DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1327 East El Monte Way Dinuba CA 93618 Request for Qualifications For Lease-Leaseback Services Request for Qualifications Issued: March 30, 2015 Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference: April 14, 2015 Deadline for Submittal of Responses: April 22, 2015 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) LEASE-LEASEBACK SERVICES The Dinuba Unified School District, located in Dinuba, Tulare County, California ("District") is requesting Statements of Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified General Contractors who are experienced in the construction of public school facilities in Central California, and are experienced with the lease-leaseback method of project delivery to provide to the District, project cost estimates, design constructability review, value engineering and construction services for various Modernization and New Construction Projects. The District anticipates a variety of Projects, both small and large, will be constructed over the next three to five years under a lease-leaseback arrangement pursuant to Education Code section 17406 and following, and desires to have several lease-leaseback partners with whom to complete this work. Qualified General Contractors are invited to submit an original plus three (3) copies of said statement of qualifications that meet the requirements described herein by no later than 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 to the following address: Peggy Garispe Director of Business Services Dinuba Unified School District 1327 West El Monte Way Dinuba, CA 93618 This Request for Qualifications does not commit the District to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a statement responsive to this request. The District reserves the right to accept all or part of any statement or to cancel in part or in its entirety this Request for Qualifications. The District further reserves the right to negotiate changes in and to accept the statement(s) that it considers to be in the best interest of the District. Thank you for your interest in working with the Dinuba Unified School District. Joe Hernandez, Ed.D Superintendent Dinuba Unified School District Page 2 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Submittal of RFQ’s should be reviewed for accuracy before submission to the District since RFQ’s may not be adjusted after submission to the District. The District will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any RFQ’s. The District reserves the right to reject any and all RFQ’s, or to waive any irregularities, or informalities in the RFQ’s. 1. Signatures - All RFQ’s must include a signature of an authorized officer of the General Contractor submitting the statement. The name and title of the person shall be included following the signature. 2. Project Descriptions – The development of a Facility Master Plan is currently in process. Preliminary recommendations can be viewed on the home page of the district’s website at http://dusd.dinuba.k12.ca.us under Announcements. The Board is not expected to take action to adopt the plan or establish priorities before summer of 2015. 3. Contacts - In order to control information disseminated regarding this Request for RFQ’s, General Contractors interested in submitting RFQ’s are directed not to make personal contact with members of the Board of Trustees and District Administration, with the exception of the individual listed below: Jack Schreuder Director of Facilities Dinuba Unified School District 1327 West El Monte Way Dinuba, CA 93618 It is the desire of the District to select Respondents that can meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the District and to provide comprehensive preconstruction and construction services at the lowest cost and highest quality. When projects arise, it will generally be the District’s intent to award a contract for Pre-Construction Services and to retain the right to award a future contract for Construction Services based upon the successful performance of Pre-Construction Services and the ability to negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GPM) acceptable to the District. Submittals Instructions 1. Written Statements of Qualifications - RFQ’s must be received in the Office of Peggy Garispe, Director of Business Services, Dinuba Unified School District, 1327 East El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 no later than 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Page 3 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2. Disqualified Statements of Qualifications - Any RFQ received after 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 22, 2015 will be refused and returned to the firm unopened. 3. Withdrawal of Statements of Qualifications - A firm may withdraw its RFQ, either personally or by written request, at any time before 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. 4. Copies - Each General Contractor submitting a RFQ must include one unbound original, plus three (3) copies of the original. Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference A Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference will be held for entities who have not performed work in the district during the past three years, on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 2:00 pm at the following location: Dinuba Unified School District, 1327 East El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618. At the PreSubmittal Conference, District representatives will distribute information and materials to further describe the district’s goals, mission and anticipated future projects. Entities who have not performed work in the district during the past three years that fail to attend the Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference shall be ineligible to respond to this RFQ. Guaranteed Maximum Price Respondents are not required to include a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) with its initial submittal. However, all LLB entities are required to submit, in a separately sealed envelope, the percent of trade bids that will be used to calculate the contractor fee, payment bond, builders risk insurance and liability insurance (Items 3, 4, 5, and 6 below), and the estimated cost general conditions per month (see Attachment B for a list of allowable general condition costs). Upon completion of the Design Phase and after all bids are received, the successful LLB Entity will be required to provide a guaranteed maximum price for the Construction Phase of the Projects. The determination of the GMP shall be determined as follows: 1. General conditions at cost. (See Attachment B) 2. Cost of all subcontract bids jointly selected by the LLB Entity and District. 3. Contractor fee including overhead and profit and all other costs not specifically allowable in the general conditions. 4. Payment bond for LLB Entity. 5. Performance bond for LLB Entity. 6. Builder’s risk insurance. 7. Liability Insurance 8. A proposed Owner’s project contingency and proposed Contractor’s contingency in an amount agreed upon by District and contractor. Page 4 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT License The District is seeking to retain a General Contractor to construct its project as described herein, each under the lease/leaseback method of project delivery. The selected Contractor must be licensed as a general contractor by the State of California and must have experience with the construction of school facilities in Central California for at least 5 years, and have experience with the lease-leaseback method of school project delivery. The Contractor must also possess a current “B” license with the State of California. Description of Projects 1. The development of a Facility Master Plan is currently in process. Preliminary recommendations can be viewed on the home page of the district’s website at http://dusd.dinuba.k12.ca.us under Announcements. The Board is not expected to take action to adopt the plan or establish priorities before summer of 2015. Request for Qualifications Time Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Release Request for Proposal Documents Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference Deadline for Receipt of RFQ’s Interviews with Select Respondents Notify Respondents of Acceptance/Non-Acceptance as Preferred Lease/Leaseback Partner March 30, 2015 April 14, 2015 April 22, 2015 TBD May 2015 Open Book Policy The District will require an open book policy with the LLB Entity and its construction team on the entire construction project, including any soft costs and all site improvements (on and off-site). The District shall be entitled to have access to and approve all subcontractor bids, value engineering back-up, contingency breakdown & tracking, general conditions breakdown & tracking, and LLB Entity fees. Change orders will be issued for District directed changes and unforeseen conditions only, as determined by the District in consultation with the Architect and LLB Entity. Special Conditions 1. Public Record - All RFQs submitted in response to the RFQ become the property of the Districts’ public records and as such, might be subject to public review. 2. Non-Discrimination – The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, ancestry, medical condition, disability or gender inconsideration for an award of contract. Page 5 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 3. Drug-Free Policy and Fingerprinting – The selected LLB Entity shall be required to complete any and all fingerprinting requirements and criminal background checks required by State law and shall be required to complete a Drug-Free workplace certificate. 4. Iran Contracting Act Certification: The selected L/LB Entity shall be required to complete an Iran Contracting Act Certification under Public Contract Code sections 22022208. 5. Costs – Costs of preparing a RFQ in response to this RFQ solely the responsibility of the Respondent. 6. Prevailing Wage – Respondents are advised that these projects are a public work for the purposes of the California Labor Code, which requires payment of prevailing wages. These rates are set forth in a schedule which may be found on the California Department of Industrial Relation home page (www.dir.ca.gov). Any LLB Entity to which a contract is awarded must pay the prevailing rates, post copies thereof at the job site, provide payroll records when required, and otherwise comply with applicable provisions by state law. 7. State Registration: As of March 1, 2015, the selected contractor and any proposed subcontractors shall not be qualified to submit a bid or to be listed in a bid/GMP proposal for the Project unless then-currently registered and qualified under Labor Code section 1725.5 to perform public work as defined by Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 (§§1720 et seq.) of the Labor Code. As of April 1, 2015, the selected contractor and any proposed subcontractors shall not be qualified to enter into, or engage in the performance of, any Lease-Leaseback Agreement for the Project unless then-currently registered and qualified under Labor Code section 1725.5 to perform public work projects. 8. Bonding – The successful LLB Entity will be required to furnish a Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent of the contract price, a Payment (Material and Labor) Bond in the amount of one hundred percent of the contract price. 9. Limitations – This RFQ does not commit District to award a contract, to defray any costs incurred in the preparation of a RFQ pursuant to this RFQ, or to procure or contract for work. The District reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the responses received pursuant to this RFQ, or in the process outlined herein for selection of a contractor for the Project. Page 6 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 10. Termination – In any contract entered into between the District and contractor, the District shall retain the right to terminate the contract for inadequate performance. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor must provide all services to be identified in the Pre-Construction Agreement, LeaseLeaseback Construction Contract documents, General and Supplementary Conditions, other contract documents, and those set forth in the District's DSA-approved plans and specifications for the Projects. Pre-Construction Services: LLB entities will be required to enter into a pre-construction services agreement that is acceptable to both parties. Further in a separate sealed envelope, LLB’s are required to state the fee for preconstruction services on the attached form for each project. 1. Review design documents for constructability, scheduling, clarity, consistency and coordination. 2. Expedite design reviews, including modifications, if any, based on value analysis. 3. Develop construction staging plan with regard to unoccupied and occupied school campuses, limited parking, traffic flow and safety needs. 4. Undertake value-engineering analysis and prepare report with recommendations to District to maintain established project budget. 5. Identify and obtain all required permits, inspections and approvals necessary to complete the project. 6. Provide any and all demolition, construction and warranty maintenance work. Construction and Post Construction Services 1. Coordinate and/or manage the activities of the District’s consultants including; engineering, testing, inspection, and labor compliance. 2. Assist the District in maintaining harmonious labor relations with the various consultants, vendors, and others providing services to the project. 3. Coordinate and expedite record drawings and specifications. 4. Compile operations and maintenance manuals, warranties/guarantees and certificates. 5. Other responsibilities necessary for the completion of the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. 6. Provide the District with accurate “as-built” plans at the conclusion of the project in electronic and hard copy formats. 7. Final presentation to the Board of Trustees detailing the work completed and a comparison of projected costs to actual costs. 8. Assist the District in any audit reporting to OPSC. 9. Assist the District with DSA close-out documentation. Page 7 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FORMAT AND CONTENT In order for RFQ’s to be considered, said RFQ must be clear, concise, complete, well organized and demonstrate both respondent’s qualifications and its ability to follow instructions. The quality of answers, not length of responses or visual exhibits is what is important in the RFQ. Original plus Three (3) copies of the RFQ should be provided with all materials spiral bound into books of approximately 8 ½” x 11” format, not to exceed thirty-five (35) pages each. An electronic copy of the SOQ shall also be emailed to pgarispe@dinuba.k12.ca.us by the submittal deadline. All respondents are requested to follow the order and format specified below. Please tab each section of the submittal to correspond to the number/headers shown below: 1. Submittal Cover Include the RFQ’s title and submittal due date, the name, address, fax number and telephone number of the responding firm (or firms if there is a joint venture or association). 2. Table of Contents Include complete and clear listings of headings and pages to allow easy reference to key information. 3. Body of Submittal The following sections should be included in the order listed below: A. Cover Letter The cover letter should be brief (one page maximum). Describe how the Scope of Work will be accomplished for the District, identify the team members (i.e., joint partners and subconsultants); and include the title and signature of the firm's contact person for this procurement. If the firm is proposing to co-respond with another principal firm, the cover letter must specify the type of services to be provided by each firm and the proposed percentage allocated to that phase or function. B. Mandatory Qualifications Respondents must hold a General Building Contractor License (B License), which is current, valid and in good standing with the California Contractors State License Board. Respondents must have the necessary qualifications to provide the requested services in accordance with California law. Provide the following information for each license: Page 8 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT a. b. c. d. e. f. Name of license holder exactly on file License Classification License No. and Date Issued Expiration Date Whether license has been suspended or revoked in the past 5 years. If so, explain. LLB Entity shall also provide information regarding all sub-consultants and subcontracts. C. Methods and Strategy Describe in detail your methods and plans for carrying out the Scope of Work including methodology for sourcing local materials and labor from the local area (Central Valley) for the project. Local area (Central Valley) defined as any area between Kern County and Merced County. D. Organization, Credentials, and General Background Please provide a brief history of your organization, including: a. Number of years the organization has been in business. b. Location of office that will perform the work required by this Request for Statements of Qualifications. c. List of basic services provided by your organization. E. Construction Experience Describe the experiences/background of your organization in providing the construction services required by this Request for Statements of Qualifications, especially public school facilities, and experience with the lease-leaseback method of project delivery. Provide a list of similar projects performed over the last 5 years listing start and finish dates, project cost, architect, owner and contact information. Detail any experience your organization has in completing projects funded through OPSC Financial Hardship grants and your knowledge of the requirements of this funding program. F. Past Performance Record If any of the following has occurred, please describe in detail the circumstances for each occurrence: a. b. c. d. Failure to enter into a contract once selected. Withdrawal of a proposal as a result of an error. Termination or failure to complete a contract. Debarment by any municipal, county, state, federal or local agency. Page 9 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT e. Involvement in litigation, arbitration or mediation. f. Conviction of the firm or its principals for violating a state or federal anti-trust law by bid-rigging, collusion, or restrictive competition between bidders, or conviction of violating any other federal or state law related to bidding or contract performance. g. Knowing concealment of any deficiency in the performance of a prior contract. h. Falsification of information or submission of deceptive or fraudulent statements in connection with a contract. i. Willful disregard for applicable rules, laws or regulations. j. Information regarding any of the above may be deemed to indicate an unsatisfactory record of performance. G. Project Team a. b. c. d. Identify key team members for these Projects and provide their qualifications. Describe how the Projects would be staffed. Identify a selection process for all subcontractors for the Projects. Provide an organization chart for the project. H. Client Satisfaction/References Provide a list of at least three educational client references for which your organization has performed construction services similar to those required by this Request for Qualifications. References must include: a. Name, address, telephone number, and a contact person of the client. b. Name, address, telephone number and a contact person for the architect(s) working on the project(s). c. Describe the project(s) on which your organization provided services. I. Financial Status Attach a notarized statement from an admitted surety insurer approved by the California Department of Insurance and authorized to issue bonds in the State of California which states: a. Your current available bonding capacity. Attach a letter from your insurance company indicating your firm’s ability to provide insurance. The following is a tentative schedule: A.M. Best financial rating of A:X Commercial General Liability Insurance: Commercial general Liability Insurance shall be P a g e 10 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT at least as broad as Insurance Services office General Liability Coverage (Occurrence Form CG 0001.) One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage/ Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate. Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile liability insurance shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 (any auto). One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and property damage each accident limit. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance: The LLB Entity and all subcontractors shall insure (or be a qualified self-insured) under the applicable laws relating to workers’ compensation insurance, all of their employees working on or about the construction site, in accordance with the “Workers Compensation and Insurance Act,” Division IV of the Labor Code of the State of California and any Acts amendatory thereof. The LLB Entity shall provide employer’s liability insurance in the amount of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and disease. Builder’s Risk Insurance: The LLB Entity shall provide and maintain builder’s risk insurance (or installation floater) covering all risks of direct physical loss, damage or destruction to the work. Limit shall be equal bid amount, if requested by the District. All insurance will be in a form and with insurance companies acceptable to the District. Insurance carriers shall be qualified to do business in California and maintain an agent for process within the State. J. Price Structure and Fees. a. Describe the process you would use to determine the proposed fee for the project including corporate overhead as described in the Guaranteed Maximum Price section of this RFQ. b. Provide the process you would use in developing an owner’s contingency and contractor’s contingency for this project, the use of said contingency and distribution of any remaining contingency upon completion and close-out of the project. c. Describe the process you would use in arriving at General Conditions costs for the project. SUBMITTAL EVALUATION CRITERIA Submittals received by District will be evaluated according to the criteria listed below: 1. Conformance to the specified RFQ format; 2. Organization, presentation, and content of the submittal; 3. Specialized experience and technical competence of the firm(s), (including principal firm(s), joint venture-partners, and sub-consultants) considering the types of service required; the P a g e 11 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. complexity of the projects; record of performance; and the strength of the key personnel who will be dedicated to the Project; Proposed methods and overall strategic plan to accomplish the work in a timely and competent manner; Knowledge and understanding of the local environment and a local presence for interfacing with the District; Proposed use of local sources for material and labor; Knowledge of, and experience with, Financial Hardship projects; Financial resources and stability of the principal contractor and/or a contractor team; and Ability to meet the insurance requirements unless District, at its sole discretion, decides to modify or waive the insurance requirements or elects to provide Projects insurance. METHOD OF SELECTION The District may conduct interviews with the most qualified LLB Entities that submit responses that are responsive to this RFQ. The District will evaluate LLB Entities on their demonstrated competence and on their professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required, as evidenced in their responses and/or interviews. The District may negotiate pre-construction and lease/lease-back contracts with the best qualified LLB Entity(s), as determined by the District to be in the best interest of the District, at compensation which the District determines is fair and reasonable. SELECTION CRITERIA All Statements of Qualifications submitted in response to this Request for Qualifications will be evaluated to determine the General Contractor(s) that can best meet the needs of the District, the requirements of the Projects, and the services to be provided under the Agreements. The selection criteria may include, but not be limited to, the items listed below: 1. Ability to communicate with District personnel, the Architect, and other personnel on the Projects, which will include a weekly construction meeting with the district and all project personnel; 2. Experience and expertise of the organization in providing general construction services; 3. Past record of delivering public, educational projects on time, within budget and without legal claims; 4. Completeness and quality of the Statement; 5. Recommendations and/or visits to completed projects; 6. Oral interview (if needed); 7. Price structure/fees; 8. Proposed use of local subcontractors; 9. Experience with State and local authorities for school facility projects including but not limited to the Division of State Architect (DSA), Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), County of P a g e 12 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Tulare, Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) rules and regulations, lease-leaseback agreements for school projects, etc. 10. If the District determines that the Project is subject to the pre-qualification requirements of Public Contract Code section 20111.6, then the selected Contractor separately will be required to become “pre-qualified” under the District’s pre-qualification procedures. Thereafter, the District will provide the selected Contractor with the names and contact information of all general contractors, and all electrical, mechanical, and plumbing subcontractors who have been deemed by the District to be “pre-qualified” or “pre-qualified up to [dollar value]” for the Project. The selected Contractor will be required to solicit bids from and recommend selection of subcontractors only from such pre-qualified bidders for applicable portions of the work of the Project. CONTRACT TERMS AND FINAL PRICE AND PAYMENT STRUCTURE 1. DVBE Requirements - The District will require the successful Contractor to show it has achieved the minimum goal of 3% DVBE participation in these Projects, or to provide acceptable evidence of good faith efforts to do so. This shall be done by submission of completed DVBE documents using the District's forms. The successful Contractor must submit the completed forms before entering into the Construction Agreement, Site Lease, and Facility Sublease. 2. Contracts – At such time as the District intends to move forward with an identified project, the District will begin negotiations with the firm deemed most qualified for that project. After review of a Project's plans and specifications, the successful Contractor must then prepare his/her final cost proposal for that Project. The District will consider renegotiating the scope of the Projects to get the costs to acceptable levels. The successful General Contractor must enter into a Lease-Leaseback Agreement and related contract documents with the District for each Project, in substantially the form to be furnished by the District. If agreement on the scope of the Projects and compensation cannot be reached, then the District will terminate negotiations with the first firm, and open negotiations with another firm. The District reserves the right to incorporate additional terms and conditions it determines to be proper or necessary into any contract negotiated as a result of a Statement submitted in response to this Request for Qualifications, including any "value engineering" changes negotiated with the successful General Contractor. P a g e 13 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ATTACHMENT A Preliminary Recommendations of SIM Architects for Facility Master Plan P a g e 14 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ATTACHMENT B ALLOWABLE GENERAL CONDITIONS COSTS Personnel Costs Include the raw cost of base salary plus burden, including employer’s contribution to FICA and Medicare, FUI/SUI and Workers Compensation, but not including bonuses, vacation, sick leave or other optional benefits. Personnel Billable Under general conditions include the Contractor’s superintendent, field engineer and other field staff with prior approval of the District, the project manager for the actual hours worked on the project, the lead estimator or other individual directly responsible for project bidding and buyout, and other individuals in the contractor’s organization only with the prior written approval of the District. Other Costs The following costs will be permitted with the specific prior approval of the District: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Office trailer unless provided by the District. Office furniture for project site office unless provided by the District. Office supplies for project site office. Printing costs of plans and specifications. Telephone equipment, hook-up and services for project site office. Computer hardware and Microsoft Office software; fax machine, copy machine and other equipment for project site office as approved by the District in advance. 7. Fire extinguishers 8. Project signs (if required) 9. Temporary toilets 10. Temporary lighting 11. Temporary power 12. Temporary heat 13. Temporary fencing 14. Barricades 15. Storage containers 16. Dumpsters 17. General and final cleanup 18. Vehicle Fuel P a g e 15 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Mandatory RFQ Submittal Enclosure Submit a completed form based on a single project of $1M and a completed form based on multiple projects totaling $2.5M. (The dollar totals noted here are do not necessarily represent actual projects but are intended to provide respondents with parameters which will aid the District in making comparisons). Respondents are not required to include a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) with its initial submittal. However, all LLB entities are required to submit, in a separately sealed envelope, the percent of trade bids that would typically be used to calculate the contractor fee, payment bond, builders risk insurance and liability. Contractor Name: _________________________________ The following percentages of trade bids would be applied when calculating the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the projects: Contractor Fee: _______% of trade bids Payment Bond: _______% of trade bids Builders Risk Insurance: _______% of trade bids Liability Insurance: _______% of trade bids General Conditions as outlined on page 17 $______ per month Pre-construction services for this project: $______ X Owner/Principal P a g e 16 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8 DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS The undersigned hereby proposes to enter into contracts with the Dinuba Unified School District and to furnish services as described in this Request for Qualifications. Name and Address of General Contractor Name Address City and State Telephone Number FAX Number Signature of Authorized Officer or Employee of General Contractor Signature Name Title Date General Contractor License Number J:\wdocs\00427\005\agt\00365436.DOC P a g e 17 P H O N E: ( 5 59 ) 5 9 5 - 72 0 0 • FAX : ( 5 5 9) 59 1 - 3 3 3 4 • 1 32 7 W es t El M o n t e Wa y , D in u b a , C A 93 6 1 8
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