Janice Gough - East Antigonish Education Centre / Academy

East Antigonish Education
May 2015
Thanks to parents and community members for attending
these events. Your presence and support at and for these
activities along with our students is much appreciated.
Vice Principals:
Building Operator:
Janice Gough
Joanne Landry
Corey Hayne
Amanda Marchand
Mary Pelrine
Leisa Brow
Dauphine MacHattie
Ernie Pellerine
10128 Route #4
Monastery, Nova Scotia
B0H 1W0
Ph. (902) 232-2810
Fax (902) 232-3829
Please note that school office hours, including phone
coverage, are from 7:45 am to 3:15 pm.
May 2
May 6
Regional “Show Me Your Math” Fair (Membertou)
May 7
MADD Presentation for gr. 10-12
May 8
Regional Heritage Fair (Mulgrave)
May 10
Happy Mother’s Day!
May 18
Victoria Day
May 23
Drive One 4 ur School at Keltic Ford
May 26, 27
Gr. 8 Testing
June 2 & 3
Gr. 8 Testing
A number of students in grades 5 and 7 will be representing
our school in the regional Heritage Fair. I would like to extend
my congratulations to these students and all of the students
who participated in the Heritage Fair for all of their hard work
and impressive projects! As well, a number of students will be
participating in the provincial Show Me Your Math Fair.
Congratulations to you on your hard work and
Due to the long weekend in May there will be no classes on
May 18th. I would like to encourage students to make the
most of the time remaining of the school year. There are two
months left of classes for students and a great deal of
curriculum will be covered in this time. I realize it can be
difficult for students to focus on school, should the weather
become nicer and the distractions become more frequent.
However, it is very important they put forth their best efforts
to attend all classes and complete assigned work.
Parents, there are numerous supports available for students at
the school. there are also several assignment and homework
times and spaces for students to complete work and, as well,
teachers are available for extra help. The Parent Portal is open
for parents and students from grades P-12; this provides access
to all students’ attendance and marks. If you do not know
how to access this site, contact the school and we can walk you
through the process. Strait Up for parents provides
information for all students and parents regarding assignments
and homework so please keep checking this site for updated
As always, please feel free to contact the school should you
have any questions or concerns as communication between
home and school is key to student success.
Please check our website regularly - school updates and
information are posted there.
Janice Gough
I would like to begin this month’s letter with a thank you to
our teaching and support staff. The past month at “The East”
was extremely busy. A number of very successful events were
held, all of which took a great deal of support, organization
and work on behalf of all of our staff. The Heritage Fair, Show
Me Your Math Fair, Open House, Primary orientation,
Techsploration, and report cards all went very well and this is
due to everyone’s efforts.
Bullying is when someone repeatedly tries to hurt another
person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, reputation, or property.
Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to bully
someone else. The most common tools used for cyberbullying
are computers, cell phones, and other mobile devices. Bullying
messages can be text messages, e-mails, social media posts, or
embarrassing photos or videos.
There is now a special investigative team whose only job is to
look into cyberbullying complaints. It’s called CyberScan.
Student safety is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, we
have invited a members of the CyberScan unit to our school to
talk to our grades 7-12 students about cyber safety. The
presentations, done one grade at a time, will take place on
March 3rd. For more information about cyberbullying and the
cyber scan until please visit www.cyberscan.ns.ca.
Kelso’s Choice is a conflict resolution
program being used in grades Primary to
Six. Students are taught strategies to solve
conflict when they have a little problem.
When they have a big problem they are encouraged to seek
Kelso’s Choice this month is ‘Tell them to stop’. This month
teachers are working in their classrooms to help students speak
up and tell others to stop when they feel picked on or if
someone is being hurtful.
Students in Early Years to Grade Six selling
50/50 tickets will be entered into a draw to win
an iPad mini. Each book of ten a student sells
earns them a ballot for the iPad draw. The more
tickets you sell, the better your chances!
On Saturday, May 23rd we are fortunate to
be holding a fundraiser for our
playground at Keltic Ford in Antigonish.
We need drivers! For every person that takes a vehicle for a
test drive, Ford will make a donation to our playground.
There will be face painting, a BBQ and lots of fun. Please
mark your calendar and plan to attend. Watch our website
and upcoming flyer for more details.
SchoolsPlus is a comprehensive and collaborative interagency
approach to educating and providing service to the whole
child and family with the school as the centre of service. The
focus of SchoolsPlus is to support students and families by
helping them in attaining timely and effective services which
meet their identified needs.
We have wrapped up our Voices program for girls in grades 7
and 8 again for the year. We would like to thank the
G.A.L.A.X.Y. girls for their commitment to the group and hard
work throughout the year – Forever Strong.
On Monday, March 30th, our Playground Committee began
having a weekly 50/50 draw. You don’t want to miss out on
this! Draws are every Monday.
Winners so far:
Melanie Melong
March 30th, 2015 $609.00
Student Gift Card Winners: Melanie Melong, Brody Landry
Melissa DeCoste April 8th, 2015
Student Gift Card Winners: Ethan Farmer, Brody Landry
Herman Tulkens April 13th, 2015
Student Gift Card Winners: Will & Nicholas Delorey, Kate
Morrow, Brody
We have partnered up with Mrs. Marchand, Guidance, to offer
a group for grade 5 girls. It’s been great meeting you all so far
and we look forward to getting to know you better throughout
Dirt Divas and Dirt Dudes, County Recreation’s mountain
biking programs, will be starting up again in May. There are
still a few spots left in both programs. Any students interested
or looking for more information can see Tara in the Guidance
area on Thursdays or check out the Recreation section in the
County Quarterly.
International Student Homestay Coordinator
Evan Chisholm
April 20th, 2015
$1016.00 Student Gift
Card Winners: Marcus MacDonald, Brody Landry
Bob Heron
April 27, 2015
Card Winners: Kate Morrow, Avery DeGruchy
Student Gift
Tickets are $2 each. If you are interested in purchasing tickets
please see a student/parent in grades Primary to Six. Watch
for upcoming newsletters and our school website for the
Hello may name is Makara DeLorey and I'm the new
Homestay Coordinator for the East Antigonish Education
Centre/Academy School. My role is to find great families in
the East Antigonish area to host international students. This is
an excellent opportunity to "Bring the World Home" to you
and your family. Imagine sharing the beauty, history and
culture of Nova Scotia with a young student from Colombia,
Germany or Korea, and developing lifelong friendships
Host families receive a stipend to cover the additional costs
that occur when inviting another child into their home. You
provide a room, three meals a day and the experience of a
lifetime. For more information please email me at
makara.delorey@srsb.ca or call 902-318-4808. Also check out
The Jump, Jiggle and Jive program is for
parents and children from ages 18 months
to five years old. It will start on Thursday,
May 7th, from 9:30 am-11:00 am and will
run for six weeks. It is a program where
parents and children participate together
through music and physical activities.
During the program there will be time when the children will
hear a story and do a craft. Parents are encourage to bring a
snack for their children as long as it is peanut free. If they
forget, a snack will be provided. If you have any questions or
wish to sign up please call Kids First Family Resource Center:
Colleen Matthews
Out Reach Coordinator
Kids First Antigonish
Once again the East had an Open House and
once again it was a great success! We would
like to congratulate those who won door
prizes and thank the family, friends, and the
community at large for coming in to see the
wonderful work the students and staff have
produced over the past school year!
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
will be hosting its 10th Annual Dinner
Auction in support of extra-curricular
activities, the playground upgrade and as a
grad fundraiser. The Dinner Auction will be
held Saturday May 2nd at Monsignor Donnelly Hall in
Tracadie. Viewing of auction items and Happy Hour starts at
6:15 pm. The turkey dinner catered by Mary Grace will be
served at 7:00 pm with the auction beginning once the meal is
completed. Tickets are $20.00 each. To purchase tickets, contact
the school at 232-2810 or you may purchase your ticket from
any gr. 6-12 student.
SchoolsPlus is a comprehensive and collaborative interagency
approach to educating and providing service to the whole
child and family with the school as the centre of service. The
focus of SchoolsPlus is to support students and families by
helping them in attaining timely and effective services which
meet their identified needs.
The Nova Scotia Secondary Schools Student
Association (NSSSA) is holding their 24th Annual
Provincial Conference at St. F.X.U. from May 14 to
17. Students from throughout the province will be attending
the weekend long conference to learn leadership skills,
network with other student leaders, and attend talks by
motivational speakers from all over North America. East
Antigonish is sending six student delegates and one student
skillbuilder to provincial conference for an experience of life
changing proportions. Best wishes to our delegates and
skillbuilder for a successful and inspirational conference
experience. All Nova Scotia students enrolled in grades 9-12
are eligible to attend NSSSA conferences. Watch the fall
newsletters for next year's conference opportunities.
We have wrapped up our Voices program for girls in grades 7
and 8 again for the year. We would like to thank the
G.A.L.A.X.Y. girls for their commitment to the group and hard
work throughout the year – Forever Strong.
We have partnered up with Mrs. Marchand, Guidance, to offer
a group for grade 5 girls. It’s been great meeting you all so far
and we look forward to getting to know you better throughout
Dirt Divas and Dirt Dudes, County Recreation’s mountain
biking programs, will be starting up again in May. There are
still a few spots left in both programs. Any students interested
or looking for more information can see Tara in the Guidance
area on Thursdays or check out the Recreation section in the
County Quarterly.
Mrs. Gunn and her art students are looking for clean plastic
lids from any type and size of containers.
We would also love to get sports and fishing/hunting
Jeanine Gunn
Our grade eight students will join other grade eights across the
province to complete an assessment of both reading and
mathematics. The assessment will take place over four days,
(May 26 & 27, June 2 & 3).
The provincial assessment is designed to gather valid, reliable,
fair and accurate information about the achievement of
individual students. Individual student results are used to
guide instruction and to make decisions about what would be
most effective in further supporting each student's
development in reading and mathematics.
Parents’ positive comments about the assessment will promote
a positive experience for students writing the assessment. In
addition, students should:
Be well rested
Eat a good breakfast
Arrive to school on time since the assessments will
begin first period.
Parent pamphlets will be sent home with students prior to the
assessment. If you would like additional information please
contact school administration or visit the Nova Scotia
Department of Education’s Program and Learning Assessment
website: http://plans.ednet.ns.ca
releases histamine and other chemicals to “attack” the
There is no cure for an allergy.
There are also environmental allergies from many
items such as latex and scents.
To learn more…
-Anaphylaxis Canada www.anaphylaxis.ca
-Allergy Safe Communities www.allergysafecommunities.ca
May promotions
May 5, Sub Bar
Sub bun or 12 in. wrap
-Cheese and veggie…4.00
-Cold cut….5.00
-Mexican chicken…5.00
-Taco sub…5.00
All are 6 in subs and made to order.
(Cheese, tomato, lettuce, green pepper, hot peppers, pickles,
cucumber, mayo, hot sauce, salsa, sour cream)
May 7, Salad Bar
Assorted salads made to order.
-Garden salad deluxe…4.75
-Caesar salad deluxe…4.50
-Add grilled chicken to either…1.75
-Spinach salad…4.50
May 15
We will be using frozen yogurt.
Ice cream sundae with fruit…..1.75
Customer appreciation on May 12
500 ml. water…1.00
Allergy Awareness is Crucial
Due to many severe and possible life-threating allergies in
our school, it is paramont that we are a nut aware, latex aware
and scent aware school. We greatly appreciate your diligance
and cooperation in helping make our environment a safe place
for everyone. This includes ensuring all items that are brought
into the school are free of nut products, not just peanuts. For
example, a plain chocolate bar may say Peanut Free on the
package BUT it may contain another nut product such as,
macadamias, hazelnuts, etc.
The role of the immune system is to protect the body from
germs and disease
Complete and strict avoidance of the food is the only
way to prevent a reaction.
An allergy is an abnormal response by the immune
When the food is eaten or skin is exposed to an item,
the immune system thinks the food is harmful and
EAECA is pleased to announce that the
2014-2015 YEARBOOK is almost
complete and looks fantastic. The
working extremely hard to ensure that
the final product is amazing.
Yearbook sales will commence on Monday, May 4th and
continue until Friday, May 15th. The price for the hardcover
book will be $35. Payment must be made in full at the time of
Sales will take place at the school during recess and lunch.
Parents and Guardians are also encouraged to stop by and
place their order at the school office.
Thank you for your continued support.
EAECA Yearbook Committee
Day E
Dinner & Auction
Day F
Day G
Day H
Day A
Day B
Regional “Show Me
Your Math” Fair in
MADD Presentation
for gr. 10-12
Regional Heritage Fair
Day C 12
Day D
Day E
Day F
Day G
Day H
Day A
Day B
Day E
Day F
Day G
Day C 23
Drive One 4 ur
School at Keltic
Day H 30
Day D
Gr. 8 Testing
Gr. 8 Testing