Your membership sustains the DSpace, Fedora and

Your membership
sustains the DSpace,
Fedora and VIVO
by funding:
Become a member at one of
four different levels–each with
complimentary benefits*:
Bronze Member–$2,500**
• Organizations will receive advanced news of project announcements
and activities • Project Member logo for member use • Institution name and link on the DuraSpace and Project web sites
• Eligible to vote on an at-large member representative to the DuraSpace board
• Annual membership summit/strategic forum for DuraSpace projects; presentations and networking with leaders from prominent institutions and community projects
Silver Member–$5,000
All of the above benefits plus
• Institution name, logo and link on the DuraSpace and Project web sites
• 10% discount to new members on first year of either DSpaceDirect or DuraCloud for first year of sponsorship
• Discounted registration at project training events
Gold Member–$10,000
All of the above benefits plus
• Preferred access (advance registration) to DuraSpace professional development opportunities and annual DuraSpace Summit
• Two seats at the annual membership summit/strategic forum for DuraSpace projects
• Eligible to play a role in project governance, as defined by each project’s governance policy
Platinum–$20,000 or more
All of the above benefits plus
• Eligible for one seat on Project Leadership Group
* Each project has defined governance policies and benefits related to membership levels.
** Bronze Membership discount is available to institutions from developing countries.
For more information please contact Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace Chief Executive Officer •
Your open access, open
source and open data
esearch organizations, libraries,
archives and museums are positioned
to take advantage of the emerging
community developed open access,
open source and open data ecosystem.
DuraSpace is proud to be your partner in
supporting projects that are part of the
landscape of scholarship serving current and
future generations by providing permanent
access to our shared digital heritage.
“Understanding and acting
on the critical trends affecting
academic library progress is essential.
Translating those trends into bold and
systemic change is imperative.”
—Jim Neal, University Librarian Emeritus,
Columbia University
“Shared, open source projects allow
our institutions to create the tools
and services we need at a cost we can
afford. DuraSpace provides the
sustainable organizational framework
to make these projects possible.”
—Dean Krafft, Chief Technology Strategist and
Director of Information Technology,
Cornell University Library
How DuraSpace
supports projects
DuraSpace works collaboratively with
organizations that use DSpace, Fedora
and VIVO to advance the design,
development and sustainability of these
platforms. As a non-profit, we provide
services that include technical leadership,
sustainability planning, fundraising,
community development, marketing
and communications, collaborations and
strategic partnerships and administration.
Why we need
YOUR support
It is only through the support of our
members that we continue to advance
the DSpace, Fedora and VIVO community
source projects to meet evolving needs.
With a combined installed user base of more
than 2,000, your financial commitment
keeps our community source projects
strong. As a DuraSpace member you
become a partner in project governance
with a voice in ensuring that DuraSpace
projects continue to serve the global
communities that depend on them. Your
membership dollars can be directed to any
of our projects. Join us in this critical mission
by becoming a DuraSpace member.
“DuraSpace provides valuable and
cost-effective ways to preserve vitally
important scholarly content using
common, open source platforms.”
— Paul Courant, Harold T. Shapiro Collegiate Professor
of Public Policy, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Professor
of Economics and Professor of Information, University of
Michigan; President, DuraSpace Board of Directors