CALL FOR NYC MURAL ARTISTS! REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS Deadline: Thursday, April 30, 2015 by 5:00pm Two Murals, Two Prizes ($3000 - $2000) Hispanic FederaƟon seeks mural ar sts based in New York City to design, sketch and install two murals at the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center, located at 1680 Lexington Avenue in El Barrio/ East Harlem, NYC. The selected ar sts should be inspired by the poetry of Julia de Burgos and be able to transform this inspira on into designs that make use of a vibrant pale e and are evoca ve of contemporary mural design influenced by aerosol, stencil and graffi -based street art. SPECIFICATIONS MURAL 1 (Theater) Curved wall / Dimensions 11’ 7” high by 18’ wide MURAL 2 (Mul -purpose space) Dimensions 9’ high by 17’ 3” wide REQUIREMENTS All applicants are required to submit a complete applica on that includes: • • • • • Annotated image list Applica on form (see page 4) • Ar st bio and or ar s c resume 1 digital image of the proposed mural sketch • Ar st statement Produc on schedule (based on provided meline) 4 recent work samples in digital format (within the past 5 years) The finalists will enter into an agreement with the Hispanic FederaƟon to begin the design and installa on phases of the program. ELIGIBILITY This commission is open to all paint and aerosol-based mural ar sts and ar st teams in New York City . All artist must: • • • Be 18 years of age or older Have mural art experience Be an ac ve ar st SELECTION CRITERIA Ar st selec on will be based on ar s c merit, community impact and managerial capability using the following evalua on criteria: • Most importantly, the selected ar sts will be inspired by the poetry of Julia de Burgos and will create a mural that best represents her ar s c sensibility, cultural legacy and worldview JULIA DE BURGOS ARTS ALLIANCE MURAL CONTEST P2 • The ar sts will be able to transform this inspira on into a design that makes use of a vibrant pale e and is evoca ve of contemporary mural design influenced by aerosol and graffi -based street art • Quality, strength and reflec on of graffi or urban aesthe c as demonstrated in the submi ed work samples • Adaptability to the collabora ve process of design • Demonstrated knowledge of the unique considera on of interior murals • Ability to create unique and engaging artwork appropriate in concept, materials and scale SELECTION PROCESS The selec on process will have two stages: • During the first stage, Hispanic FederaƟon will convene a JdBMural Ar st Selec on Panel consis ng of professional ar sts, curators, and community stakeholders represen ng diverse interests and exper se to review the qualifica ons of ar sts who respond to this call • The JdBMural Ar st Selec on Panel will review sketches and evaluate the work based on the impact and applica on of the theme, and will recommend 5 Finalists • For the second stage, the 5 Finalist sketches will be displayed at a community event and open to a community vote that will select the two winners of the mural contest BUDGET & PAYMENTS • The total budget for the theater mural is $3,000 and the mul -purpose space mural budget is $2,000 • The mural budget must include all ar st fees and costs associated with design, materials and fabrica on; travel, shipping and transporta on of materials to the site; prepara on of the mural site, installa on of the artwork, applica on of protec ve coa ng, and documenta on of the artwork • Payments will be made directly to the selected ar sts - principals and fiscal agents of any kind are prohibited • Mural needs to be completed before or by June 10 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. ApplicaƟon Form (see page 4 – include contact informa on, image list, and references) 2. 1 Digital Image of the Proposed Mural Sketch (submi ed on a CD or emailed along with recent work samples) 3. ProducƟon Schedule (1 page - based on provided project schedule) 4. 4 Digital Samples of Recent Work (work produced within the past 5 years, submi ed on a CD or emailed - high resolu on jpg or ff files only) 5. ArƟst Bio or Resume (2 page maximum per person – of all par cipa ng ar sts) 6. ArƟst Statement (1 page) 7. References (Provide the names, addresses, e-mails and phone numbers of two professional references with knowledge of your work) JULIA DE BURGOS ARTS ALLIANCE MURAL CONTEST P3 PROJECT SCHEDULE DATE ACTIVITY April 30 Application deadline May 4 - 6 Application review May 7 Finalist selection notification issued May 15 Community vote - Winners will be announced TBD Mural installation begins at Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center June 10 Mural must be completed June 12 Culminating event APPLICATION DEADLINE DEADLINE: Thursday, April 30, 2015 All materials must be received no later than 5:00 PM. This is not a postmark deadline. Incomplete or late applica ons will not be considered. *Applica on materials will not be returned. MAIL OR EMAIL COMPLETE APPLICATIONS TO: FOR MORE INFORMATION: Hispanic FederaƟon / JdBMural 55 Exchange Place, Suite 501 New York, NY 10005 Call (212) 233-8955 or email: events@hispanicfedera events@hispanicfedera Julia de Burgos Julia de Burgos was a daughter of Puerto Rico. She was also a daughter of El Barrio. Along with the wave of Puerto Rican immigrants who came to New York in the 1940s and ’50s, she found a home in East Harlem. A mural, a cultural center and a street with her name honor her legacy. A teacher and writer, de Burgos made important declara ons through her poetry. She was a feminist and an advocate for Puerto Rican independence. And at a me when the most brutal racial discrimina on was the norm, she celebrated her blackness. Like many of us who remember the beauty of our countries, Julia paid tribute to the nature of the “Isla del Encanto” [Island of Enchantment, a name for Puerto Rico] in such memorable verses as those from her poem “Río Grande de Loíza.” Julia de Burgos died at the early age of 39, but she left a body of work that made her into one of the most influential Puerto Rican and Latin American poets of the 20th century. Biography credit: (Erica González / El Diario La Prensa) CALL FOR NYC MURAL ARTISTS!!! REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS Deadline: Thursday, April 30, 2015 by 5:00pm Two Murals, Two Prizes ($3000 - $2000) Hispanic Federation / Julia de Burgos Arts Alliance seeks mural artists based in New York City to design, sketch and install two murals at the Julia de Burgos Theater Latino Cultural Center, located at 1680 Lexington Avenue in El Barrio/East Harlem, NYC. The selected artists should be inspired by the poetry of Julia de Burgos and be able to transform this inspiration into designs that makes use of a vibrant palette and is evocative of contemporary mural design influenced by aerosol, stancil and graffiti-based street art. MURAL 1 Curved wall / Dimensions 11’ 7” high by 18’ wide MURAL 2 Dimensions 9’ high by 17’ 3” wide CONTACT INFORMATION ARTIST/TEAM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: EMAIL ADDRESS: ARTIST WEBSITE: PHONE #: PARTICIPATING ARTIST: (If applicable) IMAGE LIST IMAGE #1 TITLE: MEDIUM: DATE: SIZE: IMAGE #2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DATE: SIZE: DATE: SIZE: DATE: SIZE: IMAGE #3 TITLE: MEDIUM: IMAGE #4 TITLE: MEDIUM: REFERENCES NAME: EMAIL: PHONE #: RELATIONSHIP: NAME: EMAIL: PHONE#: MAIL OR EMAIL APPLICATION TO: Hispanic Federation / JdBMural 55 Exchange Place, Suite 501 New York, NY 10005 Subject: JdBMural RELATIONSHIP: FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call (212) 233-8955 Subject: JdBMural
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