April - Eastern Iowa Orchid Society

In This Month’s Newsletter:
 Notes from the President page 1
April 2015
 Northeast Wisconsin Orchid Show Neenah WI page 2
 Chicago and ILIowa shows pages 3 & 4
 March Meeting Joel Wilcox page 5
EIOS is now on
President: Lois Dusdieker
(319) 626-2236
E-mail: lois-dusdieker@uiowa.edu
Vice President: Jim Quaintance
(319) 624-2758
E-mail: yakmanq@southslope.net
Secretary: Mike Hampton
(319) 377-0106
E-mail: mike_eios@qwest.net
Treasurer: Cathy Wilcox
(319) 354-5879
Email: wilcoxfam4@lycos.com
AOS Representative: Laynez Ackermann
(319) 656-2063
Email: lwla@kctc.net
Mid-America Representative:
Nile Dusdieker
(319) 626-2236
E-mail: niledusdieker@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor: Mike Hampton
(319) 377-0106
E-mail: mike_eios@qwest.net
Web Page Editor: Jim Quaintance
(319) 624-2758
E-mail: yakmanq@southslope.net
A small group of people with a big love of growing orchids.
The Spike
 Meeting directions — page 6
EIOS display at ILLowa Show in Bettendorf IA
President’s Message for April
Special thanks to Joel Wilcox for his presentation at our March meeting on the ‘art’ of photographing orchids. His talk should entice us to
bring our cameras along and photograph
orchids wherever we find them. With digital
pictures ‘you not like ‘em? Send to the recycle
Our April 7th meeting will be an educational
practicum – Classifying and Evaluating the
Quality of Orchid Blooms! We will be working
in teams on 2 separate missions. First, we will
learn to classify orchids according to the 108
Mid America Orchid Congress categories – ie
– large white phalaenopsis – class 44. Working in small groups, we will catalog a variety
of orchids and memorabilia. It is not always as
easy as it looks. We will learn how to determine the base color of phalaenopsis and the
difference between simple and complex paphiopedilum hybrids.
Next, our small groups will learn to judge selected blooming orchids according to established judging criteria. Whether or not one is
interested in submitting plants for AOS judging, knowing how to recognize quality flowers
will help in collecting better plants. An AOS
(Continued on page 6)
Calendar of Events
Orchid Society Meetings are the
first Tuesday of the month during
the school year. Meetings start with
social at 6:30 and the meeting at
Noelridge Greenhouse Easter
Showcase Display and sale 11 to 5
EIOS MEETING – First Presbyterian
Church – Classifying and Evaluating
the Quality of Orchid Blooms!
EIOS MEETING – First Presbyterian
Church – How to get your plants to
bloom when you want! David Bird
Noelridge Greenhouse Mothers
Day Showcase Display and sale
Kansas City Orchid Show, 2015.
Our club has been invited!
Page 2
Northeast Wisconsin Orchid Show Neenah Wisconsin
Andy braved the Arctic North (which actually was rather warm) for the Northeast Wisconsin Orchid Show on March 7-8, 2015.
The theme of the event was "Orchids and All That Jazz," and he set up a 50 square-foot display complete with banjo, saxophone, sheet music, and musical notes (arranged in a loose interpretation of "On Iowa"). The display won Best of Class for society displays and garnered two special awards for Best Phalaenopsis of Show (Dusdiekers' Phal. Liu's Fantasy) and Best Cattleya
of Show (Dusdiekers' Epidendrum stamfordianum). There were also quite a few first place ribbons awarded. The Dusdiekers'
Phalaenopsis Kaoda Twinkle also received an HCC/AOS award during the AOS judging and now goes by the name of 'Dusty's
Dusdiekers’ Phal Kaoda Twinkle ‘Dusty’s midnight ‘ HCC/AOS
Doc Bannister’s Phal. Doc’s Spot (first place)
Page 3
March Madness: Eastern Iowa Orchid Society wins it ALL!
March is indeed the most hectic month for regional
orchid shows - not only on the plants that have to stay
‘fresh’ with all the transport - but also on the
‘transporters’ that travel and setup the displays. Andy
Coghill-Behrends won first place and Best of Class for
our EIOS display at the Neenah, Wisconsin show
March 7-8th. Andy did this all by himself (see pictures
on previous page). Dorothy and Micheal Hampton, Bill
Page, and Nile and Lois Dusdieker took over 70
plants to the Chicago Botanical Garden, Illinois Orchid Show the next weekend and setup a huge display ‘in the round’ right in the center of the exhibition
area. The Show Trophy for the best display was our
result. People attending the show really liked the
ability to get up close (and sometimes too personal)
with the flowers. Then March 20th several members of
the society converged on Wallace’s Garden Center to
assemble our Show Trophy winning display at the Illowa Orchid Society Show (picture on front page).
Thanks to Jim Quaintance, Andy Coghill-Behrends,
Ann and Larry Morris, Dorothy and Micheal Hampton,
and the Dusdiekers for their help. Some of the plants
were a bit worn but the held up for the weekend. We
closed the season of regional shows (8) with SIX
Show Trophies and One Best of Class! Congrats to all
who participated and provided plants, transportation,
helped with setup, good fellowship, and always good
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society awarded Show Trophy Display
At the Illinois Orchid Show - Chicago Botanical Gardens
Page 4
March Madness Show Pictures
Paph Hunkpapa ‘Penn Valley’ - Andy’s First place Illinois (left).
Hampton’s Phal. Surf Song
Illinois (below)
Andy and Dorothy at Illowa
Setup at Wallace’s Greenhouse in Bettendorf (below
Dorothy’s Jewel Box ‘Orange’ above
Jfk Appleblossom First Place Ribbon at
Illowa - Andy’s plant (below)
Worker ‘Bees’ at Illowa Show setup, Bettendorf
Doc Bannister’s
Phals Sogo Yukidian at center of
Illinois Display
(above left)
Dusdieker GastroPhais Micro Burst,
First Place at Illowa
Show (left)
Page 5
The ‘Art’ of Photographing Orchids presented by Joel Wilcox
The program for our March meeting was presented by Joel Wilcox, Cathy’s husband . He has been an avid photographer for many years and seems to enjoy the transition to digital pictures. With film, in the past, every shot cost $.75
even if it was not good. Now with digital photos one can bracket the exposure and adjust the settings to get just the
appearance desired. More specifically, Joel talked about components of a good photograph. First, the subject: picking
a flower and determining the setting and direction from which to take the photo. Next, the lighting: various forms of
artificial light offer different effects. Joel really likes to use natural light and showed some shots when the ambient light
has warm yellow and red hues such as at dusk or dawn. Finally, the background: whether solid color or natural backgrounds, the contrast with the subject can make or break the picture’s effect. Joel spent time talking about depth of field
and showed nice examples of interesting but non distracting backgrounds that actually accentuate the presentation of
the orchid. The Wilcox family attended the Illowa show and I hope Joel got some new ‘shots’ for his collection. Many
thanks for the wonderful presentation.
These are all pictures of the same
flower of Phal. Kaoda Twinkle
‘Dusty’s Midnight’ HCC/AOS which
was awarded at the Neenah
Show. Taken by Nile D
The official award photo will probably have a
black backdrop but with this deep purple color I
think lighter is better. Pic left is with soft flash. The
pictures below are all taken outside with sun on
the plant and flowers - center and left; and with
ambient light but in the shade, below right. Note
that the light still penetrates through from the back
and demonstrates the inconsistency of the pigment
as opposed to the flash which reflects the solid
Back Page
More Neenah
Left Dusdiekers’ Epi
Stamfordianum (first
place , BOC, Best
Cat of the Show
Right top Dusdiekers’
Phal Liu’s Fantasy
(first place, BOC,
Best Phal
Right bottom Hamptons’ Phal. Surf Song
(first Place)
Andy’s Paph Lunacy (First Place)
Membership dues for 2015 are now DUE. They are
$20 for one $30 for family. Bring to meeting or
All Neenah pictures mail to:
by Andy C-B
Cathy Wilcox
119 Taft Speedway
(Continued from page 1)
judge will also look at the plants so we can compare our results.
These exercises are for fun only – so no pressure – and we even
have a few ribbons to give out! Bring some of your ‘best’ flowers to look at!
At our recent meeting, numerous members expressed an interest
in getting new EIOS apparel. Our previous supplier in Iowa City
is no longer in business but the Coralville branch has the
phalaenopsis logo on file. As before, we will offer short sleeved
T shirts, long sleeved T Shirts, and sweat shirts in a variety of
colors. Hats and ‘hoodies’ are an option but require more work
with embroidery. We do need a minimum of 24 items to get our
price break. I will have the information at the meeting and will
put on our Google Group email as well.
Noelridge Park Greenhouse Showcases are coming up. We will
have a small display and sell blooming orchids as a fundraiser
for our fall show April 4 & 5 and on Mother’s Day May 10 th.
Volunteers to help with some shifts would be appreciated.
Please email me at lois-dusdieker@uiowa.edu.
In May we will be holding elections for EIOS officers. We have
some excellent volunteers already but certainly welcome further
nominees. A preliminary slate will be presented at the April
meeting. See you April 7th for a fun and challenging meeting.
Lois Dusdieker
Hosts for Upcoming Meetings
Dorothy Hampton and
Lois Dusdieker
If you would like to volunteer to help with
refreshments, please e-mail Lois Dusdieker
Directions to First Presbyterian Church in Iowa
From East on I-80 take exit 249 on Herbert Hoover Hwy
turn left and go about 5 minutes on Rochester and turn left
on Mount Vernon Dr. As soon as you turn left the church
parking lot is on your left.
From West on I-80, take exit 246 turn right to Dodge St,
turn left to Scott Blvd, turn right on First Ave, and stay on
until you meet Rochester Ave, turn left , go few minutes,
turn right on Mount Vernon Dr. As soon as you turn right
the church parking lot is on your left.
The meeting is in the Youth Room, as soon as you enter the
building turn left & turn right.