02|2011 THE HANOVERIAN No. 2 | February 2011 Sport Rassolini wins “Burgpokal” Annual Report The plan has been fulfilled Stallion New young stallions The plan has been fulfilled The modernization of the Niedersachsenhalle in Verden was the main subject of discussion at the Hanoverian Association during 2010. It stood the test at the Elite Auction and at the stallion licensing and sales. Overall the year was filled with exciting events and challenges. By Dr. Werner Schade T he demanding building project determined the activities at and around Verden’s central office throughout the entire past year. All events were held as scheduled in spite of the limitations. The plan was for the construction to be completed in time for the fall Elite Auction and sure enough the fall auction was held in Verden’s renovated arena. The construction began right after the spring Elite Auction in April 2010. The time frame between both Elite Auctions was tight and both had to take place in the large arena. There was no plan B – and things happened just as planned! Not only did we stick with the timetable but we also stayed within the budget for the first leg of the remodeling project. This is not guaranteed at construction sites of this size. Some unexpected difficulties did arise, though. It was a successful undertaking because all partici- 2 The Hanoverian 02|2011 pants did everything humanly possible. The building of the stables and of a new warm-up arena will start after April’s Elite Auction while the remodeling inside the arena continues. Against the trend The number of members and mares of the Hanoverian association reflect a slight retrograde tendency just like last year. Even though a decrease of just under three percent in the membership and 3,7 percent in the number of registered mares is not yet alarming we must however realize and state that the intensity of decrease is growing slightly. The breeding records unfortunately reflect a worrisome development. We recorded a two-digit reduction for the first time since the nineties. While last year’s decrease of 6,6 percent was still moderate the Annual report Sport number of mares covered over the past two years has reduced by 20 percent. The aftermath of this significant development will be noticed in the next foal crop. This has not come as a total surprise to our association. It is not just our problem but one of all horse breeding associations in Germany as well as all over Europe. Some are more affected than others and not just since last year. The effects of the economic crisis on the horse market were the main reason for the decreasing breeding numbers in 2010. Even though the economic crisis appears to now be considered a thing of the past experience shows that negative effects appear with a delay. The fact is that the general horse market has been very slow - certainly in 2009 – the foal market that suffered the most. But the foal market plays a very important role to many Hanoverian breeders. Accelerated impulses Another influential factor overlaps the influence of the economic situation: the structural change in horse breeding in Germany. The effects of the economic crisis will fortify this structural change. Again not only the Hanover breeding area is affected but the entire horse breeding industry. We must expect a reduction in the number of sport horses because of this. In general adjusting the supply to the demand is sensible. However due to the developmental time frame in horses with respect to pregnancy, raising and training it does not seem useful to plan short-term only with next year in mind. One has to predict the market development for the next four to five years whilst deciding on a breeding plan for your mare in 2011. The quality demands are high. The ability for breeding farms to raise horses in a healthy way and to guarantee a good training program during the youngster’s early years has become more and more important. It is highly probable that there will be a lack of sport horses in the future due to the continued decrease in breedings. Therefore it is advisable to act against the trend during these times. With this background knowledge the questions arise whether or not the breeding of horses has a healthy future as well as which breed association will survive. Concrete criteria prove that the Hanoverian Association holds a strong position. A deciding factor is whether an association will be able to guarantee quality in their horses through a certain selection process or reduce its status to just being a horse registry. The strength of an association will be gauged by the service programs it offers to support breeders and by the way how it deals with all organizational issues. The contribution of an association to marketing horses will play an important role. An obvious demand is to create an environment that allows for many horses to be sold at high prices on the international market. It is also a matter of being able to create and develop new market places. All this requires a modern marketing center as well as competent trainers. The personnel situation is of utmost importance. Only a motivated and competent team will be able to navigate this ship. This team includes not only full-time employees but also all volunteers that serve breeding associations and breeding clubs. Upon checking these criteria one realizes that the Hanoverian Association has done its homework and is prepared for the future. Therefore it is important that our Hanoverian breeders approach the 2011 breeding season with confidence so that they can harvest the fruits in 2015. The fact that the number of registered mares has diminished only insignificantly which suggests that not too many breeders plan to give up but are waiting to see what might happen. The number of new registrations with 2,450 mares also supports this impression. Athletic mares at the shows The overall mare show activities have remained stable. Even though we have registered some retrograde figures the range of variation has stayed within justifiable limits. 1,624 mares participated in mare shows (1,678 last year), 511 mares received the State’s Premium award (411 last year). We do not judge the mare shows by the number of participants only but also by the quality of participating mares which was impressive. We noticed a positive development at the sites. The larger combined shows came out just as well as the traditional shows. There were two highlights. The breeding clubs from Osnabrück/Emsland and East Frisia/Oldenburg organized the now called Friedrich JahnckeShow – formerly the Louis Wiegels-Show. The classes for older horses and families clearly proved how strong the genetic basis is in this region through Weltmeyer, Brentano II and Londonderry. One mare was not to be beaten earning the title “Best Mare of the Show”: St.Pr A. Doris Day by Desperados/ Brentano II (breeder: Heinrich Ramsbrock, Menslage) was probably the most exceptional mare of 2010. Doris Day started attracting attention when she became the champion mare in Badbergen at a breeding club show. She also became Champion Mare at the Herwart von der DeckenShow, qualified in Verden for the Bundeschampionate of riding horses and proved that she could also win under saddle in Warendorf. We have not before witnessed such a success record in a three-year old mare which on top of her success is now also in foal. The Hanoverian 02|2011 3 Annual report The newly organized Herwart von der Decken-Show was a huge success. It now takes place annually with only three-year old mares. The mares were celebrated; the atmosphere was outstanding. Top mare Doris Day found her equal in Diana by Damsey/Brentano II (breeder: Charlotte and Andreas Grönborg, Denmark) in this competition. Two exceptional mares led the judging commission to declare both mares Champions! Brentano II who died of colic in 2010 at the age of 27 is the dam’s sire of both young mares. The champion mares of the jumper class St.Pr. A. For Odessa by For Edition/Graf Grannus (breeder: Ludwig Decker jun., Bierbergen) and from the Halfbred-class St.Pr.A. Lisboeta by Lauries Crusador xx/Sherwood (breeder: Ira and Olaf Hagemann, Stade) completed the image of athletic mares. St.Pr. A. Doris day was one of the most exceptional mares of 2010. She won not only the Friedrich Jahncke- and the Herwart von der Decken-Show but also became Bundeschampion in Warendorf. Photo: Ernst Informative, attractive and exciting mare shows invigorate the breed and offer important orientation for the most important task to improve the mare quality. Furthermore they present a marketplace for mares. Demsey’s owner Doug Leatherdale from the United States was so impressed by champion mare Diana that he bought the mare on the day of the show. The Herwart von der Decken-Show gave more positive impulses to this development in 2010. Regional differences The number of station-tested mares stayed under a thousand with 983 mares for the first time. Partially a continued trend, partially a result of the current year! The mare performance test of home-trained mares was unable to make up for the difference. The numbers here also reflected a decline from 920 in 2009 to 886 in 2010. Regional differences became obvious. The training costs during the time of preparation were the main reason for the declining numbers. Also a consequence of the laboring sale situation during the past two years. The necessity to improve the training situation in the breeders’ stables becomes evident. The young breeders of the Hanoverian Association are on the best way to be prepared for the demands of the future. More than 800 young breeders participated in competitions at the local, regional and association level. The victory of the Hanoverian team at the German Championships in the Main and State Stud of Baden-Württemberg, Marbach was a special highlight. Hanoverian Young Breeders impressively took the lead of fourteen participating associations. Successful auction year Even though the market improved after 2009, especially the international market, every auction demanded utmost strength and concentration from all team members. The total return of 17,8 million Euro for 1,025 horses remained the same as in the previous year even though we offered 70 horses/ foals less. This clearly constitutes a sale success. We noticed differences while carefully reviewing the auction types. The riding horse auctions did very well with a return increase of almost 600,000 Euro balancing out return decreases at the foal auctions and the stallion sales. The reason for the declining foal sales clearly lies in the reduced supply. The decision to reduce the number of foals in the collection for 2010 proved correct and matched the demand. The returns at the stallion licensing were within normal deviation limits. The May auction reflected the largest return increase with Euro 233,100 and the Alsfelder Advent with Euro 254,500.00. This auction took place for the second time and it was a great success. The market honored more horses and good quality. Alsfeld has become an attractive auction location gaining new customers from southern Germany. We also saw a clear upward trend with the sales week of “Experience Hanoverians”. As of 2011 the sale of horses out of this program will be integrated into the May auction. The training and auction center (AAZ) will take over the entire marketing program for this program. Recreational horses presented as such in exhibitions will make up the third cadre next to dressage and jumper horses. Advertising and contacts The buying power from foreign countries contributed considerably to the auction successes in addition to buying-friendly customers from within Germany’s borders. Russia was remarkably strong last year. This is a good example for how beneficial it is to carefully explore market places, to advertise and Number of members and registered and covered broodmares 1 970 Total members 8. 106 1 980 1 2.25 1 Active members Registered mares 8.342 Newly registered mares Covered mares 7 .873 The Hanoverian 02|2011 1 995 2005 2008 2009 2010 Percent 1 5. 180 15.464 15.235 15.197 14.936 – 1,70 8.87 1 10.708 10.257 10.177 10.114 9.812 – 2,99 16.808 1 5.820 1 9.7 1 5 19.469 19.980 19.695 18.962 – 3,72 2.831 2.385 2.2675 2.493 2.973 2.677 2.450 – 8,48 1 5.301 1 3.392 1 3.856 12.664* 13.436 12.599 10.719 – 14,92 *incl. 217 mares, registered with the marebook for Hessian Warmbloods 4 1 990 1 3.449 Annual report to make contacts. We opened up the Chinese market in 2010, too. Being a leading economic power with growing wealth we expect increasing horse sales to China in the coming years. The Hanoverian Association has to secure market shares in this dynamic country. We have created valuable contacts during the past year. Even though the first sales have already taken place we consider this – as we do with all foreign projects - a long-term project of carefully creating a large network. The co-operation with China makes an extensive training’s program necessary. Horses and the riding sport have tremendously gained in popularity in China however help is needed with training and horse management. Clients need continuous support. The horse breeding takes place in the grassland regions of Western China at the border to Kazakhstan. This will become another area of co-operation with the Hanoverian Association. Imke Schellekens-Bartels did just that on Sunrise. The pair had a very good and successful season. She won team gold in dressage at the World Equestrian Games with her Dutch team. Sunrise became the most successful Hanoverian dressage horse in Lexington, KY. In a pursuit to catch up Ludger Beerbaum took second place on Gotha at the World Cup-finals in Geneva. The connection between the sale of horses and training is relevant not only for China but more or less for all countries and its importance increases with the sale of young horses. The Hanoverian Riding and Driving School in Verden will take on a very important role in the near future. The new manager Bernd Knorr who organized the riding schools of Hong Kong’s Jockey Club for years is an internationally experienced riding instructor. Bernd Knorr has a lot of experience with China and other Asian countries because of his time in Hong Kong. He and the Hanoverian Association will work on a concept this year to make the Riding and Driving School internationally renowned as support for the auctions with respect to advertising, customer ties and customer care. Riders on Hanoverian horses won all German championship titles in jumping, dressage and eventing. Eva Bitter won the Ladies Competition with Stakkato in Münster. Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum won on Checkmate against the men. Isabell Werth fetched both dressage titles with Warum nicht FRH. Julia Mestern on FRH Schorsch earned the championship title in eventing in Schenefeld in an exceptional fashion. Medals for Hanover Three of Germany’s top competitors on Hanoverian horses decided to have babies in 2010! Ingrid Klimke, Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Isabell Werth were not only thinking about babies, they also had their mind set on participating at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky. They were quickly back in the saddle and seamlessly linked up to their performances and successes at the top international level. Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum on Checkmate became World Champion in the jumper division with her first-class German team; Isabell Werth on Warum nicht FRH earned the bronze medal with her team; Ingrid Klimke on Butts Abraxxas had a grandiose dressage and cross-country ride but just missed winning an individual medal because of her final stadium course. Three strong mothers! Dablino under Anabel Balkenhol a member of Kentucky’s bronze medal dressage team and Desperados under Falk Rosenbauer the champion of the German Dressage Derby were considered the Dressage Shooting Stars of 2010. Eva Bitter attracted much positive attention and good successes like the victory at the Open Jumper Grand Prix of Hanover with the two state stud sires Satisfaction and Perigueux. Outstanding advertisement for both stallions from Celle! Handicapped riders earned a number of medals at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky. The discipline Para-Equestrian has been newly added to the WEG. Dr. Angelika Trabert became World Champion with Arriva-Avanti in the freestyle. Hannelore Brenner now also is a World Champion with Woman of the World after her Olympic victory. Lee Parson from England won three gold medals on Gentleman. Patric Looser from Switzerland earned the title World Champion in individual vaulting on The Elite Foal Auction took place in the Hanoverian Riding and Driving School. Photo: Ernst Earning a bronze medal in the World Cup Final was one of the exceptional successes at the top level. The Hanoverian 02|2011 5 Annual report Auctions Winter Summer Autumn 92 74 77 86 86 91 38 Total turnover (Euro) 1.272.300 2.245.500 1.112.800 1.342.200 3.053.000 1.325.500 563.600 Average price 13.805,43 30.345 14.458 15.607 35.500 14.528 14.832 50.000 127.000 45.000 75.000 320.000 41.000 42.000 Solt horses Highes price Spring May Record RS. It was impressive to witness that many handicapped riders counted on Hanoverian horses in Kentucky. Eight Out of twenty horses in Kentucky that were bred in Germany carried the Hanoverian brand. Two carried the Hessian brand. Many very good talents representing the Hanoverian breed earned many medals at the championships in Verden and in Warendorf. Hanover held a strong position winning two reserve World Championship titles which went to Claudia Rüscher with licensed stallion Lissaro in the division for five-year olds and to Eva Möller with Soliere in the six-year old division. It became very clear in this competition that the international competition has steadily improved with respect to the quality of horses and the quality of riding. The privately owned sire Lissaro van de Halle won the Bundeschampionate in Warendorf for three consecutive years, became Reserve World Champion and is now in training with Edward Gal preparing for top international competition. Photo: Schwöbel November Alsfeld strongly in the jumper division as it was last year. We saw very talented Hanoverians in the event division. Reserve champion Rubinja TE ridden by Elmar Lesch found a new home with Ingrid Klimke. Mrs. Medicott under Sara Algotsson-Ostholt became World Champion of the six-year olds in Lion d’Angers/France four weeks later. FRH Butts Avedon with Andreas Dibowski in the saddle won silver in the seven-year old division. Hanoverian jumper horses made a very good impression in the jumper horse championships. Stakkato’s blood was remarkably often represented in the placings. Stakkato as well as some of his sons had a big impact from a breeding point of view which the jumper collection had already confirmed at licensing. International Competition The Dutch association KWPN leads the way in dressage as well as in jumping in the international competition of the horse breed associations. Hanover takes second place behind the Dutch in the dressage rankings of the WBFSH. Changes mark the situation in the international top sport of dressage. These changes are not directly related to the breeding of horses. Looking at the young Hanoverian talents currently being prepared for competition at top dressage training facilities allows Hanover to look forward towards a bright future at the top again. It will be considerably harder to reach this goal in the jumper sport as there are five associations with strong representation. Doris Day the champion of the three-old mare division with rider Hermann Burger and Lissaro van der Helle winning his third championship title this time in the division for five-year old dressage horses were the absolute super stars at the Bundeschampionate in Warendorf. Lissaro van der Helle wrote history by winning three championship titles in three consecutive years. This has never happened before! Hanover was successfully represented in all disciplines although it was not represented as The competition is much harder. Hanover lacks the number of horses at the top. Reviewing the excellent development of Hanoverian event horses over the past years it is not surprising to see that Hanover was able to take the lead in the marebook valuation for this discipline for the first time. The marketing benefited from this development. International interest in Hanoverian event horses has clearly risen. This will strengthen those breeders willing to use Thoroughbred blood in their breeding program. n Total sales from 1998 to 2010 Number of horses 1988 2000 2008 Return in Euro 2009 2010 1990 2000 2008 2009 2010 Riding horse auctions 336 494 584 542 544 3.490.385 7.806.911 12.330.500 10.353.300 10.914.900 Foal and broodmare auction 182 207 450 417 354 848.028 1.354.207 3.657.100 2.939.200 2.500.000 Stallion sales 103 92 2.087.750 2.630.390 3.370.000 3.811.500 3.501.500 93.200 122.900 162.750 „Experience Hanoverians“ Other sales Total turnover 6 The Hanoverian 02|2011 621 91 88 84 10 13 21 25 55 35 22 286.592 150.490 944.620 590.238 719.350 818 1.190 1.095 1.025 6.426.163 12.078.100 20.395.420 17.817.138 17.831.800 Sport A pat for the champion: Rassolini and Kathrin Meyer zu Strohen. Photo: Frieler K athrin Meyer zu Strohen and Rassolini are a well-coordinated team. The rider has been responsible for the stallion’s daily training for more than three years. The pair qualified for the Bundeschampionate for five-year old dressage horses finishing the final in an ungrateful forth position in 2008. The pair also just missed a medal finishing forth at the World Championships for six-year old dressage horses in Verden in 2009. This happened at the Bundeschampionate for six-year olds, too: forth place! Rassolino has had a great start this year, now being a seven-year old: They qualified for the final of Nürnburger Burgpokal in Frankfurt at the state championships of Berlin-Brandenburg. It is viewed as the unofficial German Championship for seven- to nineyear old dressage horses. The pair dominated this competition highlight from the beginning. The pair’s top performance was also awarded with the winning score in the final after the victory in the introductory test. Kathrin Meyer zu Strohen raved that “Rassolini’s relaxedness, suppleness and his entire trot work are his strong points. He learns very quickly. I consider him a true horse for the future.” Christel and Horst Hofmann from Bad Nauheim bred Rassolini by Rubioso N/Silvano. The couple has been devoted to breeding Horses for decades. The breeding program is based on Lorely by Jussuf and her daughter Lorette by Thor. Lorette’s daughter Leika by Lotse delivered Riquetta by Romadour II. She was the dam of licensed stallion Sappalot by Silvano, who – as a three-year old – won the Hessian Championships and later the Suisse Dressage Championships under rider Birgit Wientzek-Pläge. Full-sister St.Pr. mare Sweetheart is a proven broodmare. She is the dam of Rassolino as well as Dream Girl H who won her mare performance test in Alsfeld in a surpassing fashion. Rassolini is owned by Detlef Ruddat and stands at stud at the Gerkenhof in Kirchlinteln. Family Meyer zu Strohen introduced the liver chestnut to Detlef Ruddat and breeding farm manager Marco List who remembers, “I had already noticed the stallion at the championships in Lohberg. He shoul have participated at the elite auction in 2006 but dropped out due to an illness. We were convinced immediately as soon as we saw him at Family Meyer zu Strohen!” The breeding farm manager knows which strong points the athlete has, “His walk is excellent and his performances has improved from year to year.” Kathrin Meyer zu Strohen will con- Gold for Rassolini The Hessian Rassolini won with rider Katrin Meyer zu Strohen the Final of Nürnberger Burgpokal in December. This test is the unofficial german championship for young dressage horses. By Julia Martin tinue training Rassolini. Breeders can be pleased as Rassolini´s frozen semen is available this year at Eckhard Wahlers breeding station. The Hanoverian Wells Fargo with Matthias Alexander Rath placed second in the final of Nürnberger Burgpokal. The now seven-year old chestnut by Welser/Fabriano (breeder: Karl Klüber, Rheden) changed owners at the elite auction in 2006. Matthias Alexander Rath has now been presenting him for a year. Kathrin Meyer zu Strohen laid the training foundation. The pair placed fifth in the final of the World Championship for five-year old dressage horses in Verden in 2008. She participated in the finals of the Federal Championships a few weeks later. Insa Hansen presented Wells Fargo in the World Championships for six-year olds in Verden in 2009 before Matthias Alexander Rath took him under his wings. Wells Fargo placed second and Rassolini third in the Class For Champions. Unee under Jasmine Sanche-Burger won this class. This pair went on to finish the final in third position. n The Hanoverian 02|2011 7 D’Agostino wins World Cup D’Agostino and Fabienne Lütkemeier won the World Cup for Young Riders in Frankfurt in December. Exciting competition took place with top Hanoverian placings in the festively decorated arenas of the indoor Christmas show circuit. By Britta Züngel Dressur D’Agostino D’Agostino by De Niro/Shogun xx (breeder: Klaus Lahmann, Dassendorf) and rider Fabienne Lütkemeier won the freestyle final of the World Cup for Young Riders that took place in Frankfurt/Germany. Earlier this pair had won the Prix St. Georges and had placed second in the individual test. Dr. Doolittle (VA) The judges placed Dr. Doolittle by Donnerhall/ Lauries Crusador xx (breeder: Dr. Sönke Toba- 8 The Hanoverian 02|2011 ben, Eschborn) with rider Julia Funke in fifth position in the individual test for young riders at the CDI in Zwolle, The Netherlands. Mr. Q. Mr. Q by Matcho AA/Lanthan (breeder: Friedhelm Horstmann, Bad Oeynhausen) triumphed in Zwolle winning the FEI individual test for juniors with Alexandra Barbancon from Spain. Sancette Sancette from Sandro Hit/Contender (breeder: Dietrich Meyer, Bierde) recorded top placings in Australia. The nine-year old placed third in the Grand Prix with rider Mary Hanna and they improved to second place in the freestyle both at the CDI in Werribee. Winyamaro Winyamaro by Walt Disney/Trapper (breeder: Hans-Jürgen Bührig, Schiffdorf) finished forth in the World Cup freestyle under Catherine Haddad in the Olympic arena in London/Great Britain. Earlier on the ten-year old had already placed forth in the Grand Prix. Springen Ashley Rodrigo Pessoa rode ten-year old Ashley by Acorado/Chasseur (breeder: Helmut Siefkes, Holtland) to victory in the World Cup jumper class in Washington, USA. Sport Westorcan and Bernd Herbert won the opening jumper class in Frankfurt. Photo: Rau Cederick Daniel Etter rode Cederick by Chasseur/Rabino (breeder: Breeding Farm Staats, Bahrdorf) to victory in the puissance at the World-Cup Show in Geneva, Switzerland. Earlier on the pair placed second in a two-phase class and third in a six bars competition. Cayetana Marjan De Wachter placed third after the jump-off with ten-year old Cayetana by Calido/Großglockner (breeder: Mareike Peckholz, Cappeln) at an international competition in Mechelen/Belgium. Codex One (VA) Codex One by Contendro/Glückspilz (breeder: Wilhelm Berghorn, Stolzenau) finished the opening class placing second with a clear round under rider Karl Brocks at the festive indoor show in Frankfurt/Germany. Da Silva C & M A new name appeared on the international result lists at the end of the year. Bert Prouve from Belgium rode Da Silva C & M by Acord II/ Wienerwald (breeder: Horst Erxleben, Bienenbüttel) into fifth place in a difficult (S-) class in Mechelen. Escada The rising generation met in Wierden/The Netherlands on the last weekend of 2010. Maximillian Weisshaupt had a good start placing second with Escada by Escudo/Wangenheim in the division for young riders (breeder: Stephan by Dewitz, Bennebostel). Albführen’s Granny Smith Alexandra Fricker placed fifth with Granny Smith by Grand Cru/Glockenklang at a jumper class for the Champion Cup in Frankfurt (breeder: Hans-Volker Mehmel, Niedernwöhren). Lantinus (VA) The top ten riders of the Rolex-rankings lined up for the final in Geneva. Lantinus by Landkönig/Argentinus (breeder: Henning MüllerRulfs, Ritterhude) with rider Denis Lynch placed second with only four penalty points after two demanding rounds winning a purse in the amount of 50,000 Swiss Franks. Only one week later the Irish-Hanoverian combi- nation had again to be satisfied with a second place after an exciting jump-off in the Grand Prix of Frankfurt. Little Lady (VA) Little Lady by Laptop/Grannus (breeder: Wiebke Hannken, Alfter) placed fifth with Michael Whitaker in a jumper class with jump-off in London, Great Britain. The nine-year old placed forth after a faultless round in another class. Quax (Hessian) Quax by Quincy Jones/Donar (breeder: Ralf Litz, Eiterfeld) entered the roster of winners in Geneva. The ten-year old won a time class with rider Werner Muff. Rosanto Thomas Brand and Rosanto by Raphael/Singular Joter (breeder: Willi Schulz-Hausbrandt, Wittingen) earned their first international placing finishing fifth in a jumper class in Zuidbroek, The Netherlands at the beginning of the year. VDL Groep Wallenberg Wallenberg by Stakkato/Libero H (breeder: Gerhard Lyke, Uetze) placed fifth in the Speed and Handiness Class at the CSI in London’s Olympic arena as one of the youngest participants. Eric van der Vleuten from The Netherlands rode the seven-year stallion. Westorcan (VA) Westorcan by Wolkenstein II/Matcho AA (breeder: Hermann Jarck, Himmelpforten) performed at his best in the opening jumper class in Frankfurt. The ten-year old won this international class with his rider Bernd Herbert. The pair was again victorious in another jumper class the next day. n Little Lady and Michael Whitaker were placed fifth in London. Photo: Frieler Shutterfly Shutterfly by Silvio/Forrest xx (breeder: Uwe Dreesmann, Hesel) placed forth with his rider Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum after an exciting jump-off at a World Cup jumper competition in Geneva. Stardano Stardano by Stakkato/Cardano (breeder: Horst Amend, Gehrden) convinced with his Russian rider Alexander Zamkovoy placing forth in the first class for young horses at the CSI in Leszno/Poland. The seven-year old finished third in the final. The Hanoverian 02|2011 9 Breeding The quality of the hooves has a substantial influence on the serviceability of a horse. The evaluation of hooves is only possible on solid ground. Photo: Ernst half (13) carried jumper blood at least once in the first two generations often through the already mentioned Hanoverian bloodlines G, F and E. We are on the way The Hanoverian Association published guidelines a year ago that they had worked out in detail in cooperation with the Breeding Book Committee. The statements have already proven themselves. By Ulrich Hahne Guideline emphasized predisposition The breeding of sport horses calls for an adjustment to an aim-oriented predisposition for dressage, jumping or eventing. All attributes must be evaluated during the selection process. In the breeding of jumper horses, jumper lines are to be used exclusively and suitable refining sires. In the breeding of dressage horses, dressage lines, suitable jumper lines as well as refining sires can be used. 10 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Guideline Emphasized Predisposition Stallions with dressage talent who have a jumper pedigree bring power and attitude into the breeding of dressage horses. These attributes become necessary when the test questions become more demanding at a higher level. This realization is fundamentally not new and a successful concept that Hanover has used with the dual talented G-, F- and E-line and which - for instance in the Netherlands - was used until quite recently. Lately however the use of this concept has diminished. It therefore deemed wise to bring it up again. There have been many examples of Hanoverian dressage horses in all age groups that have confirmed the guideline for an emphasized predisposition during 2010. There were 23 Hanoverians in the world’s top 150 dressage horses in the last show season according to the WBFSH-rating. More than Lissaro by Lissabon/Matcho AA created a stir at the lower level on the show circuit of 2010. He was discovered in the jumper lot on Verden’s stallion sales in 2007. He went on to become three-time Bundeschampion and Reserve World Champion of dressage horses. In the near future we will see him under Edward Gal. It was Dundee by Don Frederico/ Falkland who set the standard at the auction scene in 2010. Again it was Hanoverian’s F-line that brought dynamics and a fighter spirit to the breed through Wanderer. Again and again the sire Falkland appears as dam’s sire in many highly interesting horses. The fact did not escape the view of our competitors from the north. Our Danish neighbors advertised with the young dressage talent Uno Donna Unique the unchallenged World Champion of young dressage horses in 2010. Her dam is by Falkland. Verden’s stallion sales of 2010 also offered dressage talented stallions with a jumper pedigree. Often they could already be found in the collection of dressage horses like premium sire Conan by Chequille/Landclassic. The breeding records of Edward, Lissaro, Christ, Contendros Bube or Goldfever II from 2010 indicate that there will be Hanoverian dressage horses with jumper genes in the future. Guideline Identity Dressage-talented stallions with a jumper pedigree often go back to the proven Hanoverian bloodlines of Goldfisch II, Feiner Kerl and Adeptus xx. With that in mind one inevitably arrives at the second guideline the guideline identity. Once again back to the most successful Hanoverian dressage horses of 2010 that placed in the World’s top 150. The bloodline of Flavius, the Hanoverian W-blood, appears most frequently. It was difficult for young stallions with this bloodline to settle as breeding stallions in the past because it was so widespread during the 90s. This is why there are only older, established stallions available at the moment. They offer the opportunity to lend new impulses to proven Hanoverian performance lines. It is desirable to maintain the W-blood also on the sire side to secure his values for the Hanoverian breed long-term. Breeding Looking back at the list of last year’s most successful Hanoverian jumpers we certainly wished for a larger number in the group of the World’s best. When Hanover was represented it was mainly with strong Hanoverian pedigrees where for instance Goldfever, Drosselklang II and Stakkato appeared as sires. Verden’s stallion sales confirmed this tendency. And at the end of the collection there were the ‘Stakkatos’. These stallions made a positive impression. Leading the way was premium sire Spimex by Stakkato/Calypso II. His dam is Hanoverian Mare of the Year 2010: Cecile by Calypso II/Abajo xx/Weingau/Abhang. The historical background of his pedigree is a classical Hanoverian recipe for success: Hanoverian performance blood in Weingau and Abhang, Thoroughbred blood through Abajo xx; the positive attributes of Holstein blood combined with a solid Hanoverian base through Calypso II and then continued on with the Hanoverians Stakkato and Escudo I. Hanoverian dam lines are the best in the World. Stallions that should improve the Hanoverian breed must descend out of a good dam line. They can only pass on to their offspring what predecessors have passed on to them. Guideline Quality The construction of the back, a powerful yet relaxed back, allow for dynamics. Perfect examples were Jumping Ratina died Ratina Z by Ramiro/Alme died just before Christmas at the age of 28 with her longtime rider Ludger Beerbaum at her side. “She fell asleep peacefully never to wake up again,” Beerbaum communicated on his website. She was one of the most successful jumper horses of her time with life-earnings of Euro 920,000.00. Ratina Z had finally made a name for herself and not only with the experts at the European Championships in 1991 in La Baule, France. She won team gold and placed forth individually under Piet Raymakers from the Netherlands. The pair won team gold at the Olympic Games in Barcelona and individual silver a year later. Ludger Beerbaum became individual Olympic Champion in Barcelona with his mount Almox Classic Touch. Ludger Beerbaum took over Ratina Z soon after that. The Hanoverian mare remained highly successful with her new rider: Overall World Cup victory in 1993, team gold at the World Championships in the champion dressage mares at the Herwart von der Decken-Show 2010. It is not only the quality of the movement and the overall harmony that connects state’s premium aspirant Doris Day by Desperados and elite mare candidate Diana by Damsey; it is also the dam’s sire Brentano II who is a cornerstone of the Hanoverian dressage horse breeding program. This example proves the relation between the guideline quality and the guideline quality. Doris Day confirmed her show success also in under-saddle competitions by winning the Federal Championships for three-year old riding horses in Warendorf. The champion is now in foal. The mare Diana will be able to prove her athleticism in the coming years. The quality of hooves and foundation will once more gain in importance; the standard of quality will increase. We had already directed our attention to these criteria during the selection process in 2010. A rubber mat allowed for a clear evaluation of the hooves at the Herwart von der Decken-Show. This system was also implemented at a few mare shows (in Timmel and Luhmühlen). The 2010 premium stallions show that the attributes outlined in the guideline quality were considered as selection criteria. They are firm components of the Hanoverian breed. These attributes combined with the ideas of both other guidelines should be taken in serious consideration in all breed decisions. n Guideline Identity The goal of the Hanoverian Association is to effectively stabilize the valuable, genetic foundation of the Hanoverian breed through purposefully promoting proven and newly arising Hanoverian performance lines. Guideline Quality The evaluation of the back construction is of special importance in the breeding of sport horses for all disciplines. We strive to improve the motion of the movement under saddle. In the selection process we filter out horses with an energetic move-off which goes through a powerful, supple back as this is a prerequisite for a horse to best develop carrying power under a rider. The demands on the quality of the hooves and the foundation will also be increased again. 1994, team gold at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, double victory at the European Championships in Mannheim. Ratina Z was retired at the CHIO in Aachen in 1999. “I am who I am” was the motto that illustrated her unique equine personality. “This horse never came towards me not even one centimeter! I always had to approach her,” Ludger Beerbaum described the special nature of this exceptional athlete. Breed agreements with respect to embryo transfers were worked out with Ratina’s breeder Leon Melchior. Ratina Z produced five descendants. After that Ratina enjoyed her retirement at the farm of Beerbaum. Ratina Z belonged to the top Hanoverian jumper horses which were recruited for the World Breed ranking seven times, three of which as number one! Her pedigree reflects first-class European performance genes from the Netherlands, France and Hanover. The small share of Hanoverian blood comes from the famous granddam Heureka who had won Aachen’s Grand Prix under rider Hermann Schridde. Heureka’s granddam is a descendant of Forstmeister by Feiner Kerl/Sohn Förster/ Khelius. n Ratina Z was one of the most successful showjumpers of the world. Photo: Ernst The Hanoverian 02|2011 11 Breeder’s portrait A world-class stallion Reinhard Braack holds the chestnut sire Weltmeyer in high esteem. Weltmeyer’s name must appear in the pedigrees of all his broodmares. By Jürgen Stroscher I Reinhard Braack, “It is every breeder’s dream to produce an exceptional horse at least once – it would be just like hitting the Jackpot!” am still convinced of Weltmeyer’s unique heritability qualities. In my opinion he is a world-class stallion. I have just inseminated one of my four broodmares with his semen,” the certified farmer from Krautsand near Dochtersen explains. Fiftynine year old Reinhard Braack prefers using stallions from the breeding station Landesbrück. “I want to set a good example and predominantly use stallions at our station in Landesbrück being a long-time president of the Horse Breeding Club Kehdingen. The quality is also very good.” Soon fouryear old Dannebrog will be available for breeding services in Landesbrück and Braack is already making plans how to most effectively use this sire in his Hanoverian breeding program. Proven blood from Kehdingen The proven blood of Marcio xx, Wendekreis, Gardestern and Eisenherz can still be found in the region of Kehdingen. Braack’s mare lines are strongly influenced by Eisenherz’ genes. Reinhard Braack has successfully manifested his breeding program in the mare books of the Hanoverian Association with St.Pr.St. Erina by Eisenherz/Abermals. Erina, born 1983, has delivered very desirable offspring with the licensed sire Weltbürger by Weltmeyer and his fullsister Weltbürgerin. Weltbürger won his performance test and became Bundeschampion of the fouryear old riding horse division in 1993. Braack sold Weltbürger to the Breeding Farm Reinsehlen in Schneverdingen two years prior to the licensing. Full-sister Weltbürgerin stayed on the farm in Krautsand and delivered many first-class foals. She had to be put to sleep last year. The passionate breeder has available the blood of his beloved broodmare in her eight-year old daughter Baroness by Baroncelli. Weltbürgerin’s full sister is still on the breeding farm, too. Braack has high hopes for the future of 12 The Hanoverian 02|2011 this now two-year old filly. The breeder can also be very proud of Elfie by Eisenherz/Steward xx, born 1984. She delivered the filly Wien by Weltmeyer in 1990 that also received the St.Pr. award. Reinhard Braack and his wife Elke can look back onto a very impressive breeding record. The couple can be very satisfied for having exclusively produced state’s premium mares as well as mare show champions and licensed stallions. “After all it is every breeder’s dream to produce an exceptional horse at least once. It would be just like hitting the jackpot!” Family Braack has had to overcome blows of fate though before getting this far. The original farm that was located right on the Elbe River was flooded during the strong gales and floods of 1976 at the North Sea-shore. All animals including the horses were endangered. “The Hanoverian Association and breeder friends showed true solidarity. Many colleagues came with their horse trailers within a few hours, loaded up the horses and kept them for the entire summer,” Reinhard Braack explains still filled with gratefulness towards all the support his family received during these hard times. “A new barn for 30 horses up high on dry land was built within six months and all horses had come back by the end of November” the breeder narrates. The family first lived in temporary quarters at the new building site which was about one kilometer (as the crow flies) away from the old one until all buildings were completed in 1977. “My dad unfortunately was unable to overcome the loss. He died very suddenly. I had to manage the entire farm by myself from the age of 26.” Family Braack has bred Hanoverians for generations. Father Braack focused on breeding riding horses after having bred workhorses first. “I have Breeder’s portrait always tried to breed attractive horses. Today a good character and good rideability are becoming increasingly more important which brings me back to Weltmeyer whose movement and mechanics are one-of-a-kind. The Thoroughbred Lauries Crusador xx produces impressive, handsome descendants of beautiful type. Hanoverian horses should have pep and still be gentle which makes Thoroughbred blood so important,” Braack offers insight into his breeding goals. In anticipation The proven breeder is awaiting his soon to arrive foal crop with anticipation. He selected the sire Fürst Nymphenburg for four-year old Lauretta (a class champion in 2010) by Lauries Crusador xx/ Weltmeyer, the sire Fiorano for nine-year old Baroness, a daughter of Weltbürgerin, the sire Weltmeyer for ten-year old Luano by Lauries Crusador xx/Eisenherz, and the sire Hochadel for seventeen-year old Daisy by Davignon/Steward xx with careful consideration. Reinhard Braack also takes care of his young colts and nearly 300 young bulls. He has managed his farm alone since 1998. “My son is more interested in airplanes which has taken him to other side of the Elbe River to Hamburg where he works for Airbus,” the father explains with a touch of concern for the future of the farm in his voice. His wife supports him. She deals with his extensive paperwork and answers the phone. A ‘one-man’ business does have its advantages as our customer always deal directly with the boss. Word has got around that Braack has spacious and good fields. “Fertile grounds that do not require any fertilization with only a few flies during the summer and healthy maritime climate offer best conditions for raising youngsters,” the breeder shares with excitement over the good location of his farm. Other horse owners give their young colts into the caring hands of Reinhard Braack. “It is no problem for other colts to join mine. They grow up in small groups peacefully and far away from the other horses.” Boarding horses join the broodmares and geldings. The colts are brought back to the barn once the grazing season comes to an end. I discuss the rising generations the further development with the owners. Colts stay colts and get prepared for the licensing or for sale if they have enough potential. Braack seeks the help of his friends the Family Koppelmann in this matter. Depending on the youngsters’ age they either go back out into the fields or as geldings are prepared for the sport. Up to now Mr. and Mrs. Braack have sold more than twenty horses through Verden’s auction program and on the stallion sales. The breeder drives over the entire farm to check on all the horses every day. “Horse owners must have a good feeling when they place their four-legged friends into our care.” Decades of experience in raising young horses have trained Reinhard Braacks eye. His clients can count on his knowledge and expertise. Long-standing customers are the best proof. A long and exhausting workday comes to an end when the committed breeder seeks the comfort of his own home next to his wife. He thinks about the future of the breed of horses in general but especially about his own Hanoverian breeding program all the time. The prospect of having a second Weltmeyer in his barn gives him the courage to continue breeding. n The licensed stallion London Baron by Londontime/Baroncelli was the 20th auction horse out of Braack’s breeding program. He sold to Finland. Photo: Ernst The Hanoverian 02|2011 13 Stallions State Stud stallions 19 young stallions owned by the State Stud Celle will go to the breeding stations for the first time. They are presented with photo, pedigree and results of their performance test. The complete results can be found on page . Belmundo xx, brown, born 2004 B. a. r.: Gestüt Bona, Bergheim Breeding station: Zentrale Besamungsstation Celle Ph.: ++49 51 41/92 94 20 Handicap: 94 kilogram Königsstuhl xx Monsun xx Mosella xx Lomond xx Bajonette xx Bolivia Dschingis Khan xx Königskrönung xx Surumu xx Monasia xx Northern Dancer xx My Charmer xx Windwurf xx Boccia xx Bonard de Charry, Liver chestnut, born 2008 B. a. r.: Joachim Tobaben, Buxtehude Breeding station: Besamungsstation Aller-Weser Ph.: ++49 42 31/93 53 41 100 mares Dam line of Lunda, 1919, Heins, Westerbeverstedt (Geestemünde): LB Servus by Sesam, LB Dagobert by Duenkel, LB Weinstock by Wendekreis, PB Gragenit by Grannus, LB Don Vino by Donnerhall, DLGChampionmare Ascona by Argentan, Luigi by Landadel internat. successful show jumper, Werra by Werther internat. successful show jumper Bolero Brentano II Glocke Donnerhall St.Pr.St. Dark-Delight St.Pr.St. Lacoste Black Sky Baronesse Grande Ferbel Donnerwetter Ninette Lauries Crusador xx Akelei Bonne Chance, grey, born 2006 A B.: Manfred Schäfer, Vechelde R.: Hengstaufzuchtgestüt Hunnesrück Breeding station: Besamungsstation AnkumSPT Adelheidsdorf: 103,59/19/48 Pl. dr.: 97,29/17; Pl. jump.: 111,57/11 Dam St.Pr.St. Starlight A; 2. dam Wyoming A: El Paso (VA) by Escudo internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Schneiderin, 1908, Meyer, Wanna (Hadeln): LB Frambeau by Wether, PB Lomitas by Landadel, PB Westernhagen by Weltmeyer, internat. successful dressage horsee Sunrise (VA) by Singular Joter and Grand Fleur (VA) by Graphit, Wahre Liebe (VA) by Wether internat. successful show jumper Baloubet du Rouet Balou du Rouet Georgia Stakkato St.Pr.St. Starlight Wyoming Galoubet A Mesange du Rouet Continue Georgette II Spartan Pia Werther St.Pr.St. Garde Cassador, bay, born 2007 B. a. r.: Fabiana Igbal, Himbergen Breeding station: Zentrale Besamungsstation Celle Ph.: ++49 51 41/92 94 20 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 100,89 Pl. dr.: 91,58; Pl. jump.: 119,13 Dam Roberta A; 2. dam Paloma A: Landfürst by Landadel internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Elfengemse, 1937, Hackmann, Hemsloh (Diepholz) Chambertin Chacco-Blue Contara Ramonus Roberta Paloma 14 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Cambridge Desiree VII Contender Godahra II Ramiro Germina Picard Adrette Stallions Chambers, chestnut, born 2007 Champion Du Lys Champion For Pleasure For Joy Athletico Anissa Ekatharina Laeken Karene Du Lys For Pleasure Dodo Athlet Z Verona Eldorado B. a. r.: Manuela Buhr-Schmidt, Eldingen Breeding station: Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf Ph.: ++49 51 41/88 56 18 4 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 105,12 Pl. dr.: 98,38; Pl. jump.: 111,27 Dam line of Hoseka, 1908, Schröder, Bierden (Achim): PB Admirano by Admiral, LB Metteur by Metternich (Marbach), Gaylord by Gralsritter internat. successful show jumper, Balsandra by Baloubet du Rouet Bundeschampion Jumping 2010, internat. successful show jumpers Aldos by Aldatus and Grannie by Grannus Steinbild A Coconut Cream, grey, born 2007 Capitol Cassini II Wisma Genever Goyana St.Pr.St. Lattinga Capitano Folia Caletto II Prisma Gotthard Freia xx Lanthan B. a. r.: Ulrich Heuer, Bienenbüttel Breeding station: Zentrale Besamungsstation Celle Ph.: ++49 51 41/92 94 20 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 100,21/13/30 Pl. dr.: 83,89/18; Pl. jump.: 127,82/3 Dam Goyana A Jumping S-level successful; 2. dam St.Pr.St. Lattinga A: Gina Ginelli by Genever internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Nolinde, 1902, Stoll, Midlum (Lehe): LB Rettoucheur by Rotspon, Dschaipur by Dolentino Dr. Inter II successful Perdita Conen, bay, born 2008 Caretano Z Chequille Hauterive Landclassic Lakonia Gina-Antonia Caretino Bravo Lavall II Athene Landadel Tira Grandenstern B.: Hubert Knigge, Ahlden R.: J. Westendarp and T. Derichsweiler, Wallenhorst Breeding station: Besamungsstation Bargstedt, Ph.: ++49 41 64/21 53 Breeding station: Rüscher-Konermann, Greven, Ph.: ++49 25 71/2284, 100 mares Dam line of Narenta, 1884, Gössler, Wussegel (Dannenberg): LB Graf Sponeck by Graf Dagobert, LB Zacharias by Zeus, Lento by Landclassic internat. successful show jumper Antonia Don Darius, bay, born 2007 Donnerhall Don Frederico Cleopatra Markus Deak xx St.Pr.St. Mia Cara Falkenschwinge Donnerwetter Ninette Consul Gatsby Guarde Royal xx B. a. r.: Claus Quast, Hamburg Breeding station: Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf Ph.: ++49 51 41/88 56 18 4 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 132,59/2/30 Pl. dr.: 139,73/2; Pl. jump.: 100,69/12 Holsteiner Dam line 2517: PB Lumpaci by Lombard Matka xx Falkenstern Alagora Don Index, black, born 2007 Don Bosco Don Crusador St.Pr.St. Larissa Wolkentanz Wera Salina Donnerhall Ramina Lauries Crusador xx St.Pr.St. Pik Bubes Girl Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Lovely Salvano B.: Dr. Reinhard Reents, Kirchlinteln R.: Hengstaufzuchtgestüt Hunnesrück Breeding station: Besamungsstation Ankum, Ph.: ++49 54 62/15 08 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 135,46/1/30 Pl. dr.: 4,76/1; Pl. jump.: 96,01/15 Dam line of Jahde, 1885, Wolters, Varste (Verden): PB Weyden by Western Star internat. successful dressage horse, PB Godolphin by Graf Grannus Victoria The Hanoverian 02|2011 15 Stallions Drombusch, black, born 2007 B.: Klaus Meyer, Meppen-Apeldorn R.: Hengstaufzuchtgestüt Hunnesrück Breeding station: Besamungsstation Oberndorf Ph.: ++49 47 72/32 5 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 117,89/7/30 Pl. dr.: 120,79/4; Pl. jump.: 101,13/11 Dam line of Kandare, 1917, Wulfers, Nottorf (Verden): PB Grundstein I and II by Graphit, PB Aladin Z by Almé, LB Carbid by Calypso II, Champion of german mare show Gazelle by Gajus Donnerhall Don Vino St.Pr.St. Consulin Likoto xx Laura M St.Pr.St. Wencke Donnerwetter Ninette Consul Wenzira Fit to Fight xx Like a Leaper xx Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Arielle Duke Ellington, black, born 2007 B. a. r.: Rudolf und Reinhard Bösch, Bülkau Breeding station: Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf Ph.: ++49 51 41/88 56 18 4 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 105,13/10/30 Pl. dr.: 112,77/6; Pl. jump.: 87,30/18 2. dam St.Pr.St. Malve A: PB First Flair R by Wanderer; dam line of Nigretti, 1900, by d. Lieth, Großenwörden (Neuhaus): LB Jassy by Jasperding, LB Seelöwe by Sender, PB Garcon by Gardeoffizier internat. successful dressage horse, PB Weserstar S by Westerland, internat. successfull show jumpers Dollar Girl by Dynamo and Leroy Brown by Welt As De Niro Dancier St.Pr.St. Lacarna TS Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Wirtsbraut St.Pr.St. Malve Donnerhall Alicante Lancier St.Pr.St. Espina World Cup St.Pr.St. Anka Matcho AA Landfee Figari, brown, born 2007 B.: Bernd von der Fecht, Oberndorf R.: Hengstaufzuchtgestüt Hunnesrück Breeding station: Zentrale Besamungsstation Celle Ph.: ++49 51 41/92 94 20 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 100,54/12/30 Pl. dr.: 97,91/12; Pl. jump.: 105,77/9 Dam line of Feuerkrone, 1941, Schlichting, Wolfsbruchermarsch (Stade): LB Rio Branco by Ramiro Forsyth For Edition Leggiera Drosselklang St.Pr.St. Dixi Mirza For Pleasure Dogenta Leggiero Odessa Don Carlos Forstlady Matcho AA Grafenfee Floratio, bay, born 2008 B. a. r.: Axel Windeler, Verden-Walle Breeding station: Besamungsstation Süstedt, Ph.: ++49 42 40/60 1 100 mares Dam St.Pr.St. Lady Larissa A: PB Westernhagen by Weltmeyer, Wawidof by Weltmeyer; 2. dam Caprice A: PB Schwarzenegger by Sion, PB Lomitas by Landadel internat. successful show jumper, PB Lambourghini Diablo; dam line of Schneiderin, 1908, Meyer, Wanna (Hadeln): LB Frambeau by Wether, LB Bonne Chance by Balou du Rouet, internat. successful dressage horsee Sunrise (VA) by Singular Joter u. Grand Fleur (VA) by Graphit, Wahre Liebe (VA) by Wether internat. successful show jumper Florestan Florencio Walessa Landadel St.Pr.St. Lady Larissa St.Pr.St. Caprice Fidelio Raute Weltmeyer Pirelli Landgraf Novella Calypso II St.Pr.St. Garde Grey Top, grey, born 2007 A B. a. r.: Emiliano Lonzi, Fauglia-Pisa/Italy Breeding station: Zentrale Besamungsstation Celle Ph.: ++49 51 41/92 94 20 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 125,48/3/30 Pl. dr.: 113,40/5; Pl. jump.: 128,98/2 Graf Grannus Graf Top St.Pr.St. Capries Dam line: licensed stallion Lucky Boy D by Lucky Luke internat. successful show jumper, Audrey D by Alpha D internat. successful show jumper Singular Joter Silver Dream Campanile 16 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Grannus Goldmädel Calypso II Geri Silvestre Ravella Calypso II Goldine Stallions A Inliner, bay, born 2007 Indigo Iberio Coco Chanell Sao Paulo St.Pr.St. Sarah Dorina Ingo Sandro B.: Alois Naber, Saterland R.: Hengstaufzuchtgestüt Hunnesrück Breeding station: Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf Ph.: ++49 51 41/88 56 18 4 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 121,36/5/30 Pl. dr.: 110,95/9; Pl. jump.: 127,37/4 Gibsy Dam St.Pr.St. Sarah A; Stamm: PB Feiner Stern by Freiherr Katja Caletto Murina Dorian Goldblatt A Lemwerder, chestnut born 2005 Landos Lordanos W-Ashley Goldfever St.Pr.St. Goldmarie Gina Lord Grosso Z B.: Ernst Stahlhut, Stadthagen R.: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder Breeding station: Besamungsstation Oberndorf, Ph.: ++49 47 72/32 5 SPT Neustadt/Dosse: 100,94/15/29 Pl. dr.: 100,24/15; Pl. jump.: 103,90/14 Gundula Hanoverian show jumper champion 2010 Uta V Ahorn Z Sofia Gragenit Dam St.Pr.St. Goldmarie A; 2. dam Gina A Wabana Libor, bay, born 2008 Landos Lordanos W-Ashley Prestige Pilot St.Pr.St. Piria St.Pr.St. Siria Lord Uta V Ahorn Z Sofia Pilot Denver Sandro B.: Willem Klausing, Diepholz R.: Klausing GbR, Diepholz Breeding station: Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf Ph.: ++49 51 41/88 56 18 4 100 mares Dam St.Pr.St. Piria A; 2. dam St.Pr.St. Siria A; dam line of Pension, 1943, Jungblut, Diepholz: LB Dupont by Diskus, LB Willem‘s As by Watzmann, LB Foxhunter by Watzmann, LB Perpignon, Placido (VA) by Prestige Pilot Bundeschampion Dressage St.Pr.St. Whyoming Quaterhall, Liver chestnut, born 2008 Quaterman Quaterback Passionata Donnerhall St.Pr.St. Dorata K St.Pr.St. Wenke K Quando-Quando Räuberbraut Brandenburger Poesie Donnerwetter Ninette B. a. r.: Ulrich Kriebel, Bienenbüttel Breeding station: Besamungsstation Dorum Ph.: ++49 47 42/21 00 100 mares 2. dam St.Pr.St. Wenke K: PB Desert Moon by De Niro,licensed stallion Disneyworld by De Niro; dam line of Konifere, 1884, Frers, Dorumer Marren (Lehe): PB Gotenkönig by Grenadier, PB Daramis by De Niro, PB Rock Forever NRW, Prinzess by Pilot Walt Disney Gordana Spörcken, brown, born 2008 Sandro Hit Sir Donnerhall Contenance D Lauries Crusador xx La Beale Isoud St.Pr.St. Wilhelmina Sandro Song Loretta Donnerhall Contenance II Welsh Pageant xx Square Note xx Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Bummy B.: Benedicte Meyer, Boudler/Luxembourg R.: Detlef Ruddat, Kirchlinteln Breeding station: Besamungsstation Roydorf, Ph.: ++49 41 71/71 90 5 100 mares Dam La Beale Isoud: licensed stallion Sir Senjor by Sir Donnerhall; dam line of Norodina, 1909, Quast, Hove (Jork): PB Bon Bonaparte by Bolero, PB Profit by Pilot, LB Duellgraf by Duellant, Hafis by Hassan, Le Mont d‘Or by Landjuwel Gold internat. successful dressage horse, Walloony by Werther internat. successful show jumper, Borsalino by Bolero internat. successful dressage horse The Hanoverian 02|2011 17 Stallions New privately owned stallions The young privatly owned stallions are presented with photo, pedigree and result of their performance test. Among them Worldchampion Totilas. They are published in the first year of their full approvel of the Verband. A Conto Son, bay, born 2007 B. a. r.: Lars Nieberg, Homberg/Ohm Breeding station: Gestüt Wäldershausen, Homberg/Ohm Ph.: ++49 66 33/76 50 30-day-test Neustadt/Dosse: 7,84 100 mares Adlantus As A Conto As Larina Dam line of Wolgafichte, 1938, Nagel, St. Hülfe (Diepholz): PB Fighting Fit by Fighting Alpha Giorgio Giorgina Lygna Argentinus Luppy Landadel Lyra Graziano Pimenta Lacros Pistazie A Acomet, Rhld., bay, born 2000 B.: Franz-Josef Schmitz, Baesweiler R.: Franz Temmen, Neuenkirchen Breeding station: Theo Muff, Thundorf/Switzerland Tel.: ++41/79 33 29 71 4 Acord II Arpeggio Perle International successful show jumper Dam line of Nervanda, 1917, Junge, Echem (Lüneburg): DLGChampionmare Aragonia by Argentan, PB Amalgan D by Alexis Pilot Patrona Furiosa Ahorn Z Ribecka Power Schalmei Pilatus Gratia Furioso II Sarata A Acorado II, Holst.,grey, born 1998 B. a. r.: Uwe Bahlmann, Herzhorn Breeding station: Valleluva, Acquasparta/Italy Tel.: ++39/07 44 94 38 48 70-day-test Neustadt/Dosse: 122,71/6/39 Pl. dr.: 108,27/15; Pl. jump.: 131,09/2 International successful show jumper Dam Doren: PB/LB Acorado I by Acord II; 2. dam Gloria 2: Herrmann‘s Leandra by Langraf Spr. internat. successfull show jumper; Holsteiner dam line 776: PB Ramiro by Raimon internat. successfull show jumper, PB Calvados I and II by Cor de la Bryère, PB Lord Incipit by Lord internat. successfull show jumper Ahorn Z Acord II Ribecka Corrado Doreen XIII Gloria 2 Alme Heureka Z Calypso Gerlis Cor de la Bryère Soleil Ramiro Sonja A Adorado, grey, born 2002 B. a. r.: Frank Johannsen, Buxtehude Breeding station: Maarten Brondeel, Aalter-Lotenhull/ Belgium Tel.: ++32/47 93 85 54 9 Acord II Acorado Doreen XIII International successful show jumper Dam Glücksfee A; 2. Dam Anthea A: Edgar by Espri internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Folgya, 1935, Lehmann, Wechold (Hoya): LB Nebelwerfer by Novum xx, licensed stallion Eurocommerce Pennsylvania by Gambrinus internat. successful show jumper, Explosiv (VA) by Espri internat. successful show jumper 18 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Glücksgriff Glücksfee Anthea Ahorn Z Ribecka Corrado Gloria Glücksstern Gruga Arkansas Goldperle Stallions Belstaff, bay, born 2007 Bolero Brentano II Glocke De Niro St.Pr.St. Deseada SL St.Pr.St. Wylie AS Black Sky xx Baronesse Grande Ferbel Donnerhall Alicante Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Feine Dame B.: ZG Leitner u. Schmitz, Rommerskirchen R.: Johannes Westendarp, Wallenhorst Breeding station: Deckstation Böckmann, Lastrup Ph.: ++49 44 72/68 85 60 70-day-test Schlieckau: 127,00/3/48 Pl. dr.: 143,64/1; Pl. jump.: 93,84/29 Dam line of Juka, 1900, Middelkampf, Brake (Bersenbrück): LB Dürkheim by Duft II, LB Wanderer by Wagner, LB D-Online by De Niro (LG Dillenburg), PB Cosinhus by Cornet Obolensky, Dablino by De Niro internat. successful dressage horse Benaggio, brown, born 2008 Breitling W Benvenuto Weserfee Dimaggio Donatella Primadonna Bismarck Maja Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Lyra Don Primero Winnipeg B. a. r.: Hans-Heinrich Oltmann, Borstel Breeding station: Gestüt Sprehe, Löningen Ph.: ++49 54 32/80 38 80 100 mares Dam line of Neavata, 1921, Schodde, Lembruch (Diepholz): LB Perfekt I and II by Perser xx, PB Walzertakt by Watzmann, PB Don Papas by Drosselklang II, PB Mulitstar by Metternich, Pezi by Lord Pezi internat. successful show jumper Prince Thatch xx Wally A Cador, Old., bay, born 2005 Cambridge Catoki Bilda Landor S Lady Heida II Formosa Caletto Hilgunde Silvester Vordula Landadel Fureida 2 B. a. r.: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder Breeding station: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder Ph.: ++49 42 1/67 58 63 30-day-test Neustadt/Dosse: 8,43 Participant Bundeschampionat Jumping 2. dam Formosa: licensed stallion Sintender by Sion; dam line: PB Landor S by Landadel Bundeschampion, PB Lagoheidor by Landadel Contender Fureida Captain Morgan, bay, born 2007 Capitol Cassini II Wisma Calido St.Pr.St. Calinichta S Dolle Deern Capitano Folia Caletto II Prisma Cantus Baroness B. a. r.: Dr. Christian Schroeer, Siedenburg Breeding station: Gestüt W. M., Reeßum Tel.: 0177/85 10 61 6 30-day-test Redefin: 7,94 100 mares Dam St.Pr.St. Calinichta S A, 2. dam Dolle Deern A; dam line of Sabalenda, 1919, Otte, Kl. Burgwedel (Burgdorf) Diskus Wanderin Cent, brown, born 2008 Calido Carenzo Fraganzia H Silvio St.Pr.St. Sarafina Witoscha Cantus Baroness Freedom Grandessa Sandro Gelbkatze Watzmann B.: Rudolf Drünert, Ahrensbök R.: Klaus Bünger, Oetzen Breeding station: Jens Löhden, Heeslingen Ph.: ++49 42 87/20 1 100 mares Dam St.Pr.St. Sarafina A; 2. dam Witoscha A; dam line of Eckernförde, 1916, Clasen, Wahnebergen (Verden): LB Argentan I und II by Absatz, LB Western Star by Wenzel, PB Lancet by Wenzel internat. successful dressage horse, LB Frenchman by Falkland, DLG-Championmare Worms by Wohlan, DLG-Championmare Goldlady by Golfstrom Angelina The Hanoverian 02|2011 19 Stallions Cheval de Coeur, grey, born 2006 B. a. r.: Rene Tebbel, Emsbüren Breeding station: Landgestüt Sachsen-Anhalt, Besamungsstelle Prussendorf, Zörbig Ph.: ++49 34 95 6/61 26 5 70-day-test Prussendorf: 113,53 Pl. dr.: 112,39; Pl. jump.: 112,57 Dam Lambada: licensed stallion Quidamo by Quidam‘s Rubin; 2. dam St.Pr.St. Scarlett A; dam line of Sibara, 1915, Burlage, Talge (Bersenbrück): PB Goethe by Grosso Z GPS siegr., LB Winkel by Flügeladjutant Champion stallion 1955 Calido Coupe de Coeur Adele Lafontaine Lambada St.Pr.St. Scarlett Cantus Baroness Lincoln Kollin Landgraf Abagene Sao Paulo Grand Noblesse Cielo, black, born 2008 B.: Erdmann Ohlrogge, Büchen R.: Klaus Bünger, Oetzen Breeding station: Gestüt Tannenhof, Heidenrod Ph.: ++49 61 24/43 21 100 mares Dam St.Pr.St. Sissi A; dam line of Formica, 1889, Witte, Radegast (Bleckede): LB Bumerang by Ballyboy xx, LB Wittinger by Weltmeyer Bundeschampion, Traumtänzer by Traunstein internat. successful show jumper Cantus Calido Baroness Singular Joter St.Pr.St. Sissi Toska Caletto Monoline Coriander Kollet Silvestre Ravella Traunstein Serona A Cornet‘s Balou, OS., bay, born 2006 B. a. r.: Gestüt Lewitz, Steinfeld Breeding station: Paul Schockemöhle, Mühlen Ph.: ++49 54 92/96 01 00 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 132,60/2/17 Pl. dr.: 110,94/5; Pl. jump.: 136,94/1 Clinton Cornet Obolensky Dam Georgia: PB Balou du Rouet by Baloubet du Rouet; 2. dam Georgette II: licensed stallion Sandrissimo N by Sandro Rabanna by Clostersveld Continue Georgia Georgette II Corrado Urte Heartbreaker Holivea by Clostersveld Contender Felici Domino Georgette Crazy true colour, chestnut, born 1996 A B. a. r.: Franz Bormann sen., Harsum-Hüddesum Breeding station: Zuchtgemeinschaft Bormann, Harsum Ph.: ++49 51 27/43 37 Successful show jumper on S-level Dam Lopita A; 2. dam St.Pr.St. Pita A: LB Crazy Classic by Calypso II, PB Crazy Cocktail by Calypso II; dam line of Schwalbe II, 1924, Stadtlander, Riede (Hoya): LB Avagon by Acorado II, PB Gymnastik Star by Glückspilz Cantus Calido Baroness Loredo Lopita St.Pr.St. Pita Caletto Monoline Coriander Kollet Lord Retina Picard St.Pr.St. Wapita Crescendo Boy, brown, born 2006 B.: Hans-Günter Berner, Bienenbüttel R.: Willi Brunckhorst, Hollenstedt Breeding station: Maarten Brondeel, Aalter-Lotenhull/ Belgium, Tel.: ++32/47 93 85 54 9 70-day-test Adelheidsdorf: 119,28/5/31 Pl. dr.: 111,91/8; Pl. jump.: 114,07/9 Dam St.Pr.St. Sally A: PB Cellagonero by Contendro; 2. dam Piroschka A: PB Salisbury by Salinero; dam line of Hortense, 1878, Claussen, Wahnebergen (Verden): PB Admiral I and II by Absatz, LB Grand Cru by Grand Garcon, PB Red Rossini by Rubinstein, Walk on Top (VA) by Wenzel internat. successful dressage horse 20 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Contender Contendro Bravo Salieri St.Pr.St. Sally Piroschka Calypso II Gofine Reichsgraf Ofarim Salvano Samtbeere Pik Bube Stallions Dantander Hit, bay, born 2007 De Niro Dancier St.Pr.St. Lacarna TS Sandro Hit St.Pr.St. Santana St.Pr.St. Bellvue Donnerhall Alicante Lancier St.Pr.St. Espina Sandro Song Loretta Brentano II B.: Rolf Deecke, Lachendorf R.: Herbert Kruse, Hamburg Breeding station: Herbert Kruse, Hamburg Ph.: ++49 40/64 26 47 3 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 95,16/9/17 Pl. dr.: 111,20/4; Pl. jump.: 80,29/13 2. dam St.Pr.St. Bellvue: PB Samarant by Sandro Hit, licensed stallion Worcester by Weltmeyer Wise Girl xx Decurio, black, born 2008 De Niro Desperados St.Pr.St. Wie Musik Rotspon St.Pr.St. Regentin St.Pr.St. Bijou Donnerhall Alicante Wolkenstein II St.Pr.St. Maskottchen Rubinstein St.Pr.St. Antalia Borneo B.: Johann-Bernhard Tuitjer, Krummhörn R.: Dr. K. Klieber u. K.-H. Ehlen, Bremervörde Breeding station: Landgestüt Sachsen-Anhalt, Besamungsstelle Prussendorf, Zörbig Ph.: ++49 34 95 6/61 26 5 100 mares Dam line of Badda, 1900, Pommau (Bleckede): PB Westminster by Weltmeister, LB Santini by Sandro, LB Götterfunke by Galvano (LG Dillenburg) Gina Del Magico, grey, born 2008 Don Primero Dimaggio Winnipeg Feinbrand Fevetia II Avetia Donnerhall Fantasia World Cup Lisa B.: Stefan Hermann, Northeim R.: Limbecker GmbH & Co. KG, Bernried Breeding station: Gestüt Tannenhof, Heidenrod Ph.: ++49 61 24/43 21 100 mares Feiner Stern Lagune Akzent II Dam line of Kanonenfutter, 1917, Lehing, Wagenfeld (Diepholz): LB Graf Douglas by Grande, LB Go on Top by Graf Top, PB Romancero by Rohdiamant, Bacchus von Worrenberg (VA) by Belissimo M Bundeschampion 2008 Hevetia Demetrius, liver chestnut, born 2008 Donnerhall Don Schufro Fiesta Londonderry St.Pr.St. Lorena St.Pr.St. Dolce Vita Donnerwetter Ninette Pik Bube Fabia B. a. r.: Ferdinand Mayer, Arzfeld Breeding station: Landgestüt Marbach, Besamungsstation Offenhausen, Gomadingen, Ph.: ++49 73 85/13 14 100 mares Lauries Crusador xx Windsor Queen Dam line of Elfenkette, Krüger, Bröckel (Celle): Efendi by Eiger internat. successful show jumper De Niro St.Pr.St. Weltlady Demirel, brown, born 2005 Don Primero Dimaggio Winnipeg Hill Hawk xx Hella Pepieta Donnerhall Fantasia World Cup Lisa Sea Hawk II xx Sally of the Hills xx Pik Bube II Elfenblume B. a. r.: Hermann Hölscher, Gehrde Breeding station: Ferienhof Stücker, Weeze, Ph.: ++49 28 37/23 24 30-day-test Neustadt/Dosse: 8,08 Dressurbetont: 8,48; Springbetont: 7,29 Participant Bundeschampionat Dressage Dam Hella: PB Don Hill by Don Gregory; dam line of Elfenblume, 1934, Raming, Sitter (Bersenbrück): Fürst Fugger by Fürst Heinrich Bundeschampion 2010, Grannusch by Grannus internat. successful show jumper The Hanoverian 02|2011 21 Stallions Jumping Index Placing 19 Placing Placing 103,59 Dressage Index Total Walk1) Canter1) Trot1) Jumping ability1) Rideability Ability to perform Willingness to perform Temperament Character Stallion performance test results (stallions owned by the State Stud Celle) 97,28 17 111,57 11 Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (300 days) 15.11.2008-15.10.2009 Average score/48 participants Bonne Chance 7,95 7,32 7,54 7,78 6,57 6,74 6,5 7,07 6,83 8 7 8 8 6,67 7,61 5,5 6,25 6,34 Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (300 days) 01.11.2009-14.10.2010 Average score/30 participants 8,08 7,54 7,69 7,81 6,94 7,18 6,67 7,00 6,89 Cassador 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 6,24 8,13 6,34 7,00 6,17 100,89 H 91,58 H 119,13 H Coconut Cream 8,00 7,00 8,00 8,00 6,00 8,78 6,17 6,25 5,84 100,21 13 83,89 18 127,82 3 Don Darius 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 9,00 7,11 8,84 8,92 9,00 132,59 2 139,73 2 100,69 12 Don Index 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 9,75 6,56 8,84 8,42 8,17 135,46 1 144,76 1 96,01 15 Drombusch 8,00 8,00 7,00 8,00 8,25 7,06 8,16 8,00 7,00 117,89 7 120,79 4 101,13 11 Duke Ellington 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 7,75 6,39 7,00 7,34 7,17 105,13 10 112,77 6 87,3 18 Figari 8,00 7,00 8,00 8,00 7,00 7,56 6,34 7,00 6,00 100,54 12 97,91 12 105,77 9 Grey Top 8,00 8,00 7,00 8,00 8,00 8,83 7,00 7,25 6,84 125,48 3 113,4 5 128,98 2 Inliner 9,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 7,25 8,50 7,17 7,84 7,17 121,36 5 110,95 9 127,37 4 100,94 15 100,24 15 103,9 14 105,12 H 98,38 H 111,27 H Results of the stallion performance test in Neustadt/Dosse (70 days) 17.7.2009-24.09.2009 Average score/29 participants 8,93 8,63 8,59 8,71 7,75 8,07 7,45 7,88 7,93 Lemwerder 9,00 8,5 8,50 8,00 7,75 8,14 7,50 7,88 8,38 Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (70 days) 06.09.2010-17.11.2010 Average score/17 participants 8,00 7,88 8,12 8,00 7,22 7,17 7,04 7,46 7,15 Chambers 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 7,00 7,88 6,75 8,00 7,25 Placings Jumping Index Placing Dressage Index Placing Total Walk1) Canter1) Trot1) Jumping ability1) Rideability1) Ability to perform Willingness to perform Temperament Character Stallion performance test results (privately owned stallion) Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (300 days) 28.08.2004-13.10.2005 Average score/48 participants 7,98 7,46 7,72 7,83 6,74 7,05 6,53 7,14 6,88 Satisfaction II 8,00 7,00 7,00 8,00 6,34 8,22 6,17 7,84 7,50 107,27 14 95,72 22 118,4 8 122,71 6 108,27 15 131,09 2 88,34 20 86,31 23 93,26 18 101,63 14 108,01 11 92,08 19 130,19 1 136,28 1 110,48 8 Results of the stallion performance test in Neustadt/Dosse (70 days) 02.07.2001-13.09.2001 Average score/39 participants 8,60 8,40 8,29 8,40 7,25 7,46 7,07 7,38 7,20 Acorado II 9,00 9,00 9,00 8,00 7,50 8,97 6,84 8,25 6,34 Results of the stallion performance test in Münster-Handorf (70 days) 09.06.2004-20.08.2004 Average score/28 participants 8,63 8,3 8,33 8,17 7,65 7,79 7,3 7,86 7,56 Acomet 9,00 8,00 8,00 7,50 7,13 7,75 7,00 7,13 7,94 Results of the stallion performance test in Neustadt/Dosse (70 days) 16.07.2008-25.09.2008 Average score/28 participants 8,95 8,59 8,73 8,75 8,01 7,88 7,8 8,14 8,00 Detroit 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,50 8,00 7,42 8,25 8,50 7,88 Results of the stallion performance test in Schlieckau (70 days) 29.05.2009-06.08.2009 Average score/30 participants 8,35 7,52 7,87 8,55 7,61 8,07 7,25 7,82 7,38 Duke of Oldenburg 8,50 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,13 8,35 8,50 8,13 8,00 1) Average scores of the respective parts of the test – H = calculated 22 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Stallions Detroit, Old., black, born 2005 Don Primero Dimaggio Winnipeg Lord Liberty G Rhapsodie Rhythmik Donnerhall Fantasia World Cup Lisa Lord Liberty Freya Goldloewe B.: Clemens-August Graf by Merveldt, Vechta R.: Gestüt Schafhof, Kronberg Breeding station: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder Ph.: ++49 42 1/67 58 63 70-day-test Neustadt/Dosse: 101,63/14/28 Pl. dr.: 108,01/11; Pl. jump.: 92,08/19 Dam line: licensed stallion Austrianer by Aktuell, licensed stallion Telstar by Tiro Rigesca Diamontes, brown, born 2008 Don Schufro Diamond Hit Loretta Rotspon St.Pr.St. Ronya Baroness Donnerhall Fiesta Ramino Lassie Rubinstein St.Pr.St. Antalia Bolero B.: Hans-Ludwig Dittmer, Rhadereistedt R.: Pferd24 GmbH, Selsingen Breeding station: Landgestüt Sachsen-Anhalt, Besamungsstelle Prussendorf, Zörbig Ph.: ++49 34 95 6/61 26 5 100 mares Dam line of Fliese, 1928, Röpke, Thedinghausen: LB Diadem by Diskus, Cappuccino by Contendro internat. successful show jumper Suomi Download, black, born 2008 De Niro Desperados St.Pr.St. Wie Musik Wesley Wanessa Lady Astor Donnerhall Alicante Wolkenstein II Maskottchen Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Adria Ludendorff B.: Friedrich Helling, Bohmte R.: Rene Tebbel, Emsbüren Breeding station: Gestüt Tannenhof, Heidenrod Ph.: ++49 61 24/43 21 100 mares Dam line of Loranda, 1897, Puvogel, Grinden, Achim: LB Weltmeyer by World Cup, LB Wanderbursch I u. II by Wanderer, PB Don Laurie I u. II by Don Schufro, PB Walkingshow by Wenzel, Skiatos by Salonike internat. successful show jumper St.Pr.St. Diana Duke of Oldenburg, Old., black, born 2004 Donnerhall De Niro Alicante Canaster Weidenkätzchen Wegas Tochter Donnerwetter Ninette Akzent II Wiesenelfe Caprimond Wega Weissena Caprimond Wega B.: Hergen Schweers, Butjadingen R.: Dr. Kurt Roth-Gschwender, Wien/Austria Breeding station: Klosterhof Medingen, Bad Bevensen Ph.: ++49 58 21/98 68 19 70-day-test Schlieckau: 130,19/1/30 Pl. dr.: 136,28/1; Pl. jump.: 110,48/8 2. dam Wegas Tochter: licensed stallion Kaisertanz by Katamaran xx; Dam line: PB Canaster I and II by Caprimond, licensed stallion Inselfürst by Inschallah AA, licensed stallion Vivaldi by Vollkorn xx, licensed stallion Falstaff by Furioso II, licensed stallion Friesenfürst by Falkner Esteban xx, bay, born 1994 Targowice xx Prince Mab xx Princess Mab xx Tumble Wind xx Giddy Squalls xx Princess Modest xx Round Table xx Matriarch xx Turn-to xx Mc Coy xx B.: Bregnerödgard Stud, Denmark Breeding station: Besamungsstation Roxförde, Roxförde Ph.: ++49 39 05 6/35 9 Handicap: 81 Kilogramm Restless Wind xx Easy Stages xx Sir Gaylord II xx Palouranna xx The Hanoverian 02|2011 23 Stallions Falcon, brown, born 2008 B. a. r.: Uwe Ropers, Drochtersen Breeding station: Fedor Ermolenko, R-S. Kolodinka Tel.: 00 79/ 84 69 93 63 80 100 mares 2. dam Wanett: Rewano (VA) by Regazzoni internat. successful dressage horse; dam line of Nortene, 1910, Mahler, Niederstrich (Neuhaus): LB Laurentianer by Lauries Crusador xx (Warendorf) internat. successful dressage horse, Sundance Kid FRH by Smaragd internat. successful eventer Forsyth For Edition Leggiera Raphael Rubinie Wanett For Pleasure Dogenta Leggiero Odessa Ramiro Annekatrin Wendekreis St.Pr.St. Eissprosse First Flush, bay, born 2008 B.: Helmut Feindt, Ringstedt R.: Heinrich Gießelmann, Barver Breeding station: Gestüt Hohenschmarck, Grebin Ph.: ++49 43 83/51 85 44 100 mares Dam line of Jamato, 1889, Meyer, Kehdingbruch (Neuhaus): PB Almansor by Akrobat Florestan First Dance St.Pr.St. Dorina Sunlight xx St.Pr.St. Santana Amica Fidelio Raute Donnerhall St.Pr.St. Andi Tarim xx Sunflower xx A Jungle Prince Winga Fürst Donnerhall, black, born 2003 B. a. r.: Rudolf Quast, Jork Breeding station: Dressurpferde-Leistungszentrum, Lodbergen Ph.: ++49 54 32/21 82 70-day-test Prussendorf: 119,65/4/24 Pl. dr.: 127,37/3; Pl. jump.: 104,86/13 2. dam St.Pr.St. Lambada: licensed stallion Foucet by Florestan; dam line of Jagame, 1890, Hellwege, Burweg (Stade): LB Lion by Der Löwe xx Fidelio Florestan Raute Donnerhall St.Pr.St. Donna Bella St.Pr.St. Lambada Furioso II Laura Rheingold Gode Donnerwetter Ninette Lauries Crusador xx St.Pr.St. Argrandess Fürst Wettin, brown, born 2006 B.: Jörn Merzdorf, Ettenbüttel R.: Detlef Ruddat, Kirchlinteln Breeding station: Landgestüt Sachsen-Anhalt, Besamungsstelle Prussendorf, Ph.: ++49 34 95 6/61 26 5 70-day-test Prussendorf: 126,62/ Pl. dr.: 134,25; Pl. jump.: 110,57 2. dam Chantal: licensed stallion Graf Granno by Graf Grannus; dam line of Cassiopaia, 1957, Bruns, Westercelle (Celle) Florestan Fürst Heinrich Dawina Friedensfürst Fayen Chantal Fidelio Raute Donnerhall Wibke Rondo Frieda III Calypso II Gloria Galayo la Silla, Old., black, born 1992 A B.: Friz Linse, Duingen Breeding station: Gestüt Grenzland, Eimeldingen Ph.: ++49 17 3/40 05 50 0 Successful show jumper on S-level Dam line of Schluppera, 1908, Bösch, Niederstrich (Neuhaus): LB Flügeladjutant by Flügelmann, LB Argwohn by Argus, LB Fishermans Friend by Fabriano, PB Sarkozy by Sandro Hit, Lewinski by Lancer III internat. successful show jumper, Falada M by Forrest xx internat. successful dressage horse Graphit Grannus St.Pr.St. Odessa Genever Gilly Löwendame 24 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Grande St.Pr.St. Frutana Ozean St.Pr.St. Gitta Gotthard Freia xx Löwen As St.Pr.St. Delikate Stallions A Last Man‘s Hope, OS., bay, born 2007 Lovari Last Man Standing Alandia Conteros Caletta Dorina IV Lasino Donata II Landgraf Lida Contender Rawiena B. a. r.: Gebrüder Müller GbR, Garlitz Breeding station: Paul Schockemöhle, Mühlen Ph.: ++49 54 92/96 01 00 70-day-test Schlieckau: 120,45/9/48 Pl. dr.: 110,22/15; Pl. jump.: 126,03/4 2. dam Dorina IV: Sultan by Calido internat. successful show jumper; Holsteiner dam line 5359: PB Landlord Z by Landgraf Caletto Zarin XIV Licosto, Westf., liver chestnut born 2005 Likoto xx Licotus Dollargirl Rosenkavalier Roxanne Alexa Fit to Fight xx Like a Leaper xx Donnerhall Baroness Romadour II Diva B. a. r.: Alfons Baumann, Rees Breeding station: Hengststation Jens Meyer, Dorum Ph.: ++49 47 42/92 21 43 Participant Bundeschampionat Riding and Dressage Horses and World Championships of Dressage Horses Dam Roxane: licensed stallion Florentianer by Florestan; 2. dam Alexa: licensed stallion Rosenquarz by Rosenkavalier Apart Farah Londontower, chestnut, born 2008 Londonderry Londontime St.Pr.St. Wieneria De Niro Donna Bionda Limelight Lauries Crusador xx Windsor Queen Walt Disney Toroschino Donnerhall Alicante Lanthan B. a. r.: Franz Sassen, Hoyerhagen Breeding station: Gestüt Kempkehof, Plaaz Ph.: ++49 38 45 5/20 02 3 100 mares Dam line of Juggema, 1890, Oltmann, Dornbusch (Kehdingen): LB Mister A by Matcho AA, PB Don Marcello by Donnerhall, LB Limonit by Lancier, PB Desperados by De Niro internat. successful dressage horse, PB Don Nobless by Dancier, Akrobat by Acord II internat. successful show jumper St.Pr.St. Lysanda A Lord Quidam, Old., bay, born 2006 Landos Lordanos W-Ashley Quidam de Revel Lantina Lantana Lord Uta V Ahorn Z Sofia Jalisco B Dirka B. a. r.: Alfons Brüggehagen, Molbergen Breeding station: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder Ph.: ++49 42 1/67 58 63 70-day-test Neustadt: 120,15/4/22 Pl. dr.: 106,57/9; Pl. jump.: 134,17/1 Dam line of Streife, 1952, Papenburg, Oelerse (Burgdorf): LB Frappant by Werther, Flower by For Pleasure internat. successful show jumper, Livijno by Lysander internat. successful dressage horse Lancer II Gerti Manaloj xx, chestnut, born 1993 Mr. Prospector xx Gone West xx Secrettame xx Devil‘s Bag xx Deviltante xx Born A Lady xx Raise A Native xx Gold Digger xx Secretariat xx Tamaret xx B. a. r.: USA Breeding station: Callaho Warmblood Sport Horses, South Africa Tel.: 0027/53 44 14 00 4 Handicap: 83 kilogram Halo xx Ballade xx Tentam xx Natalma xx The Hanoverian 02|2011 25 Stallions Nerrado, Holst., bay, born 2007 A Nerado, Holst., bay, born 2007 B. a. r.: Uwe Krohn, Kaiser-Wilh. Breeding station: Hengststation Ahlmann, Reher Ph.: ++49 48 76/90 02 78 SPT Schlieckau: 124,89/4/25 Pl. dr.: 111,55/6; Pl. jump.: 125,32/3 Holsteiner dam line 104a: PB Capitano by Corporal, PB Caretano by Caretino, PB Corland by Cor de la Bryère, PB Contendro by Contender, PB Leuthen I und II by Landgraf, internat. successful show jumpers Retina by Ramzes AA, Athlet by Athlet Z, Athletico by Athlet Z and Corlanda by Cor de la Bryère Nimmerdor Nekton Legende IX Acorado Okarena Luciana Fran Ramonaa Coriano Viola XI Acord II Doreen XIII Landgraf Ibylle Payback, Old., brown, born 2004 A B. a. r.: Alfons Brüggehagen, Molbergen Breeding station: Gestüt Famos, Syke-Wachendorf Ph.: ++49 42 40/93 20 50 SPT Neustadt: 116,96/5/29 Pl. dr.: 104,53/11; Pl. jump.: 116,84/7 Polydor Pocalino Fleur Dam Charita A; dam line of Ozeantochter, 1943, Oellrich, Schüttdamm (Hadeln) Calypso II Charita St.Pr.St. Werra Pilatus Fata Morgana Festivo Dajana Cor de la Bryère Tabelle Werther Grille Plot Blue, KWPN, bay, born 1997 A B. a. r.: The Netherlands Breeding station: Dr. H. J. Genn, Mühlen Ph.: ++49 54 92/13 94 International successful show jumper Couperus Mr. Blue Acarla Pilot Ilotte Santa Fee Naturel Warina Imperial Picarla Pilatus Gratia San Fernando Wildbeere xx Qualität, bay, born 2007 B. a. r.: Fritz Koller, Stadthagen Breeding station: Friedrich-Wilhelm Koller, Stadthagen Ph.: ++49 57 21/25 64, 0 17 2/51 50 50 5 30-day-test Schlieckau: 7,93 Dam Gran Geste A: internat. successful show jumpers Rückenwind by Stakkato und Quinta by Quidam de Revel; 2. dam Pauline: Quintero by Quidam de Revel internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Hofmeisterin, 1889, Claussen, Wahnebergen (Verden): PB Arino Hit by April-Scherz, PB Class de Luxe by Contendro, internat. successful show jumpers Wim, Well Done and Wingst by Wendekreis and Answer and Advent by Adlerfarn Jalisco B Quidam de Revel Dirka Grannus Gran Geste Pauline Alme Tanagra Nankin Ondine de Baugy Graphit St.Pr.St. Odessa Pilot Waikiki Quasar de Charry, chestnut, born 2008 B.: Erika Lütjen, Grasberg R.: Dr. Hannjörg Hereth, Montcuq/France Breeding station: Ingo Pape, Hemmoor-Basbeck Ph.: ++49 47 71/23 84 100 mares 2. dam St.Pr.St. Salome: licensed stallion San Saluto by Sao Paulo; dam line of Pille, 1988, Wulfers, Ritzenberg (Verden): LB Lasso by Lateran, LB Dilettant by Diplomat (Warendorf), internat. successful show jumpers Grandina by Grande l‘Amour Quaterman Quaterback Passionata Wolkentanz St.Pr.St. Winona St.Pr.St. Salome 26 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Quando-Quando Räuberbraut Brandenburger Poesie Weltmeyer St.Pr.St. Lovely Salut St.Pr.St. Dualla Stallions Rassolini, Hess., liver chestnut, born 2003 Rubinstein Rubioso N St.Pr.St. Feenklang Silvano St.Pr.St. Sweetheart Riquetta Rosenkavalier Antine Almeo St.Pr.St. Fee B.: Horst Hoffmann, Bad Nauheim R.: Melanie Döring, Bad Emstal Breeding station: Gestüt W.M., Reeßum Tel.: 01 77/8 51 06 16 Winner of „Nürnberger Burgpokal“ Silvester St.Pr.St. Tropica Ramadour II St.Pr.St. Leika Royal Bolero V, liver chestnut, born 2008 Rotspon Royal Blend Lena Bolero St.Pr.St. Bo-Laika St.Pr.St. Laika Rubinstein St.Pr.St. Antalia Lauries Crusador xx Greta Black Sky xx Baroness Leibwächter B. a. r.: Heinrich Gronewold, Großefehn Breeding station: Gestüt Letter Berg, Coesfeld-Lette Ph.: ++49 25 46/17 15 100 mares Dam line of Felicitas, 1916, Jellmann, Wedel (Bersenbrück): PB Pik Senior by Pik Bube, LB Galvano by Grande, PB World Magic by Warkant, LB High Spirits by Hohenstein (Dillenburg), RNS-Champion mare Wenica by Weltmeyer u. Bona Dea II by Brentano II, internat. successful dressage horses Flim Flam (VA) by Wilhelm Tell, White Foot (VA) by World Cup II Larena Satisfaction II, bay, born 2002 Spartan Stakkato Pia Calypso II Cecile Amica Servus Gottilde Pygmalion Goldfeder Cor de la Bryère Tabelle Abajo xx Wanja B.: Rainer Schulz, Burgdorf, R.: Hunnesrück Breeding station: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder, Ph.: ++49 42 1/67 58 63 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 107,27/14/48 Pl. dr.: 95,72/22; Pl. jump.: 118,40/8 Dam Cecile Hannoveraner Mare of the Year 2010 A: LB Satisfaction I by Stakkato internat. successful show jumper, licensed stallion Spimex by Stakkato, internat. successful show jumpers Sunny Girl La Magnifica, Sambuco, Sundari, Argelith Sambuca by Stakkato, Emely by Escudo; dam line of Schutzsiegel, 1939, Borcherding, Balkum (Bersenbrück) Signum xx, brown, born 2003 Big Shuffle xx Kalatos xx Kardia xx Law Society xx Southern Bird xx Southern Gem xx Super Concorde xx Raise Your Skirts xx Mister Rock‘s xx Kandia xx B.: Knut Kaufmann Breeding station: Klaus Below, Hambergen Ph.: ++49 47 93/22 55 Handicap: 90,5 kilogram Alleged xx Bold Bikini xx Homing xx Souvereign Rose xx Sorento, Old., brown, born 2002 Sandro Song Sandro Hit Loretta Donnerhall Dein Liebling Premiere Sandro Antenne II Ramino Lassie Donnerwetter Ninette Pik Bube B.: Christoph Ferneding, Neuenkirchen R.: Jan Wagemans, Einighausen/Niederlande Breeding station: Krüsterhof GmbH, Voerde Ph.: ++49 17 0/44 50 57 6 International successful dressage horse Dam line of Floda, 1880, Stehr, Francop (Jork): LB Lotse by Lugano (Dillenburg), LB Luetzow by Lugano, PB Aktuell by Absatz, LB Pommery by Pik Bube, PB Christ by Competent, internat. successful show jumpers Lucie by Landadel u. Top Gun by Grannus, internat. successful dressage horses Liebenberg by Leibwächter and Bolschoi by Bolero Jagdlady The Hanoverian 02|2011 27 Stallions St. Moritz II, brown, born 2008 B. a. r.: Frank und Nicole Pistner, Bad Homburg Breeding station: Gestüt Famos, Syke-Wachendorf Ph.: ++49 42 40/93 20 50 100 mares Sandro Song Sandro Hit Loretta Dam Dondola: PB St. Moritz by Sandro Hit, PB Bergerac by Belissimo M; dam line: Dondolo by Don Carlo internat. successful dressage horse De Niro Dondola Bel Amie Sandro Antenne II Ramino Lassie Donnerhall Alicante Larinero Bandera Stakkanto, bay, born 2008 B. a. r.: Hermann Dähling, Dellien Breeding station: Gestüt Famos, Syke-Wachendorf Ph.: ++49 42 40/93 20 50 100 mares Dam line of Schwabenjungfrau, 1906, Meyer, Gahlsdorf (Verden): LB Schlingel by Shagya XVII, LB Smaragd by Sudan xx, LB Gordon by Grande, LB Lanthan by Lombard, PB Wousselt by Wenzel, PB Wellenbrecher by Wenzel, Champion stallion LB Don Frederico by Donnerhall Spartan Stakkato Pia Gardeulan Grandiose Johanna Servus Gottilde Pygmalion Goldfeder Gotthard Waldrun Jupiter Fabel Surprice, Old., black, born 2007 B.: Harm Oncken, Sande R.: Gestüt Lewitz, Steinfeld Breeding station: Paul Schockemöhle, Mühlen Ph.: ++49 54 92/96 01 00 SPT Schlieckau: 120,67 Pl. dr.: 123,25; Pl. jump.: 115,58 2. dam St.Pr.St. Waldfee A: Exito by Escudo internat. successful show jumper; dam line of Feiereiche, 1934, Burkuhl, Amemolter (Nienburg): Woodstock W by Westminster internat. successful dressage horse Sandro Hit Sir Donnerhall Contenance D Prince Thatch xx Pusteblume St.Pr.St. Waldfee Sandro Song Loretta Donnerhall Contenance II Thatch xx Petroleuse xx Watzmann Wolgawerk Totilas, KWPN, Rapppe, born 2000 B. a. r.: Anna Schuil-Visser, NA Broeksterwoude/The Netherlands Breeding station: Paul Schockemöhle, Mühlen Ph.: ++49 54 92/96 01 00 International successful dressage horse Mare line: licensed stallion Jodokus by Ramiro, licensed stallion Topas by Marco Polo, PB Marius by Marco Polo internat. successful show jumper, PB Palermo by Pol internat. successful show jumper Kostolany Gribaldi Gondola II Glendale Lominka Elsa Enrico Caruso Kapstadt Ibiskus Gloria VI Nimmerdor Silja Akteur Wominka Whahid, chestnut, born 2003 B.: Hartwig Bulle, Cuxhaven R.: Heinz Katt, Stade Breeding station: Claudia Peeraer, Vorselaar/Belgium, Tel.: ++32/47 62 00 51 1 SPT Adelheidsdorf: 102,13/16/33 Pl. dr.: 105,39/13; Pl. jump.: 100,73/15 Dam line of Napa, 1912, Jahncke, Naulitz (Lüchow): licensed stallion Light of London by Londonderry, internat. successful dressage horses Duke and Duchess by Davignon 28 The Hanoverian 02|2011 Weltmeyer Worldly Boleisa A Jungle Prince St.Pr.St. A Jungle Princess St.Pr.St. Devita World Cup St.Pr.St. Anka Brentano II St.Pr.St. Leisa Argentinus St.Pr.St. Panja Davignon Gitana Stallions Placing Jumping Index Placing Dressage Index Placing Total Walk1) Canter1) Trot1) Jumping ability1) Rideability1) Ability to perform Willingness to perform Temperament Character Stalion performance test results (privately owned stallion) Results of the stallion performance test in Neustadt/Dosse (70 days) 17.07.2009-24.09.2009 Average score/29 participants 8,93 8,63 8,59 8,71 7,75 8,10 7,45 7,88 7,93 Payback 9,00 8,50 8,50 9,00 7,88 8,78 7,50 7,88 8,38 116,96 5 104,53 11 116,84 7 119,65 4 127,37 3 104,86 13 120,15 4 106,57 9 134,17 1 Results of the stallion performance test in Prussendorf (70 days) 23.07.2009-30.09.2009 Average score/24 participants 8,57 8,17 7,96 7,96 7,57 7,20 6,97 7,35 7,30 Fürst Donnerhall 8,00 9,00 8,00 9,00 9,25 7,47 8,92 8,5 9,17 Results of the stallion performance test in Neustadt/Dosse (70 days) 22.07.2010-29.09.2010 Average score/22 participants 8,86 8,66 8,54 8,68 7,90 7,97 7,49 7,85 7,65 Lord Quidam 9,00 9,00 8,50 9,00 7,88 8,94 7,63 8,00 8,25 Results of the stallion performance test in Prussendorf (70 days) 22.07.2010-29.09.2010 Average score/30 participants 8,57 8,32 8,29 8,32 7,71 7,80 6,87 7,50 7,30 Cheval de Coeur 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 8,38 8,22 7,00 7,54 7,09 113,53 H 112,39 H 112,57 H Fürst Wettin 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,50 8,08 8,59 8,67 8,00 126,62 H 134,25 H 110,57 H Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (70 days) 06.09.2010-17.11.2010 Average score/17 participants 8,00 7,88 8,12 8,00 7,22 7,17 7,04 7,46 7,15 Cornet’s Balou 8,00 8,00 9,00 8,00 8,00 9,56 6,00 8,00 6,50 132,6 2 110,94 5 136,67 1 Dantander Hit 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 7,50 5,81 7,75 7,50 8,50 95,16 9 111,2 4 80,29 13 Results of the stallion performance test in Schlieckau (70 days) 10.09.2010-18.11.2010 Average score/48 participants 8,37 7,64 8,09 8,56 7,86 8,04 7,34 7,79 7,62 Belstaff 8,50 8,00 8,50 9,00 9,25 7,58 8,82 8,32 9,32 127,00 3 143,64 1 93,84 29 Last Man’s Hope 8,50 8,00 8,00 9,00 9,38 9,22 7,07 8,00 7,19 120,46 9 110,22 15 126,03 4 Nerrado 7,50 8,50 8,00 9,00 8,50 8,97 7,75 8,25 5,88 124,89 4 111,55 6 125,32 3 Surprice 9,50 8,50 9,00 9,50 8,13 8,29 8,07 8,38 7,88 120,67 H 123,25 H 115,58 H Results of 30-days-test in Münster-Handorf 10.05.2005-09.06.2005 Average score/19 participants 8,74 8,26 8,39 8,16 7,82 7,46 7,30 7,84 7,58 Sorento 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 8,63 7,56 8,25 8,88 8,19 8,63 7,56 8,62 8,84 8,11 8,43 8,09 8,78 8,08 8,48 7,29 7,84 7,35 8,03 Results of 30-days-test in Münster-Handorf 20.10.2008-20.11.2008 Average score/32 participants 8,69 8,39 8,53 8,34 7,94 7,80 7,63 8,05 7,70 Licosto 8,00 9,00 9,00 8,50 9,38 7,75 8,63 8,69 8,44 Results of 30-days-test in Neustadt/Dosse 04.11.2008-01.12.2008 Average score/29 participants 8,90 8,48 8,55 8,64 7,93 7,98 7,36 7,80 7,59 Cador 9,00 8,50 8,50 8,50 8,13 9,06 7,88 8,38 8,00 Results of 30-days-test in Neustadt/Dosse 29.09.2009-28.10.2009 Average score/27 participants 8,85 8,50 8,58 8,65 8,17 7,95 7,46 7,89 7,38 Demirel 9,00 8,50 8,50 9,00 8,88 6,63 8,50 8,38 8,00 Results of 30-days-test in Neustadt/Dosse 30.09.2010-27.10.2010 Average score/24 participants 8,85 8,58 8,56 8,60 8,05 7,60 7,52 7,81 7,72 A Conto Son 9,00 8,50 8,50 8,50 7,88 8,31 6,75 7,25 7,63 Results of the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf (70 days) 07.09.2009-18.11.2009 Average score/31 participants 8,00 7,93 7,93 8,10 6,98 7,22 6,69 7,41 7,15 Crescendo Boy 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 7,25 8,44 7,00 7,84 7,84 119,28 5 111,91 8 114,07 9 Results of 30-days-test in Schlieckau (30 days) 22.11.2010-21.12.2010 Average score/49 participants 8,42 8,00 8,15 8,59 8,11 8,04 7,43 7,95 7,54 Qualität 7,00 8,00 7,50 8,50 7,38 9,63 5,88 7,50 7,56 7,93 7,02 8,96 1) Average scores of the respective parts of the test – H = calculated The Hanoverian 02|2011 29 Hanoverian Highlights 2011 HANNOVERANER VERBAND Combined May Auction Wonneproppen by Weltmeyer and Nicole Isser. March 2 15th Freejumping Test Three-year olds, Hanoverian Jumper Breeding Programme April 8/9 124th Elite-Auction Hanoverian Riding Horses and Foals April 29/30 May-Auction Hannoverian Riding Horses July 29/30 Summer-Auction Hannoverian Riding Horses August 3 to 7 International Dressage and Jumper Festival Herwart von der Decken-Show World Championships of young dressage horses Hannoveraner Verband e. V. Lindhooper Str. 92 Niedersachsenhalle Germany · 27283 Verden/Aller Phone ++ 42 31/67 30 Fax ++ 42 31/67 312 www.hannoveraner.com A selection of recreational horses and the sale of Hanoverians via Verden’s auction program will be combined in one event on April 29/30. T he Hanoverian Association has gathered experience with Verden’s auction program gaining worldwide recognition for more than 60 years. The system has continuously been expanded, improved and adjusted to meet the market demands. The proven sale avenue has turned into one of the main marketing tools for our breeders. A different market segment has been defined and installed under the motto “Experience Hanoverians”. The sale of recreational horses was offered over a period of four sale weeks. The interest in horses selected, trained and presented for recreational use is consistently increasing. The time is right to combine this growing track with the proven sale system. Joined Selections The combination of recreational horses and riding horses will be carried out for the first time in accordance with the previous standard on the may auction. This also means joined selections, presentations and then the sale on April 30th. We shall continue to consider the differences in demands. Participants that have been tested for relaxedness, strong nerves, and easy rideability in a special and proven method will be marked accordingly in the catalog. There are always some youngsters in the riding horse collection that satisfy the special demands on a so-called recreational horse. It is possible that such talents are de- Riding horses and recreational horses from the initiative “Experience Hanoverians” will be offered for sale in a joint event at the Hanoverian Riding and Driving School during the May auction. Photos: Ernst, Schwöbel tected during the time of preparation before the auction. The knowledge we acquire during the training period may differ from the knowledge we acquired at the selection. The co-operation of Verden’s auction team with the partner businesses from “Experience Hanoverians” and their managers has intensified during the last year. Exhibitors can count on a highly motivated group of experts who will make every effort to achieve the best possible sale for each individual horse. Customers will find a selection of horses of high standard with respect to health, type, rideability and pre-disposition. Verden’s usual proven system with its exceptional service that includes first-rate observation skills, competent advice and individual attention is guaranteed to every visitor and customer. n Editorial: THE HANOVERIAN is published by Hannoveraner Verband e. V., Lindhooper Str. 92, D-27283 Verden, Germany, e-mail: redaktion@hannoveraner.com. Editor: Britta Züngel, translations: Yvonne Zuther, Paul Kershaw, photos: Ernst, Schwöbel, Frieler, Rau, Stroscher
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