Exhibitor Kit Saturday, April 18th, 2015 noon-6pm austin earth day festival 2015 ww w. ar E The Historic Browning Hangar at Mueller 4550 Mueller Central Dr. Austin, TX, 78723 th Da y A u stin.co m Sponsored in 2014 by: Sponsored in 2014 by: Lighthousesolar Reed Sternberg 512-917-6111 reed@EarthDayAustin.com Exhibitors, Sponsors, Partnerships www.EarthDayAustin.com Austin Earth Day Festival 2015 Saturday, April 18th, 2015 – Browning Hangar at Mueller 4550 Mueller Central Dr., Austin, TX, 78723 Produced in Partnership with Mueller Development & the Austin Environmental Community EXHIBITOR APPLICATION (This form can be saved and emailed to info@EarthDayAustin.com) Exhibitor/Brand Name Physical Address Company/Organization Primary Contact Title/Role Billing Address Phone (if different) Email Address Secondary Contact Main Phone Title/Role Main Email Phone Website/URL Email Address Exhibitor Category Please Select Please briefly describe your exhibit: Door Prize Participation (optional): Earn more recognition and increase your presence by contributing an item to our hourly prize giveaways. Participation is free to attendees and prizes will be given hourly at the 3 stages. Your contribution will be mentioned at the microphone and prizes can include your information. Participation is optional. We will contribute as a door prize: (Please leave door prizes at the information desk at 12pm.) Electricity: Electricity is available for this event at a limited number of booths. We intend to be judicious in our usage. Electricity Needed: Purpose: No List any equipment to use electricity: Tables & Chairs: Tables and chairs will be made available at no cost to exhibitors, if requested on your application. One 6-ft table and/or 2 chairs will be made available for pick-up at the information booth between 10am and noon, as requested. Please provide one 6-ft table Please provide 2 folding chairs or ns po rS r ie so em on Pr Sp g or tin ns en po es S Pr g r tin so or on pp Sp Su ity or un nd m Ve m od Co r Fo ito ib xh tE r to ofi bi Pr hi nEx No Inclusion in Online Exhibitor Directory Inclusion in Printed Festival Guides & Directory Signage Electricity Available (w/notification & approval, limited space) Preferred Exhibitor Space and logo on EarthDayAustin.com website Mention at Microphone/Event Announcements Inclusion in Earth Day Newsletter/Online Announcements Logo on Festival Signage Inclusion in Media, Press & Advertising Mention Throughout Year as Supporter on social media and website Speaking/Announcements Opportunity, 2 2-minute mike time slots Logo on Festival Banner & T-shirt Spotlight or Advertisement in Festival Guides Speaking/Announcements Opportunity, 15 minute peak time slot Banner Level Placement on Web & Main Stage Dedicated VIP Area, Showcased Section or Similar $300 $100 $300 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 Sponsorships can be customized to fit the communication and outreach goals of the participant. *Food Vendors must have their own food permit with the City of Austin. Our goal is a ZERO WASTE event. Vendor agrees to clean up all materials and help leave the area as we found it. Event will happen regardless of weather. A canopy is recommended. Exhibitors are responsible for providing materials including tables, chairs and canopies. Booth assignments will be made by the exhibit coordinator based on space available, in the order in which applications and full payment are received and in the best interest of the overall event. Booth Request: 1st Choice: 2nd Choice: Signature: Online payment buttons 3rd Choice: Date: Please sign application and return with: Vendor/Exhibitor Release Payment by Check to “Austin Earth Day Festival” Or click the appropriate button to the right for online payment: to pay online: Payment Amount: $ Please Select Payment Method: Please Select Email to: Mail to: info@EarthDayAustin.com or Austin Earth Day Festival P.O. Box 300026 Austin, TX 78703 Exhibitor $300 Non-Profit Exhibitor $100 Food Vendor $300 Community Sponsor $1,000 Supporting Sponsor $2,500 Presenting Sponsor $5,000 Premier Sponsor $10,000 Festival Map Austin Earth Day Festival 2015 Main Parking Saturday April 18th, 2015 12pm-6pm VIP Parking Mueller Visitors Center (Open to Public) 1 RestR s 3 4 10 11 5 6 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 Exhibitors Exhibitor Check In Exhibitors should plan for shade cover. Exhibitors are responsible for their materials, including canopies, tables and chairs. If tables and chairs provided by the festival are used,please return them to information Food booth by 6:30pm. Court Please use weights to secure canopies. Small stakes can be used in some areas. Our goal is a 90 89 Zero Waste 88 91 event. 92 87 Booths 1-29 93 86 have access to electricity. 85 Information 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 Stage 1 Featured Lounge Exhibit Area 1 Exhibitors 25 26 “The Hangar” 27 28 Featured Lounge Exhibit Area 2 29 Restrooms Stage 2 Exh 81 80 12 20 Petting Zoo Kids Stage & Pony Rides 83 82 2 Exhibitors Outdoor Activity Zone Load-in is 9am-12pm (Loading gate closes and event begins promptly at 12pm. Event is a go rain or shine.) The online version of this map will be updated regularly to show available and taken booths. 8 9 oom Historic Browning Hangar at Mueller 4550 Mueller Central Dr. Austin, TX 78723 84 7 ibi tor s 79 78 77 76 Guided Drum Circles Kids Zone 38 394041424344454647 Exhibitors 5554535251504948 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 64 65 66 67 16 17 18 19 Austin Earth Day Festival 2015 VENDOR/EXHIBITOR RELEASE __________________________________________ ("Vendor/Exhibitor") covenants and agrees to fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, Real Green Events, LLC, dba Austin Earth Day Festival (referred to as "Austin Earth Day Festival" in this agreement) and any of its employees, independent contractors, partners, agents, affiliates, managers, members, volunteers and administrators, individually or collectively, from and against any and all defense costs, claims, liens, damages, losses, expenses, fees, fines, penalties, proceedings, actions, demands, causes of action, liability and suits of any kind and nature: (1) arising out of or in connection with Vendor's/Exhibitor’s use and/or occupancy of Browning Hangar at Mueller for Austin Earth Day 2015 and (2) arising out of any act or omission of Vendor/Exhibitor or any of Vendor's/Exhibitor’s employees, agents, consultants, contractors, representatives, guests or invitees and their respective officers, agents, employees, directors, and representatives, including any damage to or loss of any property belonging to: (a) Vendor/Exhibitor or Vendor's/Exhibitor’s employees, exhibitors, contractors, representatives, patrons, guests or invitees and their respective officers, agents, employees, directors, and representatives, or (b) Austin Earth Day Festival, Mueller or Catellus Austin, LLC / Catellus Development Corporation. Vendor/Exhibitor agrees to advise Austin Earth Day Festival within thirty days, first verbally then in writing of any claim or demand against the Vendor/Exhibitor or Austin Earth Day Festival known to Vendor/Exhibitor, related to or arising out of Vendor's/Exhibitor’s activities associated with Austin Earth Day Festival. Vendor's/Exhibitor’s investigation and defense of any such claim or demand as required here will be at Vendor's/Exhibitor’s sole cost until such time as Austin Earth Day Festival is found to be negligent by a court of competent jurisdiction. Austin Earth Day Festival shall have the right, at its option and at its own expense, to participate in such defense without relieving Vendor/Exhibitor of any of its obligations under this paragraph. The provisions of this indemnification are solely for the benefit of the parties to this instrument and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity. Vendor/Exhibitor assumes all risk of damage to its property and/or the loss by theft or otherwise, of any property of the Vendor/Exhibitor, its employees, and/or its exhibitors, and no claim will be made on Austin Earth Day Festival, Mueller or Catellus Austin, LLC / Catellus Development Corporation because of any such loss, unless the loss is due to intentional or willful tort committed by the organizers as determined by a court of law. Executed on Signature Name Title Vendor/Exhibitor Return to: Austin Earth Day Festival PO Box 300026 Austin, TX 78703 MUST BE RECEIVED BY April 10th, 2015
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