Eastwood Comm unity Centre OFFICE HOURS 9.00am – 3:30pm weekdays ADULT LEARNING English As A Second Language Friday’s Child Conversational English IELTS (International English Language Testing System) One-on-one Computer Help 2 2 2 2 ARTS & CRAFT Art Is For Everyone Drawing & Painting Life Art Life Drawing 3 3 3 3 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS 3 G’s Social Club 3 R’s ACH Social Links N.E.N. Cooking 4 4 4 4 DANCE & MUSIC Adult Ballet Class Dancers Co-operative Italian Folk Ensemble Japanese Ballet Group Jazz & Tap Siempre Tango 5 5 5 5 5 6 HEALTH & FITNESS General Yoga B Gentle Yoga A Karate Kung Fu Laughter Workshop 7 7 7 7 8 Massage Rhythms Exercises Tai Chi 8 8 8 HERITAGE & HISTORY Adelaide Historical Bottle Club Eastwood Walks Heritage Arms Society Military Arms Preservation Society 9 9 9 9 LEISURE & OUTDOOR Community Garden Morning Melodies (Hosted By Phyl Skinner) 10 10 PARENTS & FAMILIES Australian Breastfeeding Assoc. Japanese Playgroup Kids Connect – Social Skills 11 11 11 PROGRAMS FOR PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY Art & Ability Digital Photography Multimedia Big Screen DVD Night 12 12 12 SUPPORT GROUPS Adult Children of Alcoholics 13 Eastwood Recover (AA Support Group) 13 Gamblers Anonymous 13 Women’s Step (AA Support Group) 13 2 ADULT LEARNING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Weekly Friday 1-3pm Tutor: Val Lynch Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $3 per lesson This course offers learners the opportunity to practise listening and speaking skills in a friendly informal group. Topics covered include Australia and society and living in the community. FRIDAY’S CHILD - CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH First and Third Friday 10.30-1.30am Tutor: Kate Stock Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $3 per lesson An English class with a difference! A conversation class where mothers of non-English speaking background can bring their children, meet with other mothers & make new friends. You will learn about Australian ways, the ways of other cultures, and practice English conversation whilst increasing your listening skills. IELTS – ENGLISH STUDY CLASS (INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEM) Weekly Sat 10 - 1.00pm Tutor: Karen Barnett Tel: 8270 8796 This class prepares students to undertake the IELTS test. ONE-ON-ONE COMPUTER HELP Weekly Thursday 9.15am 10.30am 11.15am Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $4 per person Feeling a bit lost with technology? Just need some simple guidance, or hands-on quick refresher? Book your individual 45 min session with your tablet, computer or laptop. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 3 ARTS & CRAFT A diverse range of art classes are offered through the year. Some of our tutors are highly recognised artists in their own right and provide a wealth of expertise which they bring to the classes. ART IS FOR EVERYONE 1st & 3rd Tues of the month 1-4.00pm Tutor: Helen Rodriquez Tel: 8364 0796 or 8232 0580 Cost: $4 per session Art is for everyone, come along and try something new with those who share an interest in art, painting and also enjoy socialising together. DRAWING & PAINTING Weekly: Mon 1-4.00pm - (beginners painting) Thursday 1-4.00pm - (beginners drawing) Tutor: Sophie Dunlop Tel: 0403 688 077 Cost: $240 for 8 week course. Payable at first class A structured drawing and painting course that explores some of the fundamentals such as line, tone, form, composition and colour. LIFE DRAWING Weekly: Wed 7.30-10.30pm Tutor: Harry Slaghekke Tel: 0411 474 273 Cost: $10 per class For beginners or experienced artists. Develop or refine your life art skills. Models are provided. LIFE DRAWING Weekly: Tues 7.30 -10.15pm Tutor: Noel Gardem Tel: 0417 833 042 Cost: $15 per class ($10 for student) For beginners or experienced artists. Develop or refine your Life Drawing skills. Models provided. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 4 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS 3G’S SOCIAL CLUB Weekly: Saturday bi-monthly 6.30pm-12 midnight Tel: 8295 7201 3R’S Weekly: Monday (except 2nd Monday) 10.00am-2.00pm Tutor: Matthew Moody Cost: $4 per session ACH SOCIAL LINKS Weekly: Tues 9.30am-2.00pm Contact: Robert Cooper Tel: 0439 689 572 N.E.N. SOCIAL LINKS Monthly:3rd Wed 11.30am-2.30pm Tutor: Therase Wehbe Northeast Networks Coordinator Social Inclusion - Uniting Communities Tel: 8202 5640 EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 5 DANCE & MUSIC ADULT BALLET CLASS Weekly: Thurs 11.15am—12.30pm Tutor: Jacqueline Jones Tel: 8363 4560 If you have danced; an informal and fun class. Just turn up and join in. No bookings required. DANCERS CO-OPERATIVE Weekly: Sat 10-12pm Contact:Ellie Rosenfeld Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $8 per lesson Come along and enjoy modern dance and jazz dance with guest teachers. ITALIAN FOLK ENSEMBLE Monthly:Sat 4-6.00pm Contact:Dino Porcaro Tel: 8271 1929 An acapella group singing traditional Italian folk music from a bygone era. JAPANESE BALLET GROUP Weekly: Thurs 4-5pm Tutor: Aki Tel: 0468 625 327 Cost: $4 per class JAZZ & TAP Weekly: Tues 11-12.30pm (school terms only) Tutor: Valier McDowall or Jacqueline Jones Tel: 8298 5936 or 8363 4560 Cost: $12 per class Well known teacher Valerie McDowallis teaches jazz and tap.It’s a fun class for fitness and uses our brain as well. All ages welcome. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 6 DANCE & MUSIC SIEMPRE TANGO Weekly: Sun 3-9.00pm & Mon 7.30-10pm Tel: 0400 257 027 www.seimpretango.net.au Discover the powerful, sensuous dance of Argentina, beginner’s class start every four weeks FOR HIRE HALL • SEMINAR ROOM • GARDEN/SITTING ROOM Subject to permanent User Group bookings, all parts of the Community Centre are available for hire, along with catering facilities, BBQ equipment and sound equipment. FOR BOOKINGS AND FURTHER INFORMATION Phone 8373 2225 Office hours: 9am -3:30pm weekdays EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 7 HEALTH & FITNESS GENERAL YOGA B Weekly: Mon 11-12.30pm Tuesday 5:45pm-7:15pm Friday 9:30am-11am Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $90 per school term Casual drop in: $10 per session GENTLE YOGA A Weekly: Thurs 9.30-11am Tutor: Dana Krieger, IYTA Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $90 per school term Casual drop in: $10 per session For more information come and meet Dana Krieger, our accredited Yoga teacher. Loosen up gently and learn the lovely art of relaxation and meditation KARATE Weekly: Mon and Wed 6-7.30pm Contact:Malcolm Kadow Tel: 8331 8933 or 0412 316 738 Cost: $50 (Adult) and $30 (Junior) per month All age groups accommodated. Chief Instructor Hirokazu Kanazawa 9th Dan. Shotokan Karate Association Australia (SA Inc.) KUNG FU Weekly: Sat 2pm-3:30pm Contact:Peter Fleig Tel: 7329 1609 Email: fleig@adam.com.au Cost: $13/$11 concession An effective self defence system for confidence and fitness. Training is essentially non- contact and emphasises speed, focus and ‘internal’ power. Suitable for anyone from young to older age groups. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 8 HEALTH & FITNESS LAUGHTER WORKSHOP Weekly: Sat 9.00-10.00am Contact:Sally Harper 8277 8624 Beryl Worsely 8276 5281 Cost: $4 per session Come along and have a laugh, feel the benefits of laughter and go home relaxed. MASSAGE Weekly: Thurs 10am-6pm Contact:8326 4974 Cost: from $15 Bookings Essential Bohdan Bierczynski, Dip in Swedish and Soft Tissue Massage Adel(1996) Cert in Clinical Massage in Sports Massage Adel (1996) RHYTHMS EXERCISES Weekly: Monday 9.30-10.30am Contact:Rosemary Allen Tel: 8379 0695 Cost: $7 per class Exercises using weights and fitness balls that are set to tone and strengthen muscles and joints Beginners and Advanced - ALL WELCOME TAI CHI Weekly: Sat 12.15-1:45pm Contact:Peter Fleig Tel: 7329 1609 Email: fleig@adam.com.au Cost: $13/$11 concession Slow meditative movements, which develop leg strength, stability and improved posture, flex and tone soft tissue, relax the body and mind. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 9 HERITAGE & HISTORY ADELAIDE HISTORICAL BOTTLE CLUB INC Monthly:Thurs 7-10pm Contact:Secretary Tel: Mob 0417 890 748 The Adelaide Historical Bottle Club Inc was established in 1971 by a group of people with an interest in collecting old bottles and learning about Adelaide’s early produce manufacturers; as well as collecting associated historical artefacts. Monthly meetings with displays, sales and information for all members and visitors. EASTWOOD HERITAGE WALKS Tutor: Ally Preiss Tel: 0409 716 582 Email: aapreiss@live.com.au Bookings essential View the backstreets and lanes of Eastwood. Wander around the grounds at the old Glenside Hospital. Walk amongst the century old trees in the south east corner of the parklands. Meet at Eastwood Community Centre Walk number limited to 15. HERITAGE ARMS SOCIETY Monthly 3rd Friday 8.00 -10.30pm Tel: 8337 7276 MILITARY ARMS PRESERVATION SOCIETY INC (MAPS) Monthly 4th Friday 8.00 -10pm EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 10 LEISURE & OUTDOOR COMMUNITY GARDEN Weekly: Wed 1-3.30pm Tel: 8373 2225 Come along and enjoy the Centre community garden. Volunteers required to work in and develop our garden with regular working bees and guest speakers. MORNING MELODIES (HOSTED BY PHYL SKINNER) Twice Monthly 2nd & 4th Fourth Wednesday 10-12pm Contact:Viv Coburn Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $4 for morning tea Primarily for the frail-aged. If you feel “shut-in” & would like to make new friends, join us for morning melodies and sing-a-long. Be entertained by a variety of performers for a lovely, friendly morning. Community Bus from door to door can be arranged. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 11 PARENTS AND FAMILIES AUSTRALIAN BREASTFEEDING ASSOCIATION Monthly:2nd Fri 10-12pm Contact:Trish Tel: 8272 0148 Email: aba_unleyburnside@yahoo.com Come along to informal coffee mornings and meet other mums in your local area supporting each other as you travel down the parenting path together (dads are welcome). Expectant parents are welcome regardless of how you feed you baby. JAPANESE PLAYGROUP Fortnightly: Thurs 12.30pm-3.00pm Tutor: Alsuko Joyce Tel: 8373 2225 Cost: $4 per person KIDS CONNECT – SOCIAL SKILLS Weekly: Tues 3.30-5.30pm (school terms) Contact:Jenni Pearce – Connect Psychology Tel: 8357 0043 - Bookings Essential Social skills for children aged 6-8 in a group with diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 12 PROGRAMS FOR PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY ART & ABILITY Weekly: Wed 1-4.00pm Tutor: Hans Kreiner Mob: 0408088450 Contact:Caroline Manetta Tel: 8207 1233 With the support of art teacher Hans Kreiner, artists in the group will produce work that is self-expressive. Emphasis is on colour and large works that can be hung at home, or if desired, sold to business. Works from this group go towards our SALA Exhibition held annually in August. BIG SCREEN DVD NIGHT Monthly:2nd Tues 8.00-10pm Tutor: Stewart Percival Tel: 0414 185 340 Brain Injury Network DVD Night. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY MULTIMEDIA Weekly: Mon 1-4.00pm Tutor: Stewart Percival Tel: 0414 185 340 For people interested in furthering their photographic skills with emphasis on black and white photography. The course includes an introduction to digital photography for those wishing to come to terms with this emerging medium. Tuition is by an experienced photographer. EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 13 SUPPORT GROUPS ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS Weekly Fri 6.30-8.00pm EASTWOOD RECOVER (AA SUPPORT GROUP) Weekly Sun 10-12.00noon GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Weekly Tues 8-10pm Join a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. WOMEN’S STEP (AA SUPPORT GROUP) Weekly Sun 5.45-7.15pm Contact the Centre administration on 8373 2225 for further information on all of the above groups. L IO N S C L U B S IN T E R N AT IO N A L We Serve LI O N S C LU B O F G LE N S I D E I N C. Be part of this gr eat organisation and enjoy the fellowship in serving our community www.glensidelions.asn.au L IO N S C L U B O F G L E N S ID E W E ARE HE RE B ook m a rt BOOKMART S ti rl i n g S tre e t Kennaway Street Op ening tim es 10am -1pm Monday, Friday & Saturday 10am-3pm Sundays Phone 8332 1738 (during above times) T U SM O R E PAR K Portrush Road T usm ore hall, T us m ore Park C nr. B arr-Smith & Kennaw ay Sts. Tusmore - U BD Map 119, J14 B a rr-S m i th S tre e t Gre e n h i l l R o a d Quality second-hand books at very r easonable pric e · C ooking · Gardening · Travel · C raft · H obbies · Language · R eference · Fiction · H ardback · Paperback · Magazines Everything you can think of from Aardvarks to Zoology EASTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE – 2015 95 G len osmond Rd, eastwood 5063 P 08 8373 2225 F 08 8373 3334
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