annual report 2014 message from the president of the board of directors: I n reflection, 2014 was an extraordinary year of refining and aligning all the ECH programs and resources to more fully focus on our mission to alleviate poverty through self-reliant training. Eagle Condor Humanitarian retooled each of our models to empower individuals, families and communities to achieve greater self-reliance through education, health/nutrition, community infrastructure and career development. Successes were many and easily quantified, but I believe our greatest successes are perhaps those hardest to measure. Some highlights: ECH provided the opportunity for continued education to hundreds of children through our youth centers, who would otherwise have no access to secondary education. Along with our “food in exchange for school” programs, ECH consistently sends trained interns to our youth center programs in Peru and Colombia to help mentor children with school, life skills and accessing local avenues for apprenticeships and/or high education. ECH had the highest number of expedition participants since inception with a total of 14 youth, traditional, medical and foundation expeditions engaging 318 participants. Dozens of purposeful projects were completed and collaborated on with local community members impacting hundreds of lives for good, such as community centers, bathrooms, middle schools, preschools, and greenhouses as well as over 10,000 lbs of humanitarian supplies. ECH also achieved new highs partnering with Innovasis. In total ECH has now supported 23 medical expeditions, with 81 doctors, 174 spine and cranial surgeries and 326 participants, including family members. ECH Self Reliant Associations worked with hundreds of people providing entraprenrial training courses, business mentoring, loan acquisitions, and community networking, economically assisting all those participating as well as the communities in which the training was administered. Again ECH would like to extend appreciation to Dr. and Mrs. Brent Felix for providing office space, utilities, internet and other amenities to ECH. This contribution, along with wise administration, allowed us to keep our overhead at 14% for 2014. To our many volunteers and donors we express thanks for all you have done for the poor in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. Scott Jolley, ECH Board President Humanitarian expeditions and field programs Coordinating grassroots efforts to build and establish self-reliant conditions in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. History: E agle Condor Humanitarian was founded in 2003 with the hope of providing Micro Enterprise, education, health and hygiene to people of Peru. Southern Cross Humanitarian was founded in 2005 with the desire to give children-at-risk a place of safety, refuge, love and support to create the skills needed for brighter futures. Today our organizations provide holistic and solid foundations for self-reliance, which includes education, health/hygiene, micro-credit and infrastructure, for families and communities to end the generational cycle of poverty and secure a brighter tomorrow. Mission Statement: Alleviating Poverty Through Self-Reliant Training Together, staff and volunteers embrace a holistic and long term approach to create opportunities for selfreliance through the following programs: BUSINESS/CAREER TRAINING Self Reliant Associations teach participants principles of good business practice and entrepreneurship for individuals and families. Sponsoring children Donations help provide nutrition, shelter, health, education advancement and skill development. Internships Students, adults and couples work one-on-one mentoring children, individuals and/or in community development. “Why” ECH? A great number of families and children in South America live in extreme poverty, with less than one dollar a day to survive. With little food, schooling, hygiene training, and/or medical care, there is not much hope for a better tomorrow—just a constant cycle of extreme poverty. These individuals often have low paying jobs with no security and children often turn to the streets for food, succumbing to desperate measures such as sex or labor trafficking, criminal delinquency, substance abuse, and/or drug rings just to access basic needs. While we can’t help everyone, Eagle Condor Humanitarian, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, can help break the cycle of poverty one child, one person, one family, and one community at a time. We create options where there had been none through providing food in schools, education materials, hygiene training, volunteer medical care, micro-loan training and one-on-one mentoring to help develop personal skills and small businesses. 2014 Highlights in Review: COLLABORATING Partnerships: • Innovasis Foundation • Interweave Solutions • Northern Star • AMS Credit Card Processing • Piura Regional Government PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS: General Overview • Funding Futures – 5 students currently working on higher educational pursuits • Traditional Chocolatada Holiday parties for over 200 children: Peru, Ecuador & Colombia • 144 Youth Expedition participants providing “Away Experiences” for youth in preparation for missions, college and life! • 5 Family Expeditions, totaling 100 participants, providing dental care to rural communities, greenhouses, schools and community centers • Self-Reliant Training classes in Piura and Iquitos Peru Medical / Dental Expeditions • Innovasis, thru Eagle Condor Humanitarian, has sponsored 23 medical spine implant expeditions to Peru since 2006, completing over 174 surgeries. Colombia – Cartagena • Working with a total of 120 displaced and refuge children providing food, education and career building opportunities • 5 interns working oneon-one with the children • Completed construction of Youth Shelter • First field trip – EVER – for children of Trubaco (most had never even been on a bus!) • Water projects started for Uris and Youth Center Ecuador – Otavalo & Galapagos/Guayacana/Iltaqui • Delivered humanitarian donations to local primary school and rural communities • Built 2 Pre-Schools and a Middle School • Renovated 2 schools including plumbing and electrical systems Peru – Cajamarca • 50–70 children fed and mentored • 11 interns working one-on-one with children • Continued successful rocket stove initiative for the community by interns and partners: Northern Star Peru – Sacred Valley • Youth Expeditions providing “Away Experiences” for youth in preparation for missions, college and life! • Family Expeditions providing dental care to rural communities, greenhouses, schools, community centers and community bathrooms • Completed Youth School Facility Center for nutrition program in Ocutuan Village, (outside of Cusco, Peru) serving over 100 children • * Dental, medical and optometry services • * Built greenhouse, school library, community center with bathrooms Self-Reliant Training • Piura SR Program – Total of 156 clients with33 graduates qualifying for micro-loans providing greater stability to their communities • 2 new self-reliant classes & participants • ECH Managers continuing mentoring and working with participants to create solid self-reliant business for families • Iquitos facilitator providing monthly mentoring to graduates with new class graduation in December. A PEEK INTO MEASURING IMPACT 1/2013 – 12/2014 Families in a total of 2 communities (Noe and Iquitos) Peru # Families that Began 102 # Families that Finished 73 % Retained 72% Avg % of children entering secondary school (Prior) 13 Avg % of children entering secondary school (After) 25 % Improvement in Childhood School Attendance 48% # of businesses launched as a result of training/programs 56 # of businesses operating and growing 18 months after graduating from training 41 % of Businesses Sustained 73% Avg Family Income, Monthly (Prior) $146.16 Avg Family Income, Monthly (within 6 Months After) $215.84 % Improvement in Avg Family Income (Monthly) 32% Avg Family Savings (Prior) $46.23 Avg Family Savings (within 6 Months After) $88.38 % Improvement in Avg Family Savings Expedition Participants: 48% All Countries Dental-related 43 Medical-related (spine, checkups and diabetes support) 218 Construction-Related & Mentoring/Training 145 2014 financial statement: Jan – Dec 2014 Jan – Dec 2013 (PY) Income Career Development/Micro Credit Children’s Sponsors Educational Interns Expeditions Fees Expeditions-Spine Fundraising Activities General Unrestricted Donations In-kind Contributions Restricted Donations Sew Much Hope Total Income 20,669 43,104 9,275 594,642 105,413 49,038 27,530 30,934 0 1,400 882,005 61,700 68,048 18,297 170,432 103,189 35,655 27,295 38,691 33,852 1,190 558,350 Expenses Career Development Costs Child Program Costs Education Intern Costs Expedition Costs Expedition Costs-Spine Fundraising Expense General Administrative Expenses In-kind Expense Interest Expense Restricted Expenses Sew Much Hope Costs Shipping, Freight & Delivery Total Expenses Net Income 65,235 49,076 14,221 588,997 103,966 34,984 25,869 30,934 0 0 1,400 0 914,680 -32,675 58,998 64,863 19,056 179,731 90,549 16,541 29,062 38,691 500 33,882 1,150 5,950 538,974 19,376 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President: Scott Jolley Executive Chairman: Mark Maxfield Secretary: TerryLynn Figueroa Treasurer: Brent Bell Members of the Board: Celeste Bain Ken and Gloria Deyhle Jan Felix Keith Johnson Scott Jolley Alfred Kessler Brad Maxfield Randy Moore Rob Moore Carol and Scott Nelson Alberto Puertas Andrew Smith Karen Timothy CONTACT: 801-263-2000 • Committees Child Welfare: Laura Chabries, Chris Jensen, Natalie Smart Communications/Marketing: Al Kessler, Mark Maxfield, Randy Moore Executive: Brent Bell, Laura Chabries, Terrylynn Figueroa, Chris Jensen, Scott Jolley, Mark Maxfield, Rob Moore Expeditions: Jan Felix, Terrylynn Figueroa, Chris Jensen, Missy Webster Finance: Brent Bell, Scott Jolley, Shawn McCord Fundraising: Celeste Bain, Laura Chabries, Terry Figueroa, Missy Webster, Karen Timothy Interns: Alberto Puertas, Chris Jensen, Lacey Aukema, Courtney McBeth Medical Projects: Jan Felix, Brent Felix Micro-loan (Foreign): Terry Figueroa, Chris Jensen, Mark Maxfield, Alberto Puertas, Utah Office Staff SLC Director of Operations: Laura Chabries Project Director: Terrylynn Figueroa Expedition Coordinator: Missy Webster Our Logo: The Condor represents the people of the South and the Incan “Chakana” represents bridging heaven and earth. Today, Eagle Condor uses the Chakana and Condor as our symbol as we bridge cultures. We’d like to give special thanks to our donors for making these cultural bridges possible. THANKS TO OUR DONORS Almaguer, Juan (Dr. Graciella Colle) Acor, Shannon Adobe Matching Grants Advantage Merchant Services Agelcares Foundation American Foundation for Charitable Support Anderson, Suzanne Arsianian, Julie Ashworth, D&J Ashworth, Deanne Augustin, Lara Bain, Celeste Bair, Kathy Ball, Emily Ball, John Ball, Wendy Barnes, Dr. Angeline Barnes, Redone Bean, Christopher Bean, Davis Bean, Douglas, Beardall, Jennifer Bell, Brent Bell, JoLynn Bement, Todd Bennett, Keller Benson, RoseAnn Berrett, Steven Berven, Dr. Sig & Za Bezzant, Lauren Bezzant, Tori Black, Maria Bosshardt, Jay Blower, Steven Braithwaite, Edwin & LeaAnn Braithwaite, Jade Braithwaite, Levi Braithwaite, Michael & Larene Branch, Liza Brinkman, Trina Broadreach Brown, Lisa Brown, Milton & Holli Brown, Robert Brunson, Mark, Bunnell, Robert Busenbark, Michael C U P Federal Credit Union Cadence Capen, Dr. Daniel Caprio, Andrew & Sue Caramgno, Justin & Cheryl Carlsen, Kylie Carlsen, Michelle Carpenter, Curt Carpenter, Hyeree Casper, Ian Chabries, Doug & Ada Chabries, Michael & Laura Chamberlain, Joseph & Marilyn Chambers, Gary & Kaylene Chavers, Laura Chavez, Edga Chick-Fil-A Clare, Alycesun Clark, Christine Clark, Dave & Elena Clements, Jill Clinic Del Dr. Castillo Cook, Chase Cook, Taunya Coventry Mortgage Craigo Medical Distribution Cramer, Carl & Leonie Curtis, Dean Custom Register Solution Daines, David & Jennifer Dall, Adriene Dall, Dr. Jeff Terry, David DeBoer, Carla DeHart, Dane DeLange, Lisa Densley, Todd Deyhle Foundation DH Real Estate Dibb, Roger Dickson, Tom Downs, Dr. Nicole Duke, Steven & Veloy Dyches, Linda Ecologic Arts Edlefsen, Linda Elamparo, Kaye Ellis, Jeannette Energy Building Maintenance Enterprise Solutions Institute Evans, James & Tana Evans, Linda Fackrell, Tamara Felix Foundation International Felix, Garth Felix, Jan & Becky Fennell, Ronald Feser, Paul Fielden, BS Figueroa, Danielle Figueroa, Pablo Figueroa, Rachel Figueroa, Terrylynn Firstgiving Fisher, Paul, Fisher, Trevor Flynn, Robert Folkersen, Rodney Foster, Michael & Kim Fox, Tracy Franc, Tawnee Frantzen, Tim Fry, Aston Fuchs, Mark Fuhriman, Aaron Fuhriman, Andrew Garside, Melissa Gee, Megan Gehle, Kim Gibby, Andrea Good Shepherd Home Care & Hospice Gordon, Robert Griffin, Karen Gulbrandsen, Jim Gulbrandsen, Mandy Gunson, Michael & Janet Haacke, Sandra Haft, Angela Hair, Bryce & Sherri Hall, Kelsey Hanks, Nathan Hansen, Craig & Gloria Hansen, Roger Hanson, Robert Haro, Carlos Hatcher, Korin Hawkins, Greg Head, Rex Heap, Shelia Hendrickson, Trent Hi-Land Credit Hill, Eldan & Shellie Hill, Ruth Hilmo, Meagan Hilterbrand, Bryan Hilyard, Brittin HInds, Kelly Holt, Crystal Holt, Gordon & Carolyn Honican, Yvoonne Huaman, Victor & Sonia Hughes, William & Terri Huck, Brian Hunt, Suzanne Hunter, Bradley Hunter, Hance Huntington, Dallin Huntington, Jennifer Hutchinson, Frederick Innovasis Intermountain Healthcare Ishii, Paige James, Emily Jeffries, Paul & Marsha Jenkins, Cheryl Jenson, Christopher & Kimball Johansen, Peter Johns, Kyle Jonson, Anna Johnson, Barry & Brandi Johnson, Emily Johnson, Keith Johnson, Lauren Johnson, Lauri Johnson, Michael Jolley, Scott Jones, Jeffery Kaluau, Shauna Keethler, Katherine Keller, Bennett Kesler, Diane Kessler, Alfred & Anne Klemm, Ronald Kuck, Chuck Kwok, Alvin & Keli LaGrone, Dr. Michael & Vickie Lambert, Mari Larcabal, Dr. John Lavelle, Dr. William & Elizabeth Lopez Trading Company Love, William Lovell, Paul Lustig, Pamela Lybarger, Jacob Mabbott, Edward and Joy Mano, Kenneth Marks, Jeff Marutz, Leighann Maxfield, Amy Maxfield, Mark & Lynn Maxway McConkie, Edward McCord, Shawn McGhie, Natalie Meacham, Jenny Meads, Kenneth Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Miller, Steven & Yasemin Miner, David Miner, Gary & Sharlene Mitchell, Lawrence & Melinda Moe, Laura Monet Medical Morre, Robert Moore, Thomas & Melissa Morris, Dr. Dustin Morris, Kelly Mortensen, James & Joanne Mosaic Medical Group Moskowitz, Dr. Alan & Lisa Mower, Dr. Douglas & Jody Murdock, Kenneth & Ann Nash, David Nelson, Carol & Scott Newman, Nicki Nielsen, Brad Nielsen, Kerri Northern Star O’Brien, Sean Olsen, Tammy Olson, Mike Pacific Weed Control Pappas, Dr. Peter & Sophie Paramount Elementary School Parkin, Natalie Paulsen, Richard & Lori Paxman, David Pexton, Johnathan Phillips, Ian & Karen Pickering, Dr. Roger & Kristin Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting Plateau Remodel Platt, Lloyd Platt, Rick & Wendy Plummer, Burke & Lori Polomino, Godello Pope, Gary Powell, Robert Power, Toni Pratt, David Precision Medical Primary Care Associates Proctor, Michael & Susan Ramirez, Ann Zetty Ream, Jason & Pernille Redmond Incorporated Reeves, Todd Reintjes, Dr. Kurt Richards, Sharlene Riley, David Rivas, Jose & Josephine Rivera, Martha Rojas, Jeinnie Rooney, Miochael Rosenvall, Jeremy Rowley, Chelise Ruelaz, Robert Rush It Mall Transport Salt Lake Orthopedic Clinic Schow, Miriam Schvaneveldt, Brent Sermersheim, Roni Shannon, Keaton Sheffmax Smart, Tony & Natalie Smith, Brittany Sorensen, Boyce Southwick, Laurin Soward, John Stamos, LeAnn Stevens, Marty Steward, Adam & Brooke Sillman, Steven Summerhays, Marily Tantillo, Allan The Elation Foundation Timothy, Karen Towse, Callan Tramell, Alaina Tuttle, Kimberly Ulrich, Charles Unified Insurance Services Urban, Scott Utrillla, David Vick, Helen Viking Education & Design Vitaehealth Walker, Paula Wasatch Academy Webster, Gary Westenskow, Kerry & Makell Whipperman, Steve & Cindi White, Kimo & Stephanie Whitfield Medical Laboratory Whiting, David Whiting, Dr. Todd Whittington, John Wright, Victoria Wulff, Dr. Warren & Susan Xochiphilli, Alonso Yoo, Dr. Kevin Young, Harmony Youngberg, Debra Zambrando, Oscar & Vivian Zubeldia, Kepa & Leslie
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