June 12, 2015 Calendar for Upcoming Week: For a real-time calendar click on: http://easternhs.org/calendar Saturday, June 13 ACT National Test Date Tuesday, June 16 10:00am Graduated Licensing Course - Room G1 Tuesday, June 23 10:00am Graduated Licensing Course - Room G1 Tuesday, August 4 8:00am Eagle Prep - Seniors 10:00am Eagle Prep – Freshmen Wednesday, August 5 8:00am Eagle Prep - Sophomores 10:00am Eagle Prep – Juniors Monday, August 10 First Day for Teachers Wednesday, August 12 First Day of School Last Issue of Weekly Email The next issue will be sent out in late July. Graduation Photos Craig Paul Studios took pictures of each graduate. A separate email will be sent to seniors and their parents/guardians once the website is ready for viewing and purchasing photos directly from Craig Paul. Eagle Prep The dates are August 4th and 5th this year. Specific times are on the calendar above. Once again we will offer payment of fees online, so it is not necessary to attend Eagle Prep, but if you want to pay with check or cash, this is the opportunity to do so. Parking spots will be sold and for new students this is an excellent opportunity to see the building, though some may be restricted due to summer maintenance. Report Cards Will Be Mailed Home They will be mailed during the week of July 15th, so be watching for them. Summer Reading The summer reading is This I Believe II. You can view all of the essays by clicking here: http://easternhs.org/parents/thisibelieve.pdf Eastern Eagles Cheer Clinic The Eastern Cheer team will be having their annual summer clinic on June 13 th. Anyone ages 4 – 12 is invited to participate. At the clinic, participants will learn cheers, dances, make new friends, and play lots of fun camp games. For more information, visit http://goeasterneagles.org/competitive_cheer. Senior Parking Spots for 2015-16 Senior painted parking spots will be sold during Eagle Prep on August 4th. Spaces are $50 and students should be school appropriate design with them when they purchase their spot. Any questions, please email Ms. Bowling at laura.bowling@jefferson.kyschools.us Camp Wonderopolis Thanks to our partnership with the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) and to the generosity of community partners, all JCPS students have access to Camp Wonderopolis as an online learning opportunity for the summer. Teachers, students and families can find out more about Camp Wonderopolis by visiting camp.wonderopolis.org and by clicking on the attached post card: http://easternhs.org/parents/campwonderopolis.pdf Study Island Summer Usage All 9th, 10th and 11th grade students will remain enrolled in Study Island through August 2nd. Dress Code for Dances Our staff is happy to volunteer personal time to provide activities such as the dances students enjoy so much. However, in recent years the length of some of the female students’ skirts have continued to climb, making it very difficult to monitor our ticket lines of students coming into the dance as we deal with dress code. In light of this, we are clarifying the dress code for the events and need your help in making sure in advance that clothing is appropriate: Dresses must be no more than 1 inch above the top of the kneecap (measurement will be taken at the end line of the main fabric of the dress, not at the end of any sheer material enhancing the dress) Slits must be no more than 1 inch above the top of the kneecap Dresses must be complete with no cut outs or sheer material that expose the stomach or sides Dresses must not have plunging necklines or backs that are cut out below the natural waist Attire for those not wearing dresses, must include: Collared or Tuxedo Shirt Tie Dress Pants Dress Shoes Suit or Tuxedo Jacket Students will not be allowed to wear jeans, tennis shoes, or baseball caps. Students must be dressed appropriately to be admitted and must remain in dress code for the duration of the event. Ticket prices will not be refunded if a student is not dressed appropriately and has to be turned away or removed from the event. We realize that many of the local retailers provide a large selection of evening and party dresses, but our events are not “club events” or “private party” events. They are for high school age students. We appreciate in advance your assistance in ensuring students are dressed appropriately for these events. For examples: http://easternhs.org/parents/dressrequirements.pdf Parent Portal – Report Cards & Transcripts Unofficial progress reports, report cards and transcripts available online. Log into the parent portal and click on “Reports” below your students name. http://www.jcpsky.net/Parent/ParentPortal/index2.html If you do not currently have a Campus Portal User Account, please send an email to campus.portal@jefferson.kyschools.us and provide your name, child's name(s) and contact phone number. If you want a login for both parents/guardians, please provide both names. Once your info is verified you will receive an email with login instructions. If you have forgotten your username/password, please email jennifer.williams3@jefferson.kyschools.us with your name and your student’s name. Parent Portal link: http://www.jcpsky.net/Parent/ParentPortal/index2.html Once you login to the parent portal, please go to Contact Preferences and make sure your email address is correct, so you will receive communications from EHS and JCPS. SBDM SBDM Meeting minutes http://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/Programs/SBDM/minutes.html SBDM Policies SBDM Parent Representatives Wondering where you can find school policy information? Current policies are public record. A copy is available for you to look at in the front office and at all public libraries. Questions concerning SBDM? Jeff Riddle - JRiddle@mfpd.org and Skip Hahnert – skiphahnert@gmail.com Student handbooks EHS Student Handbook - http://easternhs.org/parents/studenthandbook.pdf JCPS Code of Conduct - http://www.jcpsky.net/Pubs/codeofconduct.pdf Teacher E-mail Addresses Communicate with your student’s teachers via e-mail - http://easternhs.org/email/ JCPS School Board Representative If you have questions or comments for your JCPS School Board Representative, e-mail Stephanie Horne – stephhorneschoolboard@gmail.com Phone Numbers Front Office............ 485-8243 Principal..................485-8810 Assistant Principal. 485-8121 - (Student Discipline, Medication Forms, Lockers, Lunch schedule) Records Clerk........ 485-8423 - (Immunization Information, Transcripts) Counselors............. 485-8434 - (Student Counseling, Schedules, Schedule Changes) Bookkeeper............ 485-8410 - (Fee Waivers, Refunds) Athletic Director..... 485-8432 - (Sport Schedules, Eligibility) Campus Shop/PTSA..... 485-8705 - (Open Daily, 11:15 - 12:30) Bus Information...... 485-8121 Security Matter – Mr. Goodall................. 485-8415 TO REPORT A STUDENT ABSENT 485-8414 or 485-8692 (Must be reported within 2 days of absence) TO REQUEST AN EARLY DISMISSAL 485-8414 or 485-8692 TO LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR A TEACHER 485-8243 (Message will be sent to teacher via e-mail) TO GET AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO A STUDENT 485-8434 (Only emergency messages will be taken) Web -http://easternhs.org Counselor’s website - www.teacherweb.com/ky/eastern/counseling Twitter - @EasternHSMedia, @athleticsEHS Previous Weekly Emails Previous weekly emails are available by utilizing the following naming convention. The format is year, month, date (YYYYMMDD). As an example, if you are looking for the July 20, 2012 weekly email, the address would be: http://easternhs.org/parents/20120720.pdf Eastern High School 12400 Old Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40243 502-485-8243 www.easternhs.org
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