Reformation Pratum - Emmanuel Bible Church

November 14 & 15
quick survey of our culture, and probably an assessment of our own lives growing up in the church, would
reveal that there is a great need for discernment, theological depth, and a historical understanding of our faith
in the church today. This is not just for the sake of
knowledge, but for personal application. In our age we
are not only faced with powerful cultural temptations to
sin, but we are also continuously bombarded with the message to question and compromise what we believe.
Unfortunately this call can even come from those who call themselves believers. The call to compromise in the
area of our moral principles, our everyday walk with Christ, and in our theology is very great. This is why I believe the topic of discernment is so vital for our lives as Christians.
In order to grow in sanctification we must be able to distinguish between truth and error, right and wrong, and
make wise decisions when faced with many options. This is where discernment comes in to play. Discernment
touches every aspect of the Christian walk, because at its core discernment is about thinking biblically about all
areas of life. The more biblically-minded we are, guided by the Spirit, the easier it is for us to see the world as
we should. Tim Challies has defined discernment this way:
"Discernment is the skill of understanding and applying God's Word with the purpose of separating truth from
error and right from wrong. When we practice discernment, we are applying the truths of the Bible to our
lives. We are attempting to understand the words of the Bible and trusting God's Word to give clarity so we
might see things as God sees them. Our goal in discernment is to do just this: to see things through God's eyes
through the Bible and thus to see things as they really are."
Reformation Pratum: Discernment is the second in what we hope will be a long line of conferences that have a
real impact on the lives of believers, grounding them ever more in their living, historical faith. Our hope is to
come together in fellowship with other Bible-believing Churches and believers in the area to be equipped for His
good purposes. This includes the kids as well! Last year the kids had a great time learning about the Reformation and the 5 Solas. This year they will have lots of Reformation-themed activities, and will also cover the
subject of discernment as well. Please sign up on the website ( or by using the
bulletin insert.
Emmanuel Bible Church
- Reformation Pratum Topics / Speakers 
Pastor Eric Spurr of Mt. Angel Bible Church will tackle the Biblical
definition of discernment.
Our culture, and even many Christians, say that discernment is
judgmental and mean. Eric will address this by focusing on God’s call for
all believers to be discerning and the dangers of not developing
discernment. He will also address the most important aspect of
discernment: the Word of God. Eric will remind us of the fundamental
importance of Sola Scriptura.
Pastor Andrew Murch of LifePoint Church (Vancouver, WA) will address
how we should engage in discernment in a Christian way. What doctrines do
we fight for earnestly, and what disagreements are just matters of opinion?
How do we hold fast to correct doctrine in a loving way? Using I Timothy,
Titus, and the historical example of Marcion, Andrew will navigate the tricky
territory of maintaining a Christ-like attitude when we engage in doctrinal
Retired Pastor, Larry Nickel, who attends Emmanuel Bible Church will address
the topic discerning the competing worldviews that we are presented with
today. Our worldview is the lens through which we interpret the world
around us, and making sure the Bible is that lens is of the utmost importance.
Larry will explore the implications that occur when people abandon the book
of Genesis and the Bible at large, and replace it with another worldview.
Brett Davisson, an elder of Emmanuel Bible Church will give an historical
example of discernment in action. Charles Spurgeon, known as “The Prince of
Preachers”, was not a man of his time. As churches in the late 19th
century worked to soften the gospel message to attract more people,
Spurgeon was one of the few to recognize the eternal importance of what
was happening. He was ridiculed as old fashioned and judgmental at the
time, but history has shown his warnings to be true.
Pastor Stan Myers of Emmanuel Bible Church will bring some very
practical application to discernment using Philippians 1:9-11 as a guide.
In our hyper-tolerant age, how do we discern between competing claims
of truth? How do we properly assess situations correctly and choose the
right course of action? When presented with all the choices and options
in life, what should Christians strive for and what standards should we set for
Emmanuel Bible Church
- Reformation Pratum continued 
Emmanuel Bible Church
November 14-15, 2014
- details -
Friday Night 5:30-9:00
What is Discernment?: Pastor Eric Spurr of Mt. Angel Bible Church
Doing Right Doctrine Rightly: Pastor Andrew Murch of Lifepoint Church
Having a Biblical Worldview Part 1: Larry Nickel of Emmanuel Bible Church
Saturday Morning 8:30-12:00
Having a Biblical Worldview Part 2: Larry Nickel of Emmanuel Bible Church
Charles Spurgeon & the Down-Grade Controversy: Brett Davisson of Emmanuel Bible Church
Discerning What is Best: Pastor Stan Myers of Emmanuel Bible Church
Last year, we hosted our first “Kids Reformation Conference” in conjunction with
the adult conference. Kids had a great
time learning the beginnings of the Great
Reformation through craft activities,
games, and teaching instruction. We even
had snacks that reflected the time period.
This year we hope to build on that foundation. We will dive into new areas of the
Reformation that will correspond with
what the adults are learning. Of course
there will be plenty of time for active
games and snacks!
Child care will be provided for all age
 2 Years and under – Nursery
 2-4 Years
 Kindergarten – 6th grade
If you would like to help with any of these
age groups, please contact Mindy Myers!!
Begin Preparing for the November
Reformation Conference by coming to the
showing of the movie, “Luther”, Sunday evening, October 26th at 5:15 - 7:15 PM (dinner not
During the early 16th Century, idealistic German monk Martin Luther, disgusted by the
materialism in the church, begins the dialogue
that will lead to the Protestant Reformation.
Because the content of this film might be difficult for younger kids to understand, and rated
PG-13, a suggested age is 6th grade on up (but
it is up to you as the parent). Parents can
check out Focus on the Family’s “Plugged In”,
for a review of the movie to see if they think it
would be
appropriate for
their children.
Christmas program
practice, for ages 5
-12th grade, will
correlate with the
movie time.
Childcare is provided for children who
are not watching
the movie or who
are not involved in
the Christmas Program.
- testimonies-
eing new to the
world of faith it really helped me to
understand the
building blocks of
what we believe today. I thought it was
wonderfully informative and it
helped to open my
eyes to things I
wasn't aware of. I'm
very glad I went and
am looking forward
to this year's.
enjoyed the
various perspectives
the speakers
presented on each
of the five Solas
basic to the
Christian faith.
Emmanuel Bible Church
abe and Lacy Clayton both grew up in the Roseburg area of Oregon.
When Gabe was four years old, his parents came to Christ. They made
several radical life changes, from beginning church attendance to getting
rid of their TV. Gabe remembers being impressed at a young age by the
differences faith made in his parents’ lives. Around age eight he too accepted Christ. As he grew up, he stayed busy with church, home school,
and work. He worked on several construction projects during high
school, but decided to pursue a career with the police force. During his
time in community college, Gabe focused more of his time on work,
school, and the police force, and less and less time on his faith. He says
he also began skipping church. Finally, his mom told him, “things are
going to change.” As a result of these changes, he ended up at Western
Baptist College (now Corban University), where he graduated in 2002
with a degree in business management.
Lacy’s testimony is similar in many respects. Her parents came to Christ when she was five. She too saw drastic
changes and began attending church twice a week with them. Lacy accepted Christ when she was young, but
went through a couple rebellious years beginning at the age of fourteen. She remembers vocalizing, “I don’t
care what God thinks,” at one point. Several events in her life drew—or pushed—her back to God. One night
her sister Amy recounted to Lacy a dream she’d had in which their family entered heaven but Lacy hadn’t been
able to go in with them. Later, there was an incident that made her think about the reality of hell. She was
shaken and when her father joined her she prayed with him. After this experience, her faith became a big part
of her life. Following high school she attended community college before transferring to Western Baptist.
Gabe and Lacy were married on April 6, 2002.
Gabe currently works for T. Gerding Construction out of Corvallis. Lacy was an instructional assistant working
with kindergarteners in Salem-Keizer until their oldest child was born. Clark is seven now and has begun home
school. His little sister, Waverly, is three. The Claytons live in Aumsville. They love being part of a small town
because of the opportunities it provides to serve in their community. Aumsville is also conveniently located
next to Highway 22. Over the last couple years, the Claytons have been driving 22 often to pursue their family
hobby of camping.
Gabe, Lacy, Clark, and Waverly began attending EBC during the summer of 2013. They had been prayerfully
considering a church change for some time when Lacy met an EBC member at the Sublimity park. He was promoting Canyonview Camp, and Lacy asked him where he attended church. When she came home, she told
Gabe, “I think we’ve found our church.” They visited once and immediately began regular attendance. There
are several things Gabe and Lacy value at EBC. One is the biblical teaching. Another is the missions focus. Yet
another is the overall inclusion. From potlucks to Sunday School get-togethers—and even a personal family
mailbox—they feel the church has provided multiple opportunities for their family to become a part of the local
church body.
Emmanuel Bible Church
By: Sonja Tripp
[Missions Committee Member]
By C.S.Lewis
An unfailingly honest and acutely perceptive observer of humanity, C.S. Lewis recounts
his search for joy, a spiritual journey that led him from a traditional Christian childhood
in Belfast to a youthful atheism and, finally, back to a confident Christianity. Lewis candidly and sensitively describes his early schooldays, his experiences in the trenches during World War I, and his undergraduate life at Oxford where he reasoned his way back
to God. It is perhaps the common-sensical aspect of his conversion to Christianity that
makes Lewis's story so compelling and meaningful, especially to contemporary readers
who are believers.
Emmanuel Bible Church
Who is Jacob Harris, and what is the Bible
The National Bible Bee, a ministry of the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, exists to encourage
parents as they disciple their kids through indepth Bible study, Scripture memorization,
and prayer. Its ministry partners include
Awana and FamilyLife, and its board of advisors is comprised of Kay Arthur, Dennis Rainey, Ken Ham, Joni Eareckson Tada, Tim LaHaye, and others. This past August, over 2,000 kids
competed in local Bible Bee contests around the country. Those who
received the top 120 scores nationwide in each age group have been
invited to go on to Nationals, which will take place October 29November 1 in Orlando, Florida.
One of this year’s Nationalists is our very own Jacob Harris! Jacob and
his family have been a part of EBC for the past 12 years. You may remember hearing about their Bible Bee adventure last fall, when Jacob
competed at Nationals in Tennessee and made it as far as the semifinal round. Now a sophomore at Crosshill Christian School, Jacob is
working hard every day to prepare once again, while at the same time
managing a rigorous academic load, playing two varsity fall sports,
and using his bass guitar to help lead worship in school chapel services. His Bible Bee preparation includes memorizing over 800 Scripture verses (yes, you read that correctly—800!), studying the book of
Nahum inside and out (Greek and Hebrew terms, cross references,
etc.), and reviewing summer study material over the book of Jonah.
If you would like to get involved in sending Jacob out to proclaim
God’s Word in Orlando, there are a number of ways that you can do
so, such as:
 Praying for Jacob and his family…for self-discipline and focus,
financial provision, and—most especially—protection from spiritual opposition
 Volunteering to listen to Jacob recite verses at the “Verse-a-thon”
that will take place in the South Building on Sunday, October 19
 Assisting the Harrises with fundraisers, which so far include the
Verse-a-thon and a pie-and-cobbler sale (Willamette Valley Pie
 Encouraging Jacob when you see him. This is a daunting endeavor, and he could really use a “great cloud of witnesses” to cheer
him on along the way!
You can learn more about the Bible Bee and the Shelby Kennedy
Foundation at Let’s rally around Jacob once again
as he prepares to go out from us next month and represent what we
at EBC are all about!
"Come and join us for a musical adventure as the
Angels share the special reason God came to
earth as a baby. Filled with communicating Biblical truths, ANGELS AWARE! provides a fun perspective as we tell the "story behind the story"
of Christmas."
Watch your bulletin for practice times. Ages 512th grade are welcome to participate.
Questions? Contact: Jane Gardner
or Donna Mantie
Christmas choir practice begins! High school age
and older are welcome. The cantata,
“A Family Christmas”, will be presented on
December 14th, during both morning worship services. Questions? Please contact Jane Gardner.
Emmanuel Bible Church
- Anniversaries04 Jim & Maryon Lane
05 Stephen & Ruth Falkenstine
08 Dave & Cindy Rodman, Jeff & Linda Butsch,
Michael & Megan Steffen
10 Bob & Nancy Simmons
11 Leland & Monica Dettwyler
12 Franklin & Linda Kuenzi
16 Joe & Liz Vachter
17 Ken & Lisa Fuls
18 Casey & Patty Laudette
20 Robert & Della Stadeli
21 Scott & Heather Shetler
22 Bill & Sue Crouse (60)
26 Marlan & Linda Johnson
29 Murray & Sue Giesbrecht
If we inadvertently left you out of the Birthday or Anniversary list or if you
would like to be added to the EDGE mailing, please notify the office.
- Birthdays 01 Leland Dettwyler, Vern Heinrichs, Van Khieu,
Marian Windell (94), Clint Kamstra
02 Russell Roth, Sam Stucky, Isaac Mulkey
03 Christina Kaufman, Christine Dettwyler
04 Chuck Roth, Bruce Elliott, Makayla Rose
06 Teresa Richardson, David Esau
07 Carlene Dettwyler, Alton Roth, Ashley Rogers
08 Sue Brown
09 Andrew Roth
10 Sue Nafziger
11 Rick Harris, Sam Twede, Katie Kuenzi, Stevie Hutzler
12 Roland Kuenzi, Vanida Ice, Ella Batson
13 Chloe Twede, Autumn Kanan
14 Carol Ditchen
16 Robin Duda, Paige Davisson, Lucy Gardner,
16 Parker Neukomm, Chris Gillaspie
17 Harlan Warnick, Wes Vorpahl
19 Ren Bannerman, Lynnea Gallagher
20 Bill Tourtellotte, Kyle Twede, Melissa Seidler,
21 Mindy Myers, Betty Shuholm, Anita Zahniser,
Naomi Wallace
22 Julie Tourtellotte, Pete Herr, Steve Brown
23 Stephanie Krieg
24 Jim Morrison, Noel Gardner, Isaac Mayhugh,
24 Jean Warnick, Jerri Mahar, Annika Rogers,
Karen Avinelis
25 Jason Dyer
26 Zach English
27 Dale Ropp
28 Kate Cash, Becky Tschiegg, Wiley Dyer
31 Erin Stucky, Cheri Steffen, Dave Snook, Loyal Kuenzi
Sunday, October 5th | 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Contact the church office if you would like to participate @ 503.364.6179 or
8512 Sunnyview Rd. N.E.
Salem, OR 97305-9548
Phone 503-364-6179
Fax 503-365-8471
Non-Profit Org.
Salem, OR
Permit No. 444