GREGORY BOLLOM Profile Sheet Greg is Assistant Vice President – Energy Planning with Madison Gas and Electric Company. Greg has been with MGE for 32 years. Greg’s job responsibilities include generation planning and transmission policy; electric and natural gas sales and revenue forecasting; and electric and natural gas pricing. Greg serves on the Edison Electric Institute Retail Energy Services Executive Advisory Group; Economic Policy Advisory Group; and the Rates and Regulatory Affairs Committee of which he is past chairman. Greg also serves on the Advisory Committee for the Critical Consumer Issues Forum, a collaboration of state utility commissioners, consumer advocates and electric utilities to address important consumer issues at the forefront of the energy policy debate. Outside of work, Greg is a long time volunteer in the Destination Imagination (creative problem solving) program. Greg has a B.A. degree in economics from St. Norbert College and a M.S. degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin. BIOGRAPHY OF MARK C. DARRELL Mark C. Darrell is Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of The Laclede Group, Inc. He is responsible for advising The Laclede Group’s Board of Directors and senior management on legal matters affecting The Laclede Group and its principal subsidiaries and supervises the legal affairs of The Laclede Group companies. Prior to joining The Laclede Group in May 2004, Mr. Darrell was Assistant General Counsel of NiSource, Inc., where he supervised the legal representation and support for NiSource’s supply chain function, the sales and marketing departments of NiSource’s 11 natural gas and electric local distribution companies, and its environmental, health and safety department and pipeline safety function. He joined Columbia Energy Group (before being acquired by NiSource) in October 1997 as General Counsel, Assistant Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer for Columbia Energy Group’s Virginia gas distribution company, Columbia Gas of Virginia. After NiSource acquired the Columbia Energy Group in November 2000, he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Columbia Gas of Virginia for the year following the acquisition. He was with New Jersey Resources Corporation from 1992-97, last serving as Vice President and Assistant General Counsel. Mr. Darrell was in private law practice in Washington, D.C. from 1987-92, primarily representing clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the District of Columbia Public Service Commission. From 1984-87, he was Counsel, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs for the American Gas Association and, from 1982-84, he was AttorneyAdvisor for the United States Department of Energy. Mr. Darrell holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Syracuse University (1979) and a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center (1982). He is Chair of the American Gas Association’s Legal Committee, Budget Officer and Vice Chair of the Gas and Corporate Governance Committees of the American Bar Association’s Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law, a member of the Energy Bar Association, and serves on the advisory boards of the Corporate Counsel Institute at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C and the Financial Research Institute at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. He also serves on the boards of Mercy Hospital Saint Louis, United Way of Greater Saint Louis, Grace Hill Settlement House and Easter Seals Midwest. (Revised September 2014) Joel deJesus Partner Joel deJesus represents users, owners and operators of the bulk electric system, with a specific emphasis on electric reliability regulation resulting from the Energy Policy Act of 2005. His previous experience working inhouse with utilities and as Director of Compliance Enforcement for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) provides him with a unique insight into this relatively new but essential element of energy regulation. Joel assists with drafting and commentating on new standards, advising clients during audits and investigations, developing mitigation plans and compliance programs, and representing clients in enforcement actions. He CONTACT INFORMATION Washington t 202.724.6833 f 202.778.6460 PRACTICE AREAS Energy and Public Utilities also advises clients on cyber security, an increasingly significant component of energy reliability standards. “Given our background, experience and perspectives, we are uniquely qualified to help our clients achieve their goals within the boundaries of the pertinent requirements and regulations,” he says. Because of his breadth of experience, Joel understands the complexities of NERC’s eight regional entities. He is familiar with the distinct ways each INDUSTRIES region approaches reliability standards and applies that knowledge when Energy forming strategies for his clients. He has experience working shoulder-to- BAR ADMISSIONS District of Columbia Pennsylvania (inactive) shoulder with engineers and other experts in a variety of fields, which allows him to efficiently communicate and cooperate with clients. Publications “How New Cybersecurity Rules Bedevil Electric Industry,” USA Today (July 17, 2013) Joel is also a frequent contributor to Schiff Hardin’s Energy and Environmental Law Adviser. Speeches and Presentations “Security: Cyber and Physical,” 20th Annual FERC Briefing, Chicago, Ill. (May 15, 2014) “FERC’s Policies for New Transmission Development” and “Security: Cyber and Physical,” 20th Annual FERC Briefing, Electric Cooperative Edition, Westminster, Colo. (May 9, 2014) “FERC’s Policies for New Transmission Development,” 20th Annual FERC Briefing, Boston, Mass. (April 4, 2014) “Cyber[in]Security,” 20th Annual FERC Briefing, Boston, Mass. (April 4, 2014) “Cyber[in]Security,” 19th Annual FERC Briefing, Westminster, Colo., Glen Allen, Va., and Chicago, Ill. (May 22, June 5 and June 13, 2013) “Internal Compliance Programs: How to Protect Your Organization,” (copresenter) 19th Annual FERC Briefing, Westminster, Colo., and Glen Allen, Va. (May 22 and 29, 2013) “Evolving Electric Reliability Regulation,” (panel moderator) Energy Bar Association 66th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (April 22, 2012) “I was a Middle-Aged Regulator,” (keynote speech) National Energy Compliance Forum, Kansas City, Kan. (Sept. 14, 2011) “NERC Enforcement Update: View of a Former Enforcer,” Edison Electric Institute 2011 Fall Legal Conference, San Francisco, Calif. (Oct. 14, 2011) “Compliance Perspective from Inside NERC,” National Rural Electric Cooperative G&T Legal Seminar, San Diego, Calif. (Nov. 4, 2011) Pro Bono Activities Joel has represented children and parents in child abuse and neglect cases. He successfully argued on behalf of the National Association of Counsel for Children a case establishing the authority of the guardian ad litem in child abuse and neglect matters in the District of Columbia. Previous Experience Prior to joining Schiff Hardin, Joel was a partner at Bruder, Gentile & Marcoux L.L.P. in Washington, D.C. In January 2013, Bruder, Gentile & Marcoux combined with Schiff Hardin. From 2009 to 2011, Joel served in a number of executive roles at NERC, including as its Director of Compliance Enforcement. In that role, he oversaw the enforcement program of NERC and its eight regional entities, and he spearheaded efforts to make the enforcement of reliability standards more risk-focused and efficient. Before joining NERC, Joel was Assistant General Counsel for the Federal Regulation at National Grid, where he managed National Grid’s legal activity at FERC, the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal agencies. He was also Vice President for Regulatory Affairs for Utilicom Networks LLC, a telecommunications firm focusing in broadband joint ventures with public utilities. Education University of Chicago Law School (J.D., 1990) Member, The University of Chicago Law Review Bradley Law & Government Fellow Research in Federalism and Regulatory Policy Cornell University (B.A., Government, with distinction in all subjects, 1987) Professional Memberships Energy Bar Association Working Group for Investment in Reliable and Economic Electric Systems (WIRES) Vice President (2006-2008) Christine F. Ericson Deputy Solicitor General and Special Assistant Attorney General Illinois Commerce Commission, Office of General Counsel Ms. Ericson has served in the ICC Office of General Counsel since 2002, representing the Commission in federal regulatory matters before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC and Seventh Circuits. She also represents Commission Staff in trial litigation on such matters as electric transmission, oil pipeline, and water utility siting, as well as natural gas rates and contract arbitration. She has advised the Commission on numerous transmission issues including formula rates and protocols, cost allocation, and regional transmission organization issues, including the formation and implementation of regional state committees: the Organization of MISO States (OMS), and Organization of PJM States (OPSI). She served as Co-Chair of the OMS Markets and Tariffs Work Group from 2007-2012, and completed a two-year term as a State Government Representative on the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Planning Committee from 2010-2012, addressing reliability assessments, Critical Infrastructure Protection standards, and other issues relating to the security and reliability of the electric transmission grid. She also advises on Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) legal matters to help ensure natural gas pipeline safety in Illinois. Prior to joining the Commission, Ms. Ericson practiced energy and environmental regulatory law in Washington, DC. She served in the Office of General Counsel at FERC, as a trial attorney in the Office of Hydroelectric and Electric Litigation and as an advisory attorney in the Office of Hydroelectric Licensing. Ms. Ericson also practiced in the private sector as a Senior Associate with Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand, as well as Swidler, Berlin, Shereff, Friedman, LLP. In that capacity, she represented a wide array of clients, including public utilities, independent system operators, municipalities and electric cooperatives. Ms. Ericson has degrees from Duke University, the University of Paris IV, Sorbonne, and Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. She is licensed in Illinois and the District of Columbia and is admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and the Seventh Circuits. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Charitable Foundation of the Energy Bar Association, and has completed three year terms serving on the Boards of Directors of both the Foundation of the Energy Law Journal (ELJ) and the national Energy Bar Association (EBA). She has served as the International Articles Editor on the ELJ Editorial Board since 2009. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the EBA, Midwest Chapter, since 2003, which has included completion of terms as President (2007-2008), Vice President (2006-2007), and Secretary/Treasurer (2005-2006). She is a member of the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC) Staff Subcommittees on Critical Infrastructure and Electricity. She is also a member of the Duke University Alumni Admissions Advisory Committee. Asim Z. Haque Term ends April 10, 2016 CommissionerAsimZ.HaquewasappointedtothePublicUtilities CommissionofOhiobyGovernorJohnKasichin2013,andcurrentlyserves asvice‐chairman. CommissionerHaque,anattorney,beganhisprofessionalcareeratIceMiller LLP(f/k/aSchottenstein,Zox&DunnCo.LPA)whereherepresenteda broadspectrumofclientsinenergyandutilitymatters.Herepresented municipalitiesandtheirresidents,businesses,tradeassociationsand competitiveretailerswhileatIceMillerandrepresentedmanyoftheseclientsegmentsin proceedingsbeforetheCommission. AftersixyearsofpracticingatIceMiller,CommissionerHaquetookapositionaslegalcounselfor HondaNorthAmerica,Inc.Therehecontinuedtopracticewithintheenergyandutilityspace,also representingHonda’sinterestsbeforetheCommission.CommissionerHaquecurrentlyserveson theBoardofDirectorsandboththeGasCommitteeandCriticalInfrastructureCommitteeatthe NationalAssociationofRegulatoryUtilityCommissioners(NARUC),andisamemberoftheBoard ofDirectorsoftheMid‐AtlanticConferenceofRegulatoryUtilitiesCommissioners (MACRUC).CommissionerHaquealsoservesontheMemberRepresentativeCommitteeofthe NorthAmericanElectricReliabilityCorporation(NERC). CommissionerHaqueispassionateaboutpublicserviceandisheavilyinvolvedinhislocal community.Heservesaspresidentoftheboardofdirectorsofthenon‐profitorganization CommunityResearchPartners.HeisthepresidentofTheColumbusAcademyAlumniBoardand servesontheAcademy’sBoardofTrustees.HeisalsoagraduateoftheFBICitizensAcademy,and hasbeenamentorintheBigBrothers/BigSistersschool‐basedmentorprogram. CommissionerHaqueisagraduateofCaseWesternReserveUniversitywherehereceiveda bachelorsdegreeinchemistryandpoliticalscience,andisalsoagraduateofTheOhioState UniversityMoritzCollegeofLaw.HegraduatedcumlaudewithdepartmenthonorsfromCase,and hasbeenselectedasanOhioSuperLawyersRisingStarbySuperLawyersMagazineonmultiple occasions. CommissionerHaqueresidesinSpringfield(ClarkCounty)withhiswifeDr.HumaAnsariHaque. 180 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793 (614) 466-3016 Commissioner Sherina E. Maye Commissioner Sherina E. Maye was appointed by Governor Pat Quinn on February 25, 2013 to a five year term on the Illinois Commerce Commission. This appointment was historical as she was the youngest commissioner ever appointed in the state of Illinois. Prior to her appointment, Commissioner Maye previously practiced as an attorney with the highly ranked international law firm, Locke Lord LLP, where she focused on all aspects of consumer finance litigation. Additionally, she sits on several boards including the National Executive Board of Delta Sigma Theta as the Chair of the Collegiate Transition Taskforce and on the Founding Board of Directors of the Great Lakes Academy Charter School. She also spends time volunteering with and mentoring underprivileged youth within the Chicago community. Commissioner Maye is a member of the Leadership Greater Chicago Fellows Class of 2015 as well as the Lake Shore chapter of the Links, Inc. Commissioner Maye earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Spelman College, cum laude, and her Juris Doctorate from Howard University School of Law in Washington D.C where she was a merit scholar. Since her appointment to the ICC, Commissioner Maye has become active in the National Association for Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) as a member of the Water Committee and the Subcommittee on Education and Research. Additionally, she has also taken an interest in critical infrastructure issues with a focus on cyber security. Phillip M. “Doc” Mueller is Senior Vice president – Government Affairs & Management Services at IMEA. In his position, he is responsible for overseeing all operations related to member relations, government relations and public communications for IMEA, as well as for the Illinois Public Energy Agency (IPEA) and the Illinois Municipal Utilities Association (IMUA). Mueller helps oversee the day-to-day operation of IMUA and IPEA and assists all three organizations in setting policy on a wide variety of utility issues on both the state and federal levels and works directly with lawmakers and regulators on issues of interest to IMEA and IMUA membership. He is a member of the board of directors of the American Public Gas Association and is a board member and past chair of the Illinois Energy Education Council, which is a nationwide safety and education organization. He works closely with the American Public Power Association and the American Public Gas Association on federal utility issues. Prior to coming to IMEA in 1988, Mueller was press secretary for the Illinois Attorney General and prior to that a reporter and broadcaster for more than a decade. Statement—Richard A. Posner Posner is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. After graduating from Yale College and Harvard Law School, he clerked for Justice Brennan of the Supreme Court (1962 Term), and then had several government jobs including assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States. He began law teaching at Stanford in 1968 and the following year joined the University of Chicago Law School faculty as professor of law, in which position he served until being appointed to the Seventh Circuit in 1981. He was chief judge of the court from 1993 to 2000. He has written many books and articles, mainly but not only dealing with the application of economics to law. February 2015 David B. Raskin Partner 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 +1 202 429 6254 direct Dave Raskin is a partner in Steptoe's Washington office, where he practices in the electric power industry. He has represented electric clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for 35 years in cases involving mergers and acquisitions, generation and transmission projects, industry restructuring, wholesale power and transmission service rates, transmission access, wholesale market rules in organized (RTO) markets and elsewhere, contract disputes, fuel procurement practices, antitrust issues, and stranded investment. Mr. Raskin regularly advises clients on compliance matters relating to FERC rules and regulations. He has been lead trial counsel in dozens of FERC proceedings. Mr. Raskin has also negotiated and helped structure numerous complex bulk power and transmission service transactions and joint projects to construct and operate transmission lines and generating facilities. He regularly advises clients on the regulatory and commercial aspects of transactions involving the sale and delivery of electric power and on issues associated with the restructuring of the electric utility industry. Mr. Raskin has also represented clients in proceedings before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission concerning the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. Noteworthy Listed in Band 1 for Chambers Global and Chambers USA in Energy: Electricity, Regulatory & Litigation Listed in Who's Who Legal for Energy Ranked in Legal 500 US for Energy: Transaction and Regulatory Listed in Best Lawyers in America for Energy and Natural Resources Law Executive Committee, Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, one of the nation’s preeminent organizations providing independent housing opportunities for disabled citizens. Mark R. Schuling Iowa Consumer Advocate Office of the Consumer Advocate Mr. Schuling received his law degree from Drake University in 1980. He was appointed by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller as the Iowa Consumer Advocate in January 2011. He was previously employed as an Assistant Attorney General representing the Iowa Department of Revenue, a practicing attorney for twenty-one years with the Brick, Gentry, Bowers, Swartz, Stoltze, Schuling & Levis law firm in Des Moines, and served as Director of the Iowa Department of Revenue from 2005 to 2011 under Governors Tom Vilsack and Chet Culver. Mr. Schuling has experience and expertise in federal and state law, utility and telecommunications matters, and general civil law. Mr. Schuling is also a Certified Public Accountant, a past president of the Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA), and has spoken to numerous groups and associations on tax, utility and business matters. He is a member of several energy related groups including serving as a Board Member of the National Association of State Consumer Advocates, an Advisory Board Member to the Financial Research Institute located at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, and as an Advisory Council Member to the Center for Public Utilities, located in New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Additionally, he is the Chair of the Government Practice Section of the Iowa State Bar Association. STACY J. STOTTS Partner 816.691.3363 1201 Walnut St. Suite 2900 Kansas City, MO 64106 Stacy Stotts is a member of the Environment and Natural Resources Division and has a wide variety of experience in representing clients in environmental regulatory and administrative matters, enforcement matters, private party suits, compliance counseling, and corporate and property transactions. She has represented clients in the areas of air, water, superfund and hazardous waste law. Her work also includes assisting clients in commenting on proposed agency rulemakings. PRACTICE AREAS • Environmental and Natural Resources • Environmental Counseling • Mining and Mineral Management EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE • Stacy's work has been with the mining industry, electric utility industry, transportation industry, agribusiness (including ethanol producers), manufacturing companies, chemical companies, municipalities and oil and gas companies. • She has significant experience representing clients regarding compliance and enforcement matters related to the New Source Review, Hazardous Air Pollutant • Lewis and Clark Northwestern College of Law, LL.M. in Environmental and Natural Resources Law • Chicago-Kent College, J.D., with honors and recipient of Environmental Law certificate, 1995 • University of Kansas, B.A., 1991 (MACT), and New Source Performance Standard programs under the Clean Air Act. • Stacy also has specific expertise negotiating with both the state and federal air planning entities on behalf of clients to negotiate air State Implementation Plans and RACT and RACM for facilities located in nonattainment areas for CAA criterion and precursor pollutants. • She has been involved in numerous civil and administrative enforcement matters before Department of Justice and EPA Region VII resolving alleged violations of air, water, and hazardous waste laws, including resolving superfund liability issues. These matters have also included assisting clients in negotiating administrative orders on consent to remediate contaminated properties under CERCLA and RCRA. • She has been involved in various private party civil suits to recover remedial response costs under CERCLA, common law and contractual indemnification, and other common law claims RECOGNITIONS • Listed in the 2013-2015 editions of The Best Lawyers in America for Environmental Law. • Named to the "40 Under 40" class by Ingram's, Kansas City Business Magazine in 2009. This class recognizes the most influential accomplished leaders of business, government and community in Kansas City. • Recognized from 2009 to present in the Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business for environment. CORE/9990000.7167/105238172.1 STINSON LEONARD STREET LLP \\ STINSONLEONARD.COM ADMISSIONS • Missouri, 1998 • Kansas, 1999 Stacy J. Stotts PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC ACTIVITIES • Board Member (current) Midwest Air Waste Management Association • American Bar Association, Section on Energy and Environment, 1998-current o o Former Vice Chair, Hazardous Waste Committee Former Section Coordinator, Year in Review Publication • Kansas Bar Association (current) • The Missouri Bar (current) • The Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, Environmental Committee o Former Section Chair • Kansas City Chamber Air Quality Committee o Former Legal Chair CORE/9990000.7167/105238172.1 STINSON LEONARD STREET LLP \\ STINSONLEONARD.COM Paul M. Tiao Partner PRACTICES Cyber Investigation and Privacy Litigation Global Privacy and Cybersecurity Data Breach Homeland Security White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations Congressional Investigations Energy Sector Security Team CONTACT Washington, DC p 202.955.1618 f 202.778.2201 EDUCATION JD, Columbia University Law School, Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, 1995 MPA, Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Herman Somers Award, 1995 BS, Electrical Engineering and Premed, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989 BAR ADMISSIONS District of Columbia Maryland BLOGS Privacy & Information Security Law Blog With experience in government and the private sector, Paul brings in-depth knowledge on cybersecurity, investigation and national security issues. Paul is a partner in the firm's Washington office. His practice focuses on investigations, litigation, regulations, policy and legislation relating to a wide range of homeland security and privacy issues, including cyber intrusions, data breaches, intellectual property violations, criminal cases, electronic surveillance, FOIA, and data privacy. Paul regularly advises clients based in Northern Virginia, and frequently works closely with colleagues in the McLean and Richmond offices on cybersecurity, physical security, insurance relating to physical and cyber threats, the SAFETY Act and other issues. Prior to joining Hunton & Williams, Paul served as Special Counsel and then Senior Counselor for Cybersecurity and Technology to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In that position, he advised the FBI Director on operational, policy and legal issues, and represented the FBI in discussions with other agencies, the White House, Congress and industry. Prior to the FBI, Paul served as Judiciary Committee Counsel to the Assistant Majority Leader in the US Senate, where he wrote legislation and provided advice on criminal and national security issues. He is a former Assistant US Attorney in the District of Maryland. At the US Attorney's Office, Paul investigated and prosecuted cyber intrusions, intellectual property violations, white collar fraud, organized crime, drug trafficking and violent crimes. He also served as the coordinator of computer hacking and intellectual property cases. Paul began his career as a law clerk for the Honorable Mary Schroeder of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and then served as a trial attorney in the honors program of the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. In between stints in the government, he was in private practice at a large law firm handling civil and criminal litigation matters involving complex technology. Paul is an adjunct professor of cybersecurity law and policy at George Washington University, and an instructor at the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. He also was recently appointed by Governor Terry McAuliffe to serve on the Virginia Cyber Security Commission, a group established by executive order to bring public and private sector experts together to make recommendations on how to make Virginia a leader in cybersecurity. Relevant Experience Hunton & Williams LLP Assisted critical infrastructure companies in reducing cybersecurity risk by improving governance structure, conducting inventory of sensitive data and networks, and strengthening network security policies and practices. Provided extensive legal and operational advice to major electric utility companies on cybersecurity information-sharing and collaboration opportunities with the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Energy, and assisted in negotiating public-private partnership agreements with all three agencies. Assisted critical infrastructure companies with various aspects of data breach response, including the internal forensic investigation, liaison with the FBI and US Secret Service, analysis of breach notification obligations, and the response to congressional inquiries. Assisted a Fortune 50 critical infrastructure company in responding to a congressional inquiry regarding a cybersecurity incident. Advised major critical infrastructure company on reducing the potential legal liability associated with a terrorist attack by obtaining a certification or designation for a physical or cyber security system under the Support AntiTerrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies (SAFETY) Act. Advised a major energy pipeline company on a homeland security issue before the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Assisted major critical infrastructure companies on various aspects of state and federal Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA), including the applicability of exemptions to disclosure based on trade secrets, confidential commercial or financial information, law enforcement proceedings, statutory non-disclosure requirements, personal privacy, and other grounds. Represented clients in negotiations with various federal agencies over the applicability of certain FOIA exemptions, and prepared extensive redactions and legal objections to an agency’s proposed release of documents under FOIA. Successfully persuaded agency to adopt requested redactions to documents prior to release. Advised clients on US government investigative authority under the Patriot Act, FISA, FISA Amendments Act, Wiretap Act, ECPA and other law enforcement and national security laws, jurisdictional issues relating to the US Government’s exercise of its investigative authority, and the implications of their corporate structure, contractual relationships, and data control arrangements on the US Government’s exercise of jurisdiction. Advised Fortune 100 companies on policy, regulatory and legislative developments relating to cybersecurity and national security. Successfully tried a dozen federal jury trials involving white collar fraud, organized crime, narcotics trafficking and violent crimes, and defended the results in the US Courts of Appeals. Memberships Appointed Member, Virginia Cyber Security Commission Appointed Member, Montgomery County Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission Hunton & Williams LLP More News Hunton & Williams Launches Energy Sector Security Team, January 20, 2015 Obama’s Cybersecurity Proposals – A Move in the Right Direction, Sotto and Tiao Explain to The Hill, January 20, 2015 Paul Tiao Tells POLITICO FBI Made the Right Call Hearing Security Firm’s Sony Hack Findings, December 29, 2014 Hunton & Williams LLP’s Data Protection Practice Lauded by Chambers UK and Legal 500 UK, November 24, 2014 Paul Tiao Discusses Chinese Cyber Criminals, Government Ties, November 1, 2014 Alerts Privacy and Information Security Law Blog Update, January 2015 Privacy and Information Security Law Blog Update, December 2014 Congress Takes Action on Stalled Cybersecurity Legislation in Final Days of the 113th Congress, December 18, 2014 Privacy and Information Security Law Blog Update, November 2014 Privacy and Information Security Law Blog Update, October 2014 Publications Co-author, Congress Surprisingly Passes Several Cybersecurity Bills, Law360, December 18, 2014 Co-author, Antitrust Guidance On Cybersecurity Reaffirms Old Approach, Law360, April 16, 2014 Author, Grid vulnerability leak threatens homeland security cooperation, Energy Daily, April 3, 2014 Author, National Security at Risk Thanks to Disclosure of Grid Vulnerabilities, IntelligentUtility Update, March 19, 2014 “How Can We Realistically Prep For A Cyber Attack?”: Paul Tiao’s Commentary on Nat Geo's Movie “American Blackout,” National Geographic TV Blogs, October 29, 2013 Events Speaker, Cyber Policy and Legal Environment, 2014 Edison Electric Institute Cybersecurity Law Conference, October 24, 2014 Speaker, Global payments—What challenges are ahead? In U.S., U.K., and EU International payments?, Financial Services Roundtable’s Global Financial Conference, October 9, 2014 Speaker, Hot Topics in Cybersecurity & Privacy, Hunton & Williams LLP’s IT/Procurement Leadership Forum, Washington, DC, October 8, 2014 Speaker, U.S. and Global Policy Landscape, PLI’s Cybersecurity 2014: Managing the Risk, September 10, 2014 Speaker, Hot Topics in Cybersecurity & Privacy, Hunton & Williams LLP’s Hunton & Williams LLP
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