Presented in cooperation with the Detroit Recreation Department: 2015 Children’s Summer Baseball League June 6 - July 25 Beginners Welcome! All games will be played week nights & Saturdays at Balduck Memorial Park: 4-5 yrs. T-Ball 6-8 yrs. 9-10 yrs. 11-12 yrs.* Coach Pitch Minor Traditional Minors Please use child’s age as of May 1, 2015 13-14 yrs.* Majors Baseball League fee is $50 till May 29; $60 after May 29 Please Note: No refunds after May 29, 2015 Eagle Sports Club provides baseball jersey & cap For more info call: (313) 402-4575 or e-mail questions to 2. Mail or Bring Registration & Payment to: 1. Register & Pay online at! All new online registration now available! Eagle Sports Club (Grace Comm. Church) ways 2 great er: to regist 21001 Moross Rd. - Detroit, MI 48236 (Moross Rd. & I-94; open daily 10 AM to 4 PM) Payment required with registration form; check or money order only when mailed Pay with Debit or Credit Cards! Select Age Division: Girl _______ Boy _______ Age Division: 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12* 13-14* Please use age of child on May 1, 2015 * Proof of age required - Birth Certificate New Eagle Sports Club Player Returning Eagle Sports Club Player Child’s Name: _______________________________________ Grade: ______________ Age: ____________ Coach/Team/Teammate Request*: _____________________________________________________________ * ESC makes every attempt to honor all requests but reserves the right to place your child on any team. ABSOLUTELY no request or team assignment changes after Friday, May 29, 2015 Address: ____________________________________________________ Birth Date: _____ /_____ /_____ City: _____________________________________________ Primary Phone: ________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________ Secondary Phone: _______________________________ School Attended: _______________________________________________________________ Email Address(es): ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________________________ For ESC Use Only: Amount: __________ PM Type: __________ Date: ____________ Initials: ____________ (PLEASE PRINT) I would like to coach: ____________ I would like to Volunteer:_________ Additional info & Waiver on back must be signed by parent or legal guardian. EAGLE Children’s Charities is a 501(c) faith based children’s charity providing sports (EAGLE Sports Club), tutoring & camp programs for boys & girls ages 4 to 14. All games played at beautifully restored Balduck Park. Every child is coached with love, care, discipline, patience and most of all joy. EAGLE Children’s Charities, founded in 1998, serves Detroit’s eastside community children. Eagle Sports Club Participation Waiver - Please Read & Sign By signing below the parent(s) or guardian of _____________________________ (insert child’s name) agree to the following: Photography Consent Agreement I / We hereby grant to Eagle Sports Club, and their staff, volunteers, agents, successors, licensees and assignees, the irrevocable right and license to use my photograph or the photograph of my child: to edit or crop photograph, and use or authorize the use of such photographs or any portion thereof in any manner or media at any time in perpetuity and to use my name, likeness, biographical or other information concerning me in connection therewith, including promotion in all media. I agree to hold Eagle Sports Club harmless against any liability, loss or damage resulting from the use of my photograph, and hereby release and discharge this organization from any and all claims whatsoever in connection with such use of photographs. Release of Liability and Acknowledgment of Risk I / We recognize that serious injury sometimes occurs in connection with athletic activities, and hereby exonerate Eagle Sports Club, it’s employees, coaches, volunteers or parents from any liabilities in connection therewith. Eagle Sports Club does not provide individual accident insurance. We strongly encourage participants to seek a doctor’s approval before participating in an athletic activity. Participants and spectators are responsible for adequately protecting themselves against cost of injury or property damage. Consent for Treatment of Minor Child In my absence, I / We authorize medical, surgical and dental treatment, both emergency and non-emergency, considered necessary and proper for the diagnosis and treatment of my (our) child listed above. I / We further authorize the manager, coach, assistant manager, and assistant coaches to cause my / our child to be transported to the nearest medical facility for treatment of any injury or illness. I / We further realize and hold harmless Eagle Sport Club, its employees, coaches, volunteers or parents from any liability as the result, direct or otherwise, of this transportation or medical care. I hereby assume responsibility for any such treatment. I also certify that my child is in good health and has no restrictions from competing in organized recreational activities. I / WE HAVE READ THE ABOVE WAIVERS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY CONSENT, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT AND UNDERSTAND THEM AND, BY SIGNING BELOW, AGREE TO THEM. ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Date: _________________ Date: __________________ Signature of parent or legal guardian Signature of parent or legal guardian Please Note: Except 4-5 yr. old T-ball - All ESC baseball teams will practice once a week in the early evening Monday through Friday. ESC Baseball team practices will be determined by ESC. 4-5 T-ball teams typically do not hold practices. Game Schedule: U-10, U-12 & U-14 teams will play 1 week night & 1 Saturday game every week at Balduck Park starting Saturday, June 6 through Saturday, July 25. 4-5 & 6-8 yr. olds will play Saturday games only: 4-5 yr. olds @ 10 AM; 6-8 yr. olds @ 12 PM. Players are required to supply & wear mouth guard & athletic supporter Practices are very important & should be attended at all times. Missing an occasional practice does not effect the your child’s game play. There is a mandatory PARENTS’ MEETING on Monday, June 1 @ 7 PM at Grace Community Church. Please call 313-402-4575 with any questions. Please Note: No Refunds after May 29, 2015
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