SPONSORSHIP EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS EAST AFRICAN COMMUNICATIONS ORGANISATION (EACO) 2nd ICT EXHIBITION THEME: “IMPROVING PEOPLE’S LIVES IN EAST AFRICA THROUGH DIGITAL INCLUSION” 24th - 26th June 2015 Kampala Sheraton Hotel - Uganda 1 ORGANISER COUNTRY HOST OTHER EAST AFRICAN COUNTRY REGULATORS 2 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda Word from the Minister Welcome to the EACO 21st congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition that is happening for the first time in Kampala Uganda. During your stay, you will get the opportunity to experience first hand the dynamic communication sector in Uganda. At the expo you will have the opportunity to interact and do business with communication sector regulators, telecom operators, postal companies, broad casters, media companies, ICT developers and Institutions. All this in the name of “improving people’s lives in east africa through digital inclusion” With a youthful population of 80% under thirty years, Uganda is a fertile ground to develop and test the communication solutions of the future and an ideal location for investment in the heart of East Africa. We also hope you will have an opportunity to experience Uganda’s legendary hospitality, friendly people and agreeable climate. For those wanting to explore more, you can share our culture through a traditional cultural night, Kampala night life, the source of the Nile, or trek the famous mountain gorillas. Enjoy the EACO 21st congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition and your stay in Uganda. Karibu Rt. Hon. John Nasasira MP Min. of Works and Transport 3 ABOUT THE EACO CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION The East African Communications Organisation (EACO) was established to strengthen and promote cooperation in the development and provision of postal, telecommunications and broadcasting services in the East African Community (http://www.eaco.int). The EACO Congress and Exhibition is a bi-annual flagship event widely recognised as the most innovative and thought-provoking congress on ICTs in the region. The Congress is held in a different East African country every two years and brings together a unique mix of leaders in business, government and civil society to address pressing concerns and to understand important emerging trends. The congress has previously been held in Nairobi - Kenya (2013), BujumburaBurundi (2012) Kigali- Rwanda (2011), Kampala - Uganda (2010), Dar-es-Salaam - Tanzania (2009). The EACO Congress and Related Meetings will take place along the side-lines of the EACO exhibition from 22nd to 26th June 2015. The events are scheduled to take place simultaneously at the Sheraton Hotel, in Kampala, Uganda. The exhibition will be held from 24th to 26th June 2015. The exhibition will present a new opportunity for EACO member organisations and the ICT sector as a whole in the East African region to showcase the socio-economic benefits that the sector presents to the citizens in the region. The exhibition will highlight the reach and role of ICT’s as well as best practices in various aspects of life ranging from health, education, economic activities, and other developmental opportunities. ABOUT THE 2015 HOST The EACO exhibition will be hosted by the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and the EACO Secretariat. It will be organized in collaboration with a designated Events Management Agency yet to be named. The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is the regulatory body of the communications sector in Uganda. It was established by the Uganda Communications Act 2013 to facilitate and enable the development of a modern communications sector and infrastructure in Uganda. UCC is the regulator of the Communications sector, oversees the orderly development of communications services including telecommunications, broadcasting, postal services, film distribution and broad band through Licensing; Spectrum management; Tariff regulation; Research and development; Consumer protection and empowerment; Policy advice & implementation; Rural communications development and Capacity building. 4 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda Alongside this event, EACO will be organizing its 2nd ICT Exhibition at the same venue from 24th to 26th June 2015 and other preCongress events that will include a Workshop on Digital Inclusion and Internet Governance that will be facilitated by the Internet Society. This Exhibition which will attract regional and international ICT exhibitors, will not only create a forum for EACO members and other stakeholders in the ICT sector to network, benchmark and establish partnerships but will afford an opportunity to EACO members and stakeholders in the ICT sector to showcase their products, ICT solutions/applications, services and initiatives. Preparations for the events are well underway by the host country Uganda and Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) in particular. EACO wishes to invite you to participate in this Exhibition and pre-Congress Workshop above. Information about the Congress and ICT Exhibition will also be available on the EACO website http://www.eaco.int and that of Uganda Communications Commission http://www.ucc.co.ug by end of April 2015. Any request for further information should be sent to the email address info@eaco.int and ucc@ucc.co.ug. INTRODUCTION T he East African Communications Organization (EACO) is organizing its 21st Congress and Assemblies meetings from 22nd to 26th June 2015 at Sheraton Hotel, Kampala, Uganda. Please reserve the above dates and plan to participate in these important events. 5 DETAILS OF EACO CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION 2015: Date: 22nd to 26th June 2015 Theme: “IMPROVING PEOPLES LIVES IN EAST AFRICA THROUGH DIGITAL INCLUSION” Edition: 21st Congress and 2nd ICT EACO Exhibition Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Kampala-Uganda Target number of participants: 1,000 Mon: 22nd Assemblies Event program: Exhibition Tue: 23rd Assemblies Wed: 24th Launch of Workshop and Official opening of exhibition Thurs: 25th EXCOM, Joint Working Committee meeting, and exhibition Fri: 26th Congress and exhibition KEY DATES May 1 May 30 June 6 June 20 June 24 June 25 June 26 6 Sponsorship and Exhibition Application open Deadline for inclusion in Exhibitor’s Manual Final payments due for Exhibition space Stand / booth installations begin on site Exhibition opens to public Opening Ceremony Exhibition hall closes at 6:00pm, dismantling begins EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda It is anticipated that the exhibition will attract various stakeholders across the sector both within and beyond the East African region. International investors interested in the ICT sector in East Africa will also be targeted to participate either as exhibitors or as visitors. It will incorporate thematic elements in consonance with the ICT trends in the region and in reflection of the needs of the EACO members. Exhibitors will include but will not be limited to: ▪ ICT regulatory agencies ▪ ICT policy organizations ▪ Telecommunication and GSM providers ▪ ICT solution manufacturers and vendors ▪ Internet Service Providers ▪ Hardware and Software providers ▪ Postal and courier services providers ▪ ICT equipment vendors ▪ Broadcasting Service providers ▪ Development partners promoting adaptation of ICT to bridge the digital divide WHY EXHIBIT WHO SHOULD EXHIBIT? ▪ Internet Mobile Applications and Solutions 7 PROMOTE AND SHOWCASE You can present your brand, company and products to conference and exhibition attendees, and meet potential clients face to face. Use the exhibition space to demonstrate your services and products to over 1,000 potential partners and customers. The organising team behind the event will work with you every step of the way; creating the very best conditions for forging lasting, meaningful connections and business with our delegates. NETWORK AND CONNECT Why sponsor the event? The EACO Conference and Exhibition 2015 gives you the opportunity to connect with enthusiastic ICT experts and innovators, technology industry leaders, professionals, corporate and influential experts who will be attending this event. This is the first time the EACO exhibition has been brought to Uganda, so the coverage, buzz and anticipation will be huge! Sponsors wishing to connect with professionals and showcase proven 21st Century ICT solutions, including new tools, technologies, products, services, and strategies are welcome! When you sponsor this event we are dedicated to making you part of a truly great exhibition experience. That’s why we like to call our sponsors “partners”: We like to work together and offer everyone the most out of this event. 8 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AND BENEFITS OPPORTUNITY Price ($) Exhibition space size Available spots PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE $50,000 $20,000 $8,000 $3,500 6x5m 5x4m 4x3m 3x3m2 1 5 8 Unlimited 20min 10min 1hr 30min F/C Back pg F/C inside cover F/C ½ pg 200 word advertorial 2 1 ½ ¼ 2 2 2 Sponsor ad campaign on print and electronic media, worth $8,000 Co-branding and all the publicity for the Exhibition Promotion (roll up, etc) at the workshop venue Keynote Speech during lunch Workshop opportunity with in the Exhibition Logo on conference bag and delegate badges Branding at the main event banner Logos on invitations, reminders and conference program Inclusion of logo on the screen during breaks Inclusion of logo in printed media Announcement of partnership in social media Full slide on screens for your use during breaks Recognition at all plenaries Acknowledgement at opening address Exhibition space Host customised conference social evening or excursion - Cost by sponsor Bag inserts Inclusion in Event Guide Logo in the conference website footer Logo in Conference Facebook page Inclusion (logo and text) on the sponsor page Full page ad(s) in the printed exhibition catalogue 9 OTHER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ▪ Supply of 400 branded lanyards for the Conference and Exhibition ▪ Evening receptions - Social evenings (Guvnor Nightclub, Carnival Restaurant) ▪ Teas and Lunches ▪ Excursion (Ndere Centre, Source of the Nile, Jinja) ▪ Awards (Best Exhibitor, Best Attended, Best Innovator, etc) BESPOKE SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE If your company would like to discuss relevant in-kind contributions to be recognized towards sponsorship or would like to associate sponsorship with priority ICT issues for your company or has specific marketing and sponsorship goals, we can offer bespoke opportunities at the EACO Congress / Exhibition 2015. We provide varied opportunities for corporate involvement including but not limited to issue-focused sponsorship, tours, networking activities, show bags, speaker souvenirs, equipment / facilities, printing or any other product or service that has a corresponding cash value. We are interested in working with you on your sponsorship priorities, we cherish the diversity of our network and understand that every organisation is different. To accommodate this, the EACO organising committee welcomes any further ideas you may like to discuss and build into a possible partnership. Don’t miss the chance to position your company amongst the leaders in the ICT industry in East Africa and align with your branding priorities. 10 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda EXHIBITION SPACE AND APPLICABLE RATES All potential exhibitors are invited to make applications for exhibition space. Location assignments will be made on a first-come first -served basis with preference given to full payments. The Event Management Agency in liaison with Uganda Communications Commission reserves the right to accept or reject, in its sole discretion, any application to exhibit and to determine the eligibility of any proposed exhibit. EXHIBITION SPACE Standard Booth The exhibition hall will have an open floor plan with a standard exhibition space size of 3m X 3m or 9 square meters. Each exhibitor will be provided with one table, 2 chairs and one 500w single phase socket. This space costs $ 3500. However, exhibitors are free to request for bigger exhibition space at an extra cost. Space will be allocated according to the exhibitor’s choice but final arrangements will be determined by the Event Management Agency. s 11 Customized Booth Exhibitors may upgrade their stand to a customized designer stand upon request. Extra costs will apply. REGULATOR PACKAGE Each regulator will be have an exhibition space size of 5m X 4m or 20 square meters. Each exhibitor will be provided with one table, 2 chairs and one 500w single phase socket. There are extensive branding opportunities within the stand area. 12 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda 13 8M Rwenzori Ballroom 8M FOOD COURT 33 32 21 35 59 60 34 49 50 36 10 11 12 17 18 Tables 24 19 Hospitality zone A Entrance 23 37 58 48 Entrance 53 52 51 16 27 26 25 30 M 54 6m 22 Hospitality zone C 12 M 15 M 45 M 9 14 56 Platform 8m 15 55 Entrance 8 13 28 30 29 7 6 61 46 20 47 5 57 12 M 3 Tables 2 1 43 44 15 M HOSPITALITY ZONES SEMI-PRIME AREA PRIME AREA DEAD CORNER 38 39 40 41 42 31 45 4 KEY EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN Hospitality zone B EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN From Sheraton Main gate ADVERTISING IN EVENT CATALOGUE We will give out an event catalogue to every participant and visitor to the congress and exhibition Advertising rates on the events full colour catalogue: Full page advert: UGX2,100,000 inclusive of VAT Half page advert: UGX1,350,000, inclusive of VAT Quarter page advert: UGX 950,000 inclusive of VAT NB: All artwork to be provided by sponsors on booking. ADDITIONAL SERVICES First Aid on site through out the event Security External and Internal Hotel Security Secure Storage Facilities to store your equipment Printing services for Promotional and Branding materials, e.g banners, t - shirts, brochures, etc THANK YOU OUR 2013 CONGRESS SPONSORS (This space has been left blank for the sponsors EACO Congress / Exhibition 2013). 14 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda SPONSOR / EXHIBITION APPLICATION Company Name:__________________________________________ Invoice Address:__________________________________________ Contact person: This person will be responsible for all correspondence relating to this conference Name:____________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Mobile:___________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ TOTAL amount (Inclusive of 18% VAT)_________________________ Please reserve stand no _______ during the EACO Exhibition 2015. DATES: 24 - 26 June 2015, Sheraton Hotel Kampala, Uganda. A. Sponsorship Category Offer: Platinum Gold B. Booth selection: Standard Booth Silver Bronze Customized Booth Preferred name on the fascia board (Company Name) ____________ We undertake to observe and be bound by the events standard Terms & Conditions (a copy of which is available on request). All payments should be made to Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) 10 days before the date of the exhibition. Cancellation Policy: 50% administration fee is to be charged in case of booking cancellation 7 days prior to the exhibition dates Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________ (Principal / Director / Authorized Officer) PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND EMAIL OR FAX BACK TO …… 15 PAYMENT DETAILS: Direct Debit: ______________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________ Account Bank:_____________________________________________ BSB:_____________________________________________________ Account Number:___________________________________________ Reference: Your Company’s Name GENERAL INFORMATION Cancellation Policy Cancellations up to and including 15th June 2015 will incur a 50% of the booth price as cancellation fee. There will be no refunds after 16th June 2015 (unless we can re-sell the space). All refunds will be actioned after the conference. Condition of Payment Sponsorship / exhibitor entitlements will only be delivered upon receipt of a booking form and full payment. Condition of Advertising For acknowledgement of sponsorship in the various mediums, sponsors must secure their support and send logo by 1st June 2015 (high resolution jpeg file on a clear background). Disclaimer The information contained in this Prospectus is correct at the time of going to print. The Organising Committee reserve the right to change without notice any part of the program, the set-up or speakers. Updates prior to the conference will be published on www.____________ and www.________________, but it is the responsibility of exhibitors to check with the event organiser regarding arrangements at the time of the conference. 16 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda Exhibition Floor Plan A floor plan is provided. Should changes to the floor plan be necessary due to demand, confirmed exhibitors will be notified of any relevant adjustments to the layout. Privacy Policy In addition, your name, organisation and country of origin may be published on the delegate list which is provided to delegates, exhibitors and sponsors at the event. If you do not wish your details to be included in this list, please contact us. Ph:________________________________ Insurance Sponsors and exhibitors are strongly advised to arrange general, health and travel insurance for their staff and goods. The committee and organisers will not accept any liability for loss or injury. Exhibition Space Allocations Exhibition space will be allocated on the 22nd June 2015 based on preferences. The allocation order will be in relation to the level of sponsorship and when full payment received. Special Requests Any special requests for sponsorship packages must be pre-approved in advance by the _____________________________________________ 17 SEE YOU AT THE EACO 21ST CONGRESS AND 2ND ICT EXHIBITION 24th TO 26th JUNE 2015, SHERATON KAMPALA UGANDA 18 EACO 21st Congress and 2nd ICT Exhibition 24nd to 26th June, 2015 Kampala Uganda CONTACTS: Geoffrey Sengendo Head of International Relations Uganda Communications Commission UCC House, Plot 42 - 44 Spring Road, Bugolobi P.O.Box 7376, Kampala, Uganda Phone: (256) 414 339 000, 0312 339 000 Mob: (256) 772 461 461 / (256) 700 461461 Fax: (256)414 348 832 E-mail: ucc@ucc.co.ug Website: www.ucc.co.ug Twitter: @ucc_official Facebook: Uganda Communications Commission Blog: www.ucc123.blog.com CONTACTS: Moses Zikusoka Head Marketing & PR Events Warehouse Address: Plot 1085 Kiwafu Road Kansanga/P.O. Box 2906 Kampala Kiwafu Rd, Kampala, Uganda Phone:(256) 41 4250260 Mob: (256) 782 076 825 19
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