Farm to School in South Carolina Discretionary Subgrant Request for Proposals (RFP) Application Package Deadline for Receipt of Applications: Friday, May 1, 2015 Holly Godwin, PhD SC Farm to Institution Director Email: Table of Contents PART I: General Information ......................................................................................................... 1 A. Introduction/Background ........................................................................................................ 1 B. Definition of Terms Used ....................................................................................................... 1 C. Eligible Applicants ................................................................................................................. 1 D. Estimated Number, Range, and Size of Awards .................................................................... 2 E. Grant Funding Period ............................................................................................................. 2 F. Program Requirements ........................................................................................................... 2 G. Required Reporting ................................................................................................................ 3 H. Required Attendance.. ……………………………………………………………………….3 I. Budget……………………………………………………………………………………….3 J. Unauthorized Activities ......................................................................................................... 3 K. Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................... 4 L. Review and Selection Process ................................................................................................ 4 M. Appeals Process ..................................................................................................................... 4 N. Technical Assistance ............................................................................................................. 4 O. Timeline of Subgranting Process…………..………………………….………………..…..5 PART II: Application Format, Content, and Instructions ........................................................... 6 A. Format ........................................................................................................................................... 6 B. Application Content for Submission……….….…………………………………………..…..6-7 C. Deadline and Submission Procedures…….……..…………………………………………......…7 D. Reviewer’s Scoring Rubric ............................................................................................................ 8 APPLICATION COVER PAGE.................................................................................................... .9 ASSURANCES ............................................................................................................................. 100 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ 111-12 In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, all partners are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write the USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact the USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PART I: General Information A. Introduction/Background The SC Farm to Institution Program is a joint effort of the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), the SC Department of Agriculture (SCDA), the SC Department of Education (SCDE), the SC Department of Social Services (SCDSS) and Clemson University. The SCDA is administering the Farm to School subgrant process for the partnership. Core goals of the Farm to School program include increasing the number of farmers who are certified to provide locally grown products into schools; providing education to food service directors, staff, and teachers on Farm to School practices; and promoting healthy eating among students through hands-on learning activities. This project is designed to support local grantees in implementing identified Farm to School components. Technical assistance will be provided to grantees by the SC Farm to School Program staff. Grantees will have the opportunity to attend an action institute on Farm to School practices, a garden workshop to assist in establishing a vegetable garden at the school, and culinary training for food service staff to aid in the preparation of local produce. B. Definition of Terms Used Local food—For this project, local food is defined as food grown in South Carolina. School garden—For this project, a garden can be defined as a container garden, a raised bed garden, or an in-ground garden at the school. C. Eligible Applicants All school food authorities (public school districts, charter schools through their district, and private/parochial schools) that meet the criteria below are eligible to apply. Each application must represent only one school. A district may submit multiple applications, but each school must submit a separate application. Schools that have received funding to implement the Farm to School Program within the last three years are not eligible to apply. To be eligible, a school MUST meet the following requirements: a. participate in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program* b. have an ADM (Average Daily Membership) that is 50% or more eligible for free and/or reduced-price lunch * Participation in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program indicates schools must serve meal(s) that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. Please note: Priority will be given to schools located in Marion and Orangeburg Counties that have not received funding to implement the Farm to School Program within the last three years. 1 D. Estimated Number, Range, and Size of Awards The program anticipates awarding 10 grants, with each grant totaling $4,000 to support implementation of the Farm to School project at the designated school. E. Grant Funding Period The funding period will be August 1, 2015–June 1, 2016. All funds must be expended during the grant period. F. Program Requirements Each grantee must agree to implement all of the following activities as part of the SC Farm to School Program: 1. Purchase SC grown fruits and vegetables from one of the following local sources: a. Directly from a farmer b. Through distributors/processors who buy from local farmers c. From a grower’s cooperative d. From a farmers’ market 2. Incorporate SC produce as a part of the school meal: a. At a minimum, the school must purchase and serve at least two locally grown fruits or vegetables per month. b. Publicize the monthly featured locally grown fruits or vegetables as “Fresh on the Campus” through Certified SC Grown certification. 3. Integrate Farm to School through hands-on learning: a. In classrooms, through activities such as taste tests, and incorporating nutrition/agriculture education into classroom activities b. Out of classrooms, through activities such as visiting a farm, visiting a farmers’ market, or inviting a local farmer to make a presentation at the school 4. Establish or revitalize a vegetable and/or fruit garden at the school. Each grantee will establish a Farm to School Team that will work together to complete the project tasks. Members of the team should include the food service director, principal or administrator, and a staff member who works with students. Additional team members could include a farmer, parent, business leader, community leader, or a master gardener. At least two members of your Farm to School team must attend the 2015 Farm to School Action Institute and Garden Workshop on August 12, 2015 in Columbia, SC. This institute will provide grantees with information on how to implement their Farm to School project and the garden workshop will provide grantees with the knowledge and tools to start or revitalize a school vegetable/fruit garden. 2 G. Required Reporting 1. Monthly: Grantees will be required to submit menus on a monthly basis specifying the locally grown produce that was served. 2. Twice a year (Mid-year and year-end): Grantees will be required to submit pictures of their garden progress. Grantees will be required to answer a short survey about any special events related to Farm to School during the funding period. Grantees will be required to submit a budget report (reporting templates will be provided). H. Required Attendance August 12, 2015 Action Institute and Garden Workshop: At least two members of the team must attend the Action Institute and Garden Workshop in Columbia, SC. August (date TBD) Culinary Training: The food service director must attend the culinary training in Columbia, SC. Cafeteria staff are also highly encouraged to attend the training. I. Budget Grantees will receive a list of acceptable items that can be purchased with grant funds prior to attending the Farm to School Action Institute. Grantees will begin drafting a budget at the Farm to School Action Institute. Once the budget is submitted and approved by the SC Farm to School Program, grantees will receive a check for half of the grant award. Following submission of the mid-point budget report and successful completion of other required reporting at the mid-point (January 2016), grantees will receive the remaining installment of the grant award. The total funds a grantee receives will not exceed $4,000. J. Unauthorized Activities Funds can be used only to implement the Farm to School project. Use of funds for any other purposes is prohibited. Farm to School funds cannot be used: a) To purchase foods that are served as part of the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program reimbursable meal. b) For community residents or adults who are attending school functions where students are not present. 3 K. Selection Criteria Applications will be scored on a 100 point scale in four narrative sections: Narrative Sections Description of School, Students, and Need for Farm to School Project Description Partnerships and Collaboration Required Forms Points Available 10 60 20 10 TOTAL 100 Additional detailed information about the narrative requirements can be found beginning on page 6. L. Review and Selection Process Each application will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility. Only eligible applications will be read and scored independently by a panel of reviewers. Reviewers will be experienced professionals who share expertise and interest in the nutritional well-being of the children in South Carolina. Applications will be reviewed using the scoring rubric in this RFP. Priority will be given to schools located in Marion and Orangeburg Counties that have not received funding to implement the Farm to School Program within the last three years. Grants will be awarded starting with the highest ranking applications and proceeding until no funds remain. The SC Farm to School Program anticipates that applicants will be notified by e-mail concerning the status of their applications by mid May 2015. M. Appeals Process Scores may not be appealed. An unfunded applicant may inquire as to whether or not the application process was followed. An applicant who has submitted a proposal that the SC Farm to School Program does not fund has 30 calendar days after receiving notification that the proposal is not funded to request a review of the process. N. Technical Assistance Funded applicants will receive training and ongoing technical assistance from project partners, including SCDHEC, SCDA, SCDE, and Clemson University. Nutrition education materials, a garden toolkit, and other resources to aid in implementing the program will be made available to grantee schools. 4 O. Timeline of Subgranting Process Date March 25, 2015 May 1, 2015 Mid May, 2015 August 12, 2015 June 1, 2016 June 30, 2016 Activity/Action Technical Assistance Webinar will be posted on our website: This webinar can be viewed at any time beginning March 25, 2015. It will provide an overview of the SC Farm to School Program and a review of the application process. After viewing the webinar, potential applicants will have an opportunity to submit questions regarding implementation of the project and completion of the grant application. 5:00 p.m., Deadline for Receipt of Application Approximate time for Notification of Awards 2015 Farm to School Action Institute—Mandatory Training for Grantees Columbia, SC Grant funding cycle ends Deadline for Grantee Final Report 5 PART II: Application Format, Content, and Instructions A. Format Application should be in narrative format and carefully adhere to the font, format, page limit, and organizational requirements listed below. Length of Narrative Maximum of 5 pages for the narrative only; page limit does not apply to any other part of the application. Required Font/Font Size: Times New Roman/Font Size 12 Margins: 1” on all sides Page Numbers: Insert page numbers in the bottom right position. Spacing: All narrative pages must be double-spaced. Charts and tables can be single-spaced. B. Application Content for Submission 1. Application Cover Page (pg. 9 of this RFP), Assurances (pg. 10 of this RFP), and Terms and Conditions (pg. 11 and 12 of this RFP) 2. Application Narrative Content – include heading for each section a. Description of School, Students, and Need for Farm to School (10 points) i. Identify the school to be served, including the county in which the school is located, and participation in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program. Include information on the total enrollment and the percentage of students that are eligible for free or reduced price lunch ii. Explain the benefits resulting from the Farm to School program that students will experience. b. Project Description (60 points) Present the program details for the school’s Farm to School activities. i. Plans for purchasing SC grown fruits and vegetables Explain how the school will make these purchases, such as directly from a farmer, from a farmers’ market, through distributors/processors who buy from local farmers, and/or from a grower’s cooperative. ii. Plans to incorporate SC produce at the school Each month, the school must purchase and serve at least two locally grown fruits or vegetables. Explain your plan to incorporate at least two locally grown fruits or vegetables into each month’s menu. iii. Plans to integrate Farm to School through hands-on learning Explain how your school will integrate Farm to School into classrooms through activities such as taste tests and incorporating nutrition/agriculture education into classroom activities. 6 Explain your plan for out-of-classroom activities, such as visiting a farm or farmers’ market or inviting a local farmer to make a presentation to students. iv. Plans to establish or revitalize a vegetable and/or fruit garden at the school Explain how your school will establish a vegetable and/or fruit garden. If you will revitalize a garden, explain the plans to do so. If you are new to gardening, please explain your interest in having a garden at your school. c. Partnerships and Collaboration (20 points) Identify the members of your Farm to School Team. The Farm to School Team is a project implementation team that works together to complete the project tasks. Members should include the food service director, principal or administrator, and at least one staff member who works with students. Additional team members could include a farmer, parent, business leader, community leader, or a master gardener. Identify a Team Leader who will be responsible for managing the project and completing the activities, including: i. purchasing SC grown fruits and vegetables ii. incorporating SC produce at the school iii. integrating Farm to School through hands-on learning activities iv. establishing or revitalizing a vegetable and/or fruit garden d. Required Forms (10 points) All applications should include signatures on all required forms (i.e. Application Cover Page, Assurances, and Terms and Conditions). C. Deadline and Submission Procedures 1. Only applications that meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed and considered for funding. 2. Applications must be original in content. If a school district submits separate applications for each school in the district, each application must be original in content. No generic submissions will be accepted. Applications that are plagiarized from the Internet, other grants, or resources will not be considered for funding. 3. Applications will not be returned, so please keep a copy for your records. 4. Applications must be submitted electronically as a single document attached to an e-mail. 5. The e-mail subject line must read “[insert applicant school’s name]’s Farm to School 2015–16 application.” 6. The e-mail must be sent to Holly Godwin at 7. Applications that are faxed, mailed, or hand-delivered in hard (paper) copy will not be accepted. 8. All applications must include signatures on all required forms (i.e., Application Cover Page, Assurances, and Terms and Conditions). Stamped or electronic signatures will not be accepted. Signed forms should be scanned into .PDF format and added to the electronic submission copy. 9. Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 1, 2015. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. 7 D. Reviewer’s Scoring Rubric Application Narrative Maximum Points 1. Description of School, Students, and Need for the Farm to School The extent to which the application Identifies the school to be served, including the county in which the school is located, and participation in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program. Includes information on the total enrollment and the percentage of students that are eligible for free or reduced price lunch Indicates a range of benefits to the students as a result of implementing Farm to School. _/10 2. Project Description The extent to which the application demonstrates _/60 a. Plans for purchasing SC grown fruits and vegetables Explains how the school will make these purchases, such as directly from a farmer, from a farmers’ market, through distributors/processors who buy from local farmers, and/or from a grower’s cooperative. b. Plans to incorporate SC produce at the school Explains how produce purchased locally will be included on the school menu. Presents plans to purchase and serve at least two (2) SC locally grown fruits or vegetables on the menu each month. c. Plans to integrate Farm to School through hands-on learning Explains how the school will integrate Farm to School into classrooms, such as taste tests, nutrition/agriculture education in classroom activities. Explains how the school will engage in out-of-classroom activities, such as visiting a farm or farmers’ market. d. Plans to establish or revitalize a vegetable and/or fruit garden at the school Explains how the school will establish a vegetable and/or fruit garden. If revitalizing a garden, explains plans to do so. 3. Partnerships _/20 The extent to which the application explains • Farm to School Team and Team Leader: Identifies members of the Farm to School Team and includes required team members. Identifies any other team members for consideration (may include farmer, parent, business leader, community leader, or master gardener). Identifies the Team Leader. 4. Required Forms _/10 The extent to which the application include signatures on all required forms (i.e. Application Cover Page, Assurances, and Terms and Conditions). TOTAL _/100 8 2015–16 Farm to School Program APPLICATION COVER PAGE Applicant/School Name School Mailing Address City, Zip Code Applicant County Applicant DUNS # (if applicable) Applicant TIN: Total School Enrollment: Average daily membership in free and/or reduced price lunch: Participate in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program Yes No Meals offered (check all that apply): ….Breakfast Contact Information Contact Person …. Lunch ….. Dinner Title/Position Office Telephone Fax Mailing Address City, Zip Code E-mail Address Signature of Contact Person: Certification: I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information and data contained in this application are true and correct. The applicant’s governing body has duly authorized this application and document, and the applicant will comply with the attached assurance if the grant is awarded. We have reviewed this application and attest to the information provided. If selected, we agree to implement the program as outlined in the information provided. Further, we agree to participate in any Farm to School program evaluations and to provide the information requested by the specified deadlines. (All the following information and signatures are required.) Name of School Signature E-mail Date Principal or Administrator Name of Food Service Director Signature E-mail Date Name of Identified Staff Member Signature E-mail Date 9 2015 – 2016 Farm to School Program ASSURANCES As the duly authorized representative of I certify that this applicant , (Please print or type name of applicant.) A. Has the legal authority to apply for state assistance and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the nonstate share of project costs) to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. B. Will give the SC Farm to School Program access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to this award and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or agency directives. The applicant’s accounting system must include sufficient internal controls, a clear audit trail, and written cost-allocation procedures as necessary. Financial management systems must be capable of distinguishing expenditures that are attributable to this grant from those that are not attributable to this grant. This system must be able to identify costs by programmatic year and by budget line item and to differentiate among direct, indirect, and administrative costs. In addition, the grantee must maintain adequate supporting documents for the expenditures (federal and nonfederal) and in-kind contributions, if any, that it makes under this grant. Costs must be shown in books or records (e.g., disbursements ledger, journal, payroll register) and must be supported by a source document such as a receipt, travel voucher, invoice, bill, or in-kind voucher. The applicant will also comply with the Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR Part 230 “Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations,” 2 CFR Part 225 “Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments,” or 2 CFR Part 220 “Cost Principals for Educational Institutions” for maintaining required support for salaries and wages. Required support includes certifications and/or personnel activity records according to the type of entity. C. Will approve all expenditures, document receipt of goods and services, and record payments on the applicant’s accounting records prior to submission of reimbursement claims to the SC Farm to School Program for costs related to this grant. D. Will initiate and complete work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval by the SC Farm to School Program. E. Will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. The grantee will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants for employment and the employees are treated during the period of their employment without regard to their race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. F. Will comply with the Ethics, Government Accountability, and Campaign Reform Act (S.C. Code Ann. § 2-17-10 et seq. and § 8-13-100 et seq. (Supp. 2009)). G. Will comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act (S.C. Code Ann. § 44-107-10 et seq. (Supp. 2009)) if the amount of this award is $50,000 or more. Signature of authorized official _____________________________________ Signature of authorized financial official _____________________________________ Date __________________ Date __________________ 10 2015–16 Farm to School Program Terms and Conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Page 1 of 2) A. Completeness of Proposal. All proposals should be complete and carefully worded and must contain all of the information requested by the SC Farm to School Program. If you do not believe a section applies to your proposal, please indicate that fact. B. Termination. The SC Farm to School Program reserves the right to reject any and all applications and to refuse to grant monies under this solicitation. After it has been awarded, the SC Farm to School Program may terminate a grant by giving the grantee written notice of termination. In the event of a termination after award, the SC Farm to School Program shall reimburse the grantee for expenses incurred up to the notification of termination. In addition, this grant may be terminated by the SC Farm to School Program if the grantee fails to perform as promised in its proposal. C. Travel Costs. Travel costs, if allowed under this solicitation, must not exceed limits noted in the United States General Services Administration ( regulations. D. Honoraria. Amounts paid in honoraria, if allowed under this grant, must be consistent with SC Farm to School Program policies. You should check with the program office before budgeting for honoraria. E. Obligation of Grant Funds. Grant funds may not be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. No obligations are allowed after the end of the grant period, and the final request for payment must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the end of the grant period. F. Use of Grant Funds. Funds awarded are to be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the project plan and budget. G. Copyright. The grantee is free to copyright any books, publications, or other copyrightable materials developed in the course of this grant. However, the SC Farm to School Program reserves a royaltyfree, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, the copyrighted work developed under this grant. H. Documentation. The grantee must provide for accurate and timely recording of receipts and expenditures. The grantee’s accounting system should distinguish receipts and expenditures attributable to each grant. I. Reports. The grantee shall submit a mid-year and financial report in January 2106. A final yearend and financial report will be due within thirty (30) days of the end of the grant period on the provided templates. This report should be a final accounting of the grant. J. Certification Regarding Suspension and Debarment. By submitting a proposal, the applicant certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that the x Applicant and/or any of its principals, subgrantees, or subcontractors o Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any state or federal agency; o Have not, within a three-year period preceding this application, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) contract or subcontract; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, or receiving stolen property; and 11 2015–16 Farm to School Program Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions (Page 2 of 2) o Are not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated above. x Applicant has not, within a three-year period preceding this application, had one or more contracts terminated for default by any public (federal, state, or local) entity. K. Audits x Entities expending $500,000 or more in federal awards: Entities that expend $500,000 or more in federal awards during the fiscal year are required to have an audit performed in accordance with the provisions of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. The submission deadline for A-133 audits is nine months after the entity’s fiscal year-end. A grantee that passes through funds to subrecipients has the responsibility of ensuring that federal awards are used for authorized purposes in compliance with federal program laws, federal and state regulations, and grant agreements. The director of the OMB, who will review this amount every two years, has the option of revising the threshold upward. x Entities expending less than $500,000 in federal awards: Entities that expend less than $500,000 in a fiscal year in federal awards are exempt from the audit requirements in the Single Audit Act and Circular A-133. However, such entities are not exempt from other federal requirements (including those to maintain records) concerning federal awards provided to the entity. The entity’s records must be available for review or audit by the SCDE and appropriate officials of federal agencies, pass-through entities, and the General Accounting Office (GAO). L. Records. The grantee shall retain grant records, including financial records and supporting documentation, for a minimum of three (3) years after the termination date of the grant. M. Reduction in Budgets and Negotiations. The SC Farm to School Program reserves the right to negotiate budgets with potential grantees. The SC Farm to School Program may, in its sole discretion, determine that a proposed budget is excessive and may negotiate a lower budget with the potential grantee. The grantee may at that time negotiate or withdraw its proposal. In addition, the SC Farm to School Program may desire to fund a project but not at the level proposed. In that case the SC Farm to School Program shall notify the potential grantee of the amount that can be funded, and the grantee and the SC Farm to School Program shall negotiate a modification in the proposal to accommodate the lower budget. All final decisions are that of the SC Farm to School Program. N. Amendments to Grants. Amendments are permitted upon the mutual agreement of the parties and will become effective when specified in writing and signed by both parties. Signature of Authorized Official Date _____________________________ _________________ Signature of Authorized Financial Official Date _____________________________ _________________ 12
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