advice
is always the same: do something you love, take chances
while you are young, believe in
your ability to overcome obstacles and don't expect it to
get any easier in the first five
years. Young people have to
give themselves permission to
make mistakes to be successful. Mistakes lead to knowledge
and compassion. Compassion
will make you a better leader.
Never let anyone else’s opinion
define you. Defining yourself is
the true key to being happy in
your profession and you will do
well when you are happy.
l an ce la ru e
❤ Foster Kids
Be open-minded and
energetic! Be polite and
prepared to take on extra job
duties, even if you don’t get ex-
tra pay. Hard work, dedication
and work ethic will shine; employers will respect you, appreciate you and know you can be
counted on. Always be honest,
don’t cheat. Ensure that you
never have sleepless nights because of an unethical decision.
Deputy District Director
U.S. Representative Randy Weber
al l iso n la nd ru m
Blake Hopper
❤ Julie Rogers' “Gift of Life”
Don’t be afraid to take
chances. Try to find the
delicate balance between doing something you love and
Larena Head
pushing yourself into unfamilBoutique Owner
Stellar Treasures
iar territory. Waking up happy
to go to work is important, but
❤ Beaumont Main Street
the ability to grow and adapt
Follow your passion. to change is equally vital. I was
If there is love, passion a pretty shy introvert when I
and dedication in what you began working with the Condo, you will do well.
gressman. The public nature of
am i kam ara
Ashley Gaston
am ie j am es
ashley gas t o n
november 2013
Ami Kamara
but not least- find your passion!
If it’s 'just a job,' you’ll be miserable. We spend half of our lives
at work- it’s important that it’s
❤ Southeast Texas Arts Council fulfilling and enjoyable.
Volunteer. Work hard.
Don't take yourself too Lance LaRue
seriously. If you enjoy what you Creative + Accounts Manager
do and you do it well, people Americom Marketing
will take notice and good Punctilious
things will happen to you.
❤ ARC of Greater Beaumont
Ask questions. I regret
Allison Landrum
not asking enough
Communications and
questions and tagging along
Grant Development Specialist
with folks in the industry as
Beaumont Housing Authority
a college student or even
younger. Perhaps I was inse❤ Beaumont Housing
cure about letting my inexpeAuthority
rience be known or afraid of
Find the most experi- making a mistake, but that's
enced, knowledgeable the age to do it. I have found
people and learn from them. that most people in SETX are
While I treasure my college eager to help teach what they
degree, I gained much more know, so I think my road may
by gleaning information and have been a bit shorter or perknowledge from those who haps clearer had I only asked
have “been there, done that.” more questions along the way
Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of and let my vulnerability be an
questions. It is also important asset rather than a hindrance.
to surround yourself with people who are not just smart and Steven Leverett
hardworking, but who are hon- Account Manager
est and creative. I feel like my Summit Electric Supply
team has been successful be- Driven
cause we are open to crazy, out ❤ YMBL and
of the box thinking – yet we Junior Achievement
are not afraid to be honest with
Learn to manage your
each other if we think it won’t
expectations for your
work. The most innovative career. Know that things do
ideas come out of that kind of not change in a month, but
supportive environment. Last change does start with you.
Museum Director
Fire Museum of Texas
Aimee Lieby
HR Assistant
❤ Anayat House
Be open and flexible.
You never know what
an opportunity will lead to and
sometimes you have to take
the "broccoli" jobs to grow professionally. There is always an
opportunity to learn from any
position and it is important to
summer lydi c k
aimee lieby
steven leve r e t t
be well-rounded in your business knowledge as well as your
organization's processes.
Summer Lydick
The Painted Wall
dream about or think about,
you can do. There is a place
for all ideas, for all passions, for
❤ Art Museum of
all possible career paths. Put
Southeast Texas
Nike said it best, “Just some action into your passion
DO it.” Whatever you and turn it into a reality!
2013 november
Matthew McCallon
Marketing Consultant
CenterPoint Energy
❤ Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
Make contacts. Whether you like it or not, it
really is who you know that will
help you succeed in this world.
True leaders are the ones who
realize they only got to the top
because of the many people
along the way.
Ranoda McClain-Lee
m atthew mc ca l l o n
kayla m arcus
Business Recruiter/Marketing Manager
Port Arthur Economic
Development Corporation
❤ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Strive for the best, remain goal oriented,
always be ready to adapt to
change and work every day to
be a team player.
Frank Messina
Kayla Marcus
Germer PLLC
❤ Ubi Caritas
I have three pieces of
advice: work hard, be
❤ Boys’ Haven of America, Inc. polite and
courteous and set
Don’t simply dream goals. I know these three pieces
about obtaining suc- of advice may sound trite but
they can make a world of difcess, work for it.
f ran k mes sin a
ran oda m ccla in - le e
mi ch ae l per ez
Business Manager
Boys’ Haven of America, Inc.
ference in career progression.
First, work hard and do your
best work on everything you do.
In other words, don’t clock out
the minute the day is officially
over or shirk tasks that you may
view as menial. Second, be polite
and courteous to everyone. This
goes a long way. Third, constantly set long-term and short-term
goals to achieve. This will earn
you a purpose driven career as
opposed to a stagnant one.
in today’s workforce. Many
people can work hard but can
you work smarter? What is your
value to your employer as well
as the community in which you
live and work? Technology has
more than leveled the playing
field and therefore machines
and the increased available information are your competition
in the new millennium. Think
outside the box; remember
that what you say and do today will affect who you are and
Michael Perez
become in the future. A great
Executive Director
mentor of mine once told me
Salvation Army Boys and Girls
that the books you read and
Clubs of Beaumont
people you meet today will deImpact
❤ Salvation Army Boys and termine where you are personally and financially 10 years from
Girls Clubs of Beaumont
Show up, follow through now… BOTTOM LINE- GET INand dress the part. VOLVED AND BE INFORMED!
Those are all old pieces of advice- nothing ground breaking Brenna Rodriguez
or enlightening about them. Regional Director of
Nonetheless, I am constantly Business Development
surprised at how many people Harbor Healthcare
of my generation don’t follow Helpful
❤ Harbor Foundation
these tried and true adages.
Build a life you love. Do
things for you and what
Benjamin Rodriguez
matches you. If you find a caBroker/Owner
reer that you love you will never
Triangle Real Estate, LLC
work a day. Ask yourself is there
more to what I can and want
❤ Junior Achievement
It takes a lot more than to do? Be yourself and find
hard work to make it yourself in the shuffle of life.
Ben ja mi n Ro d ri g ue z
Ryan J. Slott
Director of Parks and Recreation
City of Beaumont
❤ Family Services
of Southeast Texas
My late uncle Lynn
Slott told me after
completing graduate school
that, 'If you do what is RIGHT,
and you treat people RIGHT,
you will never live with a guilty
conscience.' As the younger
generation steps into the
workforce I would remind
them to treat everyone with
respect. It is okay to accept
the things you do not know,
but surround yourself with
people who will teach you.
Make yourself a sponge to
new things and never stop
learning. Step up and take on
the toughest challenge as you
never know when it will be
your time to shine.
Joshua Smith
Assistant General Manager
Bill Clark Pest Control, Inc.
❤ Beaumont Rotary Club
Get involved in your
community and give
back whenever you have the
chance. Second, don’t have
an attitude of entitlement. Become involved in as many different aspects of your business
as you can and work your way
november 2013
latisha sodola k
joshua smit h
ryan j. slot t
brenna Rod r i g ue z
from the bottom up so that
you will understand all aspects
of the business and have that
experience to rely upon.
successful with that passion.
Maintain honesty and integrity through the entire journey.
Dreams do come true, not
by magic, but by dedication,
taking responsibility for your
Latisha Sodolak
actions, continued learning,
supporting others and staying
focused. I feel so blessed to
be able to say I love what I do
❤ St. Jude’s Hospital
Fnd your passion and and I would advise others to
work hard develop- strive for that same measure
ing the necessary skills to be of success.
2013 november
Ed Sturrock
Learn and lean into
problems you face. Never be held down. But overall, follow through on the things you
need to succeed. Sometimes
that's simply some training,
other times it's a new friendship
and sometimes it's about saying
NO more than you say YES.
Todd Tanner
todd tanne r
ed sturroc k
Diagnostic Health
❤ American Cancer Society
Relay for Life
Be prepared to work!
Whether it is learning
and applying a trade or starting
in a professional/technical field,
you can make your mark by simply working harder than everyone else. Be prepared to learn!
You don't stop learning when
you graduate, you start learning.
A diploma is like the key that
gets you in the first door, you
must learn what to do once you if you can. Working while goget into that position to get the ing to school makes you more
next door unlocked.
responsible and appreciative,
this in turn will make you a
Daylyn Turner
better person. When looking
General Manager
for a job, try to network within
JK Subaru
your potential field, building
a contact base with potential
❤ Habitat for Humanity
references is important.
of Jefferson County
Work smart, learn all
Jeffrey Wheeler
you can from whom- Craft Specialty and Import Account
ever you can- your network is Development Manager
your net worth. No one owes Del Papa Distributing
you anything, so be grateful for Hoppy
what you have but committed
❤ Julie Rogers’ “Gift of Life”
to what you seek to have in
your future and be willing to
Drink more craft beer.
do what it takes to get it with
No, really, do what you
character and honesty.
love, love what you do... and
have a craft beer (or two) afBrent Clayburn
ter work.
Agency Owner
Allstate Insurance, The Walters Agency Austin Williams
Director of Retail Operations
Games People Play, Inc.
❤ Habitat for Humanity
of Jefferson County and
Julie Rogers’ “Gift of Life”
Children’s Museum
Be different, take risks.
Go to college and work
Especially when you
while you are in college
kri st in win zer
it's easy for things to quickly
add up and that can create
an overwhelming amount of
stress if it gets out of hand.
Learning how to wear different hats and learning HOW to
learn are, in my opinion, some
of the best skills you'll want to
sharpen early in your career.
jeffrey whee l e r
❤ Julie Rogers’ “Gift of Life”
Program and
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Get involved with as
much as you can, when
you can, with whatever you
have to give. You can learn so
much from others around you
and you can make a difference
at the same time. Learn how to
prioritize your time. In the age
of constant communication,
j o h n wo rt h in g t o n
Edison Plaza Property Manager and
Director of Marketing
Edison Plaza Partners, LLC/
AlbaneseCormier Holdings
daylyn turne r
Kristin Winzer
brent cl ayb ur n walt e r s
are young, learn from your
mistakes and never take no
for an answer. 1. Listen more
than you talk. 2. Don't segregate yourself with people
in your age group. 3. Don't
become part of a workplace
clique. 4. Take mistakes seriously. 5. Take notes. 6. Don't
use social networking sites
or instant-messaging with
friends throughout the workday. 7. Do what you say you're
going to do and when you say
you're going to do it. 8. Pay attention to the culture. 9. Be
open to learning. 10. Thank
people who help you.
november 2013
austin will ia m s
John Worthington
Account Representative
Classic Forms & Products, Inc.
❤ Beaumont Rotary Club
Success does not come
Network! Network!
You’re Invited!
40Under40 Reveal Party
November 12 at 6p.m. | Edison Plaza | 350 Pine Street
live Music, Hors d’oeuvres, Cash Bar
$5 Cover to be donated to Boys’ and Girls’ Haven
2013 november
november 2013
Gobble Your
Tex Mex
By Tabetha Franklin
Main Dish Studio Kitchen
Turkey goes Tex-Mex! Here's a great idea for those Thanksgiving leftovers. This
recipe will be popular with everyone and is a great way to use up "the bird" for a
guys’ weekend spent in front of the TV on game day, at the deer lease for dinner
or after a big day of holiday shopping. They will gobble it up!
Turkey Enchiladas
• 1/2 cup chopped onion
• 8 oz cream cheese (softened)
• 1 tsp cumin
• 1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 4 cups chopped turkey or chicken
• 1/4 tsp black pepper
• 1 cup milk
• 1 can cream of chicken soup
• 2 Tablespoons chopped jalapenos
You will also need:
• 12-7 to 8 inch tortillas
• 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, mix filling ingredients until thoroughly combined. Spray a 9x13 glass baking dish with cooking spray. Fill each
tortilla with turkey mixture and place in dish. In a small bowl, combine sauce
ingredients and stir until smooth. Pour over prepared tortillas. Cover with foil
and bake for about 40 minutes. Remove foil and top with cheddar cheese,
return to oven for 5 minutes or until cheese melts.
Tabetha Franklin is a blogger, mom and entrepreneur. Get
her recipes and tips in your inbox, Facebook or other social
media sites by visiting
Charity Sweet
Enough to Eat
Meals on Whee
Pie and Cookie
at facilie organization th multith
s in
mebound senior
Nutrition and Se
heels service to ho ore than 1200 meals ever
tates th
s, delivering m
iser for Thanksgi
ss Southeast Texa
ple counties acro its annual Pie and Cookie Fundra zen or a pie.
e do
week day, is host r 25 you can order cookies by th rs: chocolate chip,
come in
dle, apple caram
amia, snicke
Cookies are
al lattic
oatmeal raisin, pe es are $11 and include tradition on meringue, copi
oatmeal. Ten-inch r), peach, chocolate meringue, uthern style pecan.
lar or
pkin, swee
ors at 409.892.4455
d Services fo ni dress in Hardin
conut meringu
e ad
Order by calling Lo deliver orders of 10 pies to a singl on Wheels.
oceeds go to
and Jefferson Co
Tips and tricks
from my
Pinterest board
s By Em
ily Wheeler
This season is all
about giving than
ks and giving ba
one of these tips
ck. Try
from my Pinteres
boards with your
ily to help you ge
famt in the spirit!
The Thankful Tr
If you don’t alread
y have a large plan
t or twiggy deco
in your home, go
outside and grab
some long twigs
place them in a
mason jar or vase
with pretty fall rib
wrapped around
the container. Cu
t out small circle
least 28) from pa
s (at
per and punch a
hole in the top of
one. Also cut a fe
w strips of fall-th
emed ribbon.
Each day, encour
age your family
members (and yo
to take a circle
and write somet
hing they ’re than
and tie it to the
kful for
“tree.” On Thanks
giving, begin your
by reading each
Random Acts of
Plan an act of ki
ndness each wee
k until Christmas
courage your fam
. Enily members to
get involved by
an “event” out of
each act. Here ar
e a few ideas:
• Tape money to
a soda machine
with a note enco
people to use th
e money for a fre
e drink.
• Volunteer at So
me Other Place
during lunch.
• Give blood.
• Pay for the pers
on behind you in
the drive thru.
• Write inspiratio
nal messages in ch
alk at the bus stop
• Spend an aftern
oon at the grocer
y store helping el
people load groc
eries into their ca
compatible with Pi
16 2013
A few facts to gobble up
6 oz. Turkey,
with Skin
Most popular Thanksgiving Dinner dishes and sides...
Slice of
Pecan Pie
Mashed Potatoes
and Gravy
299 Calories
15 Calories
140 Calories
310 Calories
503 Calories
Sweet Potato
300 Calories
110 Calories
Dinner Roll
and Butter
310 Calories
Green Bean
Slice of
Pumpkin Pie
316 Calories
ing Day
88% of Americans
surveyed eat turkey
at Thanksgiving.
Forty-five million
turkeys are eaten
each Thanksgiving.
cy’s Day Parade
rkey Trot or Run
Soup Kitchen
Board Games
Playing a Gam
Playing Touch F
Cooking and Ea
Watching Footb
The Salvation Army
Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Day
volunteer to serve.
Holiday Charit
Show thanks by
to local charities
holiday season.
Here are a few to
Red Kettle Campaign
Drop change in red kettles stationed
outside retail outlets from 10 a.m. until
8 p.m. every day but Sunday beginning November 29.
Coats & Kettles
All locations of Munro’s Dry Cleaning Company serve as
collection points for coats, jackets and blankets now through
December 28. Drop off gently used coats for men, women
and children at any Munro’s.
Toy Feast Drive
The first Friday in December at varying locations including
KFDM-TV. Bring toys!
Angel Tree
Take a tag and buy a gift from the trees in Wal-Marts and
other retail outlets or help deliver gifts.
Some Other Place
Thanksgiving Store
Donate nonperishable food items to the Thanksgiving Store
for dispersing to qualified families.
Christmas Meal
Volunteer to serve lunch on Christmas Day.
The ARC of Greater Beaumont
Cards for a Cause
ARC members with intellectual and/or developmental
disabilities have designed holiday cards.
More than 30 different cards are available, $10 for 10 cards,
online at
Home Instead Senior Care
Be Santa to Senior
Take a tag from a Christmas tree in grocery stores and retail
outlets across Southeast Texas decorated in purple ornaments, fulfill the need and bring the gift back to the same
location where you got the tag. Or be a volunteer for this
program. Go to for more information.
Infographics is loosely based on facts embellished with fun. Source: The National Turkey Federation
Giving Tree
Receive information about needy children of pre-screened
families and purchase items or host a tree in your organization.
november 2013
2013 november
social seen november
ittee for the
1. The Garth House’s Comm
ts event:
November 21 Pour Les Enfan
l, Lauren Chance,
Lee Ann Garth, Daphne Bel
oke Hall, Jody Moss,
Kim Huber, Cary Coffin, Bro
Kristi Lightfoot and Allison Ge
2. Pretty in pink and ready to
Heather Kilgore
Anna McNeill, Beth Yoes and
Gilbert color rush
3. Emma, Allison and Kaitlin
with Molly and Jennifer Cond
ls’ Haven gala
4. Mark Sparks cruises the Gir
with Lisa Chapman.
mpbell (Habitat
5. Daylyn Turner, Ashley Ca
nison spend a day
partner Family) and Brian De
Habitat Day.
building a house on World
enjoy an Evening
6. Brad and Katherine Klein
ven with John
Under the Stars for Girls’ Ha
ls’ Haven Board of
Ceravolo, president of the Gir
november 2013
2013 november
Holiday Wines
By Gerald Patrizi
Wine Manager at Debb’s Liquor
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, let’s talk popular holiday libations. Lately, my wife and I have been
on a Prosecco kick. This light and dry
but fruity Italian sparkler is relatively
inexpensive but delivers high on the
fun factor and is great by itself or with
Gerald Patrizi
a variety of foods. Some versions can
have a bitter finish but those from
"Enza," "Voveti" and "La Marca" are
consistently good, finishing with
smooth, pleasant fruit flavors. The
prices range from $12 to $15.
Everyone will be in need of a good
white wine to pair with holiday fare,
especially for guests who don’t care for
red. For seafood items such as shrimp
or oyster dressing, I recommend a nice
Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc. The
higher acidity inherent in these wines
complements the food and tastes fresh.
These whites also pair well with turkey
along with everyone's favorite white
wine, Chardonnay. "Italo Cescon" Pinot
Grigio from Italy, "Fault Line" Sauvignon
Blanc from New Zealand and "Reata"
Chardonnay from the Carneros region
in Napa Valley are my current favorites
and range in price from $11 to $15. For
ham, especially those honey glazed va-
rieties, I really do suggest a white wine
with a little sweetness such as German
Reisling from "Dr. Lossen" or a California
blend such as "Conundrum" White.
For all you red lovers, Pinot Noir and Grenache based wines
rule! These medium
bodied, high fruit
wines work well
with all the traditional holiday entrées. I have nothing
against Cabernet, but
with multiple people
contributing their favorite dish to dinner, the
high fruit level and medium body of Pinot Noir and
Grenache will work better.
"J" Pinot Noir from California
and "Vina Herminia" Grenache
from Spain are excellent.
All that being said, the best food
and wine match is to always drink
something you like.
november 2013
brew review
Award-Winning Beer for Now & Later
By Brandon East
Sierra Nevada's Narwhal Imperial Stout is one of the finest
examples of an American imperial double stout available here
in Southeast Texas and one of the best non-infused, non-barrel aged Imperial Stouts in the country. The Great American
Beer Festival awarded Sierra Nevada a silver medal last year
for this beer. It was the first year of its release (and first imperial stout from Sierra Nevada) as part of their "High Altitude"
series of specialty beers (a line that also includes Bigfoot
Barleywine and Hoptimum Double IPA).
Narwhal pours an opaque, onyx black with an amazing, frothy mocha head that
leaves beautiful lacing in the
glass. The nose has plenty of cocoa, espresso, hints of molasses,
smoke, fresh toffee and brownies. Alcohol moderately warms
the mouth, then finishes bittersweet yet pleasant with a creamy
and full-bodied texture. Medium
carbonation with a lingering
roasted finish extends well into
the next sip. This is an impressive
and complex, dessert-like impeBrandon East rial stout that stores and cellars
for up to five years.
Brewery: Sierra Nevada
City/State: Chico, California
Style: Imperial Stout
Alcohol By Volume (ABV): 10.20%
Availability: Late September-December
Sample Size: 12 oz. Glass Bottle
Cheese: Stilton
Cuisine: Chocolate Mousse, Raspberry Tart,
Cheesecake, Beer Float
Glassware: Snifter
Price: $10.99/4-Pack
Imperial stouts like Narwhal are great aged for
several years if kept in a cool, dark place. Last year
I bought a case and am aging a few bottles to see
how they progress over the next few years. I did a
side-by-side of the 2013 and 2012. After a year the
espresso notes on the nose have dropped quite a
bit; the warmth from the alcohol subsided; some
dark fruit flavors came through and the chocolate
flavors turned fudgy. I expect it to develop well
over the next five years.
2013 november
performing arts
November’s Abundance of Stage Productions
November offers a cornucopia of
stage performances beginning with
Beaumont Ballet Theatre’s Fall Premiere November 3 at 2:30pm at the
Julie Rogers’ Theatre. The annual ballet features the youngest ballerinas
to the most experienced performers
in a variety of dance styles - classical
ballet, jazz, tap, modern and
lyrical. Under the direction
of Miss Bonnie Cokinos,
15 dance numbers will be
performed. Tickets are
$20.00 for patrons, $10.00
for general admission and
$5.00 for students. Tickets
are available at the studio,
4555 Calder Avenue, or at
the box office the day of
the performance.
Find more Southeast Texas
youngsters center stage for Annie,
Beaumont Community Players’ production of the tale that follows an
abandoned child as she searches
for her parents in New York City in
the 1930s. This comic strip has been
transformed into a Broadway musical and a movie. Veteran director
Paula Bothe cues these orphans to
win over the hearts of all ages. AND,
if you didn’t catch the French farce,
Boeing, Boeing in October, it’s still
playing at BCP.
Another seasoned director, Codie
Vasquez, presents the timeless Old
Testament story of Joseph and the
Technicolor Dreamcoat. The Biblical
saga is transformed into a delightful
musical parable at the Orange Community Playhouse.
Orange’s Lutcher Theater offers
four professional performances this
month including Beyond Glory, a
one-man show featuring award winning playwright, stage and screen
star Stephen Lang who renders the
stories of eight veterans from World
War II, Korea and Vietnam.
On November 7 Brian “Fox” Ellis,
internationally acclaimed author, storyteller, historian and naturalist will
reenact the story of the voyage by
Prince Maximilian of Wied and artist
Karl Bodmer up the Missouri River
in 1832-1833, as it is described in the
Prince’s book Travels in the Interior of
North America.
Captivating storytelling continues
on November 16 with Suess’ How the
Grinch Stole Christmas, see page 28 for
the what on the Whos of Whoville.
Two performances of Memphis
end a month of live theater at the
Lutcher. This Tony award-winning
musical inspired by actual events
follows the path of a radio DJ who
wants to change the world and a
club singer who is ready for her big
break and includes explosive dancing
and roof-raising rock-n-roll.
Fall Premiere - "On Stage with
Beaumont Ballet Theatre" at Jefferson Theatre
2:30 pm, November 3
Beaumont Ballet Theatre, 409.892.0169
Boeing Boeing
7:30 pm, November 1, 2
7:30 pm, November 29, 30
& 2:30 pm November 30
Betty Greenburg Center for the Performing
Arts, 4155 Laurel, Beaumont, 409.833.4664
Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat
7:30 pm, November 8,9, 14, 15, 16
& 2:30 pm, November 17
Orange Community Playhouse, 708 W Division St Orange, 409.882.9137
I Do! I Do!
7:30 pm, November 8, 9, 15, 16, 22,
23 & 2:30 pm, November 10, 17, 24
Legally Blonde, the Musical
7:00 pm, November 11, 12 & 13
Port Arthur Little Theater, 4701 Jimmy
Johnson Blvd., Port Arthur, 409.722.7732
Beyond Glory
7:30 pm, November 5
Brian "Fox" Ellis Performance Touring the Wilderness of North
America: Prince Maximilian and
Karl Bodmer
6:30 pm, November 7
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2:00 & 7:30 pm, November 16 pm
7:30 November 22 and 2:00 pm and
7:30 pm November 23
Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts,
707 W. Main, Orange, 409.886.5535
november 2013
visual arts
Texas Impressionism on view at AMSET
By Melissa Tilley
The Art Museum of Southeast
Texas (AMSET) is currently hosting
a remarkable exhibition that breaks
down stereotypes about Texas artists in the American Impressionism
movement. “Texas Impressionism:
Branding with Brushstroke and Color,
1885-1935” includes over 100 paintings by more than 60 artists including
Julian Onderdonk, Edward G. Eisenlohr, Emma Richardson Cherry and
Frank Reaugh, among others.
The collection presents a rare opportunity to see how Texas artists
around the turn of the 20th century
Grace Spaulding John (1890-1972),
Sylvan Beach, La Port, 1924, oil on canvas,
24x20 inches, City of Houston Art Collection
created a unique style influenced by
European painters. Even though Julian
Onderdonk is widely regarded the “father of Texas painting,” the exhibition
shows how other Texas artists contributed to the legendary movement.
Texas Impressionism was organized
by the Panhandle-Plains Historical
Museum, and according to Associate Director for Curatorial Affairs
and Curator of Art Michael R. Grauer, there were strict requirements for
a painting to be included. The work
must have been painted between
1885 and 1935, have a high-keyed
palette bordering on and including
the pastel colors and include active
brushwork with short strokes applied quickly over the surface.
According to AMSET, true Impressionist paintings use pure prismatic colors (including pastel colors); short, active brushstrokes; are
done or started en plein air; depict
scenes of casual, everyday life; use
plunging perspectives, cropped
forms, and asymmetrical juxtapositions of crowded forms and emptiness inspired and adapted from
photography and Asian art.
“Texas Impressionism: Branding
with Brushstroke and Color, 18851935” will be on view at AMSET
through Jan. 5, 2014.
featured exhibits
Art Museum of Southeast Texas
500 Main, Beaumont, 409.832.3432
AMSET: Resurfacing. Remnants.
Artwork by Summer Lydick
Texas Impressionism:
Brandling with Brushstroke
and Color, 1885-1935
through January 5, 2014
The Art Studio
720 Franklin, Beaumont, 409.838.5393
Blue and Permanent
through November 24
Opening Reception:
November 2, 7pm
Beaumont Art League
2675 Gulf, Beaumont, 409.833.4179
Little Hands, Big Art
Saturdays 10 am
BAL Art Symposium: Between
Mediums, Art in a New Age
November 8, 7pm
Absolutely Amazing Art AuctionBAL Fundraiser
November 9, 6pm
November 16, 9am-3pm
Museum of the Gulf Coast
700 Procter, Port Arthur, 409.982.7000
Requiem for Steam: Railroad
Photographs of David Plowden
through December 31
Stark Museum of Art
712 Green Ave., Orange, 409.886.2787
Tales and Travels
through January 11, 2014
Painting the Pages: Hidden Treasures
through January 11, 2014
Floral Natives:
North American Orchids
through January 1, 2014
Painting the Pages:
Treasured Possessions
through January 11, 2014
Drop-In Art Activities
November 26, 27, 29 & 30, 9am
Texas Artists Museum
3501 Cultural Center Dr., Port Arthur,
Nederland Art Guild Meet to Paint
Every Saturday 3:30-5:30pm
Dishman Art Museum
The W.H. Stark House
Crescent City Connection
through November 22
Exhibition: Senior & Master's Thesis
November 29
Tales and Travels
through January 11, 2014
Drop-In Art Activities
November 26, 27, 29 & 30, 9am
1030 E. Lavaca, Beaumont, 409.880.8959
610 West Main Ave., Orange, 409.883.0871
2013 november
Health, Wellness & Education
Take Control: Anger Management Sessions
By Emily Wheeler
The holiday season is an exciting
time, but for some, it evokes overwhelming stress and anxiety. Calendars are maxed out and so are credit
cards. Trips to and from the airport
can take a toll, and visitors will be rul-
ing your roost.
For others, the holidays are a reminder of lost loved ones or happier times.
These emotions can prompt negative behavior and actions, which result in unfortunate situations. There
is generally an increase in domestic
violence during the holiday season
and one Beaumont organization is
available to teach individuals how to
overcome these situations. For 10
years, Family Services of Southeast
Texas has offered Anger Management courses for individuals who
have committed assault, domestic
violence, road rage, been aggressive in an office dispute and other
threatening acts. The psycho-educational curriculum is offered to a
men’s group and a women’s group
which meet separately on Tuesday
evenings from 6:00pm-7:30pm. During each session participants learn
good decision making skills, how to
take accountability for their actions
and how to relieve and reduce stress.
Since the onset of the instructional
and support-based program, Family Services has seen more than 70
percent of participants graduate and
move forward with great success and
a newfound sense of control.
The 18-week curriculum is on a
continuous rotation and open enrollment is every Tuesday from 2-5pm.
All participants must undergo evaluation and pre-register prior to attending a group session. Each session is
$25 and takes place at Family Services
Counseling Center at 3550 Fannin. Call
409.833.2668 for more information.
If you are a victim of domestic violence,
please plan to attend In Her Best Interest,
a FREE support group for survivors of domestic violence,
every Monday from 6-7pm at the Family Services
Counseling Center (3550 Fannin in Beaumont).
november 2013
featured events
9:00 AM
Women and Healthy Behaviors Workshop, Life
Skills Management & Counseling, 409.893.1004
6:00 PM
Support Group for Survivors of Domestic
Violence, Family Services Counseling Center,
409.833.2668 x100
6:00 PM
Batterer's Intervention and Prevention Program Port Arthur, Project Hope, 409.833.2668
9:15 AM
Social Anxiety Course, Samaritan Counseling
Center of SETX, 409.727.6400
11:00 AM
Miller Library E-Book Training, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
1:30 PM
Miller Library Learn Spanish, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
2:00 PM
BIPP and Anger Management Orientation, Family Services Counseling Center, 409.833.2668
6:00 PM
Anger Management For Men, Family Services
Counseling Center, 409.833.2668 x100
2:00 PM
Anger Management For Women, Family
Services Counseling Center, 409.833.2668
6:30 PM
Intentional Eating, Christus Health & Wellness
Center, 409.454.0417
4:00 PM
Quickstart Tots and Tykes, Christus Health &
Wellness Center, 409.236.4041
6:00 PM
Building the Scientific and Historical Case
for Christianity - Christian Course for College
Students, Little Cypress Baptist Church,
6:00 PM
Batterer's Intervention and Prevention Program Beaumont, Family Services Counseling
Center, 409.833.2668
6:00 PM
Batterer's Intervention and Prevention Program Port Arthur, Project Hope, 409.833.2668
9:00 AM
Women and Healthy Behaviors Workshop, Life
Skills Management & Counseling, 409.893.1004
9:00 AM
LIT - Microsoft Word 2010, Lamar Institute of
Technology, 409.880.8115
9:00 AM
LIT - Microsoft Outlook 2010, Lamar Institute
of Technology, 409.880.8114
1:00 PM
Breathe-Eat-Rest, Golden Triangle Yoga,
9:00 AM
Grant Writing USA Class, Southeast Texas
Nonprofit Development Center, 409.832.6565
10:00 AM
Seminar on Terrorism & State Responses, LIT
Multi-Purpose Center, 409.880.2292
4, 6 & 8
11:30 AM
Quickbooks for Beginners, Lamar Small Business Development Center, 409-880-2367
10:00 AM
New Century Hospice Volunteer Orientation,
New Century Hospice, 409.832.6700
12:00 PM
McFaddin-Ward Conservation Savvy: From Expert to DIY, MCM Elegant Hotel, 409.732.1906
9:00 AM
Franklin Covey 4 Disciplines of Execution,
Lamar University, 409.880.8604
12:00 PM
McFaddin-Ward Conservation Savvy: From Expert to DIY, MCM Elegant Hotel, 409.732.1906
7:00 PM
Monthly Drumming Circles, Unity Southeast
Texas, 409.842.0271
9:00 AM
LIT - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Lamar
Institute of Technology, 409.880.8114
9:30 AM
Anger Management - Orange, Samaritan
Counseling Center of SETX, 409.727.6400
10:00 AM
Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group - Beaumont, Wesley UMC, 409.892.7012
12:00 PM
McFaddin-Ward Conservation Savvy: From Expert to DIY, MCM Elegant Hotel, 409.732.1906
4:00 PM
Down Syndrome Family Group Meeting, St.
Stephens Episcopal Church, 409.838.9012
5:30 PM
Cooking Demo: Fresh Holidays, CHRISTUS
Healthy Options Café, 409.454.0417
7:00 PM
What you need to know before buying a
Franchise, Lamar Small Business Development
Center, 409-880-2367
11:00 AM
What you need to know before buying a
Franchise, Lamar Small Business Development
Center, 409-880-2367
2:00 PM
Anger Management For Women, Family
Services Counseling, Center, 409.833.2668
9:00 AM
LIT - Basic Computer, E-mail & Internet, Lamar
Institute of Technology, 409.880.8114
9:00 AM
LIT - Microsoft Excel 2010, Lamar Institute of
Technology, 409.880.8114
9:00 AM
LIT - Microsoft Access 2010, Lamar Institute
of Technology, 409.880.8114
9:00 AM
LIT Forklift Training, LIT Technical Training
and Education Building, 409.880.8114
11:30 AM
Relief from Back or Neck Pain, Christus Hospital - St. Elizabeth, 866.683.3627
12:00 PM
Pink Power Network Support Group, Baptist
Hospitals of Southeast Texas - Cancer Center,
5:30 PM
Transparenting, Family Services Counseling
Center, 409.833.2668 x100
6:00 PM
Pink Power Network Support Group Julie
Rogers Gift of Life Program, 409.833.3663
7:00 PM
How to Write a Business Plan, Lamar Small
Business Development Center, 409-880-2367
6:00 PM
Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group - Port
Neches, Port Neches United Methodist
Church, 409.727.6718
6:00 PM
Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group Beaumont, Calder Woods in the Library,
2013 november
november 2013
business & networking
A Grand Day for Big Red
The grandest “Big Red” ceremony is
taking place at Lamar University the
first Thursday in November, and the
community is invited to participate
in the historical day.
Celebrate the investiture of Lamar’s
15th President, Dr. Kenneth (Ken)
Evans, on November 7 at 3pm in the
Montagne Center and afterward at a
public reception.
The word investiture comes from
the Latin verb, vestire, which means
to dress, and vestis, which means
robe. Therefore, very ceremonially,
Dr. Evans will be inaugurated with
the presidential robe, medallion and
mace, symbolizing the transition of
responsibilities from President Emeritus Jimmy Simmons to Evans.
Like a graduation, the investiture
will include a processional march of
226 faculty members, 43 members of
the platform party, the Texas Board of
Regents and 30 student ambassadors.
“This is a chance for community
members to be a part of the transition ceremony and to represent the
strong ties between Lamar and our
greater community,” said Juan Zabala,
Associate Vice President for University Advancement and Executive Director of the Lamar University Foundation. “Plus it’s a chance to hear
Dr. Evans talk about his view of the
future of Lamar University and the
impact of that future in our community and the future business development in our region.”
Both Lamar University’s Wind Ensemble and Choir will perform and
all levels of government- state, city
and local, as well as Lamar alumni
and students, will be represented to
give greetings and remarks.
During the ceremony, Lamar’s 14th
President, now Emeritus Dr. Jimmy
Simmons, will bestow the presidential implements to President Dr. Ken
Evans, who will then recognize Dr.
Simmons’ accomplished tenure and,
for the first time, communicate his
vision for the future of Lamar, a message critical to the entire Southeast
Texas region considering Lamar University’s economic impact on the local economy is in excess of $310 million annually.
A reception immediately after the
ceremony will follow on the floor of
the Montagne Center giving everyone
the opportunity to meet and welcome Dr. Evans and his wife, Nancy.
For more information, visit lamar.
edu/investiture or call (409) 880-8419.
Funding for the investiture was generously provided by Gay and Bill Scott.
featured events
11:30 AM
SETX Referral Group, Rockin A Cafe,
7:30 AM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
Business Connection, MCM Elegante' Hotel,
12:00 PM
Vidor Chamber of Commerce Monthly
Luncheon, Lakewood Business Community
Room, 409.769.6339
4:30 PM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
Mix & Mingle: The Grill, 409.838.6581
6:00 PM Orange County Christian Writers
Guild, Brown Hearing Center, 409.988.2588
4:30 PM
Crime Stoppers of Southeast Texas 32-Year
Anniversary and Ribbon Cutting Reception,
Beaumont Event Centre, 409.880.1092
8:00 AM
Nederland Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours Coffee, Nederland ISD,
10:00 AM
Magnolia Garden Club Meeting, Beaumont
Botanical Center, Tyrrell Park
5:00 PM
Southeast Texas Hike and Bike Coalition,
Sertinos Coffee, 409.892.0600
6:00 PM
40 Under 40 Professionals Unveiling, Edison
Plaza. 409.838.6585
8:15 AM
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce
Education Committee Meeting, PAISD Administration Building, 409.963.1107
10:00 AM
Hiring Red, White and You, Beaumont Civic
Center Complex, 877.834.5627
11:00 AM
Better Business Bureau "Lunch and Learn" "Building A Better You!" MCM Elegante' Hotel,
1:00 PM
LU Educators' Career Fair for Students and Alumni, Lamar University Setzer Center, 409.880.8878
4:30 PM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Mix
& Mingle: Flagship Mail Room, 409.838.6581
6:30 PM
Monthly Meeting of the Progressive Democrats of Southeast Texas, The Beaumont Club,
6:30 PM
Scottish Society of Southeast Texas, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 409.898.4986
1:30 PM
Golden Triangle Computer Club, Howell
Furniture Community Room, 409.866.4398
5:30 PM
MBA Open House, Lamar University Galloway Building, 409.880.8604
7:30 AM
Better Business Bureau "Morning Mix
Tour"- Stops in Winnie at Al T's Seafood and
Steakhouse, 409.835.5951
11:30 AM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
November Membership Lunch, MCM
Elegante' Hotel, 409.838.6581
4:30 PM
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce
New Member Showcase, Holiday Inn Park
Central, 409.963.1107
2013 november
get in the holiday spirit with the grinch
By Kate Strickland
This month the Lutcher Theatre is
kicking off the holiday season early with
Broadway’s smash hit musical How the
Grinch Stole Christmas, a one-day, twoshow preview unique to Southeast
Texas before the national show officially
hits the road in Fort Worth.
Favorite characters including the
Whos of Whoville, Max the Dog and,
of course, the Grinch will take the
stage at 2pm and 7:30pm on Saturday, November 16th at the Lutcher
Theatre in Orange. But the cast,
crew and techies behind the show
will be in town for a full week before
the performance due to a special ar-
rangement between the Lutcher and
the production team.
“This is a new national tour of the
successful Broadway production,”
said Lutcher Theatre Marketing
Manager Lynae Sanford. “The company will be here for a whole week
prior to the show for tech rehearsals.
We allowed them to use the theatre
for that week so we can have two
performances of the show. Because
of our small population, we don’t
usually get first run of off-Broadway
shows, but now we get to see it in
preview before anyone else does.”
Audience members are guaranteed to have a great time getting in
the holiday spirit with classic songs
including, “You’re a Mean One Mister Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” written by Albert Hague and
Dr. Seuss himself. This production is
narrated by Max the Dog, who occasionally steps outside his role as the
Grinch’s sidekick to speak directly to
the audience.
Tickets for the show are on sale
now, but the theatre is “starting to fill
up,” cautioned Sanford. Prices range
from $65 in the orchestra to $35 in
the balcony and any ticket for a fulltime student (elementary through
college!) is discounted by $5.00.
The Lutcher’s holiday season
schedule also includes Christmas
with Shoji Tabuchi, a violin concert
featuring hits from Broadway, country, pop, rock, classical and, of course,
holiday genres. Tabuchi will play one
night only on December 14.
To purchase tickets for any of the
Lutcher’s shows, visit or call 409-886-5535.
featured events
9:00 AM
5th Annual Scarecrow Festival, Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, 409.670.9113
10:00 AM
Tried and True: Traditions of a Southeast Texas
Family, McFaddin-Ward House, 409.832.2134
10:00 AM
"Fall at the Farm," Berryland Farms, 832.461.3346
11:00 AM
City of Beaumont Lunch at the Lake, The
Event Centre, 409.654.3664
7:00 PM
Book Discussion Group and Meditation
for Cultivating Fearlessness and Awakening a Compassionate Heart, Metta House,
11:00 AM
55+ Day, Coushatta Casino, 800.584.7263
5:30 PM
Miller Library Knitting Circle, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
6:00 PM
Club Heat Open Mic Night, 409.225.3537
7:00 PM
Karaoke Night, Logon Café, 409.832.1529
7:00 PM
Mikko Live in Coushatta Casino Karaoke,
Coushatta Casino Resort, 800.584.7263
8:00 PM
Open Mic Night, Logon Café, 409.832.1529
4:30 PM
Swap Meet and Auction, Crowley Rice Arena,
9:00 PM
Glow-In-The-Dark Miniature Golf Nights,
Adventure Kingdom, 409.751.5464
8:00 AM
Beaumont Farmers Market, Beaumont Athletic Complex Basketball Court, 409.363.0495
10:00 AM
"Fall at the Farm," Berryland Farms, 832.461.3346
10:00 AM
Neches River Adventures - Cardinal Cruise,
Riverfront Park, 409.651.5326
11:00 AM
Coushatta Casino Bingo Red Hot Saturdays,
Coushatta Casino, 800.584.7263
6:00 PM
Club Heat Electro Hip House Saturdays, Club
Heat, 409.225.3537
9:00 PM
Glow-In-The-Dark Miniature Golf Nights,
Adventure Kingdom, 409.751.5464
7:30 PM
PRCA Rodeo Championship Challenge - Concert After Rodeo, Nutty Jerry's, 877.643.7508
7:30 PM
Jamey Johnson, Nutty Jerry's, 877.643.7508
7:30 PM
Dam B Haunted Village, 409.786.1463
8:00 PM
Maze of Terror in Vidor, 409.769.8777
8:30 PM
Ward, Bowen & Steinman, Logon Café, 409.832.1529
8:30 PM
The Draw, Logon Café, 409.832.1529
7:00 PM
Doug & Larry's Country Party, Coushatta
Casino Resort. 800.584.7263
9:00 AM
Hearts of Fire Craft Show, Labelle Volunteer
Fire Department, 409.651.9231
12:30 PM
Lamar Brass Day, Simmons Music Building,
1:00 PM
Shangri La Saturday Adventure Series: Gobble,
Gobble…Shangri La Botanical Gardens and
Nature Center, 409.670.9113
2:00 PM
Liberty Opry Gospel, Liberty Opry House,
2:15 PM
Lamar Faculty Brass Quintet Mini-Recital,
Simmons Music Building, 409.880.8144
3:00 PM
Golden Triangle Annual Fall Rose Show, Tyrrell Park Garden Center, 409.899.1149
7:30 PM
PRCA Rodeo Championship Challenge - Concert After Rodeo, Nutty Jerry's, 877.643.7508
7:30 PM
Mel Tillis, Nutty Jerry's, 877.643.7508
7:30 PM
Dam B Haunted Village, 409.786.1463
8:00 PM
Maze of Terror in Vidor, 409.769.8777
8:00 PM
La Maquinaria Nortena, Coushatta Casino
Resort, 800.584.7263
2:30 PM
Beaumont Ballet Theatre Fall Premiere - "On
Stage with Beaumont Ballet Theatre," Jef-
ferson Theatre, 409.892.0169
2:00 PM
Miller Library Identity Theft, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
10:00 AM
Mamie McFaddin's 118th Birthday Celebration, McFaddin-Ward House, 409.832.1906
3:00 PM
Lamar University Presidential Investiture, Lamar
University Montagne Center, 409.880.1715
5:00 PM
First Thursdays at the Mildred, 409.880.3749
7:00 PM
The Doobie Brothers , Nutty Jerry's,
7:30 PM
Port Arthur Little Theatre Presents "I Do! I
Do!," Port Arthur Little Theatre, 409.727.7258
7:30 PM
Lamar Fall Dance Concert, Lamar University
Theatre, 409.880.2250
8:00 PM
The Price Is Right - Live Stage Show, L'Auberge
Casino Resort, 866.580.7444
9:00 AM
Port Arthur Coin Club Annual Coin Show,
Groves Masonic Lodge, 409.385.7028
9:00 AM
Christmas Market, Wildwood Baptist Church
Family Life Center , 409.658.3302
9:00 AM
Shangri La Autumn Fair , Shangri La Botanical
Gardens and Nature Center, 409.670.9113
10:00 AM
Yount-Lee Equestrian Day, Spindletop Gladys
City/Boomtown Museum, 409.880.1750
10:00 AM
Ren Faire, Camp Niwana, 409.200.0331
2:00 PM
Shangri La: Up Close with Nature, Shangri
La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center,
2:00 PM
The Price Is Right - Live Stage Show, L'Auberge
Casino Resort, 866.580.7444
2:00 PM
Lamar Fall Dance Concert, Lamar University
Theatre, 409.880.2250
5:30 PM
India Fest 2013, Beaumont Civic Center
Complex, 409.724.7855
7:00 PM
Liberty Opry Sock Hop In The Gym - 50's and
60's Show, Liberty Opry House, 936.336.5830
7:30 PM
Port Arthur Little Theatre Presents "I Do! I
Do!," Port Arthur Little Theatre, 409.727.7258
7:30 PM
Lamar Guest Artist Performance: Ron
and Avis Romm, Rothwell Recital Hall,
8:00 PM
The Price Is Right - Live Stage Show, L'Augerge
Casino Resort, 866.580.7444
2:00 PM
The Price Is Right - Live Stage Show, L'Augerge
Casino Resort, 866.580.7444
2:30 PM
Port Arthur Little Theatre Presents "I Do! I
Do!," Port Arthur Little Theatre, 409.727.7258
6:00 PM
Muse Concerts Presents Mark Lowry UnpluggedUnplanned, Julie Rogers Theatre, 409.838.3435
6:00 PM’s 40 Under 40 Professionals Unveiling, Edison Plaza, 409.838.6585
7:00 PM
Paul Thorn, Big Rich's Place, 409.860.9811
7:00 PM
3rd Fridays Game Night, Unity Southeast
Texas, 409.842.0271
7:00 PM
Scotty McCreery, Nutty Jerry's, 877.643.7508
15 & 16
9:00 PM
ISIS, Coushatta Casino Resort, 800.584.7263
15, 16 & 17
9:00 AM
Orange Trade Days , Orange Trade Days
Grounds, 409.883.4344
10:00 AM
Lumberton Primary School Christmas Market,
Lumberton Primary School, 409.679.3278
12:00 AM
Lamar University Class of 1963 Reunion,
Lamar University, 409.880.8921
9:00 AM
Mid County Performing Arts Annual Whimsical Feast, Pompano Club, 409.724.6567
11:00 AM
Cowboy H-D Lot Party, Cowboy HarleyDavidson, 409.842.1478
2:00 PM
Miller Library Sounds of Sharing, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
november 2013
entertainment for kids
For a Christmas…That Perhaps... Means a Little Bit More
Get in on the whimsy, it’s anything
but flimsy; instead, it’s dynamic and
celebratory, enchanting and full of
dancing and singing glory– It’s a
Whimsical Christmas at the Nederland Performing Arts Center.
Dr. Seuss characters from storybook
favorites like The Cat in the Hat, Horton Hears a Who and How the Grinch
Stole Christmas are coming together
for a character breakfast and two performances of Whimsical Christmas.
The breakfast will be held Saturday,
November 16 from 9-11am at the
Pompano Club on Saba Lane in Port
Arthur. The grand buffet, complete
with green eggs and ham, is $25 for all
ages and $15 for children 2 and under.
All children accompanied by parents
will have the opportunity to interact with characters, meet Santa, take
photographs and receive goodie bags.
The Whos from Whoville, really
85 young talented Southeast Texans
from the Mid-County Performing
Arts Company, will, with the Grinch,
Horton and all the Seuss characters,
perform two shows at the Nederland
Performing Arts Center on December 13 at 7pm and December 14 at
2pm. Tickets bought in advance are
$8 and $10 if purchased on the day
2:00 PM
How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Lutcher
Theater for the Performing Arts, 409.886.5535
7:00 PM
Liberty Opry Country Western, Liberty Opry
House, 936.336.5830
7:30 PM
How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Lutcher
Theater for the Performing Arts, 409.886.5535
3:00 PM
Beaumont Interfaith Choral Society 2013 Season Concert, First United Methodist Church,
4:00 PM
iPlay - Targets Tweens, Ages 8-14, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487 ext 3250
7:30 PM
Lamar Civic Orchestra, Lamar University
Setzer Center Ballroom, 409.880.8144
2:00 PM
Miller Library Book Bunch, R. C. Miller Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
6:00 PM
Rick Danna, D'Vine Wine Winery, 409.861.0400
6:30 PM
ARC of Greater Beaumont Adult Social Club,
Spindletop MHMR Rec Room, 409.784.5556
7:00 PM
Dorothy Sells Clover (Poet/Author) presents
"Poetry Renaissance," The Art School,
7:30 PM
Lamar Wind Ensemble - Concert Bands, Nederland High School PAC,409.880.8144
7:30 PM
Lamar Opera Theatre, Rothwell Recital Hall,
22, 23 & 24
8:00 AM
Kountze Big Thicket Trade Days, Kountze
Trade Days Grounds , 409.246.3413
2:00 PM
Liberty Opry "He's Back in the Building,"
Liberty Opry House, 936.336.5830
7:30 PM
Lamar Opera Theatre, Rothwell Recital Hall,
2:00 PM
Miss Southeast Texas Scholarship Pageant,
Atascocita High School, 832.723.3039
7:00 PM
Leroy Thomas and Zydeco Roadrunners,
Coushatta Casino Resort, 800.584.7263
1:00 PM
Christmas Open House, Chambers House
Museum, 409.832.4010
Kids Specific Entertainment
10:30 AM
Willard Library Lapsit, ages birth - 3 yrs, Elmo
Willard Library, 409.892.4988
10:30 AM
Willard Library Adventurers, ages 3-6 yrs, Elmo
Willard Library, 409.892.4988
11:15 AM
Willard Library Play Group, ages birth - 6,
Elmo Willard Library, 409.892.4988
10:00 AM
Little Hands, Big Art, Beaumont Art League,
2:30 PM
Miller Library Movie Matinee, R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487
5:30 PM
Wesley UMC Parents' Night Out, Wesley
United Methodist Church, 409.892.7733
10:00 AM
Yount-Lee Equestrian Day, Spindletop Gladys
City/Boomtown Museum, 409.880.1750
9:00 AM
Mid County Performing Arts Annual Whimsical Feast, Pompano Club, 409.724.6567
9:00 AM
Second Annual Sugar Plum Breakfast Fundraiser, Beaumont Country Club, 409.838.4397
26, 27, 28 & 29
9:00 AM
Stark Museum of Art Drop-In Art Activities,
Stark Museum of Art, 409.886.2787
9:00 AM
W. H. Stark House Drop-In Art Activities, W.H.
Stark House, 409.883.0871
of the performance.
The Mid-County Performing Arts
Company is comprised of children
from the entire Southeast Texas area
and was formed in 2001 as a nonprofit organization to foster confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
while at the same time educating
children about the performing arts.
The two-act Whimsical Christmas features singing and a variety of
dancing including ballet, hip hop, tap
and clogging. The first act is a combination of Seuss stories; the second
features the story of the greenest of
Grinches and how he came to think
that, “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come
from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!”
Reserve seats for the breakfast and
performances by calling 409-724-6567.
Seating is limited. For more information visit,
2013 november
sports & recreation
Willie's weight loss journey
By Amie James
Race Director
Willie Gillis is a star. You may have
seen him around town or you might
recognize him from his Rachel Ray
Show appearance, where he was
featured because Gillis and his wife
Angela have lost a combined 500lbs!
They are a team and they are inspiring the community and the nation.
Obesity is the leading cause of
serious physical health problems for
men. A study released in the April
edition of the British Medical Journal
Open found that young, obese men
started suffering serious health complications by the age of fifty. A new
report on the article stated:
“Almost half of those considered
obese at the age of 22 were diagnosed with life-threatening disorders
like diabetes, high blood pressure,
heart attack, stroke, or blood clots
in legs or lungs by the time they
reached 55- or they didn’t make it to
55 at all.”
Here, Willie Gillis speaks candidly
about his weight loss journey:
Q: When did you gain the weight?
Willie: I was always a bigger kid growing up. I was the biggest of the family
for as long as I can remember. I lost
weight in my preteen years because
I was always active with bicycling or
playing basketball with the neigh-
borhood kids. My weight gain really
started when I got to high school. I
didn't really fit in. I didn't feel accepted by people. I was just kind of present but not really acknowledged. The
weight gain got worse when I got to
college as I still had those same feelings of not fitting in.
Q: Did the weight impact your youth?
Willie: The weight gain didn't really
effect me when I was younger. I had
a few issues with it in middle school
but I just assumed that it was what it
was. It didn't really start to take an effect on me until I got to high school.
It made me feel a bit self-conscious. I
remember the football coach asking
me to join the football team instead
of doing marching band. I knew it
was because I was a bigger guy but I
didn't want to be known for that or
even be used for it.
Q: Did you play any sports in school
or were you physically active?
Willie: I never played sports in school.
I remember that I tried out for the
basketball team once in middle
school but I never got past the first
round of tryouts. I wasn't very physically active in school unless I played
basketball with the neighborhood
kids or rode my bike. That only lasted
until my preteen years.
Q: How did your parents react to
the weight? Was it a family lifestyle
or did they try to find ways to help
you lose the weight?
Willie: My parents knew that I had a
weight problem. I think they did the
best they could with me. I was a picky
eater. I always have been until the last
year or so. I can remember refusing
to eat my vegetables. I would go for
an extra portion of meat or bread instead of eating vegetables. My family
is from Memphis, TN. The meals that
they fed me were typically the same
meals that they had growing up as
well. We're from the South so food
that was deep fried or cooked in
butter was always in rotation on the
table. They had a lot more moderation when it came to food than I did.
I remember my mom became a big
advocate of healthier eating in the
early 90s. She switched over to baking food in the oven instead of frying.
She watched how much butter she
was using and she lost weight in that
period of time.
Q: How did you meet Angela?
Willie: Angela and I originally met in
late 1999. We were both in marching bands. I was in the University of
Memphis marching band and she
was in the University of Mississippi
(Ole Miss) marching band. We met
at the football game (Memphis vs.
Ole Miss).
Q: What chain of events spurred the
decision to finally lose the weight?
Willie: I attempted to lose weight
several times before I actually made
the plunge. I did many diet plans,
read many books and had a plethora
of knowledge on how to lose weight.
I just wasn't doing it. I was comfortable at the current weight of 492
pounds. In December 2010, almost a
month before our first wedding anniversary, my goddaughter Emmy was
born. I saw her in person for the first
time about a week later and I had
this feeling that if I didn't do something about the weight that I would
probably be dead in five years, dead
by the time that I was 35. Dead before Emmy even reached the age of
five. I had to do something to change
my life around. So on January 6, 2011
I decided to do something about it
and asked Angela to do it with me
Q: Were you afraid you might fail?
Willie: I went into the whole ordeal
fully intending on failing several
times. I didn't really have anything
to lose by just trying. So I took small
steps to get to my bigger goal of losing the weight for good.
Q: What immediate changes did
you make?
Willie: I immediately knew that I
needed to keep track of what food
I was eating and what exercise I was
doing. I downloaded a food and
exercise tracker app on my iPhone
and just made sure I was under my
daily allowance of calories for the
day. When you track your calories,
you have real perspective on how
much food you are really eating on
november 2013
featured events
any given day. With exercise, I joined
the local gym. Angela was already a
member so I decided to join as well. I
got on the treadmill and just walked.
I don't even remember how long I
walked that first time, but I remembered adding more and more time to
that walk with every visit to the gym.
Q: What goals did you set for yourself?
Willie: I don't remember setting any
huge goals for myself. I just wanted to
stay under my caloric allowance for
the day and exercise at least five days
a week.
Q: Which accomplishment makes
you the most proud?
Willie: The first time that I stepped
on the scale after the first week was
a pretty big deal. I lost 11 pounds in
that first week. After that, I was determined to keep it going.
Q: What was your most embarrassing “fat” moment?
Willie: I remember going to a grocery
store with friends in Austin and a
little boy turned to his mom and his
siblings and said to them, "That man
is really fat!” Kids don't have a filter
when it comes to the truth and they
will tell you like it is. I couldn't blame
the kid for stating the obvious. I was
fat and I needed to do something
about it.
Q: What is the one thing you’ve
done that felt absolutely liberating
because you couldn’t do it when
4:00 PM
BT3 Golf Clinic, Henry Homberg Golf Course,
7:00 AM
Exygon Road Runners, Exygon Beaumont
12:00 PM
Play Pool FREE!, Big Nasty's Bar, 409.697.3053
Mondays & Wednesdays
4:30 PM
After School Swim, Health and Wellness
Center. 409.899.7294
Golden Triangle Strutters, Orangeleaf Yogurt
Beaumont, Facebook
6:00 AM
Run-Well Running Intensive, Christus Health
& Wellness Center, 409.899.7745
12:00 PM
Bridge Club, St. Mark's Church, 409.083.2034
5:30 PM
Trinity UMC FREE Zumba Class, Trinity
United Methodist Church, 409.892.8121
6:45 PM Belly Dancing Basics, Health and
Wellness Center, 409.899.7294
6:00 AM
Run-Well Running Intensive, Christus Health
& Wellness Center, 409.899.7745
6:00 PM
Mid County Run Club, Nederland High
School Track, Facebook
6:00 AM
Mid County Run Club, Locations Vary, Facebook
6:00 AM
Run-Well Running Intensive, Christus Health
& Wellness Center, 409.899.7745
10:00 AM
Zumba Fitness, Sterling Pruitt Activity Center,
8:00 AM
BTX Peloton Group Cycling, Colonnade
Shopping Center, Facebook
7:00 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs McMurry, Montagne Center, 409.880.1715
8:00 AM
Winnie Wars V Mud Run, XL Ranch, 409.988.2546
1:00 PM
Lady Cardinal Volleyball vs Oral Roberts, McDonald Gymnasium Lamar University, 409.880.7241
6:00 PM
Lamar Cardinal Football vs Nichols, Provost
Umphrey Stadium, 409.880.1715
7:00 PM
Lady Cardinal Volleyball vs Nicholls, McDonald Gymnasium Lamar University, 409.880.7241
11:00 AM
Boys Haven Charity Golf Classic, Idylwild Golf
Club, 409.866.2400
7:00 AM
Stars Over Texas: Blue Santa Bicycle Round
Up Tournament, Ford Fields, 409.951.5400
7:30 AM
Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon, 10K and
2 Mile with Special Guest Iram J. Leon, Logan
Park, 409.982.4675
8:00 AM
2nd Annual Strides 5K and 1K Kids Walk for Diabetes Awareness, Ty Terrell Track, 409.898.3797
8:35 AM
Pilates Power Hour, Health and Wellness
Center, 409.899.7294
9:00 AM
1 in 100 Gun Club Gobbler Shoot, 1-in-100
Gun Club, 409.755.6648
9:00 AM
Compassion Color 5K with Special Guest Kree
Harrison, Beaumont Event Centre, 409.835.8357
1:00 PM
Lady Cardinal Volleyball vs McNeese, McDonald Gymnasium Lamar University, 409.880.7241
6:00 PM
Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon After
Party, Larry’s French Market, 409.962.3381
7:00 AM
Stars Over Texas: Blue Santa Bicycle Round
Up Tournament, Ford Fields, 409.951.5400
1:15 PM
CPR, Health and Wellness Center,
5:00 PM
Southeast Texas Hike and Bike Coalition,
Sertino's Coffee, 409.892.0600
7:00 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs George Mason,
Montagne Center, 409.880.1715
7:00 AM
2013 "Break a Clay for MDA,” 1-in-100Gun
Club, 409.838.4545
8:00 AM
CASA SuperHero 5K Run 2013, Claiborne
West Park off IH 10 near Cow Bayou,
9:00 AM
4th Annual Jay Bruce Golf Tournament benefiting the ARC of Greater Beaumont, Bayou
Din Golf Course, 409.796.1327
9:00 AM
4th Annual Jay Bruce Golf Benefit, Bayou Din
Golf Club, 409.796.1327
6:00 PM
Lamar Cardinal Football vs Stephen F. Austin,
Provost Umphrey Stadium, 409.880.1715
6:00 PM
Zumba Rave to Save, Health and Wellness
Center, 409.899.7294
6:00 PM
Lamar Cardinal Football vs McNeese, Provost
Umphrey Stadium, 409.880.1715
8:00 AM
SRS 23rd Annual Therapeutic Turkey Trot 5K,
10K, and Kids K, The Event Centre,
you carried the weight?
Willie: I've got to cheat here and say
that it was a tie between two things.
The first thing was taking a trip back to
Memphis this past February. We took
a plane to Memphis. I haven't flown on
a plane in over a decade for fear that I
couldn't fit in a seat. Actually getting
into the seat comfortably and fastening that seatbelt was a huge deal for
me. The second was running the Austin 10/20 race this past April. I'd never
run more than a 5k before this point.
I was always comfortable running 5Ks
and not wanting to venture into longer distances. I really surprised myself
by doing the race and finishing it in just
over two hours.
2013 november
Q: What long-term changes have
you made?
Willie: In regards to food, if it's not
fried or laden in butter, I'll probably
eat it. I was a calorie counter for the
longest time during my weight loss
journey but I realized that I tend to eat
the same five-to-six meals every week.
Q: Do you think it is harder for men
than women to talk about weight loss?
Willie: I do think it's sometimes harder for men to talk about weight loss.
Men have the same issues with "the
perfect body image" as women do
although the concept is pushed on
women more than men. That image
is in every magazine or movie that
you see today. Men, in my opinion,
are not as vocal in regards to talking
about their image. They either do the
work to fix their image or they don't.
Q: What does your training program look like?
Willie: My training plan has changed
several times over the last three years.
My current training plan is spinning
class three times a week, kickboxing
once a week and at least two runs a
Q: What advice would you give
someone else?
Willie: I would say make small chang-
es. Start by counting your calories
and see how much you're really eating in a given day. Start by getting at
least 3-4 days of exercise in a week for
at least 30 minutes. Start by measuring your food and using a food scale.
Any small changes in your routine
and behavior will become a new
habit and you'll eventually be on the
right track to losing weight.
Q: What advice would you give
Willie: Parents should really inform
themselves on nutrition. What is
a balanced plate of food for your
kids? I've seen kids that won't eat
any vegetables. I was one of those
kids. Introduce new foods to your
kids. Hide the vegetable in a food
they love. If they hate onions like I
do, mince them up finely and put
it in a spaghetti sauce. Your kids
don't hate vegetables. It's either the
texture of the vegetables or they're
just not cooked right. It's so easy to
go to a drive thru or get a meal in a
can. Those meals are convenient for
a reason. They're highly processed.
It would be better if a family can
cook a few meals in advance and
have meals mostly prepared for the
week. Is it okay to go out every once
in a while and have a meal outside
of your home? Sure. We're all busy
and can't cook a meal all the time.
Just try to have the majority of your
meals at home.
Q: What sort of negativity did you
face when you first started making
Willie: I didn't really get any kind of
negativity when I started making
changes. It was a little hard when it
came to eating out at restaurants
with friends. Restaurants are limiting
when you’re trying to change your
lifestyle. One meal portion is usually
for two people. Most food is cooked
in oil or butter or topped with fatty
condiments. I just learned that you're
paying for that meal so you can request to have your meal made any
way you'd like. If the restaurant can't
accommodate you, then you go
somewhere else to eat.
Q: Have you inspired anyone?
Willie: This is a loaded question.
Who haven't we inspired? I'm so happy to see people in our community
and the nation inspired by our story.
People see our story and feel the
need to change. I started this weight
loss journey as an experiment to see
if I could lose weight. Every time I saw
the weight drop lower and lower I
felt the need to continue. Even the
weeks where I lost nothing or even
gained, I reevaluated my progress
and tweaked my plan. I'm just glad
our story is out there and someone
who is in the same predicament realizes they can change their lives.
Q: What is your next big goal?
Willie: My goals have really switched
in the last six months. I'm still a big
proponent of exercise and fitness,
but I've really fallen in love with cooking. It's the one thing I have yet to
tackle. I was always an okay cook.
Lately, I've fallen in love, not with
cooking in general, but the science
behind it. I'm interested in the process of what cooking does to food
and how to make food taste good
and be healthy for you as well.
Willie’s interest in food probably
goes back to his childhood experience with vegetables and his desire
to make delicious food appealing to
all ages. Willie and his wife, Angela,
can often be found at the Golden Triangle Strutter weekday training runs.
Search for the group on Facebook,
make a run and meet this inspiring
couple for yourself!
november 2013
2013 november
Playbook Author to Speak at Family Portrait Luncheon
Coach Frank Broyles, one of the winning-est
coaches of all time for the University of Arkansas
Razorbacks has written a playbook that will be
featured at the second annual Family Portrait Luncheon on Wednesday November 20 at the Beaumont Country Club.
Guests of the Alzheimer’s Association Family Portrait Luncheon will hear first-hand insider knowl-
Southeast Texas Regional Office
Statistics July 2012-August 2013
Helpline Calls (during weekday, business hours):
121 calls
Conferences: 2 conferences
with 171 people attending
Community Awareness Programs: 35 programs
with 595 people attending
Professional Presentations: 6 presentations
with 127 people attending
Health Fairs: 19 fairs with 672 people
receiving information
119 Healthcare and Physician Visits
Total number of people receiving direct services
from the Southeast Texas Regional Office: 1805
edge, see illustrated maneuvers and learn stepby-step strategies, not football, but for caring for
Alzheimer’s patients from Coach Broyles’ Playbook
for Alzheimer’s Caregivers: A Practical Tips Guide.
Coach Broyles and his family became active in
speaking about Alzheimer’s after his wife of 59
years and the matriarch of their family, Barbara
Day Broyles, passed away after her struggle with
Alzheimer’s in October 2004.
In 2009 the Broyles family published the Playbook, a how-to manual written in easy-to-read,
playbook format and detailing practical tips and
strategies to care for an Alzheimer’s patient and
to ensure a better quality of life through all phases
of the disease. Shortly thereafter, Broyles’ daughter
and co-author Betsy Arnold and granddaughter
Molly Arnold-Gay, began speaking to share their
knowledge of the disease with others affected.
Both women will speak at Beaumont’s Family Portrait Luncheon.
This second annual event beginning at 11:30am
will honor and remember family members and
friends who have been affected by Alzheimer’s
while supporting dementia-specific educational
programs and awareness in Southeast Texas and
raising money for research in hopes of ending this
devastating disease.
With the continued support of the local community at events like the Family Portrait Luncheon,
the Southeast Texas Regional Office puts the mission of the Alzheimer’s Association into practice
by providing a wide array of education, programming and supportive care for individuals in Southeast Texas (See “Statistics” at left).
“The Family Portrait Luncheon is an annual event
in other cities and after last year’s first, very successful Beaumont Family Portrait Luncheon with more
than 400 attendees, I am hopeful the Family Portrait Luncheon will be well received again this year
and become a part of the annual Southeast Texas
calendar,” said Linda Domino, event chairwoman.
“So many of us, including me, have family members
and friends affected by Alzheimer’s or some form
of dementia. It is my hope that this event will be
an opportunity to generate awareness, learn more
about the disease, support each other, provide encouragement and information for caregivers and
raise funds to end this dreaded disease.”
Individual tickets for the event are $60 and include lunch, valet parking and a copy of the book,
Coach Broyles’ Playbook for Alzheimer’s Caregivers:
A Practical Tips Guide. Sponsorships from $1,500 to
$10,000 are available. For tickets and more information call 409.833.1613.
Be the WON!
The season of giving could result in some receiving,
too. Cars, golf carts and jewelry are all winnable
this holiday season. Here’s how:
In celebration of its 10th anniversary, Ford Park/SMG has teamed up
with HEB and the Southeast Texas Ford Dealers to giveaway a 2014
Ford Mustang V-6 at this year’s HEB Feast of Sharing at Ford Park on
December 6!
Mustang Giveaway
Register to win by Friday, November 15 at Ford Park, any HEB Locations or a Southeast Texas Ford Dealership. A finalist will be chosen
from each location and notified by November 22, 2013. These 16 finalists must be present at the HEB Feast of Sharing, held at Ford Park
on Friday, December 6, at which time, each will be given a key. The
key that starts the car determines the winner. For more information go
to and click on the FORD MUSTANG GIVEAWAY event.
Jeep Giveaway
The Garth House is raffling off a 2013 Jeep Wrangler 4X4. The bullet silver metallic, black three-piece hardtop seats four passengers and has
black cloth interior, an Alpine premium audio system, Sirius XM Satellite
Radio, keyless entry and alarm system. Tickets are $100 and currently
available by calling 409.838.9084. The drawing for the Jeep will be
held at Pour Les Enfants, November 21 at The Garth House. You don’t
need to be present to win but it’s a great party you don’t want to miss!
Golf Cart & Jewels
Only $25 will get you entered to win a decked out, fully loaded, cherry
red, street legal electric golf cart with back seat and sound system
and another $25 could result in winning one Women's Breitling Galactic Watch and One Men's Breitling Superocean Breitling watch. The
Junior League of Beaumont is selling only 500 chances to win these
amazing prizes at their Very Merry Main Street Market. Tickets will be
available at the Market December 5-7 at the Beaumont Civic Center
or from any Junior League member. The drawing is December 7, and
you don’t need to be present to win.
november 2013
featured events
8:00 AM
Chili for SALE!, St. Mark's Church, 409.832.3405
9:00 AM
Thanksgiving Fundraiser - Order your Pies and
Cookies, Nutrition and Services for Seniors,
10:00 AM
Garth House "Put the Brakes on Child Abuse"
Jeep Raffle, Garth House, 409.838.9084
8:00 PM
Maze of Terror, Vidor, 409.769.8777
8:00 AM
Winnie Wars V Mud Run, XL Ranch, 409.988.2546
9:00 AM
4th Annual Bark for Life Benefiting the American Cancer Society, Tyrrell Park, 409.554.1100
6:00 PM
Farm to Table Dining, The Giving Field, 409.201.8702
6:00 PM
Saving Grace Ministries Spaghetti Dinner and
Silent Auction Fundraiser, United Methodist
Temple, 903.258.5379
8:00 PM
Maze of Terror, Vidor, 409.769.8777
4, 5, 6, 7
8:30 AM
Empty Stocking Fund, Beaumont Civic Center,
9:30 AM
Babe Zaharias Memorial Relays, Babe Zaharias
Stadium, 409.832.9991
6:00 PM
Harvest of Hope Fundraiser, MCM Elegante'
Hotel, 409.924.4400
6:00 PM
Odyssey Hospice Celebration of Life, The
Event Centre, 409.212.0020
9:30 AM
Babe Zaharias Memorial Relays, Babe Zaharias
Stadium, 409.832.9991
10:00 AM
St. Mark's Chili Supper and Bazaar (Lunch and
Supper), St. Mark Episcopal Church, 409.832.3405
6:30 PM
"Cabaret" - TAN's Annual Paint the Town Red
Gala, Beaumont Country Club, 409.832.8338
9:00 AM
Autumn Fest & Silent Auction, Infant Jesus
Catholic Church Fellowship Hall, 409.755.3073
11:00 AM
Boys Haven Charity Golf Classic, Idylwild Golf
Club, 409.866.2400
7:30 AM
Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon, 10K and
2 Mile, Logan Park, 409.982.4675
8:00 AM
2nd Annual Strides 5K and 1K Kids Walk for Diabetes Awareness, Ty Terrell Track, 409.898.3797
9:00 AM
Autumn Fest & Silent Auction, Infant Jesus
Catholic Church Fellowship Hall, 409.755.3073
9:00 AM
2nd Saturdays At The Giving Field, 409.351.2612
9:00 AM
Compassion Color 5K with Special Guest Kree
Harrison, Beaumont Event Centre, 409.835.8357
6:00 PM
American Cancer Society 24th Annual Cattle
Barons' Ball, Ford Park under the Stock Yard
Barns, 409.835.2139
6:00 PM
Absolutely Amazing Art Auction - BAL Fundraiser, Beaumont Art League, 409.833.4179
7:00 AM
2013 "Break a Clay for MDA," 1-in-100 Gun
Club, 409.838.4545
8:00 AM
CASA SuperHero 5K Run 2013, Claiborne West
Park off IH 10 near Cow Bayou, 409.886.2272
9:00 AM
4th Annual Jay Bruce Golf Benefit, Bayou Din
Golf Club, 409.796.1327
7:00 PM
4th Annual "Dinner for Life" Gala, Beaumont
Event Centre, 409.981.1888
11:30 AM
Second Annual Family Portrait Luncheon
Benefiting the Alzheimer's Association, Beaumont Country Club, 409.833.1613
6:30 PM
Garth House Annual Pour Les Enfants, Garth
House, 409.838.9084
9:00 AM
2013 Milam Settlers Day Annual Weekend
Celebration, Downtown Milam, 936.564.5634
6:00 PM
Lamar Cardinal Court: An Evening of Renaissance Revels, Lamar University Studio Theatre,
9:00 AM
Second Annual Sugar Plum Breakfast Fundraiser, Beaumont Country Club, 409.838.4397
9:00 AM
2013 Milam Settlers Day Annual Weekend
Celebration, Downtown Milam, 936.564.5634
2013 november
classified pick of the month
Mystic Mountain Studios Chainsaw Art
Creatures great and small…Dan Tanner carves
them all. Tanner is Mystic Mountain Studios, a
chainsaw sculpture business located in Woodville.
Tanner creates custom carved items but works
on a regular inventory of pelicans, flamingos, bar
and stool sets, coffee and end tables, benches and
lamps plus a variety of animals from alligators to
sea turtles and even dragons.
All carvings are created from pine, cedar and
other hard woods such as red pear. Each piece is
one-of- kind and either varnished natural wood or
painted with exterior grade latex paint. All wood
is treated for mold, rot and bugs. Carvings positioned outside on gravel or base other than the
ground will last 10 to 15 years in the weather.
The largest carving Tanner has completed was a
9-foot, 2-headed dragon for a dentist in Houston.
The smallest are his butterflies, hummingbirds and
dragonflies that are only 14-to-16 inches.
Carvings vary in price depending on size and
complexity. The small pieces like the humming-
birds are $50; pelicans run between $45 and $150
and flamingos are $100 to $150; bar sets are $1000
and alligators are $20 a foot depending on the
wood used.
Mystic Mountain Studios is on Facebook, where
you can see more of Dan Tanner’s unique carved
treasures or call him at 409.617.1221.
Are you a Southeast Texas artisan who advertises on
Contact us to be featured in this section. Call 409-201-9934 or email
november 2013
sneak peek december
- Christmas Candlelight Tour, John
Jay French Museum
- Christmas Tour, Chambers House
- Lamarissimo! Holiday Concert, A
Cappella Choir and Grand Chorus.
Julie Rogers
- Lamar A Cappella Choir- Grand
Chorus, St. Stephens Episcopal
- Lamar Industrial Carillon Concert,
MobilOil Federal Credit
- Greater Beaumont Chamber of
Commerce Let It Shine!, Holiday Inn
Beaumont Plaza
5, 6 & 7
- The Junior League of Beaumont
Very Merry Main Street Market,
Beaumont Civic Center
- Opening Reception for Exhibition:
Senior and Master's Thesis, Dishman
Art Museum
- HEB Feast of Sharing, Ford Park
- “Annie,” Beaumont Community
- Habitat for Humanity Jingle Bell
Run, Gulf Terrace Hike and Bike
- Symphony of Southeast Texas:
"Home for the Holidays," Julie Rogers
- Road to Bethlehem, Wesley United
Methodist Church
- Christmas Stroll- Dreaming of a
Green Christmas, Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center
- Gun Club Championship, 1 in 100
Gun Club
- Annual Christmas Open House,
McFaddin-Ward House
- Christmas with Shoji Tabuchi, Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts
14 & 15
- Beaumont Civic Ballet "The Nutcracker Ballet," Julie Rogers Theatre
- Green Day's American Idiot, Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts
- Eggnog Evening and Christmas
Light Ride, McFaddin-Ward House
- 2013 Christmas Concert featuring
Yolanda Adams with Willie Brown,
Julie Rogers Theatre STATS october
More than a million people visited in the last 30
days. According to independent tracking source Google Analytics 291,000 of
those visitors were unique visitors.
What do these visitors look for on
403,965 Real Estate Searches from 1656 real estate listings
367,993 Jobs from 551 job listings
324,450 Singles from 17,010 singles listings
256,963 Classifieds from 7,092 classified listings
If you want to buy and sell local, YOUR best choice
is Contact live support at or call
409-832-9869, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.
The community is invited to
place one ad a month for FREE!
Call for information, 409-832-9869
The most searched keyword in the Classifieds section
on “firearms,” with 150,089 searches.
The most popular Facebook posting in the last 30
days was for a lost dog, Zoey, receiving 5756 impressions and 86 shares.
Do you get the “Best of”?
This weekly e-newletter details the most unique classifieds, a pet, job, service
and real estate pick of the week, while also highlighting great local events.
Email us at and ask to be included on the email list.
2013 november
cartoon corner
membership directory
Nonprofit Member Organizations
Alzheimer’s Association,, 409-833-1613
American Cancer Society,, 877-227-1618
American Heart Association- Golden Triangle,, 409.980.8800
American Red Cross- Beaumont Chapter,, 409-832-1644
Anayat House,, 409-833-0649
Arc of Greater Beaumont,, 409-838-9012
Art Museum of Southeast Texas,, 409-832-3432
Beaumont Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas,, 409-212-5000
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas Foundation,, 409-212-6113
Beaumont Children’s Museum,, 409-658-8927
Beaumont Civic Ballet,, 409-838-4397
Beaumont Civic Center Complex,, 409-838-3435
Beaumont Convention and Visitors Bureau,, 409-880-3749,
Beautify Beaumont,, 409-656-7400
Beaumont Heritage Society,, 409-832-4010
Ben J. Rogers Regional Visitors Center,, 409-842-0500
Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas,, 409-835-5348
Big Thicket Association,, 936-274-1181
CASA of Southeast Texas, Inc.,, 409-832-2272
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas,, 409-924-4400
Christus Hospital-St. Elizabeth,, 409-892-7171
Christus Health Foundation,, 409-899-7555
City of Beaumont,, 409-980-8311
City of Beaumont Parks and Recreation, Recreation Division,, Best Years Senior Center 409-838-1902, Sterling Pruitt
Center/Athletic Complex 409-838-3613, Henry Homberg Golf Course 409-842-3220
Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.,, 409-833-2668
First United Methodist Church,, 409-832-0295
Garth House,, 409-838-9084
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council,, 409-832-0556, ext. 102
Goodwill Industries of Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana,, 409-838-9911
Golden Triangle Republican Women, 409-832-6269
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce,, 409-838-6581
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce,, 409-963-1107
Habitat for Humanity of Jefferson County,, 409-832-5853
Harbor Hospice Foundation,, 409-840-5640
Heartbeats of Hope,, 409-651-8390
Home Instead Senior Care,,
Hope Women’s Resource Clinic,, 409-898-4005
Julie Rogers’ “Gift of Life” Program,, 409-833-3663
Junior League of Beaumont,, 409-832-0873
Kirby-Hill House,, 409-246-8000
Lamar Cardinals Football,, 409-880-1715
Lamar Institute of Technology,, 409-880-8321
Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation,, 409-880-8321
Lamar State College- Port Arthur,, 409-983-4921
Lamar University,, 409-880-7011
Lamar University Small Business Development Center,, 409-880-2367
Lutcher Theater,, 409-886-5535
March of Dimes,, 409-835-7606
McFaddin-Ward House,, 409-832-2134
Monsignor Kelly High School,, 409-866-2351
Museum of Gulf Coast,, 409-982-7000
Nutrition and Services for Seniors,, 409-892-4455
1-in-100 Gun Club,, 409-755-6648
Orange Community Players, Inc.,, 409-882-9137
Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce,, 409-963-1107
Progressive Democrats of Southeast Texas,, 409-898-7355
The Salvation Army Beaumont Corp.,, 409-896-2363
Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeast Texas,, 409-727-6400
Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center,, 409-670-9113
Some Other Place,, 409-832-7976
Southeast Texas Arts Council,, 409-835-2787
Spindletop Center,, 409-839-1000
Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown,, 409-835-0823
Stark Museum of Art,, 409-886-2787
St Anne Catholic School,, 409-832-5939
St. Mark’s Church,, 409-832-3405
Symphony of Southeast Texas,, 409-892-2257
Texas Energy Museum,, 409-833-5100
Trinity United Methodist Church,, 409-892-8121
Ubi Caritas,, 409-832-1924
The W.H. Stark House,, 409-883-0871
Wesley United Methodist Church,, 409-892-7733
Winnie Chamber of Commerce,, 409-296-2231
Wilton P. Hebert Health & Wellness Center,,
YWCA,, 409-899-1011
For Profit Members
Coushatta Casino Resort,1-800-584-7263
MCM Elegante Hotel, 409-842-3600
Rayburn Country, 409-698-2444
MCM Elegante Catering, 409-842-3600
Entertainment Venues
Ford Park, 409-951-5400
Food and Beverage
The Main Dish Studio Kitchen, 409-866-MAIN
Sports and Recreation
City Dance Center, 409-833-7772
Coushatta Casino Resort,1-800-584-7263
Paradise RV Resort & Waterpark, 409-385-7946
Rayburn Country, 409-698-2444
MCM Elegante Getaway Spa, 409-842-3600
All Events are listed on
and in the EventsBook for FREE.
Please send your events to
Membership cost is between $300 and $1000 and
includes event promotions in a variety of mediums.
For more information, call 409-201-9934.
november 2013
2013 november