Announcements Children, Youth and Family

Children, Youth and Family
Final Month of Pray & Play:
Open Gym for Infants to Preschoolers
Thursdays, April 16, 23 & 30
9:30-11 a.m., Easter by the Lake
Come Play! The weather is always fantastic
at the Lake for kids to run, be loud, and let
go of all that energy! Come as often and as
long as you can. No registration is required.
Bring friends!
Things You Can Do at Home to Help VBS
You can help us get ready for Vacation Bible
School by doing some cutting, tracing, and
sharpening. All materials and instructions
are provided. Starting April 12, please pick
up a bag with instructions and materials in
the Resource Room at Easter on the Hill or
contact Rachelle at to make
other arrangements. This is a great way for
kids to earn service hours! All materials will
be due back by Sunday, May 17. Thank you
for your help!
Calendar Highlights
Family Faith Night for 2nd Graders
Parents: Pick up your child’s Bible!
Saturday, April 18, Easter on the Hill
5 p.m. Worship, 6 p.m. Pizza & Activity
We’ll distribute 3rd grade Bibles to parents
and talk more about how to make the Bible
dedication a blessing to all. Childcare is
provided for siblings. Pizza is $5/person
the night of the event (age 3 and under are
free). Please RSVP by contacting Rachelle
Gill at
Summer Sign Up Is Here!
Check out the Summer
Youth brochure to see
all of the opportunities
to guarantee a great
summer! New this
year, you can sign up for Vacation Bible
School in June and July. Visit
(Youth & Family / Summer) for more
information and to sign up for activities.
† = meets at Easter by the Lake
Sunday, April 12
12:00p New Member Class
6:30p Think Speaker Series †
Monday, April 13
5:30p Community Meal †
6:30p Homework Help †
7:00p Chick Talk
Tuesday, April 14
5:30p Community Meal †
6:30p Homework Help †
ednesday, April 15
5:30p Community Meal †
6:30p Homework Help †
Thursday, April 16
9:30a Pray & Play †
5:30p Community Meal †
6:30p Homework Help †
Friday, April 17
7:00p Friday Night Live Open Gym
Visit for complete calendar
Welcome to Easter Lutheran!
Mission: To grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ.
At the center of Easter Lutheran Church is the message of Easter
Sunday; resurrection, hope and new life. It is a message that God
loves each of us, no matter where we have been or what we have
done. The grace of God knows no limits.
Pastor Kristen Capel
Lead Pastor
It is our hope and prayer that you will experience the life changing
love of God through one of Easter’s ministries. Please take a
minute to read about the unique ways you can connect, grow in
your faith, and impact the world.
Our staff is here to serve you. If you have any questions or need
a listening ear, please contact the church office and we will be
happy to help you connect in a way that is meaningful and
life-giving for you. May you be blessed and may God’s love fill
your heart and life to overflowing.
Pastor Sarah Clark
Worship Times
Saturdays | 5 p.m. | Easter on the Hill (Band-Led)
Sundays | 8:30 and 10 a.m. | Easter on the Hill (Organ-Led)
Sundays | 9:30 and 11 a.m. | Easter by the Lake (Band-Led)
Pastor Brandon Newton
Pastor Angela
Fairbanks Jacobson
Pastor Paul Harris
Contact Us
4200 Pilot Knob Road | Eagan, MN 55122 | 651.452.3680
Visit for the most complete listing of up-to-date events.
April 11 & 12, 2015
Free Community Meals
Mondays - Thursdays
5:30-6:30 p.m., Easter by the Lake
Response and Attendance Sheet
Please fill this out and place in an offering
plate or hand to an usher.
Prayer Request(s):
Please include first and last name of each person being prayed for and your relationship
to that person. Name: ________________________Relationship: _________________
q for public prayer
q for prayer team only
q for pastors only
Phone q Home q Cell
I received Holy Communion.
I am a visitor.
I’d like a pastor to call me.
I give permission to use my email for
Easter Lutheran-related communications.
Ways to Connect and Serve
Please provide your phone number and email address
������ I am interested in joining Easter Lutheran Church, please contact me.
RS = Sign up on the Response Sheet
Upcoming Events at Easter Lutheran
Think Speaker Series
Sunday, April 12, 6:30-8 p.m.
Easter by the Lake, Childcare provided
Easter, in collaboration with Augustana
Lutheran and Prince of Peace, invite
you to come to a new learning event.
Through this series, we’ll learn about
scripture, theology, and Christian faith.
First Think Presentation: The Holy Spirit’s
Creative Power in Our Lives
4th Annual Easter Serves
Sunday, April 26, 12:15 p.m.
Easter by the Lake
A Luther Seminary professor, Lois
Malcolm, will speak at the first Think
opportunity. Malcolm’s enthusiasm and
passion for the Holy Spirit combined
with her rapid-fire presentation style is
something you won’t want to miss. This
energetic and engaging conversation will
answer questions like: Who is the Holy
Spirit? How is the Holy Spirit present and
active in our lives, in the church, and in
the world?
Be the hands and feet of Christ. Come for
lunch, fellowship, and service to others.
Help pack care packages for victims of
disasters and those struggling with poverty,
hunger, and homelessness. These packages
benefit The Open Door, Dakota Woodlands,
Lutheran World Relief, and many more.
You’ll also have the opportunity to learn
more about our ongoing projects and
partnerships. For more information, visit (Serve / Drives).
Come and discover how the Spirit creates
faith within us and prompts us to love
and serve the world and our neighbor.
Interested in helping before the event?
Donations are needed! Visit
(Serve / Drives) for a list of items needed.
Please drop off all donations by April 19.
Ways to Connect & Serve
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, April 28, 7 p.m., Easter on the Hill
The Annual Meeting is an important
gathering in the life of the church. We’ll
share plans for the near- and mediumterm future of the church, offer updates
on pastoral transition, finances, and other
important information. The Annual Report
is available at (Events & News).
Life Groupalooza!
Sunday, April 19, 12:15-2:30 p.m.
Easter by the Lake
You and your small group are invited to an
end-of-the-year celebration! Lunch will be
served. Stay for fellowship and activities.
Encore! Goes to Encore
Wednesday, April 22, 3:30 p.m.
Eagan High School
Free Community Meals
Carpool from Easter on the Hill at 2:30 p.m.
Mondays - Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Join us for the free preview of Encore! 2015,
Easter by the Lake
“A Click Away.” It promises to bring music
You’re invited to join us for weekly
with lots of energy and tons of style. This
community meals. These meals
performance fills up fast and parking can be
bring everyone from the community an issue, so get there early. After the show,
together to let neighbors get to know we’ll have dinner at Andiamo. RSVP by
each other. EVERYONE is invited and April 20 to Judy Englund at 651-687-0910 or
welcome. Invite family and friends.
You’re Invited: Youth Band Concert Event
Friday, April 24, 7 p.m., Easter by the Lake
Everyone is invited to a special event!
Join us for an incredible evening of music
performed by Easter’s high school and
middle school youth bands. Invite friends!
Encore! Adopt-a-Street Cleanup
Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m.
We’ll meet at Easter on the Hill to carpool
to the Adopt-a-Street site, Northview Pond
Road. Bring gloves. Sign up at
(Connect / Encore!).
Save the Date: Spring Choral Service
Sunday, May 3, 8:30 & 10 a.m.
Easter on the Hill
Worship led by the Senior Choir, Jubilate
Ringers, and instrumentalists.
Did you know? All Announcements are posted on (Events & News)