Governing Board Meeting March 24, 2015 Executive Session 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Graduating lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world. Deer Valley Unified School District No. 97 20402 North 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Telephone: (623) 445-5000 Executive Session PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Tuesday, March 24, 2015 6:00 P.M. District Office Governing Board Room 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona One or more members of the public body may participate by telephonic, video or internet conferencing. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Call for an EXECUTIVE SESSION: a. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1 – Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body – District Reorganization 5. Adjournment Persons with a disability may request reasonable accommodations by contacting (623) 4455003. Request should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodations. Adoption of the Agenda Note: Separate Agenda for Special Meeting: 6:00 p.m. – Executive Session – District Reorganization AgendaAgenda PUBLIC NOTICE REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:00 P.M. District Office Governing Board Room 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona AGENDA The Board reserves the right to change the order of items on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings. The Board may take action in open meeting on any item that was the subject of the Executive Session held at this Board Meeting. The Board may vote to convene an Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal advice on any items listed on the agenda. A copy of the Board Packet is available for inspection at the desk of the District receptionist during District business hours 24 hours prior to the day of the meeting. One or more members of the public body may participate by telephonic, video or internet conferencing. Persons with a disability may request reasonable accommodations by contacting (623) 445-5003. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodations. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 5. AWARDS, ACHIEVEMENTS AND RECOGNITIONS A. Community of Character and Courage Award – Oscar Mills, Sandra Day O’Connor High School B. DVUSD Spelling Bee Winner & State Competitor C. ABODA Program of Excellence Award – Sandra Day O’Connor High School Bands D. Arizona Music Educators Associations Award – Melanie Britton, Sandra Day O’Connor High School Band Director 6. REPORTS A. Governing Board The Governing Board Members may give a report on any of the following: Site Visits Governmental Relations Conferences Meetings Agenda Item Requests B. Superintendent 1. Current Events Dr. James R. Veitenheimer C. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Dr. Gayle Galligan 1. 2015-2016 K-8 Promotion, Retention, Acceleration, and Grading Handbook D. Fiscal and Business Services Jim Migliorino 1. Fiscal Year 2014 Auditor General District Spending (Classroom Dollar) Report 2. Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Update 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Approve the 2014-2015 Certified Performance Pay Plan 8. CONSENT AGENDA – (Motion by Exception) A. Approve the Minutes for the Special and Regular Governing Board Meetings on March 10, 2015, and the Special Governing Board Meeting on March 16, 2015 Agenda for the Regular Board Meeting March 24, 2015 Page 2 of 2 B. Approve Payroll Voucher #19 in the amount of $7,285,986.07, and Expense Vouchers on the Voucher Summary Sheet in the amount of $1,034,176.90 for Fiscal Year 2014-15 C. Approve Donations D. Approve Addenda Contracts E. Authorization to Enter into Additional Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15 F. Student Travel 1. Approve travel for students from Barry Goldwater High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015 2. Approve travel for students from Deer Valley High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015 3. Approve travel for students from Desert Sky Middle School to attend Arizona State Student Council Convention held in Fort McDowell, Arizona from May 7 through May 8, 2015 4. Approve travel for students from Boulder Creek High School to attend several historic sites in Jerome held in Jerome, Arizona from May 16 through May 17, 2015 5. Approve travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend Civil War History Encounter held in Richmond, Virginia, Gettysburg, PA, Antietam, MD, and Washington, D.C. from June 1 through June 6, 2015 6. Approve travel for students from Mountain Ridge High School to attend American Youth BILT Camp held in La Mirada, California from July 27 through July 31, 2015 9. ACTION A. Approve Human Resources Changes B. Approve Board Meeting Dates for Regular Scheduled Meetings for 2015-2016 10. PREVIEW A. Preview 2015-16 Employee Benefit Committee Recommendations 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS - (Public comment forms are available in the lobby of the boardroom and must be submitted prior to the meeting) The Board invites public comment on the District's business in general and on any agenda item in specific. All speakers must observe the rules of decorum. Speakers must fill out a card listing name, address, and topic, and hand it to the Board Secretary prior to the President calling the meeting to order. Speakers must make their comments in no more than three minutes. If necessary to accommodate all speakers within the 30 minute overall limit, the Board President may shorten each speaker’s time. Constructive criticism is in order. Rudeness, vulgarity, disruptive conduct, or remarks disrespecting personal dignity are not in order and will not be allowed. Under the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the Governing Board cannot discuss or act on any items not listed on the agenda. Board Members may respond to criticism made by a speaker, ask staff to review a matter, or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 12. FUTURE MEETINGS AND DATES TO REMEMBER March 26, 2015 – Governing Board Study Session March 30-April 3, 2015 – Spring Break April 14, 2015 – Regular Governing Board Meeting April 17, 2015 – Staff Development – Early Release April 28, 2015 – Regular Governing Board Meeting 13. ADJOURNMENT Awards, Achievements and Recognitions Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Awards, Achievements and Recognitions Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A. Community of Character and Courage Award – Oscar Mills, Sandra Day O’Connor High School Oscar is committed in the classroom, on campus, on the field, and in his community. He also models courage and character with his daily actions. B. DVUSD Spelling Bee Winner & State Competitor Matthew Sajan, eighth-grader at Highland Lakes School, was the winner of the DVUSD Spelling Bee. Keshav Nandakumar, seventh-grader from Sierra Verde School, was the DVUSD 1st runner up. He was second in the Regional Bee as well, he competes in the 2015 AEF Arizona Spelling Bee on Saturday, March 21, 2015 C. ABODA Program of Excellence Award – Sandra Day O’Connor High School Bands Sandra Day O’Connor High School under the direction of Mrs. Melanie Britton received the ABODA Program of Excellence. This award is given to a top program in Arizona that receives Superior ratings in Marching Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band. D. Arizona Music Educators Associations Award – Melanie Britton, Sandra Day O’Connor High School Band Director Sandra Day O’Connor High School Band Director, Mrs. Melanie Britton, received the Arizona Music Educators Association’s O.M. Hartsell Excellence in Teaching Music Award. She was recognized during the Arizona Musical Educators Association Conference. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – No action required. Submitted by Monica Allread Director Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 Governing Board Report Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Governing Board Report Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 BEDB Policy Reference 38-431.02 A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Governing Board Members may give a report on any of the following: Site Visits Governmental Relations Conferences Meetings Agenda Item Requests REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – No action required. Submitted by Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 Superintendant Report Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Superintendent’s Report Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Current Events REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – No action required. Submitted by Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 C.I.A Report Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Report Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Preview of the 2015-2016 K-8 Promotion, Retention, Acceleration and Grading Handbook Dr. Gayle Galligan will present a preview of the 2015-2016 K-8 Promotion, Retention, Acceleration and Grading Handbook. In addition, changes made to the Handbook by the Promotion, Retention, Acceleration and Grading Work Team will be showcased. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – No action required. Submitted by Dr. Gayle Galligan Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 PRAG CHANGES 2015‐2016 Page Numbers New Sections: 6 23 6 7 7 8 9 9 17 23 28 28 28 40 44 45 46 DVUSD Governing Board Policy section was added for reference in use with this handbook. “Early admission to Kindergarten” section was added in the “Acceleration” area to provide the current procedure according to new Board policy decision. Information Added to Existing Sections: A.R.S. § 15‐821 Admission of children; required age states, was added to the list of statutes. The definition of “accommodation” was added for reference throughout the handbook. The definition of “modification” was added for reference throughout the handbook. A statement regarding the need for an affidavit for home schooled students was added. The first paragraph under “Retention and Promotion…” section was moved from the definitions section and added here for more appropriate placement. The “Light’s Retention Scale” information was added to the section “Process for Parents or Legal Guardians” as a tool in assisting retention decisions. “Reassignment Criteria for Grades 7‐8 include...” section added a sentence to clarify that the district does not provide transportation to summer school. The “Acceleration Procedures” area added a section for “Whole Grade Acceleration When Moving to Another Building” for clarity in procedure and responsibility. A statement of explanation was added to the “Grading Guidelines” section for clarity. “Grading Guidelines” added essays as a possible exception to updating on a weekly basis. In addition, wording was added to indicate that students should not be academically penalized for not bringing items (non‐academic) to school, for clarification. The “Gradebook Guidelines” section added examples of what updating grades on a weekly basis might look like, for better understanding. The subheading “Grades Different from DVUSD Grading System” added numerical grades for help in determining how to transfer those grades to the district system. The section “High School Courses in Middle School” added a subheading “Summer Courses Approved for High School Credit” to better identify this specific information in the content. (We expect to add to this section in the future.) Parent access information was added to the “Parent Involvement” section in the “Home Practice” area. The statement “Home practice should be no more that 5% of the grade” was added to the section “Assigning Home Practice” for clarification. 4 5‐6 7 7 8 8 13 15 22 22 27 28 29 33‐40 40 45‐49 45 48 Refinements: The “Foreward” was revised to clarify the handbook’s purpose and to acknowledge the Arizona K‐12 State Standards in addition to Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. The statute names were added to the statute numbers. “Guidelines” had minor wording changes for clarity. “Standards” had minor wording changes for clarity. “Placement of Transfer Students…” was changed to clarify responsibility. “Home Schooled Students…” title was changed and slight wording changes were made for clarification. “Promotion Criteria for Grades 7‐8” added that a passing grade is needed in ALL subjects for clarification. “Retention Procedures” had minor wording changes for clarity. The “Whole Grade Acceleration” section added verbiage to clarify the process schools are to use. “Timeline for Requesting Whole Grade Acceleration” section was moved up in the “Acceleration Procedures” section for more appropriate placement. The “Traditional vs. Standards‐Based Grading” chart was refined to include practices for teachers who may be using a hybrid of the two philosophies. The statement “Grades for retaught concepts shall replace the original grade” was moved in the “Grading Guidelines” section for better flow of guidelines and clarity. The section, “How PowerTeacher Gradebook Calculates Grades” was moved from the beginning to the end of the “Grading” section for better flow and understanding. The “Grading Procedures” and “Citizenship (Conduct)” sections had minor wording changes to better explain how to grade based on the current report cards. The “Transfer Procedures for Grade 7 and 8” section refined wording to clarify how to determine an “I” grade. The sections “Home Practice Policy,” “Home Practice Philosophy,” “Home Practice Guidelines and Procedures,” “Make Up Opportunities,” “Accommodations/ Modifications/Accelerations on Report Card,” “English Language Learners Promotion and Retention” and “Special Education Promotion and Retention” were moved for more appropriate placement. The section entitled “Homework” was changed to “Home Practice” for clarity and consistency in wording. “Modifications” information was revised for clarity. 7 15 28 30 35 44 47 Revisions: Throughout the handbook “College and Career Ready Standards” was used to replace the formerly used term “Common Core State Standards.” Throughout the document, Multi‐Tiered System of Support (MTTS) was used to replace GEIT, as district process for student intervention has been revised. Throughout the document, the “Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning” has been replaced with the “Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment,” to reflect the current position title responsible. Throughout the document, references to the 3rd grade promotion requirements were changed from referring to “AIMS” to refer to the “successor test” or “3rd grade testing requirement” to reflect current verbiage in the state statute. The definition of “acceleration” was revised for clarity. The “Achievement” area under “Retention Criteria for Grades 7‐8” was revised to list all subjects, for clarification. The “Grading” section was reworded for clarity, and subheadings were divided to include both “Grading Guidelines” and Gradebook Guidelines.” The “Performance Level Guidelines” section was revised with current report card information. The “Grading Procedures – Grades 1 & 2” section eliminated the paragraph on citizenship to make it consistent with the same section for Kindergarten. The section “Course Level Placement Changes and Withdrawals” was rewritten for clarity. The “Make Up Opportunities” policy was revised to clarify issues with responsibility in making up assignments, to give examples of assignments for clarity, and to indicate that school sanctioned events should not negatively impact grades. Deletions: The section “Whole Grade Acceleration Special Circumstances” deleted the paragraph “Whole Grade Acceleration Over 8th Grade into High School” as this is explained more clearly in an added section. “Math Placement & Test Out Procedure for Transfer Students” was eliminated as this process is no longer new and is held on the campuses. Fiscal & Business Services Report Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Fiscal & Business Services Report Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Fiscal Year 2014 Auditor General District Spending (Classroom Dollar) Report – A report will be given reviewing the Auditor General District Spending (Classroom Dollar) Report from 2014. 2. Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Update – A report will be given on the status of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION - No action required. Submitted by Jim Migliorino Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 3/18/2015 Auditor General District Spending (Classroom Dollar) Report for 2014 PRESENTED TO THE GOVERNING BOARD MARCH 24, 2015 District Spending (Classroom Dollar) Report Background Arizona Revised Statutes §41-1279.03 requires the Auditor General to determine the percentage of every dollar Arizona school districts spend in the classroom annually. (excludes charter schools) The report also analyzes nonclassroom spending, which includes administration, plant operations, food service, transportation, student support, and instruction support. 1 3/18/2015 Classroom Dollar Percentage Peer Group: Very large unified and union high school districts in cities and suburbs Statewide % Peer Group % 53.8% Deer Valley USD FY14 56.6% Gilbert USD 61.2% Chandler USD 61.1% Deer Valley USD 58.3% Peoria USD 57.9% Paradise Valley USD 57.7% Mesa USD 57.1% Dysart USD 55.2% Phoenix UHSD 54.7% Scottsdale USD 54.5% Tucson USD 48.7% Student Achievement Results Unified school districts with poverty rates of 11 to 17 percent in cities and suburbs 2 3/18/2015 District/School Letter Grades Peer Group: Five-Comparable Unified School Districts in Maricopa County Cost Measures Comparison 3 3/18/2015 Deer Valley Unified School District Additional Financial Metrics Deer Valley Unified School District Financial Metrics as % 4 3/18/2015 Deer Valley Unified School District Financial Metrics as $/Student Financial Stress Assessment 5 3/18/2015 Transportation Results Districts in cities and suburbs traveling between 270 and 329 miles per rider Conclusions We compare positively among our peer groups, even better when compared to State Although DVUSD spent less dollars per student then our peer group (4.6% less, or $327) and the State average (10.4% or $778), the student achievement results are comparable or better than some districts that spent more money per student It appears from the data that there are efficiency opportunities in our Transportation efforts that need to be explored Declining operating reserve is causing added financial stress 6 3/20/2015 FY16 Budget Update Presentation Governing Board Meeting March 24th, 2015 Budget Option Guiding Principles • Primary focus of organization is service to students • Resources should be targeted toward Strategic Plan goals • Maintaining student‐teacher ratios shall be a priority • All staff contribute to the objectives of the organization • Employee preservation is a priority 1 3/20/2015 FY16 Budget Development Process • Negotiation Solution Team (NST) – Comprised of employee representatives and district leadership – meets monthly to review budget information • FY16 Interests – Classified: salaries & benefits, maintain jobs – Administrative: salary increase, maintain benefits, additional student supports – Certified: salary theme FY16 Budget Development Process • Jan 13th Preliminary FY16 Budget Presentation – Assumptions (highlights): • • • • all State‐imposed reductions are continued Student (ADM) increase included State provides 1.6% inflationary funding Structural deficit impact = ($4.6) million – FY16 budget deficit projected to be ($2.9) million 2 3/20/2015 FY16 Budget Development Process (con’t) • Feb 10th FY16 Budget Update – Assumptions (highlights): • • • • • • • all State‐imposed reductions are continued District Additional Assistance reduced another ($4.4) M Teacher Experience Index (TEI) reduced $531,000 Student (ADM) increase included State provides 1.6% inflationary funding Structural deficit impact = ($4.6) million student open enrollment numbers included – FY16 budget deficit projected to be ($7.9) million FY16 Budget Development Process (con’t) • March 19th FY16 Budget Update – Assumptions (highlights): • • • • • • • • • all State‐imposed reductions are continued District Additional Assistance reduced another ($4.4) M Teacher Experience Index (TEI) reduced $537,000 Student (ADM) increase included State provides 1.6% inflationary funding Structural deficit impact = ($4.54) million student open enrollment numbers included Benefit Committee recommendation included Professional Growth included – FY16 budget deficit projected to be ($4.4) million 3 3/20/2015 Impacts to FY16 Budget as of March 19, 2015 Impacts to FY16 Budget (con’t) as of March 19, 2015 4 3/20/2015 Budget‐Balancing Options Next Steps • Negotiation Solution Team (NST) to continue to meet – Incorporate new information as it becomes available – Refine budget‐balancing recommendation – Develop a salary and benefit recommendation for the Board’s consideration • Classroom Site Fund Information expected at the end of March • Have Benefit Recommendation considered at April 14th Governing Board Meeting – Open Enrollment tentatively scheduled for April 15th – May 8th 5 Old Business 7.A. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve the 2014-2015 Certified Performance Pay Plan Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Performance Pay Plan committee met on 3/12/15 to consider issues brought to our attention in the study session. There are some changes from what was originally presented to the Board. One change is under the student achievement component. Payout for this component will now be based on last year’s district letter grade instead of individual school letter grades. We also changed the due date for evaluation appeals from May 18, 2015 to May 22, 2015. Since the student achievement component is based on the district letter grade there is no need for a separate process for itinerant staff or an appeal process for the student achievement component, therefore that language has been removed. The plan has 100% consensus of the committee. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve the 2014-2015 Performance Pay Plan. Submitted by Chuck Hoover Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 2014-2015 Certified Performance Pay Plan The Certified Performance Pay Plan consists of 3 distinct components: The teacher evaluation, professional responsibility hours, and state assigned district letter grade. Each component will be assessed independently. Performance Pay funds will be allocated to each component based on the weight of the component. Teacher Evaluation = 50% Scored observation from the Certified Evaluation System Using standards 1-6 from the Stronge evaluation, performance pay for this component will be calculated at the school level. That is, District Office will allocate this 50% bucket of money to each school based on the number of qualifying certified staff at the school. District Office will then allocate each school’s bucket of money to the teachers at that school. Ineligibility: The teacher is not eligible for this component if he/she receives any ineffective rating or more than 3 developing ratings on the final evaluation. Payout for Evaluation: District Office will divide the total dollar amount available to the school by the number of teachers to obtain an average allocation per teacher. Each teacher will receive a portion of this allocation based on the following matrix (no rounding up). Any left over money in this allocation will be added to the district letter grade component. Evaluation Score Payout % 3.2 - 4.0 100% 2.8 – 3.19 85% 2.5 – 2.79 60% < 2.5 0% 1 Draft 03.13.15 PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES = (10%) 20 hours service for school, students, and/or staff Money allocated for this component will be 10% of the total for performance pay. Twenty (20) hours must be accumulated outside of the normal work day. Documentation will be provided by the staff member to his/her administrator. A sample list (not exhaustive) of professional responsibilities follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Committee – District/School/State Mentors Awards/accreditations/grant preparations Staff Development – Presenter or Facilitator Gen Ed/Special Ed preps are never the same (not common preps) – must meet before/after school (differentiated instruction) 6. Leadership positions 7. 504 Coordinator 8. Club Sponsors 9. NCA/CASI 10. Title I Parent Coordinator 11. District Liaisons 12. Facilitation/participation in Professional Learning Community related to professional development items above 13. Grade level content area/department meetings 14. Others as mutually agreed to by administrator and teacher Documentation of Attainment (provided to administrator) Agendas, sign-in sheets, calendars of events/meetings, copies of blogs showing dates/times From June 2014 to May 2015 State Assigned District Letter Grade = 40% Money allocated for this component will be 40% of the total for performance pay plus left over money from the evaluation component. Due to the uncertainty of whether or not student growth scores would be available this year (new test AzMERIT is not fully implemented), this year’s student achievement component will be determined by the state assigned district letter grade. It is also uncertain whether or not the state will be assigning new letter grades for this year, therefore, payout will be based on last year’s letter grade. The following matrix will be applied. District Letter Grade Payout % A 100% B 95% C 85% 2 Draft 3.13.15 Process to allocate all the money: For district letter grades, the following process will be used to ensure all money is allocated. Start with the original methodology This results in a % of the possible money being paid Take the remaining % and allocate with same methodology Take the remaining money and continue until all the money is paid. Appeal Process Evaluation/Professional Responsibility Hours If an employee feels there has been a procedural breach, submit the appeal form and any documentation supporting the claim in writing to Peggy Rimbey in Human Resources no later than 5:00 pm Friday 5/22/15. The committee will review the written appeal; three votes will be required to approve an appeal. If an evaluation appeal is approved, the employee will move up one category on the Evaluation Score Payout matrix. This change shall have no effect on the evaluation rating. If a Professional Responsibility appeal is approved, the employee will receive credit for that 10%. All appeals must be requested and decided upon before any payout can be calculated and prepared for payroll. The appeal committee is comprised of 4 members from the Performance Pay Committee: two certified, with one selected by DVEA, and two building administrators. The committee’s decision will be final. District Letter Grade An appeal process for the District Letter Grade result is not necessary. Ineligibility Conditions An employee will become ineligible for performance pay if any one of the following conditions exist: 1. One formal level discipline (reprimand, suspension without pay) 2. Termination or separation of employment from district in lieu of formal discipline or termination. 3. Non-renewal for inadequate classroom performance. 4. Do not complete your contract. Hire Date - Number of days present – If you work more than ¾ of the year you are eligible for 100%, more than ½ the year you are eligible for 75%, more than ¼ of the year you are eligible for 50% and if less than ¼ of the year you are not eligible. 3 Draft 3.13.15 Part Time – FTE – Performance Pay will be calculated as if full time employee then weighted/pro-rated for FTE. Leave of Absence – Number of days present - If an employee is on FMLA or Medical for 12 weeks, then the employee is still eligible for 100% when they return – no penalty. For absences after 12 weeks the same formula for Hire Date will be used. If you work more than ¾ of the year you are eligible for 100%, more than ½ the year you are eligible for 75%, more than ¼ of the year you are eligible for 50% and if less than ¼ of the year you are not eligible. Itinerant Staff Previous performance pay plans have had unique criteria for itinerant staff. This plan, using district letter grade, does not require separate criteria for itinerant staff. 4 Draft 3.13.15 Consent Agenda Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: CONSENT AGENDA – Items 8.A through 8.F. Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A. Approve the Minutes for the Special and Regular Governing Board Meetings on March 10, 2015, and the Special Governing Board Meeting on March 16, 2015 B. Approve Payroll Voucher #19 in the amount of $7,285,986.07, and Expense Vouchers on the Voucher Summary Sheet in the amount of $1,034,176.90 for Fiscal Year 2014-15 C. Approve Donations D. Approve Addenda Contracts E. Authorization to Enter into Additional Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15 F. Student Travel 1. Approve travel for students from Barry Goldwater High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015 2. Approve travel for students form Deer Valley High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015 3. Approve travel for students from Desert Sky Middle School to attend Arizona State Student Council Convention held in Fort McDowell, Arizona from May 7 through May 8, 2015 4. Approve travel for students from Boulder Creek High School to attend several historic sites in Jerome held in Jerome, Arizona from May 16 through May 17, 2015 5. Approve travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend Civil War History Encounter held in Richmond, Virginia, Gettysburg, PA, Antietam, MD, and Washington, D.C. from June 1 through June 6, 2015 6. Approve travel for students from Mountain Ridge High School to attend American Youth BILT Camp held in La Mirada, California from July 27 through July 31, 2015 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.A. through 8.F. Submitted by Kim Redding Governing Board Secretary Dr. James R, Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 8.A. Green Form ADEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve the Minutes for the Special and Regular Governing Board Meetings on March 10, 2015, and the Special Governing Board Meeting on March 16, 2015 Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 BEDG Policy Reference 38-431.01 A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: See attached the Minutes for the Special and Regular Governing Board Meetings on March 10, 2015, and the Special Governing Board Meeting on March 16, 2015. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve the Minutes for the Special and Regular Governing Board Meetings on March 10, 2015, and the Special Governing Board Meeting on March 16, 2015. Submitted by Kim Redding Governing Board Secretary Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 UNAPPROVED AgendaAgenda MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. District Office Governing Board Room 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 1. Call to Order Mr. Gregoire, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Bayer, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Gregoire, Mrs. O’Brien, and Mrs. Ordway were present. Others in attendance: Dr. Veitenheimer, Superintendent, and Mr. Calderon, Ms. Hamiton, and Ms. Hunnicutt, Legal Counsel. 3. Adoption of the Agenda Mr. Bayer motioned to adopt the Agenda. Mr. Gregoire seconded the motion. Mrs. Ordway stated that she has not been provided with enough information to be adequately prepared. In addition, she inquired as to why the Board’s legal counsel was asked to be in attendance, however the Superintendent’s legal counsel was not afforded the same opportunity. She has a concern with having a discussion about an employee without the employee being present and that due process is not being adhered to. Mr. Gregoire responded that the Governing Board as a whole has not been afforded the opportunity to consult with legal counsel. He further asked that if the Agenda is adopted, he would like Item 4.b. be moved prior to 4.a. to allow for conversation to occur with the Board and its legal counsel. Mr. Calderon, Board legal counsel, explained that in regards to Item 4.a., he and the Superintendent’s legal counsel have a difference of opinion relative to the provisions of the Arizona Open Meeting Law. So the Board can move forward, Mr. Calderon offered to decline participation in the Executive Session so neither parties’ legal representative would be present. Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. O’Brien and Mrs. Ordway requested clarification as to what the purpose of Item 4.b. is as they were each under the impression that the Executive Session was called to have a conversation with the Superintendent on issues related to Policy CBA and the impact it has on his contract. Mrs. O’Brien expressed her concern with the fact that additional items were added to this Agenda in an untimely manner and after numerous requests for information in regards to the added item, was responded to with an answer that she would have to wait for the meeting to find out. As a result, she could not properly prepare for the Executive Session discussion. Mrs. Fisher shared concern that all Board members were not advised that the Superintendent had received a Notice and questioned the authorization of that decision. Mr. Calderon explained that on February 13, 2015 the Superintendent provided the Board with a memorandum that raised significant questions and concerns and as a result his legal advice was sought by the Board President. The first Executive Session was scheduled so the Board could have conversation with the Superintendent to address any questions or concerns. Independent of the first Executive Session, the Board would the option of a second Executive Session with the Board’s legal counsel to provide direction, if any. Mr. Gregoire stated the he was concerned that the Superintendent’s memorandum addressed issues other than just Policy CBA and that it also indicated there had been discussions with his attorney so to respond to the memorandum, Mr. Gregoire sought advice from the Board’s legal counsel. Mrs. Fisher questioned the decision to have a meeting with an employee and to not allow that employee to have legal representation. At the disagreement of some Board members, Mr. Calderon stated that it would be a violation of Arizona Open Meeting Law for the employee to have representation in Executive Session. He was also reminded that Board Policy allows for an employee to be afforded representation during discussions. The Board majority questioned the authority of the Board President to, on his own and without notification to other members, make the decision to Notice the Superintendent. Mrs. Ordway recalled that during her tenure, the Board had never provided the Superintendent a Notice when they request to have a conversation with him. She further stated that when an employee receives a Notice there usually is a performance issue and action is taken. Mrs. Fisher moved to amend the motion to Adopt the Agenda and go into Executive Session with both attorneys, the Superintendent, and the Board to discuss Item 4.b. Discussion of Superintendent’s Performance and Employment Agreement. Mrs. O’Brien seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). Minutes for the Special Meeting March 10, 2015 Page 2 of 2 4. Call for an EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Fisher motioned that the Governing Board hold an Executive Session for the purpose set forth in Item 4.b. on the agenda. Mrs. O’Brien seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). a. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1 – Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body – Discussion of Superintendent’s Performance ***This Item was removed at the Adoption of the Agenda b. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3 – Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body – Discussion of Superintendent’s Performance and Employment Agreement 5. Adjournment Mr. Bayer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Mrs. O’Brien seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). UNAPPROVED AgendaAgenda MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. District Office Governing Board Room 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 1. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Gregoire, President, called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. 2. PRESENTATION OF COLORS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Deer Valley High School Air Force JROTC Color Guard Presented the Colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL Mr. Bayer, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Gregoire, Mrs. O’Brien, and Mrs. Ordway were present. Others in attendance: Dr. Veitenheimer, Superintendent, and Associate Superintendents Mrs. Anderson, Dr. Galligan, Mr. Hoover, and Mr. Migliorino. 4. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Mr. Bayer motioned to adopt the Agenda moving Consent Agenda Items 8.A.1. and 8.A.2. for separate consideration prior to Action Item 9, and moving Action Item 9.A. to follow Old Business Item 7.A. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). 5. AWARDS, ACHIEVEMENTS AND RECOGNITIONS A. Winter Sports Awards The Governing Board recognized the following Individual State Wrestling Champions: Danny Reyes, Barry Goldwater High School, Coach Andy Alejandero; Jacob Swift, Deer Valley High School, Coach Dave Severn; Taylor Rich, Sandra Day O’Connor High School, Coach Adam Weeden. They also recognized the Mountain Ridge High School Cheer Team as State Champions. B. Athletic Trainer Appreciation Month The Governing Board recognized the District’s high school athletic trainers: Kim Rogers and Ashley Castro from Mountain Ridge High School; Kevin Riegle and Jessica Rushforth from Deer Valley High School. C. Demonstration Classrooms of Excellence The Governing Board recognized the following Demonstration Classrooms of Excellence: Anna Kramer, 3rd Grade, Diamond Canyon School; Rachel Swiatowiec, 7th Grade, Deer Valley Middle School; and Mindi Wagner, 3rd Grade, Diamond Canyon School. 6. REPORTS A. Governing Board Mrs. Ordway reported that she participated in the first two ASBA Spring Legal Webinar Series and attended the Sierra Verde staff production of Shrek. She attended the Education Rally at the State Capitol where she had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Eric Meyer who reassured her that notifying your legislators of issues that concern you truly does make a difference and she urged the community to continue to email their elected officials. She also visited the new computer learning lab at Boulder Creek High School and participated in Junior Achievement at New River Elementary. She reminded the Board that when making decisions it is important to receive all of the facts and to keep students first. Mrs. O’Brien reported that she visited with Principal Weinman who gave her a tour of the Village Meadows campus where she was able to spend time with students in classrooms. She also attended the teacher performance of Shrek at Sierra Verde School. She had the opportunity to attend a Women and Politics Workshop and have conversations with likeminded women about education in Arizona. Along with fellow Board members, teacher and administrators, she participated in the Education Rally/Budget protest at the State Capitol. Mrs. Fisher thanked Lisa Best, Terramar School parent, and all those who helped her efforts to rally at the Capitol. She was pleased to see community members, teachers, staff, administrators, and board members unite and come together for kids. She made the statement that rumors are hurtful, rarely contain fact, and the only control a person has when hearing a rumor is how they react to it. She recently heard that supervisors at the district office were telling staff that the Board members hate them and plan to fire them so they should start looking for other jobs. She expressed concern with the rumor and stated that she has not said anything of that sort and further stated that she has never heard another Board Member say anything like that. She urged everyone to stop the gossip, ask questions, send emails, and get the facts so the district can unite as difficult decisions about budget reductions are being made. UNAPPROVED Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting March 10, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Mr. Bayer concurs with Mrs. Fisher’s statement about rumors. He reported that he visited the Desert Sky Middle School woodshop class where the students presented him with a plaque and walking stick they made for his continued support of the program. During his visit he was also able to spend time with the school band. He thanked Principal Resetar and the staff of Desert Sky Middle for their hospitality. Mr. Gregoire visited Terramar School and commended the Dads of Great Students (DOGS) program. He also attended the Education Rally and thanked Lisa Best and all who participated. B. Superintendent Superintendent Veitenheimer thanked Mrs. Fisher for her comments related to unity and rumors and stated that he has the utmost confidence in the ethical behavior of the administrative team and would be highly disappointed if there was any truth to the rumor she heard. C. Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment 1. State Testing – AzMERIT, AIMS Science, Civics Dr. Gayle Galligan, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, introduced Research and Data Manager, Mary Beth Hyland and Secondary Academics Manager, Kathy Borgesen who provided the Board with an update on State testing and the administrations preparation for the AzMERIT testing that will begin in April. Ms. Hyland provided information about the new civics test graduation requirement, the students that will take the AzMERIT assessment, the test delivery method (computer or paper). The ADE directive is that in the next two years, all schools will participate using the computer-based test. Ms. Borgesen reviewed the testing schedule and technology needs required for the computer-based test. Ms. Hyland shared the training the staff training has received and the steps being taken to prepare the students for the assessment. Finally, she reviewed communication strategies used for a smooth transition to the new assessment. D. Fiscal & Business Services 1. Student Enrollment Report Mr. Migliorino, Associate Superintendent of Fiscal and Business Services, reported Student Enrollment through February 26, 2015 was 33,785 with a .7% change from last year. 2. District Financial Report Mr. Migliorino reviewed the Maintenance and Operations (M&O), Student activity and Student Auxiliary monthly reports for the month ended February, 2015. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of the 4-8 Social Studies Adoption and 9-12 Social Studies Adoption per RFP #14-022 Mr. Bayer motioned that the Governing Board accept the Administration’s and the Social Studies Adoption Committee’s recommendation to approve the 4-8 Social Studies adoption materials and supplemental resources and award RFP #14-022 as listed on the solicitation results for High School Social Studies Textbooks and Materials for Fiscal Year 2015-16, with optional annual renewal for four (4) additional years, expiring June 30, 2020. Mrs. Ordway seconded the motion. Mr. Migliorino clarified for the Board that the M&O budget would not benefit if they do not approve this adoption. Mr. Bayer questioned if the legislative changes would affect this adoption, making the purchase of new resources obsolete. Dr. Galligan responded that the current materials are outdated, prior to September 11, 2000. She further stated that Social Studies curriculum is not part of Common Core and she does not foresee changes to the Social Studies standards. Mr. Bayer would like to have parent committee members represented who are not district staff members. He would also like committee meetings to be held at time of day that parents are able to attend. Mrs. Ordway had concern with budget reductions and professional development opportunities for teachers. Dr. Galligan explained that the vendor provides training that is included in the cost. Mrs. Fisher inquired about the approval timeline and Dr. Galligan explained that they would like to have the materials prior to the end of the current school year. The motion carried (4-1). ***9. A. Approve the Recommendation for Elementary #30 School Name, Mascot, and Colors Mrs. Sharon Matt, principal, presented the name of Sonoran Foothills for the E#30 campus. The colors are cobalt blue, silver, and black and the mascot is the Bobcat. Mr. Gregoire motioned that the Governing Board approve the name of Sonoran Foothills for the Elementary #30 campus. Mrs. Ordway seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Bayer motioned the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.A.3 through 8.H.10. Mrs. Ordway seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). A. Approve Minutes 1. Approve the Minutes for the Executive Session on January 26, 2015 ***This Item was removed for separate consideration at the Adoption of the Agenda 2. Approve the Minutes for the Study Session on January 26, 2015 ***This Item was removed for separate consideration at the Adoption of the Agenda 3. Approve the Minutes for the Executive Session on January 27, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Executive Session on January 27, 2015. UNAPPROVED Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting March 10, 2015 Page 3 of 5 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 8. A. 4. Approve the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on January 27, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on January 27, 2015. 5. Approve the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on February 10, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on February 10, 2015. 6. Approve the Minutes for the Study Session on February 21, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Study Session on February 21, 2015. 7. Approve the Minutes for the Study Session on February 21, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Study Session on February 21, 2015. 8. Approve the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on February 24, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Minutes for the Regular Governing Board Meeting on February 24, 2015. Approve Payroll Voucher #18 in the amount of $7,228,808.48, and Expense Vouchers on the Voucher Summary Sheet in the amount of $6,181,418.71 for Fiscal Year 2014-15 The Governing Board approved Payroll Voucher #18 in the amount of $7,228,808.48, and Expense Vouchers on the Voucher Summary Sheet in the amount of $6,181,418.71 for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Approve Donations The Governing Board approved donations, on behalf of the district, in the amount of $500. Approve Addenda Contracts The Governing Board approved Addenda Contracts. A copy is attached to the official Minutes. Authorization to Enter into Additional Sole Source Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15 The Governing Board gave the Administration authorization to enter into Additional Sole Source Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Deer Valley Unified School District and West-MEC for Joint Technical Education Programs The Governing Board approved the Intergovernmental Agreement between Deer Valley Unified School District and West-MEC for Joint Technical Education Programs. Approve Resolution Reducing the District’s Square Footage on the School Facilities Board Inventory The Governing Board approved the Resolution reducing the district’s square footage on the School Facilities Board inventory. Student Travel 1. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend FCCLA State held in Tucson, Arizona from March 30 through April 1, 2015. 2. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Boulder Creek High School to attend FBLA Arizona State Leadership Conference held in Tucson, Arizona from April 8 through April 10, 2015. 3. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Deer Valley High School to attend ABODA/AMEA All-State Honors Festival held in Tucson, Arizona from April 16 through April 18, 2015. 4. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015. 5. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sunset Ridge to attend Grand Canyon National Park held in Williams and Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona on April 24, 2015. 6. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Boulder Creek High School to attend Acting Workshops held in Anaheim, California from April 30 through May 3, 2015. 7. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend Pima Air Museum held in Tucson, Arizona on May 6, 2015. 8. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sierra Verde to attend Disney’s Youth Education Leadership held in Anaheim, California from May 15 through May 17, 2015. 9. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Deer Valley High School to attend Football Camp held in Irvine, California from July 21 through July 26, 2015. 10. The Governing Board approved travel for students from Sandra Day O’Connor High School to attend Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New York, New York from June 1 through June 5, 2015. Approve Minutes 1. Approve the Minutes for the Executive Session on January 26, 2015 Mr. Bayer motioned that the Governing Board approve the Minutes for the Executive Session on January 26, 2015. Mr. Gregoire seconded the motion. Mrs. Ordway does not believe the Minutes accurately reflect what occurred. She stated that what transpired was the meeting was called to order, four Board members were in attendance, there was a motion to adopt the agenda with Mrs. Ordway and Mrs. O’Brien voting no and Mr. Gregoire and Mrs. Fisher voting yes making it a 2-2 vote. At that juncture in time, Mr. Gregoire had a conversation with Mr. Cantelme that was not a conversation that included the rest of the Board, and Mr. Gregoire also made a private phone call and Mr. Bayer arrived at 6:38. The motion carried (3-2). Mrs. O’Brien requested a roll call vote: Mr. Bayer–yea; Mrs. Fisher-yea; Mr. Gregoire-yea; Mrs. O’Brien-nay; Mrs. Ordway-nay. UNAPPROVED Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting March 10, 2015 Page 4 of 5 2. Approve the Minutes for the Study Session on January 26, 2015 Mr. Bayer motioned the Governing Board approve the Minutes for the Study Session on January 26, 2015. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. Mrs. Fisher stated that the revision made to the item changed the breath of the meeting and would like to revert to the original submitted Minutes. Mr. Gregoire stated there is an Agenda Item to discuss Board disagreement with the Minutes. Mr. Gregoire motioned to table this Item. Mr. Bayer seconded the motion. The motion failed (2-3). Mrs. O’Brien moved to amend the motion that the Governing Board adopt the Minutes originally submitted for the January 26, 2015 Study Session. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. The motion carried. 9. ACTION A. Approve the Recommendation for Elementary #30 School Name, Mascot, and Colors ***This Item was moved to follow Old Business Item 7.A. B. Additional Reading and Possible Revision to Policy CBA – Qualifications and Duties of Superintendent Mrs. Fisher motioned to reconsider the Governing Board’s adoption of Policy CBA and further move that the Governing Board adopt Policy CBA as proposed at the last regular board meeting, except delete from the policy the following paragraph: Recommends to the Board the transfer or reassignment of administrative employees. When necessary, the Superintendent may transfer or reassign administrative employees contingent on subsequent Board approval/ratification at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on which the matter can be placed under the notice requirements of the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Upon reconsideration with that deletion, she further moved that the Governing Board re-adopt the policy. Mr. Gregoire seconded the motion. Mrs. Ordway is not comfortable with the timeline which allows only five days and feels it is a disservice to the employees and she does not agree with any changes to this Policy. The motion carried (3-2). C. Approve Human Resources Changes Mr. Bayer motioned that the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve the Human Resources Changes. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. Mr. Hoover explained this Item has been moved from Consent Agenda. He provided a summary of the Human Resources changes. Mrs. Ordway questioned the intent of moving Human Resources Changes to Action when the Board is unable to speak about the changes. She has concern with the number of employees who recently decided to resign and urges them to complete an exit interview or survey. Mrs. O’Brien concurred with Mrs. Ordway. The motion carried (5-0). D. Direct the Superintendent regarding whether any Administrative Positions should be Eliminated, Consolidated, or Reorganized to Deal with Forthcoming Budgetary Reductions Pursuant to Policy CBA just revised Mrs. Fisher motioned that the Superintendent renew or non-renew administrative and exempt employees as he deems prudent or necessary for cost savings to deal with the forthcoming budgetary reductions upon the conditions that all non-renewals be made no later than April 15. There was no second. Mrs. Fisher moved to amend the motion that positions be eliminated from administrative staff as a cost savings measure in response to the forthcoming budgetary reductions the District is being forced to make. There was no second. Mr. Bayer motioned to table this Item for further clarification. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). E. Direct the Superintendent Regarding the Distribution of Contracts for Administrative and Exempt Employees Mr. Bayer motioned that pursuant to Policy CBA just revised, the Governing Board direct the Superintendent to renew or non-renew administrative and exempt employees as he deems prudent or necessary for cost savings to deal with the forthcoming budgetary reductions, on the condition that all non-renewals be made no later than April 15, 2015, the statutory deadline. Mr. Gregoire seconded the motion. Mrs. Ordway asked how the Board can direct the Superintendent to do this when the Board hasn’t directed him on what he needs to do. Mrs. Fisher stated the direction was given at the February 21, 2015 Study Session to have the Superintendent make reductions beginning at the district office and Mr. Gregoire concurred. Superintendent Veitenheimer explained Item 9.D. and 9.E. were placed on the Agenda at the Board’s request and the intent is to direct the Superintendent on certain positions the Board would like to have eliminated. Mrs. Ordway does not feel the Board should give direction on what positions to cut without being completely informed. The motion carried (5-0). UNAPPROVED Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting March 10, 2015 Page 5 of 5 10. 11. 12. 13. F. Direct the Superintendent Regarding the Resolution of Contested Governing Board Minutes Mr. Bayer motioned the Governing Board direct the Superintendent regarding the resolution of contested Board Minutes. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. Superintendent Veitenheimer proposed that if Minutes are contested for reasons other than grammatical or clerical error, the audio tape be attached to the Minutes. Mrs. Fisher requested that a Board Member request that a statement be on the record, that the minutes reflect the statement accurately. The motion carried (5-0). G. Approve a Pre-Construction Services Contract for the 2015 Facilities and Maintenance Summer Improvements using the Construction Manager At-Risk Method Mr. Bayer motioned that the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to award a PreConstruction Services contract for the 2015 Summer Improvements Projects to Skyline Builders, using the Construction Manager At-Risk Method contingent on successful negotiation of a pre-construction services contract. Mrs. Ordway seconded the motion. Mr. Migliorino reviewed the facilities and maintenance improvements scheduled for summer 2015. The motion carried (5-0). PREVIEW There were no Preview Items. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following spoke about the benefits of the Renaissance Program: Matt Pollock, Lixun Tang, Courtland Kaye, Lou Ann Klose, Chris DeWald, Felicity Swint. Myong Covert spoke about the behavior of the Governing Board. The following spoke about budget reductions: Mark Kafouros, Lisa Best, Maria Leyva, Vicki Jones. Darcy Tweedy spoke about putting students first. FUTURE MEETINGS AND DATES TO REMEMBER March 13, 2015 – Staff Development - Early Release K-12 March 19-20, 2015 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – Early Release K-12 March 24, 2015 – Regular Governing Board Meeting March 30-April 3, 2015 – Spring Break April 14, 2015 Regular Governing Board Meeting ADJOURNMENT Mr. Bayer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Mrs. O’Brien seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0). UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Monday, March 16, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. District Office Governing Board Room 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 1. Call to Order Mr. Gregoire, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Bayer, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Gregoire, and Mrs. Ordway were present. Others in attendance: Dr. Veitenheimer, Superintendent, and Mr. Haws, Legal Counsel 3. Adoption of the Agenda Mr. Bayer motioned to adopt the Agenda. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0). 4. Call for an EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Gregoire motioned that the Governing Board hold an Executive Session for the purpose set forth in Item 4.a. on the Agenda. Mr. Bayer seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0). ***Mrs. O’Brien participated telephonically at 6:02 p.m. a. Pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 38-431.03(A)3 & 4: Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the District’s attorney or attorneys; Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body’s position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation – Mediation under the auspices of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for the Dobbs/Allen appeals. 5. Adjournment Mr. Bayer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Mrs. Fisher seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0). 8.B. VOUCHERS Copy of the vouchers available upon request (The Voucher Report is available for inspection in the Fiscal Services Department during District business hours, 24 hours prior to the day of the meeting.) 8.C. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve Donations Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 KCD Policy Reference 15-342 A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Description – Attached is a summary list of donations that have been given to various schools. Rationale – According to A.R.S. 15-342 and District policy KCD, the board must approve all donations received by the district. Fiscal Impact – The total amount being approved at this time is $650. The total received for the 2014-15 school year is $123,822.57. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration's recommendation to approve donations, on behalf of the district, in the amount of $650. Submitted by Jim Migliorino Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 8.D. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve Addenda Contracts Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference 15-502 A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Description – Attached is a listing of the award of compensation for duties assigned to staff district wide for the current year. This list is reflected by categories. Rationale – The Governing Board must approve all addenda contracts pursuant to A.R.S. §15-502. Fiscal Impact – The attached list shows the amount requested for each addenda contract. IBN Addenda are negotiated agreements funded from M&O. Non-IBN Addenda are established and approved by each supervisor and are typically paid from nonM&O funds such as: State and Federal Grants, eSchool funds, Student Activity, Gifts and Donations, Tax Credits, Civic Center, Community Schools, Bookstore/Athletics, etc.. A copy of the addenda list will be attached to the official minutes. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration's recommendation to approve the addenda contracts in the attached listing. Submitted by Jim Migliorino Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 8.E. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Authorization to Enter into Additional Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15 Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 DJE/DJB-R Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Description – It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Administration to purchase from the attached list of vendors using cooperative purchasing contracts and develop miscellaneous blanket purchase agreements for the 2014-15 fiscal year. This is a list of anticipated cooperative purchases for Fiscal Year 2014. The list includes requests that are expected to arise during the year. By approving these vendors and amounts now, we are able to process requisitions without delay. These are only estimates and total purchases may be lower. If total purchases appear as if they will exceed these amounts, we will request additional approval at a future board meeting. Rationale – According to State Board of Education Rules and Regulations and District policy, the board must approve all contract purchases over $100,000. In order to ensure continuity in the payment of ongoing expenses, the Governing Board is being asked to authorize the Administration to proceed with contracts to these suppliers as the need arises. From time to time, it may be necessary to come to the Governing Board with additional cooperative purchase contracts not on this list. Fiscal Impact – Funds for these contract purchases have been included in the District’s expenditure budget for the 2014-15 school year. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to give the Administration Authorization to Enter into Additional Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Submitted by Jim Migliorino Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 8.F. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve Student Travel Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2014 IJOA Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Approve travel for students from Barry Goldwater High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015. 2. Approve travel for students from Deer Valley High School to attend DECA International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 24 through April 29, 2015. 3. Approve travel for students from Desert Sky Middle School to attend Arizona State Student Council Convention held in Fort McDowell, Arizona from May 7 through May 8, 2015. 4. Approve travel for students from Boulder Creek High School to attend several historic sites in Jerome held in Jerome, Arizona from May 16 through May 17, 2015. 5. Approve travel for students from Sandra Day O'Connor High School to attend Civil War History Encounter held in Richmond, Virginia, Gettysburg, PA, Antietam, MD, and Washington, D.C. from June 1 through June 6, 2015. 6. Approve travel for students from Mountain Ridge High School to attend American Youth BILT Camp held in La Mirada, California from July 27 through July 31, 2015. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve the Student Travel. Submitted by Krista Anderson Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 Deer Valley Unified School District Governing Board Meeting March 24, 2015 OUT OF VALLEY OR OVER NIGHT STUDENT TRAVEL School Date(s) of Travel Name of Event Barry Goldwater High School 4/24-29/15 Deer Valley High School 4/24-29/15 DECA International Career Development DECA International Career Development Desert Sky Middle School 5/7-8/15 Arizona State Council Convention Boulder Creek High School 5/16-17/15 Historic Sites Sandra Day O'Connor High School Mountain Ridge High School Fiscal Impact at no Cost to District Description Rationale Orlando, FL $ 7,264.00 Conference To further develop the objected of DECA. Orlando, FL $ 7,064.00 Conference Fort McDowell, AZ $ 2,940.00 Convention $ 1,629.02 Historic Sites To further develop the objected of DECA. An enriching experience with over 30 other Arizona schools that allows students to meet with others and vote on issues from State Councils. Leadership activities that allow the exploration of several historical sites in Arizona. Students will participate in a six day history encounter experiencing historical tours reenactments. Players will improve their skill level. Location 6/1-5/15 Civil War History Encounter Jerome, AZ Richmond, Gettysburg, Antietam, and D.C. $ 18,451.09 Academy of American Studies 7/27-31/15 American Youth BILT camp La Mirada, CA $ 30,000.00 Camp Action 9.A. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve Human Resources Changes Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 CBA/GCG/GDG 15-502/15-503 Policy Reference A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Governing Board approves all Human Resource changes per Governing Board policy and Arizona Revised Statutes. New Hires Administrative Certified Classified Exempt VIP Assignments Substitutes: Certified Classified Resignation Resignations/Terminations 53 12 - 79 18 5 - 15 3 - Leaves 14 10 1 - Transfers/Reassignments 42 25 - REQUESTED BOARD ACTION That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve the Human Resources Changes. Submitted by Chuck Hoover Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 Board Date 03.24.15 HUMAN RESOURCES CHANGES NEW HIRES - CERTIFIED-Board Approval Required Hauptman, Danielle DVHS 1.0 Nurse NEW HIRES - CLASSIFIED-Board Approval Required Barbu, Mihai BE Custodian II 9 mo-4.0 hrs./ Custodian II 12 mo-4.0 hrs. Bube, Charles GB Crossing Guard-2.0 hrs. Courtney, Summer SV Paraprofessional-6.75 hrs. Esposito, Jennifer SV Custodian II-8.0 hrs. Hembree, Carolyn SH K-Monitor-1.5 hrs. Lebhart, Kimberly SH C.S. Assistant-2.0 hrs. Mason, Jailen VM Instructional Assistant-6.75 hrs. Rytter, Karyssa TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. Sergeant, James CC Monitor-2.0 hrs. Tegeler, Richard TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. Effective 03/04/15 Effective 03/02/15 Effective 03/16/15 Effective 03/05/15 Effective 03/09/15 Effective 03/11/15 Effective 03/16/15 Effective 03/16/15 Effective 03/16/15 REVISED Effective 03/09/15 Effective 03/16/15 RESIGNATIONS/NON-RENEWALS/TERMINATIONS – EXEMPT Board Approval Required Hoffman, Stacy DO Assessment Coordinator Effective 06/30/15 Kube, Sandy DO Manager-CIPL Effective 06/30/15 Medved, Michelle DO Manager-World Language Effective 03/20/15 Morris, Ashley DO Communications Specialist Effective 03/10/15 Portonova, Nick DO Acting Director-Transportation Effective 06/30/15 RESIGNATIONS/NON-RENEWALS/TERMINATIONS – CERTIFIED Board Approval Required Anderson, Nolan SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Andrejko, Jynelle SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Arnold, Danielle SOHS 0.6 Math Effective 05/29/15 Aronowitz, Jessica DC 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Bauer, Bethany DE 1.0 Pre-K Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Beasley, Joseph PM 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Birnbaum, Lisa HMS 1.0 7th/8th Grade Language Arts Effective 05/29/15 Bohling, Seth DM 1.0 Music Effective 05/29/15 Boykin, Kelsey DSMS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Brill, Jessica BCHS 1.0 Social Studies Effective 05/29/15 th Buggie, Kathleen HLS 1.0 8 Grade Math Effective 05/29/15 Burg, Lisa PH 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Capps, Julie DO 1.0 Psychologist Effective 06/05/15 Carpenter, Tracey BGHS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Chandler, Katherine DVHS 0.8 Life Management Effective 05/29/15 Page 1 of 8 Board Date 03.24.15 RESIGNATIONS/NON-RENEWALS/TERMINATIONS – CERTIFIED-(Continued) Board Approval Required Conwell, Ashton AH 1.0 5th Grade Effective 05/29/15 th Effective 05/29/15 Coughanour, Amy HLS 1.0 6 Grade Effective 05/29/15 Coy, Shanna SV 1.0 6th Grade Cunningham, Melissa HMS 1.0 7th/8th Grade Language Arts Effective 05/29/15 Curran, Holly DO 1.0 Psychologist Effective 06/05/15 Dicker, Karen BE 0.5 Band/ Effective 05/29/15 0.5 Music Dunklee, Jacob SOHS 1.0 Science Effective 05/29/15 st Effective 05/29/15 Falzon, Lauren PH 1.0 1 Grade Ferguson, Tamara DM 1.0 8th Grade Effective 05/29/15 Fitzpatrick, Dustin DVHS 1.0 Social Studies Effective 05/29/15 Effective 05/29/15 Frackiewicz, Shannon SV 1.0 1st Grade Frank, Jenny CC 1.0 6th Grade Effective 05/29/15 Goettl, Susan SR 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Harkless, Sarah DO 1.0 Psychologist Effective 06/05/15 Heimbach, Krystin SR 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Helstrom, Kaitlin VM 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 rd Herr, Annalise VM 1.0 3 Grade Effective 05/29/15 Hollingshead, Ryan SOHS 0.6 Spanish/ Effective 05/29/15 0.4 Guitar Jacobus, Holly DVHS 1.0 Language Arts Effective 05/26/15 Kilburn, Doug SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Kissinger, Sam BGHS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Korman, Shawn MRHS 1.0 Science Effective 05/29/15 Latshaw, Penny DVHS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 LeBoeuf, Alex VM 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Lee, Barnabas VM 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Lemke, Melissa HMS 1.0 Special Education Effective 03/31/15 PRP Lewis-Schultz, Becky DSMS 1.0 Counselor Effective 05/29/15 PRP Lover, Betsie GB 0.4 Music Effective 05/29/15 Luter, Dallace VM 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Maser, Elaine DVMS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Moniz, Jason DVHS 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 th Effective 05/29/15 Naasz, Jean PH 1.0 5 Grade Naughton, Kevin HMS 1.0 8th Grade Math Effective 05/29/15 McKinley, Linda GB 1.0 Reading Specialist Effective 08/05/15 PRP Meiss, Kaitlyn GP 0.5 Music/ Effective 05/29/15 DM 0.5 Music Morris, Gail LB 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Mueller, Nathan DVHS 1.0 English Effective 03/05/15 REV Effective 06/01/15 Nelson, Joy LS 1.0 3rd Grade Newland, Kara VP 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Newman, Shanin CE 1.0 Reading Specialist Effective 05/29/15 Nygard, Randall DSMS 1.0 Physical Education Effective 05/29/15 Page 2 of 8 Board Date 03.24.15 RESIGNATIONS/NON-RENEWALS/TERMINATIONS – CERTIFIED-(Continued) Board Approval Required Ortiz, Claudia SOHS 1.0 Spanish Effective 05/29/15 Rain, Erin BCHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Richards, Jaime SOHS 1.0 Science Effective 05/29/15 Effective 08/05/15 PRP Rogers, Carolyn WW 1.0 6th Grade Romero, Michelle DO 1.0 Psychologist Effective 06/05/15 Runyan, Jeremy DVMS 1.0 7th/8th Grade Math Effective 05/29/15 Sandoval, Erin BGHS 1.0 Title I Instruct Coach Effective 05/29/15 Seraichick, Peter HLS 1.0 Social Studies Effective 05/29/15 Shetler, Marilyn BE 1.0 Kindergarten Effective 05/29/15 Sourant, Kimberly MRHS 1.0 Social Studies Effective 05/29/15 nd Effective 05/29/15 PRP Sprankle, Susan NC 1.0 2 Grade Starling, Robert SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Stout, Catherine BCHS 1.0 Art Effective 05/29/15 Velonis, Marianne HMS 1.0 Exploratory Effective 05/29/15 Verschoor, Katlin SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 Veshi, John TE 1.0 Special Education Effective 05/29/15 Warner, Joan GB 1.0 Physical Education Effective 05/29/15 rd Whiteley, Nancy PM 1.0 3 Grade Effective 05/29/15 Whitney, Nadine SOHS 1.0 Math Effective 05/29/15 th Will, Robert MS 1.0 5 Grade Effective 05/29/15 Effective 05/29/15 Wilson, Paulette DVMS 1.0 7th Grade Science Woodruff, Renee MRHS 1.0 Marketing Effective 03/31/15 PRP Wulf, Alison CS 1.0 1st Grade Effective 05/29/15 RESIGNATIONS/NON-RENEWALS/TERMINATIONS – CLASSIFIED Board Approval Required Apolinar, Josefa BE Monitor Effective 05/28/15 Barnes, Dana DVMS Maintenance IV Effective 04/07/15 Bigwood, Ashley NR Custodian II Effective 03/26/15 Coulter, JoAnna BCHS Monitor II Effective 02/27/15 Epifani, Franco TR Bus Assistant Effective 04/03/15 Fuller, Marcia CS K-Monitor Effective 03/11/15 Graham, Ramona DVHS Custodian II Effective 03/09/15 Hobson, Patty AH Crossing Guard Effective 03/12/15 Moore, Richard DE Custodian II Effective 03/19/15 Poshedly, Joan HLS Monitor Effective 02/27/15 Riedel, Cheryl BGHS Secretary II Effective 06/05/15 Rock, Christina DVHS Paraprofessional Effective 05/28/15 Sisney, Bridget DE F.S. Worker II Effective 03/27/15 Shamoon, Mary NC C.S Assistant Effective 03/27/15 Snyder, Sara VP Behavior Technician Effective 03/24/15 Stroble, Dennis TR Bus Driver Effective 05/29/15 Walsh, Vicki AN Monitor Effective 03/12/15 White, Debra DVHS Secretary II Effective 04/06/15 PRP Page 3 of 8 Board Date 03.24.15 LEAVES – EXEMPT-Board Approval Required Hoffman, Stacy DO Assessment Coordinator 03/03/15-09/15/15 FMLA/MED LEAVES – CERTIFIED-Board Approval Required Branum, Jenna SS 0.5 1st Grade Bueno, Graciela BCHS 1.0 Spanish Catania, Danielle TE 1.0 Special Education Cerreta-Rohlwing, Bridgette WW 1.0 4th Grade Champion, Ann Marie HMS 1.0 Counselor Fontes, Shanin GP 1.0 8th Grade Math Reyes, Elizabeth LS 1.0 Kindergarten Richardson, Patricia MS 1.0 3rd Grade Smith, Jason CC 1.0 Art Tolbert, Reita NC 1.0 Reading Specialist Vasey, Elizabeth DO 1.0 Academic Facilitator Westcott, Barbara CC 1.0 3rd Grade 03/23/15-04/06/15 MAT/MED EXT 03/13/15-05/04/15 FMLA/MED 03/09/15-05/11/15 FMLA/MAT 02/19/15-05/21/15 FMLA/MAT 02/02/15-03/02/15 FMLA/MED 03/28/15-05/25/15 FMLA/MAT 02/27/15-05/04/15 FMLA/MAT 02/26/15-08/01/15 FMLA/MED 02/05/15-05/29/15 MEDICAL REVISED 03/02/15-03/20/15 FMLA/MED 03/12/15-03/23/15 FMLA/MAT EXT 03/11/15-04/06/15 FMLA/MED LEAVES – CLASSIFIED-Board Approval Required Brown, Kelly NC C.S. Assistant Curran, Theresa DO Clerk II Emery, Linda DO Payroll/Bookkeeper Heard, Shawna CE Paraprofessional Lewandowski, Paul DO Maintenance VI Martinez De Pinillos, Mary BE Paraprofessional Rossi, Carrie TR Bus Assistant Selbo, Tryg ES Maintenance IV Stapczynski, Jenna ES Paraprofessional Wagner, April TR Bus Assistant 02/20/15-08/03/15 FMLA/MED EXT 03/02/15-03/23/15 MEDICAL EXT 03/23/15-05/01/15 FMLA/MED 02/17/15-04/06/15 FMLA/MED 02/10/15-05/11/15 FMLA/WORK COMP 03/06/15-04/06/15 MEDICAL EXT 03/09/15-03/23/15 MEDICAL EXT 03/09/15-04/21/15 FMLA/MED 03/18/15-05/28/15 FMLA/MAT 03/03/15-03/31/15 MEDICAL EXT TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CERTIFIED-(no change in compensation) Board Information-Approval Not Required Henry, Susan HMS 1.0 Exploratory HMS 1.0 7th/8th Grade Lang. Arts Slugh, Samantha DVMS 0.4 Math/ DVMS 0.4 Title I Instruct Coach/ 0.6 Title I Math 0.6 Title I Math Strang, Cynthia DVMS 0.4 Title I Math/ DVMS 0.4 Title I Math/ 0.6 Math 0.6 Title I Instr. Coach TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CLASSIFIED-(change in compensation) Board Approval Required Bardsley, Josie VP YTP Technician-7.0 hrs. VP Barker, Elizabeth NC F.S. Worker II- 2.0 hrs. NC Bliss, Kathleen BC Paraprofessional-6.75 hrs. BC AN Brodeur, Dorothy TR Bus Assistant-6.5 hrs. TR Campbell, Kimberly TR Bus Driver- 6.0 hrs. TR Coles, Frances TR Bus Driver-6.25 hrs. TR Page 4 of 8 Behavior Tech.-7.0 hrs. Instructional Asst.-5.0 hrs. Paraprofessioanl-6.75 hrs./ Crossing Guard-1.0 hrs. Bus Assistant- 6.75 hrs. Bus Driver-7.75 hrs. Bus Driver-8.0 hrs. Board Date 03.24.15 TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CLASSIFIED-(change in compensation)-(Continued) Board Approval Required Eyrich, Diane TR Bus Driver-7.25 hrs. TR Bus Driver-8.0 hrs. Grumbine, Dale TR Bus Driver-6.25 hrs. TR Bus Driver-6.75 hrs. Hummel, Chelsea TR Bus Assistant-6.25 hrs. TR Bus Assistant-6.5 hrs. Iorio, Marilyn HLS K-Monitor-1.5 hrs. HLS Monitor-2.5 hrs. James, Cheryl DO Receptionist-8.0 hrs. DO Buyer-8.0 hrs. Jones, Cynthia MRHS Clerk II-8.0 hrs. DVHS YTP Career Tech-7.0 hrs. King, Megann TR Bus Assistant-6.0 hrs. TR Bus Assistant-7.5 hrs. Loes, Ginger CC Monitor-2.0 hrs./ CC Instructional Asst.-3.0 hrs. Instructional Asst.-3.0 hrs. Marshall, Richard TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. TR Bus Driver-6.25 hrs. Moffett, Mark TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. TR Bus Driver-6.25 hrs. O’Donnell, Cynthia AN K-Monitor-1.5 hrs. AN K-Monitor-1.5 hrs./ CS Paraprofessional-2.5 hrs. Behavior Technician-7.0 hrs. Osterman, Margaret TE Accounting Clerk I-8.0 hrs. VP Patane, Frances TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. TR Bus Driver-6.5 hrs. Ruby, Paul TR Bus Driver-7.5 hrs. TR Bus Driver-8.0 hrs. Shoemaker, Judith TR Bus Assistant-6.25 hrs. TR Bus Assistant-6.0 hrs. Therrien, Joni NR K-Monitor-1.5 hrs./ NR K-Monitor-1.5 hrs./ Monitor-2.0 hrs. Monitor-2.0 hrs./ Custodian II-4.0 hrs. Thompson-Kingsley, Christina TR Bus Driver-6.5 hrs. TR Bus Driver-7.0 hrs. Zwar, Edward TR Bus Driver-6.0 hrs. TR Bus Driver-8.0 hrs. TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CLASSIFIED-(no change in compensation) Board Information-Approval Not Required Ruta, CeAnn DO CIPL Secretary V-8.0 hrs. DO IS&T Secretary V-8.0 hrs. SUBSTITUTES Board Approval Required (“At will” employees; no right to continued employment) CERTIFIED Bila, Kerry Ferreter-Smith, Kyle Furman, Heidi Kunka, Alice Northrop, Kathleen Bonnesen, Logan Fogel-Masiello, Jill Halpin, Michael McFoy, Taryn Sierp, Alezandra Contreras, Philip Fucci, Matthew Huston, Elizabeth Milligan, Sean Terry, Jessica CLASSIFIED Rutherford, Debra Schmitt, Deanne Vitorovic, Zorica Page 5 of 8 Board Date 03.24.15 HR CHANGES FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR NEW HIRES - CLASSIFIED-Board Approval Required Tuttle, Girlene TR Computer Specialist-8.0 hrs. Warren, Michelle NC Attendance/Register Clerk-8.0 hrs. NEW HIRES - CERTIFIED-Board Approval Required Ambrose, Morgan SR 1.0 Music Banegas, Sara DO 1.0 Psychologist Intern Bicanin-Ferguson, Radmila DVHS 1.0 Biology Bondi, Lynn MRHS 0.6 English Brosch, Morgan DVHS 0.8 Biology Burk, Ashley DVHS 0.8 Dance Cawley, Mary Ann SF 1.0 7th Grade Science Christean, Natasha PH 1.0 Kindergarten Cleghorn, Kelly SS 1.0 Language Arts Cosentino-Shaffer, Kathleen BE 1.0 Special Education Crook, Jessica PH 1.0 2nd Grade Dan, Yin GP 1.0 Mandarin Darney, Jessica SH 1.0 7th Grade Science Delleree, Victoria DVMS 1.0 8th Grade Science Durell, Marianne SV 0.5 Exploratory Durgin, Summer GB 1.0 Kindergarten Ferdman, Jennifer TE 1.0 2nd Grade Fischer, Christine DSMS 1.0 Special Education Fowler, Amie GP 1.0 7th/8th Grade Science Garrett, Candace DE 1.0 2nd Grade Geiser, Lesly BGHS 1.0 Spanish Gellings, Casey GB 1.0 6th Grade Getty, Amy TE 1.0 8th Grade Language Arts Gillotti, Taylor DC 1.0 2nd Grade Glenn, Samantha ES 0.5 Music/ 0.5 Band Gregory, Suzanne SF 1.0 Special Education Harris, Alison NC 1.0 7th Grade Language Arts Hanen, Janet LB 1.0 Music Hoffman, Stacy DO 1.0 ELD Site Coordinator Humphrey, Katherine BCHS 1.0 Special Education Killeen, Aaron TE 1.0 7th/8th Grade Math Kujan, Whitney NC 1.0 2nd Grade Kurtz, Tiffany SOHS 0.8 Business Marketing Leach, Ann DO 1.0 Speech Pathologist Mastroddi, Allison ME 0.6 Art Page 6 of 8 Effective 07/01/15 PRP Effective 07/27/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 07/27/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 PRP Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/15/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 PRP Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Board Date 03.24.15 NEW HIRES - CERTIFIED-Board Approval Required-(Continued) Minana, Alexis AN 1.0 8th Grade Language Arts Mullins, Mary Kay DC 1.0 Special Education Nunes, Gemeniano DVHS 1.0 Spanish Pelegrin, Jaime GP 0.4 Reading Specialist Perez, Steven HLS 1.0 7th Grade Math Perry, Elizabeth ES 1.0 Kindergarten Pinson, Jennifer DC 1.0 Special Education Ponce, Amy PH 1.0 Special Education Portela, Melissa SOHS 1.0 Sports Medicine Quinn, Marisa VM 0.5 Music/ 0.5 Band Reilly, William DSMS 1.0 Physical Education Rock, Christina BCHS 1.0 Industrial Technology Roy, Jennifer VP 1.0 Special Education Stevenson, Danielle GB 1.0 1st Grade Thomsen, Patricia NR 0.5 Art Wilson, Brandi PH 1.0 3rd Grade Young, Hannah ES 1.0 Music LEAVES – CERTIFIED-Board Approval Required Berry, Allison LB 1.0 4th Grade Schoettlin, Denise NC 1.0 5th Grade Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 PRP Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 Effective 08/05/15 08/05/15-05/27/16 PERSONAL 08/05/15-05/27/16 PERSONAL TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CERTIFIED-(change in compensation) Board Approval Required Grossman, Stuart ES 1.0 Reading Specialist ES Hill, Robert CC 0.6 Physical Education CC Miller, Alyssa DO 0.6 Hearing Impaired DO Whitson, Paul SOHS 1.0 Physical Education SOHS 0.4 Reading Specialist 1.0 Physical Education 1.0 Hearing Impaired 0.6 Physical Education TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CERTIFIED-(no change in compensation) Board Information-Approval Not Required Alford, Melissa ME 1.0 4th Grade NC 1.0 5th Grade rd Badger, Denise LS 1.0 3 Grade SV 1.0 4th Grade CC 1.0 1st Grade Berk, Kristen TE 1.0 2nd Grade th Berry, Kristen LB 1.0 5 Grade LB 1.0 4th Grade Booth, Shannon DO 1.0 Academic Facilitator NR 1.0 Kindergarten Champion, Ann-Marie HMS 1.0 Counselor DSMS 1.0 Counselor Clark, Brandy DVMS 0.5 RTI Specialist/ DO 1.0 Intervention Specialist DO 0.5 Intervention Specialist Cooper, Cecily ES 1.0 3rd Grade TE 1.0 2nd Grade PM 1.0 3rd Grade Courter, Patricia PM 1.0 4th Grade st Davis, Pamela BE 1.0 1 Grade BE 1.0 Kindergarten th Dittrick, Kelcie NC 1.0 5 Grade NC 1.0 4th Grade nd LS 1.0 Reading Specialist Gedney, Kelly TE 1.0 2 Grade Page 7 of 8 Board Date 03.24.15 TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CERTIFIED-(no change in compensation)-(Continued) Board Information-Approval Not Required Gewargis, Eileen AH 1.0 Special Education AH 1.0 5th Grade Gonzalez, Rachel DVMS 1.0 Special Education SF 1.0 Special Education Hatfield, Jennifer CE 1.0 Kindergarten LB 1.0 Kindergarten Henry, Susan HMS 1.0 7th/8th Grade Language Arts HMS 1.0 Exploratory Jauron, Laura LB 1.0 4th Grade LB 1.0 2nd Grade th Karls, Marcia PM 1.0 6 Grade CE 1.0 Special Education Keith, Jordan BCHS 1.0 Music BCHS 0.4 Music/ SOHS 0.6 Music NC 1.0 Gifted Kusmierczyk, Marissa SS 1.0 5th Grade Lankford, Cathy CE 1.0 6th Grade SV 1.0 6th Grade Mayfield, Traci SV 1.0 Kindergarten SV 1.0 1st Grade McDermott, Rosalyn BCHS 0.4 English/ BCHS 1.0 Social Studies 0.6 Social Studies ES 1.0 6th Grade Milham, Kaelyn ES 1.0 3rd Grade nd Nick, Karen HLS 1.0 2 Grade HLS 1.0 4th Grade Perry, Karen TE 1.0 1st Grade SV 1.0 1st Grade st Pierce, Jesse LS 1.0 1 Grade BE 1.0 1st Grade Rutledge, Christopher GP 1.0 Language Arts BCHS 1.0 English Salameh, Gail PH 1.0 IB Librarian SOHS 1.0 Librarian st Sowers, Kimberleigh TE 1.0 1 Grade NC 1.0 1st Grade th MS 1.0 5th Grade Stajduhar, Shanna NC 1.0 6 Grade th Thompson, Roxanne HLS 1.0 4 Grade HLS 1.0 6th Grade Thurston, Susan GB 0.4 Art/ AH 1.0 Art AH 0.6 Art TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS-CLASSIFIED-(change in compensation) Board Approval Required Gross, Janelle DVMS Clerk I-8.0 hrs. SF Clerk I-8.0 hrs. Lowe, Linda HMS Paraprofessional-6.75 hrs. HMS Library Clk-8.0 hrs. Page 8 of 8 9.B. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Approve Board Meeting Dates for Regular Scheduled Meetings for 2015-2016 Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: See the attached DRAFT copy of the regular scheduled Governing Board meeting dates for school year 2015-2016. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – That the Governing Board accept the Administration’s recommendation to approve Board Meeting Dates for Regular Scheduled Meetings for 2015 – 2016. Submitted by Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 + + DATES FOR THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BOARD MEETINGS 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Regular Board Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Governing Board Room at the District Office JULY 14 AUGUST 11 - 25 SEPTEMBER 8 - 22 OCTOBER 13 - 27 NOVEMBER 10 DECEMBER 8 JANUARY 12 - 26 FEBRUARY 9 - 23 MARCH 8 APRIL 12 - 26 MAY 10 - 24 JUNE 14 - 28 JULY 12, 2016 Adopted: March 24, 2015 Preview 10.A. Green Form DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #97 BOARD AGENDA ITEM Please provide information listed below when submitting items intended for the consideration of the Governing Board to be placed on the official agenda of the meeting of the Board. TOPIC: Preview 2015-16 Employee Benefit Committee Recommendations Date assigned for Board consideration: March 24, 2015 None Policy Reference None A.R.S. Reference EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A preview of the 2015-16 Employee Benefit Committee Recommendation will be given. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION – No action required Submitted by Jim Migliorino Associate Superintendent Dr. James R. Veitenheimer Superintendent Form revised 2/7/11 3/18/2015 FY16 Benefit Recommendation DEER VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT | MARCH 24, 2015 - PREVIEW Benefit Committee Members Classified 2015-16 Meeting Schedule January 26th Brenda Moore February 9th Dennis Bohac March 4th Tim Vaughn April 6th (scheduled) Certified Maria Leyva Marla Couture Sherry King District Office Jeannette Vega Jim Migliorino 1 3/18/2015 FY16 Benefit Committee Recommendation Medical coverage rates increase by 6.4%. There will be no change to schedule of benefits. Deductibles, out of pocket maximum and prescription cost will remain the same for employees. District will continue to provide HSA plan at no cost to employees. District will continue to provide the buy up option with a 6.4% change to employees hired after July 2012. The dependent premiums will change by 6.4%. Dental and life insurance rates will remain the same and will continue to be offered to employees at no cost. VSEBT reserves will be used to offset District costs. FY16 Benefit Committee Recommendation (con’t) Retiree coverage reimbursement will be limited to the in-state ASRS plan. ASRS offers an in-state and out-of-state plan. There's a premium difference of 40% between the two plans. Additionally, retiree coverage reimbursement will be limited to 150% of the least expensive medical and dental District plan for employees. The cap will be calculated each year between district's plan and ASRS plan to come up with a new "cap amount". Current retirees insurance reimbursement rates for the in-state plan did not change. Non-DVUSD retirees that have coverage from another provider will not be offered medical and dental coverages nor any reimbursement. This statement will be added to hiring documentation. 2 3/18/2015 Next Steps April 6th Benefit Committee scheduled for any final edits April 14th – Board consideration of approving the benefit recommendation April 15th to May 8th – open enrollment for all employees 3 Future Meetings and Dates BOARD CALENDAR REMINDER 2014-15 School Year March 30 – April 3 Spring Break – Schools and District Offices closed April 14 7:00 p.m. - Regular Governing Board Meeting April 28 7:00 p.m. - Regular Governing Board Meeting May 12 7:00 p.m. - Regular Governing Board Meeting May 25 Memorial Day – Schools and District Offices closed May 26 7:00 p.m. – Regular Governing Board Meeting June 9 7:00 p.m. - Regular Governing Board Meeting June 23 7:00 p.m. - Regular Governing Board Meeting
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