MATH 301 – ON SOLID GROUND: SETS AND PROOF (3) Professor: Richard Delaware Course Web Page: Department Website: SPRING 2015 TR 5:30 – 6:45 pm Haag Hall Room 306 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The prerequisite for this course is Math 220 (Calculus II). TEXTS: MATHEMATICAL PROOFS: A TRANSITION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, 3rd ed. by Gary Chartrand, Albert D. Polimeni, Ping Zhang (Primary text.) HOW TO READ AND DO PROOFS, 5th ed, by Daniel Solow (Secondary text.) In the primary text, we will cover most of Chapters 0-10; In Solow, we’ll refer to parts of some chapters. EXAMS: There will be three 75 min. Exams (100 points each) during the semester, each given a letter grade. There will be announced 15-20 min. Quizzes. The FINAL EXAM (150 points) will be held in our usual classroom, 5:45-7:45 pm, Tues. May 12, 2015. HOMEWORK: A list of suggested homework problems will be posted. Only selected problems will be collected and graded. For homework use only one side of standard 8½ x 11 paper. When due, put it on my desk at the start of class. Late assignments of any kind are NOT accepted, except by prior arrangement. CONTACT: I will contact you through your official UMKC email address. [To learn how to forward email from your UMKC email address to some other address, go to .] My E-mail address: . This is the best and preferred way to reach me. My Office: Manheim Hall 306 A. Office Hours: MW 3-3:50 pm, TR 10-11 am & 4-5 pm. I can be available other times by appointment on M-R only. My Mailbox: Mathematics Dept office, Haag Hall 206. My Phone: 816 235-2850. (Do NOT call the Mathematics Dept Office to leave me messages.) GRADES: 3 Exams (100 pts each) and Final Exam (150 pts) 70 % Homework and Quizzes 30 % o I will provide grade reports after each exam. At the end of the semester I will drop your "most damaging" score. However, the Final Exam (24%) cannot be dropped. RESOURCES: Please refer to the following web page and the linked resources for critical information regarding course policies and resources. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES – Math 301: Students will be able to: construct and write clearly reasoned, well-structured elementary proofs using any of the basic techniques (direct, by contrapositive, by contradiction, and by mathematical induction); analyze written proofs and rigorous mathematical arguments, recognize or construct counterexamples; demonstrate basic competence with the elements of set theory, equivalence relations, and functions, by proving statements about them, and by using them correctly and precisely in other proofs 1
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