Congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders (CCDDs) Cranial Nerve Imaging in Genetic Disorders: Dysinnervation and Deficiency Syndromes Congenital eye movement disorders • Abnormal development cranial motor nuclei & cranial nerves (CNs) • Failure of target muscle innervation • Muscle fibrosis (e.g. CFEOM) Caroline D. Robson, MBChB Department of Radiology Division of Neuroradiology Boston Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School Disclosures and Acknowledgements No disclosures pertinent to this presentation Elizabeth C. Engle, MD Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator FM Kirby Neurobiology Center & the Program in Genomics Boston Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical Center Objectives • Cranial dysinnervation disorders • Congenital eye movement disorders Clinical presentation Genetic mutations Imaging features • Cranial nerve (CN) imaging protocols • Normal & abnormal CN anatomy Summary of disorders with defined genetic basis Non-syndromic Duane retraction syndrome (DRS) Familial DS CHN1 AD Type 1 or 3 DS &/or vertical motility anomalies Abn CN VI & III ± SOM hypoplasia Syndromic DRS Duane radial ray (Okihiro) Acro-renal-ocular syn Townes-Brock syn SALL4 SALL4 SALL1 AD AD AD DS, radial ray ± HL DS, radial ray, kidney defects Imperf anus, HL, thumb malf ± DS Hypoplastic/abs CN VI, aberrant innerv LRM HOX mutations Bosley-Salih-Alorainy syn Athabascan brain dysgen HoxB1 HOXA1 HOXA1 HOXB1 AR AR AR Nl EOM, hypo DS, SNHL, cardiac malf, autism CN VI, hypo/abs Horiz gaze restr, SNHL, facial wk ICA, dup VA Esotropia, CN VII palsy, HL Absent CN VII Horizontal gaze palsy w progressive scoliosis HGPPS ROBO3 AR Horizontal gaze limitation, scoliosis Flattened pons w midline cleft CFEOM CFEOM1 KIF21A AD CFEOM2 PHOX2A AR CFEOM3 TUBB3 AD Restrictive ophthalmoplegia, blepharoptosis Ptosis, restr ophth, exotropia, poorly reactive pupils Variable uni/bi bleph, ophthalmoplegia Hypo CN III> VI Hypo LPS, SRM Hypo EOM, large LRM abs CN III & IV The Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation Disorders (CCDD) Mendelian Syndrome Genetic Locus Gene & protein function Oculomotor Ptosis CFEOM1 CFEOM3 PTOS1 1p34-p32 FEOM1 12cen FEOM3 16gter KIF2A (axon guidance) TUBB3 (axon guidance) Trochlear CFEOM2 FEOM2 11q13 PHOX2A (transcription factor) Duane DURS1 DURS2 DRRS HGPPS Nucleus Abducens DRRS HGPPS ABDS/BSAS 8q13 2q31 20q13 11q23 ABDS/BSAS 7p15 CHN1 (axon guidance) SALL4 (transcription factor) ROBO3 (axon guidance) HOXA1 (transcription factor) From: 1 Congenital eye movement disorders Abducens defects Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nuclei and nerves • Duane syndrome • Horizontal gaze palsy Oculomotor Trochlear Clinical distinction not always possible Same genetic mutation can cause both Abducens Imaging algorithm Duane syndrome 3T preferred, 32 channel head coil • Brain screen Sag T1, Ax T2, FLAIR, DTI • Orbital imaging (≤ 2 mm, hi res) Axial T1 Coronal vs quasi coronal T1 • • • • • • • • Cranial nerve imaging e.g. esotropia, exotropia, orthophoria Hi res, small FOV, < 0.5 mm T2 SPACE vs CISS, etc Horizontal gaze palsy • • Disorders of abducens development Lateral rectus Lateral rectus Most common of CCDDs < 5% all strabismus cases, most are sporadic Limited abduction; variably limited adduction Globe retraction on attempted adduction ± Additional aberrant eye movements Types 1 – 3 depending on gaze limitation Primary gaze deviation Abducens Limited abduction and/or adduction NO globe retraction Isolated (non-syndromic) DS • • • • DS isolated finding ~ 70% cases Hereditary forms 5 – 10% Bilateral DS AD May also affect CN IV & sup div CN III → vertical motility deviations • CHN1 gain of function Hyperactivates α2-chimaerin → disrupts growth or guidance of cranial axons destined to innervate extraocular muscles during development 2 Duane syndrome (type I), left eye Primary position: normal Primary position: normal Left abduction: limited Left adduction: globe retraction Left adduction: fissure narrowing upshoot Adapted from G.K. von Noorden, Atlas of Strabismus, 1983 3T MR Abducens nerve Duane syndrome neuropathology Hotchkiss et al 80, Miller et al 82 Absence of abducens motor neurons and axons Aberrant innervation of the lateral rectus by oculomotor nerve LR (cut) Abducens 3 Syndromic DS Duane radial ray (Okihiro) Acro-renal-ocular syn Townes-Brock syn Syndromic DS SALL4 SALL4 SALL1 AD AD AD • ~ 30% DS + characteristic systemic findings • AD; loss of function SALL4 mutations DS, radial ray ± HL DS, radial ray, kidney defects Imperf anus, HL, thumb malf ± DS Hypoplastic/abs CN VI, aberrant innerv LRM Radial limb anomalies Hypoplasia thenar eminence to absent forearm Facial asymmetry Hearing deficits & ear anomalies Anal stenosis Cardiac and renal abnormalities • HFM occurs in 3% DS patients 22q11.2 del Syndromic DS Wildervanck syndrome HFM (Goldenhar) Oculoacoustic syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome Horizontal gaze palsy Duane radial ray syndrome Congenital eye movement disorder Mutations or deletions in SALL4 Limited primarily to abducens Oculomotor Trochlear • • Limited abduction and/or adduction NO globe retraction HOX mutations Bosley-Salih-Alorainy syn Athabascan brain dysgen HoxB1 HOXA1 HOXA1 HOXB1 AR AR AR Nl EOM, hypo DS, SNHL, cardiac malf, autism CN VI, hypo/abs Horiz gaze restr, SNHL, facial wk ICA, dup VA Esotropia, CN VII palsy, HL Absent CN VII Horizontal gaze palsy w progressive scoliosis HGPPS ROBO3 AR Horizontal gaze limitation, scoliosis Flattened pons w midline cleft HOXA1 syndromes • DRS/HGP, deafness, vascular anomalies Right gaze Left gaze Middle East (BSAS) Austism, cardiac defects American Southwest (ABDS) Facial weakness, hypoventilation, intellectual disability • Autosomal recessive: consanguineous families • HOXA1 mutation Encodes transcription factor Loss of function mutations: absent HOXA1 protein Tischfield et al, Nature Genetics 2005 4 HGPPS BSAS & ABDS Hindbrain patterning HOXA1 Lateral Rectus (cut) • Autosomal recessive • ROBO3 mutation • Encodes ROBO3 axon guidance receptor • Loss of function mutations • Absent ROBO3 protein Abducens Jen et al, Science 2004 HGPPS BSAS ROBO3 mutation enlarged posterior communicating arteries absent internal carotid arteries enlarged basilar artery ant. post. 1yo Horizontal gaze palsy and progressive scoliosis (HGPPS) Congenital eye movement disorder Axonal guidance disorders Normal 16 yo HGPPS HGPPS Midline crossing of hindbrain axons ROBO3 - autosomal recessive Abducens Remember to monitor for scoliosis in patients with HGP 5 Pontine tegmental cap dysplasia Oculomotor nucleus & nerve Normal Trochlear nucleus & nerve Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles CFEOM • • • • Didorders of oculomotor nerve innervation Oculomotor Levator (mixed) Superior rectus (contralateral) Medial rectus Congenital, non-progressive Ophthalmoplegia & ptosis Neurogenic basis Three phenotypes: CFEOM 1, 2 & 3 Hypo CN III > VI AD Restrictive ophthalmoplegia, blepharoptosis Hypo LPS, SR Eyes infraducted in resting position Misinnervation LR Limitation of vertical movements ↓ mean ON size CFEOM1 KIF21A Rarely * CFEOM2 PHOX2A AR Ptosis, restrictive ophthalmoplegia, exotropia, poorly reactive pupils CFEOM3 TUBB3 * AD Variable phenotype: uni/bi blepharoptosis & ophthalmoplegia, some limitation of vertical movements Large LR, hypoplasia other EOM, Absent CN III & IV Variable hypoplasia SR, MR, LPS & IO Hypoplasia CN III & dysinnervation Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles CFEOM • • • • Congenital, non-progressive Ophthalmoplegia & ptosis Neurogenic basis Three phenotypes: CFEOM 1, 2 & 3 Inferior rectus Inferior oblique Clinical: restricted vertical movement or ptosis 6 CFEOM1 Absence of superior division of oculomotor mn / nerve thin oculomotor nerve +/- thin abducens nerve Superior branch oculomotor nerve CFEOM3 Oculomotor CFEOM3 CFEOM 1 • • • • 2 yo boy, bilateral congenital ptosis Pronounced chin up posture Limited elevation & abduction Convergence on attempted upgaze • • • Previously a clinical diagnosis, now genetic Autosomal dominant TUBB3 gene mutation (rarely TUBB2B) Encodes CNS specific beta-tubulin isoform Special mutations alter microtubule behavior • • Associated findings are mutation dependent Can be indistinguishable from CFEOM1, however: Globes infraducted or straight (unlikely to be supraducted) Ptosis bilateral, unilateral, or absent Some can elevate above midline Horizontal position straight to exo - rarely esotropic Residual eye movements frequently aberrant Tischfield et al, Cell 2010 Absent CN III & VI CFEOM3 vs Moebius variant TUBB 3 mutation 7 Aplasia/hypoplasia CN I, III & VII Moebius TUBB3 mutation Absent CN VII & III CN IV • Anisocoria • Bilateral ptosis, rt exotropia impaired eye movements • Facial diplegia Moebius Conclusion • Neurogenic etiology of CCDDS • Several well-characterized gene mutations • Affect development of ocular cranial motor nuclei and axon guidance to target muscles • Illustrated key imaging features that are characteristic of some of these disorders 8 8B2;>BDA4B D=2C8>=0;!<068=6>5 &;502C8>= 0E83$/>DB4<$$ ">7=B >?:8=B$43820;!=BC8CDC8>= *?>=B>A431H%!' !<?;820C8>=B>5&;502C>AH 8B>A34AB O *<4;;0=3C0BC4 O 68=645542CB O 0I0A3B O 'A>54BB8>=0;B2745BF8=4C0BC4AB O =>B<807H?>B<80?0A>B<80 ?70=C>B<80 O $4<>A84B0=34<>C8>=B;8<182 O %>=4B?428582C>C78BC0;: K %! 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Kennedy, MD University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology Disclosures • I have no financial disclosures Acknowledgements: Dr. Judy Chen, Ophthalmologist ,UW-Madison – Visual Field Images – Funduscopic Images 1 4/15/2015 Objectives By the end of the presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Understand the anatomy of the visual pathway 2. Have a systematic approach to analyzing images in patients presenting with visual loss based on clinical history Visual Pathways • Complex choreographed sensation • Organization preserved along the visual pathway from the globe to the visual cortex 2 4/15/2015 Visual Input /v8/n4/box/nrn2094_BX1.html 3 4/15/2015 4 4/15/2015 On the retina, image is flipped & inverted 5 4/15/2015 Visual Pathways Hofer et al. Front. Neuroanat., 13 April 2010 6 4/15/2015 Making the Diagnosis Age Acuity of Symptoms Visual Field Deficit Clinical History Clinical Differential Diagnosis Appropriate Imaging Make the Diagnosis ACR Recommendations: Visual Loss 7 4/15/2015 Imaging Protocols: MR Orbit Pre contrast T1 PD T1 T2 T2 FIESTA Prop DWI T1 Imaging Protocols: MR Orbit Pre contrast T1 PD T2 T2 FIESTA T1 T1 T1 Post contrast 8 4/15/2015 Imaging Protocols: MR Brain T1 T2 DWI Pre contrast Post contrast T1 +C CUBE FLAIR + C Cases 9 4/15/2015 Visual Deficits: Defining the Terms Scotoma: Decrease in visual field Normal Macular Degeneration Cataract Glaucoma Diabetic Retinopathy Visual Deficits and Anatomy R L R L Unilateral Visual Loss Right Left 10 4/15/2015 Visual Deficits and Anatomy Differential Diagnosis Ocular Children • Retinal Detachment • Retinoblastoma • Coats Disease Adults • • Retinal Detachment Mass Lesion • Melanoma • Mets 11 yo with Developmental Delay Retinal Detachment 11 4/15/2015 55 yo with endometrial cancer T2 CUBE FLAIR Metastatic Endometrial Cancer FIESTA CUBE FLAIR +C Visual Deficits and Anatomy Differential Diagnosis Optic Nerve Children Adults Congenital Infection ON Glioma Skull Base-mass effect - Neuroblastoma - Ewings Sarcoma - EG - Fibrous Dysplasia • Trauma • Optic Neuritis • Dura: Meningioma • Ischemic Optic Neuropathy • Trauma • • • • 12 4/15/2015 Which Side is Abnormal? FIESTA T2 Congenital Optic Nerve Hypoplasia on the Right 4 Different Patients with Acute Unilateral Visual Loss T1 Post contrast 13 4/15/2015 22 yo F with Decreased Right Monocular Vison T2 T1 +C FIESTA Diffusion 22 yo F with Decreased Right Monocular Vison T2 T1 +C FIESTA T1 +C Diffusion 14 4/15/2015 22 yo F with Decreased Right Monocular Vison CUBE FLAIR + C CUBE FLAIR + C Optic Neuritis • Visual recovery good • 48-70% with isolated ON will have brain lesions consistent with demyelination • 56% patients with 1 or more lesions developed MS vs 22% with a normal MR Index Patient Multiple Sclerosis 15 4/15/2015 Optic Neuritis Multiple Index Patient Sclerosis Lumbar Puncture Sarcoid Ulcerative Colitis Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (Granulocytic Sarcoma) 22 yo with AML Presentation 3 Weeks Later 16 4/15/2015 30 yo F with Decrease Monocular vision in Right Eye over Past 2 days Right Left 30 yo F with Decrease Monocular vision in Right Eye over Past 2 days R L 17 4/15/2015 30 yo F with Decrease Monocular vision in Right Eye over Past 2 days T2 FLAIR+C T1 +C FLAIR+C FLAIR+C T1 +C Multiple Sclerosis 2 yo with Intermittent Esotropia, Visual Loss T1 + C FIESTA T1 + C T2 18 4/15/2015 2 yo with Intermittent Esotropia, Visual Loss T1 + C FIESTA Optic Nerve Glioma, NF1 T1 + C T2 2 year old with CN 6 palsy and progressive visual loss Non Contrast Head CT 19 4/15/2015 2 year old with CN 6 palsy and progressive visual loss 3D T2 T1 + C FIESTA T2 ADC 2 year old with CN 6 palsy and progressive visual loss 3D T2 FIESTA Differential Diagnosis T1 + C T2 Met Neuroblastoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Ewings Sarcoma EG Fibrous Dysplasia 20 4/15/2015 2 year old with CN 6 palsy and progressive visual loss 3D T2 FIESTA Differential Diagnosis T1 + C T2 Met Neuroblastoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Ewings Sarcoma EG Fibrous Dysplasia Progressive Right Unilateral Visual loss; + Optocilliary Shunting Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma 21 4/15/2015 Companion Case Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma Visual Deficits and Anatomy R L R L Bitemporal Hemianopia Right Left 22 4/15/2015 Visual Deficits and Anatomy Differential Diagnosis Chiasm Children Adults • Optic Nerve • Optic Neuritis Glioma • Mass effect • Mass Effect • Pituitary/Sella • Pituitary/Sella • Meningioma • Hypothalamus • Aneurysm • Third Ventricle 55 year old with decreased vision x 1 year, rapidly progressed over 2 days Right Left 23 4/15/2015 55 yo with Bitemporal Hemianopia Hemorrhagic Macroadenoma 24 4/15/2015 Visual Deficits and Anatomy R L R L Homonymous Hemianopia Right Left Visual Deficits and Anatomy R L R L Right Left Homonymous Quadrantopia 25 4/15/2015 Visual Deficits and Anatomy Differential Diagnosis Tract/Radiations Children and Adults Stroke Tumor Abscess Demyelinating Disease (MS/ADEM) • PRES • Trauma • • • • 62 yo with Acute Onset of Complete Left Homonymous Hemianopia Right Left 26 4/15/2015 62 yo with Acute Onset of Complete Left Homonymous Hemianopia Acute Right PCA Distribution Infarction 81 yo with visual hallucination, Right Inferior Quadrantanopia Right Left 27 4/15/2015 81 yo with visual hallucination, Right Inferior Quadrantanopia Same Patient, 1 month later Acute Superimposed on Evolved Subacute Infarction 28 4/15/2015 30 yo Male with Right Homonymous Hemianopia Right Left 30 yo Male with Right Homonymous Hemianopia Arteriovenous Malformation 29 4/15/2015 54 yo with Right Homonymous Hemianopia Meningioma Visual Deficits and Anatomy R L R L Right Left 30 4/15/2015 Objectives By the end of the presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Understand the anatomy of the visual pathway 2. Have a systematic approach to analyzing images in patients presenting with visual loss based on clinical history Modern Imaging Evaluation of Visual Loss Tabby A. Kennedy, MD University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology I have no disclosures 31 ASNR 2015 Diplopia Claudia Kirsch M.D. Associate Professor of Neuroradiology and Otolaryngology Section Chief of Head and Neck Imaging Department Radiology Director for Lead, Serve, Inspire Curriculum Director Radiology Medical Student Teaching The Wexner Medical Center The Ohio State University Medical Center Diplopia, which means “double vision” comes from the Greek terms, “diplous” that means “double” and “ops” meaning eye. These symptoms can be distressing to the patient, and because of the myriad of etiologies and large differential, this can lead to distress for the diagnosis physician. An ophthalmologist or neurologist initially sees many patients with diplopia. Importantly, the first distinction is whether the diplopia is “Monocular” or “Binocular”. In monocular diplopia, the patient sees double with only one eye open, and the second image often appears as a ghost, both the patient and physicians can usually breath a sigh of relief, as in monocular diplopia, the problem is within the eye itself, and may be treated by the ophthalmologist and the etiologies include refractive problems, wrong glasses, dry eyes, a warped cornea, or uveitis. (1) However, in “binocular” diplopia the cause may be life threatening and RED FLAGS should be raised. In these cases the ability of the neuroradiologist to help determine the cause of binocular diplopia may be critical for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. (2) Therefore, it is important for the neuroradiologist to understand the critical anatomy and pathology that can cause binocular double vision. To this end it is helpful to for neuroradiologist to be aware of 6 major RED FLAGS –under the mnemonic VISION V - FIRST RED FLAG - In a patient with a drooping eyelid (ptosis) with a large and poorly reactive pupil the neuroradiologist is critical in excluding a “Vascular etiology – i.e. posterior communicating artery, posterior cerebral or superior cerebellar artery aneurysm. Although elderly patients, diabetics and hypertensive patients, may present with these findings secondary to vascular ischemic events, in a patient under 50, a good rule to follow is “A new ptosis is a PCOM, PCA or SCA aneurysm til proven otherwise”, in elderly patients clinical judgment is necessary, however an MRA may be easy obtain with the MRA, and help exclude the diagnosis, the MRI may also help to find strokes, or additional lesions. (1, 2, 3) I - SECOND RED FLAG- Involvement of more than just diplopia in patients with diplopia having problems with the eye movement, lid and the pupil (1,2,3), The neuroradiologist should be on high alert for both a Vascular etiology if there are these findings with a ptosis and small pupil (miosis) – or Horner syndrome – looking carefully for a carotid dissection and for Inflammatory etiologies such as Guillain-Barre or Miller Fisher variants, all of which can be life threatening, or inflammatory change from demyelination. A good rule of thumb for the neuroradiologist – if ptosis is combined with other deficits, it’s like a dangerous bag of potato chips – you can’t have just one - the neuroradiologist should be looking carefully if there is involvement of other ocular findings with the diplopia. (3) S - THIRD RED FLAG – Several cranial nerves are involved i.e. CN III, IV and VI in the diplopia, suggestive of a cavernous sinus lesion, or any adjacent nerves including the V1 and V2 divisions of the trigeminal nerve, or checking the pons and Skull base if the Seventh CN (CN VII) is involved. (3) In addition S – stands for Skull base or Sphenoid near the Superior Orbital fissure fractures - a fracture along the course skull base, may affect CN VI which is close to the floor of the posterior cranial fossa, fractures involving the sphenoid or superior orbital fissure may affect all of the nerves extending through including CN III, CN IV, CN IV or V1. (2) I –FOURTH RED FLAG – Infection – especially severe sinus infections, that may lead to cavernous sinus involvement, or infections leading to a meningitis, these patients should be imaged and assessed carefully. In addition an important I – the neuroradiologist should be on the lookout for is Increased Intracranial Pressure – CN VI palsy may occur from the nerve being compressed along the petrous temporal ridge, or CN III with a blown pupil. (1, 2,3,4,) O – FIFTH RED FLAG - Onset of new headache, i.e. worst headache of life, for subarachnoid hemorrhage or new headache with scalp tenderness or pain with chewing, these findings can be seen with Giant cell arteritis, which if the neuroradiologists looks carefully for along the superficial temporal artery, may help in aiding in the diagnosis. (1,2,3) N – SIXTH RED FLAG – Neoplasm, patients with history of tumors that may be either primary in neurofibromatosis with schwannomas along the nerve, or metastatic with leptomeningeal disease, or skull base invasion, these patients also need to be imaged with careful attention to the course of the cranial nerves CN IIIVII. Neoplasms in the region of the fourth ventricle can also compress CN VI, often this occurs in conjunction with its neighbor CN VI, resulting both in a diplopia with paralysis of lateral gaze and an ipsilateral paralysis of the muscles of facial expression. (1,2,3) To better understand the causes of binocular diplopia, the neuroradiologist should be aware of the anatomy and pathology that can lead to this disorder. This includes understanding the course of the cranial nerves, (CN) CN III, CN iV, and CN VI, as well as important contributions from the neighboring CNs II, V and VII, and the imaging features of pathology than disrupt these nerves leading to double vision, at either the level of the brain stem, subarachnoid space, cavernous sinus, superior orbital fissure and orbit. Lastly, the control of eye movements by the upper motor neurons coordinates the eye movements and these combinations are briefly reviewed at the end. (5) The first cranial nerve reviewed is CN III – or the oculomotor nerve. The oculomotor nerve is both a somatic motor nerve with efferent fibers supplying the levator palpebrae superioris, superior, inferior, medial and lateral rectus and inferior oblique muscles of the orbit, and a visceral motor efferent with parasympathetic supply to constrict the pupil and ciliary muscles, via the ciliary ganglion. (3) The CN III nucleus somatic motor component is “V” shaped and is located in the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus, just anterior to the cerebral aqueduct, with the medial longitudinal fasiculus as its neighbor laterally and inferiorly. In the brainstem, the oculomotor complex is composed of Lateral subnuclei with the dorsal component supplying the ipsilateral inferior rectus, the intermediate nucleus the inferior oblique, and ventral nuclei supplying the medial rectus muscles. The Medial subnucleus gives supply to the contralateral superior rectus, and the Central subnucleus gives supply to the bilateral levator palpebrae superiorus muscles, with the Edinger-Westphal (visceral motor) nucleus located posteriorly, which gives rise to the parasympathetic fibers. The somatic motor fibers and parasympathetic fibers form the CN III Oculomotor nerve. The CN III axons for the lower motor neurons go anteriorly through midbrain tegmentum, through the red nucleus and emerging in the medial interpeduncular cistern where the pons and midbrain merge. CN III runs between the superior cerebellar artery and posterior cerebral artery, just below the posterior communicating artery. CN III then goes through the dura into the cavernous sinus, running along the superior lateral wall above the trochlear nerve. The nerve exits via the superior orbital fissure, into the tendinous ring, and upon entering the orbit divides into superior and inferior components. The superior nerve of CN III goes superiorly and lateral to the optic nerve supplying the superior rectus and levator palpebrae. The inferior CN III splits into 3 parts, supplying the inferior rectus, and medial rectus muscles along the medial ocular margin and the inferior oblique along the back posterior margin of the muscle. (3) The Edinger-Westphal visceral motor neurons course along with the somatic motor axons, from the middle cranial fossa, cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure. The nerves separate from the nerve supplying the inferior oblique muscle and end up in the ciliary ganglion located near the apex of the orbital cone. Exiting from the ciliary ganglion are short ciliary nerves that join with sympathetic fibers from the ICA, these enter into the globe at the posterior margin near the optic nerve. These nerves that control the constrictor pupillae muscles and ciliary muscles, run in between the sclera and choroid of the eye ending up in the ciliary body and iris of the globe. Thus these fibers control pupil size and lens shape. Critical anatomic sites that can lead to diplopia starting along the course of the nerve include a stroke of the basal midbrain, this diplopia is usually associated with other symptoms including a contralateral hemiplegia due to the adjacent corticospinal tract fibers, or if in the red nucleus and ipsilateral ophthalmoplegia and contralateral intentional tremor. (3) As the nerve cross from the midbrain to the cavernous sinus, an aneurysm from either the Posterior communicating artery, Posterior cerebral artery or Superior Cerebellar Artery and cause a ptosis by denervation of the levator palpebrae superiorus and continued action of cranial nerve VII on the orbicularis oculi. In addition if there is any inflammatory or leptomeningeal process this can affect the nerve, and temporal lobe uncal herniation will displace the cerebral peduncle to the contralateral side, displacing and distorting CNIII along the tentorial notch. As the nerve extends through the cavernous sinus, pathological conditions in this region may also affect the nerve, with the neuroradiologist paying attention to the etiologies listed under the VISION RED FLAGS. CN IV, the trochlear nerve is smallest cranial nerve, with the largest intracranial course, and is a somatic motor nerve that only innervates the superior oblique muscle, with the nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum below CN III, in the inferior colliculus. Most motor neurons are located medially as is the nucleus, which is also just ventral to the cerebral aqueduct. The course is unique as it is the only nerve that exits from the back (dorsal) part of the brain stem, and then crosses to the opposite side, therefore the superior oblique is innervated by the trochlear nucleus located in the contralateral brainstem. CN IV runs with CN III between the PCA and SCA arteries, along the margin of the free and attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli, the nerve runs below CN III in the cavernous sinus, and through the superior orbital fissure crossing diagonally across the levator palpebrae and superior rectus muscle to the superior oblique muscle. The nerve can be affected by all of the same etiologies as CN VII, discussed earlier. When the CN IV is notfunctioning the CN III and CN VI take over the globe, which is rotated outwardly by abduction from CN VI and inferiorly from unopposed action of the muscles innervated by CN III. (3) CN VI, the abducens nerve is also a somatic efferent nerve to the lateral rectus muscle whose nucleus is located in the pontine tegmentum, and like the additional somatic motor nuclei it is located closer to the midline just anterior to the fourth ventricle, as the seventh nerve circles over the sixth nerve it creates a little hill “colliculus” along the fourth ventricular floor. The CN VI emerges where the pons and medullary pyramid meet, and extends through the prepontine cistern entering the dura lateral to the dorsum sella, within this region it travels through Dorello’s canal over the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. After taking this turn CN VI extends into the cavernous sinus, the most medial of the cranial nerves, next to the internal carotid artery, and then extends into the superior orbital fissure. In patients who have a lower motor neuronal lesion, the lateral rectus muscle is denervated and the patient cannot abduct the globe laterally, and the globe is pulled medially due to the unopposed action of CN III on the medial rectus muscle. Again, as in the VISION mnemonic, the neuroradiologist should be on the lookout for a Vascular aneurysm looking also at the basilar and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries or abnormal increased attenuation within the basilar artery (thrombus) that may occlude the pontine branches resulting in a pontine infarct. Inflammatory changes along the nerve may also affect the nerve and result in diplopia. (3) The complex coordination of vision is controlled by several key centers; briefly these include the Paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) coordinating CN III and CN VI via ascending fibers of the medical longitudinal fasiculus (MLF) for Lateral Gaze. Pontine infarcts, can affect this region, resulting in paralysis of conjugate lateral gaze. Lesions along the MLF can result also in a problem with lateral gaze and a nystagmus because of vestibule-oculomotor fibers. (5) Neurons projecting between CN III in the oculomotor subnuclei and CN IV control Vertical Gaze. Tumors in the pineal region can extend to the superior colliculus to the Vertical Gaze center and cause a paralysis of upward gaze or Perinaud syndrome. (1) REFERENCES: 1. Evaluation of Diplopia: An Anatomic and Systematic Approach. Pelak S. V, Hospital Physician, March 2004. P. 16-24 2. Deciphering Diplopia: Eyenet. Karmel M. Nov.-Dec.-2009, p. 31-34 3. Sandoz Course: Cranial Nerves, Anatomy and Clinical Comments, Wilson – Pauwels, Akesson, Stewart. Mosby & Co. 1988. 4. Neuroimaging and Acute Ocular Moto Mononeuropathies: A Prospective Study, Murchison AP, Gilbert ME, Savino PJ, Archives of Ophthalmology Vol. 129: 3, March 2011, p, 301 – 305 5. Brainstem Pathways for Horizontal Eye Movement: Pathologic Correlation with MR Imaging .Bae YJ, Kim H, Choi BS, et al. Radiographics 2013; 33:47-59.
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