The World Leader in High Performance Signal Processing Solutions .& +)# '#,"/ ADI 0, ,#%"/ &### 1 # 2 Consumer Grade Devices typically excel on two items: Noise and Price Consumer Devices typically are poor at,or do not specify,many specifications critical to complex motion analysis: Stability,g-effect,Tempco’s,Alignment,Linearity,etc Most Industrial Grade Suppliers Position their product solely on inrun bias stability … because their other specifications are less attractive The ‘other’specifications are typically larger error sources,and thus more important in-run bias is a ‘theoretical’spec Reallife Performance is only understood after looking at a Composite Spec Analysis "/ 3 #%/ Degrees ofFreedom (DoF) Gyro in-run bias stability 10: 3 axis gyro,3 axis accel,3 axis magnetometer,1 barometer 9: 3 axis gyro,3 axis accel,3 axis magnetometer 6: 3 axis gyro,3 axis accel 4: 1 axis gyro,3 axis accel Theoretical best possible estimate ofthe devices (residual)offset Allan Variance: industry standard method to determine in-run bias (a 25C spec) Orthogonality Axial alignment ofthe individual sensors within the IMU Static versus Dynamic Acceleration Linear Acceleration Effect (Vibration Effect),on a gyro Kalman Filter Influence ofrandom vibration, gravity,and other real-world motion,on the gyro bias System Algorithms which,via application-aware weighting ofvarious input sensors,cross-correlates/corrects the sensors and helps determine best estimate ofposition/track Calibration/Compensation Sensor’s have unique device-specific calibration;capturing 100’s ofcal points which are stored in the device;the actual Compensation (for temp drift/linear-accel drifts)is done automatically,within the Sensor,real-time. +45 #&#%' #% 6 "/ W hat do customers value the most? Depends on the application,certainly,but in general: Null stability/Drift Over temperature Over ti me Shock and Vibration immunity Noise Density I ni ti alOffset Li neari ty Temperature range Tol erancesfor al lthe above Measurement range Interchangeabl e based on appl i cati on No cl ear #4 + after Top 3 +7#%' "/ 3 %, +, #89$#%#8: 5 # ## Mai nl yMi l i tary Performance !"!#" Mai nl y Consumer $% &#"!##"' Cost Superi or Vi brati on & ShockImmuni tyfor Harsh Envi ronments -40°C to +105°C Industri alTemp Range & Hermeti cal l ySeal ed Packages Hi gh performance specsshown:Bi asStabi l i ty,Li near AccelSensi ti vi ty, etc. 14 !"#$.&0 -1 9#"/ !"#$ FEATURES Pi tch and rol lrate response (100 and 1200 °/s ful l -scal e ranges) Ul tra l ow noi se:0.004o/s/Hz Hi gh vi brati on rej ecti on over a wi de frequency range Power savi ng standby mode 80 µA standby current Fast startup from standby to measurement mode (<50ms) Low del ay of<0.5 ms for a 30 Hzinput at the wi dest bandwi dth setti ng 16bi t ADC wi th 0.005 °/s/LSB sensi ti vi ty I ntegrated di gi talhi gh and l ow pass fi l ters wi th sel ectabl e pol es 2000 g powered shock survi vabi l i ty 2. 7 V to 5.25 V and −25°C to 85°C operati on 4. 5 × 5.8 × 1.2 mm cavi tyl ami nate package .&.8;1 <#%/ ##=>## %(##?# 1.Rotation motion is dominant in hand shake motion has more effect in the picture blur than linear motion (when the distance from the object is much longer than focal length) Axis 2.Rotation Selling points: a. Low noise b. Small package c. Low power consumption Yaw Vertical Horizontal Roll 3. Back and Forth Pitch .&## Two wheel vehicle ToyUAV /Aer ial photography Ant enna stabilization… .&## Domest ic robot Pr oj ector Navigat or…
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