Put the puzzle together

[2015 EASPD Project Development Workshop]
Put the puzzle together!
Putting all the pieces together can be challenging.
You have all those shapes (funding streams), forms
(project ideas) and colours (different partner
profiles)... but how to get the final picture without
getting puzzled? The 2015 edition of the EASPD
Project Development Workshop follows a “3D
esign: the inaugural plenary session will be
dedicated to present the different EC budget lines
and programmes and to explain the step-by-step
procedure that supports the different stages of
Project Cycle Management.
issemination: you don´t have to start from
scratch! During this event you will also have the
opportunity to get to know some EU projects in
which EASPD and its members are taking part in.
evelopment: we want to spark ideas and make
the most out of them! The Project LAB will be
dedicated to discuss and shape project proposals.
We will all then meet together for the final plenary
session where a group discussion will hopefully
lead us to the recipe for success!
Put the puzzle together: 2015 EASPD Project Development Workshop
6 May 14h00-17h30, Hotel Adriana, Zadar
Moderator: Carmen Arroyo de Sande, EASPD
14h00 - 14h30 Plenary Session “The where, the how and the when”
Welcome and introduction, Luk Zelderloo, EASPD
Presentation on EC budget lines and programmes, Adriana Popa, EASPD
Presentation on Project Cycle Management, Marta Fusella, EASPD
14h30 – 15h45 Market Place “Get inspired”
Adapting services for persons with disabilities to new users – The role of the coordinator – Jim
Crowe, Learning Disabilities Wale
ALDO – Sustainability – Asel Kadyrbaeva, EASPD
DELAROSE – An example of a follow up project – Cathal Ryan, Waterford Institute of Technology
DESC– Dissemination of project results – Cyrielle Claverie, L´Adapt
INVESTT – An example of a strong partnership – Annemie Jennes, VVKBuO
IVET4D – Financial management Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships – Robert Böhmm Vocational
School of Weissenburg
My Rights My Voice – User involvement – Johannes Ungar, Innovia
15h45 – 17h00 Workshops “Project LAB”
Table 1 on Employment. Facilitator: Cyrielle Claverie
Table 2 on Education. Facilitator: Marta Fusella
Table 3 on Independent Living. Facilitator: Stefana Cankova
Table 4 on Person Centred Technology. Facilitator: Carmen Arroyo de Sande
Table 5 on Arts, Culture and Sport. Facilitator: Adriana Popa
Table 6 on Workforce Development & HR. Facilitator: James Churchill
17h00 – 17h30 Plenary Session “The recipe for success”
Feedback from Project LAB
Closing remarks
With the financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020)
EASPD – European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
Participants will be split in six tables (employment, education, independent living, person-centred
technology, arts, culture & sport and workforce development & HR). A pre-selection of proposals didn´t
take place so all project ideas will be discussed during the Project LAB. How this is going to work?
All participants have to choose one table/topic
All participants should agree and nominate one spokesperson per table. This person will be in
charge of giving feedback on the closing plenary session about what has been discussed in the table
The facilitator will ask then if someone wants to launch a project idea. The presentation of the
project idea should be brief (3 minutes maximum)
For each idea launched (it is recommended to have a maximum of 3 project ideas per table),
participants at the table have to go through the different components that a project proposal should have
(see text box below). Participants can also do subgroups within their table if this helps to work better in a
specific project idea. The facilitator will assist/guide participants during this process.
– identification of project partners or target groups
– their roles and relationships in the project
2. WHAT?
– the main project activities
– social, economic, cultural, political and educational dimensions
– the project’s impact on these dimensions
3. WHY?
– needs and wishes satisfied by the project
– motivation and interests of participants
– main objectives of the project
– relationship between participants’ objectives and institutional objectives
– social context of the project and situation of participants
5. WHEN?
– short, medium or long-term?
– background of participants as it affects the project
6. HOW?
– techniques and instruments used
– input of participants’ experience, theories, other projects, etc.
Please note that different materials will be available in order to make the session as interactive as possible
(i.e. a recent EC publication to check policy priorities, pieces of paper with names of possible activities,
pens, stickers, templates, etc…)
With the financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020)
EASPD – European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
The rationale of the Market Place is to offer inspiration to participants by presenting examples of good
practice in project management, innovative ideas or approaches, good quality outputs, scaling-up
initiatives, etc. Therefore the presentations will be focused not only on the project itself but also in one
particular aspect that can be inspirational for others.
The Market Place also means that you can bring your PR materials (from projects you were involved/are
currently involved or general information materials about your organisation) as there is going to be a
display area in the room. These materials will be also displayed in the stands located in the main
conference venue on Thursday and Friday.
The limit is 75 leaflets or brochures / 20 CDs/ 5 posters per participating organisation. If you are bringing
PR materials, it is mandatory to come at least 15 minutes in advance to the Project Development
Workshop; welcome coffee will be available as from 13h45.
Thanks for joining this new
EASPD “3D project planning experience”!
For further information about EASPD Project Development activities, please contact Carmen Arroyo de Sande,
EASPD Project & Liaison Officer (carmen.arroyo@easpd.eu )
With the financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020)
EASPD – European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities