POSTER SESSION 2 29/05/2015 13:00 - 14:00 ID P2-1 P2-2 P2-3 P2-4 P2-5 P2-6 P2-7 P2-8 P2-9 P2-10 P2-11 First Name Sedef Tal Nilüfer Marjolijn Olga Anne Christoph Alexey Seval Katherine Katherine Last Name Karayazgan Keren-Capelovitch Keskin Dilbay Ketelaar Klochkova Kruijsen-Terpstra Kuenzle Kurenkov Kutlutürk Langdon Langdon P2-12 P2-13 P2-14 P2-15 P2-16 P2-17 P2-18 P2-19 P2-20 P2-21 P2-22 P2-23 P2-24 P2-25 P2-26 P2-27 P2-28 P2-29 P2-30 P2-31 P2-32 P2-33 P2-34 P2-35 P2-36 P2-37 P2-38 P2-39 P2-40 P2-41 P2-42 P2-43 P2-44 P2-45 Rachel Jakob Kristina Annika Lourdes Sandra Mercedes Isabel Isabel Susan Ishøy Anna Marissa Ayşe Ayşe Mikkel Cemil Cemil Swathi Swathi Joo Hyun Joo Hyun Karine Sagrario Maja Luigi Volodymyr Gija Maryam Kjersti Kati Inmaculada Inmaculada Marina Luisa Mª Dolores Lindoewood Lorentzen Lowing Lundkvist Josenby Macias-Merlo Mackay Martinez-Moreno Martins Martins Michelsen Molinaro Mount Numanoğlu Akbaş Numanoğlu Akbaş Olsen Ozal Ozal Pai Pai Park Park Pelc Pérez-De La Cruz Petkovic Piccinini Protsenko Rackauskaite Rakhshandehroo Ramstad Rantanen Riquelme Riquelme Rodocanachi Roidi Romero Torres P2-46 Elena Sakkalou Abstract title Date Start End Is brooke scale enough for measuring function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Utilizing Tangible user interface technology to assess self feeding skills of young children with Cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Investigating the Reliability, Validity, and Sensitivity of the Scales Assessing Health Related Quality of Life in Cerebral Palsy in Turkey 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The PEDI-CAT: state of the art and developments in Europe 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Primary and repeated botulinum toxin A (BTA) injections for drooling correction in patients with cerebral palsy (CP) 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The efficacy of a child-focused, context-focused and regular care intervention approach in pre-school children with cerebral palsy: A multicentre 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Epidemiology of cerebral palsy in Eastern Switzerland (St. Gallen) 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in children with different types of mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Clinical and developmental features of atypically developing premature infants with no neurological problems 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The prevalence and risk factors for disordered sleep in children with cerebral palsy in WA. 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Factors associated with respiratory morbidity in children, adolescents, and young adults with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Baseline findings from a pilot study to evaluate the use of postural support, constructed using Appropriate paper-based technology (APT), to be used with children with Cerebral Palsy in Kenya 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Randomized controlled clinical trial of the effect of gait training in adults with Cerebral Palsy on ankle joint stiffness and kinematics 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Introduction of the Gross Motor Function Classification System in Venezuela - a model for knowledge dissemination 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 MMCUP- a secondary prevention follow-up program in spina bifida and hydrocephalus 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Standing programs to promote hip flexibility in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Changes in the bimanual skills of children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy following blocks of Bobath therapy. 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Preliminary study about quality of life and its relationship to the physical activity in Duchenne boys aged 8 to 14 years. 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The importance of new technologies in the development of communicaton skills of a child with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Perception of Time-to-contact by participants with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Impact of intellectual and motor ability on use of health care in children and adults with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Action Observation Treatment in children with cerebral palsy: a combined clinical and functional MRI activation study 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The effects of Bobath therapy on the bimanual hand function of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a feasibility study. 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Effect of Spasticity and Muscle Contracture on Gait in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Neurodevelopmental Therapy Outcomes of a Child with Moyamoya Disease 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Microsoft Kinect to Assess Infant Movement Patterns 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Does Trunk Control Affect The Upper Limb Functions In Children With Cerebral Palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Effects of socioeconomic status and maternal education on gross motor development of pre-school children 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Developmental delay, Audit,( not a tank engine) 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 '' Art excel, a parents perspective, newer intervetion for bahaviour management in children 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Correlation between gross motor development and white matter tracts in children with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Corticospinal Tract Degeneration after Cerebellar Injury : from the Viewpoint of Diffusion Tensor Tractography 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Functional impairment of somatosensory association cortex in Angelman syndrome 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Normalized therapy versus intensive Petö therapy: A comparison of two conductive treatment modalities for motor disability 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Development of visual-manual coordination in healthy preterm infants 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Immersive VR rehabilitation: A comparison between self-paced and fixed velocity gait 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Rehabilitation of children with malignant tumors of bone and soft tissues of the extremities after operative mutilation 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Predictors for early diagnosis of cerebral palsy from the Danish National Registry data 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Review of the status of specific nutrients associated with brain development in Cerebral Palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Hip pain is more frequent in severe hip displacement 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The EXAT intervention in Children with Neurological Conditions and Developmental Disorders - A pilot study 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 The two-arm coordination test (TACT): A new instrument to assess bimanual coordination in typically developing children and children with unilateral 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Prism adaption: Feasability study in children with cerebral palsy 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Music Therapy for Rett Syndrome Girls An evaluation tool to investigate the profile of activation, countenance and emotional behaviour during music 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Registration form for the orthotic prescription in child rehabilitation 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 Developing a new 'Visual Impairment and Social Communication Observation Schedule (VISCOS)’: Early social communication and behaviour profiles in children with severe visual impairment (VI) who are at risk for autism 29/05/15 13.00 14.00 P2-47 P2-48 P2-49 P2-50 P2-51 P2-52 P2-53 P2-54 P2-55 P2-56 P2-57 P2-58 P2-59 P2-60 P2-61 P2-62 P2-63 P2-64 P2-65 P2-66 P2-67 P2-68 Elena Kübra Bert Rannei Valerija Burcu Burcu Kate Regina Tordis Renske Karin Elina Daniel Lorna Lorna Lorna Emma Alexandr Elizabeth Jill Filiz Sakkalou Seyhan Steenbergen Sæther Tadic Talu Talu Thomson Bowe Turolla de Souza Ustad van Delft Verheij Vierikko Virella Wales Wales Wales Wallace Yakovlev Yerbury Zwicker Özdemir Identifying severely visually impaired children at risk of socio-communicative difficulties and autism: Preliminary evidence from different methodologies Investigation the Effects of Supported Sitting with Adaptive Devices and Unsupported Sitting Positions on Quality of Upper Extremity Motor Function in Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Coordination Disorder: A common deficit in the motor prediction? Variability of general movements in high-risk infants during the fidgety movement’s period Child-parent agreement on measures of visually impaired child’s quality of life and visual ability Evaluation of the relationship between functional levels with balace and ambulation activities of bipedal cerebral palsy children Determination of quality of life and depression levels of families with independence in hand function in children of cerebral palsy Dual Disability Pilot Project – meeting the mental health needs of children with disability Neuromotor and sensory integration follow-up of a child with microdeletion in the long arm of chromosome 1 General Movements Assessment: Correlation between global and detailed score in preterm infants without brain lesions mCIMT-BiT in young children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy. A mixed-method multiple case study. Functional communication in children with cerebral palsy, an interrater reliability study The Effects of the Neuropsychological Group Intervention (EXAT) on Child’s Attention and Behavior Factors associated to non-inclusive early education of 5-years-old children with cerebral palsy in Portugal Development is interrupted not arrested: self-awareness in children and youth with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) We don’t just want an app: information needs of children and youth with an acquired brain injury Clinicians’ use of functional classifications systems in children/youth’s neuro-rehabilitation following Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)? "Munch your Lunch!": An innovative interdisciplinary bespoke intervention for eating/drinking problems Psychological aspects of negative attitudes that parents have towards the botulinum therapy of their children with cerebral palsy A Multidisciplinary Approach to Alternative and Augmentative Communication for Children and Youth with Acquired Brain Injury Diagnosing Developmental Coordination Disorder: A novel model for a research-integrated clinic The Incidence of Spinal Deformity in Individuals Who Care for Children with Physical Disabilities 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00
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