East Los Angeles Service Area WEEKLY BULLETIN May 18, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 36 Submit items for the Weekly Bulletin to cbadeau@lausd.net http://eastlaservicearea.org/ On the Calendar SPANISH HISET May 19 & 20, 2015 ELA OC, 4:00 p.m. ESL PROMOTIONAL EXAMS May 19-26, 2015 PROMOTION/RETENTION LISTS DUE May 27, 2015 ESL PRE-REGISTRATION IN CLASS June 2-4, 2015 MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 25, 2015 NO SCHOOL GRADUATION May 28, 2015 ELA Community College 7:00 p.m. Notes from Ms. Rodriguez Staff members are reminded not to use their assigned mailbox for storage. Mailboxes should be checked daily and emptied weekly. LARAEC UPDATE: M emorial Day Monday, May 25, is Memorial Day. The roots of Memorial Day go back to 1865 and the end of the Civil War when it was originally known as Decoration Day. It was later changed to Memorial Day in 1882. Memorial Day is officially celebrated on the last Monday during the month of May and is dedicated to the service men and women who gave their lives for freedom and our country. Throughout the United States, veterans organizations will often request donations in exchange for an artificial red poppy made by disabled veterans. The poppies are worn to honor those who gave their lives serving our nation. All donations benefit servicemen in need. In honor of these men and women, all schools, state and federal offices will be closed. In the News In the News In the News ESL PROMOTIONAL TESTING AND PRE-REGISTRATION Promotional testing for all ESL classes is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 19 and end on Tuesday, May 26. Main campus instructors who may have students in common should meet during an extended break on Wednesday, May 27, to discuss those students’ promotion or retention. Promotion/Retention lists for main campus classes will be due that same day to Carl Badeau, APO. Pre-registration in class will take place June 2-4. WELCOME! Welcome Ms. Kenya Haugen and Mr. William Sykes from JCERT to our East Los Angeles Service Area. They are here to accredit the East Los Angeles Radiology program. Ms. Haugen and Mr. Sykes will be visiting and meeting with our radiology staff, administration and students Monday and Tuesday, May 18 and 19. Thank you for coming, Ms. Haugen and Mr. Sykes. We look forward to your visit. SUPPORT FOR OUR GRADUATES All staff members will receive a request for contributions to the scholarship fund for this year’s graduates. Any donation you provide is welcome and will help our graduates continue with their educational goals. The graduation ceremony is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on May 28 at ELA College. All staff working that evening are expected to attend, assist and be there to support our graduating class. Instructors should encourage their students to meet them at the auditorium and attend as a class. THE STORK HAS ARRIVED! Congratulations to the family of ESL instructor, Gabriela Carrasco, on the birth of their son Jake Ryan Arredondo. Jake arrived on Tuesday, May 5, weighing 6.6 lbs. That’s really celebrating Cinco de Mayo! Congratulations also to the family of Vicky Broccolo on the birth of Natalia Joan Broccolo, born on Saturday, May 19. Natalia weighed 6.3 lbs. and was 19” long! CNA PROGRAM FOR ESL STUDENTS Students interested in becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant, but who may need help with their English, should attend the informational orientation on Thursday, May 21, at East LA Skills Center at 12:30 pm. East LA Skills Center offers a dual enrollment program which includes Vocational English (VESL) and Medical Terminology classes to help students improve their English and reading skills for entry into the CNA program. Contact Ms. Alama Alvarez at 323 224-5970 to attend the orientation while space is still available. ELA SERVICE AREA CALENDAR Do you have pictures of you and your students working on a class project, at a school event, or enjoying a holiday festivity? The ELA Skills Center student council is creating an ELA Service Area calendar for the coming year. Production is set to go to press in one week. Email your photos now to Ms. Jenisha Hasselberger at kathrin.hasselberger@lausd.net The Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium (LARAEC) Plan identified adult education gaps in service and proposed strategies to improve the delivery of adult education in the region. To further develop the strategies proposed in the plan will require the assistance of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to complete Phase I of the AB 86 Implementation Plan. The Consortium proposed the creation of workgroups composed of teachers and administrators to work in collaboration with their counterparts from other districts to generate pilot program proposals for implementation. Workgroups will address curriculum and assessment alignment, development of college and career pathways, course articulations, and evaluation of strategies for accelerated student learning in each of the five AB86 instructional program areas. DACE workgroup members will be created in the following five subject matter categories. Members must commit to the project for one year and must have teaching or work experience in the given subject matter area: ESL/Citizenship/VESL, Basic Skills English and VABE, Basic Skills Math and VABE, CTE, Counseling and Academic Advising Each DACE team will consist of four teachers and two administrators. UTLA has been given the opportunity to appoint two teachers for each of the SME categories listed above. A kickoff meeting has been scheduled on Friday, May 22, 2015, from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the East Los Angeles Skills Center. East Los Angeles Service Area Page 2 Student Corner Volume 3, Issue 36 May 18, 2015 PHOTO GALLERY CCAE SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS What’s on your bulletin board? Bertha Galvan’s class celebrated Earth Day and Yetta Shaver and Lorilee Quizon celebrate and recognize II Lab students who complete contracts as “Awesome Achievers!” Congratulations to Steven Lee Koeppe, X-Ray Technician student, and Norma Gutierrez, academic student, who are CCAE Scholarship winners. Each were recognized at the Spring Awards Brunch on Sunday, May 17. ELA SC STUDENT COUNCIL MEETINGS The ELA Skills Center Student Council will hold its next meeting on Wednesday , May 20, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 220. All class representatives should attend this important meeting. CNA PROGRAM FOR ESL STUDENTS Are you interested in becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant but need help with your English? East LA Skills Center offers a dual enrollment program, which includes Vocational English (VESL) and Medical Terminology classes to help you improve your English and reading skills for entry into the CNA program. For more information about the program, contact Ms. Alma Alvarez and attend the informational orientation on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at East LA Skills Center, 12:30 pm. while space is still available. ESL PROMOTIONAL TESTING AND PRE-REGISTRATION Promotional testing for all ESL classes is scheduled to begin this Tuesday, May 19 and end on Tuesday, May 26. Pre-registration for the fall term will take place in class June 2-4. LE T TA ’S FR LK IDA YS ! MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 25, will be Memorial Day. This is a national day of remembrance for those who gave their lives in service of their country. There will be no school and all state and federal offices will be closed. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 26. 2015 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY The 2015 Commencement Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 28, 7:00 p.m. at ELA College. Mark your calendars! Riddle Me This…. How many months have 28 days? (See answer below) Happy Birthday to…. these March Birthday Club members. Ernest Kettenring (belated) May 10 Elizabeth Droz May 18 Mayra Linares May 18 Jenny Moreno May 21 Become a member of the Birthday Club. Send your birthdate to cbadeau@lausd.net District Policy You Should Know Title IX Policy—Bul 2521.1 The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each student and employee has a right to learn and work in an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination. No District student or employee shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender under any District educational program or activity. ESL students at ELA Occupational Center practice their speaking skills on Fridays. Students from all four classes meet outside and the talking begins! Do you know your paraprosdokians? A paraprosdokian is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a passage is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reinterpret the first part. Examples…. I haven’t slept for ten days, because that’s just too long. If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it. We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public. How would you finish this one? Where there’s a will, ….. Riddle me this……………………...… All of them! Prosdokian……..I want to be in it.
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